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The importance of a particular habitat to nearshore fishes can be best assessed by both diurnal and nocturnal sampling. To determine diel differences in fish assemblages in nearshore eelgrass and understory kelp habitats, fishes were sampled diurnally and nocturnally at six locations in western Prince William Sound, Alaska, in summer 2007. Abundance of fish between day and night were similar, but species composition and mean size of some fish changed. Species richness and species diversity were similar in eelgrass during the day and night, whereas in kelp, species richness and species diversity were greater at night than during the day. In eelgrass, saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis) was the most abundant species during the day and night. In kelp, the most abundant species were Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) during the day and saffron cod at night. Diel differences in fish size varied by species and habitat. Mean length of saffron cod was similar between day and night in eelgrass but was greatest during the day in kelp. Pacific herring were larger at night than during the day in kelp. Diel sampling is important to identity nearshore habitats essential to fish and help manage fish stocks at risk.  相似文献   

1. Declining abundances of forage fish and the introduction and establishment of non‐indigenous species have the potential to substantially alter resource and habitat exploitation by top predators in large lakes. 2. We measured stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in field‐collected and archived samples of Lake Ontario lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and five species of prey fish and compared current trophic relationships of this top predator with historical samples. 3. Relationships between δ15N and lake trout age were temporally consistent throughout Lake Ontario and confirmed the role of lake trout as a top predator in this food web. However, δ13C values for age classes of lake trout collected in 2008 ranged from 1.0 to 3.9‰ higher than those reported for the population sampled in 1992. 4. Isotope mixing models predicted that these changes in resource assimilation were owing to the replacement of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) by round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in lake trout diet and increased reliance on carbon resources derived from nearshore production. This contrasts with the historical situation in Lake Ontario where δ13C values of the lake trout population were dominated by a reliance on offshore carbon production. 5. These results indicate a reduced capacity of the Lake Ontario offshore food web to support the energetic requirements of lake trout and that this top predator has become increasingly reliant on prey resources that are derived from nearshore carbon pathways.  相似文献   

Loss and/or degradation of nearshore habitats have led to increased efforts to restore or enhance many of these habitats, particularly those that are deemed essential for marine fishes. Copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) and lingcod (Ophiodon enlongatus) are dominant members of the typical reef fish community that inhabit rocky and high-relief substrates along the Pacific Northwest. We used acoustic telemetry to document their residency and movements in the nearshore waters of Prince William Sound, Alaska in order to assess use of created reef habitat in an individual-based manner. A total of 57 fish were surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters. Forty-five fish were captured and monitored in three habitats: artificial reef, low-relief natural reef, and patchy high-relief natural reef. Within each habitat, both rockfish and lingcod exhibited long periods of residency with limited movements. Twelve rockfish were captured at the natural reefs and displaced a distance of 4.0 km to the artificial reef. Five of the 12 rockfish returned within 10 d of their release to their initial capture site. Another five of the 12 displaced fish established residency at the artificial reef through the duration of our study. Our results suggest the potential for artificial reefs to provide rockfish habitat in the event of disturbances to natural habitat.  相似文献   

The St. Clair River is a major navigable waterway transporting water southwards for 63 km from Lake Huron to Lake St. Clair at an average flow of 5 100 m3 s-1. Water entering the river is low in suspended solids, organic carbon, phosphorus and nitrates, typical of clear, oligotrophic waters. In contrast to many large rivers, dissolved and colloidal solids account for 90 to 95 percent of the total solids load transported by the river, giving the river a turquoise colour common of glacial meltwater streams.The river supports a diverse floral and faunal community that includes 20 taxa of submergent macroflora, at least 300 benthic macroinvertebrates and 83 fishes. A number of exotic (European) species, including 3 plants, 4 molluscs and 11 fishes, occur in the river with the macroalga, Nitellopsis obtusa, zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorphora), Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea), and white perch (Morone americana) being the most recent invaders. Production is estimated to be 200 g m-2 a-1 ash-free dry mass for submergent macrophytes and periphyton, 7 g for macroinvertebrates and 5 g for fishes.The river also supports a variety of water-oriented recreational activities, is a source of municipal and industrial water, a receiver of municipal and industrial wastes, and a shipping corridor. Industrial discharges have adversely affected aquatic life, particularly in the nearshore areas along the Canadian shoreline south of Sarnia, Ontario. In addition, channel dredging and shoreline modifications (bulk-heading and backfilling) have destroyed large areas of valuable habitat in the main channel and along the shoreline. Improvements in the nearshore benthic macroinvertebrate community of the river over the past 20 years show that the river will respond to reductions in contaminants loadings.  相似文献   

