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Females of Thalictrum pubescens produce stamens containing sterile pollen. Earlier studies have shown the presence of stamens does not increase seed set through increased visitation by insects. Insects may, however, increase pollen deposition on stigmas and increase pollen competition. This paper examines: 1) pollen deposition levels in natural populations and 2) whether larger pollen loads lead to higher quality offspring. The majority of stigmas in two populations received less than 15 grains, but a small proportion had large loads. The latter may represent the occasional insect visit. These visits may provide the opportunity for pollen tube competition. In the greenhouse, flowers receiving heavy-pollen loads had higher seed set than flowers receiving light-pollen loads. Seeds from the two treatments were the same mass, had similar germination times, and seedlings had the same mass. In conclusion, it does not appear that pollen tube competition can account for the maintenance of stamens in females of T. pubescens.  相似文献   

社会学习是动物的一种可塑性行为表型,能使动物个体获得提高其适合度的行为模式。母体对幼体的食性形成具有重要的影响。本文以栖息于青藏高原的根田鼠作为研究对象,在实验室条件下,根田鼠母体怀孕后期及哺乳期分别供给以0.01%糖精或0.1%橘子汁处理的食物,当幼体断乳时,同时供给断乳幼体糖精和橘子汁分别处理的食物,测定其食物选择。结果表明:根田鼠母体在怀孕期和哺乳期摄食经橘子汁处理的食物,断乳幼体在同时供给经橘子汁处理的食物和糖精处理的食物时,断乳幼体喜食经橘子汁处理的食物;而母体在怀孕期和哺乳期摄食经糖精处理的食物,断乳幼体在同时供给根田鼠断乳幼体经橘子汁处理和糖精处理的食物时,断乳幼体喜食经糖精处理的食物。说明根田鼠在断乳后仍喜食母体在怀孕期和哺乳期摄食过的食物种类。根田鼠栖息于季节性变化剧烈的环境中,幼体通过母体尽早学习食物选择是一种可塑性表型方式,利于其获得适应栖息地的行为模式。  相似文献   

Whether sexual selection increases or decreases fitness is under ongoing debate. Sexual selection operates before and after mating. Yet, the effects of each episode of selection on individual reproductive success remain largely unexplored. We ask how disentangled pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection contribute to fitness of field crickets Gryllus bimaculatus. Treatments allowed exclusively for (i) pre-copulatory selection, with males fighting and courting one female, and the resulting pair breeding monogamously, (ii) post-copulatory selection, with females mating consecutively to multiple males and (iii) relaxed selection, with enforced pair monogamy. While standardizing the number of matings, we estimated a number of fitness traits across treatments and show that females experiencing sexual selection were more likely to reproduce, their offspring hatched sooner, developed faster and had higher body mass at adulthood, but females suffered survival costs. Interestingly, we found no differences in fitness of females or their offspring from pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection treatments. Our findings highlight the potential for sexual selection in enhancing indirect female fitness while concurrently imposing direct survival costs. By potentially outweighing these costs, increased offspring quality could lead to beneficial population-level consequences of sexual selection.  相似文献   

We employed path analysis to analyse natural selection through two major fitness components in each of three contrasting environments. Using a randomized block design, 188 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) derived from a cross between contrasting ecotypes of Avena barbata were planted in common gardens in the greenhouse, and in two field sites typical of each ecotype’s native habitat. Individuals were monitored for germination phenology, early growth, survival, final size, flowering phenology, reproductive allocation, fecundity and lifetime reproductive success. The variance/covariance matrix of the RIL (genotype) means was fit to a path model in which total fitness was made up of survival and fecundity (of survivors) components. In the greenhouse, all fitness variation was determined by fecundity variation (with no mortality), which was itself primarily determined by reproductive allocation mediated by date of first flowering. By contrast, in the field, early growth was the major determinant of survival, and final size was the major determinant of fecundity. Both components of fitness affected lifetime reproductive success equally in the field. Thus the major difference between greenhouse and field seems to be a shift from selection on allocation patterns in adults, to selection on resource acquisition, especially at earlier life stages. The pattern of selection was similar in the two field sites, despite the contrasting environments.  相似文献   

