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<正>2016年11月13日,云南高黎贡山国家级自然保护区保山管理局腾冲分局的工作人员进行野外监测时拍摄到1只苍头燕雀(Fringilla coelebs)(图1)。发现地点位于腾冲分局的曲石片区(25°16′14.762″N,98°44′15.951″E,海拔3 287 m),为高山箭竹(Sinarundinaria sp.)、高山杜鹃(Rhododendron sp.)林生境。  相似文献   

Capsule Population trends for Chaffinch on farmland are unlikely to be explained by their preference for non-crop habitats alone.

Aims To investigate the importance of non-cropped habitats for Chaffinch territory distribution, breeding success and foraging habitat selection in Scottish farmland.

Methods Territory distribution, nesting success and foraging behaviour of adults feeding chicks at the nest were recorded and related to habitat composition on two Scottish lowland farms.

Results Higher Chaffinch territory densities were associated with the presence of hedgerows, trees and grass leys, whereas lower densities were found adjacent to winter Barley. Nests were predominantly located in conifer trees and hedgerows. Trees were selected preferentially for foraging. Poor breeding success was detected in nests associated with cereal crops and wider field margins. Farmland in Scotland supported much lower territory densities than in England.

Conclusion Chaffinches rely predominantly on non-cropped habitats for territory establishment, nesting and foraging habitats. Differences in habitat composition between England and Scotland may explain differences in territory densities. However, the Chaffinch's preference for non-crop habitats is unlikely to explain its population trends alone. Immigration from other habitats and/or a decrease in inter-specific competition for resources may also have contributed to the increase in the national farmland Chaffinch population.  相似文献   

The variation in song rate during the breeding season was studied in two individually marked chaffinch Fringilla coelebs populations. We gathered data to investigate especially the recently presented mate-guarding hypothesis. The active singing has been supposed to function as a form of mate guarding during the female's fertile period by announcing the high status of the male and preventing extra-pair copulations by neighbouring males. There was no clear dawn chorus in the chaffinch, i.e. a peak in the song rate before sunrise. Male chaffinches continued to sing after mating, but the song rate dropped significantly. In contrast to the mate-guarding hypothesis the song rate was lower during the fertile period of the female than during pre-mating and incubation. Thus, the males do not announce the fertility status of their mates or their own quality and status by active singing. The song does not function as a form of mate guarding in the chaffinch. One function of the song of the chaffinch is mate attraction: singing activity was highest before pair formation in early spring and decreased after mating but increased again if the male lost his mate later in the breeding season.  相似文献   

Population consequences of parasites in wild birds are rarely documented. One exception is the decline of British finch populations due to an epidemic caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas gallinae. Finch trichomonosis has recently spread from the UK to northern Europe, but its consequences for local finch populations have not been studied. We assessed the extent to which the trichomonosis epidemic affected the Finnish population sizes of European Greenfinch Chloris chloris, Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs and a control species, Great Tit Parus major, and the body condition of Greenfinches. The disease was first documented in Finland in 2008 and epidemics were observed mainly in southwestern Finland. Greenfinches showed a significant decline of 47% in breeding numbers and 65% in wintering numbers in southern Finland during 2006–2010. Breeding Chaffinch numbers showed a slight decline (4%) during the same study period that was significant only in central Finland. Great Tit did not show a significant change in breeding numbers. During the initial disease epidemic the body condition of all demographic groups of Greenfinches decreased equally, which suggests that the disease was not selective in respect of age or sex. There were no encounters of Finnish‐ringed Greenfinches or Chaffinches in the UK, which could indicate that the parasite has not necessarily been transferred directly from the UK, but perhaps by migrants from Sweden and Germany.  相似文献   

Many animals respond to the presence of predators with conspicuous signals such as alarm calling. These signals may aid the detection of the predator by conspecifics or may deter the predator from attack. The advantages of such signals may be dependent upon predator type and habitat type. We measured signalling behaviours (alarm calling and tail flicking) in foraging chaffinches in response to different predator models (hawk and pigeon control, cat and plastic box as control). In addition we measured responses to a cat model when chaffinches were foraging in different habitat structures (obstructed vs. open). There was no difference in the number of individual chaffinches alarm calling in obstructed vs. open habitat, but birds tail flicked more in open habitat, suggesting that tail flicking acts as a visual signal to the predator or conspecifics and therefore unlike auditory cues is influenced by habitat structure. Chaffinches were also more likely to tail flick in response to the cat model than the other three models. Our results are consistent with the idea that animals may respond to ground predators, which spend a large amount of time observing prey before attack, by using signalling behaviours, such as tail flicking and alarm calling. Further work on prey selection by predators is needed to separate the functions of signalling behaviour in response to predators.  相似文献   

