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Major polypeptides from a human oral spirochete Treponema denticola ATCC 33520 were examined to demonstrate their ability to bind to human plasma fibronectin by immunoblot analysis. Of three main polypeptides separated on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels 53,000-daltons (53-kDa) and 72-kDa surface antigenic proteins and a 38-kDa axial flagellar protein showed the ability to bind to fibronectin, suggesting that fibronectin on host cells can mediate cytoadherence of T. denticola by its binding to the surface proteins or the exposed 38-kDa axial flageller protein.  相似文献   

口腔厌氧螺旋体的分离培养在国内尚属还未解决的问题,本研究对培养口腔厌氧螺旋体的培养基,培养条件及与梭形杆菌的共生关系进行了探索,制备出适宜于口腔各类厌氧螺旋体生长的“螺旋体大豆消化液选择培养基”(简称SSSM),使用本培养基从40例青少年牙周炎患者牙周袋分泌物标本分离出小齿密螺旋体19株,大齿密螺旋体4株,疏螺旋体4株,另分离出梭形杆菌21株,其结果显示出患者牙周袋及健康人龈沟标本中厌氧螺旋体及梭形杆菌培养阳性率二者之间有高度显著性差异(P<0.001),进一步揭示出牙周炎与口腔厌氧螺旋体之间关系密切。并对分离出的菌株做了常用抗菌素的药敏试验。  相似文献   

Abstract: The proteins of membrane and cytosol fractions from frozen human postmortem brain were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (isoelectric range: 5.1–6.0) and both Coomassie-blue and ammoniacal silver staining. Cytosol preparations were analyzed from six different postmortem brains from patients with various neurologic diagnoses and immediate causes of death. Intervals between death and brain freezing (−70oC) ranged from 2 to 20 h. The vast majority of proteins detected in these cytosol fractions had identical molecular weights and isoelectric points in each of six human brains examined. However, in some tissue samples tubulin was either quantitatively decreased or undetectable. The possibility that this partial or complete depletion of tubulin was related to postmortem interval and/or brain freezing was studied using rat forebrain tissue. Rat brain incubated at room temperature for up to 24 h did not reproduce the changes seen in the region of human cytosol tubulin. However, other changes seen in the two-dimensional electrophoretic pattern of rat cytosol proteins did relate to postmortem interval, brain freezing, or both. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum were prepared from three human brains, with highly reproducible two-dimensional patterns. Protein analysis of these membrane fractions revealed that human RER contained significant amounts of tubulin, in contrast to rat RER which contained no detectable tubulin. This discrepancy was elucidated by allowing rat brains to remain at room temperature for 24 h before freezing; gels of rat RER prepared from this tissue showed that tubulin subunits were present.  相似文献   

摘要:肠出血性大肠杆菌(enterohemorrhage ,EHEC)是一种重要的人畜共患病,世界各地包括中国都有不同规模的暴发流 行。EHEC有多种血清型,其中毒力最强血清型是O157:H7。EHEC O157:H7 感染除可使人发生常规腹泻外,还可在5%-10%的病 例中引发严重并发症,甚至死亡。该菌是重要的食源性致病菌,危害严重,缺乏有效的防治手段,而抗生素治疗可能会加剧溶血性 尿毒症(haemolutic uraemic syndrome,HUS)。由于以上特点EHEC O157:H7 成为世界公共卫生问题,引起微生物学家和公共卫生 工作者的广泛关注。目前,临床针对EHEC 感染只是对症治疗和适当的抗菌治疗。粘附是EHEC感染宿主细胞的第一步,没有这 一步,细菌和宿主肠道细胞之间不会发生任何的相互作用,而且对于许多病原菌来说,粘附具有宿主特异性。本文概述了EHEC 的流行病学及粘附机理,并对近年在EHEC 研究中的发现一些新型粘附因子和一些假设的定植因子的研究背景及作用机理作一 综述。  相似文献   

SCHRAUWEN, PATRICK, KEN WALDER, AND ERIC RAVUSSIN. Human coupling proteins and obesity. Obes. Res. 1999;7:97–105. Uncoupling protein (UCP) 2 and UCP3 are newly discovered proteins that can uncouple ATP production from mitochondrial respiration, thereby dissipating energy as heat and affecting energy metabolism efficiency. In contrast to UCP1, which is only present in brown adipose tissue, UCP2 has a wide tissue distribution, whereas UCP3 is expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle. Some evidence of a role for UCPs in modulating metabolic rate was provided by linkage and association studies. Furthermore, UCP3 gene expression was found to correlate negatively with body mass index and positively with sleeping metabolic rate in Pima Indians. Treatment with thyroid hormone increases expression of the UCP2 and UCP3 genes. Other regulators of UCP2 and UCP3 gene expression are β3-adrenergic agonists and glucocorticoids. Surprisingly, fasting has a stimulatory effect on UCP2 and UCP3 mRNA levels, possibly explained by the effects of free fatty acid on UCP2 and UCP3 gene expression.  相似文献   

