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Twelve polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa), one of the most valuable non‐timber forest products from the Amazon, based on enrichment protocol. Six to 18 (mean 10.4) alleles per locus were identified and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.663 to 0.923 based on a screen of 40 individuals from one population of B. excelsa. The combined probabilities of genetic identity (8.39 × 10?17) and paternity exclusion (0.999999) indicated that multilocus genotypes are likely to be unique allowing precise analyses of genetic structure, gene flow, and mating system of this economically important species.  相似文献   

Here we report massive seed predation of Pseudobombax grandiflorum (Bombacaceae) by Botogeris versicolurus (Psittacidae) in a forest fragment in Brazil. The intensity of seed predation was very high when compared to other studies in continuous forest, perhaps resulting from a scarcity of resources in such areas. This scarcity may limit the range of parrot's diet to a few plant species. It suggests that studies of Psittacidae seed predation may be important for conservation of some plants in fragments.  相似文献   

Summary We provide an estimate of genetic variation within and between two populations of Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut), a large canopy tree found in the rain forests of South America. Average heterozygosity is 0.190, and 54.3% of the sampled loci are polymorphic. The population structure deviates significantly from Hardy-Weinberg expectations for Fest2 and Pgm2 (F =0.405 and 0.443, respectively) in one population, and highly significantly (F=-0.341) for Gdh in the other population. Although allele frequencies of the two populations differ significantly for Aat2, Est5, Mdh1, and Mdh2B, Nei's coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) indicates that the between-population component (Dst) of genic diversity represents only 3.75% of the size of the within-population component (Hs). The implications of these findings in terms of conservation genetics are that much of the genetic diversity of this species may be preserved within one or a few populations. However, such populations must be very large because it appears that the large amount of genetic variation in Brazil nut populations is maintained by extensive gene flow and bonds of mating over a large area. The genetic architecture of Bertholletia excelsa is similar to that expected for an extensively diploidized paleopolyploid species.  相似文献   

Experimental approaches to study seed dispersal of the Brazil nut tree have hitherto relied on exposed seeds deposited on the forest floor. Here we use a new method to study the natural dispersal by large rodents such as agoutis; tracking experimentally manipulated and tagged fruits containing individually marked seeds. Fruit manipulation did not deter agoutis from handling fruits. We found that agoutis usually moved intact fruits away from their original location below the parent tree before either hiding them or gnawing through the pericarp to access the seeds inside. Most fruits were moved to distances of 15–30 m from their original position, but some fruits could be taken as far as 60 m. A large number of seeds extracted from manipulated fruits appeared to be eaten immediately. Only 27 out of 1740 experimental seeds were found buried in shallow caches, generally within 5 m of the opened fruit. Fruit removal distance accounted for a disproportionate amount of total seed movement and seeds in the current study were dispersed significantly farther than in a previous experiment using exposed seeds, suggesting that classic dispersal experiments of this character may severely underestimate seed dispersal distances. We therefore conclude that the new method provides a more realistic and accurate approach to investigate natural seed dispersal of Brazil nuts and that the removal of fruits from underneath parent trees before being opened is the key to the significantly increased distances at which seeds are dispersed. Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Poison frogs in the genus Dendrobates have very small clutch sizes (2–6 eggs among species for which there are data) and typically transport their tadpoles singly to small phytotelmata, such as bromeliad tanks, leaf axils, fallen fruit capsules, and treeholes. Tadpoles of many species are predaceous, consuming larvae of insects that use the same microhabitat for breeding, such as giant damselflies and mosquitoes. Previous studies and observations on the behavior of poison frog tadpoles led us to question whether tadpoles might be cannibalistic. We studied a population of Dendrobates castaneoticus in lowland rainforest in Pará, Brazil; additional data were collected on Dendrobates auratus in Nicaragua. At the study site in Brazil, we established a grid of 40 Brazil nut capsules, the microhabitat used by D. castaneoticus for tadpole deposition. Of 42 tadpoles deposited during the 55 days of the study, 20 were killed or died; 16 of these were presumably killed by conspecific tadpoles. Growth rate and time to metamorphosis was higher among tadpoles that consumed three or more tadpoles or relatively large larvae of the mosquito Trichoprosopon digitatum, a colonist of newly opened Brazil nut capsules. We propose that selection has favored the development of predatory behavior in poison frog tadpoles primarily as a mechanism to eliminate predators from the small phytotelmata in which they develop and that cannibalism is a secondary outcome of this behavior. Predatory behavior also provides tadpoles with a source of food, which is frequently limited in these microhabitats. Additional studies of the biology of tadpoles of other species of Dendrobates are needed to determine the evolution of predatory and cannibalistic behavior in the clade.  相似文献   

