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MOTIVATION: One important aspect of data-mining of microarray data is to discover the molecular variation among cancers. In microarray studies, the number n of samples is relatively small compared to the number p of genes per sample (usually in thousands). It is known that standard statistical methods in classification are efficient (i.e. in the present case, yield successful classifiers) particularly when n is (far) larger than p. This naturally calls for the use of a dimension reduction procedure together with the classification one. RESULTS: In this paper, the question of classification in such a high-dimensional setting is addressed. We view the classification problem as a regression one with few observations and many predictor variables. We propose a new method combining partial least squares (PLS) and Ridge penalized logistic regression. We review the existing methods based on PLS and/or penalized likelihood techniques, outline their interest in some cases and theoretically explain their sometimes poor behavior. Our procedure is compared with these other classifiers. The predictive performance of the resulting classification rule is illustrated on three data sets: Leukemia, Colon and Prostate.  相似文献   

Classification of gene microarrays by penalized logistic regression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Classification of patient samples is an important aspect of cancer diagnosis and treatment. The support vector machine (SVM) has been successfully applied to microarray cancer diagnosis problems. However, one weakness of the SVM is that given a tumor sample, it only predicts a cancer class label but does not provide any estimate of the underlying probability. We propose penalized logistic regression (PLR) as an alternative to the SVM for the microarray cancer diagnosis problem. We show that when using the same set of genes, PLR and the SVM perform similarly in cancer classification, but PLR has the advantage of additionally providing an estimate of the underlying probability. Often a primary goal in microarray cancer diagnosis is to identify the genes responsible for the classification, rather than class prediction. We consider two gene selection methods in this paper, univariate ranking (UR) and recursive feature elimination (RFE). Empirical results indicate that PLR combined with RFE tends to select fewer genes than other methods and also performs well in both cross-validation and test samples. A fast algorithm for solving PLR is also described.  相似文献   

One important issue commonly encountered in the analysis of microarray data is to decide which and how many genes should be selected for further studies. For discriminant microarray data analyses based on statistical models, such as the logistic regression models, gene selection can be accomplished by a comparison of the maximum likelihood of the model given the real data, L(D|M), and the expected maximum likelihood of the model given an ensemble of surrogate data with randomly permuted label, L(D(0)|M). Typically, the computational burden for obtaining L(D(0)M) is immense, often exceeding the limits of available computing resources by orders of magnitude. Here, we propose an approach that circumvents such heavy computations by mapping the simulation problem to an extreme-value problem. We present the derivation of an asymptotic distribution of the extreme-value as well as its mean, median, and variance. Using this distribution, we propose two gene selection criteria, and we apply them to two microarray datasets and three classification tasks for illustration.  相似文献   



Accurate diagnosis of cancer subtypes remains a challenging problem. Building classifiers based on gene expression data is a promising approach; yet the selection of non-redundant but relevant genes is difficult.  相似文献   

