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The segmented urbilateria: a testable scenario   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The idea that the last common ancestor of bilaterian animals(Urbilateria) was segmented has been raised recently on evidencecoming from comparative molecular embryology. Leaving asidethe complex debate on the value of genetic evidence, the morphologicaland developmental evidence in favor of a segmented Urbilateriaare discussed in the light of the emerging molecular phylogenyof metazoans. Applying a cladistic character optimization procedureto the question of segmentation is vastly complicated by theproblem of defining without ambiguity what segmentation is andto what taxa this definition applies. An ancestral segmentationmight have undergone many complex derivations in each differentphylum, thus rendering the cladistics approaches problematic.Taking the most general definitions of coelom and segmentationhowever, some remarkably similar patterns are found across thebilaterian tree in the way segments are formed by the posterioraddition of mesodermal segments or somites. Postulating thatthese striking similarities in mesodermal patterns are ancestral,a scenario for the diversification of bilaterians from a metamericancestor is presented. Several types of evolutionary mechanisms(specialization, tagmosis, progenesis) operating on a segmentedancestral body plan would explain the rapid emergence of bodyplans during the Cambrian. We finally propose to test this hypothesisby comparing genes involved in mesodermal segmentation.  相似文献   

Segmentation, i.e. the subdivision of the body into serially homologous units, is one of the hallmarks of the arthropods. Arthropod segmentation is best understood in the fly Drosophila melanogaster. But different from the situation in most arthropods in this species all segments are formed from the early blastoderm (so called long-germ developmental mode). In most other arthropods only the anterior segments are formed in a similar way (so called short-germ developmental mode). Posterior segments are added one at a time or in pairs of two from a posterior segment addition zone. The segmentation mechanisms are not universally conserved among arthropods and only little is known about the genetic patterning of the anterior segments. Here we present the expression patterns of the insect head patterning gene orthologs hunchback (hb), orthodenticle (otd), buttonhead-like (btdl), collier (col), cap-n-collar (cnc) and crocodile (croc), and the trunk gap gene Krüppel (Kr) in the myriapod Glomeris marginata. Conserved expression of these genes in insects and a myriapod suggests that the anterior segmentation system may be conserved in at least these two classes of arthropods. This finding implies that the anterior patterning mechanism already existed in the last common ancestor of insects and myriapods.  相似文献   

The external and internal morphology of Laubieriopsis sp. from the North Sea was studied using light, scanning, and transmission microscopy. The morphology of the head end, parapodia, pigidium, body cavity, digestive tract, nervous system, and reproductive system was analyzed. The studied species was most similar to L. cabiochi (Amoreux, 1982) but displayed some significant differences. The body consists of 22 setigers (versus 21 setigers of L. cabiochi), bears bidentate modified aciculae in four anterior segments, and has paired genital papillae (unpaired in L. cabiochi) located on the eighth segment. Parapodia of the 5th–22nd segments bear one long capillary chaeta and one very short and thin chaeta in each ramus. The anterior part of the body capable of invaginating (forming an introvert) comprises only the prostomium and peristomium and does not include the first segment, as is typical of flabelligerids. The oral cavity contains well-developed dorsolateral ciliary folds. The ventral pharyngeal organ is undetectable. The ciliary folded esophagus is a straight tube without a loop even in an inverted head. The gut forms a small loop in the region of the 17th segment. The body cavity is divided by well-developed dissepiments and mesenteries, forming an intricate system of partitions in the anterior part of the body. The neuron bodies of the ventral nerve cord are homogenously distributed without forming distinct ganglia; however, the nerve cord forms two or three swellings in each segment. The position of fauveliopsids in the polychaete system is discussed. This study did not find any traits of fauveliopsids similar to Flabelligeridae and close taxa.  相似文献   

