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Stomach contents of angler-fish caught monthly throughout the year were examined. Stomach fullness data suggested that maximum feeding activity occurred during the autumn/winter period. Gadoids, in particular whiting and Norway pout, and also Nephrops were the main identifiable prey items. A wide range of other species contributed to the remainder of the diet. Size-related differences in stomach contents were observed, Nephrops , cod and whiting being favoured by adult angler-fish. Seasonal variability in the dietary occurrence of herring and Nephrops was noted, apparently related to differences in availability rather than selective feeding by angler-fish.  相似文献   

The meso-scale trophic dynamics of cod Gadus morhua were examined based upon tri-monthly stomach sample collections from a nearshore, localized ( c. 800 km2) region off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.A. The major objective for this work was to relate any changes in cod diet and amount of food eaten to seasonal variations in prey availability, water temperature and spawning at a spatial scale between broad-scale and laboratory studies. Results suggested that the type and amount of food eaten by cod was generally consistent throughout a year and repeatable across years. Cod feeding was marked by two periods of increased feeding, corresponding to the arrival of small pelagic fishes in the area. This pelagic migration and subsequent increased feeding by cod occurred during important periods in the life history of cod ( e.g . spawning and overwintering). Similar annual patterns in food consumption and diet composition were remarkably consistent over the 2·5 years of the project, suggesting important feeding periods for cod that correspond to environmental and biological events. The diet of cod was composed primarily of several species of forage fishes [ e.g. herrings (predominantly Atlantic herring Clupea harengus ), sand lance Ammodytes sp. and Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus ], ophiuroids, Cancer sp. crabs and other small crustaceans. It was inferred that cod exhibited a maintenance diet on local forage fishes and benthic macroinvertebrates, augmenting their diet by seasonally gorge feeding upon migrating pelagic species.  相似文献   

Pelagic North Sea whiting Merlangius merlangus preyed upon (pelagic) sprat and sandeel, while demersal whiting preyed upon (demersal) Norway pout and herring. Values of diet breadth were low for both feeding groups using Levin's index. Diet overlaps within layers were low ( D <0·25), while the between layer food overlap was moderate ( D =0·25–0·74) to high ( D >0·74) using Schoener's index. Selection of prey was density dependent. However, prey size also played an important role. The diet of whiting shifted from amphipods and mysids to fish with increasing predator length, and the length of prey consumed increased significantly with length of whiting. The fact that the stomach contents differed between the feeding groups demonstrates the need for a sampling design that includes both pelagic and demersal habitats when trying to quantify the diet of whiting.  相似文献   

Predation encounters were staged in the laboratory to compare prey responsiveness, predator error rate, and predator capture success for juvenile cod Gadus morhua (a suction feeder) and herring Clupea harengus (a biting predator) preying on herring and plaice Pleuronectes platessa larvae. Trials were conducted at near natural temperature extremes for the larvae (8 and 13°C) to assess the importance of water temperature to the interaction. Herring larvae were significantly more responsive to attacks by herring than were plaice larvae (5·7 vs 0'0%). The two prey species were equally responsive to attacks by cod (2–6 vs 10%). Cod caught 91% of herring larvae attacked and juvenile herring caught 87%. Cod were successful in 96% of attacks on plaice, but juvenile herring caught significantly fewer (83%) plaice larvae. For each predator species, capture success did not vary significantly with prey species. Overall capture success for herring was significantly lower than that for cod. Responsiveness of herring larvae to attacks by juvenile herring increased with temperature, but predator error rate and capture success were not altered by water temperature.  相似文献   

Diet analysis allows exploring how coastal dolphins interact with the environment and their role in the marine food webs. We studied the diet and feeding ecology of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, through analysis of stomach content from 42 animals stranded on the eastern coast of Brazil. A total of 1,336 semidigested prey items (fish, otoliths, cephalopod beaks, and crustaceans) were identified. Teleost fish comprised the most frequent food item (92% of the total), followed by cephalopods, and crustaceans. Prey belonged to 34 taxa and richness in individual stomachs varied from 1 to 15 prey taxa. Prey were generally small, but showed a significant trend to increase in size with dolphin length. The main prey of Guiana dolphins were demersal, estuarine, and sound-making fish such as catfish and sciaenids. No sex-related differences in diet were found. Diet composition varied seasonally and occurrence of prey items was coherent with breeding or high abundance periods of some fish species and squids. Our study shows the importance of demersal prey from estuarine and soft-sediment habitats to Guiana dolphin in the Abrolhos Bank and reveals that feeding habits are generalist and opportunistic, with diet reflecting the seasonal abundance and availability of prey.  相似文献   

