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The seroprevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii was investigated in trapped lynx (Lynx canadensis) and bobcats (Lynx rufus) from Québec, Canada. Forty-seven of 106 (44%) lynx and 4 of 10 (40%) bobcats had positive titers for T. gondii (> or = 25) by means of the modified agglutination test incorporating mercaptoethanol and formalin-fixed tachyzoites. Seroprevalence was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in adult lynx than in juvenile lynx. The presence of antibodies to T. gondii in lynx and bobcats suggests that this organism is widespread in the wild and that exposure to wild felids and game animals from Québec may represent a potential source of infection for humans.  相似文献   

With the exception of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which emerged in humans after cross-species transmissions of simian immunodeficiency viruses from nonhuman primates, immunodeficiency viruses of the family Lentiviridae represent species-specific viruses that rarely cross species barriers to infect new hosts. Among the Felidae, numerous immunodeficiency-like lentiviruses have been documented, but only a few cross-species transmissions have been recorded, and these have not been perpetuated in the recipient species. Lentivirus seroprevalence was determined for 79 bobcats (Lynx rufus) and 31 pumas (Puma concolor) from well-defined populations in Southern California. Partial genomic sequences were subsequently obtained from 18 and 12 seropositive bobcats and pumas, respectively. Genotypes were analyzed for phylogenic relatedness and genotypic composition among the study set and archived feline lentivirus sequences. This investigation of feline immunodeficiency virus infection in bobcats and pumas of Southern California provides evidence that cross-species infection has occurred frequently among these animals. The data suggest that transmission has occurred in multiple locations and are most consistent with the spread of the virus from bobcats to pumas. Although the ultimate causes remain unknown, these transmission events may occur as a result of puma predation on bobcats, a situation similar to that which fostered transmission of HIV to humans, and likely represent the emergence of a lentivirus with relaxed barriers to cross-species transmission. This unusual observation provides a valuable opportunity to evaluate the ecological, behavioral, and molecular conditions that favor repeated transmissions and persistence of lentivirus between species.  相似文献   

Sera of 532 patients suffering from different ophthalmological diseases were studied for the presence of toxoplasma antibodies. Complement fixation test was positive in 44.9% of the patients. As compared with the 26.8% positivity rate determined earlier in the normal population the seropositivity in eye-patients was significantly higher. The highest incidence, 50%, was found in the age group of 21--30 years. In diseases with a confirmed aetiological role of toxoplasmosis, the incidence of seropositivity was higher than in the total material. This suggests that Toxoplasma gondii may have had a role in part of the diseases of the patients studied.  相似文献   

陆生食肉动物(食肉目哺乳动物, 以下简称食肉动物)作为食物链与营养级的高位物种对维持生态系统结构与功能稳定性起到重要作用。过度人类干扰已在全球范围内造成食肉动物种群数量剧烈下降和栖息地质量显著退化, 探究食肉动物的区域共存机制对理解生物群落构建、濒危物种保护与管理具有重要意义。本文通过梳理100余篇有关食肉动物在空间、时间和营养3个生态位维度上相互作用的研究, 分析了体型大小、猎物组成、种群结构、环境差异、人类干扰和气候变化等因素对食肉动物种间关系和区域共存的影响, 并对今后食肉动物区域共存研究中亟需解决的问题进行了展望。食肉动物通过生态位分离达到共存并没有单一的理论解释, 猎物、栖息地和人类干扰等因素可以调节食肉动物相互作用关系并直接或间接地影响共存, 共同适应在食肉动物区域共存中具重要作用。食肉动物区域共存是经过长期演化形成的相对稳定状态, 需要以动态的眼光去审视。要明晰生态位重叠与区域共存机制的区别与联系, 在理解生态位分离的基础上, 结合生活史、家域和行为等对食肉动物共存进行综合分析。  相似文献   

