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The placoid scales, or denticles, of the external epidermis of elasmobranchs are well known as a hard protective coat over the skin to reduce abrasion or as elements to reduce hydrodynamic drag. However, the structure and function of denticles within the oral cavity is uncertain. Using stereological and scanning electron microscopy, this study examines the structure and distribution of oral denticles in a range of elasmobranchs. Of the batoids analyzed, only members of the Rhinobatidae possessed oral denticles, with no denticles found in the members sampled in the Gymnuridae or Dasyatidae. In contrast, oral denticles were located in all the selachians examined, except for members of the Orectolobidae. Within the selachians, the denticles of the Carcharhinidae have a grooved surface and a central spine, which is angled toward the posterior of the mouth. These denticular adaptations are beneficial to reduce hydrodynamic drag, an advantage for these free-swimming species with ram ventilation. Alternatively, members of the Hemiscyllidae have broad bulbous denticles that often overlap, providing a hard surface to protect the epithelium from abrasion during the consumption of hard-bodied prey. The distribution and high number of oral denticles appears to spatially compromise the capacity for oral (taste) papillae to populate the oropharyngeal cavity but provides increased friction and grip on prey items as they are manipulated within the mouth.  相似文献   

This study examined the fish communities of Peri Lagoon in southern Brazil to aid in the development of an effective management plan because the area is under threat from human activities. Sampling of fish fauna, ichthyoplankton and limnological data were compared between sites, differing by habitat type and characteristics such as depth, substratum composition and vegetation type. Results were significantly related to site, with the highest diversity and abundance recorded at shallow vegetated sites. A total of 14 fish species were recorded throughout the lagoon, with the most abundant being Hyphessobrycon luetkenii. Of the 14 species, half were sampled at their larval stage, suggesting a healthy and protected system. Significantly more larvae and eggs were collected during colder months (autumn to winter) and at sites closer to stream flow, possibly owing to increased food sources and habitat protection. This study highlights the importance of Peri Lagoon as a nursery ground for a wide range of fish species, providing essential information for incorporation into the future protection of fish stocks throughout Brazil.  相似文献   

Molecular markers, such as mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite loci, are widely studied to assess population genetics and phylogeography; however, the selective neutrality of these markers is increasingly being questioned. Given the importance of molecular markers in fisheries science and conservation, we evaluated the neutrality of both mtDNA and microsatellite loci through their associations with population size. We surveyed mtDNA and microsatellite data from the primary literature and determined whether genetic diversity increased with abundance across a total of 105 marine and freshwater fishes, with both global fisheries catch data and body size as proxies for abundance (with an additional 57 species for which only body size data were assessed). We found that microsatellite data generally yielded higher associations with abundance than mtDNA data, and within mtDNA analyses, number of haplotypes and haplotype diversity were more strongly associated with abundance than nucleotide diversity, particularly for freshwater fishes. We compared genetic diversity between freshwater and marine fishes and found that marine fishes had higher values of all measures of genetic diversity than freshwater fishes. Results for both mtDNA and microsatellites generally conformed to neutral expectations, although weaker relationships were often found between mtDNA nucleotide diversity and ‘abundance’ compared to any other genetic statistic. We speculate that this is because of historical events unrelated to natural selection, although a role for selection cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The unusual energy metabolism of elasmobranchs is characterized by limited or absent fatty acid oxidation in cardiac and skeletal muscle and a great reliance on ketone bodies and amino acids as oxidative fuels in these tissues. Other extrahepatic tissues in elasmobranchs rely on ketone bodies and amino acids for aerobic energy production but, unlike muscle, also appear to possess a significant capacity to oxidize fatty acids. This organization of energy metabolism is reflected by relatively low plasma levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and by plasma levels of the ketone body ß-hydroxybutyrate that are as high as those seen in fasted mammals. The preference for ketone body oxidation rather than fatty acid oxidation in muscle of elasmobranchs under routine conditions is opposite to the situation in teleosts and mammals. Carbohydrates appear to be utilized as a fuel source in elasmobranchs, similar to other vertebrates. Amino acid- and lipid-fueled ketogenesis in the liver, the lipid storage site in elasmobranchs, sustains the demand for ketone bodies as oxidative fuels. The liver also appears to export NEFA and serves a buoyancy role. The regulation of energy metabolism in elasmobranchs and the effects of environmental factors remain poorly understood. The metabolic organization of elasmobranchs was likely present in the common ancestor of the Chondrichthyes ca. 400 million years ago and, speculatively, it may reflect the ancestral metabolism of jawed vertebrates. We assess hypotheses for the evolution of the unusual energy metabolism of elasmobranchs and propose that the need to synthesize urea has influenced the utilization of ketone bodies and amino acids as oxidative fuels.  相似文献   

