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The population structure, age, growth, mortality and harvest intensity of the oyster Crassostrea madrasensis were examined in the Moheskhali Channel, Bangladesh between June 2003 and May 2004. The channel is a representative habitat for the area. C. madrasensis monthly length frequency data were analyzed using FiSAT software for estimating population parameters, including asymptotic length ( L ), growth co-efficient ( K ) and recruitment pattern to assess the status of the stock. Asymptotic length ( L∝ ) and growth co-efficient ( K ) were 20.88 cm and 0.35 year−1, respectively. The growth performance index (φ') was calculated with 2.18. The growth pattern showed negative allometric growth ( b  < 3), with an asymptotic weight ( W ) of about 1124.6 g. The oyster attained an average length of 6.17 cm at the end of 1 year. Total mortality ( Z ) by length-converted catch curve was estimated at 1.78 year−1, fishing mortality ( F ) at 0.77 year−1, and natural mortality ( M ) at 1.01 year−1. The exploitation level ( E ) of C. madrasensis was 0.43, while the maximum allowable limit of exploitation ( E max) was 0.45 for the highest yield. The recruitment pattern was continuous, displaying a single major peak event per year. Habitat temperatures were 25.5–31.0°C (mean ± SD, 29 ± 1.62°C); salinity range was from 12.36 to 26.0 ppt (mean ± SD, 19.6 ± 4.7 ppt). The exploitation level (0.43) indicated that the oyster stock was exploited at almost maximum yield in this channel.  相似文献   

This study investigated variation in the rates of growth and mortality, and age and fork‐length (LF) compositions of two exploited species of Mugilidae, Liza argentea and Myxus elongatus, in two south‐east Australian estuaries (Lake Macquarie and St Georges Basin). An ageing protocol was developed by counting opaque growth zones on sectioned otoliths which was validated by periodically examining the otoliths of captive‐reared young‐of‐the‐year fishes, and marginal increment analysis of wild fishes. The maximum recorded age was 17 years for L. argentea and 12 years for M. elongatus, which is greater than generally observed in other species of mugilids. Growth models of each species significantly differed between sexes and, except for male L. argentea, between estuaries. Fishes from Lake Macquarie generally had a greater mean LF at age than those from St Georges Basin and females of both species generally attained a greater maximum LF and age than males. Gillnet catches of L. argentea were of similar LF and age compositions in both estuaries, whereas the age composition of catches of M. elongatus in Lake Macquarie contained a greater proportion of younger fish. Estimates of total, natural and fishing mortality were greater for M. elongatus than L. argentea across both estuaries, and estimates of total mortality were greatest for both species in Lake Macquarie. The data indicate that neither species has been overfished in these estuaries.  相似文献   

Otolith‐based methods were used to determine life history traits of the endemic Brazilian snapper (Lutjanus alexandrei) in estuarine and coastal environments in the south‐western Atlantic. Fishes were caught as juveniles inside mangrove‐bordered estuaries by traditional corral fisheries whereas adults were captured at sea using motorboats with trap and gill nets. Fish were sampled during landings and 331 otolith pairs were extracted from Lalexandrei. Inshore mangroves comprised individuals of 0–4 years (mean: 2 years), while individuals in deeper reef environments were older (range: 3–22; mean: 8 years), indicating an ontogenetic shift at approximately age 3 or 4. Edge analysis was used to validate the annual deposition in the otoliths, suggesting that opaque growth rings were formed between April and September. Age‐at‐length data were used to predict Lalexandrei growth rates using the von Bertalanffy growth model from where the parameters were calculated: L = 31 cm, k = 0.24, t0 = ?1.26, r= 0.97. Mortality rates were estimated for coastal habitats, with Z = 0.22 and S = 0.78 year?1, based on ages 7–17. Additionally, evidence of ontogenetic migration is provided by age and size structure.  相似文献   

Identifying microevolutionary processes acting in populations of marine species with larval dispersal is a challenging but crucial task because of its conservation implications. In this context, recent improvements in the study of spatial genetic structure (SGS) are particularly promising because they allow accurate insights into the demographic and evolutionary processes at stake. Using an exhaustive sampling and a combination of image processing and population genetics, we highlighted significant SGS between colonies of Corallium rubrum over an area of half a square metre, which sheds light on a number of aspects of its population biology. Based on this SGS, we found the mean dispersal range within sites to be between 22.6 and 32.1 cm, suggesting that the surveyed area approximately corresponded to a breeding unit. We then conducted a kinship analysis, which revealed a complex half‐sib family structure and allowed us to quantify the level of self‐recruitment and to characterize aspects of the mating system of this species. Furthermore, significant temporal variations in allele frequencies were observed, suggesting low genetic drift. These results have important conservation implications for the red coral and further our understanding of the microevolutionary processes acting within populations of sessile marine species with a larval phase.  相似文献   