Scarlet Macaw diet was determined during the breeding season of February–June 1998. Macaws were primarily granivorous, exhibiting a narrow diet during the dry season, with low variety of food items in adult and nestling diets. Seeds of Cnidoscolus spp. and Schizolobium parahybum, tree species characteristic of floodplain forest, were predominant in nestling diets, and may provide protein‐rich food resources. River floodplains provided important nest sites and food resources for Scarlet Macaws during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Low postdispersal mortality of palm seeds in tapir dung is hypothesized to result from the mechanical barrier provided by dung against bruchid infestation and/or from the distance to adult palms at which seeds are dispersed. We tested these hypotheses by distributing endocarps of Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng. in experimental dung piles in Beni, Bolivia. Predation rates were significantly lower for seeds covered by dung than for exposed or partially covered seeds, but did not differ between seeds placed below and 50 m away from palms. Thus, dung, not short‐distance dispersal, protects seeds against bruchid beetles, and may ultimately promote survival of palm seeds.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the population density and home range size of red‐rumped agoutis were affected by the spatial distribution of Brazil nut trees, at the Pinkaiti Research Station, in eastern Amazonia. Agouti densities in a Brazil nut grove were two‐fold higher and home ranges were half the size than those outside it. This indicates that the large supply of Brazil nuts results in higher densities and smaller home ranges of agoutis in this seasonally dry Amazonian forest.  相似文献   

This paper describes a severe outbreak of a Lepidopteran defoliator, Lusura altrix (Stoll 1782), on Brazil nut trees in Central Amazonia. The pest outbreak appeared to succeed abnormal weather conditions, and defoliation was sufficient to disrupt normal phenological patterns.  相似文献   

Alien species have many negative effects on insular ecosystems worldwide. We investigated Ilex canariensis post-dispersal seed predation by introduced rats (Rattus spp.) in relict forests of the Canary Islands at different spatial scales: among microhabitats within the same forest, among forest types within the same island, and among different islands of the archipelago. Seed predation intensity was very high (>70%) in all cases considered, irrespective of the spatial scale. We did not find significant differences between forest interior, edges or gaps, as well as between different forest types in four islands of the archipelago. Comparatively low predation intensity was found in El Hierro island, where more than 50% of the seeds survived at the end of the experiment, while highest seed predation was observed in Tenerife island. It is concluded that post-dispersal seed predation by rats, due to its extent and intensity, could have an important effect on Ilex canariensis recruitment, especially in successional areas where this light tolerant tree can naturally establish.  相似文献   

More than 90% of birds are socially monogamous, although genetic studies indicate that many are often not sexually monogamous. In the present study, DNA fingerprinting was used to estimate the genetic relationships between nestlings belonging to the same broods to evaluate the mating system in the socially monogamous macaw, Ara ararauna. We found that in 10 of 11 broods investigated, the nestlings showed genetic similarity levels congruent with values expected among full-sibs, suggesting that they shared the same parents. However, in one brood, the low genetic similarity observed between nestlings could be a result of intraspecific brood parasitism, intraspecific nest competition or extra-pair paternity. These results, along with available behavioral and life-history data, imply that the blue-and-yellow macaw is not only socially, but also genetically monogamous. However, the occurrence of eventual cases of extra-pair paternity cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

We studied the potential role as seed disperser of the pacu fish (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Characidae) in the Pantanal of Brazil. The most important food item in the diet of the pacu in the wet season was fruits of the palm Bactris glaucescens found in the guts of 73 percent of all fishes collected (N= 70). We found a positive relationship between fish length, weight, and gape size and the number of intact seeds in their gut. Therefore, large pacus are especially important in dispersing B. glaucescens seeds within the studied system. Since the best seed dispersers are the largest fishes, which are preferred by commercial fisheries, we predict that the ongoing over fishing in freshwater ecosystems will have major impacts on the dispersal system of fish‐dependent plants. We suggest that it is paramount to change the attitudes in fisheries management of fruit‐eating fishes and urgent to evaluate the impact of fishing on forest regeneration.  相似文献   

