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An enduring puzzle in gynodioecious species is the great variation in female frequency seen among populations. We quantified sex ratio in 44 populations of gynodioecious Kallstroemia grandiflora. Then, we measured pollinator visitation, pollen deposition, autonomous selfing rate and pollen limitation of females. Finally, using experimental populations, we tested whether female fitness responds to the frequency of female plants. We found broad variability in sex ratio among populations (0-44% female). Hermaphrodite flowers received more pollinator visits and pollen grains than females, and bagged hermaphrodite flowers produced fruits. However, we found no evidence of pollen limitation in females. In experimental populations, female plants showed no evidence of frequency-dependent pollinator visitation, fruit set, seed set or total seed mass. These results do not support frequency-dependent variation in fitness as a major mechanism affecting female frequencies in K. grandiflora. Within the context of this study, pollinators are abundant and pollinator movement appears to operate at a large enough scale to overcome the potential reproductive disadvantages of producing solely female flowers.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of Nigella degenii (Ranunculaceae) possess a dimorphism in pollen colour and vary extensively in frequency of the two morphs in natural populations. Here we investigate the role of selection on pollen colour during the pollination phase in the two subspecies and its potential contribution to the maintenance of this colour variation. In a combination of common garden experiments and field observations, we obtained data on pollinator visitation rates and explored the effect of pollen colour on fertilisation success and siring ability under conditions of low vs. high pollen competition. In experimental gardens, naïve pollinators responded differently to plants with different pollen colour, but the favoured morph varied between dates and locations, and colour morphs were not visited in a frequency-dependent manner. Donor plants with dark pollen had a reproductive advantage (higher seed set) in single-donor pollinations, but the realised siring ability (measured by progeny morph ratio) was highly variable between different two-donor crosses with no general bias towards the light or dark morph. Therefore, although the dark pollen type appears to have a general selective advantage in terms of fertilisation success, our data are also consistent with a scenario involving the maintenance of both colour morphs, particularly under conditions of high pollen competition, a variable genetic background and/or spatial or temporal variation in the pollinator fauna.  相似文献   

Introgression arising from crop-to-wild gene flow provides novel sources of genetic variation in plant species complexes. Hybridization within the Beta vulgaris species complex is of immediate concern; crop lineages ( B .  vulgaris ssp. vulgaris ) hybridize easily with their wild relatives ( B .  vulgaris ssp. maritima ) thereby threatening wild beet gene diversity with genetic swamping. Hybridization 'hotspots' occur in European seed production areas because inland ruderal wild beets occur and reproduce in sympatry with cultivated beets. We studied gene flow occurring between seed-producing cultivars and ruderal wild B .  vulgaris in southwestern France to determine whether feral beets, arising from unharvested cultivated seed, represent an opportunity for crop-to-wild gene flow. We surveyed 42 inland ruderal beet populations located near seed production fields for nucleo-cytoplasmic variation and used a cytoplasmic marker diagnostic of cultivated lines. Occurrence of cultivated-type cytoplasm within ruderal populations clearly reflected events of crop seed escape. However, we found no genetic signatures of nuclear cultivated gene introgression, which suggests past introgression of cultivated cytoplasm into a wild nuclear background through seed escape rather than recent direct pollen flow. Overall, patterns of genetic structure suggested that inland ruderal wild beet populations act as a metapopulation, with founding events involving a few sib groups, followed by low rates of seed or pollen gene flow after populations are established. Altogether, our results indicate that a long-lived seed bank plays a key role in maintaining cultivated-type cytoplasm in the wild and highlight the need for careful management of seed production areas where wild and cultivated relatives co-occur.  相似文献   

