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Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus surfacing behaviour was investigated in Minas Basin (45° 20′ N; 64° 00′ W) and the Bay of Fundy with pop‐up satellite archival tags (MiniPAT) measuring physical variables (pressure, temperature, light ) . Of six tags deployed during June and July, five provided pop‐up locations and two were recovered after c. 4 months. Analysis of recovered archival data revealed that the frequency of surfacing events was highest (78·9%) when A. oxyrinchus were in Minas Basin at depths <10 m. Surfacing frequency decreased substantially when fish migrated into greater depths of the Bay of Fundy (>40 m). The tidal cycle in Minas Basin had a significant relationship to surfacing frequency, with the most surfacing events (49·5%) occurring on the flood tide, from mid‐ to high‐tide. Surfacing events ranged from 0–12 a day and the maximum number occurred between 2300 and 0300 hours. Maximum surfacing ascent speeds ranged from 0·50 to 4·17 m s?1 and maximum descent speeds ranged from 0·17 to 3·17 m s?1. Buoyancy control, by gulping air to inflate the gas bladder, is proposed as the main reason for surfacing behaviour in A. oxyrinchus.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE) developed a 1.6 x 1.0 km Crown Lease Area (CLA) to test Marine Hydrokinetic devices (MHKs) in Minas Passage (MP), a strait that connects the Bay of Fundy to Minas Basin (MB), Nova Scotia. Minas Basin is an important summer feeding aggregation site for numerous fishes including Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill, 1815) stocks from Canada and the US. In this study, acoustic tagging technology was used to describe sturgeon presence in the CLA, as well as an adjacent site proposed for MHKs deployment. During 2018 and 2019, 33.9% (n = 19/56 Atlantic sturgeon tagged) and 29.9% (n = 23/77 Atlantic sturgeon tagged) respectively, of sturgeon acoustically tagged in MB during 2014–2019 were detected in these two FORCE sites. Binomial General Linear Models (GLMs) were fit to determine if environmental parameters influenced the presence, or depth of Atlantic sturgeon in the FORCE sites. The only significant predictor of Atlantic sturgeon depth and presence at the FORCE sites was tide type. Atlantic sturgeon was found to have a higher likelihood of being detected during ebb tide (12%) as opposed to flood tide (3%). Apparent decline in the presence of sturgeon during flood tide was probably due to poor signal reception caused by turbulence from higher current speeds. Tagged sturgeon travelled through the FORCE sites pelagically at similar depths (27.5 ± 14.57 m) to those proposed for seabed mounted MHKs (~30 m), travelling deeper during flood tide than ebb, suggesting they may be at risk of spatial overlap with MHKs. While this study indicated that the duration Atlantic sturgeon utilized the FORCE sites throughout the summer appeared to be low, sturgeon from both endangered and threatened stocks migrated through this region during their yearly entry and exit to MB and were present for approximately 12% of the days assessed in this study.  相似文献   