Clearance rates of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia) were investigated in laboratory experiments using monocultures of the alga Chlorella vulgaris. Experimental conditions included two mollusc sizes (15 and 23 mm), and three water temperatures (15, 20 and 25 °C) covering the normal seasonal range in the lower Paraná river and Río de la Plata estuary. Filtration rates obtained were, for the larger mussels: 9.9, 13.1 and 17.7 ml mg tissue dry weight–1 h–1 at 15, 20 and 25 °C, respectively; and for the smaller ones: 17.7, 20.8 and 29.5 ml mg–1 h–1. Differences between sizes and between temperatures (except 15 vs. 20 °C) were statistically significant. In absolute terms larger animals have higher clearance rates, but as a function of body mass smaller individuals feed more actively. Within the range of experimental values used, filtration rates were positively associated with water temperature. These clearance rates (125–350 ml individual–1 h–1) are among the highest reported for suspension feeding bivalves, including the invasive species Dreissena polymorpha, D. bugensis and Corbicula fluminea. High filtration rates, associated with the very high densities of this mollusc in the Paraná watershed (up to over 200,000 ind m–2) suggest that its environmental impact may be swiftly changing ecological conditions in the areas colonized.  相似文献   

Climate change causes marine species to shift and expand their distributions, often leading to changes in species diversity. While increased biodiversity is often assumed to confer positive benefits on ecosystem functioning, many examples have shown that the relationship is specific to the ecosystem and function studied and is often driven by functional composition and diversity. In the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, tropical species expansion was shown to have increased estuarine fish and invertebrate diversity; however, it is not yet known how those increases have affected functional diversity. To address this knowledge gap, two metrics of functional diversity, functional richness (FRic) and functional dispersion (FDis), were estimated in each year for a 38‐year study period, for each of the eight major bays along the Texas coast. Then, the community‐weighted mean (CWM) trait values for each of the functional traits are calculated to assess how functional composition has changed through time. Finally, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify species contributing most to changing functional diversity. We found significant increases in log‐functional richness in both spring and fall, and significant decreases in functional dispersion in spring, suggesting that although new functional types are entering the bays, assemblages are becoming more dominated by similar functional types. Community‐weighted trait means showed significant increases in the relative abundance of traits associated with large, long‐lived, higher trophic level species, suggesting an increase in periodic and equilibrium life‐history strategists within the bays. PCA identified mainly native sciaenid species as contributing most to functional diversity trends although several tropical species also show increasing trends through time. We conclude that the climate‐driven species expansion in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico led to a decrease in functional dispersion due to increasing relative abundance of species with similar life‐history characteristics, and thus the communities have become more functionally homogeneous.  相似文献   

Utilisation by fish of different estuarine habitats is known to vary at many different temporal scales, however no study to date has examined how utilisation varies at all the relevant times scales simultaneously. Here, we compare the utilisation by fish of sandy, intertidal foreshore habitats in a subtropical estuary at four temporal scales: between major spawning periods (spring/summer and winter), among months within spawning periods, between the full and new moon each month, and between night and day within those lunar phases. Comparisons of assemblage composition, abundance of individuals and of fish in seven different ‘ecological guilds’ were used to identify the temporal scales at which fish varied their use of unvegetated sandy habitats in the lower Noosa Estuary, Queensland, Australia. Fish assemblages were sampled with a seine net at three different regions. The most numerically dominant species caught were southern herring (Herklotsichthys castelnaui: Clupeidae), sand whiting (Sillago ciliata: Sillaginidae), weeping toadfish (Torquigener pleurogramma: Tetraodontidae), and silver biddy (Gerres subfasciatus: Gerreidae). Considerable variation at a range of temporal scales from short term (day versus night) to longer term (spawning periods) was detected for all but one of the variables examined. The clearest patterns were observed for diurnal effects, where generally abundance was greater at night than during the day. There were also strong lunar effects, although there were no consistent patterns between full moon and new moon periods. Significant differences among months within spawning periods were more common than differences between the actual spawning periods. The results clearly indicate that utilisation of sandy, unvegetated estuarine habitats is very dynamic and highly variable in space and time.  相似文献   