The diets and diel feeding behaviour of six O-group gadoid species are described, the cod Gadus morhua (L.), the haddock Melanogramus aeglefinus (L.), whiting Merlangius merlangus (L.), saithe Pollachius virens (L.), Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkii (L.) and the blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou (R.). There were differences, in the main food groups selected by each species with respect to the type, size and number. The main prey consumed did not vary with depth. Cod, saithe and Norway pout had only one period of feeding activity whereas haddock and whiting apparently had two. The diets of haddock and whiting varied in association with these two periods. It is suggested that the differences between the diets were the result of each species having a different feeding behaviour which reflects that adopted in adult life.  相似文献   

A surveillance programme was initiated on the occurrence and distribution of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) in wild marine fish. Six research cruises were undertaken in an 18 mo period during 1997 and 1998, covering the North Sea, the Atlantic waters off the north and west coasts of Scotland and the Irish Sea. A total of 19,293 fish were sampled from 23 different species including cod, haddock, Norway pout, herring and sprat. Individual fish lengths were recorded and the fish were checked for lesions, haemorrhaging and other signs of disease. Pools of organ samples were taken for virus assay. The majority of fish sampled did not display clinical signs indicative of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia. A small number of cod were found with skin lesions and haddock with skin haemorrhaging. Of the 2081 organ and skin sample pools collected, 21 tested positive for VHSV by tissue culture and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Seventeen of the isolates originated from Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkii, one from cod Gadus morhua (skin lesion), one from herring Clupea harengus, one from whiting Merlangius merlangus, and one from a previously unreported host species, poor cod Trisopterus minutus.  相似文献   

Gastric lavage was used to investigate the effects of temperature, prey type and prey size on gastric evacuation in small cod Gadus morhua and whiting Merlangius merlangus . The fish were fed to satiation and subsequently the stomach contents were sampled to determine the rate at which food was evacuated. Satiation meal size was positively related to temperature and differed between prey types. The gastric evacuation rate (GER) also tended to increase with temperature and varied with prey type. GER at temperatures of 11.3–12.7° C averaged 1.5–1.7 times higher than at 6–9.5° C. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the evacuation of lugworm Arenicola marina , sandeel Ammodytes spp., and herring Clupea harengus , but the GER of brown shrimp Crangon vulgaris was much slower (P<0.05). No significant changes in GER were observed when fish were fed on three different size groups of either herring or brown shrimp. In whiting, there was no significant difference in the GER of individual herring or brown shrimp when they were fed as single species meals or incorporated in meals containing a mixture of prey species.  相似文献   