Synopsis Young-of-the-year fish communities in naturally vegetated sites were compared with those inhabiting nearby sites where lakeshore development (i.e., construction of homes, boat docks, and beaches) reduced nearshore macrophyte species richness and abundance. The study was conducted in a 2266 hectare, glacially formed, eutrophic lake in northwestern Iowa during the summers of 1987 and 1988. Study sites were divided into 3 depth zones, and fishes were collected by seining (0–1 m), plexiglass traps (1–2 m), and a nonclosing Tucker trawl (2–3 m). Species richness and total fish abundance were consistently greater in natural than in developed sites in both nearshore (0–1 m) and intermediate (1–2 m) depth zones, but differed little between natural and developed sites in the offshore (2–3 m) depth zone. Nearly 50% of the species sampled, including yellow perch Perca flavescens and bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, inhabited limnetic areas as larvae before migrating inshore as juveniles. Eighteen of the 20 fish species collected as juveniles were in greater abundance in natural than in developed sites. Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui was the only game species consistently found in equal or greater abundance in developed sites. Within all sites, juvenile fishes were generally most abundant where macrophyte abundance and species richness were greatest. Findings from this study demonstrate the importance of nearshore aquatic vegetation to fishes during their first summer of life. If nearshore vegetation beds of lakes continue to be regarded as a nuisance and indiscriminately removed, important fish nursery habitat will be lost. The short-term result will likely be reduced year-class strength of vegetation-dependent species. More importantly, the long-term effects will be changes in fish community richness and composition which will, in turn, alter the lake's fishery.  相似文献   

We compared the trophic niches of freshwater sculpins Cottus spp. with those of other co-habiting forage fishes in two groups of boreal lakes with distinct habitats and fish communities. Near North Lakes (45° 00′ to 47° 30′ N) were deeper, stratified and contained lake trout Salvelinus namaycush as the apex piscivore, whereas Far North Lakes (51° 10′ to 52° 20′ N) were shallower, did not stratify and contained pike Esox lucius and walleye Sander vitreus as the apex piscivores. Trophic niches of sculpins and other forage fishes were compared based on niche metrics calculated from muscle stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios. In Near North Lakes, sculpins were found almost exclusively in deep, offshore waters and their niche positions reflected a greater reliance on pelagic production (lower δ13C) and a higher trophic elevation (higher δ15N) compared with most other forage fishes. Furthermore, sculpins in Near North Lakes tended to have larger trophic niches (occupied greater area in δ13C– δ15N space), particularly in the food chain (δ15N) dimension, than other cohabiting forage fishes. In contrast, sculpins in Far North Lakes were commonly found in the nearshore and had trophic niche positions and sizes that were similar to those of the other cohabiting forage fishes. This study illustrates the flexibility in the realised trophic niches of sculpins in relation to habitat availability and fish community composition in boreal lakes.  相似文献   

We visually observed fish traps in situ to identify the habitats exploited by the U.S. Virgin Islands fishery and to document species composition and abundance in traps by habitat. Fishers set more traps in algal plains than in any other habitat around St. John. Coral reefs, traditionally targeted by fishers, accounted for only 16 % of traps. Traps in algal plain contained the highest number of fishes per trap and the greatest numbers of preferred food species. Traps on coral reefs contained the most species, 41 of the 59 taxa observed in the study. Acanthurus coeruleus was the most abundant species and Acanthuridae the most abundant family observed in traps. Piscivore numbers were low and few serranids were observed. Traps in algal plain contained the most fishes as a result of: ecological changes such as shifts in habitat use, mobility of species and degradation of nearshore habitat (fishery independent); and, catchability of fishes and long-term heavy fishing pressure (fishery dependent). The low number of serranids per trap, dominance of the piscivore guild by a small benthic predator, Epinephelus guttatus, and dominance of trap contents overall by a small, fast-growing species of a lower trophic guild, Acanthurus coeruleus, all point to years of intense fishing pressure.  相似文献   

