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Androdioecy, coexistence of hermaphrodites and males, is an extremely rare breeding system in angiosperms. In the present study, Schizopepon bryoniaefolius (Cucurbitaceae) was confirmed to be functionally androdioecious based on observations of floral and pollen morphology and bagging experiments. Six out of the 11 studied populations consisted of only hermaphrodites, while the other five populations were androdioecious and the frequencies of males were consistently lower than those of hermaphrodites (5.5–28.3%). To understand the consequences of an androdioecious breeding system, genetic variation was estimated using four polymorphic allozyme loci. The degree of genetic differentiation among 11 populations was high (GST = 0.688). Inbreeding coefficients (FIS) for all loci significantly deviated from zero. In particular, the FIS values averaged across the polymorphic loci in hermaphrodite populations were close to unity, suggesting that hermaphrodites are predominantly selfing in the absence of males. A significant negative correlation was found between the frequencies of males and inbreeding coefficients, indicating that outcrossing rates depend on the population sex ratio.  相似文献   

If inbreeding depression is caused by deleterious recessive alleles, as suggested by the partial dominance hypothesis, a negative correlation between inbreeding and inbreeding depression is predicted. This hypothesis has been tested several times by comparisons of closely related species or comparisons of populations of the same species with different histories of inbreeding. However, if one is interested in whether this relationship contributes to mating-system evolution, which occurs within populations, comparisons among families within a population are needed; that is, inbreeding depression among individuals with genetically based differences in their rate of selfing should be compared. In gynodioecious species with self-compatible hermaphrodites, hermaphrodites will have a greater history of potential inbreeding via both selfing and biparental inbreeding as compared to females and may therefore express a lower level of inbreeding depression. We estimated the inbreeding depression of female and hermaphrodite lineages in gynodioecious Lobelia siphilitica in a greenhouse experiment by comparing the performance of selfed and outcrossed progeny, as well as sibling crosses and crosses among subpopulations. We did not find support for lower inbreeding depression in hermaphrodite lineages. Multiplicative inbreeding depression (based on seed germination, juvenile survival, survival to flowering, and flower production in the first growing season) was not significantly different between hermaphrodite lineages (δ = 0.30 ± 0.08) and female lineages (δ = 0.15 ± 0.18), although the trend was for higher inbreeding depression in the hermaphrodite lineages. The population-level estimate of inbreeding depression was relatively low for a gynodioecious species (δ = 0.25) and there was no significant inbreeding depression following biparental inbreeding (δ = 0.01). All measured traits showed significant variation among families, and there was a significant interaction between family and pollination treatment for four traits (germination date, date of first flowering, number of flowers, and aboveground biomass). Our results suggest that the families responded differently to selfing and outcrossing: Some families exhibited lower fitness following selfing whereas others seemed to benefit from selfing as compared to outcrossing. Our results support recent simulation results in that prior inbreeding of the lineages did not determine the level of inbreeding depression. These results also emphasize the importance of determining family-level estimates of inbreeding depression, relative to population-level estimates, for studies of mating-system evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract In gynodioecious plants, hermaphrodite and female plants co‐occur in the same population. In these systems gender typically depends on whether a maternally inherited cytoplasmic male sterility factor (CMS) is counteracted by nuclear restorer alleles. These restorer alleles are often genetically dominant. Although plants of the female morph are obligatorily outcrossing, hermaphrodites may self. This selfing increases homozygosity and may thus have two effects: (1) it may decrease fitness (i.e. result in inbreeding depression) and (ii) it may increase homozygosity of the nuclear restorer alleles and therefore increase the production of females. This, in turn, enhances outcrossing in the following generation. In order to test the latter hypothesis, experimental crosses were conducted using individuals derived from four natural populations of Silene vulgaris, a gynodioecious plant. Treatments included self‐fertilization of hermaphrodites, outcrossing of hermaphrodites and females using pollen derived from the same source population as the pollen recipients, and outcrossing hermaphrodites and females using pollen derived from different source populations. Offspring were scored for seed germination, survivorship to flowering and gender. The products of self‐fertilization had reduced survivorship at both life stages when compared with the offspring of outcrossed hermaphrodites or females. In one population the fitness of offspring produced by within‐population outcrossing of females was significantly less than the fitness of offspring produced by crossing females with hermaphrodites from other populations. Self‐fertilization of hermaphrodites produced a smaller proportion of hermaphroditic offspring than did outcrossing hermaphrodites. Outcrossing females within populations produced a smaller proportion of hermaphrodite offspring than did crossing females with hermaphrodites from other populations. These results are consistent with a cytonuclear system of sex determination with dominant nuclear restorers, and are discussed with regard to how the mating system and the genetics of sex determination interact to influence the evolution of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of females and hermaphrodites within gynodioecious populations is expected to exert considerable selective pressure on gender fitness through pollen limitation of seed set. If pollen flow is predominantly local, seed set in individual plants may be sensitive to the proximity of pollen donors; pollen limitation of seed set may occur if hermaphrodites are locally rare. Under such circumstances, female fitness will be negatively frequency dependent and hermaphrodite fitness will be positively frequency dependent. Given local seed dispersal, a nonrandom clumped distribution of the genders is expected in gynodioecious populations due to the heritability of gender in gynodioecious species. If gender fitness is frequency dependent, such structure should favor hermaphrodites and select against females. To test this hypothesis, I quantified the distribution of the genders in terms of nearest neighbors and neighborhood sex ratio in two populations of gynodioecious Sidalcea malviflora malviflora. I then measured the effect of neighborhood sex ratio on open-pollinated seed set and pollen limitation in both manipulated and unmanipulated neighborhoods. Results indicate that the genders have a patchy distribution and that both genders are pollen limited and show an increase in seed set with an increase in neighborhood hermaphrodite frequency. The observed population sex structure favors hermaphrodites and disadvantages females. These results highlight the importance that population-level traits can have in determining individual fitness and the evolution of sex ratios in gynodioecious species.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy in two populations of Limnanthes douglasii var. rosea was studied for its maintenance requirements, role in population structure and its influence on the levels of outbreeding. The mode of inheritance of male sterility appeared to be nucleo-cytoplasmic, although the precise number of nuclear genes and dominance relationships could not be ascertained. Measurements on the plants sampled from natural stands and controlled experiments showed that male-steriles and their progeny had greater biomass and more flowers per plant than hermaphrodites, though these results varied with the environmental conditions. The hermaphrodites of gynodioecious populations had higher rates of selfing than the hermaphrodite individuals in populations lacking male sterility. Estimates of the inbreeding depression and homozygosity levels were also higher in gynodioecious populations. Variation in these parameters of breeding system and relative heterozygosis among populations may explain why male sterility has a restricted distribution, as theoretical models also predict rather specific conditions for this stable polymorphism. These data suggest that the advantage of male sterility is associated with lowered inbreeding depression. However, the potential ecological resource reallocation to the female function needs to be investigated. The fitness differences observed in this study between male-steriles and hermaphrodites appear inadequate to maintain the nucleo-cytoplasmic male sterility but could account for the observed frequencies (10–20%) of male-steriles in nature if the genetic system has evolved from a cytoplasmic system.  相似文献   