DNA microarray technology provides a promising approach to the diagnosis and prognosis of tumors on a genome-wide scale by monitoring the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously. One problem arising from the use of microarray data is the difficulty to analyze the high-dimensional gene expression data, typically with thousands of variables (genes) and much fewer observations (samples), in which severe collinearity is often observed. This makes it difficult to apply directly the classical statistical methods to investigate microarray data. In this paper, total principal component regression (TPCR) was proposed to classify human tumors by extracting the latent variable structure underlying microarray data from the augmented subspace of both independent variables and dependent variables. One of the salient features of our method is that it takes into account not only the latent variable structure but also the errors in the microarray gene expression profiles (independent variables). The prediction performance of TPCR was evaluated by both leave-one-out and leave-half-out cross-validation using four well-known microarray datasets. The stabilities and reliabilities of the classification models were further assessed by re-randomization and permutation studies. A fast kernel algorithm was applied to decrease the computation time dramatically. (MATLAB source code is available upon request.).  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Gene selection algorithms for cancer classification, based on the expression of a small number of biomarker genes, have been the subject of considerable research in recent years. Shevade and Keerthi propose a gene selection algorithm based on sparse logistic regression (SLogReg) incorporating a Laplace prior to promote sparsity in the model parameters, and provide a simple but efficient training procedure. The degree of sparsity obtained is determined by the value of a regularization parameter, which must be carefully tuned in order to optimize performance. This normally involves a model selection stage, based on a computationally intensive search for the minimizer of the cross-validation error. In this paper, we demonstrate that a simple Bayesian approach can be taken to eliminate this regularization parameter entirely, by integrating it out analytically using an uninformative Jeffrey's prior. The improved algorithm (BLogReg) is then typically two or three orders of magnitude faster than the original algorithm, as there is no longer a need for a model selection step. The BLogReg algorithm is also free from selection bias in performance estimation, a common pitfall in the application of machine learning algorithms in cancer classification. RESULTS: The SLogReg, BLogReg and Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) gene selection algorithms are evaluated over the well-studied colon cancer and leukaemia benchmark datasets. The leave-one-out estimates of the probability of test error and cross-entropy of the BLogReg and SLogReg algorithms are very similar, however the BlogReg algorithm is found to be considerably faster than the original SLogReg algorithm. Using nested cross-validation to avoid selection bias, performance estimation for SLogReg on the leukaemia dataset takes almost 48 h, whereas the corresponding result for BLogReg is obtained in only 1 min 24 s, making BLogReg by far the more practical algorithm. BLogReg also demonstrates better estimates of conditional probability than the RVM, which are of great importance in medical applications, with similar computational expense. AVAILABILITY: A MATLAB implementation of the sparse logistic regression algorithm with Bayesian regularization (BLogReg) is available from http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~gcc/cbl/blogreg/  相似文献   

Cancer classification is the critical basis for patient-tailored therapy, while pathway analysis is a promising method to discover the underlying molecular mechanisms related to cancer development by using microarray data. However, linking the molecular classification and pathway analysis with gene network approach has not been discussed yet. In this study, we developed a novel framework based on cancer class-specific gene networks for classification and pathway analysis. This framework involves a novel gene network construction, named ordering network, which exhibits the power-law node-degree distribution as seen in correlation networks. The results obtained from five public cancer datasets showed that the gene networks with ordering relationship are better than those with correlation relationship in terms of accuracy and stability of the classification performance. Furthermore, we integrated the ordering networks, classification information and pathway database to develop the topology-based pathway analysis for identifying cancer class-specific pathways, which might be essential in the biological significance of cancer. Our results suggest that the topology-based classification technology can precisely distinguish cancer subclasses and the topology-based pathway analysis can characterize the correspondent biochemical pathways even if there are subtle, but consistent, changes in gene expression, which may provide new insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Using a measure of how differentially expressed a gene is in two biochemically/phenotypically different conditions, we can rank all genes in a microarray dataset. We have shown that the falling-off of this measure (normalized maximum likelihood in a classification model such as logistic regression) as a function of the rank is typically a power-law function. This power-law function in other similar ranked plots are known as the Zipf's law, observed in many natural and social phenomena. The presence of this power-law function prevents an intrinsic cutoff point between the "important" genes and "irrelevant" genes. We have shown that similar power-law functions are also present in permuted dataset, and provide an explanation from the well-known chi(2) distribution of likelihood ratios. We discuss the implication of this Zipf's law on gene selection in a microarray data analysis, as well as other characterizations of the ranked likelihood plots such as the rate of fall-off of the likelihood.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Methods for analyzing cancer microarray data often face two distinct challenges: the models they infer need to perform well when classifying new tissue samples while at the same time providing an insight into the patterns and gene interactions hidden in the data. State-of-the-art supervised data mining methods often cover well only one of these aspects, motivating the development of methods where predictive models with a solid classification performance would be easily communicated to the domain expert. RESULTS: Data visualization may provide for an excellent approach to knowledge discovery and analysis of class-labeled data. We have previously developed an approach called VizRank that can score and rank point-based visualizations according to degree of separation of data instances of different class. We here extend VizRank with techniques to uncover outliers, score features (genes) and perform classification, as well as to demonstrate that the proposed approach is well suited for cancer microarray analysis. Using VizRank and radviz visualization on a set of previously published cancer microarray data sets, we were able to find simple, interpretable data projections that include only a small subset of genes yet do clearly differentiate among different cancer types. We also report that our approach to classification through visualization achieves performance that is comparable to state-of-the-art supervised data mining techniques. AVAILABILITY: VizRank and radviz are implemented as part of the Orange data mining suite (http://www.ailab.si/orange). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available from http://www.ailab.si/supp/bi-cancer.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression detection and sample classification using microarray data have received much research interest recently. Owing to the large number of genes p and small number of samples n (p > n), microarray data analysis poses big challenges for statistical analysis. An obvious problem owing to the 'large p small n' is over-fitting. Just by chance, we are likely to find some non-differentially expressed genes that can classify the samples very well. The idea of shrinkage is to regularize the model parameters to reduce the effects of noise and produce reliable inferences. Shrinkage has been successfully applied in the microarray data analysis. The SAM statistics proposed by Tusher et al. and the 'nearest shrunken centroid' proposed by Tibshirani et al. are ad hoc shrinkage methods. Both methods are simple, intuitive and prove to be useful in empirical studies. Recently Wu proposed the penalized t/F-statistics with shrinkage by formally using the (1) penalized linear regression models for two-class microarray data, showing good performance. In this paper we systematically discussed the use of penalized regression models for analyzing microarray data. We generalize the two-class penalized t/F-statistics proposed by Wu to multi-class microarray data. We formally derive the ad hoc shrunken centroid used by Tibshirani et al. using the (1) penalized regression models. And we show that the penalized linear regression models provide a rigorous and unified statistical framework for sample classification and differential gene expression detection.  相似文献   