This study sought to investigate land‐snail diversity, abundance and distribution in Arabuko Sokoke forest. Sampling was done using standard timed direct search and litter sample methods. In total, 25 species and 1263 specimens were recorded. The 25 species rank Arabuko Sokoke forest as the second richest coastal forest in land snails in East Africa. The 25 species, however, are not uniformly distributed across the forest. The majority of the snails were localized with low levels of abundance. Eight species were restricted to one forest type, whereas those shared among forest types tended to concentrate in one forest type. Only five species, Gulella radius, Gulella foveolata, Gonaxis kibweziensis, Pseudoglessula biovini and Opeas gracilis, were widespread. The highest snail diversity was recorded in the mixed forest, implying that special conservation of this habitat is necessary for retention of the broadest molluscan diversity. The observation that some species rare in the mixed forest were recorded in excess from Brachystegia and Cynometra forest, further suggests that conservation of the entire A. Sokoke forest is critical for efficient molluscan conservation. Species recorded in low levels of abundance are probably declining and investigation on the snails' ecology to understand factors that influence the snails' diversity is recommended.  相似文献   

Utter F  Seeb J 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(22):4831-4833
Given over 90 combined years in academic and professional activities related to genetics and fishery management (FU 57, JS 36—see Waples et al. 2008 ), we are pleased to provide an invited perspective generated by the interesting and useful article of McCusker & Bentzen (2010) . These authors reaffirm the apparent signature of neutrality of mitochondrial and microsatellite markers through an exhaustive analysis of archived genotypic data for 105 marine and freshwater fishes. They note that their conclusions are consistent with earlier and less comprehensive analyses and that they do not exclude the operation of some selective activity (e.g. genetic ‘draft’), which may be overwhelmed by Ne‐related stochastic processes. Here, we provide a complementary focus, recalling relevant issues related to neutrality and selection in applications of molecular variations in fishery management.  相似文献   

Predation by visual predators is often affected by light conditions and may therefore exhibit strong diel variation. The dominant predators on grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, are finfish predators that are thought to locate their prey by visual cues. We examined the response of grass shrimp to diel variation in predation risk in the nearshore shallow waters of the Chesapeake Bay. We used diel shoreline seines to assess the relative abundance of predators. We assessed the relative risk of predation with shrimp tethered at refuge (30 cm) and nonrefuge (60 cm) depths. To measure grass shrimp response to predation risk, we used dipnets to monitor habitat use. Four predominantly visual predators dominated the shoreline seine catches, Fundulus heteroclitus, Micropogonias undulatus, Morone americana and Morone saxatilis. Total predator abundance had a diel component, with dramatic nighttime decreases in total abundance, whereas guild composition and relative abundance remained unchanged. Relative predation risk for tethered shrimp exhibited significant time by habitat interaction. During the day, depth negatively affected survivorship of tethered shrimp while at night overall survivorship increased and there was no effect of depth. Shrimp habitats use reflected diel predation risks. Abundances in the near shore were highest during the day with decreased abundances at night. Together, the seine and tethering data highlight the importance for a refuge (e.g., shallow water) from predation during the daytime and a relaxation of predation pressure at night.  相似文献   

The relationships between environmental variables, distribution of freshwater fishes and their diet were investigated at 40 sites on irrigation ditches for rice fields in central Japan. Multivariate analyses showed that fish species richness and diversity in ditches was high when fishes were able to easily invade the rice fields. Natural stream beds not covered by concrete had greater total number and biomass of fishes in irrigation ditches. The connection between ditches and rice fields was of secondary importance. Canonical correlation analysis indicated that the two principal fish community variables, abundance and diversity, were respectively represented by the presence of the minnow, Gnathopogon elongatus elongatus, and the absence of the loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. Most fishes in the irrigation ditches predominantly preyed upon aquatic insects such as ephemeropteran nymphs, chironomid larvae and trichopteran larvae, but aerial insects and benthic algae were also fed upon by a few species. Small fishes (<4cm SL) preyed more on chironomid and less on trichopteran larvae than large (4cm SL) fishes. The diet overlap between species was extremely high for small fishes in ditches weakly connected with rice fields. The recent changes in rice fields and irrigation ditches to increase production efficiency has led to a decrease in fish diversity. For the coexistence of rice production and fish diversity in rice areas, a new irrigation system, where fishes can easily invade rice fields and where plenty of invertebrates are available for fishes, should be developed.  相似文献   

