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Pectoral muscle can be an important source of protein for birds. During egg formation Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata are able to compensate for nutritional inadequacies in their diet by utilization of the protein in their flight muscles. This analysis of flight muscle sarcoplasm supported earlier observations of protein depletion during egg production. However, SDS gel electrophoresis of the sarcoplasm produced no evidence to support a previous suggestion of the existence of a high molecular weight storage protein, and it is thought that the original observation may have arisen as an artefact of experimental methodology. During laying, protein removal from the sarcoplasm occurred over a range of different proteins and was not confined to any one specific protein band. Additionally, the protein band most reduced over the course of laying did not contain elevated levels of the amino acids most limiting to egg production. These results indicate that during laying, flight muscle sarcoplasm contributes towards the nutrient requirements of egg production from general protein reserves, rather than from a specific storage protein containing elevated levels of limiting amino acids.  相似文献   

Cellular stressors initiate the heat shock response mediated by heat shock proteins (HSPs). There are two main types of HSPs, constitutive (always expressed) and inducible (upon stress), but as many in vivo studies fail to distinguish between them and because temporal expression patterns often differ among various types of HSPs, it is unclear when to measure HSPs. In this study, 26 (13 per treatment) adult female Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata were heat‐stressed (39 °C) or placed in a control brooder (room temperature) for 3 h and were bled 1 week prior to and at 1, 2, 4, 6 and 20 h post‐treatment. Treatment had no effect on levels of either constitutive HSP70 or inducible HSP90, but both HSPs decreased with time relative to baseline, suggesting a possible effect of handling stress and/or circadian variation.  相似文献   

As female birds are able to lay no more than a single egg each day, in those species producing larger clutches the first laid eggs may get a developmental head‐start over later eggs in the clutch. All other things being equal, the differential pattern of development across the clutch may contribute to hatching asynchrony and subsequent inequity in the competition between brood mates, and ultimately increase variance in the quality and fitness of first‐ and last‐laid offspring. It has been suggested that females might allocate resources differently across the laying sequence to moderate the developmental rate and hatching time of different embryos. We tested this theory in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata, a common model species for investigating maternal effects in birds. We removed 758 eggs from 160 nests shortly after they were laid and used artificial incubators to control for parental effects and monitor hatching times. Eggs from larger clutches consistently hatched sooner than those from average‐sized clutches, demonstrating that the intrinsic properties of an egg can alter the developmental time of embryos. There were also differences in the development time of eggs across the laying sequence, but these patterns were weaker, inconsistent and unrelated to sequential investment across the laying sequence in a straightforward way. This study indicates that maternal resource allocation to eggs across the laying sequence and across clutch sizes can influence development times and play a potentially important role in determining the competitive dynamics of broods.  相似文献   

The zebra finch has long been an important model system for the study of vocal learning, vocal production, and behavior. With the imminent sequencing of its genome, the zebra finch is now poised to become a model system for population genetics. Using a panel of 30 noncoding loci, we characterized patterns of polymorphism and divergence among wild zebra finch populations. Continental Australian populations displayed little population structure, exceptionally high levels of nucleotide diversity (π = 0.010), a rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD), and a high population recombination rate (ρ ≈ 0.05), all of which suggest an open and fluid genomic background that could facilitate adaptive variation. By contrast, substantial divergence between the Australian and Lesser Sunda Island populations (KST = 0.193), reduced genetic diversity (π = 0.002), and higher levels of LD in the island population suggest a strong but relatively recent founder event, which may have contributed to speciation between these populations as envisioned under founder-effect speciation models. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that under a simple quantitative genetic model both drift and selection could have contributed to the observed divergence in six quantitative traits. In both Australian and Lesser Sundas populations, diversity in Z-linked loci was significantly lower than in autosomal loci. Our analysis provides a quantitative framework for studying the role of selection and drift in shaping patterns of molecular evolution in the zebra finch genome.  相似文献   

