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A tactic for bower acquisition by male cichlids,Cyathopharynx furcifer, was studied in Lake Tanganyika. Males held crater-shaped bowers of sand within their territories, which were located adjacent to each other. Females visited bowers to spawn eggs, subsequently brooding the eggs in their mouths. Some individuals held territories without bowers near those of males with bowers. Although only the males with bowers succeeded in reproduction, they were apparently exhausted by bower maintenance and reproduction, and often deserted their bowers. These were soon occupied by males which had held nearby territories without bowers, such males then engaging in reproductive activity. Although the construction of new bowers by males was observed, such was unsuccessful, probably because too much energy was required and/or the optimal space for bowers was limited. Direct aggression by males without bowers against bower-holding males to deprive the bowers was not observed, possibly due to the high costs of such competition. Therefore, waiting for bower desertion by other males may be the best bower acquisition tactic for males without bowers.  相似文献   

Sexual selection arising through female mate choice typically favours males with larger, brighter and louder signals. A critical challenge in sexual selection research is to determine the degree to which this pattern results from direct mate choice, where females select individual males based on variation in signalling traits, or indirect mate choice, where male competition governs access to reproductively active females. We investigated female mate choice in a lekking Lake Malawi cichlid fish, Hemitilapia oxyrhynchus, in which males build and aggressively defend sand 'bowers'. Similar to previous studies, we found that male reproductive success was positively associated with bower height and centrality on the lek. However, this pattern resulted from males holding these territories encountering more females, and thus their greater success was due to indirect mate choice. Following initial male courtship, an increase in the relative mating success of some males was observed, but this relative increase was unrelated to bower size or position. Crucially, experimentally manipulating bowers to resemble those of a co-occurring species had no appreciable effect on direct choice by females or male spawning success. Together, these results suggest indirect mate choice is the dominant force determining male-mating success in this species, and that bowers are not signals used in direct mate choice by females. We propose that, in this species, bowers have a primary function in intraspecific male competition, with the most competitive males maintaining larger and more central bowers that are favoured by sexual selection due to higher female encounter rates.  相似文献   

In many animals, sexual selection on male traits results from female mate choice decisions made during a sequence of courtship behaviors. We use a bower‐building cichlid fish, Nyassachromis cf. microcephalus, to show how applying standard selection analysis to data on sequential female assessment provides new insights into sexual selection by mate choice. We first show that the cumulative selection differentials confirm previous results suggesting female choice favors males holding large volcano‐shaped sand bowers. The sequential assessment analysis reveals these cumulative differentials are the result of selection acting on different bower dimensions during the courtship sequence; females choose to follow males courting from tall bowers, but choose to engage in premating circling with males holding bowers with large diameter platforms. The approach we present extends standard selection analysis by partitioning the variances of increasingly accurate estimates of male reproductive fitness and is applicable to systems in which sequential female assessment drives sexual selection on male traits.  相似文献   

Female choice based on multiple male traits has been documented in many species but the functions of such multiple traits are still under debate. The satin bowerbird has a polygynous mating system in which males attract females to bowers for mating; females choose mates based on multiple aspects of males and their bowers. In this paper, we demonstrate that females use some cues to decide which males to examine closely and other cues to decide which males to mate with. Female visitation rates to bowers were significantly related to male size and the males' 'solitary' display rates, and, to a lesser extent, to the numbers of bower decorations. After controlling for female visitation rates, it was found that a male's mating success was significantly related to his size and the rate at which he 'painted' his bower with saliva and chewed up plant material.  相似文献   

Female choice of mates versus sites was studied in a wrasse, Cirrhilabrus temminckii. Males had territories within a restricted area on a rocky slope at which females visited and pair-spawned pelagic gametes. Females visited several males or territories before spawning, suggesting the opportunity of female choice. Of the four characteristics of territorial males examined—body size, ratio of pelvic fin length to body size, courtship, frequency and territory depth—only territory depth was significantly correlated with daily mating success of males. The former three male characters were not related to territory depth. These results suggest that female C. temminckii chooses deep sites rather than specific mates in mating.  相似文献   

