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Aragán C. F. and Escudero A. 2008. Mating system of Helianthemum squamatum (Cistaceae), a gypsophile specialist of semi-arid Mediterranean environments. Bot. Helv. 118: 129–137 Plants living on gypsum have received remarkably little study, despite being one of the most important groups of endemic and rare plants in arid and semi-arid regions. This work is among the first to study the mating system of a gypsophyte, Helianthemum squamatum (Cistaceae), which is a short-lived perennial endemic to gypsum habitats of the Iberian Peninsula. We carried out a hand-pollination experiment, considering the following pollination treatments: autogamy, geitonogamy, xenogamy and control (open-pollination). Generalized linear mixed models were fitted to evaluate the effect of the treatment on the fruit set and the number of viable seeds yielded per fruit. Both response variables were significantly higher in the xenogamy treatment than in the autogamy and geitonogamy treatments. No significant differences were detected between the xenogamy treatment and the control group, indicating that H. squamatum is mainly an outcrosser although partially self-compatible. Our results also suggest that pollen limitation may only slightly affect the reproductive success of H. squamatum. In contrast with the general tendency towards self-compatibility previously described in short-lived species of the Cistaceae, this outcrossing mating system resembles the one of long-lived perennials Submitted 10 April 2008; Accepted 25 August 2008 Subject editor: Christian Parisod  相似文献   

The geographic dichotomy hypothesis suggests that columnar cacti inhabiting the tropics depend on flower visitors (birds and bats) for their pollination, showing highly specialized animal‐pollinated systems. This pattern has been demonstrated for the northern hemisphere; however, our knowledge of the species of columnar cacti growing in the southern tropics is still scarce. In this study, we studied the reproductive biology of Oreocereus fossulatus (Cactaceae, Tribe Trichocereae), an endemic, columnar cactus of the tropical Andes, to determine if its pollination system tends to be more generalized (mixed systems of autogamy and xenogamy) than specialized (xenogamy) as a consequence of the geographic position of where it lives. Observations of the frequency of visits showed that Patagona gigas (Trochillidae) is its main pollinator. It visits the flowers when they are open, coinciding with the periods of greater floral reward (dusk and dawn of the first day of anthesis). The treatments of autogamy, xenogamy and geitonogamy produced fruits, showing that O. fossulatus exhibits a generalized pollination system, in the same way as its congeneric species O. celsianus, which is distributed farther south in the Prepuna biogeographical region. Our results suggest that species partially specializing in pollination by hummingbirds and, besides, capable of autopollination, could be common in the tropical and subtropical Andes, probably as a response to the unpredictable environments present in their ecosystems.  相似文献   

The pollination mechanisms and pollen vectors of Solarium rostratum have been examined by greenhouse experiments and field studies. Although the capacity for autogamy exists in this weedy annual, it rarely occurs because of two factors: (1) the morphology of the flower and (2) the foraging behavior of the various species of Bombus, the primary pollen vector in the regions studied. The percentages of geitonogamy and xenogamy are dependent on the flight pattern of the bees and the number of open flowers on a plant.  相似文献   

Controlled pollinations, followed by germination studies of seeds resulting from self- and cross-pollination, were carried out using plants from 12 populations of nine species of Aphelandra (Acanthaceae), a genus of neotropical shrubs and herbs. These results are combined with data from field studies of flower morphology, phenology, and pollinator relationships to estimate breeding system of each species. All species have floral morphological traits that prevent autogamy. Plants from five populations of five species experience low levels of geitonogamous pollen transfer; they produce few flowers daily and are pollinated by traplining hummingbirds. Excepting A. storkii, these plants are fully self-compatible (SC), and seeds from selfing are as viable as crossed seeds. Aphelandra storkii is partially self-incompatible (SI) and produces seeds from selfing that tend to germinate less successfully than crossed seeds. Plants from the remaining populations are profusely flowering shrubs, and even those pollinated by traplining hummingbirds should experience higher levels of geitonogamy. Aphelandra deppeana is pollinated by territorial hummingbirds, which should further increase the incidence of geitonogamy. All shrub species are partially SI, and two species (A. leonardii and A. sinclairiana) show significant reduced germination of selfed vs. crossed seeds. The breeding system of these species is thus modified by postpollination factors that favor the formation and maturation of outcrossed seeds. It is suggested that Aphelandra species, like other herbs and shrubs of tropical forest understory, possess a combination of breeding system traits that promote outcrossing but do not exclude geitonogamy.  相似文献   