S. JAMES REYNOLDS 《Ibis》2001,143(2):205-215
Many small passerines forage intensively for calcium-rich foods during laying. Increased incidences of shell defects in eggs of small passerines have been reported, particularly in western Europe, and these have been explained in terms of declining calcium availability in soils, resulting from prolonged anthropogenic acid deposition. Studies in the field have provided laying birds, nesting in areas of low calcium availability, with calcium supplements. An alternative approach was adopted in this study by allowing captive Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata to lay first clutches on ad libitum calcium, switching them to a low calcium diet for 72 hours for the formation of all but the first egg of the second clutch and reinstating ad libitum calcium for the final clutch. Control females had access to ad libitum calcium for all three clutches. Clutch sizes did not vary significantly between birds on low calcium and controls. The former took over three days longer to lay clutch 3 than did controls but the difference was not statistically significant. Birds on low calcium laid eggs that declined in shell ash mass with laying sequence, indicating that birds may have been calcium-limited. Although not statistically significant, eggshell thickness also declined with laying sequence in clutches laid by females on low calcium. The remaining egg measurements (shell mass, shell surface area and volume] of clutches laid by birds on low calcium did not differ significantly from those of controls. Furthermore, females on low calcium did not resort to skeletal reserves to provide sufficient calcium for egg formation. Dietary calcium appears to be of paramount importance in providing sufficient calcium for clutch formation.  相似文献   

成年雄性鸣禽的习得性发声信号——长鸣(long call)和鸣唱(song)是由前脑高级发声中枢启动,以及由前脑最后一级输出核团弓状皮质栎核(robust nucleus of the arcopallium,RA)整合输出.RA投射神经元与位于中脑的基本发声中枢丘间复合体背内侧核(dorsomedial nucleus of the intercollicular,DM)形成突触连接.该文采用电损毁与声谱分析相结合的方法,通过依次损毁成年雄性斑胸草雀(Taeniopygia guttata)单侧RA和DM核团,探讨了前脑和中脑对习得性发声的影响.结果提示,RA核团与DM核团共同参与了对雄性斑胸草雀习得性声音的调控,而且这种控制具有右侧优势.  相似文献   

The visual wulst of the zebra finch comprises at least two retinotopic maps of the contralateral eye. As yet, it is not known how much of the visual field is represented in the wulst neuronal maps, how the organization of the maps is related to the retinal architecture, and how information from the ipsilateral eye is involved in the activation of the wulst. Here, we have used autofluorescent flavoprotein imaging and classical anatomical methods to investigate such characteristics of the most posterior map of the multiple retinotopic representations. We found that the visual wulst can be activated by visual stimuli from a large part of the visual field of the contralateral eye. Horizontally, the visual field representation extended from -5° beyond the beak tip up to +125° laterally. Vertically, a small strip from -10° below to about +25° above the horizon activated the visual wulst. Although retinal ganglion cells had a much higher density around the fovea and along a strip extending from the fovea towards the beak tip, these areas were not overrepresented in the wulst map. The wulst area activated from the foveal region of the ipsilateral eye, overlapped substantially with the middle of the three contralaterally activated regions in the visual wulst, and partially with the other two. Visual wulst activity evoked by stimulation of the frontal visual field was stronger with contralateral than with binocular stimulation. This confirms earlier electrophysiological studies indicating an inhibitory influence of the activation of the ipsilateral eye on wulst activity elicited by stimulating the contralateral eye. The lack of a foveal overrepresentation suggests that identification of objects may not be the primary task of the zebra finch visual wulst. Instead, this brain area may be involved in the processing of visual information necessary for spatial orientation.  相似文献   