Evolutionists have long recognized the role of reproductive isolation in speciation, but the relative contributions of different reproductive barriers are poorly understood. We examined the nature of isolation between Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis, sister species of monkeyflowers. Studied reproductive barriers include: ecogeographic isolation; pollinator isolation (pollinator fidelity in a natural mixed population); pollen competition (seed set and hybrid production from experimental interspecific, intraspecific, and mixed pollinations in the greenhouse); and relative hybrid fitness (germination, survivorship, percent flowering, biomass, pollen viability, and seed mass in the greenhouse). Additionally, the rate of hybridization in nature was estimated from seed collections in a sympatric population. We found substantial reproductive barriers at multiple stages in the life history of M. lewisii and M. cardinalis. Using range maps constructed from herbarium collections, we estimated that the different ecogeographic distributions of the species result in 58.7% reproductive isolation. Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis are visited by different pollinators, and in a region of sympatry 97.6% of pollinator foraging bouts were specific to one species or the other. In the greenhouse, interspecific pollinations generated nearly 50% fewer seeds than intraspecific controls. Mixed pollinations of M. cardinalis flowers yielded >75% parentals even when only one-quarter of the pollen treatment consisted of M. cardinalis pollen. In contrast, both species had similar siring success on M. lewisii flowers. The observed 99.915% occurrence of parental M. lewisii and M. cardinalis in seeds collected from a sympatric population is nearly identical to that expected, based upon our field observations of pollinator behavior and our laboratory experiments of pollen competition. F1 hybrids exhibited reduced germination rates, high survivorship and reproduction, and low pollen and ovule fertility. In aggregate, the studied reproductive barriers prevent, on average, 99.87% of gene flow, with most reproductive isolation occurring prior to hybrid formation. Our results suggest that ecological factors resulting from adaptive divergence are the primary isolating barriers in this system. Additional studies of taxa at varying degrees of evolutionary divergence are needed to identify the relative importance of pre- and postzygotic isolating mechanisms in speciation.  相似文献   

The selective maintenance of gynodioecy depends on the relative fitness of the male-sterile (female) and hermaphroditic morphs. Females may compensate for their loss of male fitness by reallocating resources from male function (pollen production and pollinator attraction) to female function (seeds and fruits), thus increasing seed production. Females may also benefit from their inability to self-fertilize if selfing and inbreeding depression reduce seed quality in hermaphrodites. We investigated how differences in floral resource allocation (flower size) between female and hermaphroditic plants affect two measures of female reproductive success, pollinator visitation and pollen receipt, in gynodioecious populations of Geranium richardsonii in Colorado. Using emasculation treatments in natural populations, we further examined whether selfing by autogamy and geitonogamy comprises a significant proportion of pollen receipt by hermaphrodites. Flowers of female plants are significantly smaller than those of hermaphrodites. The reduction in allocation to pollinator-attracting structures (petals) is correlated with a significant reduction in pollinator visitation to female flowers in artificial arrays. The reduction in attractiveness is further manifested in significantly less pollen being deposited on the stigmas of female flowers in natural populations. Autogamy is rare in these protandrous flowers, and geitonogamy accounts for most of the difference in pollen receipt between hermaphrodites and females. Female success at receiving pollen was negatively frequency dependent on the relative frequency of females in populations. Thus, two of the prerequisites for the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations, differences in resource allocation between floral morphs and high selfing rates in hermaphrodites, occur in G. richardsonii.  相似文献   

The reproductive assurance hypothesis posits that selection favors self-pollination in flowering plants where mates and/or pollinators are scarce. A corollary is that self-pollinating populations are expected to be superior colonizers of mate- and pollinator-scarce environments. The California annual Clarkia xantiana includes outcrossing populations (ssp. xantiana) and autogamously self-pollinating populations (ssp. parviflora). Outcrossing is ancestral, and the subspecies have parapatric distributions with a narrow contact zone. We tested aspects of the reproductive assurance hypothesis by examining geographic and subspecies variation in the densities of mates and pollinators (native bees) and the density dependence of pollinator visitation and pollen receipt. Plant and flower densities, pollinator density, and pollinator visitation rates were lowest in the region of exclusively self-pollinating populations. Pollinator assemblages there lacked Clarkia-associated pollinator taxa that were common elsewhere. Self-pollinating populations in the contact zone generally had densities and visitation rates intermediate between allopatric self-pollinating populations and outcrossing populations. Visitation rate and pollen receipt increased significantly with plant density. These findings suggest that selection for reproductive assurance influenced the origin of self-pollination and/or that reproductive assurance influenced the geographic distribution of self-pollination. Geographic variation in pollinator assemblages may have generated variation in the value of reproductive assurance.  相似文献   