Age, growth and mortality were analysed for the common two‐banded seabream, Diplodus vulgaris, collected in the eastern Adriatic (Croatian coast) from commercial fishery catches by ‘tramata’ fishing (2005–2006) to obtain growth estimation. The oldest female was estimated to be age 11, the oldest male age 10 years. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated by reading scales were: L = 48.60 cm (SE = 1.101), K = 0.112 (SE = 0.005) and t0 = ?2.366 (SE = 0.060) for all specimens; L = 51.96 cm (SE = 2.153), K = 0.095 (SE = 0.007) and t0 = ?2.837 (SE = 0.120) for females and L = 56.25 cm (SE = 2.662), K = 0.084 (SE = 0.067) and t0 = ?2.920 (SE = 0.117) for males. The overall sex ratio was 1.22 : 1 in favour of males. Total mortality, corresponding to the slope of the descending limb of the catch curve, was Z = 0.81 per year for females and Z = 0.85 per year for males. Exploitation ratios were E = 0.68 for females and E = 0.73 for males.  相似文献   

The age, growth, and population structure of the smooth clam Callista chione were determined from samples collected by hydraulic dredge and SCUBA at four locations in the eastern Adriatic during 2007 and 2008. The age of 436 clam shells was determined from internal growth lines present in shell sections, and the timing of growth line formation was ascertained from monthly collections of clams to occur between August and September when sea water temperatures were maximal. In addition, age of 30 older individuals was verified with acetate peels of polished and etched shell sections. Differences were apparent in the age structure and growth rates of clams collected from the four locations studied. Von Bertalanffy growth (VBG) curves obtained for clams from these locations were L t  = 72.4 (1−e−0.25(t − 2.68)) (Rab Island), L t  = 74.5 (1−e−0.15(t + 0.57)) (Pag Bay), L t  = 79.3 (1−e−0.34(t − 0.97)) (Cetina estuary), and L t  = 82.5 (1−e−0.11(t + 2.88)) (Kaštela Bay). The age of the clams ranged between 3 and 44 years; median clam ages were similar at three of the four locations (14, 12, and 12 years, respectively), but was significantly lower in the Cetina estuary (4 years). The VBG growth constants recorded from clams were within the range of values obtained for this species by previous authors. The observed local differences in population structure indicate different levels of exploitation and illustrate the need to establish long-term strategies for a sustainable exploitation of smooth clams in the Croatian Adriatic.  相似文献   

The genetic population structure of red snapper Lutjanus malabaricus and Lutjanus erythropterus in eastern Indonesia and northern Australia was investigated by allozyme electrophoresis and sequence variation in the control region of mtDNA. Samples were collected from eight sites in Indonesia and four sites in northern Australia for both species. A total of 13 allozyme loci were scored. More variable loci were observed in L. malabaricus than in L. erythropterus . Sequence variation in the control region (left domain) of the mitochondrial genome was assessed by RFLP and direct sequencing. MtDNA haplotype diversity was high ( L. erythropterus , 0·95 and L. malabaricus , 0·97), as was intraspecific sequence divergence, ( L. erythropterus , 0·0–12·5% and L. malabaricus , 0·0–9·5%). The pattern of mtDNA haplotype frequencies grouped both species into two broad fisheries stocks with a genetic boundary either between Kupang and Sape ( L. malabaricus ) or between Kupang and Australian Timor Sea ( L. erythropertus ). The allozyme analyses revealed similar boundaries for L. erythropterus . Seven allozymes stocks compared to two mtDNA stocks of L. malabaricus including Ambon, which was not sampled with mtDNA, however, were reported. Possible reasons for differences in discrimination between the methods include: i) increased power of multiple allozyme loci over the single mtDNA locus, ii) insufficient gene sampling in the mtDNA control region and iii) relative evolutionary dynamics of nuclear (allozyme loci) and mitochondrial DNA in these taxa. Allozyme and haplotype data did not distinguish separate stocks among the four Australian locations nor the central Indonesian (Bali and Sape locations) for both L. malabaricus and L. erythropterus.  相似文献   