Seasonal distribution of adult Atlantic sturgeon was examined using pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) and ultrasonic transmitters deployed in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada. Seven MK10 PSATs programmed for release in June 2012 and seven MiniPAT PSATs programmed for release in February and April 2013 were deployed in August 2011 and 2012, respectively. Eleven of 14 PSATs surfaced and transmitted depth and temperature data archived for the duration of their deployment (121–302 days). Among these eleven PSATs, five were recovered and 15-sec archival data was downloaded. Following exit from the Saint John River in the fall, tagged fish occupied a mean monthly depth of 76.3–81.6 m at temperatures as low as 4.9˚C throughout the winter before returning to shallower areas in the spring. The majority of ultrasonic detections occurred in the Bay of Fundy, but fish were detected as far as Riviere Saint-Jean, Quebec, approximately 1500 km from the Bay of Fundy (representing long-distance migratory rates of up to 44 km/day). All PSATs were first detected in the Bay of Fundy. Tags that released in February and April were found 5–21 km offshore of the Saint John Harbour, while tags that released in June were first detected in near shore areas throughout the Bay of Fundy. The substrate at winter tag release locations (estimated from backward numerical particle-tracking experiments) consisted primarily of moraines and postglacial mud substrate with low backscatter strength, indicative of soft or smooth seabed. Based on the proximity of winter tag release locations, the consistent depths observed between fish, and previous research, it is suspected that a winter aggregation exists in the Bay of Fundy. This study expands the understanding of the marine distribution and range of Atlantic sturgeon on the east coast of Canada.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare the possible locations, timing, and characteristics of potentially spawning shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), blue sucker (Cycleptus elongatus), and associated species during the spring of 2007–2015 in the 149‐km‐long lower Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, USA, a large, shallow, sand‐dominated Mississippi River tributary. A 5‐km index station of two pairs of rocky shoals surrounded by sandy areas was electrofished for shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker in a standardized fashion a total of 40 times from late March through mid‐June, the presumed spawning period. On one date in 2008 and two dates in 2012, all rocky shoals and adjacent sandy areas in the lowermost 149 km of the river were also electrofished for both species. Shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker appeared to spawn in the limited rocky areas of the river along with at least four other species: mooneye (Hiodon tergisus), quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus), smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), and shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum), usually at depths of 0.8–2.0 m and surface velocities of 0.4–1.0 m/s. However, apparently spawning shovelnose sturgeon were found only on mid‐channel cobble and coarse gravel shoals within a single 7‐km segment that included the 5‐km index station, whereas apparently spawning blue suckers were encountered on these same shoals but also more widely throughout the river on eroding bluff shorelines of bedrock and boulder and on artificial boulder wing dams and shoreline rip‐rap. Both species showed evidence of homing to the same mid‐channel shoal complexes across years. Blue sucker tended to concentrate on the shoals earlier in the spring than shovelnose sturgeon, usually from late April through mid‐May at water temperatures of 8.0–15.5°C along with quillback and shorthead redhorse. In comparison, shovelnose sturgeon usually concentrated on the shoals from mid‐May through early June at 13.5–21.8°C along with mooneye and smallmouth buffalo. Based on recaptures of tagged fish, at least some shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker returned to the shoals at one‐year intervals, although there was evidence that female blue sucker may have been more likely to return at two‐year intervals. Most shovelnose sturgeon could not be reliably sexed based on external characteristics. Spawning shovelnose sturgeon ranged from 487 to 788 mm fork length, 500–2400 g weight, and 5–20 years of age, whereas spawning blue sucker ranged from 495 to 822 mm total length, 900–5100 g weight, and 5–34 years of age, although age estimates were uncertain. Females were significantly larger than males for both species although there was overlap. Growth in length was negligible for tagged and recaptured presumably spawning shovelnose sturgeon and low (3.5 mm/y) for blue sucker, suggesting that nearly all growth may have occurred prior to maturity and that fish may have matured at a wide range of sizes.  相似文献   

Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are a wide ranging, potentially keystone predator species that display a variety of horizontal movement patterns, making use of coastal and pelagic waters. Far less, however, is known about their vertical movements and use of the water column. We used pop‐up satellite archival tags with two data sampling rates (high rate and standard rate tags) to investigate the vertical habitat use and diving behavior of tiger sharks tagged on the Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands platform and off Bermuda between 2008 and 2009. Useable data were received from nine of 14 sharks tagged, tracked over a total of 529 days. Sharks spent the majority of their time making yo‐yo dives within the upper 50 m of the water column and considerable time within the upper 5 m of the water column. As a result, sharks typically occupied a narrow daily temperature range (~2°C). Dives to greater than 200 m were common, and all sharks made dives to at least 250 m, with one shark reaching a depth of 828 m. Despite some similarities among individuals, a great deal of intraspecific variability in vertical habit use was observed. Four distinct depth distributions that were not related to tagging location, horizontal movements, sex, or size were detected. In addition, similar depth distributions did not necessitate similar dive patterns among sharks. Recognition of intraspecific variability in habitat use of top predators can be crucial for effective management of these species and for understanding their influence on ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