Coastal heath is becoming increasingly fragmented, resulting in reduced pollinator abundance affecting species viability. The reproductive ecology and inbreeding of a common coastal heath species, Boronia falcifolia (Rutaceae), was investigated. Pollination observations and experiments were carried out at one site, and inbreeding was assessed using genetic markers at eight populations. Four pollination treatments were assessed: cross-pollination, self-pollination, autogamous pollination and open (insect) pollination. Boronia falcifolia was found to be highly self-compatible, frequently setting seeds from autogamous pollination. There were no significant differences between the autogamous, self and cross pollen treatments for any measures of reproductive success (pollen tube growth, fruit set, swollen locules and seed production). Insect activity resulted in fewer seeds per fruit than hand cross pollination, although pollinator visits were few. All populations studied were highly inbred. Autogamous self-pollination is widespread in B. falcifolia and this combined with its ability to vegetatively regenerate enhances its potential for survival when pollinators are few.  相似文献   

由于黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)果实具有重要的保健价值,近年来倍受关注,但其野生资源正遭受着前所未有的采伐压力。目前关于影响黑果枸杞果实产量的有性生殖过程研究较少,本实验对新疆库尔勒地区6个不同生境的野生黑果枸杞居群开展了繁殖生态学观察,并对各居群的访花频率、访花昆虫种类、柱头花粉落置、胚珠数、座果率、结实率和单株果实产量等指标进行了比较分析。结果表明,访花频率与结实率、座果率具有显著正相关关系,说明传粉者是限制黑果枸杞有性生殖的关键因素之一;传粉者种类越丰富的居群其有性生殖产出越高,揭示了传粉昆虫的多样性和丰富度是影响黑果枸杞繁殖成功的重要限制因子。此外,和静县华侨农场和焉耆县霍拉山河沟的黑果枸杞居群生殖产出明显与其传粉成功率相偏离,进一步分析表明,风沙侵蚀和人为采伐对植株的破坏是影响这两个居群果实产量的重要原因。本研究结果对于野生黑果枸杞居群的保护及其人工规模栽培提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

Comparisons of cytoplasmic and nuclear diversity within and among natural plant populations have the potential to distinguish the relative influences of seed and pollen dispersal on contemporary gene flow, or alternatively, may permit inferences of the colonization history of a species via seed. We examined patterns of cpDNA and allozyme variation in Senecio gallicus, a diploid, annual plant that occurs in both coastal and ruderal inland areas of the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. The species appears to have a strong propensity for long-distance seed dispersal. Five cpDNA haplotypes were found by RFLP analysis among a sample of 111 individuals derived from 11 populations. Differences in haplotype frequencies across populations were most evident with respect to a dramatic increase in the frequency of a derived haplotype from coastal to inland localities. The level of cpDNA differentiation among populations within the inland group (θ0 = 0.07) was significantly less than that seen within the coastal group (θ0 = 0.41). In contrast, for allozymes, no significant difference in population structure was evident between collections from coastal and inland habitats. At the rangewide geographic scale, there was only a very weak association between inferred levels of gene flow and geographic distance for cpDNA, and no such association was found for allozymes. It appears that while seed movement in the species might be sufficiently great to disturb the pattern of isolation by distance for cpDNA, it cannot fully account for the nearly randomized spatial structure at polymorphic allozyme loci. It is suggested that isolation of populations in Atlantic-Mediterranean coastal refugia during previous glacial maxima, and the effects of subsequent colonization events in inland areas, have had an important effect on molding the present genetic structure of the species.  相似文献   