The breeding system of the terrestrial orchid Eulophia alta was investigated in south Florida where it has previously been reported as an auto‐pollinated species. The effect of breeding system on seed viability and germinability and seedling development was also investigated. Incidences of spontaneous autogamy in E. alta were rare at the study site, resulting in only 7.1% of observed flowers forming capsules. In addition, hand pollination resulted in significantly greater capsule formation when flowers were subjected to induced autogamy (46.4%), artificial geitonogamy (64.3%) and xenogamy at both short (pollen source 10–100 m away; 42.9%) and long (pollen source > 10 km away; 67.9%) distances. Pollen source had little effect on seed viability and germinability or seedling growth rates. However, seed resulting from spontaneous autogamy developed more slowly than seed originating from the other treatments. These data indicate that spontaneous autogamy is rare in E. alta and that naturally forming capsules may be the result of unobserved pollination events. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 78–88.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of reproductive isolation were studied in two species of Arum , A. italicum and A. maculatum , growing in England and the south of France. The study focused on three potential mechanisms for reproductive isolation: the effectiveness of dichogamy as a barrier to autogamy; the ability of self and outcrossed pollen to germinate on stigmas at different stages of anthesis and to effect pollination; and postzygotic barriers to selfing. Dichogamy was found to provide a very effective barrier to within-inflorescence selfing in these species, as no seeds were produced by spontaneous self-pollination (i.e. autogamy) in any population of either species. However, the study found that geitonogamy (cross-pollination between inflorescences of a same individual or clone) was possible, as genotypes frequently produced several inflorescences and stigmas were found to be receptive to pollen from before anthesis until their contraction at the end of the female phase of flowering. Hand pollination with self pollen from clone inflorescences produced as numerous and heavy seeds as outcross pollination. In addition, the germination and growth of geitonogamously produced seed was similar to that of outcrossed seed, suggesting that this potential postzygotic barrier is absent or weak. These findings suggest that geitonogamous seed production may be unrestricted by significant pre- or postzygotic barriers. The possible advantages of geitonogamy in Arum are discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 323–328.  相似文献   

Hermaphrodite plants commonly practice self‐fertilization (selfing), but the mechanisms responsible vary depending on the mode of self‐pollination, pollinator behavior, and degree of clonality. Whether selfing occurs within (autogamy) or between flowers (geitonogamy) is of evolutionary significance because their fitness consequences differ. We used floral manipulations and genetic markers to determine the relative contribution of autogamy and within‐ versus between‐ramet geitonogamy to the selfing rate of the bumblebee‐pollinated, clonal herb Aconitum kusnezoffii. Data on flowering phenology and bumblebee foraging were also collected to determine opportunities for different modes of self‐pollination. Autogamy accounted for only 12% of the selfing rate with the remainder resulting from geitonogamy. Whole‐ramet emasculation of clones with multiple ramets reduced selfing by 78%, indicating that within‐ramet geitonogamy contributed significantly (68%) to total selfing. Selfing of single‐ramet plants was 44% less than multiple‐ramet plants, indicating that the contribution of between‐ramet geitonogamy was substantially less (20%) than within‐ramet geitonogamy, probably because of bumblebee foraging behavior. Our results demonstrate for the first time in a clonal plant that within‐ramet geitonogamy is substantially greater than between‐ramet geitonogamy and highlight the importance of considering the influence of clonal architecture and pollinator foraging on modes of self‐pollination.  相似文献   