The few orientation studies that have been carried out with day-migrating birds show that they are able to use solar and magnetic orientation cues for orientation. Previous orientation experiments in Emlen funnels have been carried out either with hand-raised birds or with birds caught during resting periods at stop-over sites. The aim of our study was to test whether birds caught during active flight show a higher concentration of migratory activity in the seasonally appropriate migratory direction in the funnels than birds that had not experienced migration just before the funnel experiments. The topography at the alpine pass Col de Bretolet at the border of Switzerland and France allowed us to capture birds during active migratory flight. These birds were in full migration disposition. Orientation experiments with chaffinches suggested an influence of the sun because chaffinches did not orient in the seasonally expected direction, but probably showed positive phototaxis towards the light of the sun at the opposite side of the funnel. Chaffinches tested under overcast conditions oriented to the north-west which probably was a 'nonsense' orientation and not a reverse migration or compensatory behaviour. We conclude that freshly caught birds are too stressed to show appropriate orientation when tested immediately after catching.  相似文献   

Chaflinches have differentiated within the last million years on the Canary Islands and the Azores. All island populations differ more from mainland relatives than from each other. The characteristics of island birds are large body size, short wings, long legs and beaks, and blue dorsal colour. Beak depth and width have increased on the Azores but not on the Canaries. As a consequence the Azores chaffinch has evolved more in the direction of the Canary Island F. teydea than have Canary Island chaflinches. Character displacement may have occurred on the Canaries. Most of the evolutionary shifts are not predicted from a knowledge of clinal variation on the mainland. Populations have differentiated more on the Canaries than on die Azores, but are less variable regardless of whether ecologically restricted (by teydea) or not. Similarly, within the Azores archipelago the most differentiated populations are die least variable. On the Azores, but not on the Canaries, differentiation increases with isolation, whereas wimin-population variation decreases with isolation and increases with elevation. A model for diese patterns is proposed in terms of gene flow between populations, which reduces differentiation but enhances variation, and directional selection and random genetic processes which have the opposite effects.  相似文献   

Background noise should in theory hinder detection of auditory cues associated with approaching danger. We tested whether foraging chaffinches Fringilla coelebs responded to background noise by increasing vigilance, and examined whether this was explained by predation risk compensation or by a novel stimulus hypothesis. The former predicts that only inter-scan interval should be modified in the presence of background noise, not vigilance levels generally. This is because noise hampers auditory cue detection and increases perceived predation risk primarily when in the head-down position, and also because previous tests have shown that only interscan interval is correlated with predator detection ability in this system. Chaffinches only modified interscan interval supporting this hypothesis. At the same time they made significantly fewer pecks when feeding during the background noise treatment and so the increased vigilance led to a reduction in intake rate, suggesting that compensating for the increased predation risk could indirectly lead to a fitness cost. Finally, the novel stimulus hypothesis predicts that chaffinches should habituate to the noise, which did not occur within a trial or over 5 subsequent trials. We conclude that auditory cues may be an important component of the trade-off between vigilance and feeding, and discuss possible implications for anti-predation theory and ecological processes.  相似文献   

When prey animals discover a predator close by, they mob it while uttering characteristic sounds that attract other prey individuals to the vicinity. Mobbing causes a predator to vacate its immediate foraging area, which gives an opportunity for prey individuals to continue their interrupted daily activity. Besides the increased benefits, mobbing behaviour also has its costs owing to injuries or death. The initiator of mobbing may be at increased risk of predation by attracting the predator's attention, especially if not joined by other neighbouring prey individuals. Communities of breeding birds have always been considered as temporal aggregations. Since an altruist could not prevent cheaters from exploiting its altruism in an anonymous community, this excluded any possibility of explaining mobbing behaviour in terms of reciprocal altruism. However, sedentary birds may have become acquainted since the previous non-breeding season. Migrant birds, forming anonymous communities at the beginning of the breeding season, may also develop closer social ties during the course of the breeding season. We tested whether a male chaffinch, a migrant bird, would initiate active harassment of a predator both at the beginning of the breeding season and a week later when it has become a member of a non-anonymous multi-species aggregation of sedentary birds. We expected that male chaffinches would be less likely to initiate a mob at the beginning of the breeding season when part of an anonymous multi-species aggregation of migratory birds. However, their mobbing activity should increase as the breeding season advances. Our results support these predictions. Cooperation among individuals belonging to different species in driving the predator away may be explained as interspecific reciprocity based on interspecific recognition and temporal stability of the breeding communities.  相似文献   