Urban development increasingly occupies more landscape and is responsible for habitat alteration and fragmentation of so many ecosystems that urban environments can no longer be excluded from the areas to be considered in conservation strategies. Appropriate management measures ensuring population viability are needed, but due to the usually irreversible feature of the urbanisation process, the measures may differ from non-urbanised areas. Sufficient gene flow levels, leading to successful seed production, appear to be a key element in the sustainable persistence of insect-pollinated plant remnant populations. This study investigated reproductive success and pollen dispersal patterns in Centaurea jacea, an insect-pollinated hay-meadow herb, in the Brussels urban area (Belgium). Reproductive performance of urban park populations was compared with populations occurring in urban semi-natural sites. Pollen dispersal patterns were examined within and among-population patches from two urban parks using fluorescent dye as a pollen analogue. Urban park populations showed a higher reproductive success than those in urban semi-natural sites. Depositions of fluorescent dye particles on recipient individuals were found within populations (<20 m), among populations within parks (over a few hundred meters) and among parks (maximal investigated distance: 2.6 km), indicating pollinator movements and a potential gene flow by pollen over relatively long distances. Dye dispersal showed an exponential decay distribution with respect to spatial distance. The very small populations received more immigrant dye deposition when located at short distances from the source population. These findings demonstrate that urban populations do not perform worse in reproductive success than populations from agricultural landscapes, despite their small size, and can function as a network exchanging pollen. The conversion of urban park lawns into interconnected networks of ecologically managed hay meadows, allowing simultaneous flowering and seed production in many patches of target species, is to be strongly encouraged.  相似文献   

Resource supply and pollen delivery are often thought to equally limit seed production in animal-pollinated plants. At equilibrium, plants should show no response to experimental pollen supplementation because resources limit seed set above the current level of pollen attraction, while experimental reduction in pollen deposition below the equilibrium level would reduce seed set. The predicted equilibrium may be disrupted, however, if plants expend additional energy to replenish removed nectar. We investigated the combined effects of nectar removal and pollen delivery on female reproductive success of Penstemon roseus (Plantaginaceae), a hummingbird-pollinated plant that replenishes removed nectar. We first documented that the frequency of experimental nectar removal was correlated with total nectar secretion; and increased frequency of nectar removal resulted in increased female reproductive costs to the plant. Trade-offs between investing resources in nectar and investing resources in seeds were then investigated in two contrasting natural populations by removing nectar from flowers at increasing frequencies while simultaneously hand-pollinating flowers with increasing amounts of pollen. Seed set was lowest at low levels of pollen deposition, highest at medium-sized pollen loads, and intermediate when pollen loads were highest. At both sites, the frequency of nectar removal and pollen deposition had an interactive effect on seed production, in that intermediate levels of nectar removal result in the absolute highest seed set, but only at intermediate pollen loads. At high pollen loads, seed set was higher following little to no nectar removal, and at low pollen loads, all rates of nectar removal affected fecundity equally. Seed mass responded to nectar removal and pollination differently than did seed set. High levels of nectar removal and pollen delivery both lowered seed mass, with little interaction between main effects. Our findings are among the first to demonstrate that nectar replenishment costs and pollination intensity jointly affect seed production. This conflict between nectar replenishment costs and pollen-limiting factors results in trade-offs between pollinator attraction and seed provisioning. Thus, resource allocation towards nectar production should more often be considered in future studies of pollen limitation.  相似文献   

A. Schnabel  M. A. Asmussen 《Genetics》1992,132(1):253-267
We continue our study of the effects of pollen and seed migration on the cytonuclear structure of mixed-mating plant populations by analyzing two deterministic continent-island models under the critical assumption of paternal cytoplasmic inheritance. The major results of this study that contrast with our previous conclusions based on maternal cytoplasmic inheritance are (i) pollen gene flow can significantly affect the cytonuclear structure of the island population, and in particular can help to generate cytonuclear disequilibria that greatly exceed the magnitude of those that would be produced by seed migration or mixed mating alone; (ii) with simultaneous pollen and seed migration, nonzero cytonuclear disequilibria will be maintained not only when there is disequilibrium in the immigrant pollen or seeds, but also through a variety of intermigrant admixture effects when the two pools of immigrants differ appropriately in their cytonuclear compositions; (iii) either immigrant pollen or immigrant seeds can generate disequilibria de novo in populations with initially random cytonuclear associations, but pollen migration alone generally produces lower levels of disequilibrium than does comparable seed migration, especially at high levels of self-fertilization when the overall fraction of immigrant pollen is low; (iv) the equilibrium state of the island population will be influenced by the rate of pollen gene flow whenever there is either allelic disequilibrium in the immigrant pollen or simultaneous seed migration coupled with different cytoplasmic or nuclear allele frequencies in immigrant pollen and seeds or nonzero allelic disequilibrium in either immigrant pool. The estimation of pollen migration should therefore be facilitated with paternal cytoplasmic inheritance relative to the case of maternal cytoplasmic inheritance. These basic conclusions hold whether the population is censused as seeds or as adults, but with simultaneous pollen and seed migration, the relationship between census time and the ability to detect nonrandom cytonuclear associations is complex. When migration is through pollen alone, however, the cytonuclear structure of the island population is independent of the life stage censused.  相似文献   