Bitsch, J. and Bitsch, C. 2010. The tritocerebrum and the clypeolabrum in mandibulate arthropods: segmental interpretations. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 249–266 Different interpretations of the segmental composition of the head in mandibulate arthropods are critically reviewed, with particular focus on three closely associated structures: the tritocerebrum, the stomatogastric nervous system and the clypeolabrum. The main conclusions arising from the different discussions are the following. (1) Each tritocerebral ganglion has a dual composition, clearly discernable in some crustacean and hexapod species, including a dorsal portion connected with the second antennae and a ventral portion connected with the stomatogastric nervous system via the frontal ganglion. (2) The suboesophageal commissure linking the tritocerebral lobes of the two sides, can be wholly ascribed to the tritocerebral segment. (3) The stomatogastric nervous system is a morphologically autonomous system that is not fundamentally affected by head metamerization. (4) The clypeolabrum, the epistome–labrum and the hypostome are regarded as homologous formations. The clypeolabrum represents a fundamental structure of the head probably present in the arthropod ground plan. Its close spatial and developmental association with the stomodeum and its derivative, the stomatogastric nervous system, suggests that it is an anterior outgrowth of the forehead arising from a preoral territory (presegmental acron or protocerebral–ocular region?) and secondarily connected with the tritocerebrum, rather than derived from a pair of reduced appendages.  相似文献   

The pycnogonids (or sea spiders) are an enigmatic group of arthropods, classified in recent phylogenies as a sister-group of either euchelicerates (horseshoe crabs and arachnids), or all other extant arthropods. Because of their bizarre morpho-anatomy, homologies with other arthropod taxa have been difficult to assess. We review the main morphology-based hypotheses of correspondence between anterior segments of pycnogonids, arachnids and mandibulates. In an attempt to provide new relevant data to these controversial issues, we performed a PCR survey of Hox genes in two pycnogonid species, Endeis spinosa and Nymphon gracile, from which we could recover nine and six Hox genes, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses allowed to identify their orthology relationships. The Deformed gene from E. spinosa and the abdominal-A gene from N. gracile exhibit unusual sequence divergence in their homeodomains, which, in the latter case, may be correlated with the extreme reduction of the posterior region in pycnogonids. Expression patterns of two Hox genes (labial and Deformed) in the E. spinosa protonymphon larva are discussed. The anterior boundaries of their expression domains favour homology between sea spider chelifores, euchelicerates chelicerae and mandibulate (first) antennae, in contradistinction with previously proposed alternative schemes such as the protocerebral identity of sea spider chelifores or the absence of a deutocerebrum in chelicerates. In addition, while anatomical and embryological evidences suggest the possibility that the ovigers of sea spiders could be a duplicated pair of pedipalps, the Hox data support them as modified anterior walking legs, consistent with the classical views.Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.Guest editors Jean Deutsch and Gerhard Scholtz  相似文献   

The formation of the alimentary canal, nervous system, and of other ectodermal derivatives in the embryo of the primitive moth, Neomicropteryx nipponensis Issiki, is described. The stomodaeum is formed from an invagination in the medioposterior portion of the protocephalon. The proctodaeum arises as an extension of the amnioproctodaeal cavity. The midgut epithelium orginates from anterior and posterior rudiments in blind ends of the stomodaeum and proctodaeum. The decondary dorsal organ is formed in developing midgut. The development of the brain is typical of insects. The ventral nerve cord originates in large part from neuroblasts arising in 3 gnathal, 3 thoracic, and 11 abdominal segments. Intrasegmental median cord cells probably differentiate into both ganglion cells and glial elements of the ventral nerve cord; intersegmental cells appear not to participate in the formation of the nervous system. The stomatogastric nervous system develops from three evaginations in the dorsal wall of the stomodaeum, and consists of the frontal, hypocerebral, and ventricular ganglia, the recurrent nerve, and corpora cardiaca. Five stemmata arise from the epidermis on each side of the head. Five pairs of ectodermal invaginations are formed in the cephalognathal region to produce the tentorium, mandibular apodemes, corpora allata, and silk glands. Prothoracic glands orginate in the prothorax. Mesothoracic spiracles shift anteriorly to the prothorax during development. Oenocytes arise in the first seven abdominal segments. Invaginated pleuropodia are formed in the first abdominal segment.  相似文献   