A novel repeated sequence of chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) designated as GS was isolated from genomic DNA after in vitro amplification of satellite DNA sequences using GSP–PCR technique. The proportion of this repeat in the chaffinch genome constitutes about 0.2%. Monomers are 176 to 199 bp in size and contain a short cluster of the TTAGGG telomeric tandem repeat. The oligomer of the telomeric hexanucleotide is flanked by the sequences that are significantly different in different monomers. The GS sequences are organized as tandemly repeated units and located in a number of chromomycin-positive blocks on the long arms of macrochromosomes 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, as well as on several microchromosomes. The sequences homologous to the GS satellite of chaffinch were not found in the genomes of redwing (Turdus iliacus) and house sparrow (Passer domesticus).  相似文献   

Riebel K  Slater PJ 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(6):1135-1142
Many songbird species with small song type repertoires repeat each type a few times before switching to the next. Thus, their singing style may constrain their ability to switch. However, the proximate causation of song type switching is poorly understood. We exposed male chaffinches to (nonoverlapping) playbacks of single renditions of their own songs rather than a series of songs, thus stimulating them with a single external auditory event. The most prominent effect of the playback was an increase in the duration of the current song type bout. If the song type played back was different to that the subject was singing at the time, bout duration increased less than if it was of the same song type. The short-term changes induced by the playback suggest that the auditory input increases the motivational level for a particular song type. In the chaffinch this results in a delayed switch rather than in song type matching as a reaction to acoustic stimulation by conspecific song. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

To investigate the early development of vocalizations in chaffinches Fringilla coelebs a series of daily observations was made on a single nest from a few days prior to hatching until the last chick fledged. Sonograms were made of over 300 calls recorded from nestlings between the ages of 2 and 13 days. The development of the structurally complex vocalizations of older nestlings from the simpler calls of younger chicks is described and the ontogeny of the independent use of two sound sources is discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In 3 Versuchsreihen (playback-Experimente) wurde an 40 territorialen Buchfinken- (Vokales Repertoire, 2–3 Strophentypen) die Reaktion auf die Gesänge von Nachbarn und Fremden gemessen. Es ergaben sich schwache Hinweise auf eine stärkere Reaktion gegenüber Fremdgesang, allerdings waren die Resultate hier weniger klar als von anderen Arten berichtet wird. Wir nehmen an, daß die individuelle Erkennung von Artgenossen bei Arten, deren Gesangsmuster mehrere Strophentypen umfaßt, weniger stark entwickelt ist als bei solchen Arten, deren Repertoire nur einen Strophentyp pro aufweist.  相似文献   

Peter F.  Jenkins Allan J.  Baker 《Ibis》1984,126(4):510-524
Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs were introduced to New Zealand from Great Britain over 100 years ago, and since then their songs have diverged from British ones in both syllable structure and basic organization of syllable sequences. The New Zealand populations seem to be unique in that their songs have undergone differentiation of trill segments by progressive elaboration of syllable morphology and hp ascending and descending changes of pitch. Published sonagrams of British song types have significantly more trill phrases and significantly fewer syllables in the end phrase than do Yew Zealand ones. Many New Zealand song types have much elaborated end phrases and concomitantly simpler trill segments, with songs quite commonly having only one trill phrase. This reversal of complexity between the trill and end phrase in New Zealand seems to have been derived by progressive reduction of the ultimate trill phrase to one syllable, and by recombination of end phrase syllables from different song types into one compound end phrase. The significance of the increased complexity in the end phrases of many song types may relate to the sound transmission properties of dense pine forests in New Zealand, in which Chaffinches are ubiquitous. Elaborate end phrases degrade much less from reverberation in pine forests because individual syllables have more dispersed temporal patterning.
Recombination of syllables to form new song types is a major mechanism of song differentiation in New Zealand. Although whole song copying is the predominant mode of replication, very few song types in a locality sample are composed of a unique set of syllables. Rather, song types in an area are interconnected by different combinations of shared syllables, suggesting that the incorporation of some local syllables in a bird's repertoire is sufficient to signal its status as a member of a neighbourhood and also allows the evolution of broadcast complexity.  相似文献   