Privacy protecting is an important issue in medical informatics and differential privacy is a state-of-the-art framework for data privacy research. Differential privacy offers provable privacy against attackers who have auxiliary information, and can be applied to data mining models (for example, logistic regression). However, differentially private methods sometimes introduce too much noise and make outputs less useful. Given available public data in medical research (e.g. from patients who sign open-consent agreements), we can design algorithms that use both public and private data sets to decrease the amount of noise that is introduced.


In this paper, we modify the update step in Newton-Raphson method to propose a differentially private distributed logistic regression model based on both public and private data.

Experiments and results

We try our algorithm on three different data sets, and show its advantage over: (1) a logistic regression model based solely on public data, and (2) a differentially private distributed logistic regression model based on private data under various scenarios.


Logistic regression models built with our new algorithm based on both private and public datasets demonstrate better utility than models that trained on private or public datasets alone without sacrificing the rigorous privacy guarantee.

Conditional logistic regression models for correlated binary data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

MOTIVATION: Logistic regression is a standard method for building prediction models for a binary outcome and has been extended for disease classification with microarray data by many authors. A feature (gene) selection step, however, must be added to penalized logistic modeling due to a large number of genes and a small number of subjects. Model selection for this two-step approach requires new statistical tools because prediction error estimation ignoring the feature selection step can be severely downward biased. Generic methods such as cross-validation and non-parametric bootstrap can be very ineffective due to the big variability in the prediction error estimate. RESULTS: We propose a parametric bootstrap model for more accurate estimation of the prediction error that is tailored to the microarray data by borrowing from the extensive research in identifying differentially expressed genes, especially the local false discovery rate. The proposed method provides guidance on the two critical issues in model selection: the number of genes to include in the model and the optimal shrinkage for the penalized logistic regression. We show that selecting more than 20 genes usually helps little in further reducing the prediction error. Application to Golub's leukemia data and our own cervical cancer data leads to highly accurate prediction models. AVAILABILITY: R library GeneLogit at http://geocities.com/jg_liao  相似文献   