The nearshore (less than 20m depth) demersal fish community in Prince William Sound, Alaska, is dominated by Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, pricklebacks (mostly Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus), gunnels (mostly crescent gunnels Pholis laeta), a variety of greenlings (Hexagrammidae) and sculpins (Cottidae). During summer, the spatial distribution of fishes, over scales of 100's of m to 10's of km, varied by habitats characterized by different vegetation types. Juvenile Pacific cod and greenlings were numerically dominant in eelgrass, Zostera marina, beds. Pricklebacks and sculpins were dominant in areas with an understory of the kelps Agarum cribrosum and Laminaria saccharina. Greenlings and sculpins were the most abundant demersal fishes in more exposed sites with a canopy of Nereocystis luetkeana and an understory of L. bongardiana. Measured habitat variables, including vegetation type, slope, vegetation biomass, and substratum type, explained a significant proportion of the variation in the presence or absence of most fishes. The relative importance of different habitat characteristics varied between taxonomic groups of fishes. Vegetation type explained a significant proportion of variation for cod, rockfishes, and ronquils. Juvenile cod were closely associated with eelgrass, while rockfish and ronquils were associated with kelps. Pricklebacks and rockfishes were more frequently observed on steeply sloped shorelines, while ronquils were more often found at sites with higher biomass of vegetation. Within A. cribrosum habitats, more greenlings and sculpins were present at sites where algal biomass was higher. Also, sculpins were more abundant in deeper water and gunnels were more abundant in shallow water within this habitat. These associations may not have been causative. However, evidence suggests that some differences between fish communities in eelgrass and Agarum beds may have been causally related to vegetation characteristics. The possible roles of different vegetation types as refugia from predators or as sources of prey are discussed.  相似文献   

Bythotrephes longimanus is an invasive pelagic crustacean, which first arrived in North America from Europe in early 1980s and can now be found throughout the Great Lakes and in many inland lakes and waterways. Determining the suitability of lakes to Bythotrephes establishment is an important step in quantifying its potential habitat range and environmental risk. Lake environmental conditions, planktivorous fishes, sport fishes and Bythotrephes occurrence data from 179 south-central Ontario lakes were used in this study to model lake characteristics suitable for its establishment. The performance of principal component analysis and different predictive models was used to determine the habitats that are suitable for the survival of Bythotrephes and the factors that may regulate its spread. Four modeling approaches were employed: linear discriminant analysis; multiple logistic regression; random forests; and, artificial neural networks. Ensemble prediction based on the four modeling approaches was also used as an indicator for predicting Bythotrephes occurrence. Bythotrephes appears to establish more readily in larger, deeper lakes with lower elevation, that have more sport fishes. Bythotrephes occurrence can be best predicted by artificial neural networks when including the measures of fish data, in addition to lake environmental data. Lake elevation, surface area and sport fish occurrence were ranked as the most important predictors of Bythotrephes invasion. The inclusion of biotic variables (occurrence or diversity of sport or planktivorous fishes) enhanced cross-validated models relative to analyses based on environmental data alone.  相似文献   