We present new insights into the genetic diversity and phylogeography of the common chaffinch Fringilla coelebs from the Azores, based on sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear genes from 44 individuals and an outgroup/comparison of 44 birds from Madeira, the Canary Islands and the Continental Western Palearctic. To understand the level of concordance between the genetic data and morphometric variability we analysed eight morphometric characters from 413 adult living birds from all the Azores islands and compared the population genetic distances with quantitative morphometric traits. Our results indicate the occurrence of gene flow among the common chaffinch populations in the archipelago revealing the lack of current genetic structure within it and the existence of two co‐occurring lineages. Results also indicate the existence of morphometric differences among islands that could be due to ecological features instead of island isolation. This study also confirms the genetic distance among the common chaffinch populations within Macaronesia and between these archipelagos and the Continental Western Palearctic.  相似文献   

Common chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) are thought to have colonized the Atlantic island archipelagoes (the Azores, Madeira, and the Canaries) from neighboring continental populations (Iberia and north Africa) within the last million years. However, colonization may have occurred separately from north Africa to the Canaries and from Iberia to the Azores (as would be predicted geographically) or in one wave from Iberia to the Azores and then to Madeira and the Canaries. These alternatives have different implications for the evolution of morphometric and plumage differentiation in island chaffinches. To determine the most likely colonization route, we estimated the phylogenetic relationships among island and continental subspecies of common chaffinch using sequences from four mtDNA genes (cytochrome b, ATPase 6, NADH 5, and the control region). The most strongly supported mtDNA phylogeny places the continental subspecies together as the sister group to a monophyletic clade containing the island subspecies. This is consistent with a single wave of colonization, and suggests that patterns of similarity among Atlantic island common chaffinches, such as blue pigmentation, short wings, and long tarsi, are due to common colonization history rather than to convergent evolution in a common island environment. However, spectral analysis of phylogenetic splits showed that although monophyly of island haplotypes is favored, there is also substantial support for their polyphyletic origin. We attribute the latter to the confounding effect of homoplasy at multistate sites and to the relatively rapid sequence of colonization events which provided insufficient time for the accumulation of strong phylogenetic signal. These problems are likely to be significant impediments in attempts to test hypotheses of phylogenetic histories of recently evolved populations and taxa.  相似文献   