Poor utilization of amino acids contributes to losses of milk protein yield in dairy cows exposed to heat stress (HS). Our objective was to test the effect of essential amino acids on milk production in lactating dairy cows exposed to short-term HS conditions. To achieve this objective, 12 multiparous, lactating Holstein cows were assigned to two environments (thermoneutral (THN) or HS) from days 1 to 14 in a split-plot type cross-over design. All cows received 0 g/day of essential amino acids from days 1 to 7 (negative control (NC)) followed by an intravenous infusion of l-methionine (12 g/day), l-lysine (21 g/day), l-leucine (35 g/day), l-isoleucine (15 g/day) and l-valine (15 g/day, methionine, lysine and branched-chain amino acids (ML+BCAA)) from days 8 to 14. The basal diet was composed of ryegrass silage and hay, and a concentrate mix. This diet supplied 44 g of methionine, 125 g of lysine, 167 g of leucine, 98 g of isoleucine and 109 g of valine per day to the small intestine of THN cows. Temperature–humidity index was maintained below 66 for the THN environment, whereas the index was maintained above 68, peaking at 76, for 14 continuous h/day for the HS environment. Heat stress conditioning increased the udder temperature from 37.0°C to 39.6°C. Cows that received the ML+BCAA treatment had greater p.m. rectal and vaginal temperatures (0.50°C and 0.40°C, respectively), and respiration rate (8 breaths/min) compared with those on the NC treatment and exposed to a HS environment. However, neither NC nor ML+BCAA affected rectal or vaginal temperatures and respiration rates in the THN environment. Compared with THN, the HS environment reduced dry matter intake (1.48 kg/day), milk yield (2.82 kg/day) and milk protein yield (0.11 kg/day). However, compared with NC, the ML+BCAA treatment increased milk protein percent by 0.07 points. For the THN environment, the ML+BCAA treatment increased concentrations of milk urea nitrogen. For the HS environment, the ML+BCAA treatment decreased plasma concentrations of arginine, ornithine and citrulline; however, differences were not observed for the THN environment. In summary, HS elicited expected changes in production; however, infusions of ML+BCAA failed to increase milk protein yield. Lower dry matter intake and greater heat load in response to ML+BCAA contributed to the lack of response in milk production in HS cows. The ML+BCAA treatment may have reduced the breakdown of muscle protein in heat-stressed cows.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms at the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene have been linked to coloration in many vertebrate species. However, the potentially confounding influence of population structure has rarely been controlled for. We explored the role of the MC1R in a model avian system by sequencing the coding region in 162 zebra finches comprising 79 wild type and 83 white individuals from five stocks. Allelic counts differed significantly between the two plumage morphs at multiple segregating sites, but these were mostly synonymous. To provide a control, the birds were genotyped at eight microsatellites and subjected to Bayesian cluster analysis, revealing two distinct groups. We therefore crossed wild type with white individuals and backcrossed the F1s with white birds. No significant associations were detected in the resulting offspring, suggesting that our original findings were a byproduct of genome-wide divergence. Our results are consistent with a previous study that found no association between MC1R polymorphism and plumage coloration in leaf warblers. They also contribute towards a growing body of evidence suggesting that care should be taken to quantify, and where necessary control for, population structure in association studies.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression, or the reduction in fitness due to mating between close relatives, is a key issue in biology today. Inbreeding negatively affects many fitness‐related traits, including survival and reproductive success. Despite this, very few studies have quantified the effects of inbreeding on vertebrate gamete traits under controlled breeding conditions using a full‐sib mating approach. Here, we provide comprehensive evidence for the negative effect of inbreeding on sperm traits in a bird, the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. We compared sperm characteristics of both inbred (pedigree F = 0.25) and outbred (pedigree F = 0) individuals from two captive populations, one domesticated and one recently wild‐derived, raised under standardized conditions. As normal spermatozoa morphology did not differ consistently between inbred and outbred individuals, our study confirms the hypothesis that sperm morphology is not particularly susceptible to inbreeding depression. Inbreeding did, however, lead to significantly lower sperm motility and a substantially higher percentage of abnormal spermatozoa in ejaculate. These results were consistent across both study populations, confirming the generality and reliability of our findings.  相似文献   

As in many bacterial species, the first enzymatic reaction of the aspartate-family pathway in plants is mediated by several isozymes of aspartate kinase (AK) that are subject to feedback inhibition by the end-product amino acids lysine or threonine. So far, only cDNAs and genes encoding threonine-sensitive AKs have been cloned from plants. These were all shown to encode polypeptides containing two linked activities, namely AK and homoserine dehydrogenase (HSD), similar to the Escherichia coli thrA gene encoding a threonine-sensitive bifunctional AK/HSD isozyme. In the present report, we describe the cloning of a new Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA that is relatively highly homologous to the E. coli lysC gene encoding the lysine-sensitive AK isozyme. Moreover, similar to the bacterial lysine-sensitive AK, the polypeptide encoded by the present cDNA is monofunctional and does not contain an HSD domain. These observations imply that our cloned cDNA encodes a lysine-sensitive AK. Southern blot hybridization detected a single gene highly homologous to the present cDNA, plus an additional much less homologous gene. This was confirmed by the independent cloning of an additional Arabidopsis cDNA encoding a lysine-sensitive AK (see accompanying paper). Northern blot analysis suggested that the gene encoding this monofunctional AK cDNA is abundantly expressed in most if not all tissues of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Maize ( Zea mays L., hybrid INRA 260) was grown in the greenhouse with mineral nutrition of different sulphate concentrations. Mature seeds from these plants were compared for their free amino acid and protein N forms. For the most S-deficient sample, the Asx (asparagine + aspartic acid) content increased by 30% as compared with control, while methionine and cysteine decreased (by 25 and 30%, respectively), as well as glycine, lysine, histidine, arginine and tryptophan. In seeds lowest in S the non-protein N to total N ratio was 77% higher than in the control. Free asparagine dominated in starved seeds (50 mol % of total free amino acids) and was ten-fold more concentrated than in the control, where proline was the predominant free amino acid. Thus the Asx of non-protein N reached 28% of the total mol Asx of the whole starved seed. Altered S nutrition had virtually no effect on the amino acid composition of the main protein fractions, but it significantly changed their ratios. Zeins, which are poor in S-containing amino acids, showed 25% higher level than in seeds supplied with normal S. As a counterbalance, two glutelin subfractions rich in S-containing amino acids, decreased by 36–71% under limiting S nutrition.
It is concluded that the plant reacts against S deficiency by modifying its N metabolism. Significant accumulation occurred of free asparagine, which is the main form of N transportation. The biosynthesis of seed storage protein occurred through the accumulation of the highest possible protein quantity allowed by the available S-containing amino acids, i.e. proteins low in S-containing amino acids were preferentially synthesized.  相似文献   