Crop weeds develop in highly modified environments and are one of the most severe threats to agriculture worldwide, because their invasive nature determines competition for resources with crops and at the same time they can be hosts for pests and diseases. The information provided in this work is relevant both in scientific and technical terms, contributing to the design of effective strategies for the control of Datura ferox (Solanaceae). The aims of this work were to: (a) evaluate the reproductive strategies of D. ferox relative to fruit and seed production, (b) analyze the relationship between reproductive traits and persistence of these populations in agro-ecosystems of central Argentina, and (c) discuss different strategies to control crop weeds based on the knowledge of their reproductive ecology. D. ferox presented a great reproductive capacity that would not be constrained by limited pollen availability or pollinators in the populations studied. Flowers were pollinated by sphingids, coleopterans and Apis mellifera. The populations were self-compatible and autogamous; however, they exhibited higher fruiting percentages by natural pollination. Fruits produced by autogamy and geitonogamy had larger size and lower seed number and mass than those derived from natural pollination and xenogamy. D. ferox has combinations of traits (i.e., two flowering peaks, interactions with different pollinators, seed production after autogamy or xenogamy) that provide ecological advantages for establishment and survival processes in agro-ecosystems, hindering the species’ control. Control strategies might be improved if D. ferox abundance would be reduced before flowering to avoid fruit and seed production. This management strategy should be consistent over several years because the soil seed bank would allow population recovery in subsequent years.  相似文献   

Pterocarpus santalinus blooms massively in the dry season. Flowering is not continuous during the season and mass bloom recurs only on certain days with 2–5 days interval or sometimes there may be little flowering in between two days of massive bloom. A tree may have five such occasions of mass bloom. At the inflorescence level such intermittent flowering occurs also. The flowers open at the mid of night and are bright yellow in colour. They are typically papilionaceous flag blossoms and thus zygomorphic. They are homogamous and are visited by the rockbee Apis dorsata at moonlit nights or otherwise at dawn and up to 0730 h. The flowers permit several effective visits by the rockbee and as long as the pressure of the bee continues the stamens and stigma project from the keel and permit sternotribic pollination. Controlled pollinations show fruit formation after autogamy (25%), geitonogamy (60%) and xenogamy (85%). Staggered anther dehiscence minimises pollen discounting. Flower bud, flower and fruit abortions occur on a large scale. Natural fruiting is very low compared to the mass bloom. Compatibility to geitonogamy and autogamy may function as a reproductive assurance mechanism. The natural habitat of P. santalinus has a hot dry climate, and the nocturnal flowering and foraging of the rockbee at that time during moonlit nights appear to be an adaptation to avoid the adverse effects of daytime high temperatures.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is a major component of the mating system in populations of many plants and animals, particularly hermaphroditic species. In flowering plants, inbreeding can occur through self-pollination within flowers (autogamy), self-pollination between flowers on the same plant (geitonogamy), or cross-pollination between closely related individuals (biparental inbreeding). We performed a floral emasculation experiment in 10 populations of Aquilegia canadensis (Ranunculaceae) and used allozyme markers to estimate the relative contribution of each mode of inbreeding to the mating system. We also examined how these modes of inbreeding were influenced by aspects of population structure and floral morphology and display predicted to affect the mating system. All populations engaged in substantial inbreeding. On average, only 25% of seed was produced by outcrossing (range among populations = 9-37%), which correlated positively with both population size (r = +0.61) and density (r = +0.64). Inbreeding occurred through autogamy and biparental inbreeding, and the relative contribution of each was highly variable among populations. Estimates of geitonogamy were not significantly greater than zero in any population. We detected substantial biparental inbreeding (mean = 14% of seeds, range = 4-24%) by estimating apparent selfing in emasculated plants with no opportunity for true selfing. This mode of inbreeding correlated negatively with population size (r = -0.87) and positively with canopy cover (r = +0.90), suggesting that population characteristics that increase outcross pollen transfer reduce biparental inbreeding. Autogamy was the largest component of the mating system in all populations (mean = 58%, range = 37-84%) and, as expected, was lowest in populations with the most herkogamous flowers (r = -0.59). Although autogamy provides reproductive assurance in natural populations of A. canadensis, it discounts ovules from making superior outcrossed seed. Hence, high autogamy in these populations seems disadvantageous, and therefore it is difficult to explain the extensive variation in herkogamy observed both among and especially within populations.  相似文献   