肠出血性大肠杆菌(enterohemorrhage E-coli,EHEC)是一种重要的人畜共患病,世界各地包括中国都有不同规模的暴发流行。EHEC有多种血清型,其中毒力最强血清型是0157:H7。EHEC0157:H7感染除可使人发生常规腹泻外,还可在5%-10%的病例中引发严重并发症,甚至死亡。该菌是重要的食源性致病菌,危害严重,缺乏有效的防治手段,而抗生素治疗可能会加剧溶血性尿毒症(haemoluticuraemicsyndrome,HUS)。由于以上特点EHEC0157:H7成为世界公共卫生问题,引起微生物学家和公共卫生工作者的广泛关注。目前,临床针对EHEC感染只是对症治疗和适当的抗茵治疗。粘附是EHEC感染宿主细胞的第一步,没有这一步,细菌和宿主肠道细胞之间不会发生任何的相互作用,而且对于许多病原菌来说,粘附具有宿主特异性。本文概述了EHEC的流行病学及粘附机理,并对近年在EHEC研究中的发现一些新型粘附因子和一些假设的定植因子的研究背詈及作用机理作一综述。  相似文献   

Although RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are known to be enriched in intrinsic disorder, no previous analysis focused on RBPs interacting with specific RNA types. We fill this gap with a comprehensive analysis of the putative disorder in RBPs binding to six common RNA types: messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), small nuclear RNA (snRNA), non-coding RNA (ncRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and internal ribosome RNA (irRNA). We also analyze the amount of putative intrinsic disorder in the RNA-binding domains (RBDs) and non-RNA-binding-domain regions (non-RBD regions). Consistent with previous studies, we show that in comparison with human proteome, RBPs are significantly enriched in disorder. However, closer examination finds significant enrichment in predicted disorder for the mRNA-, rRNA- and snRNA-binding proteins, while the proteins that interact with ncRNA and irRNA are not enriched in disorder, and the tRNA-binding proteins are significantly depleted in disorder. We show a consistent pattern of significant disorder enrichment in the non-RBD regions coupled with low levels of disorder in RBDs, which suggests that disorder is relatively rarely utilized in the RNA-binding regions. Our analysis of the non-RBD regions suggests that disorder harbors posttranslational modification sites and is involved in the putative interactions with DNA. Importantly, we utilize experimental data from DisProt and independent data from Pfam to validate the above observations that rely on the disorder predictions. This study provides new insights into the distribution of disorder across proteins that bind different RNA types and the functional role of disorder in the regions where it is enriched.  相似文献   

Maturation of adenoviruses is distinguished by proteolytic processing of several interior minor capsid proteins and core proteins by the adenoviral protease and subsequent reorganization of adenovirus core. We report the results derived from the icosahedrally averaged cryo-EM structure of a cell entry defective form of adenovirus, designated ts1, at a resolution of 3.7 Å as well as of the localized reconstructions of unique hexons and penton base. The virion structure revealed the structures and organization of precursors of minor capsid proteins, pIIIa, pVI and pVIII, which are closely associated with the hexons on the capsid interior. In addition to a well-ordered helical domain (a.a. 310–397) of pIIIa, highlights of the structure include the precursors of VIII display significantly different structures near the cleavage sites. Moreover, we traced residues 4–96 of the membrane lytic protein (pVI) that includes an amphipathic helix occluded deep in the hexon cavity suggesting the possibility of co-assembly of hexons with the precursors of VI. In addition, we observe a second copy of pVI ordered up to residue L40 in the peripentonal hexons and a few fragments of density corresponding to 2nd and 3rd copies of pVI in other hexons. However, we see no evidence of precursors of VII binding in the hexon cavity. These findings suggest the possibility that differently bound pVI molecules undergo processing at the N-terminal cleavage sites at varying efficiencies, subsequently creating competition between the cleaved and uncleaved forms of VI, followed by reorganization, processing, and release of VI molecules from the hexon cavities.  相似文献   

Vancomycin possesses the unusual property of promoting the aggregation of proteins. It also binds to itself (dimerization). Both properties may be related to its antimicrobial activity and we report here procedures to measure them. The position of the negative ellipticity band in the near ultraviolet circular dichroism spectrum of the vancomycin monomer shifts as a function of antibiotic concentration and can be used to readily determine the monomer-dimer equilibrium constant. These measurements complement those performed by high-resolution gel filtration to measure the same process. Aggregation of purified proteins was determined by turbidity measurements. Both dimerization and protein aggregation are influenced by anions whose effectiveness is related to their carboxyl pKa values, thus linking these two properties.  相似文献   