I investigated the mating systems and phenotypic variation of two sympatric spring ephemerals, Trillium erectum and T. grandiflorum (Liliaceae), and phenotypic selection acting through female reproductive success for 11 morphological characters in five sympatric populations of the two species. I examined the degree of self-compatibility, pollinator-visitation rates, and pollen limitation of fruit and seed production in both species. Both Trillium species were self-compatible, but outcrossed flowers produced more successful fruits and seeds than self-pollinated flowers. Pollinator-visitation rates to the two species were low compared to other insect-pollinated spring ephemerals. In addition, both T. erectum and T. grandiflorum experienced pollen limitation in fruit and/or seed production; however, levels of fecundity in both species may be influenced by resource availability as well. I found significant phenotypic variation in 11 morphological characters within and among the five study populations. The sizes of all morphological characters were positively correlated. In general, larger T. erectum and T. grandiflorum produced more seeds. Phenotypic selection analysis revealed that direct and indirect selection acted on the size of morphological characters for both species. But there was no detectable selection acting on plant shape. This study reveals that variation in plant size exists within and among populations of both species, and this variation is associated with variance in female reproductive success. Spatial and temporal variation in pollinator and/or resource abundance may play a role in the phenotypic variation exhibited by both Trillium species.  相似文献   

Summary Selection in the F3 generation for seed yield, fruiting branches/plant, effective pods/plant, and seed index (100-seed weight) was carried out in two chickpea crosses. Sixty F5 lines (15 lines/selection criterion) along with check variety were evaluated for seed yield in three distinct environments. The effects of selection criteria on yield stability was examined using linear regression approach and genotype-grouping technique. There were no differences between selection criteria for linear yield responses of F5 lines to different environments. Within all four selection criteria the lines showed similar linear responses. The non-linear component was relatively higher for lines selected for effective pods and seed index than lines selected for yield and fruiting branches. On the basis of mean yield and coefficient of variation across environments, the seed index was the least effective selection criterion for developing high yielding and stable lines. When the results of stability parameters and genotype-grouping technique were considered together, selection for yield and fruiting branches was highly effective for isolating stable and high yielding lines.  相似文献   

The evolution of conspicuous sexually selected traits, such as horns or antlers, has fascinated biologists for more than a century. Elaborate traits can only evolve if they substantially increase reproduction, because they probably incur survival costs to the bearer. Total selection on these traits, however, includes sexual selection on sires and viability selection on offspring and can be influenced by changes in each of these components. Non-random associations between paternal phenotype and offspring viability may thus affect total selection on sexually selected traits. Long-term data on wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) provide the first evidence in nature that association between paternal phenotype and lamb viability strengthens total selection on horn size of adult rams, a sexually selected trait. The association of paternal horn length and offspring viability was sexually antagonistic: long-horned males sired sons with high viability but daughters of low viability. These results shed new light on the evolutionary dynamics of an iconic sexually selected trait and have important implications for sustainable wildlife management.  相似文献   

Optimal Foraging Theory predicts that parasitoid females should optimize their host selection to maximize their lifetime fitness gain and parasitize the most profitable hosts. In particular, in solitary parasitoids, females should avoid superparasitism, at least when sufficient unparasitized hosts are available. However, when unparasitized hosts are scarce, they should prefer, among already parasitized hosts, those that provide the best survival probability to their progeny, which depends on the age and the developmental stage of the first parasitoid. To test this hypothesis in a solitary ectoparasitoid, Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae Rondani (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), we first assessed the survival probability of a second parasitoid according to the time elapsed since initial parasitism. We then analyzed the female selection behavior in patches containing a mixture of hosts parasitized over various time intervals. Our results showed that the older the opponent larva was, the lower the survival probability of the second parasitoid was. However, when the first individual had reached the prepupal stage, both individuals could complete their development. At this stage, the survival probability of the second parasitoid was surprisingly high but such individuals were reduced in size. Our study also showed that host acceptance by females was strongly correlated with the survival probability of their progeny when the first parasitoid was from 0 to less than 10 days‐old. When the first parasitoid had reached the prepupal stage, females usually rejected these hosts, although the survival probability of the offspring was quite high. This discordance between female host selection behavior and progeny survival probability is discussed.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is taxonomically widespread in animals and is usually associated with large sperm production, being the number of sperm in the competing pool the prime predictor of fertilization success. Despite the strong postcopulatory selection acting directionally on sperm production, its genetic variance is often very high. This can be explained by trade‐offs between sperm production and traits associated with mate acquisition or survival, that may contribute to generate an overall stabilizing selection. To investigate this hypothesis, we first artificially selected male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) for high and low sperm production for three generations, while simultaneously removing sexual selection. Then, we interrupted artificial selection and restored sexual selection. Sperm production responded to divergent selection in one generation, and when we restored sexual selection, both high and low lines converged back to the mean sperm production of the original population within two generations, indicating that sperm number is subject to strong stabilizing total sexual selection (i.e., selection acting simultaneously on all traits associated with reproductive success). We discuss the possible mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of high genetic variability in sperm production despite strong selection acting on it.  相似文献   