Field observation on pollination in three populations of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea in southern Shanxi Province showed that five species of bees in two families and four species of beetles were engaged in pollination. Examination on bodies of these in sects under SEM, and seed set produced by controlled insect-pollination indicated that the bees, especially the species in the genus Andrena were main pollinators and the beetles except those of small size were only fluctuating vectors. Flowers of this taxon are scented and nonectariferous. Flowers attracted bees and beetles mainly by pollen. A study on seed-set in the three populations revealed considerable variation within and among populations. The plants were no apomict and autogamy, but geitonogamy sometimes could produce mature seeds (x= 2.86 seeds per carpel). In the population with less flowers (less than 40 flowers), natural seed-set (x=3.88) was close to the seed-set produced by hand cross-pollination (x = 3.21), but in the population with more flowers(near 100 flowers) natural seed-set (x= 2.48) was lower than that by hand cross-pollination (x = 3.21). The seed-set was low for both natural and artificial cross-pollination with only about one forth of ovules developing into seeds.  相似文献   

We compared breeding systems, inbreeding depression, and pollination limitation between two populations of Kalmia latifolia in Virginia and Rhode Island. Plants were autogamous in Virginia but not Rhode Island. Although autogamy with selling is hypothesized to reduce levels of inbreeding depression, both populations showed similarly high inbreeding depression manifested as reduced fruit set. Autogamy may be uncorrelated with selling rate because autogamy is not obligate and because geitonogamy is likely. Autogamy in the Virginia population seems most likely to have evolved for reproductive assurance under competition for pollinator service. Fruit set was pollination limited in the Virginia population apparently because bumblebee pollinators were more attracted to a coflowering species, Vaccinium erythrocarpum.  相似文献   

Flowering synchrony is essential for plant reproductive success, especially in the case of small‐sized populations of self‐incompatible species. Closely related to synchrony, flowering intensity influences pollinator attraction and pollinator movements. Thus, a high flowering intensity may increase pollinator attraction but, at the same time, may also increase the probability of geitonogamous pollinations. Depending on the mating system, the female fitness of plants in small populations may be affected by both the positive effects of higher flowering synchrony and pollinator attraction and the negative effects of geitonogamous pollinations induced by a high flowering intensity. It was hypothesized that different‐sized plants in a population would show contrasting flowering patterns, resulting in differences in pollinator behaviour. These influences could result in differences in mating and female reproductive success. This hypothesis was tested by studying the flowering pattern of Erodium paularense (Geraniaceae), a rare and endangered endemic of central Spain. The temporal distribution of flower production was explored throughout the reproductive season, and the probability of xenogamy and geitonogamy and their relationship to plant size and fitness components were calculated. The analysis of this partially self‐compatible species showed diverse flowering patterns related to different plant sizes. Small plants produced a larger number of seeds per fruit in spite of having lower values of flowering synchrony. By contrast, large plants produced a larger number of seeds from geitonogamous pollinations. The effect of different flower displays and outcrossing rates on seed set varied throughout the season in the different groups. Our findings highlight the relevance of individual plant size‐dependent phenology on female reproductive success and, in particular, on the relationship between flowering synchrony and fitness. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156 , 227–236.  相似文献   

In the Bromeliaceae, hybrids have been engineered for horticultural purposes; in addition, hybrids have been observed in natural habitats. We investigated the hybridization potential of three sympatric species of Tillandsia inhabiting secondary forests and shaded coffee plantations in the central mountains of Veracruz, Mexico. The studied species (T. juncea, T. polystachia and T. variabilis) show overlap in flowering phenology and are believed to share pollinators. We compared the floral morphology of the species, performed controlled intra- and interspecific pollinations, and recorded pollen tube growth, fruit and seed set, as well as seed germination. Flower size differed among the species, but stamen and stigma heights were similar between pairs of species, which would facilitate interspecific pollen exchange. Pollen tubes reached the ovary in interspecific crosses. The three species showed interspecific cross-compatibility, as all crosses resulted in development of mature fruit and viable seeds. Tillandsia juncea achieved the highest fruit set, whereas T. variabilis showed the highest seed set. Seed set as a result of agamospermy, autogamy, geitonogamy and interspecific cross-pollination did not differ among the species. The findings suggest that pre- and post-pollination barriers are weak among the three species of Tillandsia, which thus could potentially hybridize in natural sympatric populations.  相似文献   