A process of infecting the chaffinch nestlings Fringilla coelebs with three analgoid feather mites, Analges passerinus L., 1758, Monojoubertia microphylla (Robin, 1877), and Pteronyssoides striatus (Robin, 1977), commonly occurred on this bird species was investigated. 15 nests contained totally 65 nestlings, from 2 to 6 individuals in a brood, have been examined from the day of hatching till 11th day. Observations were held in the neighbourhood of the bird banding station "Rybachy" (Russia, Kaliningrad Province) in June of 1982. Number of mites on alive nestlings taken temporarily from their nest was counted by means of binocular lens under the magnification x12.5 and x25. The nestlings receive the mites from the chaffinch female during the night time, when the female sits together with the young birds and heats them. In the condition of this prolonged direct contact the mites migrate from the female onto the nestlings. As it was shown in our study of seasonal dynamics of mites on the chaffinch (Mironov, 2000), the chaffinch female only gives its mites to young generation and looses about three quarter of its mite micropopulation during the nesting period (June), hile in the chaffinch males the number of mites continues to increase during all summer. The infections with three feather mite species happen in the second part of the nestling's stay in the nest. The starting time of this process, its intensity, and sex and age structure of mite micropopulations on the nestlings just before their leaving the nest are different in the mite species examined. These peculiarities of feather mite species are determined by the biology of examined species, and first of all by their morphological characteristic and specialisation to different microhabitats, i.e. certain structural zones of plumage. Pteronyssoides striatus (Pteronyssidae) is rather typical mite specialised to feathers with vanes. In adult birds with completely developed plumage this species occupies the ventral surface of the big upper coverts of primary flight feathers. This species appears on the chaffinch nestlings in a significant number on 7th day. The mites occupy the basal parts of primary flight feathers represented in that moment by the rods only. They sit on practically open and smooth surface of this microhabitat, which is uncommon for them, because the vanes of the big upper coverts are not yet open and also represented by thin rods. During the period of the last 5 days (from 7 to 11th day) the mean number of mites per one nestling increases from 2.3 +/- 0.5 to 17.1 +/- 1.8 mites. Just before the day, when the nestling leave the nest, the tritonymphs absolutely predominate (82.4%) in the micropopulation of P. striatus. Analges passerinus (Analgidae) is specialised to live in the friable layer formed by numerous not-engaged thread barbles of the down feathers and basal parts of the body covert feathers. Mites have special hooks on legs used for hard attaching to the barbles and for fast moving in the friable layer of feathers. On the chaffinch nestlings, these mites appear usually on 8th day, when the rod-like body covert feathers begin to open on apices and form short brushes; however some individuals occur on the skin of nestlings even on 6th day. The mean number of mites per nestling on the 11th day reaches 16.5 +/- 1.4 individuals. The micropopulation of A. passerinus is represented on the nestlings mainly by the females (45.5%), tritonymphs (23.6%) and males (11.5%). Monojobertia microphylla (Proctophyllodidae) is a typical dweller of feathers with large vanes. Mites of this species commonly occupy the ventral surface of primary and secondary flight feathers and also respective big upper covert feathers of wings. M. microphylla appears on the nestlings in a significant number (7.1 +/- 1.2 mites) on 9th day, only when the primary flight feathers already have short vanes about 10 mm in length. In next three days the number of mites increases very fast and reaches on 11th day 60.3 +/- 5.7 mites per nestling. In the micropopulation of this species, the tritonymphs count 38.3%, and the quota of males and females is 25.3% each. The migration of this species goes most intensively, than in two other species. An analitic selection of logistic curves shows, that the increasing of mite number during the process of infection with three mite species may be most adequately described by the sigmoid curves with clearly recognizable levels of saturation, which can be theoretically reached. Indeed, the number of mite individuals being able to migrate onto the nestlings is limited by their number on a respective chaffinch female. In a contrast, the increasing of plumage indices, for instance the length of flight feathers, has almost linear character during the period of observation. The beginning of mite migration is determined by the development of respective microhabitats in the plumage of nestlings, or at least by the development of certain structure elements of plumage, where mites are able to attach for a while, before that moment, when the nestlings will develop the plumage completely and begin to fly. In three mite species examined, the process of infection was performed by older stages, namely by the imago and/or tritonymphs. This can be explained by two reasons. On the one hand, the older stages are most active in their movement, resistible and able to survive successfully on new host individuals. On the other hand, the older stage are ready for the reproduction or will be ready after one moulting. The older stages of mites can quickly create a large and self-supporting micropopulations on the birds, therefore this strategy ensures a successful subsequent existence of the parasite species. In cases, when mites (A. passerinus, M. microphylla) migrate into the respective microhabitats structurally corresponding to their normal microhabitats on adult birds, the micropopulations of these mite species include a significant or dominant quota of females and males. When the normal microhabitat is not yet formed, feather mites migrate into neighboring structure elements of plumage, where they can survive and wait for the development of normal microhabitat, to which they are well adapted. Therefore, in the case of P. striatus, its micropopulations on the chaffinch nestlings are represented mainly by the tritonymphs.  相似文献   

Food abundance is an important determinant in habitat and patch selection but food accessibility and detectability is less often considered. Foraging on more cryptic seeds may increase predation risk by increasing the length of head down periods. Habitat structure may interact with this as birds are less able to detect predators with their head lowered in riskier obstructed habitats. We investigated patch choice in chaffinches Fringilla coelebs foraging in obstructed and open habitats and artificially manipulated the search times of seeds by colouring them either yellow or black. One trial consisted of a choice between the conspicuous seed in the open patch, and the cryptic seed in the obstructed patch; in the second trial the treatments were reversed. Individuals were more willing to forage in the obstructed habitat when the yellow seeds were present (43% of pecks made in the obstructed patch) than when the black seeds were present (18% of pecks in the obstructed patch). Differences in search time are likely to explain this result: yellow seeds were located almost twice as fast (1.26±0.60 seconds) as black ones (2.36±0.88 seconds). This experiment shows that individual foraging decisions may be influenced not only by food abundance but by the properties of individual food items (in this case seed crypsis) and the structure of the habitat they are present in.  相似文献   

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