Male spotted bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus maculatus) build and defend a structure of sticks and straw—the bower—decorated with colourful objects to attract mates during the breeding season. Specific non-territorial, subordinate males are tolerated by resident males at bowers over multiple breeding seasons. Prior research showed that these male–male associations exhibit attributes of coalitionary behaviour and that subordinate males gain delayed benefits from associating with bower owners, namely future bower inheritance. Yet, it remained unclear whether subordinate males may additionally gain direct fitness benefits from attending established bowers. Here, we report on four separate instances of sneaky copulations (or attempts of copulating) by subordinate males at resident males' bowers. Multiple non-resident males disrupted the ongoing copulations between the bower owner and a receptive female, and these events were followed by violent aggressive interactions. These observations shed new light on same-sex social dynamics in spotted bowerbirds and support the hypothesis that subordinate males are sexually mature individuals that occasionally obtain access to females while attending established bowers. We discuss these findings in light of the literature on male courtship coalitions and agonistic behaviour in bowerbirds, and highlight further aspects of subordinate behaviour that require empirical investigation.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied the reproductive behavior of wild caught and captive-born, first generation offspring of the Lake Malawi fish, Tramitichromis intermedius(Teleostei, Cichlidae), held in aquaria. Spawning behavior includes an exchange of actions with dominant males performing bower construction and courtship behaviors while females focus on oviposition and mouthbrooding. Egg counts per oviposition and brooding and interbrooding periods of wild caught T. intermedius follow records of other mouthbrooding cichlid fishes. Observation of circling behavior suggests this behavioral trait may be used in mate choice as longer circling, indicating a secure territory and thus male dominance, leads to more oviposition events and hence the potential for larger broods. Comparisons of clutch size and total length of young at release from full-sized females vs. first spawners reveal smaller clutches and young from the younger females, most likely stemming from differences in body size. Investigation of spawning photoperiodicity also noted distinctions between the two groups with wild caught T. intermedius spawning activity peaking in the middle of the light cycle and captive-born, first spawners exhibiting no significant peak in activity. The trend to spawn midday is most likely influenced by predation factors, while the lack of a spawning periodicity in the offspring may be explained by developmental processes, the absence of environmental cues or the tendency for smaller males to be opportunistic in spawning events. The details of spawning behavior recorded in this study provide a database to investigate species differences and to indicate changes due to chemical and physical disturbances.  相似文献   

We investigated the evolutionary relationship between spawning behaviour and sperm motility traits among Tanganyikan mouth‐brooding cichlid species that have developed diverse mating behaviours and male sexual traits. Mouth‐brooding behaviour is common among these fish, but different species demonstrate a range of spawning behaviours, bower construction, male sexual traits and timing of gamete release. We observed spawning behaviours and compared sperm motility traits of 28 Tanganyikan mouth‐brooding cichlids to elucidate the evolutionary correlations between these traits. Sperm longevity was considerably longer in bower‐building species that construct crater‐shaped spawning sites compared with species that do not build bowers. Male bower builders released sperm in the pit of the bower prior to spawning, and the time from ejaculation to fertilization was longer. Conversely, most mouth‐brooding cichlids deposited semen directly into the female buccal cavity, and spawned eggs were immediately picked up to be placed inside the cavity; thus, the time from ejaculation to fertilization was short. These observations suggest that increased sperm longevity is favoured in bower builders. Comparative phylogenetic analyses suggested that bower‐building behaviour and greater time from ejaculation to fertilization are associated with the extension of sperm longevity, whereas sperm competition rank does not play a major role. In addition, bower‐building behaviour preceded the emergence of increased sperm longevity. These results indicate that the extension of sperm longevity as a result of the emergence of bower builders may have acted as an evolutionary attractor for sperm longevity.  相似文献   

