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A rat monoclonal antibody against the murine transferrin receptor has been identified. The receptor is a 95,000 molecular weight species that exists in the cell membrane as a disulphide-bonded dimer. Whereas 29 of 29 murine hematopoietic tumor cell lines express detectable numbers of transferrin receptors, less than 1% of adult thymocytes or spleen cells and only 5% of bone marrow cells are positive. However, fetal liver and neonatal spleen contain substantial numbers of transferrin receptor-positive cells. Induction of Friend cells in vitro with dimethyl-sulphoxide leads to an overall increase in the expression of transferrin receptors on the cell surface. The anti-transferin receptor antibody we have obtained partially blocks iron uptake from 59Fe-transferrin by a variety of murine cell lines and inhibits the growth of a murine myeloma cell line in vitro.  相似文献   

The tec family kinase, inducible T cell tyrosine kinase (Itk), is critical for both development and activation of T lymphocytes. We have found that Itk regulates TCR/CD3-induced actin-dependent cytoskeletal events. Expression of Src homology (SH) 2 domain mutant Itk transgenes into Jurkat T cells inhibits these events. Furthermore, Itk(-/-) murine T cells display significant defects in TCR/CD3-induced actin polymerization. In addition, Jurkat cells deficient in linker for activation of T cells expression, an adaptor critical for Itk activation, display impaired cytoskeletal events and expression of SH3 mutant Itk transgenes reconstitutes this impairment. Interestingly, expression of an Itk kinase-dead mutant transgene into Jurkat cells has no effect on cytoskeletal events. Collectively, these data suggest that Itk regulates TCR/CD3-induced actin-dependent cytoskeletal events, possibly in a kinase-independent fashion.  相似文献   

Specific tolerance to phosphorylcholine (PC) was induced in BALB/c mice by two methods. Neonatal mice received a single injection of either: 1)PnC, the C-polysaccharide from S. pneumoniae, R36a vaccine which has PC as a major antigenic determinant or 2) ARA, an homologous antibody directed against the receptor for PC. Spleen cells from animals treated as neonates with either PnC or ARA were specifically suppressed for the response to PC antigens in vitro. In addition, cells from either group of unresponsive animals co-cultured with spleen cells of normal BALB/c mice markedly suppressed the response of the normal cells to PC. Greater than 90% inhibition of the plaque-forming cell response was obtained when unresponsive cells were mixed with normal cells in ratios of 1:1 or greater. Equal numbers of cells from animals made unresponsive by PnC or ARA produced an equivalent degree of suppression. Neither supernatants of cultures nor sera of animals of either unresponsive group suppressed the response of normal spleen cells to PC. Suppression by cells from both groups of tolerant mice was eliminated by treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 serum and C. Presumably, a common cell is responsible for suppression caused by cells from mice made unresponsive by either procedure.  相似文献   

Repeated immunization of normal C57L/J (H-2b) mice with peripheral T cells from BALB.B (H-2b) mice results in the production of antibodies which react with the T cell receptor. A monoclonal antibody-producing hybridoma, F23.1, was isolated from immunized C57L/J mice showing this property. This monoclonal antibody recognizes approximately 25% of peripheral T cells in BALB mice. It stains approximately the same fraction of T cells and precipitates the same heterodimer as the rat monoclonal antibody described previously that was made against isolated receptor material. The allotypic determinant recognized by this monoclonal antibody is present in most common laboratory strains (BALB, C57BL, CBA, A, DBA, C3H) and is absent in C57L, C57BR, and SJL mice. Sorting peripheral T cells from BALB.B or (SJL X BALB/c)F1 mice for the F23.1+ and F23.1- subsets revealed that both populations contain approximately the same CTL precursor frequency for alloantigen. Thus, the T cell receptor allotype defined by F23.1 is present on CTL. Furthermore, cytotoxicity mediated by an F23.1+ CTL line could be blocked specifically by the F23.1 monoclonal antibody. Under appropriate conditions, the monoclonal antibody F23.1 bound to Sepharose 4B beads can induce resting peripheral T lymphocytes of allotype-positive strains to proliferate.  相似文献   