Myelin isolated from central nervous tissue activates the classic pathway of complement by directly activating C1. Activation of C1 can proceed to form membrane attack complex, C5b-9, in the myelin. Such an interaction between myelin and complement may be important in diseases involving myelin damage, in view of the role of complement in membrane attack and inflammation. To identify the C1-activating protein, myelin was subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot. The blots were incubated with C1 or with whole serum complement, followed by immunostaining for C1 or C3, respectively. A duplicate strip was stained with amido black or anti-myelin antibody to visualize the myelin proteins. The results showed that two major protein bands were capable of activating C1. An approximately 56-58-kilodalton band comigrated with the W2 protein and an approximately 45-47-kilodalton band migrated along with, but slightly behind, the W1 Wolfgram doublet.  相似文献   

Adherence of Candida albicans to host cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract Research devoted to uncovering the mechanisms of adherence of Candida albicans to human tissue is reviewed. The physical aspects of adherence of the fungus to host cells and the biochemical and molecular features, as far as they are known, are discussed. Relevant pre- and post-adherence events in the pathogenesis of disease caused by this fungus are also noted. Putative adhesins and surface receptors of C. albicans for host proteins are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

建立了测定人乳腺癌胞浆cAMP结合蛋白(cAMPb.p.)方法。综合研究了其温度、保温时间、配体浓度、稳定性等条件。cAMPb.p.的K_D值为2.90×10~(-8)mol/L.并测定了60例雌激素受体(ER)Fu性乳腺癌标本的cAMPb.p.含量。此组病人术后均接受系统的内分泌治疗,ER/cAMPbp,比值范围为7.7~362×10~(-3),ER/cAMPb.p.比值≥40×10~(-3)的五年生存率明显高于比值<40×10~(-3)组,(p<0.005).表明测定ER/cAMPb.p.比值对预测患者内分泌治疗疗效,优于单独测定ER.  相似文献   

The polypeptides of seven strains of human treponemes were investigated by immunoblot analysis for their binding to the human placental collagens and laminin. Of the treponemal polypeptides, eleven polypeptides, 45-kDa, 49-kDa, and 62-kDa polypeptides from T. pallidum ATCC 27087, a 48-kDa polypeptide from T. phagedenis biotype Reiter, 51-kDa and 53-kDa polypeptides from T. vincentii ATCC 35580, 30-kDa, 53-kDa and 63-kDa polypeptides from T. socranskii subsp. buccale ATCC 35534, a 52-kDa polypeptide from T. denticola ATCC 35405, and a 53-kDa polypeptide from T. denticola ATCC 33520 possessed an ability to bind to the laminin, type I, III, IV, or V collagen. An intermediate-sized human oral isolate strain G7201 did not possess any laminin- or collagen-binding polypeptides. Immunoelectron microscopy using intact treponemal cells with a single collagen-binding polypeptide and the corresponding antisera demonstrated that the 51-kDa and 53-kDa polypeptides from T. vincentii, the 53-kDa polypeptide from T. socranskii subsp. buccale ATCC 35534 and the 52-kDa polypeptide from T. denticola ATCC 35405, were outer envelope proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract Pasteurella piscicida strains were weakly or moderately adherent to cell lines, the levels of attachment being variable depending on the cells employed. All the isolates exhibited the highest binding capacity to CHSE-214 cells. Adhesive capacities were affected by heat and sugars but not by proteinase K or by treatment with antisera raised against the lipopolysaccharides of P. piscicida , implicating components of glycoprotein(s) as ligands in the adhesion process. The isolates showed a great binding capacity to intestines from the marine fish hosts gilthead sea bream, sea bass and turbot, with values ranging from 104 to 105 bacteria/g. Although the P. piscicida strains showed a weak invasiveness in the poikilothermic cell lines employed as in vitro model, the bacteria remained viable inside the infected cells at least for 2 days. The invasion process was inhibited by cytochalasin D indicating the active participation of the host cell cytoskeleton in the internalization of P. piscicida .  相似文献   