We investigated the winter feeding ecology of cod ( Gadus morhua ) in the Risørfjord and Flødevigen areas on the Skagerrak coast, southern Norway. Diets from the ice-covered Risørfjord were compared with diets from the more coastal Flødevigen area. In the Risørfjord area the diet featured numerically both decapods (56.0%) and fish (27.8%), but fish dominated by mass (75.1%). The most numerous dietary items from the Flødevigen area were decapods (48.1%) and isopods (30.6%), although fish still made up the bulk of the diet's mass (52.6%). Diets at Flødevigen shifted from winter to spring, as polychaetes became important numerically (67.8%) and also contributed substantially by weight (53.6%). Since cod feed opportunistically, differences between areas and seasons probably reflected differences in prey diversity and abundance. Prey size variability increased with increasing predator length, but maximum prey size relative to predator length was constant at about 9%. Prey fish increased in both length and numbers with the length of cod, particularly in the Risørfjord area, where fish were more important in the diet than at Flødevigen. However, the majority of fish consumed in both areas were small gobiids. Based on growth patterns observed in otoliths, with opaque zones (indicating faster growth) formed during winter, the quality and quantity of the winter diet may determine annual growth rates of cod on the Skagerrak coast. Fish and decapods constituted important, high energy food sources, and there was little indication that cod were food limited during winter in this area.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong driver of population dynamics and community structure and it is essential to reliably quantify and predict predation impacts on prey populations in a changing thermal landscape. Here, we used comparative functional response analyses to assess how predator-prey interactions between dogfish and invertebrate prey change under different warming scenarios. The Functional Response Type, attack rate, handling time and maximum feeding rate estimates were calculated for Scyliorhinus canicula preying upon Echinogammarus marinus under temperatures of 11.3 °C and 16.3 °C, which represent both the potential daily variation and predicted higher summer temperatures within Strangford Lough, N. Ireland. A two x two design of “Predator Acclimated”, “Prey Acclimated”, “Both Acclimated”, and “Both Unacclimated” was implemented to test functional responses to temperature rise. Attack rate was higher at 11.3 °C than at 16.3 °C, but handling time was lower and maximum feeding rates were higher at 16.3 °C. Non-acclimated predators had similar maximum feeding rate towards non-acclimated and acclimated prey, whereas acclimated predators had significantly higher maximum feeding rates towards acclimated prey as compared to non-acclimated prey. Results suggests that the predator attack rate is decreased by increasing temperature but when both predator and prey are acclimated the shorter handling times considerably increase predator impact. The functional response of the fish changed from Type II to Type III with an increase in temperature, except when only the prey were acclimated. This change from population destabilizing Type II to more stabilizing Type III could confer protection to prey at low densities but increase the maximum feeding rate by Scyliorhinus canicula in the future. However, predator movement between different thermal regimes may maintain a Type II response, albeit with a lower maximum feeding rate. This has implications for the way the increasing population Scyliorhinus canicula in the Irish Sea may exploit valuable fisheries stocks in the future.  相似文献   

Cod Gadus morhua , haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus , pollack Pollachius pollachius and saithe Pollachius virens were abundant fishes on herring Clupea harengus spawning grounds o. southwestern Norway. Their diets were species specific and ontogenetic changes were similar to patterns observed in other areas, indicating both inter- and intraspecific resource sharing. However, strong interspecific diet overlap occurred when cod and pollack preyed upon sandeel Ammodytes marinus , and when all the gadoids fed on herring eggs during the herring spawning season in the spring. These prey items were very abundant and the extensive diet overlap may not reflect strong competitive interaction.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems, particularly in high‐latitude regions such as the Arctic, have been significantly affected by human activities and contributions to climate change. Evaluating how fish populations responded to past changes in their environment is helpful for evaluating their future patterns, but is often hindered by the lack of long‐term biological data available. Using otolith increments of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) as a proxy for individual growth, we developed a century‐scale biochronology (1924–2014) based on the measurements of 3,894 fish, which revealed significant variations in cod growth over the last 91 years. We combined mixed‐effect modeling and path analysis to relate these growth variations to selected climate, population and fishing‐related factors. Cod growth was negatively related to cod population size and positively related to capelin population size, one of the most important prey items. This suggests that density‐dependent effects are the main source of growth variability due to competition for resources and cannibalism. Growth was also positively correlated with warming sea temperatures but negatively correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, suggesting contrasting effects of climate warming at different spatial scales. Fishing pressure had a significant but weak negative direct impact on growth. Additionally, path analysis revealed that the selected growth factors were interrelated. Capelin biomass was positively related to sea temperature and negatively influenced by herring biomass, while cod biomass was mainly driven by fishing mortality. Together, these results give a better understanding of how multiple interacting factors have shaped cod growth throughout a century, both directly and indirectly.  相似文献   