Non‐native fish generally cause native fish decline, and once non‐natives are established, control or elimination is usually problematic. Because non‐native fish colonization has been greatest in anthropogenically altered habitats, restoring habitat similar to predisturbance conditions may offer a viable means of non‐native fish control. In this investigation we identified habitats favoring native over non‐native fish in a Mojave Desert oasis (Ash Meadows) and used this information to restore one of its major warm water spring systems (Kings Pool Spring). Prior to restoration, native fishes predominated in warm water (25–32°C) stream and spring‐pool habitat, whereas non‐natives predominated in cool water (≤23°C) spring‐pool and marsh/slack water habitat. Native Amargosa pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis) and Ash Meadows speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus nevadensis) inhabited significantly faster mean water column velocities (MWCV) and greater total depth (TD) than non‐native Sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) and Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in warm water stream habitat, and Ash Meadows speckled dace inhabited significantly faster water than non‐natives in cool water stream habitat. Modification of the outflow of Kings Pool Spring from marsh to warm water stream, with MWCV, TD, and temperature favoring native fish, changed the fish composition from predominantly non‐native Sailfin molly and Mosquitofish to predominantly Ash Meadows pupfish. This result supports the hypothesis that restoring spring systems to a semblance of predisturbance conditions would promote recolonization of native fishes and deter non‐native fish invasion and proliferation.  相似文献   

Beck  H. J.  Feary  D. A.  Nakamura  Y.  Booth  D. J. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2017,36(2):639-651

Warming waters and changing ocean currents are increasing the supply of tropical fish larvae to temperature regions where they are exposed to novel habitats, namely temperate macroalgae and barren reefs. Here, we use underwater surveys on the temperate reefs of south-eastern (SE) Australia and western Japan (~33.5°N and S, respectively) to investigate how temperate macroalgal and non-macroalgal habitats influence recruitment success of a range of tropical fishes. We show that temperate macroalgae strongly affected recruitment of many tropical fish species in both regions and across three recruitment seasons in SE Australia. Densities and richness of recruiting tropical fishes, primarily planktivores and herbivores, were over seven times greater in non-macroalgal than macroalgal reef habitat. Species and trophic diversity (K-dominance) were also greater in non-macroalgal habitat. Temperate macroalgal cover was a stronger predictor of tropical fish assemblages than temperate fish assemblages, reef rugosities or wave exposure. Tropical fish richness, diversity and density were greater on barren reef than on reef dominated by turfing algae. One common species, the neon damselfish (Pomacentrus coelestis), chose non-macroalgal habitat over temperate macroalgae for settlement in an aquarium experiment. This study highlights that temperate macroalgae may partly account for spatial variation in recruitment success of many tropical fishes into higher latitudes. Hence, habitat composition of temperate reefs may need to be considered to accurately predict the geographic responses of many tropical fishes to climate change.


  1. Determining the appropriate measurement scale to assess habitat variables is critical for ecologists assessing biological or ecological conditions. Depth, velocity, substrate, woody debris and other fish cover variables occur on both reach and microhabitat scales, and fish habitat associations with these variables may be scale-dependent. The aim of this work was to better understand the importance of scale for fish–habitat associations with these variables in a framework consistent with environmental filtering and to test the hypothesis that habitat variable importance is scale-dependent.
  2. I used prepositioned areal electrofishing in wadeable streams of the Delaware River basin to evaluate the associations of fish with the same variables summarised on different reach and microhabitat scales. The importance of scale for fish–habitat associations was assessed using two approaches that approximate an environmental filtering framework: variance partitioning with (1) ordination and (2) generalised linear mixed models.
  3. Variables on both the reach and microhabitat scales explained a significant fraction of the total variation in fish community composition (p < 0.05). Variation decomposition of reach- and microhabitat-scale effects revealed 20.2% and 2.0% of all variation were due uniquely to reach and microhabitat scales, respectively. Measures of coarseness, embeddedness, amount of riffle and areal coverage of five fish cover variables were significant explanatory variables of community composition at the reach scale only (p < 0.05). Velocity and mesohabitat (amount or presence of riffle) were the only two habitat features that were significant explanatory variables of fish community composition at both the reach and microhabitat scales (p < 0.05). Individual models of species occurrence revealed similar patterns as seen with analyses of community composition.
  4. For many fishes, habitat features quantified at the reach scale were more explanatory than at the microhabitat scale. Longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) were more dependent upon microhabitat variables than reach-scale variables, relative to other fishes. Mean velocity at the reach scale was the most important explanatory variable for explaining fish community composition and indicated support for the concept of environmental filtering at the reach and microhabitat scales.
  5. Few studies of fish occurrence have incorporated a study design and analytical framework that approximates the hierarchical nature of habitat. This study identifies important scales and predictors, demonstrates the importance of a multiscale approach, and provides support for the environmental filtering concept at the reach and microhabitat scales. These findings will allow ecologists to better account for scale-dependent habitat associations and justify the use of fish habitat associations on reach and microhabitat scales for assessing biotic integrity, restoration and conservation of fishes.