Plant populations often adapt to local environmental conditions. Here we demonstrate local adaptation in two subspecies of the California native annual Gilia capitata using standard reciprocal transplant techniques in two sites (coastal and inland) over three consecutive years. Subspecies performance in each site was measured in four ways: probability of seedling emergence, early vegetative size (length of longest leaf), probability of flowering, and total number of inflorescences produced per plant. Analysis of three of the four variables demonstrated local adaptation through site-by-subspecies interactions in which natives outperformed immigrants. The disparity between natives and immigrants in their probability of emergence and probability of flowering was greater at the coastal site than at the inland site. Treated in isolation, these two fitness components suggest that migration from the coast to the inland site may be less restricted by selection than migration in the opposite direction. Two measurements of individual size (leaf length and number of inflorescences), suggest (though not strongly) that immigrants may be subject to weaker selection at the coastal site than at the inland site. A standard cohort life table is used to compare replacement rates (R0) for each subspecies at each site. Comparisons of R0s suggest that immigrants are under a severe demographic disadvantage at the coastal site, but only a small disadvantage at the inland site. The results point out the importance of integrating over several fitness components when documenting the magnitude of local adaptation.  相似文献   

The angiosperms are by far the largest group of terrestrial plants. Their spectacular diversity is often attributed to specialized pollination. Obligate pollination mutualisms where both a plant and its pollinator are dependent upon one another for reproduction are thought to be prone to rapid diversification through co‐evolution and pollinator isolation. However, few studies have evaluated the degree to which pollinators actually mediate reproductive isolation in these systems. Here, we examine evidence for hybridization and gene flow between two subspecies of Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia brevifolia and Yucca brevifolia jaegeriana) pollinated by two sister species of yucca moth. Previous work indicated that the pollinators differ in host specificity, and DNA sequence data suggested asymmetric introgression between the tree subspecies. Through intensive sampling in a zone of sympatry, a large number of morphologically intermediate trees were identified. These included trees with floral characters typical of Y. b. jaegeriana, but vegetative features typical of Y. b. brevifolia. The opposite combination—Y. b. brevifolia flowers with Y. b. jaegeriana vegetative morphologynever occurred. Microsatellite genotyping revealed a high frequency of genetically admixed, hybrid trees. Coalescent‐based estimates of migration indicated significant gene flow between the subspecies and that the direction of gene flow matches differences in pollinator host fidelity. The data suggest that pollinator behaviour determines the magnitude and direction of gene flow between the two subspecies, but that specialized pollination alone is not sufficient to maintain species boundaries. Natural selection may be required to maintain phenotypic differences in the face of ongoing gene flow.  相似文献   