  1. Bobcats Lynx rufus and coyotes Canis latrans are two widespread mesopredators with a complex history of sympatry. The competitive interactions between these species are of interest to biologists due to the furbearer status of bobcats, the recent range expansion of coyotes, and the recolonisation of several parts of North America by bobcats following their extirpation. Although studies exploring the dynamics and competition between bobcats and coyotes span decades, there is a lack of understanding regarding what factors influence exploitative or interference competition, and what methodologies are conducive to identifying these types of competition.
  2. We gathered a comprehensive list of research papers (n = 41) exploring bobcat–coyote competitive interactions in North America. From them, we collected the following: study site characteristics, number and types of research methods, number and types of metrics explored, history of sympatry of the two species at the study location, presence of apex predators, and documentation of interference and/or exploitative competition.
  3. Using generalised linear models, we determined that interference competition between bobcats and coyotes was observed primarily in open habitat. However, habitat heterogeneity, the number of research methods and metrics used, presence of an apex predator, and history of sympatry could not be used to predict the occurrence of interference competition. Studies that included diet overlap were less likely to observe interference competition than studies that used other metrics to infer competition.
  4. Competitive interactions between coyotes and bobcats are largely a function of prey availability. Our findings suggest that habitat type may be a surrogate for prey availability, which many researchers mention, but do not explicitly measure. Future studies investigating bobcat–coyote interactions should include the quantification of prey densities to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the system at large, and should avoid using solely diet or habitat overlap as metrics to assess competition.

Twelve species of free-living African mammals from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia were tested for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii using the indirect hemagglutination test. Of 157 animals sampled, 20 (13%) were seropositive. T. gondii antibodies were detected in Burchell's zebra, (Equus burchelli), hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), African elephant (Loxodonta africana), defassa waterbuck (Kobus defassa), lion (Panthera leo), and rock hyrax (Procavia capensis), The highest titers were found in elephants, two having titers of 1:4096 and one of 1:8192. These results are discussed in relation to the maintenance of T. gondii among African wildlife.  相似文献   

We examined the relative roles of dominance in agonistic interactions and energetic constraints related to body size in determining local abundances of coyotes (Canis latrans, 8-20 kg), gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus, 3-5 kg) and bobcats (Felis rufus, 5-15 kg) at three study sites (hereafter referred to as NP, CP, and SP) in the Santa Monica Mountains of California. We hypothesized that the largest and behaviorally dominant species, the coyote, would exploit a wider range of resources (i.e., a higher number of habitat and/or food types) and, consequently, would occur in higher density than the other two carnivores. We evaluated our hypotheses by quantifying their diets, food overlap, habitat-specific abundances, as well as their overall relative abundance at the three study sites. We identified behavioral dominance of coyotes over foxes and bobcats in Santa Monica because 7 of 12 recorded gray fox deaths and 2 of 5 recorded bobcat deaths were due to coyote predation, and no coyotes died as a result of their interactions with bobcats or foxes. Coyotes and bobcats were present in a variety of habitats types (8 out of 9), including both open and brushy habitats, whereas gray foxes were chiefly restricted to brushy habitats. There was a negative relationship between the abundances of coyotes and gray foxes (P=0.020) across habitats, suggesting that foxes avoided habitats of high coyote predation risk. Coyote abundance was low in NP, high in CP, and intermediate in SP. Bobcat abundance changed little across study sites, and gray foxes were very abundant in NP, absent in CP, and scarce in SP; this suggests a negative relationship between coyote and fox abundances across study sites, as well. Bobcats were solely carnivorous, relying on small mammals (lagomorphs and rodents) throughout the year and at all three sites. Coyotes and gray foxes also relied on small mammals year-round at all sites, though they also ate significant amounts of fruit. Though there were strong overall interspecific differences in food habits of carnivores (P<0.0001), average seasonal food overlaps were high due to the importance of small mammals in all carnivore diets [bobcat-gray fox: 0.79ǂ.09 (SD), n=4; bobcat-coyote: 0.69ǂ.16, n=6; coyote-gray fox: 0.52ǂ.05, n=4]. As hypothesized, coyotes used more food types and more habitat types than did bobcats and gray foxes and, overall, coyotes were the most abundant of the three species and ranged more widely than did gray foxes. We propose that coyotes limit the number and distribution of gray foxes in Santa Monica Mountains, and that those two carnivores exemplified a case in which the relationship between their body size and local abundance is governed by competitive dominance of the largest species rather than by energetic equivalences. However, in the case of the intermediate-sized bobcat no such a pattern emerged, likely due to rarity or inconsistency of agonistic interactions and/or behavioral avoidance of encounters by subordinate species.  相似文献   