Population augmentation and propagation of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) have been a focus of scientists since the mid‐1990s. Various tag types have been used to gain a better understanding of population characteristics, stocking success, and movement patterns. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags have been consistently used since the inception of recovery efforts to mark age‐1 and older pallid sturgeon. This tag has been successfully used with other sturgeon species, and tagging protocols for pallid sturgeon were developed in response to those successes. Tag retention rates in pallid sturgeon have been reported as variable or unknown and there has been no formal study to determine PIT tag retention in pallid sturgeon, particularly with age‐1 individuals that are propagated in hatcheries to be stocked into the wild. The objective was to evaluate retention rates of PIT tags inserted into the operculum and along the base of the dorsal fin of age‐1 pallid sturgeon (total fork length [FL] range = 214–358 mm). Tagged sturgeon (n = 80) were held in a large holding tank and inspected for tag loss twice a month for a total of 189 days. Final tag retention was 83% for tags inserted into the operculum and 85% for tags inserted near the dorsal fin. Tags shed from the operculum were from smaller fish (mean FL = 265 mm) and losses occurred during the first 60 days of the experiment. Tags shed from the dorsal site were predominantly from larger individuals (mean FL = 305 mm) and losses were continual throughout the experiment. Future research should determine size‐specific tag retention rates so that hatcheries can maximize retention in either tag placement location.  相似文献   

Habitat use, movement and residency of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas were determined using satellite pop‐up archival transmitting (PAT) tags throughout coastal areas in the U.S., Gulf of Mexico and waters off the south‐east U.S. From 2005 to 2007, 18 fish (mean size = 164 cm fork length, LF) were tagged over all seasons. Fish retained tags for up to 85 days (median = 30 days). Based on geolocation data from initial tagging location to pop‐off location, C. leucas generally travelled c. 5–6 km day?1 and travelled an average of 143·6 km. Overall, mean proportions of time at depth revealed C. leucas spent the majority of their time in waters <20 m. They exhibited significant differences among depths but were not found at a particular depth regardless of diurnal period. Most fish occupied temperatures c. 32° C with individuals found mostly between 26 and 33° C. Geolocation data for C. leucas were generally poor and varied considerably but tracks for two individuals revealed long distance movements. One fish travelled from the south‐east coast of the U.S. to coastal Texas near Galveston while another moved up the east coast of the U.S. to South Carolina. Data on C. leucas movements indicated that they are found primarily in shallower waters and tend to remain in the same location over long periods. While some individuals made large‐scale movements over open ocean areas, the results emphasize the importance of the coastal zone for this species as potential essential habitat, particularly in areas of high freshwater inflow.  相似文献   

Here, we describe the diving behavior of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) using the Advanced Dive Behavior (ADB) tag, which records depth data at 1‐Hz resolution and GPS‐quality locations for over 1 month, before releasing from the whale for recovery. A total of 27 ADB tags were deployed on sperm whales in the central Gulf of California, Mexico, during spring 2007 and 2008, of which 10 were recovered for data download. Tracking durations of all tags ranged from 0 to 34.5 days (median = 2.3 days), and 0.6 to 26.6 days (median = 5.0 days) for recovered tags. Recovered tags recorded a median of 50.8 GPS‐quality locations and 42.6 dives per day. Dive summary metrics were generated for archived dives and were subsequently classified into six categories using hierarchical cluster analysis. A mean of 77% of archived dives per individual were one of four dive categories with median Maximum Dive Depth >290 m (V‐shaped, Mid‐water, Benthic, or Variable), likely associated with foraging. Median Maximum Dive Depth was <30 m for the other two categories (Short‐ and Long‐duration shallow dives), likely representing socializing or resting behavior. Most tagged whales remained near the tagging area during the tracking period, but one moved north of Isla Tiburón, where it appeared to regularly dive to, and travel along the seafloor. Three whales were tagged on the same day in 2007 and subsequently traveled in close proximity (<1 km) for 2 days. During this period, the depth and timing of their dives were not coordinated, suggesting they were foraging on a vertically heterogeneous prey field. The multiweek dive records produced by ADB tags enabled us to generate a robust characterization of the diving behavior, activity budget, and individual variation for an important predator of the mesopelagos over temporal and spatial scales not previously possible.  相似文献   