Pollinator activity and competition for pollinators lead to quantitative and qualitative pollen limitations on seed production and affect the reproductive success of plant species, depending on their breeding system (e.g., self‐compatibility and heterospecific compatibility) and genetic load (e.g., inbreeding depression and hybrid inviability). In alpine ecosystems, snowmelt regimes determine the distribution and phenology of plant communities. Plant species growing widely along a snowmelt gradient often grow with different species among local populations. Their pollinators also vary in their abundance, activity, and behavior during the season. These variations may modify plant–pollinator and plant–plant interactions. We integrated a series of our studies on the alpine dwarf shrub, Phyllodoce aleutica (Ericaceae), to elucidate the full set of intrinsic (species‐specific breeding system) and extrinsic factors (snow condition, pollinator activity, and interspecific competition) acting on their reproductive process. Seasonality of pollinator activity led to quantitative pollen limitation in the early‐blooming populations, whereas in the late‐blooming populations, high pollinator activity ensured pollination service, but interspecific competition for pollinators led to qualitative and quantitative pollen limitation in less competitive species. However, negative effects of illegitimate pollen receipt on seed‐set success might be reduced when cryptic incompatibility systems (i.e., outcross pollen grains took priority over self‐ and heterospecific pollen grains) could effectively prevent ovule and seed discounting. Our studies highlight the importance of species‐specific responses of plant reproduction to changing pollinator availability along environmental gradients to understand the general features of pollination networks in alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Long‐term variation in the population density of honey bees Apis mellifera across landscapes has been shown to correlate with variation in the floral traits of plant populations in these landscapes, suggesting that variations in pollinator population density and foraging rates can drive floral trait evolution of their host plants. However, it remained to be determined whether this variation in plant traits is associated with adaptive variation in plant reproductive strategies under conditions of high and low pollinator densities. Here we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment to examine how this variation in floral traits, under conditions of either high and low pollinator density, impacted seed production in the Tibetan lotus Saussurea nigrescens. In 2014 and 2015, we recorded the floral traits, pollinator visitation rates, and seed production of S. nigrescens populations grown in both home sites and foreign sites, where sites varied in honey bee population density. Our results demonstrated that the floral traits reflected those of their original population, regardless of their current location. However, seed production varied with both population origin and transplant site. Seed number was positively correlated with flower abundance in the pollinator‐rich sites, but with nectar production in the pollinator‐poor sites. Pollinator visitation rate was also positively correlated with flower number at pollinator‐rich sites, and with nectar volume at pollinator‐poor sites. Overall, the local genotype had higher seed production than nonlocal genotypes in home sites. However, when pollen is hand‐supplemented, plants from pollinator‐rich populations had higher seed production than plants from pollinator‐poor populations, regardless of whether they were transplanted to pollinator‐rich or ‐poor sites. These results suggest that the plant genotypic differences primarily drive variation in pollinator attraction, and this ultimately drives variation in seed: ovule ratio. Thus, our results suggest that flowering plant species use different reproductive strategies to respond to high or low pollinator densities.  相似文献   

Empirical estimates of the relative importance of different barriers to gene flow between recently diverged species are important for understanding processes of speciation. I investigated the factors contributing to reproductive isolation between Costus pulverulentus and C. scaber (Costaceae), two closely related hummingbird-pollinated understory Neotropical herbs. I studied broad-scale geographic isolation, microhabitat isolation, flowering phenology, overlap in pollinator assemblages, floral constancy by pollinators, mechanical floral isolation, pollen-pistil interactions, seed set in interspecific crosses, and postzygotic isolation (hybrid seed germination, greenhouse survival to flowering, and pollen fertility). Aside from substantial geographic isolation, I found evidence for several factors contributing to reproductive isolation in the sympatric portion of their geographic ranges, but the identity and relative strength of these factors varied depending on the direction of potential gene flow. For C. pulverulentus as the maternal parent, mechanical floral isolation was the most important factor, acting as a complete block to interspecific pollen deposition. For C. scaber as the maternal parent, microhabitat isolation, pollinator assemblage, mechanical floral isolation, and postpollination pollen-pistil incompatibility were important. Overall, prezygotic barriers were found to be strong, resulting in 100% reproductive isolation for C. pulverulentus as the maternal parent and 99.0% reproductive isolation for C. scaber as the maternal parent. Some postzygotic isolation also was identified in the F1 generation, increasing total isolation for C. scaber to 99.4%. The results suggest that ecological factors, including habitat use and plant-pollinator interactions, contributed to speciation in this system and evolved before extensive intrinsic postzygotic isolation.  相似文献   