In many gynodioecous species, females produce more viable seeds than hermaphrodites. Knowledge of the relative contribution of inbreeding depression in hermaphrodites and maternal sex effects to the female fertility advantage and the genetic basis of variation in female fertility advantage is central to our understanding of the evolution of gender specialization. In this study we examine the relative contribution of inbreeding and maternal sex to the female fertility advantage in gynodioecious Thymus vulgaris and quantify whether there is genetically based variation in female fertility advantage for plants from four populations. Following controlled self and outcross (sib, within-population, and between-population) pollination, females had a more than twofold fertility advantage (based on the number of germinating seeds per fruit), regardless of the population of origin and the type of pollination. Inbreeding depression on viable seed production by hermaphrodites occurred in two populations, where inbreeding had been previously detected. Biparental inbreeding depression on viable seed production occurred in three of four populations for females, but in only one population for hermaphrodites. Whereas the maternal sex effect may consistently enhance female fertility advantage, inbreeding effects may be limited to particular population contexts where inbreeding may occur. A significant family x maternal sex interaction effect on viable seed production was observed, illustrating that the extent of female fertility advantage varies significantly among families. This result is due to greater variation in hermaphrodite (relative to female) seed fertility between families. Despite this genetic variation in female fertility advantage and the highly female biased sex ratios in populations of T. vulgaris, gynodioecy is a stable polymorphism, suggesting that strong genetic and/or ecological constraints influence the stability of this polymorphism.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious plants the selective processes that determine the relative number of female and hermaphroditic individuals are often frequency dependent. Frequency-dependent fitness can occur in the two sexes through a variety of mechanisms, especially given pollen limitation and inbreeding depression when hermaphrodites are rare. Frequency dependence in several components of the fitness of female and hermaphroditic Silene vulgaris was tested in experiments in which the relative numbers of the two sexes was varied among 12 artificial populations. In females, the proportion of flowers that set fruit covaried positively among populations with the frequency of hermaphrodites in two separate experiments, whereas the number of flowers/plant covaried negatively in one case. In hermaphrodites, the number of seeds/fruit covaried positively with the frequency of hermaphrodites, whereas the fitness of hermaphrodites estimated through pollen transfer covaried negatively. The results are discussed as they relate to the selective maintenance of gynodioecy in S. vulgaris and in light of a recent model of the effect of population structure on selection in gynodioecious systems.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy surrounds the importance of inbreeding in natural populations. The rate of natural inbreeding and the influences of behavioral mechanisms that serve to promote or minimize inbreeding (e.g., philopatry vs. dispersal) are poorly understood. We studied inbreeding and social structuring of a population of black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) to assess the influence of dispersal and mating behavior on patterns of genetic variation. We examined 15 years of data on prairie dogs, including survival and reproduction, social behavior, pedigrees, and allozyme alleles. Pedigrees revealed mean inbreeding coefficients (F) of 1–2%. A breeding-group model that incorporated details of prairie dog behavior and demography was used to estimate values of fixation indices (F-statistics). Model predictions were consistent with the minimization of inbreeding within breeding groups (“coteries,” asymptotic FIL = –0.18) and random mating within the subpopulation (“colony,” asymptotic FIS = 0.00). Estimates from pedigrees (mean FIL = –0.23, mean FIS = 0.00) and allozyme data (mean FIL = –0.21, mean FIS = –0.01) were consistent with predictions of the model. The breeding-group model, pedigrees, and allozyme data showed remarkably congruent results, and indicated strong genetic structuring within the colony (FLS = 0.16, 0.19, and 0.17, respectively). We concluded that although inbreeding occurred in the colony, the rate of inbreeding was strongly minimized at the level of breeding groups, but not at the subpopulation level. The behavioral mechanisms most important to the minimization of inbreeding appeared to be patterns of male-biased dispersal of both subadults and adults, associated with strong philopatry of females. Incest avoidance also occurred, associated with recognition of close kin via direct social learning within the breeding groups.  相似文献   