控释肥料对桔梗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年在山东农业大学药用植物栽培基地,采用盆栽技术研究控释复合肥(N∶P2O5∶K2O = 14∶14∶14)对桔梗生长的影响.结果表明: 与普通复合肥(N∶P2O5∶K2O = 15∶15∶15)处理相比,等养分用量控释复合肥处理能够提高桔梗生育后期叶绿素含量、根体积和根系活力,增加根粗,但降低了根长度;氮素施用量在0.24和0.32 g·kg-1时,控释复合肥的桔梗根产量分别提高了26.78%和22.50%;可溶性糖、蛋白质和总皂苷含量分别提高了9.77%和6.99%、11.38%和2.20%、8.85%和5.47%.施氮量增加使桔梗可溶性糖含量下降,总皂苷含量上升.在本试验条件下,施氮量0.24 g·kg-1的控释复合肥效果最佳.  相似文献   

Summary The objective of this study was to determine whether infection of Avena fatua L. plants by the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith could influence the vigor of the offspring generation. Two experiments demonstrated that mycorrhizal infection of the maternal generation had slight but persistent positive effects on offspring leaf expansion in the early stages of growth. In two other experiments, mycorrhizal infection of mother plants had several long lasting effects on their offspring. Offspring produced by mycorrhizal mother plants had greater leaf areas, shoot and root nutrient contents and root:shoot ratios compared to those produced by non-mycorrhizal mother plants. Moreover, mycorrhizal infection of mother plants significantly reduced the weight of individual seeds produced by offspring plants while it increased the P concentrations of the seeds and the number of seeds per spikelet produced by offspring plants. The effects of mycorrhizal infections of maternal plants on the vigor and performance of offspring plants were associated with higher seed phosphorus contents but generally lighter seeds. The results suggest that mycorrhizal infection may influence plant fitness by increasing offspring vigor and offspring reproductive success in addition to previously reported increases in maternal fecundity.  相似文献   

梨树萌芽期,越冬代梨木虱Cacopsylla chinensis和梨二叉蚜Schizaphis piricola子代共用同一食物资源,为了解其母代如何避免子代发生种间竞争,通过研究其产卵特点表明,梨二叉蚜和梨木虱在梨树枝条上的产卵位点不同。梨木虱主要在花芽枝上进行产卵,偏好于花芽芽鳞和枝条基部刻痕处产卵,以枝条基部产卵量最多,其次为顶花芽,产卵量随芽位次序依次下降,梨木虱还可在叶芽部位产卵,但数量较少;梨二叉蚜主要于叶芽枝上进行产卵,偏好在叶芽枝的第2、3芽位产卵,顶芽和枝条基部无产卵,未见梨二叉蚜在花芽部位产卵;在花芽枝上,梨木虱卵的空间生态位大于梨二叉蚜、叶芽枝上却相反,两者在梨树枝条上的产卵空间生态位呈分离状态;梨木虱和梨二叉蚜孵化的若虫数量及空间分布特点与卵一致;对梨木虱和梨二叉蚜产卵位点分析表明,其产卵位点的物理性状明显不同。本研究明确了梨木虱和梨二叉蚜母代通过不同产卵位点的选择,降低了子代种间的同位竞争。  相似文献   

Nest-site preference and maternal effects on offspring growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Maternal preferences for oviposition sites are assumed to beadaptive, but offspring fitness is not always higher at preferredsites and, thus, further study of the selection pressures thatinfluence oviposition behavior is warranted. Among birds, predationis regarded as the primary agent of selection on nest-site microhabitatpreferences, but alternatives are rarely considered. We testedthe hypothesis that avian nest-site preferences are an adaptiveresponse to fitness costs imposed by variation in nest-sitemicroclimate. We documented that Chestnut-collared Longspurs(Calcarius ornatus) strongly preferred to orient nests towardsthe southeast and showed that this preference influenced microclimate:nests facing southeast had the highest midday temperatures.Yet, preferences were not adaptive because nestlings in nestswith the preferred orientation gained mass at a slower rate,had retarded skeletal growth, and reached a smaller final size.We experimentally tested this result by altering orientationof nests and confirmed, for the first time, that variation innestling growth was causally linked to variation in nest microclimatearising from nest-orientation preferences. Adults respondedto the high temperatures at preferred southeast-facing nestsby spending more time shading young from the sun, apparentlyattempting to ameliorate heat costs. This response, however,resulted in parents spending less time feeding young, potentiallyexplaining slower growth in these nests. Direct effects of highertemperatures may also play a role in slower growth. Althoughwe lack an explanation for this apparently maladaptive preference,these results demonstrate that nest-site choices of birds canyield fitness costs imposed by variation in nest microclimate.  相似文献   