Sea otters in California are commonly infected with Toxoplasma gondii. A unique Type X strain is responsible for 72% of otter infections, but its prevalence in terrestrial animals and marine invertebrates inhabiting the same area was unknown. Between 2000 and 2005, 45 terrestrial carnivores (lions, bobcats, domestic cats and foxes) and 1396 invertebrates (mussels, clams and worms) were screened for T. gondii using PCR and DNA sequencing to determine the phylogeographic distribution of T. gondii archetypal I, II, III and Type X genotypes. Marine bivalves have been shown to concentrate T. gondii oocysts in the laboratory, but a comprehensive survey of wild invertebrates has not been reported. A California mussel from an estuary draining into Monterey Bay was confirmed positive for Type X T. gondii by multilocus PCR and DNA sequencing at the B1 and SAG1 loci. This mussel was collected from nearshore marine waters just after the first significant rainfall event in the fall of 2002. Of 45 carnivores tested at the B1, SAG1, and GRA6 typing loci, 15 had PCR-confirmed T. gondii infection; 11 possessed alleles consistent with infection by archetypal Type I, II or III strains and 4 possessed alleles consistent with Type X T. gondii infection. No non-canonical alleles were identified. The four T. gondii strains with Type X alleles were identified from two mountain lions, a bobcat and a fox residing in coastal watersheds adjacent to sea otter habitat near Monterey Bay and Estero Bay. Confirmation of Type X T. gondii in coastal-dwelling felids, canids, a marine bivalve and nearshore-dwelling sea otters supports the hypotheses that feline faecal contamination is flowing from land to sea through surface runoff, and that otters can be infected with T. gondii via consumption of filter-feeding marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Rabies virus is a pathogen of major concern in free-ranging wild carnivores in several regions of the world, but little is known about its circulation in Brazilian wild carnivores. Sera from 211 free-ranging wild carnivores, captured from 2000 to 2006 in four locations of two Brazilian biomes (Pantanal and Cerrado), were tested for rabies antibodies. Twenty-six individuals (12.3%) had neutralizing antibody titers ≥0.10 IU/ml. The four sampled locations had antibody-positive animals, suggesting that Rabies virus circulates in all of these regions. Results underscore the risk posed by rabies for conservation of Brazilian carnivores and the possibility of the animals acting as reservoirs for the Rabies virus.  相似文献   

Dietary breadth and overlap among five sympatric prairie carnivores   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecological communities are shaped, in part, by the manner in which similar species consume and partition food resources. To better understand the structure of a mammalian carnivore community from a prairie habitat in central North America, we determined the dietary breadth and overlap of sympatric American badgers Taxidea taxus , coyotes Canis latrans , red foxes Vulpes vulpes , raccoons Procyon lotor and striped skunks Mephitis mephitis , via stomach content analysis of 411 carcasses salvaged as part of a predator control program in southern Saskatchewan, Canada (2000–2001). Carnivores consumed a total of 25 separate food items; for all species except raccoons, the majority of stomachs contained mammals, whereas other foods such as amphibians, bird remains and insects were also recovered. Raccoon stomachs tended to contain wheat seed, eggshells and birds. Dietary breadth varied among the five carnivore species, being narrowest for raccoons and widest for skunks. Overall, dietary overlap tended to be highest for species pairings associated with the highest level of presumed niche similarity, which included raccoon–skunk and coyote–fox dyads. Yet, levels of dietary overlap exhibited notable interannual variability for most species pairings. The assessment of a larger assemblage of carnivores within a North American prairie community shows that marked interspecific and temporal variation in dietary breadth and overlap may characterize a guild of sympatric species occupying similar habitat.  相似文献   

Atayal aborigines, living at an altitude of 1,500-1,600 m in northeastern Taiwan, still hunt for wild animals with the help of hunting dogs. In this study, the latex agglutination test (LAT) was used to detect sera anti-toxoplasma antibodies in this community as a measure of their exposure to Toxoplasma gondii. The positive rates for sera anti-toxoplasma antibodies were 21.8% and 19.6%, respectively, in 422 Atayal and 51 hunting dogs tested. Neither of the positive rates were found to be significantly different between male (22.1%) and female Atayal (21.4%), or between humans (21.8%) and dogs (19.6%) (P > 0.05) when compared by the Chi-Squared test (chi 2-test). A significant difference was observed between the positive rates in adults (28.3%) and children (18.7%) (P < 0.05), and the age pattern of prevalence is consistent with an increasing duration of exposure to Toxoplasma gondii with age. The consumption of raw liver of wild animals or insufficiently cooked meat may be the major mode of transmission of toxoplasmosis in Atayal.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the results of 4 serologic tests used for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis: the complement fixation (CFT), indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), passive hemagglutination (PHAT) tests, and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The last-mentioned one was made with the use of the commercial kits Sevatest ELISA IgG/Toxo Micro I. The results of ELISA were in good correlation with those yielded by the traditional tests: 70% coincidence with CFT, 80% with IIF, 84% with PHAT; besides, ELISA has shown a higher sensitivity in the screening of sera.  相似文献   