Maguire primrose (Primula cusickiana var. maguirei) is a threatened, narrow endemic found only along a 20‐km section within a single canyon in northern Utah, USA. Here we describe the breeding strategy of this perennial, distylous, primarily cliff‐dwelling species to test for reproductive constraints on the plants. Intermorph outcrossing treatments (i.e. between pin and thrum flowers) were the most successful hand pollinations performed, but those were usually inferior to natural pollination. Intramorph out‐crossing also was somewhat successful, but was consistently inferior to intermorph outcrossing. Seed‐set resulting from autogamy and geitonogamy treatments was least successful. Morph‐specific differences in seed set were observed for our hand pollinations, but not in natural pollination conditions. Our results suggest that pollinators play a crucial role by providing the pollen transfer necessary for maximal seed set in this rare and narrowly distributed distylous plant.  相似文献   

The Podostemaceae are sessile hydrophytes restricted to habitats with waterfalls and seasonal flow variability. Mourera fluviatilis belongs to the family and has a disjunct distribution in the Amazon and northeastern Brazil. The following hypotheses were tested: (i) both autogamy and anemophily act on the pollination system of M. fluviatilis, and (ii) the highest reproductive success is achieved by cross-pollination. Natural populations were monitored in the rivers Pirangi and Ipojuca, northeastern Brazil. Floral visitors are the polylectic bees Apis mellifera, Trigona spinipes (Apidae), Augochlora sp. and Augochloropsis sp. (Halictidae), though only the latter three are effective pollinators. In experiments on the reproductive system and pollination there was a high percentage of fruit formation (>86%), both in treatment and control plants. Although the index of self-incompatibility is 0.86, there was a significant difference in the number of seeds produced among reproductive system treatments, and xenogamy produced more seeds. There was no significant difference in the number of penetrated ovules between control and manual cross-pollination (xenogamy) treatments, 24 h after pollination. However, there were differences among treatments, 48 h after pollination, except for the control and xenogamy treatments. The pollen tubes from cross-pollination treatments usually penetrate the micropyle in shorter time and in higher quantity. We found differences among pollination experiments, except for the control and non-emasculated treatments, and between emasculated treatments. In spite of the ambiguity of floral attributes (pedicel, filaments and anthers colors, sweet odor, reduced perianth, absence of nectar, small and dry pollen grains), wind pollination is less important for this species; what predominates instead are first allogamy mediated by bees and second self-pollination at the end of anthesis.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproductive biology of the Andean-disjunct genusRetanilla (DC.) Brongn. were studied in populations ofR. trinervia andR. ephedra located in central Chile and ofR. patagonica in southern Argentina. Flowering extends from -austral- winter (early spring inR. patagonica) to early summer. The small, white, entomophilous flowers are incompletely protandrous and last four to five days. A weak pleasant odor along with nectar and pollen attract thirty-seven diurnal insect species, ten of which are probable pollinators: these include the honey bee, eight species of solitary bees pertaining toAnthophoridae (1 sp.),Colletidae (3 spp.) andHalictidae (4 spp.), and a nemestrinid fly. Although flower morphology and individual flower phenology do not fully prevent self-pollination (and geitonogamy can easily take place), the level of autogamy is low. Therefore, some self-incompatibility mechanism seems operative inRetanilla. Fruit set of open-pollinated flowers is extremely low, with a maximal value of c. 3% inR. patagonica. In this species, ripe fruits contain on average 1.37 viable seeds. Predispersal (maternal) reproductive success (percent ovules becoming viable seeds) is 2.3%. For medium to full-sized individuals this corresponds to c. 4600 potential offspring per year. As presently known,Retanilla is a reproductively uniform group, in which the Andean disjunction seems to have exerted no particular impact, which is consistent with the view that pollination generalization exerts some stabilizing influence on floral morphology and other reproductive traits.Retanilla expresses a basic rhamnacean set of traits (including protandry and self-incompatibility) showing also high pollen production and secondary pollen presentation. The latter two traits seem characteristic of theRetanilla-Trevoa clade, suggesting that a trend to increased male effort and, perhaps, dependence upon polleneating has evolved within the tribe Colletieae.  相似文献   