The evolution of separate sexes as a means of avoiding self-fertilization requires the controversial coexistence of large inbreeding depression and high selfing rate in the ancestral hermaphrodite population. Fitness components of adult females and hermaphrodites in nature, of their open-pollinated progeny, and of experimental selfs and outcrosses onto hermaphrodites were compared in endemic Hawaiian Bidens sandvicensis, all of whose known populations are gynodioecious, consisting of a mixture of females and hermaphrodites. Multilocus selfing rates of hermaphrodites were also estimated, and sex morph ratio monitored over four seasons in three populations of B. sandvicensis and one population of gynodioecious B. cervicata. Total mean inbreeding depression in seed set (in the glasshouse), germination rate (in an open-air nursery on Kauai), and first year survivorship and fecundity in the field were estimated as 0.94 (SE 0.04), and occurred primarily in drought months. Lower survivorship and fecundity of selfs were partially explained by their consistently smaller size. Open-pollinated seed of females had significantly lower germination rate, proportion flowering, and fecundity than outcrossed progeny of hermaphrodites, suggesting moderate biparental inbreeding in females and a lack of any non-outcrossing advantage to progeny of females. In all fitness components, open-pollinated progeny of hermaphrodites were inferior to those of females and to outcrosses, and in most components were superior to selfs. Total performance of open-pollinated progeny of females relative to those of hermaphrodites was calculated as 2.3 (SE = 0.4), but since inflorescences of females also set 20% to 50% more seed than those of hermaphrodites, their total relative ovule success was estimated as 3.2 (SE = 0.5). If inheritance of male sterility is nuclear, this superiority is sufficient to maintain females in frequencies over 20% in populations, whose actual frequencies ranged from 14% to 33%. In four populations, selfing rates of hermaphrodites, assayed in seedlings, were 0.50, 0.45, 0.25, and 0.30, but since substantial inbreeding depression occurred prior to germination, the mean selfing rate of hermaphrodite ovules exceeded 0.57. Female frequencies were significantly higher in the two populations with higher hermaphrodite selfing rate. These results suggest that inbreeding depression can exert a profound influence on the mating system of self-compatible plants on Hawaii and perhaps other oceanic islands, and can be sufficiently strong to electively favor the elimination of the male function.  相似文献   