Characterization of rat T cell subset antigen by monoclonal antibody   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
6B2-B8 T cell hybridoma cells were used to immunize mice, and immune spleen cells were fused with NS/1 myeloma cells. One clone, designated RTH-7, reacted with 89.5% of rat thymocytes, 30.2% of rat spleen cells, and 42.3% of rat lymph node cells. The RTH-7 reacted with a subset of rat T cells but not with B cells. Double staining analysis demonstrated that RTH-7 stained a rat T cell subset distinct from R1-10B5-positive cells that were known to be equivalent to mouse Lyt-2. It was revealed that RTH-7 and W3/25 recognize different antigenic epitopes on the same molecule. The RTH-7 as well as W3/25 substantially inhibited the production of interleukin 2 by cells in mixed lymphocyte reaction and the lymphocyte proliferation induced by mixed lymphocyte reaction. The RTH-7 inhibited the lymphocyte proliferation induced by Con A whereas W3/25 failed to do so. The RTH-7 defined antigen has a molecular weight of 53,000 under reducing condition and 47,000 under nonreducing condition. The RTH-7 defined antigen showed a wide range of heterogeneity in pI (6.2-8.8). The associated molecule of approximate molecular weight of 27,000 was occasionally detected with the RTH-7 defined antigen in 6B2-B8 T cell hybridoma cells as well as peripheral T cells but not in thymocytes. Thus, RTH-7 detects a cell surface antigen of a functional T cell subset of rat origin.  相似文献   

The attachment of rhinoviruses to cellular receptors was studied by displacing bound virus particles with an anti-receptor monoclonal antibody. The two serotypes studied differed significantly with respect to the temperature dependence of displacement and the nature of the particles displaced. Binding was shown to be a two-step process, the first of which is reversible and is seen when viruses are bound either to isolated cell membranes or to cells at lower than physiological temperatures. Second-stage binding was seen with serotype 14 when bound to intact cells. Viral particles released from such cells by incubation at 37 degrees C or by anti-receptor antibody exhibited altered physical changes in the capsid and a loss of infectivity. In contrast, serotype 67 bound efficiently to cells at 37 degrees C and did not elute spontaneously but could be displaced by anti-receptor antibody to produce complete, infectious particles. Rhinoviruses labeled with [3H]myristic acid or with [35S]methionine were displaced similarly from cells or membranes by anti-receptor antibody, indicating that the majority of VP4 of rhinoviruses does not enter or remain attached to cells during either the first or second stage of virus binding. These data support the conclusion that the myristic acid moiety of VP4 is not involved in the initial viral interaction with cellular receptors.  相似文献   

The T cell antigen receptor.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The dominant immune response to rat myelin basic protein in H-2u mice is directed against the acetylated, N-terminal peptide Ac1-11 (AcASQKR-PSQRHG). This peptide causes encephalomyelitis on injection into mice of the H-2u haplotype. Only two residues of the peptide are required for ligation of the TCR from an Ac1-11-specific T cell hybridoma. Proline at position 6 could not be substituted by any other L-amino acid, whereas glutamine at position 3 could be replaced by phenylalanine, histidine, methionine, or tyrosine. Cross-reactive recognition of these residues appears to be specific, because increasing the affinity of each analogue for its MHC restriction element, by replacing lysine with tyrosine at position 4, did not alter the pattern of cross-reactivity. For the majority of substitutions at this position, a lack of stimulation could not be explained by failure to bind to I-Au. However, competition binding studies showed that introduction of proline at position 3 reduced the efficacy of binding to I-Au. Cross-reactive analogues of Ac1-11 were injected into H-2u mice to test the extent to which cross-reactive T cell activation might lead to autoimmune disease in this model. An analogue containing methionine at position 3 caused clinical experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in a small percentage of H-2u mice.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of the invariant chains associated with the human TCR has been investigated after the stimulation of T lymphocytes with CD2 mAb T11(2) and T11(3), PHA, or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. As described previously, stimulation of T cells with either CD2 mAb or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate resulted in the phosphorylation of the CD3 gamma-chain. The combination of T11(2) and T11(3) mAb also induced phosphorylation of the TCR zeta-chain. The phosphorylated zeta-polypeptide of CD2-activated cells was immunoprecipitated with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies and migrated to a 21- to 23-kDa position during SDS/PAGE. These results indicate that stimulation of human T cells via the CD2 Ag with the T11(2) and T11(3) mAb activates not only protein kinase C but also tyrosine kinase(s), resulting in the phosphorylation of the CD3 gamma-chain and the tyrosine phosphorylation of the zeta-chain, respectively.  相似文献   