Many rare plants exist in a naturally fragmented distribution and are expected to exhibit reproductive adaptations to isolation. Thus, understanding the reproduction of these plants might be important in predicting the future of artificially fragmented species. Ameroglossum pernambucense is a threatened ornithophilous shrub with naturally fragmented populations on granite outcrops in north-eastern Brazil. The current research studied two populations of A. pernambucense and determined if three reproductive features (mating system, flowering phenology and nectar dynamics) facilitate the colonisation of new areas and the gene flow among the outcrops. To verify the species’ reproductive efficiency, pollinator efficiency and pollen limitation were tested. Ameroglossum pernambucense has a mixed mating system, and pollinators increased seed production. The pollinator efficiency test revealed that hummingbirds can supply the entire pollen demand. No pollen limitation was detected. Variation in sunset time was the main factor to explain the flowering pattern of A. pernambucense. Nectar was abundantly produced after successive removals. The reproductive traits observed in A. pernambucense were interpreted as highly adapted to its fragmented condition. Phenological photoperiodic regulation may increase the flowering synchrony and chances of gene flow among outcrops in environmentally distinct microsites. The mixed mating system favours both the colonisation of isolated outcrops and allogamy. High flower production and its high energetic value may have an important role in pollinator attraction and may increase long-distance outcrossing. Our data suggest that artificially fragmented plants with reproductive features similar to those observed here might be reproductively less susceptible to fragmentation.  相似文献   

Adaptive divergence due to habitat differences is thought to play a major role in formation of new species. However it is rarely clear the extent to which individual reproductive isolating barriers related to habitat differentiation contribute to total isolation. Furthermore, it is often difficult to determine the specific environmental variables that drive the evolution of those ecological barriers, and the geographic scale at which habitat-mediated speciation occurs. Here, we address these questions through an analysis of the population structure and reproductive isolation between coastal perennial and inland annual forms of the yellow monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus. We found substantial morphological and molecular genetic divergence among populations derived from coast and inland habitats. Reciprocal transplant experiments revealed nearly complete reproductive isolation between coast and inland populations mediated by selection against immigrants and flowering time differences, but not postzygotic isolation. Our results suggest that selection against immigrants is a function of adaptations to seasonal drought in inland habitat and to year round soil moisture and salt spray in coastal habitat. We conclude that the coast and inland populations collectively comprise distinct ecological races. Overall, this study suggests that adaptations to widespread habitats can lead to the formation of reproductively isolated species.  相似文献   

Hybrid bridges to gene flow: a case study in milkweeds (Asclepias)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural hybridization occurs throughout areas of sympatry for the North American milkweeds Asclepias exaltata and A. syriaca (Asclepiadaceae), even though the formation of F1 hybrid seed is a rare event. For introgressive hybridization to proceed, F1 and advanced hybrids must be released from reproductive barriers and successfully mate with one or both parental species. I investigated the mating system of natural hybrids between A. exaltata and A. syriaca in three populations in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. Allozyme data and a maximum-likelihood procedure were used to estimate the frequency of six genotypic classes (parentals, F1, F2, and backcrosses) of the hybridizing populations, the pollinia received by hybrid plants, and the paternal parents of seeds produced by hybrids. F1 hybrids, backcross A. syriaca, and parental A. syriaca individuals were common in three hybrid populations. Even though self-pollinations and interhybrid pollinations were common, F2 seed production and the occurrence of F2 individuals were rare in hybrid populations. Hybrid plants received more pollen from A. syriaca than A. exaltata, which resulted in the production of more backcross-A. syriaca seed than backcross-A. exaltata seed. Asclepias exaltata was rare in the hybrid populations, but A. exaltata pollinia were received by hybrids and this species sired between 15% and 36% of the seeds produced on hybrids. The potential for introgression with A. exaltata populations is lower because this species is unsuccessful as the maternal parent in interspecific and backcross hand-pollinations. The asymetry of hybridization with A. syriaca as the maternal parent is further supported by the incorporation of maternally inherited chloroplast DNA markers in hybrids. Hybrid milkweeds frequently backcross with both parental species and may be released from the reproductive barriers that limit the formation of F1 hybrids in natural populations. The direction of interspecific gene flow and introgression in milkweeds is influenced by the reproductive biology of hybrids, the constituency of the surrounding population, and failure of some crosses to produce seeds. Finally, introgressive hybridization remains an important evolutionary force even when the initial formation of F1 hybrids in natural populations is rare.  相似文献   

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