Aspects of pantopod ontogeny have been known for a long time, but specific information is available for only a few species. Our account of the postembryonic development of Pycnogonum litorale is based on laboratory-reared individuals and SEM studies. We documented particularly all early developmental stages, with emphasis on morphogenetic changes of head structures and appendages. In P. litorale the protonymphal limbs, the chelicerae and two more uniramous legs, degenerate already during the larval phase; only the third one, the ovigers, reappears in male juveniles. Other Pantopoda vary in this aspect from retention of all three protonymphal appendages to their complete reduction, as in P. litorale. Accordingly, the two post-cheliceral larval appendages are separate legs in front of the walking legs in the adults, the ‘parapalps’ and the ‘ovigers’, but they do not occur in all pantopods. The scarcity of studies of the ontogeny of Pantopoda prevents us from a more conclusive picture, but our data are promising to state that additional such studies will increase the usability of ontogenetic data for a phylogenetic analysis of Pantopoda, the crown group of the Pycnogonida. We also discuss the phylogenetic implications of our data in the light of new information from Hox genes and developmental-biological data on body segmentation and tagmosis of the Chelicerata. These suggest the homology of chelicerae and antenn(ul)ae of other euarthropods. Accepting this, we conclude that the adult pycnogonid/pantopod head, the cephalosoma, corresponds to the euarthropod head and that the protonymph with three appendage-bearing segments may represent an even shorter, possibly phylogenetically older larval type than the euarthropod ‘head larva’ bearing four pairs of appendages. In further consequence, the fourth walking legs of Pycnogonida/Pantopoda should correspond to the first opisthosomal appendages, the chilaria, of euchelicerates. This implies that within Pycnogonida the post-prosomal region became compacted during evolution to a single leg-bearing segment plus a tubular end piece. Accordingly, neither the anterior nor the posterior functional boundaries of the walking-leg region correspond to the original tagma borders.  相似文献   

Representatives of the Insecta and the Malacostraca (higher crustaceans) have highly derived body plans subdivided into several tagma, groups of segments united by a common function and/or morphology. The tagmatization of segments in the trunk, the part of the body between head and telson, in both lineages is thought to have evolved independently from ancestors with a distinct head but a homonomous, undifferentiated trunk. In the branchiopod crustacean, Artemia franciscana, the trunk Hox genes are expressed in broad overlapping domains suggesting a conserved ancestral state (Averof, M. and Akam, M. (1995) Nature 376, 420-423). In comparison, in insects, the Antennapedia-class genes of the homeotic clusters are more regionally deployed into distinct domains where they serve to control the morphology of the different trunk segments. Thus an originally Artemia-like pattern of homeotic gene expression has apparently been modified in the insect lineage associated with and perhaps facilitating the observed pattern of tagmatization. Since insects are the only arthropods with a derived trunk tagmosis tested to date, we examined the expression patterns of the Hox genes Antp, Ubx and abd-A in the malacostracan crustacean Porcellio scaber (Oniscidae, Isopoda). We found that, unlike the pattern seen in Artemia, these genes are expressed in well-defined discrete domains coinciding with tagmatic boundaries which are distinct from those of the insects. Our observations suggest that, during the independent tagmatization in insects and malacostracan crustaceans, the homologous 'trunk' genes evolved to perform different developmental functions. We also propose that, in each lineage, the changes in Hox gene expression pattern may have been important in trunk tagmatization.  相似文献   

A total of 56 vaquitas (Phocoena sinus) were examined to evaluate their sexual dimorphism and isometric and/or allometric growth in 35 external characteristics. Absolute and relative (to total length) measurements and growth rates were compared between sexually immature and mature females and males. T‐tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) and covariance (ANCOVA) were used to evaluate sexual dimorphism. Sexual dimorphism in the vaquita was detected in the total length, head region (from blowhole to tip of upper jaw), anterior section of the body (from dorsal fin to tip of upper jaw), dorsal fin and the genital and anal regions. Fluke width is relatively larger in mature males than immature males, but in females this relative metric does not change during their development. In addition, males present a higher dorsal fin. These somatic changes are probably related to the swimming capacity (speed, agility, maneuvering) during the breeding season and/or foraging activities. A linear model of growth was used to determine possible proportional changes with respect to total body length through the development of 33 external characteristics. The anterior region of the body and the flippers were relatively larger in immature individuals than in mature ones.  相似文献   

