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The effect of an eccentric strength training programme on the muscular series elastic component (SEC) was studied on the flexors of the human elbow. The characteristics of the SEC were determined using an in situ technique derived from methods commonly used on isolated muscles. The results were expressed in terms of compliance-force and tension-extension relationships. These relationships indicate a sharp increase in compliance when tension decreases. Furthermore, for a given value of tension, the SEC compliance of the trained muscles is found to be lower than that of the untrained muscles. These results are discussed in relation to the active and passive parts of the SEC.  相似文献   

To investigate the time-course of changes in transverse relaxation time (T2) and cross-sectional area (CSA) of the quadriceps muscle after a single session of eccentric exercise, magnetic resonance imaging was performed on six healthy male volunteers before and at 0, 7, 15, 20, 30 and 60 min and 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 168 h after exercise. Although there was almost no muscle soreness immediately after exercise, it started to increase 1 day after, peaking 1–2 days after the exercise (P<0.01). Immediately after exercise, T2 increased significantly in the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and intermedius muscles (P<0.05) and decreased quickly continuing until 60 min after exercise. At and after the 12th h, a significant increase was perceived again in the T2 values of the vastus lateralis and intermedius muscles (P<0.01) [maximum 9.3 (SEM 2.8)% and 10.9 (SEM 2.2)%, respectively]. The maximal values were exhibited at 24–36 h after exercise. In contrast, the rectus femoris muscle showed no delayed-stage increase. Also, in CSA, an increase after 12 h was observed in addition to the one immediately after exercise in the vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis and quadriceps muscles as a whole (P < 0.01), reaching the maximal values at 12–24 h after exercise. The plasma creative kinase activity remained unchanged up to 24 h after and then increased significantly 48 h after exercise (P < 0.05). Beginning 12 h after exercise, the subjects whose T2 and CSA increased less than the others displayed a faster decrease in muscle soreness. These results suggested that T2 and CSA displayed bimodal responses after eccentric exercise and the time-courses of changes in them were similar to those in muscle soreness.  相似文献   

The adaptation of skeletal muscle to endurance exercise has not previously been investigated using proteomic techniques. Such work could improve our understanding and generate novel information regarding the effects of exercise. Plantaris muscles were investigated from rats exercised on treadmills at 70-75% peak oxygen uptake (V O(2)peak) for 30 min, 4 days per week for 5 weeks or sedentary controls. Analysis of 2-D gels matched 187 spots across control and exercised muscles and 80 proteins corresponding to 40 gene products were identified by MALDI-ToF MS. Exercise increased the animals' V O(2)peak by 14% and altered the expression of 15 spots consistent with a shift from glycolysis toward greater fatty-acid oxidation. The majority of differentially expressed gene products were present as multi-spot series of similar M(r) but different pI. Mitochondrial aconitase focused to 5 spots, 2 spots (pI 7.6 and 7.7) decreased (57%) whereas the pI 8.0 spot increased (51%) and was found to contain protein carbonyls. This adaptation may be related to exercise-induced oxidative stress and translocation of aconitase to mitochondrial DNA. In conclusion, proteomic techniques simultaneously demonstrated well-established effects, and identified novel changes not previously associated with the adaptation of muscle to exercise.  相似文献   

Myofibrillar Z-disc streaming and loss of the desmin cytoskeleton are considered the morphological hallmarks of eccentric contraction-induced injury. The latter is contradicted by recent studies where a focal increase of desmin was observed in biopsies taken from human muscles with DOMS. In order to determine the effects of eccentric contraction-induced alterations of the myofibrillar Z-disc, we examined the distribution of alpha-actinin, the Z-disc portion of titin and the nebulin NB2 region in relation to actin and desmin in DOMS biopsies. In biopsies taken 2-3 days and 7-8 days after exercise, we observed a significantly higher number of fibres showing focal areas lacking staining for alpha-actinin, titin and nebulin than in biopsies taken from control or 1 h after exercise. None of these proteins were part of Z-disc streamings but instead they were found in distinct patterns in areas characterised by altered staining for desmin and actin. These were preferentially seen in regions with increased numbers of sarcomeres in parallel myofibrils. We propose that these staining patterns represent different stages of sarcomere formation. These findings therefore support our previous suggestion that muscle fibres subjected to eccentric contractions adapt to unaccustomed activity by the addition of new sarcomeres.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantitatively describe the relationships between joint angles and muscle architecture (lengths (Lf) and angles (Θf) of fascicles) of human triceps surae [medial (MG) and lateral (LG) gastrocnemius and soleus (SOL) muscles] in vivo for three men-cosmonaut after long-duration spaceflight. Sagittal sonographs of MG, LG, SOL were taken at ankle was positioned at 15° (dorsiflexion), 0° (neutral position), +15°, and +30° (plantarflexion), with the knee at 90° at rest and after a long-duration spaceflight. At each position, longitudinal ultrasonic images of the MG and LG and SOL were obtained while the cosmonauts was relaxed from which fascicle lengths and angles with respect to the aponeuroses were determined. After space flight plantarflexor force declined significantly (26%; p < 0.001). The internal architecture of the GM, and LG, and SOL muscle was significantly altered. In the passive condition, Lf changed from 45, 53, and 39 mm (knee, 0°, ankle, −15°) to 26, 33, and 28 mm (knee, 90° ankle, 30°) for MG, LG, and SOL, respectively. Different lengths and angles of fascicles, and their changes by contraction, might be related to differences in force-producing capabilities of the muscles and elastic characteristics of tendons and aponeuroses. The three heads of the triceps surae muscle substantially differ in architecture, which probably reflects their functional roles. Differences in fiber length and pennation angle that were observed among the muscles and could be associated with differences in force production and in elastic properties of musculo-tendinous complex and aponeuroses.  相似文献   