The breeding habits of 2 maternal mouthbrooding cichlids,Cyprichromis microlepidotus andParacyprichromis brieni, were investigated in Lake Tanganyika. Although spawning on the substrate in the male's mating territory is prevalent in maternal mouthbrooders, bothC. microlepidotus andP. brieni spawned in the water column. MaleC. microlepidotus established their mating territories in the open water column, while maleP. brieni did so around fixed spawning sites near a vertical rock surface. In both species, females visited male mating territories, departing soon after spawning and collecting the eggs. Sneaking, which was observed only inP. brieni, may be attributed to the presence of refuges for sneakers in this species. FemaleC. microlepidotus deposited their entire clutch of about 9 eggs in one male territory. In contrast, femaleP. brieni divided their clutch of about 11 eggs among several males. After the final egg-release, femaleC. microlepidotus repeatedly approached their mate, with the mouth near the abdomen of the latter (nuzzling), but femaleP. brieni often departed without nuzzling. Males may eject sperm during nuzzling to fertilize eggs inside the female's mouth. However, maleP. brieni is also known to eject sperm near spawning females when the females are not nuzzling. Such behavior seems to be a male countermeasure against female mate infidelity, because males could not ensure paternity of eggs by ejecting sperm only during female nuzzling.  相似文献   

To evaluate the spawning success of male Japanese minnows,Pseudorasbora parva, and female mate choice, spawning behaviour was observed under both artificial and experimental conditions. Larger males had larger territories and greater reproductive success. The body weight of territorial males decreased during the maintenance of territories, while that of non-territorial males increased significantly. When the weight of non-territorial males exceeded that of territorial males, the former began to establish new territories on the substrate, suggesting a conditional strategy by non-territorial males to trade off immediate reproductive success with growth and hence improve future reproductive success. Females chose males with larger body size, probably based on dominance rank rather than the quality (or size) of territory. It was concluded that females choose males of higher dominance rank and that males compete for large territories, both of which play an important part in male reproductive success.  相似文献   

In a field study of Leon Springs pupfish Cyprinodon bovinus, two questions about female promiscuity were investigated. First, were females selective in the males with whom they spawned or were they unselective, spawning randomly among males? Second, how promiscuous were the females, i.e. with how many males did they spawn? If simply spawning with many males maximized a female's reproductive success, then females might be expected to spawn randomly with as many males as possible. Alternatively, if females were selective but engaged in multiple mating, they would limit their spawning to preferred males. In the only wild population of this endangered fish, breeding males defend closely associated territories in the shallow margins of a single desert pool. No territories were observed elsewhere in the pool. Therefore, all territorial males were present simultaneously and females could survey all of them, depositing any number of eggs with one, a few or many males. Rather than spawning randomly, females surveyed many males first, visited relatively few males and ultimately spawned with a small fraction of those available males. With increasing numbers of spawns, however, females increased the number of different mates with whom they spawned. Thus, females showed a bet‐hedging tactic of having a narrow mate preference while also laying eggs in the territories of other males, possibly to reduce egg predation and to avoid inbreeding.  相似文献   

Several sexually dimorphic morphological, behavioural, and territory characteristics of male pronghorn, Antilocapra americana, are highly variable. To test the hypothesis that females respond to variation among males for mate choice, I examined the relationship between these male characteristics and female congregation size and variability. Increased movement up to and during rut and differential female congregation on the territories of males with favoured characteristics were detected as predicted. Individual females increased their home ranges nearly fourfold from summer to rut and visited 88% of the territories in the study area. Female congregation size was related to male phenotype but not to territory characteristics. A canonical correlation analysis revealed that not only were several male traits simultaneously related to female congregation size and variability, but the importance of these traits varied across years. However, male courtship, cheek-patch size, and scent marking behaviours were consistently correlated to female congregation patterns across years. Female congregation was significantly related to male courtship, but there was no correlation between former territory owner's and newcomer's attraction of females. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that females were primarily assessing males instead of territories.  相似文献   