Whole-mounts of Philodina sp., a bdelloid rotifer, were stained with fluorescent-labeled phalloidin to visualize the musculature. Several different muscle types were identified including incomplete circular bands, coronal retractors and foot retractors. Based on the position of the larger muscle bands in the body wall, their function during creeping locomotion and tun formation was inferred. Bdelloid creeping begins with the contraction of incomplete circular muscle bands against the hydrostatic pseudocoel, resulting in an anterior elongation of the body. One or more sets of ventral longitudinal muscles then contract bringing the rostrum into contact with the substrate, where it presumably attaches via adhesive glands. Different sets of ventral longitudinal muscles, foot and trunk retractors, function to pull the body forward. These same longitudinal muscle sets are also used in `tun' formation, in which the head and foot are withdrawn into the body. Three sets of longitudinal muscles supply the head region (anterior head segments) and function in withdrawal of the corona and rostrum. Two additional pairs of longitudinal muscles function to retract the anterior trunk segments immediately behind the head, and approximately five sets of longitudinal retractors are involved in the withdrawal of the foot and posterior toes. To achieve a greater understanding of rotifer behavior, it is important to elucidate the structural complexity of body wall muscles in rotifers. The utility of fluorescently-labeled phalloidin for the visualization of these muscles is discussed and placed in the context of rotifer functional morphology.  相似文献   

Summary The gravid females of Mermis are positively phototaxic at the time of their migration to egglaying sites in vegetation on which their grasshopper hosts feed. On a horizontal felt surface, segments of the path traced by the tail are oriented approximately towards a source of monochromatic light in the 350–540 nm region, but are not oriented at longer wavelengths and in the dark. The components of this phototaxis include locomotion by the posterior 4/5 of the body, orientational bending of the neck region while the anterior is held above the substrate, and a scanning motion (bending) of the head region (anterior 2 mm). Like other nematodes and snakes, propulsion is associated with posteriorly propagated body waves, but unlike other animals known, the waves tend to lie perpendicular to a felt surface, and unlike other nematodes, contact with the surface is on the female's ventral surface. The body waves are initiated by the motion of the anterior 1/5 (15 mm) of the body, the average orientation of which determines the path of the following 4/5.During phototaxis, the anterior tip is swung both sideways and vertically about the direction towards the light source. The tip motion is a result of a scanning motion of the head and a slower orientational bending of the neck. The base of the head appears to be actively directed towards the source by the bending of the neck. This behavior can resolve two light sources positioned 120° apart but not 90° apart. The scanning motion of the head is independent of neck orientation and appears to enhance the probability of discovering the direction of a new source. Discovery is followed by a directed turn of the base of the head towards the source which is initiated by the bending of the neck. Locomotion of the body follows the path of the anterior through the turn and phototaxis is thus initiated.  相似文献   

Upper Carboniferous tidal rhythmites of the Tonganoxie Sandstone Member (Stranger Formation) at Buildex Quarry, eastern Kansas, USA, host a relatively diverse arthropod-dominated ichnofauna. Bilaterally symmetrical traces displaying unique anterior and posterior sets of morphological features are well represented within the assemblage. A new ichnogenus, Tonganoxichnus, is proposed for these traces. T. buildexensis, the type ichnospecies, has an anterior region characterized by the presence of a frontal pair of maxillary palp impressions, followed by a head impression and three pairs of conspicuous thoracic appendage imprints symmetrically opposite along a median axis. The posterior region commonly exhibits numerous delicate chevron-like markings, recording the abdominal appendages, and a thin, straight, terminal extension. T. buildexensis is interpreted as a resting trace. A second ichnospecies, T. ottawensis, is characterized by a fan-like arrangement of mostly bifid scratch marks at the anterior area that records the head- and thoracic-appendage backstrokes against the substrate. The posterior area shows chevron-like markings or small subcircular impressions that record the abdominal appendages of the animal, also ending in a thin, straight, terminal extension. Specimens display lateral repetition, and are commonly grouped into twos or threes with a fix point at the posteriormost tail-like structure. T. ottawensis is interpreted as a jumping structure, probably in connection with feeding purposes. The two ichnospecies occur in close association, and share sufficient morphologic features to support the same type of arthropod producer. T. buildexensis closely mimics the ventral anatomy of the tracemaker, whereas T. ottawensis records the jumping abilities of the animal providing significant ethologic and paleoecologic information. The presence of well-differentiated cephalic, thoracic, and abdominal features, particularly in T. buildexensis, resembles the diagnostic tagmosis and segmentation of insects. Detailed analysis of trace morphology and comparison with described Paleozoic insect fossils and extant related forms suggest a monuran as the most likely tracemaker.  相似文献   