Designing appropriate machine learning methods for identifying genes that have a significant discriminating power for disease outcomes has become more and more important for our understanding of diseases at genomic level. Although many machine learning methods have been developed and applied to the area of microarray gene expression data analysis, the majority of them are based on linear models, which however are not necessarily appropriate for the underlying connection between the target disease and its associated explanatory genes. Linear model based methods usually also bring in false positive significant features more easily. Furthermore, linear model based algorithms often involve calculating the inverse of a matrix that is possibly singular when the number of potentially important genes is relatively large. This leads to problems of numerical instability. To overcome these limitations, a few non-linear methods have recently been introduced to the area. Many of the existing non-linear methods have a couple of critical problems, the model selection problem and the model parameter tuning problem, that remain unsolved or even untouched. In general, a unified framework that allows model parameters of both linear and non-linear models to be easily tuned is always preferred in real-world applications. Kernel-induced learning methods form a class of approaches that show promising potentials to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: DNA microarray experiments generating thousands of gene expression measurements, are being used to gather information from tissue and cell samples regarding gene expression differences that will be useful in diagnosing disease. We have developed a new method to analyse this kind of data using support vector machines (SVMs). This analysis consists of both classification of the tissue samples, and an exploration of the data for mis-labeled or questionable tissue results. RESULTS: We demonstrate the method in detail on samples consisting of ovarian cancer tissues, normal ovarian tissues, and other normal tissues. The dataset consists of expression experiment results for 97,802 cDNAs for each tissue. As a result of computational analysis, a tissue sample is discovered and confirmed to be wrongly labeled. Upon correction of this mistake and the removal of an outlier, perfect classification of tissues is achieved, but not with high confidence. We identify and analyse a subset of genes from the ovarian dataset whose expression is highly differentiated between the types of tissues. To show robustness of the SVM method, two previously published datasets from other types of tissues or cells are analysed. The results are comparable to those previously obtained. We show that other machine learning methods also perform comparably to the SVM on many of those datasets. AVAILABILITY: The SVM software is available at http://www.cs. columbia.edu/ approximately bgrundy/svm.  相似文献   

One important application of gene expression analysis is to classify tissue samples according to their gene expression levels. Gene expression data are typically characterized by high dimensionality and small sample size, which makes the classification task quite challenging. In this paper, we present a data-dependent kernel for microarray data classification. This kernel function is engineered so that the class separability of the training data is maximized. A bootstrapping-based resampling scheme is introduced to reduce the possible training bias. The effectiveness of this adaptive kernel for microarray data classification is illustrated with a k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier. Our experimental study shows that the data-dependent kernel leads to a significant improvement in the accuracy of KNN classifiers. Furthermore, this kernel-based KNN scheme has been demonstrated to be competitive to, if not better than, more sophisticated classifiers such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and the Uncorrelated Linear Discriminant Analysis (ULDA) for classifying gene expression data.  相似文献   

This study addresses the issue of peptide identification resulting from tandem mass spectrometry proteomics analysis followed by database search. This work shows that the Logistic Identification of Peptides (LIP) Index achieves high sensitivity and specificity for peptide classification relative to a manually verified "gold" standard and also accurately estimates the probability of a correct peptide match. The LIP Index is a weighted average of SEQUEST output variables based on logistic regression models and is a transparent, easy to use, inclusive, extendable, and statistically sound approach to classify correct peptide identifications. Modifications, such as normalizing cross-correlations (Xcorr) for peptide length, adjusting for charge state, and the number of tryptic termini, significantly improve the fit the logistic regression models, as well as increase sensitivity and specificity. The LIP Index also incorporates earlier developed statistical models on spectral quality assessment and peptide identification, which further improves sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

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