矮牡丹传粉生物学的初步研究   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
对山西省南部矮牡丹3个居群连续两年的野外观察和实验研究表明,共有5种蜂和4种甲虫参 与矮牡丹的传粉。电镜观察和人工控制昆虫传粉试验证明,蜂类,特别是地蜂类是矮牡丹的主要传粉 者,而甲虫类只是一种不稳定的传粉者。矮牡丹花无蜜液,但可散发气味,主要以花粉吸引昆虫。矮牡 丹不存在无融合生殖,也没有自动自花结实现象,但同株异花能产生少量种子,具微弱的自交性。在花 少的居群中自然结实率与人工异交结实率近相等。矮牡丹的结实率低,平均只有近1/4的胚珠发育成种子。  相似文献   

Jean-Yves Meyer 《Biotropica》1998,30(4):609-624
Miconia calvescens DC (Melastomataceae) is a dominant invasive species in the tropical oceanic island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific Ocean), where it was introduced as an ornamental plant. Whereas this small tree is sparse in its native range of Central America, it has spread in Tahiti into a wide variety of habitats including native wet forests. The remarkable success of this invasion is due in great part to prolific reproduction: a mature tree can bear up to 220 inflorescences with an average of 1330 flowers/inflorescence, 208 fruits/infructescence and 195 seeds/fruit. Two and a half years of phenological observations in a highly invaded site indicated that three major peaks of flowering occur/year over brief periods: flower anthesis lasted a few days and pollen grain germination suggested a short stigmatic receptivity of only a few hours; no pollinators were observed foraging on flowers during our survey; the production of fruits containing viable seeds in bagged inflorescences showed that self-fertilization can occur; pollen-ovule ratio (log P/O = 2.68) suggested facultative xenogamy; bagged isolated flowers to test for autogamy and style cutting to learn whether apomixis occured or not were not conclusive. The flowering phenology and the breeding system of M. calvescens enable this plant to build up rapidly successful populations from even a single propagule on the island of Tahiti and on other sites of introduction. The vegetation structure of Polynesian native forests compared to Neotropical rain forests probably plays an important role in determining the reproductive success of M. calvescens and could provide a complementary explanation of the biological invasion processes in tropical oceanic islands.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Hydrobryopsis sessilis (Podostemaceae, subfamily Podostemoideae), a reduced, threatened, aquatic angiosperm endemic to the Western Ghats of India, was examined. This is the first report on the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase in this plant, describing floral ontogeny, pollination and the breeding system. The cytohistological zonation of the apical meristem of the reproductive thallus is identical to that of the apical meristem of the vegetative thallus. The floral shoots do not replace vegetative shoots (i.e. the vegetative shoots never bear flowers), but form at new sites at the tip of the flattened plant body. Each floral shoot meristem is tiny, deep‐seated and concave and arises endogenously following lysigeny. The floral shoot meristem gives rise to four to six bracts in a distichous manner. The development of spathe, stamens and carpels is described. The ab initio dorsiventrality of the carpels and the occurrence of endothelium in the ovules are reported. The mature stigmas and anthers lie close to each other. The pollen germinates within undehisced anthers and the pollen tubes enter the stigmas in the unopened floral bud, leading to pre‐anthesis, complete, constitutional cleistogamy under water. The seed set is 63.2%. A significant finding is the penetration of several pollen tubes into the filaments of stamens in 16% of the flower buds, indicating a trend towards cryptic self‐fertilization. The Indian Podostemoideae appear to show a shift from xenogamy or geitonogamy or autogamy in a chasmogamous flower to complete autogamy in a cleistogamous flower. The floral modifications leading to cleistogamy in H. sessilis have been identified. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 222–236.  相似文献   

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