Population structure, growth, length–weight relationship, mortality and stock size of tench, Tinca tinca (L.), was studied in Lake Beyşehir, Turkey in 2005. Totals of 3360 tench (1865 males; 1795 females) were captured with gill- and trammel-nets of various mesh sizes. Male to female ratio was 1.04 : 1. The study covered length year classes. Fork lengths and total weights ranged from 9 to 37 cm and 13 to 815 g. For all individuals, the von Bertalanffy growth equation and length–weight relationship were L t = 54.2[1−exp(−0.1350( t  + 1.0281)] and W  = 0.0151  L 2.9993, respectively. Growth performance index and mean condition factor of the tench population were 2.598 and 1.513, respectively. Mortality rates were Z  = 1.97 year−1, M  = 0.29 year−1 and F  = 1.68 year−1 for total, natural, and fishing mortality, respectively. The exploitation rate was E  = 0.85, and the percentage of surviving fish was 13.9%. Tench stock was assessed as about 6–7 million individuals and 1450–1500 tonnes in biomass. It was determined that maximum sustainable yield could be obtained with an 80% level of the current fishing effort.  相似文献   

Predation of tree seeds can be a major factor structuring plant communities. We present a three year study on tree seed survival on experimental dishes in an old‐growth forest in central Europe in Austria. We addressed species specific, spatial and temporal aspects of post‐dispersal seed predation. Seeds of Norway spruce Picea abies, European beech Fagus sylvatica, and silver fir Abies alba were exposed on dishes in different types of exclosures which allowed access only to specific guilds of seed predators. Removal experiments were carried out in two old‐growth forests and a managed forest (macro‐sites), including micro‐sites with and without cover of ground vegetation. We conducted the experiment in three consecutive years with a mast year of beech and spruce before the first year of the study. The seed removal experiments were combined with live trapping of small mammals being potential seed predators. Our experiments showed a distinctly different impact of different predator guilds on seed survival on the dishes with highest removal rates of seeds from dishes accessible for small mammals. We observed differing preferences of small mammals for the different tree species. Seed survival in different macro‐ and micro‐habitats were highly variable with lower seed survival in old growth forests. In contrast to our assumption, and in contrast to the satiation hypothesis which assumes higher seed survival in and directly after mast years, seed survival was lower in the year following the mast year of beech when a population peak of small mammals occurred and higher in intermast periods when subsequently small mammal population crashed. This suggests a higher importance of sporadic masting shortly after mast years in intermast periods for establishment of forest trees provided that pollination efficiency is high enough in such years. Combined with the high seed mortality observed after the mast year, this corroborates the important role of seed predation for forest dynamics. An altered synchrony or asynchrony of masting of different tree species and changed masting frequencies through climate change may thus lead to strong and non‐linear effects on forest dynamics.  相似文献   

Siphonophores are exclusively marine cnidaria and their predatory role in plankton food-webs is well recognised. In this study, we analyse the structure and the spatial extent of siphonophore assemblages in relation to changes in freshwater outflows and food availability in the southern Gulf of Mexico during a high (October) and a low (April) outflow periods. A total of 149 samples were collected using a 505 μm multiple closing net at 1–6 levels (0–100 m) of the water column, depending on the bathymetry. Data on siphonophore species biovolumes (ml 100 m−3) were treated by means of the Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Index, and two distinctive assemblages were identified: the ‘inner’ and the ‘outer’ assemblages, located over the inner and outer shelves. Temperature, salinity, zooplankton biomass, and siphonophore species were included in a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to identify the factors associated with each assemblage. Geographical distribution of the assemblages practically remained the same during both seasons and its cross-shelf variability was stronger than the vertical one. Seasonally, diversity values were higher in October, when the highest river discharges occur. Spatially, the lowest diversity and mean siphonophore biovolumes values were registered in the ‘inner assemblage’, where the highest and lowest salinity values were recorded. We suggest that even when extreme salinity values (>36.5 or <34) might depress siphonophore populations in the coastal area, enough food availability in the concerned areas might mitigate the negative effect of salinity, since a positive and significant (p < 0.05) relationship was found between siphonophores biovolume and zooplankton biomass. Bassia bassensis, Diphyes dispar and Enneanogum hyalinum, present in both assemblages during both seasons, were able to survive in a wide range of salinity values, following perhaps, their prey. All the 23 species here registered were found in the ‘outer assemblage’; however, Abylopsis eschscholtzi, Chelophyes appendiculata and Diphyes bojani were more associated with the ‘outer’ group according to the PCA results. Enneagonum hyalinum was the only species frequently encountered and abundant in the ‘inner assemblage’ during both seasons and, supporting previous observations, this species might be considered as an indicator of nearshore waters. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

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