Proteins anchor copper(II) ions mainly by imidazole from histidine residues located in different positions in the primary protein structures. However, the motifs with histidine in the first three N-terminal positions (His1, His2, and His3) show unique Cu(II)-binding properties, such as availability from the surface of the protein, high flexibility, and high Cu(II) exchangeability with other ligands. It makes such sequences beneficial for the fast exchange of Cu(II) between ligands. Furthermore, sequences with His1 and His2, thus, non-saturating the Cu(II) coordination sphere, are redox-active and may play a role in Cu(II) reduction to Cu(I). All human protein sequences deposited in UniProt Knowledgebase were browsed for those containing His1, His2, or His3. Proteolytically modified sequences (with the removal of a propeptide or Met residue) were taken for the analysis. Finally, the sequences were sorted out according to the subcellular localization of the proteins to match the respective sequences with the probability of interaction with divalent copper.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of immune status of the host on binding of germ tubes of Candida albicans to murine tissue sections in an ex vivo assay was examined. Generally, germ tubes appeared randomly adhered to the tissues examined and binding was unaffected by immunodeficiency induced by treatment with cyclophosphamide and cortisone acetate. Adherence was somewhat reduced in spleen and kidney sections or increased in liver sections and unchanged in lymph node sections from treated mice compared to sections from control animals. Scanning electron micrographs showed organisms appeared to be loosely or tightly bound to the surface or partially embedded in spleen sections from both control and treated mice. These observations suggested that qualitative and quantitative difference in adhesion of germ tubes to various tissues may contribute little to the susceptibility of the immunodeficient animal to candidal infection.  相似文献   

为探讨人calpain1与心脏结构蛋白之间的相互作用 ,采用酵母双杂交体系筛选与人calpain1大亚基相互作用的蛋白质 ,通过DNA序列测定及BLAST分析同源性 ,获得了阳性克隆 12 (pACT2 12 ) ,16 (pACT2 16 ) ,2 2 (pACT2 2 2 )和 37(pACT2 37)等 .12和 2 2分别与人心脏α肌动蛋白 (humancardiacmusclealpha actin ,ACTC)有 99%和 10 0 %同源性 .16和 37分别与人心脏的肌球蛋白结合蛋白C(humancardiacmyosin bindingproteinC ,MYBPC3)和人α2 辅肌动蛋白 (humancardiacalpha 2actinin ,ACTN2 )有 10 0 %同源性 .这些阳性克隆均属于心脏中心肌细胞的结构蛋白 ,参与心肌细胞的收缩运动 .为鉴定calpain1大亚基的哪些结构域可能参与这些相互作用 ,阳性克隆再分别与含有人calpain1大亚基结构域Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ的诱饵质粒共同转化AH10 9进行酵母双杂交 ,发现pACT2 12(ACTC)和pACT2 16 (MYBPC3)均能与全长人calpain1大亚基的结构域Ⅱ和Ⅲ相互作用 ;pACT2 16(MYBPC3)还能与大亚基的结构域Ⅳ作用 ;而pACT2 37(ACTN)虽能与全长人calpain1大亚基作用 ,却不与其单独的结构域Ⅱ、Ⅲ或Ⅳ发生作用 .定量分析阳性克隆与人calpain1大亚基作用的强弱的结果显示 ,pACT2 12、16或 37分别与诱饵质粒pGBKT7 CANP共同转化AH10 9后  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus-infected human fibroblasts are susceptible to lysis by natural killer cells and cytotoxic T cells. The purpose of this study was to determine whether non-lytic mechanisms might also contribute to the control of cytomegalovirus infection. The appearance of cytomegalovirus proteins in infected fibroblasts was determined by flow cytometry. Infected fibroblasts incubated with peripheral blood mononuclear cells for 3 days expressed less early and late proteins than fibroblasts incubated without peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Supernatants generated by the cocultivation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with cytomegalovirus-infected fibroblasts inhibited the production of cytomegalovirus early and late proteins. The soluble factors in supernatants which contributed to the inhibitory effect were identified as interferons α, β and γ, and tumor necrosis factors α and β. The ability of supernatants to inhibit the production of cytomegalovirus early protein was mimicked by combinations of corresponding recombinant cytokines. The inhibition of cytomegalovirus protein production by cytokines produced by peripheral blood mononuclear cells may contribute to early containment of cytomegalovirus infection.  相似文献   

Abstract: Polysomes were prepared from human brain tissue 2-6 h postmortem; the polysomes were active in a cell-free protein synthesis system containing rabbit reticulocyte factors. Protein synthesis was totally dependent upon added MgCl2, ATP, the reticulocyte factor fraction, and the human polysome fraction. Human brain proteins synthesized in the presence of L-[35S]methionine were analyzed by one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Over 250 proteins were synthesized and they extended in size up to 250,000 d; many of the most abundant native human brain proteins were synthesized, including tubulin and actin. It was shown that human brain α and β tubulin and actin isomers synthesized in vitro from human postmortem polysomes have the same apparent molecular weights and isoelectric points as the corresponding proteins synthesized by rat polysomes from fresh cortices. The corresponding tubulin and actin synthesized by human and rat brain polysomes also yield the same radioactive methionine-containing peptides after digestion with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. These analyses indicate that postmortem polysomes contain active messenger RNA which can direct the partial and/or complete synthesis of actin and tubulin subunits and other human brain proteins.  相似文献   

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