The local distribution of basking sharks in the Bay of Fundy (BoF) is unknown despite frequent occurrences in the area from May to November. Defining this species’ spatial habitat use is critical for accurately assessing its Special Concern conservation status in Atlantic Canada. We developed maximum entropy distribution models for the lower BoF and the northeast Gulf of Maine (GoM) to describe spatiotemporal variation in habitat use of basking sharks. Under the Maxent framework, we assessed model responses and distribution shifts in relation to known migratory behavior and local prey dynamics. We used 10 years (2002-2011) of basking shark surface sightings from July-October acquired during boat-based surveys in relation to chlorophyll-a concentration, sea surface temperature, bathymetric features, and distance to seafloor contours to assess habitat suitability. Maximum entropy estimations were selected based on AICc criterion and used to predict habitat utilizing three model-fitting routines as well as converted to binary suitable/non-suitable habitat using the maximum sensitivity and specificity threshold. All models predicted habitat better than random (AUC values >0.796). From July-September, a majority of habitat was in the BoF, in waters >100 m deep, and in the Grand Manan Basin. In October, a majority of the habitat shifted southward into the GoM and to areas >200 m deep. Model responses suggest that suitable habitat from July - October is dependent on a mix of distance to the 0, 100, 150, and 200 m contours but in some models on sea surface temperature (July) and chlorophyll-a (August and September). Our results reveal temporally dynamic habitat use of basking sharks within the BoF and GoM. The relative importance of predictor variables suggests that prey dynamics constrained the species distribution in the BoF. Also, suitable habitat shifted minimally from July-September providing opportunities to conserve the species during peak abundance in the region.  相似文献   

In the present study, pop‐off data storage tags (pDST) without any transmitting capabilities were attached to 118 adult salmonids in a 19 000 km2 freshwater system (Lake Ontario). The 9·3 cm long cylindrical tags were externally attached to fishes using a backpack‐style harness, set to record pressure (dBar ≈ depth in m) and temperature every 70 s (and at some key times, every 5 s) and programmed to release from the harness and float to the surface after c. 1 year. Recapture of the bright‐orange tags for data retrieval relied on members of the public finding tags on shore, or on anglers capturing fishes with tags attached and using the contact information displayed on each tag to mail tags to the research team in exchange for a monetary reward. Thirty‐seven tags were found and returned from the 118 released (31%), while 26 of the 118 tags (22%) remained scheduled to pop‐off in summer 2017. Of the 37 tags returned, 23 were from wild‐caught fishes (out of 88 wild‐caught and tagged fishes; 26%) and yielded useful data whereas 14 were from hatchery‐reared fishes that were opportunistically tagged and appear to have been unable to acclimate to life in the wild and died days to weeks after release. The field study described here thus demonstrated that pDSTs can be a viable option for collecting large amounts of high‐resolution depth and temperature data for salmonids in freshwater systems. Technical challenges, limitations and unknowns related to the use of pDSTs with freshwater fishes are discussed. In addition, pDSTs are compared with alternate electronic tagging technologies and assessed for their potential as a more widespread tool in research on freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