The Norwegian spring-spawning (NSS) herring (Clupea harengus), blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) and Northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel (Scomber scombrus) are extremely abundant pelagic planktivores that feed in the Norwegian Sea (NS) during spring and summer. This study investigated the feeding ecology and diet composition of these commercially important fish stocks on the basis of biological data, including an extensive set of stomach samples in combination with hydrographical data, zooplankton samples and acoustic abundance data from 12 stock monitoring surveys carried out in 2005–2010. Mackerel were absent during the spring, but had generally high feeding overlap with herring in the summer, with a diet mainly based on calanoid copepods, especially Calanus finmarchicus, as well as a similar diet width. Stomach fullness in herring diminished from spring to summer and feeding incidence was lower than that of mackerel in summer. However, stomach fullness did not differ between the two species, indicating that herring maintain an equally efficient pattern of feeding as mackerel in summer, but on a diet that is less dominated by copepods and is more reliant on larger prey. Blue whiting tended to have a low dietary overlap with mackerel and herring, with larger prey such as euphausiids and amphipods dominating, and stomach fullness and feeding incidence increasing with length. For all the species, feeding incidence increased with decreasing temperature, and for mackerel so did stomach fullness, indicating that feeding activity is highest in areas associated with colder water masses. Significant annual effects on diet composition and feeding-related variables suggested that the three species are able to adapt to different food and environmental conditions. These annual effects are likely to have an important impact on the predation pressure on different plankton groups and the carrying capacity of individual systems, and emphasise the importance of regular monitoring of pelagic fish diets.  相似文献   

Prey size spectra and prey availability of larval and small juvenile cod   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The aim of the present study is to describe the prey preference characteristics of cod larvae and assess preference variability in relation to species and size composition of copepod prey. A further aim is to examine the hypothesis that dietary prey size spectra remain the same during the larval stage when viewed on a relative predator/prey size scale. The study is based on stomach analysis of larval/juvenile cod in the size range 10–35 mm from nursery grounds in the North Sea. Stomach contents (species, size) were compared to environmental composition and preference indices were calculated. Prey size spectra had the expected relationship to larval cod size, and preference for given copepod species could be ascribed to their relative size. Additional species-specific preferences were evident, for example the larger Pseudocalanus and the larger Calanus spp. were highly preferred. Available prey biomass was highest in the areas of a hydrographic front, where larvae have been shown to concentrate. Changes in prey availability with larval growth depend strongly on specific prey biomass spectra at a given location. Both increasing and decreasing prey availability at increasing larval size were indicated, dependent on location. The findings illustrate the usefulness of coupling dietary prey size spectra and biomass spectra of available prey sizes during studies of ichthyoplankton feeding ecology.  相似文献   

Stomach content analyses were conducted on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post‐smolt (average size, 119–154 mm fork length, L F) caught in eight large Norwegian fjord systems along a north–south geographical axis during 1998–2001. In general, post‐smolts from southern Norway showed low feeding intensity in the fjords, whereas extensive feeding was observed in fjords in the northern and middle parts of Norway. The marine diet mainly included different crustaceans and in particular marine pelagic fish larvae (sand-eels Ammodytes spp., herring Clupea harengus and gadoids), but with a substantial spatial and annual variation in prey diversity and feeding intensity. Insects were most frequently taken in the estuary, although fishes often made a large contribution in mass. In contrast, fishes, and to some extent various crustaceans (particularly Hyperiidae, Gammaridae, Euphausiacea and Copepoda) dominated the diet in the middle and outer parts of the fjords, where post‐smolts also fed more extensively than in the inner part. The results indicate that extensive feeding immediately after sea entrance may be more common for post‐smolts in the northern and middle parts of Norway, than in the southern fjords. The observed differences in post‐smolt feeding may be due to spatial and temporal differences in prey availability within and between the different types of fjord systems, and this might influence post‐smolt growth and survival.  相似文献   

Growth efficiencies, ingestions rates and activity levels of walleye Sander vitreus were compared in lakes with and without lake herring Coregonus artedi . Yellow perch Perca flavescens were the main prey in lakes without lake herring. Walleye were sampled in September and October from 38 lakes in Ontario in 1998 and 1999, using multimesh monofilament gillnets. Ingestion rates were estimated from annual increments in somatic mercury and body mass, and the mercury content of yellow perch and lake herring. Walleye had higher growth efficiencies, and lower ingestion and activity rates in lakes with lake herring. Lake herring grow larger than yellow perch and therefore could provide more profitable prey for larger walleye. The results are consistent with optimal foraging theory that predicts that walleye feeding on optimal prey sizes should grow more efficiently, if the ratio of feeding benefit (energy) to cost (search and seizure) is a function of the ratio of predator and prey size.  相似文献   