After over a half century of empirical and theoretical research regarding the evolution and maintenance of gynodioecy in plants, unexplored factors influencing the relative fitnesses of females and hermaphrodites remain. Theoretical studies suggest that hermaphrodite self-fertilization (selfing) rate influences the maintenance of gynodioecy and we hypothesized that population sex ratio may influence hermaphrodite selfing rate. An experimental test for frequency-dependent self-fertilization was conducted using replicated populations constructed with different sex ratios of the gynodioecious plant Silene vulgaris . We found that hermaphrodite selfing increased with decreased hermaphrodite frequency, whereas evidence for increased inbreeding depression was equivocal. We argue that incorporation of context dependent inbreeding into future models of the evolution of gynodioecy is likely to yield novel insights into sex ratio evolution.  相似文献   

Gynodioecious populations consist of separate hermaphroditic and female individuals. Females are at a selective disadvantage because they contribute genes to the next generation only through ovules, while hermaphrodites contribute genes through ovules and pollen. For females to be maintained in populations they must have some compensating selective advantage. The outcrossing hypothesis postulates that females are maintained because their progeny result from obligate outcrossing, whereas some of the progeny of hermaphrodites result from self-fertilization and are less fit because of inbreeding depression. If correct, the frequency of females should be positively correlated with selfing rates of hermaphrodites in populations. We found a strong positive correlation between female frequency and selfing rates of hermaphrodites (r = 0.91, P < 0.01) in eight gynodioecious populations of Hawaiian species of Bidens. Our results confirm that the obligate outcrossing of females is a major factor maintaining females in gynodioecious populations. However, the observed selfing rates are insufficient by themselves to account for the frequency of females in these populations.  相似文献   

Summary A multilocus procedure was used to estimate outcrossing rates in ten roadside populations of Trifolium hirtum in California. Three groups of populations were studied: cultivars, hermaphroditic, and gynodioecious (sexually dimorphic) populations. The multilocus outcrossing rate (tm) varied from 0.05 to 0.43 among populations. Population level tm estimates were significantly correlated with the observed heterozygosity in gynodioecious populations but not in hermaphroditic populations. The outcrossing rate of hermaphrodites and females was estimated in three gynodioecious populations; the estimates of tm varied from 0.09 to 0.23 for hermaphrodites and from 0.73 to 0.80 for females. The distribution of outcrossing rates in gynodioecious populations is bimodal. Our results indicate that for the levels of selfing observed among hermaphrodites, inbreeding depression is likely to be a major factor in the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations.  相似文献   

In many gynodioecious species, cytoplasmic male sterility genes (CMS) and nuclear male fertility restorers (Rf) jointly determine whether a plant is female or hermaphrodite. Equilibrium models of cytonuclear gynodioecy, which describe the effect of natural selection within populations on the sex ratio, predict that the frequency of females in a population will primarily depend on the cost of male fertility restoration, a negative pleiotropic effect of Rf alleles on hermaphrodite fitness. Specifically, when the cost of restoration is higher, the frequency of females at equilibrium is predicted to be higher. To test this prediction, we estimated variation in the cost of restoration across 26 populations of Lobelia siphilitica, a species in which Rf alleles can have negative pleiotropic effects on pollen viability. We found that L. siphilitica populations with many females were more likely to contain hermaphrodites with low pollen viability. This is consistent with the prediction that the cost of restoration is a key determinant of variation in female frequency. Our results suggest that equilibrium models can explain variation in sex ratio among natural populations of gynodioecious species.  相似文献   