Knowledge of tardigrade brain structure is important for resolving the phylogenetic relationships of Tardigrada. Here, we present new insight into the morphology of the brain in a marine arthrotardigrade, Actinarctus doryphorus, based on transmission electron microscopy, supported by scanning electron microscopy, conventional light microscopy as well as confocal laser scanning microscopy. Arthrotardigrades contain a large number of plesiomorphic characters and likely represent ancestral tardigrades. They often have segmented body outlines and each trunk segment, with its paired set of legs, may have up to five sensory appendages. Noticeably, the head carries numerous cephalic appendages that are structurally equivalent to the sensory appendages of the trunk segments. Our data reveal that the brain of A. doryphorus is partitioned into three paired lobes, and that these lobes exhibit a more pronounced separation as compared to that of eutardigrades. The first brain lobe in A. doryphorus is located anteriodorsally, with the second lobe just below it in an anterioventral position. Both of these two paired lobes are located anterior to the buccal tube. The third pair of brain lobes are situated posterioventrally to the first two lobes, and flank the buccal tube. In addition, A. doryphorus possesses a subpharyngeal ganglion, which is connected with the first of the four ventral trunk ganglia. The first and second brain lobes in A. doryphorus innervate the clavae and cirri of the head. The innervations of these structures indicate a homology between, respectively, the clavae and cirri of A. doryphorus and the temporalia and papilla cephalica of eutardigrades. The third brain lobes innervate the buccal lamella and the stylets as described for eutardigrades. Collectively, these findings suggest that the head region of extant tardigrades is the result of cephalization of multiple segments. Our results on the brain anatomy of Actinarctus doryphorus support the monophyly of Panarthropoda. J. Morphol. 275:173–190, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The origin and diversification of segmented metazoan body plans has fascinated biologists for over a century. The superphylum Panarthropoda includes three phyla of segmented animals—Euarthropoda, Onychophora, and Tardigrada. This superphylum includes representatives with relatively simple and representatives with relatively complex segmented body plans. At one extreme of this continuum, euarthropods exhibit an incredible diversity of serially homologous segments. Furthermore, distinct tagmosis patterns are exhibited by different classes of euarthropods. At the other extreme, all tardigrades share a simple segmented body plan that consists of a head and four leg-bearing segments. The modular body plans of panarthropods make them a tractable model for understanding diversification of animal body plans more generally. Here we review results of recent morphological and developmental studies of tardigrade segmentation. These results complement investigations of segmentation processes in other panarthropods and paleontological studies to illuminate the earliest steps in the evolution of panarthropod body plans.  相似文献   

We characterized the adult body form of the crested newt (Triturus cristatus superspecies) and explored its evolution. From seven morphometric traits, we determined that body size, interlimb distance and head width define the body form. None of the morphometric traits showed a phylogenetic signal. Three body‐shape morphotypes (Triturus dobrogicus + T. cristatus, Triturus carnifex + Triturus macedonicus and Triturus karelinii + Triturus arntzeni) and three body‐size morphotypes (T. dobrogicus, T. cristatus and all other crested newts) could be recognized. The ancestral phenotype (a large body with a short trunk and a wide head) characterized T. karelinii and T. arntzeni. Triturus carnifex and T. macedonicus had a somewhat different phenotype (large body and wide head, accompanied by mild body elongation). The most derived phenotype included body size reduction and more pronounced body elongation in T. cristatus and, especially, in T. dobrogicus. Body elongation occurred by trunk lengthening but not head and tail lengthening. Additionally, contrary to other tetrapods, evolutionary axis elongation in crested newts was followed by a decrease in body size. We advocate the hypothesis that ecology drives the evolution of body form in crested newts.  相似文献   

