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Relationships between growth at sea, smolt size and age at sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were tested. The fish were offspring of brood stocks sampled in eight Norwegian rivers at latitudes between 59° and 70° N, hatchery reared and released at smolting at the mouth of the River Imsa (59° N). Smolt size influenced the subsequent growth rate of Atlantic salmon. The larger the fish were at release, the slower the yearly length increment at sea. Mean sea age at sexual maturity, measured as proportion of the returning adults attaining sexual maturity at sea age 2 years, was significantly correlated with mean growth rate during the first year at sea and mean smolt size ( r 2= 0·74, P < 0·001). Fish attaining maturity at a relatively high sea age were more fast growing during their first year at sea than those maturing at a younger age. The results indicate that high sea age at sexual maturation is a population-specific characteristic and associated with high early growth rate at sea.  相似文献   

The ovaries of 501 female eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus, 1758) captured in the Mediterranean Sea from May to September between 1998 and 2004 were analysed histologically. Body size at median sexual maturity (L50) was 103.6 cm fork length (FL), while 100% maturity was reached above 135 cm FL. The age analysis, based on the count of the translucent zones of the first spiniform ray of the first dorsal fin, showed that most of the specimens with FL = L50 were 3 years old while 100% maturity was reached between 4 to 5 years. The reported evidence indicates that for the eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna stock, the size and age of first sexual maturity of females was lower than in the western Atlantic stock.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the size, condition, year class, family, and sexual maturity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using data collected in an aquaculture selective breeding programme. Males that were sexually mature at 2 years of age (maiden spawn) have, on average, greater fork length and condition factor (K) at 1 year of age than their immature counterparts. For every 10-mm increase in fork length or 0.1 increase in K at 1 year of age, the odds of sexual maturity at 2 years of age increased by 1.48 or 1.22 times, respectively. Females that were sexually mature at 3 years of age (maiden spawn) have, on average, greater fork length and K at 2 years of age than their immature counterparts. For every 10-mm increase in fork length or 0.1 increase in K at 2 years of age, the odds of sexual maturity at 3 years of age increased by 1.06 or 1.44 times, respectively. The family explained 34.93% of the variation in sexual maturity among 2-year-old males that was not attributable to the average effects of fork length and K at 1 year of age and year class. The proportion of variation in sexual maturity among 3-year-old females explained by the family could not be investigated. These findings suggest that the onset of sexual maturation in Atlantic salmon is conditional on performance (with respect to energy availability) surpassing a threshold, the magnitude of which can vary between families and is determined by a genetic component. This could support the application of genetic selection to promote or inhibit the onset of sexual maturation in farmed stocks.  相似文献   

The red bandfish Cepola rubescens is characterized by a normal gonochoristic sexual organization. The overall male: female ratio did not differ significantly ( x 2=4.57, P <0.05) from the theoretical 1: 1. However, the male: female ratio differed with season and length class and these differences are most probably related to sexual differences in growth rate, natural mortality rate and energetic cost of reproduction. Red bandfish spawns over an extended period, from late spring to mid autumn, with larger females spawning earlier than smaller ones. Males reach maturity at a larger total length, 299 mm, and age, 2.6 years, than females, 219 mm and 1.9 years respectively, a fact most probably indicating the existence of social structure in red bandfish. Finally, red bandfish matures at a comparatively smaller length and age than other fish species.  相似文献   

Weakfish Cynoscion regalis were collected from commercial fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay and the Middle Atlantic Bight (n=4380) during 1989–1992 and their reproductive biology assessed using the gonadosomatic index, macroscopic gonad stages, oocyte diameter distributions, microscopic whole oocyte analysis and histology. Sex ratios were approximately 3:1, females to males, in 1990–1992. Most fish (90%) attained sexual maturity by age 1 and at a small size. Estimated mean length at first maturity was: 164mm total length (TL) for males, and 170 mm TL for females. Weakfish spawn within the Chesapeake Bay, as far north as the Virginia/ Maryland border. Although spawning occurred during May–August and gonad development and initiation of spawning was synchronous, cessation of spawning was asynchronous. There was no indication that older fish exhibited a more extended spawning season than younger fish. Weakfish are multiple spawners with indeterminate fecundity. Oocyte development is asynchronous with oocytes of all stages being present in developed ovaries. Because of the complex and dynamic weakfish ovarian cycle, typical methods of assessing reproduction, such as the GSI and macroscopic gonad stages, are inadequate for this species if not used in conjunction with more detailed methods such as histology.  相似文献   