A population in which there is stabilizing selection acting on quantitative traits toward an intermediate optimum becomes monomorphic in the absence of mutation. Further, genotypes that show least environmental variation are also favored, such that selection is likely to reduce both genetic and environmental components of phenotypic variance. In contrast, intraspecific competition for resources is more severe between phenotypically similar individuals, such that those deviating from prevailing phenotypes have a selective advantage. It has been shown previously that polymorphism and phenotypic variance can be maintained if competition between individuals is "effectively" stronger than stabilizing selection. Environmental variance is generally observed in quantitative traits, so mechanisms to explain its maintenance are sought, but the impact of competition on its magnitude has not previously been studied. Here we assume that a quantitative trait is subject to selection for an optimal value and to selection due to competition. Further, we assume that both the mean and variance of the phenotypic value depend on genotype, such that both may be affected by selection. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations reveal that environmental variance can be maintained only when the genetic variance (in mean phenotypic value) is constrained to a very low level. Environmental variance will be replaced entirely by genotypic variance if a range of genotypes that vary widely in mean phenotype are present or become so by mutation. The distribution of mean phenotypic values is discrete when competition is strong relative to stabilizing selection; but more genotypes segregate and the distribution can approach continuity as competition becomes extremely strong. If the magnitude of the environmental variance is not under genetic control, there is a complementary relationship between the levels of environmental and genetic variance such that the level of phenotypic variance is little affected.  相似文献   

Sources of variation in growth in body mass were assessed in natural and experimental conditions of high and low food abundance using reciprocal cross-fostering techniques and long-term data (1987-2002) for a population of North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). Growth rates were significantly higher in naturally good and food supplemented conditions, than in poor conditions. Mother-offspring resemblance was higher in poor conditions as a result of large increases in both the direct genetic variance and direct-maternal genetic covariance and a smaller increase in the coefficient of maternal variation. Furthermore, the genetic correlation across environments was significantly less than one indicating that sources of heritable variation differed between the two environments. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that selection has eroded heritable variation for growth more in good conditions and indicate the potential for independent adaptation of growth rates in good and poor conditions.  相似文献   

择伐对阔叶红松林主要树种径向与纵向生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋子涵  金光泽 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5843-5852
对择伐37a后的阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林与原始林主要组成树种的年轮和树高数据进行分析,旨在了解择伐对其径向与纵向生长的影响。结果表明:(1)择伐显著促进了主要树种的径向生长(P0.01),但生长增加量在树种间存在显著差异(P0.01),其反应的强弱与耐荫性有关(r=-0.79,P0.01),因择伐所导致的生长加速会持续26—29a。(2)择伐显著减小了主要树种的树高-胸径比(P0.01),即同等胸径时择伐林的树木较矮,因此在计算择伐林蓄积量时应对树高进行实测。(3)径向生长率与树高、胸径之间存在显著相关性(原始林:r=0.65*,r=0.58*;择伐林:r=0.53*,r=0.48*),择伐林内每一树高级的径向生长率均高于原始林,其中树高级在10m以下的树木差异最大(0.69),说明择伐有利于林下树木的生长。择伐显著增加了DBH40cm树木的径向生长率,其中胸径在20—40cm之间的树木有较大的伐后生长率,应予以保护。  相似文献   

Pollen size varies little within angiosperm species, but differs extensively between species, suggesting the action of strong selection. Nevertheless, the potential for genetic responses of pollen size to selection, as determined by additive genetic variance and genetic correlations with other floral traits, has received little attention. To assess this potential, we subjected Brassica rapa to artificial selection for large and small pollen during three generations. This selection caused significant divergence in pollen diameter, with additive genetic effects accounting for over 30% of the observed phenotypic variation in pollen size. Such heritable genetic variation suggests that natural selection could effect evolutionary change in this trait. Selection on pollen size also elicited correlated responses in pollen number (–), flower size (+), style length (+), and ovule number (+), suggesting that pollen size cannot evolve independently. The correlated responses of pollen number, flower size and ovule number probably reflect the genetically determined and physically constrained pattern of resource allocation in B. rapa. In contrast, the positive correlation between pollen size and style length may represent a widespread gametic‐phase disequilibrium in angiosperms that arises from nonrandom fertilization success of large pollen in pistils with long styles.  相似文献   

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