Specimens of the deep‐sea sipunculan Phascolosoma turnerae were retrieved over a 5‐year period from fibrous collectors placed for various time intervals at a depth of 520 m in the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas. Sipunculans removed from the collectors were counted, weighed, and maintained in the laboratory at 14°C, where they were monitored for gametogenic activity, spawning, development, and growth. In a 2‐year study of seasonality, worms were most abundant in collectors retrieved in the spring and summer, and least abundant in the fall. Small animals (<0.01 g) were present in all seasons and represented ≥70% of the animals in winter collections. Large specimens (>0.16 g) were found from May through August, but in markedly lower frequencies than small animals. Over the entire study, spawning was observed in the laboratory from April through August. We inferred from analyses of size frequencies, growth, and spawning seasonality that settlement of the larvae occurs primarily from November through April and that oceanic larval life could be as short as 7 months and as long as 12–14 months. Cleavage of fertilized eggs, as observed from laboratory spawnings, was spiral and holoblastic, resulting in a trochophore that transformed into a typical planktotrophic pelagosphera larva at 21 d. A few larvae survived as long as 2 months in the laboratory. This is the first study of biological processes in living sipunculans from the deep sea, and one of the first studies of living deep‐sea wood dwellers.  相似文献   

We monitored habitat use and movement of 27 adult shovelnose sturgeon in Pool 13 of the upper Mississippi River, Iowa-Illinois, by radio-telemetry in April through August 1988. Our objective was to determine the response of this species to unusually low water conditions in the upper Mississippi River in 1988. Most (94%) telemetry contacts were made in 3 habitat types: main channel (50%), main channel border where wing dams were present (29%), and tailwaters of Lock and Dam 12 (15%). Habitat use in spring was affected by the extreme low flows. We often found tagged shovelnose sturgeon in the main channel and tailwaters during the spring period (11 March–20 May) where water velocities were highest. This was in contrast to other studies where shovelnose sturgeon did not occupy those areas during years with normal spring flows. Shovelnose sturgeon were typically found in areas with a sand bottom, mean water depth of 5.8 m, and mean bottom current velocity of 0.23 m sec-1. They occupied areas of swifter current but were not always found in the fastest current in their immediate vicinity. Tagged shovelnose sturgeon tended to remain in the upper, more riverine portion of the pool, and we observed no emigration from the study pool. Linear total range of movement from the tagging site ranged from 1.9 to 54.6 km during the study period.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationship (LWR) was estimated for 12 elasmobranch species; five shark species, four species of rays and three species of guitar fishes from north‐eastern Arabian Sea, India. Five major landing centres of Maharashtra were selected; Satpati (Lat. 19°43′15″N, Long. 72°42′00″E), Naigaon (Lat. 19°19′32″N, Long. 72°48′54″E), Versova (Lat. 19°08′33″N, Long. 72°48′11″E), New ferry Wharf (Lat. 18°57′29″N Long. 72°51′01″E) and Sassoon dock (Lat. 18°54′42″N, Long. 72°49′33″E). Samples were collected fortnightly during August 2016 to October 2017 from various gears; drift gill nets (Hung length 114–143 m and #100–270 mm) off Satpati coast at 35–50 m depth, dol nets (length 50–65 m and cod end # 30–69 mm) in Naigaon at 38–50 m depth and trawl (length 33–72 m and cod end # 17–32 mm) in Versova, New ferry Wharf and Sassoon dock operated at 20–50 m depth. Multiday fishing was carried out with 2–3 fishing trips in a month, each trip with duration of 7–13 days. Soaking time of gill net and dol net varied from 4 to 8 hr while each trawl haul lasted for 3–4 hr. Length–weight/Disc‐width‐weight relationship showed good fit with r2 values varying from 0.818 to 0.999. In addition to information on LWR, new maximum size for three species of elasmobranchs is reported in this paper.  相似文献   