Size at first sexual maturity and condition of Amblygaster clupeoides were determined in a population at the Malaysian east coast. A total of 887 specimens were collected from commercial fishing vessels between March and November 2012. A random sample was taken each time to avoid bias in the cohort sampling. Size at first sexual maturity was determined by the relationship between the total length and gonadosomatic index (GSI). Similarly, the relationship between the condition factor and GSI was applied to determine the condition at first sexual maturity. The sex ratio was close to 1:1. The total length at first sexual maturity of both males and females were at around 18 cm. Males with a GSI of ≥3.2% and females with a GSI of ≥6.5% were mature, having condition factors of ≥0.90 and ≥0.93, respectively. Based on these results the minimum permissible capture size was identified. This study establishes a strong need for regular and continued monitoring of the changes in fish size at first sexual maturity.  相似文献   

A total of 281 snakehead-lula, Ophicephalus striatus , collected between November 1982 and June 1983 from inundated rice fields and swamps in south-western Sri Lanka were analysed. Age determination by length frequencies and scale annuli revealed six age groups. An asymptotic length of 520 mm was estimated by the von Bertalanffy growth model.
The ova were assigned to four developmental stages and a maturity scale was developed for the females. Fast growing 2-year-old fish attain sexual maturity. The ovum size frequencies and occurrence of mature and spent fish indicate that this fish spawns during the south-west monsoon season. Fecundity estimates ranged from 1688 to 7146 ova. Total length and weight are equally useful for predicting fecundity.  相似文献   

Life-history traits of Acrossocheilus fasciatus were examined using 384 specimens collected monthly during May 2009 and April 2010 in the Huishui Stream of the Qingyi watershed, China. Using scales for age determination, female and male fish comprised five and four age groups, respectively. The monthly changes in marginal increment ratio suggested that annuli on scales were formed during March through May. Total lengths back-calculated significantly increased with age for both sexes and varied significantly between the two sexes at each age. The fact that females had larger body size and grew faster than males indicated the sexual size dimorphism for this species. Both sexes got their 50% maturity at age 3, when females and males were 105.3 and 112.1?mm total length, respectively. Based on the monthly changes in the gonado-somatic index and egg-development process, fish spawned from April through August. Absolute fecundity ranged from 295 to 3,573 eggs per fish and increased significantly with age. But relative fecundity, ranging from 11.77 to 69.96?eggs/g, was not significantly different among age groups. Compared with the life-history traits of an upstream population in the Puxi Stream (a headwater stream within this study watershed), the downstream population of A. fasciatus in the Huishui Stream (a 4th-order stream) exhibits larger body size, faster somatic growth, later sexual maturity, and lower reproductive investment. These variations in life-history strategies between the two populations could perhaps be explained by the spatial heterogeneity in habitat environment along the upstream–downstream gradient in this watershed.  相似文献   

Synopsis A recent analysis of size and age at sexual maturity ofArgentina silus on the Scotian Shelf is invalid because field maturity stage data collected during the non-spawning, quiescent stage of the reproductive cycle were unreliable for distinguishing between immature and resting mature stages. Thus two-thirds of the data used must be discounted. Utilization of different length measurement criteria for different years, for which no correction is made, could introduce substantial error in length at maturity estimates based on the remaining data. Age data collections were restricted to one 12 month period and thus were inadequate to characterize age at maturity by 5 yr time periods as attempted in this analysis. No attempt is made in the analysis to determine whether available samples adequately represent the population with regard to maturity i.e. whether immature and mature fish of the same length had an equal probability of being sampled. It is demonstrated here that maturity ogives can differ greatly depending on assumptions made concerning the representativeness of samples. Many of the criticisms made are likely valid for a series of papers on maturity of Atlantic coast fishes by the same author.  相似文献   