There has been very little empirical study of quantitative genetic variation in flower size in sexually dimorphic plant species, despite the frequent occurrence of flower size differences between sexual phenotypes. In this study we quantify the nature of quantitative flower size variation in females and hermaphrodites of gynodioecious Thymus vulgaris. In a field study, females had significantly smaller flowers than hermaphrodites, and the degree of flower size dimorphism varied significantly among populations. To quantify the genetic basis of flower size variation we sampled maternal progeny from 10 F0 females in three populations (across the range of variation in flower size in the field), performed controlled crosses on F1 offspring in the glasshouse and grew F2 progeny to flowering in uniform field conditions. A significant population * sex interaction was again observed, hence the degree of sexual dimorphism shows genetic variation among populations. A significant family * sex interaction was also observed, indicating that the degree of sexual dimorphism shows genetic variation among families. Females showed significantly greater variation among populations and among families than hermaphrodites. Female flower size varied significantly depending on the degree of stamen abortion, with morphologically intermediate females having flowers more similar to hermaphrodites than to other females. The frequency of female types that differ in the degree of stamen abortion varied among populations and families and mean family female flower size increased as the proportion of intermediate female types increased across families. Variation in the degree of flower size dimorphism thus appears to be a result of variation in the degree of stamen abortion in females, the potential causes of which are discussed.  相似文献   

Although in gynodioecious populations male steriles require a fecundity advantage to compensate for their gametic disadvantage, southern Spanish populations of the long-lived shrub Daphne laureola do not show any fecundity advantage over hermaphrodites in terms of seed production and early seedling establishment. By using allozyme markers, we assess the mating system of this species in five populations differing in sex ratio, and infer levels of inbreeding depression over the whole life cycle by comparing the inbreeding coefficients at the seed and adult plant stages. Extremely low outcrossing rates (0.001相似文献   

Nectar robbing not only affects the reproductive fitness of the plant but it may also potentially affect the pollination dynamics of the associated coflowering individuals. In this study, we established that the nectar robber Xylocopa sinensis robs nectar only from the hermaphrodite ramets of the gynodioecious plant Glechoma longituba but not from the female ramets. In populations with high rates of nectar robbing, this results in hermaphrodite ramets having reduced seed set whereas the female ramets have a slightly increased seed set. We hypothesize that selective nectar robbing confers an advantage to female individuals and thus ensures their maintenance in gynodioecious populations. Results of controlled experiments indicated that the reduction in the amounts of nectar available occasioned by nectar robbing resulted in some legitimate pollinators switching to visiting flowers on female rather than hermaphrodite ramets. This resulted in lower pollination rates and seed set for hermaphrodites and higher pollination rates and seed set for females. This study presents a previously unreported mechanism causing female advantage in gynodioecious plants.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, the co-occurrence of female and hermaphroditic individuals within a population, is an important intermediate in the evolution of separate sexes. The first step, female maintenance, requires females to have higher seed fitness compared with hermaphrodites. A common mechanism thought to increase relative female fitness is inbreeding depression avoidance, the magnitude of which depends on hermaphroditic selfing rates and the strength of inbreeding depression. Less well studied is the effect of biparental inbreeding on female fitness. Biparental inbreeding can affect relative female fitness only if its consequence or frequency differs between sexes, which could occur if sex structure and genetic structure both occur within populations. To determine whether inbreeding avoidance and/or biparental inbreeding can account for female persistence in Geranium maculatum, we measured selfing and biparental inbreeding rates in four populations and the spatial genetic structure in six populations. Selfing rates of hermaphrodites were low and did not differ significantly from zero in any population, leading to females gaining at most a 1–14% increase in seed fitness from inbreeding avoidance. Additionally, although significant spatial genetic structure was found in all populations, biparental inbreeding rates were low and only differed between sexes in one population, thereby having little influence on female fitness. A review of the literature revealed few sexual differences in biparental inbreeding among other gynodioecious species. Our results show that mating system differences may not fully account for female maintenance in this species, suggesting other mechanisms may be involved.  相似文献   