An increase in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) catch by danish seine fisheries around the subsurface fish aggregating devices (FADs) in southern Taiwan waters has been a concern of local government and environmental groups. However, the attraction mechanism of aggregating tunas at the subsurface FADs is still poorly understood. The objective of this study is to examine the fine‐scale vertical and horizontal movements of juvenile yellowfin tunas around a subsurface FAD. In total, 53 tunas (35–81 cm fork length) were tagged with ultrasonic telemetry tags and released at a subsurface FAD in the waters off Shiao‐Liu‐Chiu Island, southwestern Taiwan from October 2008 to December 2009. These tunas stayed at the subsurface FAD for up to 31 days, with daytime vertical movement depths averaging 60–80 m at a maximum depth of 250 m. At night, the tuna gathered at a shallow depth of 40 m. The mean depth of vertical movement in the daytime is significantly different from that of the nighttime (P < 0.05). The maximum detectable distance of horizontal movement was 1.6 km, with 80% of the long horizontal movements occurring in the daytime. It is likely that the purpose of these vertical and horizontal movements was for feeding or avoiding predators. Moreover, the tagged tunas did not depart from the subsurface FAD simultaneously, suggesting distinct behaviors in their movements.  相似文献   

The locations and habitat features of freshwater holding areas and the timing of fall migration are undocumented for Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River drainage, Mississippi. Our objectives were to identify and characterize holding areas for Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi), document their summer and fall movement patterns, and determine migration cues. To do this we captured, radio‐tagged, and monitored movement of Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River drainage and analyzed these data using geographic information systems. From May to November Gulf sturgeon congregate in a holding area in the lower portion of the Pascagoula River and Big Black Creek [river kilometers (rkm) 57–68] and near Cumbest Bluff (rkm 40), before they return to the Gulf of Mexico. While in the holding area, Gulf sturgeon were typically found in deep locations, either in or downstream from river bends. As found in other rivers, Gulf sturgeon in the Pascagoula River showed little movement within the holding area and often stayed within a single river bend; although we observed local movements by some individuals (under 10 rkm). In the Pascagoula River, Gulf sturgeon initiated their migration out of fresh water from late‐September to mid‐October, coincident with shorter day length, falling water temperature (mean = 23.7°C, range 21–26°C), and elevated river flow. Our work demonstrates that the lower Pascagoula River serves as a vital area for Gulf sturgeon.  相似文献   

Increasingly, point‐count data are used to estimate occupancy, the probability that a species is present at a given location; occupancy accounts for imperfect detection, the probability that a species is detected given that it is present. To our knowledge, effects of sampling duration on inferences from models of bird occupancy have not been evaluated. Our objective was to determine whether changing count duration from 5 to 8 min affected inferences about the occupancy of birds sampled in the Chesapeake Bay Lowlands (eastern United States) and the central and western Great Basin (western United States) in 2012 and 2013. We examined the proportion of species (two doves, one cuckoo, two swifts, five hummingbirds, 11 woodpeckers, and 122 passerines) for which estimates of detection probability were ≥ 0.3. For species with single‐season detection probabilities ≥ 0.3, we compared occupancy estimates derived from 5‐ and 8‐min counts. We also compared estimates for three species sampled annually for 5 yr in the central Great Basin. Detection probabilities based on both the 5‐ and 8‐min counts were ≥ 0.3 for 40% ± 3% of the species in an ecosystem. Extending the count duration from 5 to 8 min increased the detection probability to ≥ 0.3 for 5% ± 0.5% of the species. We found no difference in occupancy estimates that were based on 5‐ versus 8‐min counts for species sampled over two or five consecutive years. However, for 97% of species sampled over 2 yr, precision of occupancy estimates that were based on 8‐min counts averaged 12% ± 2% higher than those based on 5‐min counts. We suggest that it may be worthwhile to conduct a pilot season to determine the number of locations and surveys needed to achieve detection probabilities that are sufficiently high to estimate occupancy for species of interest.  相似文献   