Yuan  Chun-ming  Liu  Wen-yao  Tang  Cindy Q.  Li  Xiao-shuang 《Ecological Research》2009,24(6):1361-1370
The species composition, diversity, and abundance of lianas were studied in four secondary forests (a 100-year-old forest, a middle-aged forest, and two younger secondary forests), and compared with an undisturbed primary forest in the Ailao Mountains of subtropical SW China. The results showed that the species composition of lianas differed greatly from the secondary forests to the primary forest, which exhibit early and late-successional species. The abundance of lianas was relatively higher in the two younger and middle-aged secondary forests than in the old-growth secondary and primary forests. However, liana species richness was very limited in the four secondary forests as compared to the primary forest. Root climbers mainly grew in the primary forest, whereas tendril and hook climbers predominated in the four secondary forests, while stem twiners were common in both. The majority of lianas recorded in this study reproduced by animal dispersal, and there was no variation in dispersal modes across the five forest types. A step-wise regression showed that the abundance of small lianas (dbh <4 cm) was positively correlated with the abundance of small- and medium-sized tree stems and negatively correlated with the abundance of large-sized tree stems, whereas there is a strong positive correlation between the abundance of large lianas (dbh ≥4 cm) and large tree stems. Results from the CCA indicate that canopy openness, soil moisture, and average canopy height were the most important factors that influenced the abundance and distribution of lianas.  相似文献   

Land-use alterations can have profound influences on faunal distributions, including host-parasite relationships. Yellow grub trematodes ( Clinostomum spp.) have complex life cycles involving 3 hosts: a snail, a fish or amphibian, and a bird. Here, we analyze the distribution, prevalence, intensity, abundance, and genetic diversity of encysting metacercariae of Clinostomum spp. in salamanders and fishes throughout an aquatic system that includes a natural Ozark stream and man-made ponds. We found Clinostomum sp. infecting permanently aquatic Oklahoma salamanders ( Eurycea tynerensis ; 56% prevalence) and larval grotto salamanders ( Eurycea spelaea ) immediately downstream from a man-made pond. However, Clinostomum sp. did not infect any salamanders in the spring that supplies this pond, or in sections farther downstream (~0.5 and 2 km). Metacercariae of Clinostomum sp. were present in ~90% of introduced largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) in the man-made pond adjunct to the stream. Morphological examination and phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase 1 ( Co1 ) and the nuclear ribosomal gene 18S show that fishes and salamanders at this site are primarily infected with Clinostomum marginatum . There is a relatively high degree of mitochondrial haplotype diversity in C. marginatum at this site but no consistent genetic difference between parasites in largemouth bass from the man-made pond and those in salamanders from the stream. Based on the microgeographic distribution and relationships of metacercariae of C. marginatum at this site, we hypothesize that the adjunct man-made pond has created an ecological situation that brings the cercariae of this parasite into contact with novel stream salamander hosts.  相似文献   

To understand the structure of marine diazotrophic communities in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean, the molecular diversity of the nifH gene was studied by nested PCR amplification using degenerate primers, followed by cloning and sequencing. Sequences of nifH genes were amplified from environmental DNA samples collected during three cruises (November-December 2000, March 2002, and October-November 2002) covering an area between 0 to 28.3 degrees N and 56.6 to 18.5 degrees W. A total of 170 unique sequences were recovered from 18 stations and 23 depths. Samples from the November-December 2000 cruise contained both unicellular and filamentous cyanobacterial nifH phylotypes, as well as gamma-proteobacterial and cluster III sequences, so far only reported in the Pacific Ocean. In contrast, samples from the March 2002 cruise contained only phylotypes related to the uncultured group A unicellular cyanobacteria. The October-November 2002 cruise contained both filamentous and unicellular cyanobacterial and gamma-proteobacterial sequences. Several sequences were identical at the nucleotide level to previously described environmental sequences from the Pacific Ocean, including group A sequences. The data suggest a community shift from filamentous cyanobacteria in surface waters to unicellular cyanobacteria and/or heterotrophic bacteria in deeper waters. With one exception, filamentous cyanobacterial nifH sequences were present within temperatures ranging between 26.5 and 30 degrees C and where nitrate was undetectable. In contrast, nonfilamentous nifH sequences were found throughout a broader temperature range, 15 to 30 degrees C, more often in waters with temperature of <26 degrees C, and were sometimes recovered from waters with detectable nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