  1. Teleost fishes occupy a range of ecosystem, and habitat types subject to large seasonal fluctuations. Temperate fishes, in particular, survive large seasonal shifts in temperature, light availability, and access to certain habitats. Mobile species such as lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) can behaviorally respond to seasonal variation by shifting their habitat deeper and further offshore in response to warmer surface water temperatures during the summer. During cooler seasons, the use of more structurally complex nearshore zones by lake trout could increase cognitive demands and potentially result in a larger relative brain size during those periods. Yet, there is limited understanding of how such behavioral responses to a seasonally shifting environment might shape, or be shaped by, the nervous system.
  2. Here, we quantified variation in relative brain size and the size of five externally visible brain regions in lake trout, across six consecutive seasons in two different lakes. Acoustic telemetry data from one of our study lakes were collected during the study period from a different subset of individuals and used to infer relationships between brain size and seasonal behaviors (habitat use and movement rate).
  3. Our results indicated that lake trout relative brain size was larger in the fall and winter compared with the spring and summer in both lakes. Larger brains coincided with increased use of nearshore habitats and increased horizontal movement rates in the fall and winter based on acoustic telemetry. The telencephalon followed the same pattern as whole brain size, while the other brain regions (cerebellum, optic tectum, olfactory bulbs, and hypothalamus) were only smaller in the spring.
  4. These findings provide evidence that flexibility in brain size could underpin shifts in behavior, which could potentially subserve functions associated with differential habitat use during cold and warm seasons and allow fish to succeed in seasonally variable environments.

Annual reproductive surveys monitored nesting location, reproductive success and the age and size of individually tagged male smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu that reproduced in Millers Lake, a 45 ha widening of the Mississippi River, Ontario, and in a 1·5 km pool and riffle section of the river directly upstream. The vast majority of males displayed fidelity to either the river or the lake as reproductive habitat throughout their lifetimes. Nearly, half of the males that reproduced in successive years exhibited strong nest‐site fidelity by nesting within 20 m of their previous year’s nest site. In most years, when compared to those in the lake, reproductive males in the river differed significantly in reproductive characteristics including age and size at maturation and nesting success rates. A 3 year telemetry project identified two distinct habitat use patterns: lake‐resident fish remained in the lake throughout the year and potamodromous individuals migrated from the lake to upriver spawning habitat in the spring and then returned to the lake prior to the onset of winter. Integration of habitat use and reproductive data suggests that there are significant differences in the life‐history strategies of fish that reproduce in the river v. the lake.  相似文献   

Fish populations in the Rondegat River, a mountain stream in the Olifants-Doring system in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa were surveyed to assess the impact of predatory alien invasive smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu (Lacepède) on the indigenous fishes. This was the first such attempt to quantify the predatory impacts of M. dolomieu within this region. The Rondegat River is home to five species of indigenous fish and is partially invaded by M. dolomieu, which has penetrated the lower river up to a waterfall barrier. Seasonal surveys were conducted at five sites above, and five below, the waterfall. Physical habitat was measured at each site. Four of the five indigenous fish species were absent at bass-invaded sites. Labeobarbus capensis (Smith), while still present below the waterfall, appeared to have suffered a near-total loss of post-spawning recruits. Analyses of physical habitat quality failed to explain the loss of indigenous fish below the waterfall, although sedimentation may have increased the vulnerability of the catfish Austroglanis gilli (Barnard) to M. dolomieu predation by obliterating benthic cover. Consequently, predation by M. dolomieu was presumed to be the critical mechanism explaining the loss of indigenous fishes in the lower Rondegat River.  相似文献   