The impact of the Pleistocene climate oscillations on the structure of biodiversity in tropical regions remains poorly understood. In this study, the forest refuge theory is examined at the molecular level in Milicia excelsa, a dioecious tree with a continuous range throughout tropical Africa. Eight nuclear microsatellites (nSSRs) and two sequences and one microsatellite from chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) showed a deep divide between samples from Benin and those from Lower Guinea. This suggests that these populations were isolated in separate geographical regions, probably for several glacial cycles of the Pleistocene, and that the nuclear gene pools were not homogenized despite M. excelsa’s wind‐pollination syndrome. The divide could also be related to seed dispersal patterns, which should be largely determined by the migration behaviour of M. excelsa’s main seed disperser, the frugivorous bat Eidolon helvum. Within Lower Guinea, a north–south divide, observed with both marker types despite weak genetic structure (nSSRs: FST = 0.035, cpDNA: GST = 0.506), suggested the existence of separate Pleistocene refugia in Cameroon and the Gabon/Congo region. We inferred a pollen‐to‐seed dispersal distance ratio of c. 1.8, consistent with wide‐ranging gene dispersal by both wind and bats. Simulations in an Approximate Bayesian Computation framework suggested low nSSR and cpDNA mutation rates, but imprecise estimates of other demographic parameters, probably due to a substantial gene flow between the Lower Guinean gene pools. The decline of genetic diversity detected in some Gabonese populations could be a consequence of the relatively recent establishment of a closed canopy forest, which could negatively affect M. excelsa’s reproductive system.  相似文献   

Seed dynamics is an important part of stand dynamics in forest ecosystems. In this paper, 26 gaps were randomly selected to study the influence of gaps on the spatial and temporal patterns of seed rains in a tropical montane rainforest of Hainan Island, South China. Three zones for each gap, including outside gap zone (Non-gap), transitional gap zone (EG-CG), and central gap zone (CG), were designed, and fourseed traps (each lm x lm in size) were placed in each zone. Seed rains were collected by these traps every 10 days from June 2001 to May 2002. Seed rain varied greatly with season and generally exhibited a pattern of unimodal change during the study period: seed abundance and species richness were both greater in the wet season than in the dry season. Gaps significantly influenced the temporal patterns of both species richness and density of seed rains. Gaps had no significant influences on the spatial distribution patterns of seed rain species richness, but significantly affected the spatial distribution pattern of seed rain densities. Among the three different zones of gaps, the outside gap zone generally received more seeds inputs than the two other gap zones.  相似文献   

The effects of dispersal pattern (seeds in small clumps vs. seeds scattered in pairs) and distance to the nearest Carapa procera (Meliaceae; a tree that produces seeds preferred by terrestrial vertebrates) on survival of seeds and seedlings were examined for the animal–dispersed tree species Virola michelii (Myristicaceae) in a mature forest‘at Paracou, French Guiana, in 1992 and 1993. We assessed the putative role of ground–dwelling mammalian herbivores, rodents, and ungulates that filter the seed shadow, acting either as dispersers or predators and thus modifying the original pattern of seed dispersal made by frugivores. We measured the effects of simulated seed burial by rodents using marked seeds and quantified the effect of protecting seeds and seedlings from ground–dwelling vertebrates on seedling germination and survival with fence exclosures in 1992. Dispersal pattern had short–term but no long–term effects on the proportion of V. michelii seeds that survived one year later as seedlings. In the short term, within six weeks, clumped seeds survived better than scattered seeds in both years. Marked seeds that were removed from their site of dispersal were eaten; rodents only rarely buried seeds of V. michelii, and seed burial reduced seed and seedling survivorship. The combined effect of the factors year and Carapa proximity significantly affected seed survival within six weeks. Although six–week seed survival was greater in 1993 than in 1992, seedling establishment was lower in 1993 than in 1992 following a lower rainfall regime during the key period of seed germination (February). One–year seed and seedling survivorship was similar between treatments and years. Seed survival and seedling establishment in V. michelii was dependent on vertebrates in the short term and on climate in the long term. Overall, seed and seedling survivorship depended on a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

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