The assessment of fish densities using point abundance sampling by electro‐fishing requires information about the size of the sample area. For electro‐fishing the effective fishing range depends on biological effects such as species and length of fish as well as physical effects like conductivity of water or substrate type. The present study investigates systematically the impact of conductivity and substrate type on the extension of the electrical field of a battery‐powered electro‐fishing gear (DEKA 3000, Marsberg, Germany), modified for larval and juvenile fishes. Threshold values for galvanotaxis were examined for juvenile fishes of five species in terms of current densities. Based on 71 experiments a general function relating body length to current density threshold values was developed. Optimal electrical current flow periods of 10 s were determined. For three different substrate types (gravel, sand, mud) a formula has been developed to quantify biological and physical effects on the effective fishing range. Each equation included information on the length of fish and the ambient conductivity. An increase in the effective fishing range of about 10% every 0.1 mS cm?1 was established. Reduction of the fishing range over muddy substrate was about 20–30% compared with coarse gravel or sand. This study provides a sufficient tool to calculate area‐related densities of larval and juvenile fishes in different habitat types of a large river system using point abundance sampling by electro‐fishing. Finally, calculated fish densities were evaluated by different types of fishing gear.  相似文献   

北部湾海域浮游介形类物种组成、丰度分布及多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据1998年1月~1999年5月北部湾海域4个航次生态环境综合调查资料,对北部湾海域浮游介形类进行分析研究。结果表明,北部湾渔场浮游介形类物种组成较为简单,记录有小型海萤(Cypridina nana)、齿形海萤(Cypridina dentata)、尖尾海萤(Cypridina acuminata)、纳米海萤(Cypridina nami)、针刺真浮萤(Euconchoecia aculeata)、细长真浮萤(Euconchoecia elongata)、后圆真浮萤(Euconchoecia maimai)等18种;隶属于2亚目、2科、4亚科、12属,其中有4种周年出现,9种只在特定的单一季节出现,其余5种季节性出现;夏季和冬季出现的物种数最多,达到11种;春季次之,为9种;秋季最少,只有6种。北部湾浮游介形类可以划分为3个生态类群,即低盐暖水类群、广温广盐类群和高温高盐类群,优势种群主要是近岸低盐暖水类群的针刺真浮萤和尖尾海萤。全海域栖息密度变化范围为0.02~51.58ind./m^3,年平均1.22ind./m^3,春季最高,达2.73ind./m^3,在湾西北部密集有大量的针刺真浮萤;夏季此密集区逐渐向湾中部移动,纳米海萤为其密集种,栖息密度也有所降低;秋、冬季量少,但在湾南、北部各出现一个丰度相对较高的密集区,并由南北向湾中部递减。总生物量具有明显的季节性变化,平面分布趋势与栖息密度相似。生物多样性指数低,以湾口较高、湾顶较低,呈湾口向湾内西北方向递减趋势;全海域年平均多样性阈值为0.329,四季多样性水平皆为Ⅰ级,多样性程度低;多样性程度较高的区域,多出现于受外海水影响较大、水文状况变化较为复杂的海域。对浮游介形类的物种组成、丰度分布及多样性与北部湾的水系、水团、水温及盐度等环境因子的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A total of 168 bottom longline operations were carried out at depths between 72 and 1102 m during four cruises off Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. One hundred and twenty-eight operations were successful, resulting in the capture of 1167 fishes belonging to 55 species. Clear variations in fish total weight and number, species richness and diversity, and the relative abundance of single species occurred among five different depth zones between 100 and 1100 m. The particular platform topography of the Canary Islands may affect the density and diversity of slope-dwelling fishes. Whereas fish body length and weight showed an overall increase with depth, no such trends were found at the level of individual species. One species, Lepidopus caudalus , even revealed a bigger-shallower trend. Among three species of trichiurids, depth distribution patterns were detected that may reflect vertical space partitioning. In October 1995, an unusually high number of Mora moro with advanced gonadal maturity were collected off eastern Fuerteventura at 997 m depth. At lesser depths and during other seasons, only a few individuals of this species were caught in the same area. This indicated a seasonal variability in local abundance that is most probably related to reproduction. Mora moro has an excellent flesh and may represent a valuable fisheries resource. Open problems requiring further research in the study area such as selectivity effects of the fishing gear and possible influences of ecological factors on geographical distribution of the deep-water ichthyofauna, as well as important aspects of the future demersal fisheries management in the Canarian archipelago are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

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