Following a series of eccentric contractions, that is stretching of the muscle while generating active tension, the length-tension relationship of isolated amphibian muscle has been shown to shift towards longer muscle lengths (Katz 1939; Wood et al. 1993). Here we report observations of electrically stimulated ankle extensor muscles of nine human subjects, demonstrating a similar shift in optimum angle for torque generation [3.9 (1.5)°] following exercise on an inclined treadmill that involved eccentric contractions in one leg. (All values are means with the SEMs in parentheses.) The shift in the unexercised, control leg was significantly less [mean 0.4 (0.7)°P < 0.05]. Correlated with this shift was a drop in torque [25.1 (5.6)% for the experimental leg; 1.6 (0.7)% for the control leg, P < 0.002]. Optimum angles returned to pre-exercise values by 2 days post-exercise, while torque took a week to recover. A similar shift in optimum length [12 (1.3)% of rest length] was obtained for five toad (Bufo marinus) sartorius muscles subjected to 25 eccentric contractions. Isometrically contracted control muscles showed a smaller shift [3.5 (1.6)%, n = 5]. Accompanying the shift was a drop in tension of 46 (3)% after the eccentric contractions [control isometric, 23 (6)%, P < 0.0001]. By 5 h after the eccentric contractions the shift had returned to control values, while tension had not recovered. When viewed with an electron microscope, sartorius muscles fixed immediately after the eccentric contractions exhibited many small, and a few larger, regions of myofilament disruption. In muscles fixed 5 h after the contractions, no small regions of disruption were visible, and the number of large regions was no greater than in those muscles fixed immediately after the eccentric contractions. These disruptions are interpreted as the cause of the shift in length-tension relationship. Accepted: 9 January 1997  相似文献   