Conspecific recognition is essential for sexually reproducing species. Captive zebra finches ( Taeniopygia guttata ) are a model system in which the behavioural, ontogenetic and neurobiological bases of own-species (conspecific) recognition have been studied in detail. To assess the potential role of phylogeographic effects on species recognition, we examined the spatial preferences of unmated captive-bred female zebra finches between unfamiliar captive males of conspecific and estrildid heterospecific male stimuli. In accordance with prior studies using domesticated Bengalese finches ( Lonchura striata vars. domestica ), we found significant spatial and behavioural preference for conspecific males by female zebra finches, irrespective of heterospecific male phylogeographic origin mating status, or individual behaviour. This result has ramifications for the interpretation of social and mate preferences in this model species as it implies a consistency of species discrimination by captive female zebra finches.  相似文献   

Summary Rice cells derived from PI 353705 (similar to Assam 5) were isolated from anthers cultured on Blaydes medium containing IAA, 2,4-D, kinetin, yeast extract, and coconut milk. Isolated aggregates of cells were plated on a modified Blaydes medium containing 10−3 M S-aminoethyl-l-cysteine (S-AEC). This level ofS-AEC inhibits nonselected wild type cells. Cells or aggregates of cells resistant to this analog of lysine were subcultured three times in the presence of 2×10−3 M S-AEC. The selected cells were then placed on a Murashige-Skoog (MS) regenerating medium containing 1 mg/l each of IAA and kinetin. Ten plants were recovered from 34 selected cell lines, three plants grew to maturity, and two produced seeds. Seeds from plants regenerated from cells in culture had higher lysine than the original field controls and had increased levels of free alanine, arginine, and asparagine. The in vitro selection produced plants with higher protein than the field controls. Plant breeders have begun to evaluate the genotype recovered from in vitro selection.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted with one-year-old plants of the perennial legume, lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.), to determine the effects of various levels of S (0.3, 1.5, and 7.5 m M ) on N2-fixation, photosynthesis, herbage free amino acid pools and protein amino acids, levels of protein, and activities of key enzymes of leaf nitrogen and carbon metabolism. Sulphur deficiencies in the 0.3 m M S treatment, as determined by N:S ratios, did not appear until the second growth cycle. This treatment was severely S-deficient by the end of the third growth cycle. Sulphur deficiencies did not occur in the other two treatments over three cycles of growth. By the middle of the second growth cycle acetylene reduction rates of plants grown with 0.3 m M S were lower than those of other treatments. At the end of the third growth cycle acetylene reduction rates of the 0.3 m M S treatment were ca . 30–35% that of the other treatments. There was no effect of S-deficiency on photosynthesis, levels of leaf NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase activity, or concentrations of leaf protein over the course of the experiments. Levels of NAD-glutamate dehydrogenase, NAD-malate dehydrogenase, and glutamate oxaloacetate trans-aminase activity and concentrations of free methionine, arginine, urea, and ammonia increased, with S-deficiency. Boron concentrations were very high (ca. 300 μg/g dry wt.) in S-deficient plants. The mole percent methiomne in leaf protein decreased slightly and chlorophyll concentration decreased markedly with S-deficiency. This study suggests that N2-fixation is affected early during S-deprivation of lucerne and that subsequent effects of S-deficiency may be due to loss of fixed nitrogen.  相似文献   

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