We herein evaluate several reproductive metrics of Hawaiian Archipelagic populations of the bluespine unicornfish (Naso unicornis), an economically and ecologically important, broadly distributed tropical Pacific reef fish, based on multi-year, fishery-dependent and fishery-independent collections. Sex-specific spawning seasonality was characterized for fish collected mostly from Oahu (Main Hawaiian Islands, MHI) using a gonadosomatic index. Histological slides preparations were used to score gonad developmental phase and to classify individuals of either sex as immature or mature. Sex-specific median body lengths at maturity (L50) were estimated by logistic fits of proportion mature versus length class. Spawning was highly seasonal in Hawaii, with a single brief (May–June) peak spawning period. Proportionate gonad-to-body weight values were relatively low, averaging only about 0.1 % and 0.6 % across all months of year and 0.16 % and 1.03 % during May–June for males and females, respectively. Median lengths at sexual maturity differed between the sexes. L50 values for fish collected throughout all months of year were 30.1 ± 0.5 (standard error) cm Fork Length (FL) for males and 35.5 ± 0.7 cm FL for females. Spawning seasonality and L50 estimates for bluespine unicornfish in Hawaii suggest that the species spawns several months earlier in the calendar year and matures at larger body lengths in Hawaii versus Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. Estimated lengths at sexual maturity are compared to the minimum length (14 inches or 35.6 cm FL) mandated for this species in Hawaii: median size at maturity occurs at a length appreciably less than (males) or approximately equal to (females) minimum legal size. A likely disproportionately large contribution of old females to population replenishment is discussed relative to the minimum size limit.  相似文献   


The scale studies indicate that the annulus is a reliable year mark. A linear relationship exists between anterior scale radius and body length so that back-calculations of length were possible. Males and females had a similar growth rate. The growth rate is similar to that found by Mulder (1973) for L. capensis in the Vaal River. Fish under 35 centimetres in length had a sex ratio of 1:1, but in larger fish, only 16 per cent were males. Males reach sexual maturity at a length of 15 to 25 centimetres and females at a length of 20 to 25 centimetres. The spawning season extends from September to March with a peak in November. Fecundity increased with an increase in length from 12 664 for a fish of 22.8 centimetres to 106 286 for a fish of 34.8 centimetres.

The results are basically similar to those found by Mulder (1973) in the Vaal River except for fecundity and length at sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Cephalopod fisheries are among the few still with some local potential for expansion; in fact, as groundfish landings have declined globally, cephalopod landings have increased. We propose the hypothesis that, although increased cephalopod landings may partly reflect increased market demand, overfishing groundfish stocks has positively affected cephalopod populations. Data from 15 key FAO areas reveal that, with the exception of the north- east Atlantic, cephalopod landings have increased significantly over the last 25 years while groundfish have risen more slowly, remained stable, or declined. In terms of volume, cephalopods have not replaced groundfish. This is hypothesized as owing to the shorter life cycle of cephalopods, and rapid turnover and lower standing stocks than for longer-lived finfish species. Under high fishing pressure, groundfish are probably poor competitors, having less opportunity for spawning and replacement. In West Africa, the Gulf of Thailand and Adriatic there is strong circumstantial evidence that fishing pressure has changed ecological conditions and cephalopod stocks have increased as predatory fish have declined. We recommend that this hypothesis be tested thoroughly in other areas where suitable data exist. Most coastal and shelf cephalopod fisheries are likely to be fully exploited or overexploited, and current annual fluctuations in cephalopod landings are probably largely environmentally-driven.  相似文献   