Infrequent exercise, typically involving eccentric actions, has been shown to cause oxidative stress and to damage muscle tissue. High taurine levels are present in skeletal muscle and may play a role in cellular defences against free radical‐mediated damage. This study investigates the effects of taurine supplementation on oxidative stress biomarkers after eccentric exercise (EE). Twenty‐four male rats were divided into the following groups (n = 6): control; EE; EE plus taurine (EE + Taurine); EE plus saline (EE + Saline). Taurine was administered as a 1‐ml 300 mg kg?1 per body weight (BW) day?1 solution in water by gavage, for 15 consecutive days. Starting on the 14th day of supplementation, the animals were submitted to one 90‐min downhill run session and constant velocity of 1·0 km h?1. Forty‐eight hours after the exercise session, the animals were killed and the quadriceps muscles were surgically removed. Production of superoxide anion, creatine kinase (CK) levels, lipoperoxidation, carbonylation, total thiol content and antioxidant enzyme were analysed. Taurine supplementation was found to decrease superoxide radical production, CK, lipoperoxidation and carbonylation levels and increased total thiol content in skeletal muscle, but it did not affect antioxidant enzyme activity after EE. The present study suggests that taurine affects skeletal muscle contraction by decreasing oxidative stress, in association with decreased superoxide radical production. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Combining endurance and strength training (concurrent training) may change the adaptation compared with single mode training. However, the site of interaction and the mechanisms are unclear. We have investigated the hypothesis that molecular signaling of mitochondrial biogenesis after endurance exercise is impaired by resistance exercise. Ten healthy subjects performed either only endurance exercise (E; 1-h cycling at ~65% of maximal oxygen uptake), or endurance exercise followed by resistance exercise (ER; 1-h cycling + 6 sets of leg press at 70-80% of 1 repetition maximum) in a randomized cross-over design. Muscle biopsies were obtained before and after exercise (1 and 3 h postcycling). The mRNA of genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis [(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1 (PGC-1)α, PGC-1-related coactivator (PRC)] related coactivator) and substrate regulation (pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4) increased after both E and ER, but the mRNA levels were about twofold higher after ER (P < 0.01). Phosphorylation of proteins involved in the signaling cascade of protein synthesis [mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), ribosomal S6 kinase 1, and eukaryotic elongation factor 2] was altered after ER but not after E. Moreover, ER induced a larger increase in mRNA of genes associated with positive mTOR signaling (cMyc and Rheb). Phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and Akt increased similarly at 1 h postcycling (P < 0.01) after both types of exercise. Contrary to our hypothesis, the results demonstrate that ER, performed after E, amplifies the adaptive signaling response of mitochondrial biogenesis compared with single-mode endurance exercise. The mechanism may relate to a cross talk between signaling pathways mediated by mTOR. The results suggest that concurrent training may be beneficial for the adaptation of muscle oxidative capacity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the roles of active pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH(a)), glycogen phosphorylase (Phos), and their regulators in lactate (Lac(-)) metabolism during incremental exercise after ingestion of 0.3 g/kg of either NaHCO(3) [metabolic alkalosis (ALK)] or CaCO(3) [control (CON)]. Subjects (n = 8) were studied at rest, rest postingestion, and during constant rate cycling at three stages (15 min each): 30, 60, 75% of maximal O(2) uptake (VO(2 max)). Radial artery and femoral venous blood samples, leg blood flow, and biopsies of the vastus lateralis were obtained during each power output. ALK resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) higher intramuscular Lac(-) concentration ([Lac(-)]; ALK 72.8 vs. CON 65.2 mmol/kg dry wt), arterial whole blood [Lac(-)] (ALK 8.7 vs. CON 7.0 mmol/l), and leg Lac(-) efflux (ALK 10.0 vs. CON 4.2 mmol/min) at 75% VO(2 max). The increased intramuscular [Lac(-)] resulted from increased pyruvate production due to stimulation of glycogenolysis at the level of Phos a and phosphofructokinase due to allosteric regulation mediated by increased free ADP (ADP(f)), free AMP (AMP(f)), and free P(i) concentrations. PDH(a) increased with ALK at 60% VO(2 max) but was similar to CON at 75% VO(2 max). The increased PDH(a) may have resulted from alterations in the acetyl-CoA, ADP(f), pyruvate, NADH, and H(+) concentrations leading to a lower relative activity of PDH kinase, whereas the similar values at 75% VO(2 max) may have reflected maximal activation. The results demonstrate that imposed metabolic alkalosis in skeletal muscle results in acceleration of glycogenolysis at the level of Phos relative to maximal PDH activation, resulting in a mismatch between the rates of pyruvate production and oxidation resulting in an increase in Lac(-) production.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether long-term, heavy resistance training would cause adaptations in rat skeletal muscle structure and function. Ten male Wistar rats (3 weeks old) were trained to climb a 40-cm vertical ladder (4 days/week) while carrying progressively heavier loads secured to their tails. After 26 weeks of training the rats were capable of lifting up to 800 g or 140% of their individual body mass for four sets of 12–15 repetitions per session. No difference in body mass was observed between the trained rats and age-matched sedentary control rats. Absolute and relative heart mass were greater in trained rats than control rats. When expressed relative to body mass, the mass of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles was greater in trained rats than control rats. No difference in absolute muscle mass or maximum force-producing capacity was evident in either the EDL or soleus muscles after training, although both muscles exhibited an increased resistance to fatigue. Individual fibre hypertrophy was evident in all four skeletal muscles investigated, i.e. EDL, soleus, plantaris and rectus femoris muscles of trained rats, but muscle fibre type proportions within each of the muscles tested remained unchanged. Despite an increased ability of the rats to lift progressively heavier loads, this heavy resistance training model did not induce gross muscle hypertrophy nor did it increase the force-producing capacity of the EDL or soleus muscles. Accepted: 17 September 1997  相似文献   

In contraction of skeletal muscle a delay exists between the onset of electrical activity and measurable tension. This delay in electromechanical coupling has been stated to be between 30 and 100 ms. Thus, in rapid movements it may be possible for electromyographic (EMG) activity to have terminated before force can be detected. This study was designed to determine the dependence of the EMG-tension delay upon selected initial conditions at the time of muscle activation. The right forearms of 14 subjects were passively oscillated by a motor-driven dynamometer through flexion-extension cycles of 135 deg at an angular velocity of approximately equal to 0.5 rad/s. Upon presentation of a visual stimulus the subjects maximally contracted the relaxed elbow flexors during flexion, extension, and under isometric conditions. The muscle length at the time of the stimulus was the same in all three conditions. An on-line computer monitoring surface EMG (Biceps and Brachioradialis) and force calculated the electromechanical delay. The mean value for the delay under eccentric condition, 49.5 ms, was significantly different (p less than 0.05) from the delays during isometric (53.9 ms) and concentric activity (55.5 ms). It is suggested that the time required to stretch the series elastic component (SEC) represents the major portion of the measured delay and that during eccentric muscle activity the SEC is in a more favorable condition for rapid force development.  相似文献   