Synopsis Observations of three incidents of the mass mortality of nearshore fishes are reported; each corresponded to periods of high-amplitude, long-period swells during the 1982–1983 El Niño event along the coast of central California. Members of the nearshore kelp forest fish assemblage, primarily of the genusSebastes, accounted for 96% of the observed mortalities andS. mystinus (blue rockfish) alone accounted for 72%.  相似文献   

We characterized habitat requirements of juvenile cowcod, Sebastes levis, using information from surveys conducted aboard the manned research submersible Delta. We conducted 303 dive surveys on rocky banks and outcrops in water depths between 28 and 365 m in southern and central California, covering 483 km (963,940 m2) of seafloor. We counted 549,263 fishes from at least 134 species; 216 individuals were juvenile cowcod, S. levis, of 45 cm or less in total length (TL). Juvenile cowcod occupied depths between 52 and 330 m and demonstrated ontogenetic shifts in their habitat associations. Small fish (5–20 cm TL) lived primarily among cobbles or cobbles and small boulders. As fish grew, they moved into high-relief rock habitats, including boulder fields and rock ridges. Small cowcods were found with pygmy, Sebastes wilsoni, and swordspine, Sebastes ensifer, rockfishes. Larger juveniles often associated with juvenile bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, juvenile widow rockfish, Sebastes entomelas, and squarespot rockfish, Sebastes hopkinsi. Our study resulted in a characterization of seafloor habitats on a small spatial scale that is relevant to juvenile cowcod nursery areas, which is important when considering effective management strategies for this overfished species.  相似文献   

The relationship between the variables of reef fish community structure (fish richness, fish diversity and total number of fishes) and those of habitat complexity (total surface area, substratum diversity, topographic complexity, number of holes, percent cover of turf algae, zoanthids, millepores, massive corals, bare rock, encrusting calcareous algae, urchins, other sessile organisms and Sargassum) were examined on three different rocky shores (FA, FB and FT) at Arraial do Cabo, a tropical region located on Brazilian southeastern coast (23° S, 42° W). Fish abundance and vertical distribution were assessed by a visual census technique using strip transects. Percentage cover of benthic organisms and other substratum types were calculated by replicated transects using a chain laid down on the substratum. Topographic complexity was determined by the chain link method and number of holes were estimated by direct counts on replicated transects. More than 91 fishes belonging to 37 families were seen in all study sites during one year of visual census effort. FA and FB sites had similar fish community structure and habitat complexity characteristics, while FT showed different habitat characteristics and higher fish diversity and richness, plus total number of fishes. Vertical distribution of fishes along the rocky shores studied seemed to be predictable and was determined by factors such as feeding habits and behavior, availability of refuges and social interactions. The habitat variables that best explained the higher diversity and number of fishes observed in FT site were total surface area of rocky shores and the abundance of benthic sessile invertebrates; these conditions were typical of rocky shores more exposed to wave surge.  相似文献   

Mamani  A.  Koncurat  M. L.  Boveri  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2019,829(1):19-29

Whether macrophytes offer an effective refuge for zooplankton in all shallow lakes is subject to debate. To explore potential constraints between different predator threats and the related habitat choice by zooplankton, we conducted a mesocosm experiment in 12 large-sized pools mimicking the nearshore environment with part of its length being covered by submersed macrophytes (Egeria densa) and holding a mixed zooplankton community. Four treatments were used: (i) young zooplanktivorous fish (3 silverside, Odontesthes bonariensis) in the “open-water” zone; (ii) macroinvertebrate predator (31 grass shrimp, Palaemonetes argentinus) in the vegetated zone; (iii) both, fish in the open-water and shrimp in the vegetated zones; and (iv) control with no predators. Our results show specific effects of each predator on the abundance, composition, and size of cladocerans. Regarding distribution, in control and shrimp mesocosms, no differences were found between the two zones, while cladocerans were clearly more abundant in the vegetated side in the presence of fish. When both fish and shrimp were present, cladocerans preferred the vegetated zone too, but in a smaller proportion, and their abundance was less. The presence of predatory macroinvertebrates in vegetated littoral zone reduces the refuge value of this habitat, at least for cladocerans.


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