The high affinity binding of the anthrax protective antigen (PA) to one of its receptors, capillary morphogenesis protein 2 (CMG2), is essential for the intoxication process of anthrax toxin. To acquire novel research tools to study the PA-CMG2 interaction, we generated several anti-CMG2 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). We demonstrated that one of the MAbs, 4B5, could inhibit PA-CMG2 binding and could also protect the sensitive cells against an anthrax lethal toxin challenge. We identified the epitope recognized by 4B5 and confirmed that the key residues of the epitope were the residues 119YI-LK125 of CMG2. Based on our results, we propose that 4B5 binds to the E122 pocket of CMG2 and interrupts the interaction between the pocket and the PA 2β3-2β4 loop. To our knowledge, this is the first report to illustrate that an anti-CMG2 antibody could inhibit the PA-CMG2 interaction and therefore interfere with the intoxication of anthrax toxin.  相似文献   

Neonatal treatment with a monoclonal antibody specific for the alpha beta TCR results in mice with a long term, severe depletion in the number of alpha beta T cells in the periphery. Significant numbers of T cells reappear in the periphery about age 65 days, but these cells tend to lack expression of CD4 or CD8. Splenocytes of antibody-treated mice are less sensitive to mitogen stimulation or stimulation with MHC allogeneic cells. The level of serum IgG but not IgM was decreased by the treatment. Anti-alpha beta TCR antibody treatment decreased single-positive T lymphocytes that express high levels of the CD3/alpha beta TCR complex from the thymus, suggesting that the treatment could act in part by affecting negative selection of alpha beta TCR+ thymocytes. This treatment does not, however, detectably affect either the homing or the numbers of gamma delta T cells which are abundant in the intestinal epithelium, but which remain a minor population in the spleen and lymph nodes. This supports the hypothesis that gamma delta T cells are developmentally autonomous from alpha beta T cells. These mice provide an excellent model system for assessing the developmental and functional role of gamma delta T lymphocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

Control of IgE Ab production is important for the prevention of IgE-related diseases. However, in contrast to the existing information on the induction of IgE production, little is known about the regulation of the production of this isotype, with the exception of the well-documented mechanism involving T cell subsets and their cytokine products. In this study, we demonstrate an alternative approach to interfere with the production of IgE, independent of the activity of T cells, which was discovered during the course of an investigation intended to clarify the mechanism of IgE-selective unresponsiveness induced by surface-coupled liposomal Ags. Immunization of mice with OVA-liposome conjugates induced IgE-selective unresponsiveness without apparent Th1 polarization. Neither IL-12, IL-10, nor CD8(+) T cells participated in the regulation. Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells of mice immunized with OVA-liposome were capable of inducing Ag-specific IgE synthesis in athymic nude mice immunized with alum-adsorbed OVA. In contrast, immunization of the recipient mice with OVA-liposome did not induce anti-OVA IgE production, even when CD4(+) T cells of mice immunized with alum-adsorbed OVA were transferred. In the secondary immune response, OVA-liposome enhanced anti-OVA IgG Ab production, but it did not enhance ongoing IgE production, suggesting that the IgE-selective unresponsiveness induced by the liposomal Ag involved direct effects on IgE, but not IgG switching in vivo. These results suggest the existence of an alternative mechanism not involving T cells in the regulation of IgE synthesis.  相似文献   