In an outbreak of bovine rabies in Argentina, a study was made of vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) and wild carnivores. Rabies antibody rates of high prevalence were found in the bats, foxes (Dusicyon gymnocercus) and skunks (Conepatus chinga). The outbreak was part of an extensive continuing epizootic of vampire transmitted bovine rabies which may have also involved other vectors in the area of this study. Consumption of dead and dying bats by the carnivores is the suggested means of passage of rabies virus from vampire bats to foxes and skunks. Given optimum conditions it is conceivable that some outbreaks in carnivores may begin in this way.  相似文献   

Fifteen functionally significant aspects of skull morphology were measured on skulls of 36 additional species of carnivores to complete a survey of skull shape in modern fissiped (land) carnivores that includes most of the living genera. The measurements were transformed to dimensionless variables based on the residuals from allometric equations, and were analysed singly and in a 10 variable principal components analysis. An initial study of 62 species of viverrids, canids, mustelids and felids had shown those families to be distinguished from each other by the functionally significant measurements. However, among the additional 36 species, some procyonids, ursids and mustelids display a range of diversity of skull morphology that overlaps that of the other families and diminishes the potential value of the measurements as taxonomic characters. Intraspecific variation is presented for 12 species, and is low enough to allow use of some features as species level diagnostic characters. The lack of correlation between diet and functionally significant aspects of skull morphology among omnivorous carnivores, and the absence of certain skull shapes among carnivores are discussed.  相似文献   

Evolution of skull shape in carnivores 1. Representative modern carnivores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen variables, selected primarily to reflect functionally significant aspects of cranial morphology, were measured on one skull each of 62 species of modern carnivores, including viverrids, canids, mustelids and felids. To allow comparisons between species of different sizes without the potentially confounding effects of allometric shape changes, the measurements were transformed to dimensionless variables, based on the residuals from allometric equations. Fourteen out of 15 of the transformed variables distinguish one or more of the four family groups and the rotated first two axes of a principal components analysis distinguish all four families from each other. The following functional hypotheses are proposed: mustelids and felids have the most powerful bites and canids the weakest among the four family groups studied; mustelids and, to a lesser degree, felids have more powerful neck musculature than do canids and viverrids; and visual abilities are best developed among felids and least developed among mustelids. The first two functional hypotheses suggest possible differences in killing behaviour, which are supported by a preliminary survey of the literature on such behaviour. Allometric analysis of the 15 cranial measures shows that the neurocranial components scale with negative allometry, while most of the other measures scale approximately isometrically.  相似文献   

We describe an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that utilizes anticanine immunoglobulin for the measurement of rabies-specific antibody in the sera of the major domestic and wildlife reservoirs of rabies in North America. Sufficient cross-reactivity was found to exist between anticanine IgG and serum antibody from all carnivores tested, including dogs, cats, foxes (Vulpes vulpes), skunks (Mephitis sp.) and raccoons (Procyon lotor). With sera of most species, good correlation was observed between results obtained with the ELISA and with the fluorescence inhibition microtest (FIMT). Some wildlife specimens, particularly of skunk and raccoon origin, were cytotoxic in the FIMT, resulting in possible false-positive reactions. In view of this, and since the ELISA is rapid, economical and reproducible (coefficient of variation less than 13%), we consider it to be a favorable alternative to the fluorescence inhibition test for assay of wildlife sera.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 62 dingoes (Canis familiaris dingo) trapped in five areas of southeastern New South Wales, Australia were tested for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii. Six (10%) of the dingoes had direct agglutination test titers for T. gondii of greater than or equal to 1:64, and four of these animals had T. gondii-specific IgM, suggesting recent exposure.  相似文献   

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