Abstract Mandibulate functional mouthparts are reported in males and females of the two Early Cretaceous Chironomidae (Diptera): Wadelius libanicus Veltz et al., 2007 (in Tanypodinae) and Libanochlites Brundin, 1976 (transferred from the Podonominae to the Tanypodinae). Females of Haematotanypus libanicus gen.n. et sp.n. (subfamily Tanypodinae) have mandibulate mouthparts. Although currently considered as plesiomorphic structures, the presence of such mandibulate mouthparts in these Tanypodinae and in the recent Podonominae genera Archaeochlus and Austrochlus could correspond to reversals, based on a parsimony argument after the current chironomid phylogeny. On the contrary, similar mandibulate mouthparts probably are plesiomorphic in the Early Cretaceous Cretaenne kobeyssii gen.n. et sp.n. and Cretaenne inexpectata sp.n. (Aenneinae or stem group of recent Chironomidae).  相似文献   

In this paper, we define temporal and spatial subdivisions of the embryonic head mesoderm and describe the fate of the main lineages derived from this tissue. During gastrulation, only a fraction of the head mesoderm (primary head mesoderm; PHM) invaginates as the anterior part of the ventral furrow. The PHM can be subdivided into four linearly arranged domains, based on the expression of different combinations of genetic markers (tinman, heartless, snail, serpent, mef-2, zfh-1). The anterior domain (PHMA) produces a variety of cell types, among them the neuroendocrine gland (corpus cardiacum). PHMB, forming much of the “T-bar” of the ventral furrow, migrates anteriorly and dorsally and gives rise to the dorsal pharyngeal musculature. PHMC is located behind the T-bar and forms part of the anterior endoderm, besides contributing to hemocytes. The most posterior domain, PHMD, belongs to the anterior gnathal segments and gives rise to a few somatic muscles, but also to hemocytes. The procephalic region flanking the ventral furrow also contributes to head mesoderm (secondary head mesoderm, SHM) that segregates from the surface after the ventral furrow has invaginated, indicating that gastrulation in the procephalon is much more protracted than in the trunk. We distinguish between an early SHM (eSHM) that is located on either side of the anterior endoderm and is the major source of hemocytes, including crystal cells. The eSHM is followed by the late SHM (lSHM), which consists of an anterior and posterior component (lSHMa, lSHMp). The lSHMa, flanking the stomodeum anteriorly and laterally, produces the visceral musculature of the esophagus, as well as a population of tinman-positive cells that we interpret as a rudimentary cephalic aorta (“cephalic vascular rudiment”). The lSHM contributes hemocytes, as well as the nephrocytes forming the subesophageal body, also called garland cells.  相似文献   

The head gap genes orthodenticle (otd), empty spiracles (ems) and buttonhead (btd) are required for metamerization and segment specification in Drosophila. We asked whether the function of their orthologs is conserved in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum which in contrast to Drosophila develops its larval head in a way typical for insects. We find that depending on dsRNA injection time, two functions of Tc-orthodenticle1 (Tc-otd1) can be identified. The early regionalization function affects all segments formed during the blastoderm stage while the later head patterning function is similar to Drosophila. In contrast, both expression and function of Tc-empty spiracles (Tc-ems) are restricted to the posterior part of the ocular and the anterior part of the antennal segment and Tc-buttonhead (Tc-btd) is not required for head cuticle formation at all. We conclude that the gap gene like roles of ems and btd are not conserved while at least the head patterning function of otd appears to be similar in fly and beetle. Hence, the ancestral mode of insect head segmentation remains to be discovered. With this work, we establish Tribolium as a model system for arthropod head development that does not suffer from the Drosophila specific problems like head involution and strongly reduced head structures.  相似文献   

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