Length and age at maturity are important life history parameters for estimating spawning stock biomass and reproductive potential of fish stocks. Bias in estimates of size and age at maturity can arise when disparate distributions of mature and immature fish within a population are not accounted for in the analysis. Here we investigate the spatial and temporal variability in observed size and age at maturity of female albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga, using samples collected across the South Pacific. Maturity status was identified using consistent histological criteria that were precise enough to allow for mature but regenerating females to be distinguished from immature females during the non-spawning season, permitting year-round sampling for maturity estimation in albacore. Using generalised linear mixed models, we found that the proportion of mature females at length varied significantly with latitude and time of year. Specifically, females at northern latitudes (∼10–20°S, where spawning occurs) were mature at significantly smaller lengths and ages than females at southern latitudes (∼20–40°S), particularly during the spawning season (October–March). This variation was due to different geographic distributions of mature and immature fish during the year. We present a method for estimating an unbiased maturity ogive that takes into account the latitudinal variation in proportion mature at length during a given season (spawning or non-spawning). Applying this method to albacore samples from the western region of the South Pacific gave a predicted length at 50% mature of ∼87 cm fork length (4.5 years).  相似文献   

Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) is the largest and one of the most widely-ranging and commercially-valuable groundfish in the Atlantic Ocean. Although presumed to be long-lived, their age and growth has not been validated. Ages were estimated by counting growth increments from approximately 2400 thin-sectioned sagittal otoliths collected from the Scotian Shelf and southern Grand Banks off eastern Canada. The accuracy of age estimates made from otolith thin sections was validated using bomb-radiocarbon assays of 13 otolith cores whose year of formation ranged from 1949 to 1975, encompassing the timeframe of the global radiocarbon pulse. Known-age juvenile halibut from a culture facility were used to identify the approximate location of the first annulus. Growth rate for males and females was similar up to about 70 cm (~5 years), after which point male growth slowed, while female growth continued to an age of up to 38 years and a maximum observed size of 232 cm. Males grew to an observed maximum length of about 175 cm and a maximum age of 50 years. A comparison of age estimates for otoliths collected in a ‘historic’ time frame (1963 to 1974) with those from recent years (1997 to 2007) shows that growth rate has not changed appreciably between the two time periods. Small but significant growth differences were observed between the Scotian Shelf and southern Grand Banks for both sexes, while large differences in length at age were observed between halibut caught with longline compared to otter trawl due to differences in length-based gear selectivity. Age interpretations based on sectioned otoliths tended to be 10–15% different than those based on break and burn, although the age comparison was confounded by other variables and must be considered provisional. Atlantic halibut is a long-lived fish, living up to at least 50 years, an important consideration for the management of the fishery.  相似文献   

Levels of 11-oxotestosterone (17 β-hydroxyandrost-4-ene-3, 11-dione) and testosterone in the blood serum of individually marked adult male Atlantic salmon held in captivity, were measured by radioimmunoassay at approximately monthly intervals for periods of up to 18 months. In addition to peak concentrations of both hormones shown by all the maturing fish at the time to full sexual maturation during October and November, a majority of maturing fish also showed a significant elevation of 11-oxotestosterone during the early months of the year. The possible involvement of this early elevation of 11-oxotestosterone in controlling the mitotic multiplication of spermatogonia is discussed. Weight and length increases expressed as specific values GW and GL and weight to length relationships for the maturing males for each sampling period are presented and compared with those of non-maturing fish.  相似文献   

Migration and spawning behaviour of eight Atlantic salmon adult females were analysed by radio-tracking in relation to the degree of sexual maturity in a spawning tributary of the R. Sélune. Six of them were grilse and four of them were ripe. All the fish migrated upstream until reaching their spawning site at a distance of 4–12 km from the trap. The daily migration rate up to this site was inversely correlated with the length of the female. Spawning occurred in all fish at the same time when the water temperature increased dramatically. Spawning lasted 1–10 days according to the fish. After spawning, females quickly moved downstream only small distances and then stayed in approximately the same location until death. This study concluded that ripeness did not influence behaviour on the spawning migration and describes certain characteristics of the reproductive phase in a spawning tributary.  相似文献   