Previous studies in animals have demonstrated that a single period of aerobic exercise induces a rise in the skeletal muscle activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase and an increase in the muscle content of heat shock proteins (HSPs). The purpose of this study was to examine the time course of response of human skeletal muscle superoxide dismutase and catalase activities and the content of HSP60 and HSP70 after a period of exhaustive, nondamaging aerobic exercise. Seven volunteers undertook one-legged cycle ergometry at 70% maximal oxygen uptake for 45 min. Biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle 7 days before and at 1, 2, 3, and 6 days after exercise. Muscle superoxide dismutase activity increased to a peak at 3 days postexercise, muscle catalase activities were unchanged, and muscle content of HSP60 and the inducible HSP70 increased by variable amounts to reach means of 190% and 3,100% of preexercise values, respectively, by 6 days postexercise. These data indicate that human skeletal muscle responds to a single bout of nondamaging exercise by increasing superoxide dismutase activity and provide the first evidence of an increase in HSP content of human skeletal muscle after a submaximal exercise bout.  相似文献   

离心运动对大鼠骨骼肌细胞凋亡和增殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨离心运动对骨骼肌细胞凋亡和增殖的时序性影响。方法:50只8周龄SD大鼠随机分为对照组(C)和运动组(B1,B2,B3,B4)(n=10),运动组进行重复3 d的力竭性离心运动,TUNNEL法检测大鼠肱三头肌内侧头不同恢复时相细胞凋亡情况和免疫组化检测其细胞增殖核抗原(PCNA)的表达。结果:①骨骼肌细胞凋亡出现时序性变化,并与运动性骨骼肌微损伤出现了一致性,运动组凋亡指数明显高于对照组(P<0.05),运动后即刻凋亡指数升高,运动后24 h达到峰值,运动后48 h凋亡指数有所下降。②骨骼肌细胞增殖出现时序性,运动组增殖指数明显高于对照组(P<0.05),运动后即刻增殖指数较高,运动后3 h增殖指数有所下降,运动后24 h增殖指数达到峰值,到运动后48 h下降,但还未恢复到对照组。并与细胞凋亡呈中度相关(P<0.05)。结论:①细胞凋亡是诱发骨骼肌再发性损伤的一个因素。②细胞凋亡可能是骨骼肌细胞再生的一个启动因素。  相似文献   

刘辰东  杨露  蒲红州  杨琼  黄文耀  赵雪  朱砺  张顺华 《遗传》2017,39(10):888-896
DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和miRNA表达调控是表观遗传调控的3种重要方式,其在基因表达调控中发挥着关键作用。适当运动有益于身心健康。骨骼肌作为运动的主体组织,运动可以提高其代谢能力,改善其线粒体生物学功能,调控肌纤维类型转化,增加骨骼肌力量。近年来越来越多的研究表明,表观遗传调控在机体适应运动过程中发挥着重要作用,DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和miRNA表达调控等表观遗传调控方式通过调控骨骼肌基因表达来改变骨骼肌代谢能力、线粒体生物学功能和肌纤维类型,从而适应运动变化。本文对近年来运动对骨骼肌基因DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和相应miRNA表达调控等3种表观遗传调控方式的研究现状进行了综述,以期为进一步研究运动改善机体机能和健康提供参考。  相似文献   

Acute exercise remodels promoter methylation in human skeletal muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA methylation is a covalent biochemical modification controlling chromatin structure and gene expression. Exercise elicits gene expression changes that trigger structural and metabolic adaptations in skeletal muscle. We determined whether DNA methylation plays a role in exercise-induced gene expression. Whole genome methylation was decreased in?skeletal muscle biopsies obtained from healthy sedentary men and women after acute exercise. Exercise induced a dose-dependent expression of PGC-1α, PDK4, and PPAR-δ, together with a marked hypomethylation on each respective promoter. Similarly, promoter methylation of PGC-1α, PDK4, and PPAR-δ was markedly decreased in mouse soleus muscles 45?min after ex?vivo contraction. In L6 myotubes, caffeine exposure induced gene hypomethylation in parallel with an increase in the respective mRNA content. Collectively, our results provide evidence that acute gene activation is associated with a dynamic change in DNA methylation in skeletal muscle and suggest that DNA hypomethylation is an early event in contraction-induced gene activation.  相似文献   

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