Although archival tags have been deployed in Thunnus since the early 1990s, few studies have placed such loggers on the small-size growth stage. In this study, Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT, Thunnus orientalis) 20–26.5 cm in fork length (FL) were fitted with archival tags and released off the southern coastal area of Japan from July to August in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Time-series data on swimming depth, ambient water temperature, and peritoneal cavity temperatures collected at 30-s intervals during 78–144 days were analyzed in 11 age-0 PBT. In August, the age-0 PBT spent 69.5 to 83.4% of their time within the mixed layer at mean temperatures between 27.6 and 28.3 °C, while previous studies reported that PBT with FL > 50 cm in the East China Sea are found most often in zones with temperatures between 14 and 19 °C. The thermal difference between the peritoneal cavity and ambient temperature was less than 1 °C for age-0 PBT in August, indicating that they were not in danger of overheating. The mean daytime swimming depths of age-0 PBT were significantly and positively correlated with the depth of the thermocline, especially from August to October. By focusing their swimming depths around the thermocline, the age-0 PBT potentially maximize the probability of encountering prey. There was a significant correlation between the mean nighttime depth and lunar illumination. The change in vertical distribution with the lunar cycle during nighttime is likely a form of predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Acipenseriformes (sturgeons and paddlefish) globally have declined throughout their range due to river fragmentation, habitat loss, overfishing, and degradation of water quality. In North America, pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) populations have experienced poor to no recruitment, or substantial levels of hybridization with the closely related shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorynchus). The Lower Missouri River is the only portion of the species’ range where successful reproduction and recruitment of genetically pure pallid sturgeon have been documented. This paper documents spawning habitat and behavior on the Lower Missouri River, which comprises over 1,300 km of unfragmented river habitat. The objective of this study was to determine spawning locations and describe habitat characteristics and environmental conditions (depth, water velocity, substrate, discharge, temperature, and turbidity) on the Lower Missouri River. We measured habitat characteristics for spawning events of ten telemetry-tagged female pallid sturgeon from 2008–2013 that occurred in discrete reaches distributed over hundreds of kilometers. These results show pallid sturgeon select deep and fast areas in or near the navigation channel along outside revetted banks for spawning. These habitats are deeper and faster than nearby river habitats within the surrounding river reach. Spawning patches have a mean depth of 6.6 m and a mean depth-averaged water-column velocity of 1.4 m per second. Substrates in spawning patches consist of coarse bank revetment, gravel, sand, and bedrock. Results indicate habitat used by pallid sturgeon for spawning is more common and widespread in the present-day channelized Lower Missouri River relative to the sparse and disperse coarse substrates available prior to channelization. Understanding the spawning habitats currently utilized on the Lower Missouri River and if they are functioning properly is important for improving habitat remediation measures aimed at increasing reproductive success. Recovery efforts for pallid sturgeon on the Missouri River, if successful, can provide guidance to sturgeon recovery on other river systems; particularly large, regulated, and channelized rivers.  相似文献   

The diving capabilities of the Procellariformes remain the least understood component of avian diving physiology. Due to their relatively small size, shearwaters may have high oxygen consumption rates during diving relative to their available oxygen stores. Dive performance in this group should be strongly limited by the trade‐off between oxygen consumption and oxygen stores, and shearwaters could be a good model group for testing predictions of dive theory. Many earlier measurements of shearwater dive behaviour relied on observations from the surface or potentially biased technology, and it is only recently that diving behaviour has been observed using electronic recorders for many of the clades within the family. The diving behaviour of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus breeding in Wales, UK, was studied on a large sample of birds using time–depth–temperature recorders deployed on chick‐rearing shearwaters in July and August over 3 years (2009–2011). Light availability apparently limited diving as dives only occurred between 04:00 and 19:00 h GMT. All individuals routinely dived deeper than traditionally assumed, to a mean maximum depth of 31 m and occasionally down to nearly 55 m. We compiled all available data for a comparison of the dive depth across shearwater species. There was a positive allometric relationship between maximum dive depth and body mass across Puffinus and Ardenna shearwater species, as expected, but only if samples of fewer than two individuals were excluded. The large intra‐specific range in maximum dive depth in our study illustrates that apparent diversity in diving performance across species must be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   

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