Satin bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchus violaceus have an elaborate multi‐component sexual display, some components of which have been extensively studied. We describe a relatively unstudied component of this display, bower painting, and birds’ responses to manipulations of their paint. Males of this species focus their display around a stick bower constructed on the forest floor which they decorate with a variety of objects and paint. Painting involves a male masticating plant material and wiping the plant‐saliva mixture onto the inside walls of the bower; during courtship visits to bowers, females nibble at this paint. We found that 93% of 53 males painted their bowers at our study site and the time males spent painting their bowers accounted for 24% of their time at the bower. We experimentally removed and added paint to bowers to test whether males respond to these changes in their paint. Males gave more advertisement calls and spent less time manipulating sticks at the bower when we added fresh wet paint to their bowers compared to older dried paint or a control treatment. They did not respond to the removal of paint from their bowers, perhaps because it was primarily older dried paint that was removed. We also found that males painted more frequently when there was measurable wind in their bowers, which could have degraded the quality of the signal. Our findings indicate that fresh wet paint is more important to males than older dried paint and, together with previous work at this site, suggest that paint may act as a signal to females. Given that females nibble bower sticks during courtship, we suggest that bower paint may function as a chemical sexual signal rather than a visual signal.  相似文献   

Morphological sexual differences and their effects on male mating success were investigated in the tailspot wrasse, Halichoeres melanurus, on a subtropical coral reef of Okinawa, southern Japan. Male mating territories were established along the reef edge from late April to early October, during which time pair-spawning occurred just before sunset in the male territories. Territorial males were larger and brighter than females in this protogynous fish. The males had longer, colorful ventral fins and colorful caudal fins, both of which were used during courtship. Multiple regression analysis of the effects of male characteristics on male mating success revealed that the yellow spot at the pectoral fin base was the most effective. It is suggested that large body size is favored in male–male competition for establishing mating territories and that conspicuous body color is favored in female mate choice. Received: June 16, 1999 / Accepted: September 22, 1999  相似文献   

Satin bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchus violaceus have an elaborate multi-component sexual display, some components of which have been extensively studied. We describe a relatively unstudied component of this display, bower painting, and birds' responses to manipulations of their paint. Males of this species focus their display around a stick bower constructed on the forest floor which they decorate with a variety of objects and paint. Painting involves a male masticating plant material and wiping the plant-saliva mixture onto the inside walls of the bower; during courtship visits to bowers, females nibble at this paint. We found that 93% of 53 males painted their bowers at our study site and the time males spent painting their bowers accounted for 24% of their time at the bower. We experimentally removed and added paint to bowers to test whether males respond to these changes in their paint. Males gave more advertisement calls and spent less time manipulating sticks at the bower when we added fresh wet paint to their bowers compared to older dried paint or a control treatment. They did not respond to the removal of paint from their bowers, perhaps because it was primarily older dried paint that was removed. We also found that males painted more frequently when there was measurable wind in their bowers, which could have degraded the quality of the signal. Our findings indicate that fresh wet paint is more important to males than older dried paint and, together with previous work at this site, suggest that paint may act as a signal to females. Given that females nibble bower sticks during courtship, we suggest that bower paint may function as a chemical sexual signal rather than a visual signal.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior of the herbivorous damselfishStegastes nigricans was studied. Both males and females held individual feeding territories, which were distributed contiguously and formed colonies. Spawning season was from June to September. Females visited males' territories and spawned eggs on the algal nest. Males tended eggs until hatching but exhibited less care taking behavior than other damselfishes. The mating system was promiscuous in that both males and females spawn with several mates, even within a single day. However, only 1 female was accepted in the nest at a time. The restriction of the number of mates in the nest may be an adptation to prevent the sneaking which was often conducted by other males of the same colony, and may also be avoidance of disturbing the spawning female. Most spawnings were done among members of the same colony and inter-colonial spawnings were rare (27 cases of 333 spawnings observed). The results of this study suggest that colonial distribution ofS. nigricans may bring several benefits in reproduction to the colony members (e.g. easy mate findings within fellow colony members), but also seems to bring costs (e.g. restriction of number of mates).  相似文献   