A large size variation amongst life histories for stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon Salmo salar was found and the relative effect of life histories on size varied over time. As early as December (age 0+ years), fish that later smolted at age 2+ years were significantly larger than fish that did not smolt at age 2+ years. In contrast, there were no mass differences at age 0+ years between fish that would mature or not at age 1+ years (October). The mass differences between smolts and non-smolts persisted until smolting, and differences between mature and immature fish first appeared in May (age 1+ years). Following September (age 1+ years), there was also a significant interaction between smolting and maturity. Previously mature and immature age 2+ year smolts were not significantly different in size, but immature age 2+ year non-smolts were much lighter than mature age 2+ year non-smolts. Based on mass differences, the apparent 'decision' to smolt occurred c . 5 months before (winter, age 0+ years) the decision to mature (late spring, age 1+ years). In addition to strong seasonal growth variation, sizes of freshwater Atlantic salmon were largely structured by the complex interaction between smolt-age and maturity.  相似文献   

Total length (TL) at first sexual maturity was estimated for Atlantoraja castelnaui and Dipturus chilensis from the south‐western Atlantic Ocean. Total length at which 50% of the females were captured (50% c) was less than the TL at first sexual maturity (ML) in both species. Immature females are being captured and thus will not become sexually mature to reproduce because of early fishing mortality. Females of A. castelnaui and D. chilensis reach sexual maturity at TLs of 110–114 cm and 102–106 cm, respectively. Males mature with TL between 91 and 95 cm for A. castelnaui and between 83 and 87 cm for D. chilensis.  相似文献   

Over the past 3 decades, North Sea Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) have exhibited variable length‐at‐age along with declines in spawning stock biomass and timing of maturity. Multiple factors affecting growth and development in fish acted on this economically important stock over the same period including warming waters and an intensive fishery. Here, we employ North Sea cod as a model population, exploring how a physiologically relevant temperature metric (the growing degree‐day, GDD; °C day) can be used to compare year‐classes on a physiologically relevant time‐scale, disentangling influences of climate (thermal history) on observed length‐at‐age trends. We conclude that the trends in North Sea cod length‐at‐age observed during the last three decades can be explained by a combination of temperature‐dependent growth increases and a trend toward earlier maturation, the latter likely induced by the intensive fishing pressure, and possibly evidence of fisheries‐induced evolution.  相似文献   

Although climate‐induced shifts in fish distribution have been widely reported at the population level, studies that account for ontogenetic shifts and subregional differences when assessing responses are rare.In this study, groundfish distributional changes in depth, latitude, and longitude were assessed at different size classes by species within nine subregions. We examined large, quality‐controlled datasets of depth‐stratified‐random bottom trawl surveys conducted during summer in three large regions—the Gulf of Alaska and the west coasts of Canada and the United States—over the period 1996–2015, a time period punctuated by a marine “heat wave.” Temporal biases in bottom temperature were minimized by subdividing each region into three subregions, each with short‐duration surveys. Near‐bottom temperatures, weighted by stratum area, were unsynchronized across subregions and exhibited varying subregional interannual variability. The weighted mean bottom depths in the subregions also vary largely among subregions. The centroids (centers of gravity) of groundfish distribution were weighted with catch per unit effort and stratum area for 10 commercially important groundfish species by size class and subregion. Our multivariate analyses showed that there were significant differences in aggregate fish movement responses to warm temperatures across subregions but not among species or sizes. Groundfish demonstrated poleward responses to warming temperatures only in a few subregions and moved shallower or deeper to seek colder waters. The temperature responses of groundfish depended on where they were. Under global warming, groundfish may form geographically distinct thermal ecoregions along the northeast Pacific shelf. Shallow‐depth species exhibited greatly different distributional responses to temperature changes across subregions while deep‐depth species of different subregions tend to have relatively similar temperature responses. Future climate studies would benefit by considering fish distributions on small subregional scales.  相似文献   

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