A cell surface protein known as T4 (CD4, Leu3), Mr = 55,000, is expressed on the subset of human T lymphocytes which provides helper function for B cell and cytotoxic T cell activities. We show that T4 is constitutively phosphorylated and that phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) induces a rapid serine phosphorylation which is followed by a fast dephosphorylation. Within 5 min after PMA treatment, there is a 24% reduction of T4 on the cell surface, by 4 h the loss is nearly complete, and by 20 h T4 is re-expressed. Addition of antigen to a T4+ antigen-reactive T cell clone induces both phosphorylation and dephosphorylation with kinetics similar to that described for PMA. Antigen also causes reduction of cell surface T4, although to a lesser degree than stimulation with PMA. The rapid phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of T4 as well as its movement from the cell surface suggest that T4 functions as a receptor for an unknown ligand.  相似文献   

The antigen receptor complex on murine MHC class II-restricted T cells consists of disulfide-linked alpha and beta chains noncovalently associated with four additional polypeptides, two that are endoglycosaminidase F-sensitive, gp26 and gp21, and two that are endoglycosaminidase F-resistant, p25 and p16. We demonstrate here that treatment of murine T cell hybridomas with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate results in phosphorylation of p25 and gp21 on serine residues. However, activation of cells by antigen results in the phosphorylation of the gp21 chain and a heretofore unidentified 21 kd protein. This newly defined polypeptide, p21, is specifically immunoprecipitated with the antigen receptor complex, is endoglycosaminidase F-resistant, and is itself part of a disulfide-linked molecule. Unlike antigen-induced phosphorylation of gp21, which occurs on serine residues, phosphorylation of p21 occurs uniquely on tyrosine residues.  相似文献   

Recognition of antigen by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) is determined by interaction of both the T cell receptor and its CD8 coreceptor with peptide-major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) class I molecules. We examine the relative roles of these receptors in the activation of human CTL using mutations in MHC class I designed to diminish or abrogate the CD8/pMHC interaction. We use surface plasmon resonance to determine that point mutation of the alpha3 loop of HLA A2 abrogates the CD8/pMHC interaction without affecting the affinity of the T cell receptor/pMHC interaction. Antigen-presenting cells expressing HLA A2 which does not bind to CD8 fail to activate CTL at any peptide concentration. Comparison of CTL activation by targets expressing HLA A2 with normal, abrogated, or diminished CD8/pMHC interaction show that the CD8/pMHC interaction enhances sensitivity to antigen. We determine that the biochemical basis for coreceptor dependence is the activation of the 23-kDa phosphoform of the CD3zeta chain. In addition, we produce mutant MHC class I multimers that specifically stain but do not activate CTL. These reagents may prove useful in circumventing undesirable activation-related perturbation of intracellular processes when pMHC multimers are used to phenotype antigen-specific CD8+ lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Phorbol esters cause an apparent differentiation of human T leukemic cell lines. It was shown previously that TPA induces the expression of the interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor and the T3 complex on some T cell lines, including CCRF-CEM. We demonstrate that expression of the IL 2 receptor correlated with an induction of the 3.5 and 1.5 kb IL 2 receptor mRNA. In addition, the TPA-induced expression of the T3 polypeptides was found to be accompanied by induction of a putative T cell antigen receptor heterodimer on CEM cells. This was demonstrated by the co-precipitation of the T cell receptor with T3 from digitonin-solubilized cells. The cells expressed high levels of T3 delta- and T cell receptor beta-chain mRNA in the absence of TPA. The effect of TPA was to cause a rapid accumulation of T cell receptor alpha-chain mRNA. This suggested that the alpha-chain gene was rearranged before TPA induction and that expression of the T cell receptor/T3 complex on the cell surface was regulated by the level of alpha-chain expression. It was also shown that cloned sublines of CEM cells which expressed different T cell antigen phenotypes differed in their response to TPA.  相似文献   

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