Courtship displays should be exaggerated enough to attract mates and yet tempered so as not to deter them. We tested this hypothesis in the fighting fish Betta splendens by studying courtship displays and body size and their relationships with male parental quality and female fecundity, as well as the effects of display behavior and body size on mate choice decisions and spawning success. Because of their high degree of parental investment, males are expected to be discriminating in their choice of mates. Males who displayed more frequently built larger nests, a measure of parental quality, but larger males did not. When females were paired with males with high display rates, however, the pair had fewer eggs in their nest, even when accounting for female body mass. In a mate choice test using computer‐generated male stimuli that differed only in display behavior, females showed no preferences for displaying males vs. non‐displaying males, or for males with higher display rates vs. lower display rates. In similar tests in which the computer‐generated males differed only in size, females preferred larger males, but also preferred males that differed with respect to body size (negative assortative mating). Males preferred computer‐generated females that performed courtship displays over non‐displaying females, but showed no preferences for female body size. Neither a female's body size nor her display behavior was a significant predictor of her fecundity as estimated by the number of eggs released during spawning. Thus, our results suggest that female B. splendens must balance male parental quality (nest size) with the risk of potentially disruptive or dangerous behavior during spawning, and that females may minimize these risks through negative size‐assortative mating. Female display behavior, while unrelated to fecundity in our study, may attract males because it indicates reproductive readiness or serves a species‐recognition function.  相似文献   

Synopsis Social organization and spawning in the sharpnose pufferCanthigaster rostrataere studied on a reef in the San Blas Islands, Panama. Sexes were dimorphic. In mixed coral and rubble habitat, females defended territories against other females and small males. From one to six female territories were included within the territories of certain large males. These haremic males visited their females and patrolled their territories throughout the day. Smaller, non-haremic males occupied territories or home ranges within or adjacent to those of haremic males or were wanderers. Spawning between a haremic male and a territorial female occurred within the female's territory. The female prepared an algal nest into which demersal eggs were deposited. There was no parental care. Eggs were spherical, translucent, and measured approximately 0.66 mm in diameter. Larvae were about 1.4 mm TL and closely resembled those of other species ofCanthigaster.  相似文献   

Behavioural observations were carried out on a sex role reversed population of the blenny Salaria pavo to investigate possible mate choice behaviour of the females. Females mated with relatively larger males, with a larger head crest, anal gland and genital papilla, which had more eggs in their nests and that courted the female. Thus, these male traits were potentially assessed by females when choosing their mates. In order to mate, females visited one to four males (eight females spawned with the first male they had visited and eight visited more than one male). The majority of the females spawned with the last male visited but three of them returned to mate with males visited previously (two with the penultimate visited male). Additionally, the outcome of the first visit of each female depended on the quality of the males: males that were accepted on this first visit had larger head crest than rejected males. Therefore, the mate searching model that best fitted the data was a threshold tactic that allowed the searching individual to return to any potential mate visited before, i.e. that allowed for complete recall. Moreover, three females returned to mate with males rejected earlier during the search, which indicates that they lowered their thresholds. These results suggest that females use a 'one step decision' tactic to search for mates. In this tactic, females mate with males that satisfy an adjustable threshold criterion, balancing the quality of the mates expected to find in the next step of the search and the effort of finding them.  相似文献   

Studies on sexual selection have focused on behaviour and morphology, but several groups of animals build elaborate structures associated with acquiring a mate. I investigated female choice for nests built by male baya weavers (Ploceus philippinus). Nest choice by females should be strong, as nests are obvious direct benefits provided by males. I used a field experiment supplemented with correlational information to ask whether females appear to base mate choice decisions on male behaviour, nest architecture, and nest location. When the nests of highly visited males were exchanged with those of poorly visited males, female visits remained highest at the original male and location. I found no relationship between female choice and male display or other behaviour. Correlational analyses show that nest location was a better predictor of female choice than was nest architecture. These data suggest that current female choice is driven more by access to safe nesting sites rather than to well‐built nests, possibly because all males are able to build nests of adequate quality. However, nest architecture is unlikely to be irrelevant to females, and its role deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

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