Levels of inbreeding depression, outcrossing rates, and phenotypic patterns of resource allocation were studied to examine their relative importance in the maintenance of high numbers of females in gynodioecious Schiedea adamantis (Caryophyllaceae), an endemic Hawaiian shrub found in a single population on Diamond Head Crater, Oahu. In studies of inbreeding depression in two greenhouse environments, families of hermaphrodites exhibited significant inbreeding depression (δ = 0.60), based on a multiplicative fitness function using seeds per capsule, germination, survival, and the inflorescence biomass of progeny. Differences between inbred and outcrossed progeny were smallest at the early stage of seeds per capsule and more pronounced at the later stages of survival and inflorescence production. These results are consistent with inbreeding depression caused by many mutations of small effect. Using allozyme analyses, the inbreeding coefficient of adult plants in the field was not significantly different from zero, implying that δ in nature may be equal to one. The single locus estimate of the outcrossing rate for hermaphrodites was 0.50 based on progeny that survived to flowering; corrected for the disproportionate loss before flowering of progeny from selfing, the adjusted outcrossing rate at the zygote stage was 0.32, suggesting that considerable selfing occurs in hermaphrodites. Females were totally outcrossed. When females and hermaphrodites were compared for reproductive output in the field, females produced over twice as many seeds per plant as hermaphrodites, primarily because females had far more capsules per inflorescence than hermaphrodites. Females had greater mass per seed than hermaphrodites in the field, either because of greater provisioning or reduced inbreeding depression. There was no significant differential mortality with respect to sex over a seven year period. The higher number of seeds per plant of females, combined with substantial inbreeding depression and relatively high selfing rates for hermaphrodites, are probably responsible for the maintenance of females in this population. The predicted frequency of females based on data for seed production, the adjusted selfing rate, and inbreeding depression is 42%, remarkably close to the observed frequency of 39%. High levels of inbreeding depression suggest that considerable quantitative genetic variation is present for traits affecting fitness in this population, despite low allozyme variability and a presumed founder effect.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure of 9 populations of Bufo gargarizans with total 111 samples in China were assessed using seven microsatellite loci. The analysed microsatellite markers produced 161 alleles, varied from 9 to 38 alleles each locus. The number of alleles per population per locus ranged from 4.43 to 10.29. Polymorphic information content showed that all seven loci were highly informative (mean = 0.810 ± 0.071). The average observed heterozygosity was less than the expected (0.353 ± 0.051 and 0.828 ± 0.067, respectively). All tested populations gave significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic differentiation among the populations was considerably high with the overall and pairwise F ST values (mean = 0.160 ± 0.039), and showed fairly high level of inbreeding (indicated by a mean F IS value of 0.504 ± 0.051) and global heterozygote deficit. In comparison to other amphibian studies; however, our results suggested that the level of genetic structuring in B. gargarizans was relatively low in the geographical scale of the study area. Interestingly, the speculated population bottleneck was found to be absent and the analyses provide only weak evidence for a recent contraction in size even though there was severe inbreeding (indicated by the F IS value) in the Chinese toad populations.  相似文献   

We investigated the mating system and population genetic structure of the invasive haplodiploid palm‐seed borer Coccotrypes dactyliperda in California. We focused on whether these primarily inbreeding beetles have a ‘mixed‐breeding’ system that includes occasional outbreeding, and whether local inbreeding coefficients (FIS) varied with dominant environmental factors. We also analysed the genetic structure of C. dactyliperda populations across local and regional scales. Based on the analysis of genetic variation at seven microsatellite loci in 1034 individual beetles from 59 populations, we found both high rates of inbreeding and plentiful evidence of mixed‐breeding. FIS ranged from ?0.56 to 0.90, the highest variability reported within any animal species. There was a negative correlation between FIS and latitude, suggesting that some latitude‐associated factor affecting mating decisions influenced inbreeding rates. Multiple regressions suggested that precipitation, but not temperature, may be an important correlate. Finally, we found highly significant genetic differentiation among sites, even over short geographic distances (< 1000 m).  相似文献   

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