To explore ecosystem dynamics and functions it is vital to obtain knowledge on predator–prey relations. Harbour seals are piscivorous predators that can come into conflict with fisheries. Recently, as the Skagerrak and Kattegat population of harbour seals has increased, claims have emerged that seals are depleting coastal cod populations. The diet of harbour seals in Norwegian Skagerrak was investigated based on otolith identification from scats. The overall seal diet included 20 different fish species/groups. The most important prey (combined index Q i ) were haddock/pollack/saithe (32.7%), genus Trisopterus (Norway pout/poor cod/bib, 12.5%), plaice (12.4%) and herring (10.0%). Plaice also had the largest biomass (24.1%). Gadoids and pleuronectids comprised 88.6% of the diet (combined index Q i ) and 87.1% in terms of biomass. Cod constituted 0.7% (combined index Q i ) of the overall diet and 2.3% in terms of biomass. Fish length estimates showed that seals generally prefer small fish below minimum allowed landing size. Estimated total amount of fish consumed was 315 tons per year and was dominated by non-commercial species. Annual cod consumption was an estimated 7.1 tons, representing 5% of annual cod landings, suggesting that competition between local fisheries and harbour seals is limited.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative composition of fish eggs and larvae in the stomach contents of Baltic herring and sprat was examined. The occurrence of fish eggs and larvae in the diet of herring was markedly higher, compared to sprat. Eggs of four and larvae of nine fish species were found in the herring stomachs. The prey species composition of the herring and sprat diets was related to the ichthyoplankton composition and to the degree of overlapping of the prey and predator distributions. Sprat eggs were the predominant prey in the herring diet in May and sprat larvae prevailed in August. The daily ration estimates indicate that the sprat larvae consumption by herring in August exceeded the sprat egg consumption in May by many times. Cod eggs in the herring stomachs were only found at the optimal oxygen content and salinity for the cod eggs in the near-bottom water layer.  相似文献   

Diel feeding patterns of herring Clupea harengus and mackerel Scomber scombrus in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence were examined based on samples obtained by midwater trawling between 19 and 26 June 2001. Within 3 h time periods, stomach contents tended to be more similar between fish from the same tow than between fish from different tows. Thus, in contrast to previous diet studies, which have used individual fish stomachs as independent observations, tow was used as the experimental unit in statistical analyses in this study. Diel patterns in stomach fullness were identified using generalized additive models. Two peaks in stomach fullness occurred for herring, one in the morning and the other in the evening. Mackerel showed an increase in feeding intensity throughout the day with a peak in mid‐afternoon. The diel changes in stomach contents suggested rapid gastric evacuation rates for both species, especially for herring. The estimate of the instantaneous evacuation rate for herring was twice that for mackerel. Calanus copepods (mainly C. hyperboreus ), fishes (mainly capelin Mallotus villosus ) and euphausiids were the main prey found in the stomachs of both species. Calanus copepods dominated the diet of herring regardless of time period. They also dominated the diet of mackerel during the late afternoon, evening and night while fishes and euphausiids were dominant during the morning and early afternoon. These diel patterns emphasize the need for sampling throughout the day and night in order to estimate ration and diet composition for bioenergetic and ecosystem models.  相似文献   

Prey intake, amount of time feeding, pursuit and manipulation times and growth rate were studied in the pike, Esox lucius , in relation to prey weight. Predator and prey were observed in tanks at 15°C and with a 14:10 h LD photoperiod. A total of 444 captures were recorded from five 1 g prey weight groups varying from 0 to 4.9 g. Ten pike were used weighing between 50 and 149 g.
As prey weight increased, the number and weight of prey consumed decreased as did the time spent feeding, which became concentrated into the first trial of the day. Pursuit time did not vary with prey weight, but manipulation time and the weight of prey gained per unit pursuit plus manipulation time increased with prey weight.
The growth rate of pike was a positive function of ration size and a negative function of the amount of time spent capturing each gramme of prey (capture cost). Growth rate was also correlated with the mean length and weight of prey eaten.
The most profitable prey, as estimated from optimal foraging theory, need only be available once every 84 min for pike to maximize their net energy gain. The data show that feeding behaviour can have a direct influence on the reproductive success of pike through its effect on growth rate.  相似文献   

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