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Social selection is presented here as a parallel theory to sexual selection and is defined as a selective force that occurs when individuals change their own social behaviors, responding to signals sent by conspecifics in a way to influence the other individuals' fitness. I analyze the joint evolution of a social signal and behavioral responsiveness to the signal by a quantitative-genetic model. The equilibria of average phenotypes maintained by a balance of social selection and natural selection and their stability are examined for two alternative assumptions on behavioral responsiveness, neutral and adaptive. When behavioral responsiveness is neutral on fitness, a rapid evolution by runaway selection occurs only with enough genetic covariance between the signal and responsiveness. The condition for rapid evolution also depends on natural selection and the number of interacting individuals. When signals convey some information on signalers (e.g., fighting ability), behavioral responsiveness is adaptive such that a receiver's fitness is also influenced by the signal. Here there is a single point of equilibrium. The equilibrium point and its stability do not depend on the genetic correlation. The condition needed for evolution is that the signal is beneficial for receivers, which results from reliability of the signal. Frequency-dependent selection on responsiveness has almost no influence on the equilibrium and the rate of evolution.  相似文献   

The independent evolution of the sexes may often be constrained if male and female homologous traits share a similar genetic architecture. Thus, cross-sex genetic covariance is assumed to play a key role in the evolution of sexual dimorphism (SD) with consequent impacts on sexual selection, population dynamics, and speciation processes. We compiled cross-sex genetic correlations ( r MF) estimates from 114 sources to assess the extent to which the evolution of SD is typically constrained and test several specific hypotheses. First, we tested if r MF differed among trait types and especially between fitness components and other traits. We also tested the theoretical prediction of a negative relationship between r MF and SD based on the expectation that increases in SD should be facilitated by sex-specific genetic variance. We show that r MF is usually large and positive but that it is typically smaller for fitness components. This demonstrates that the evolution of SD is typically genetically constrained and that sex-specific selection coefficients may often be opposite in sign due to sub-optimal levels of SD. Most importantly, we confirm that sex-specific genetic variance is an important contributor to the evolution of SD by validating the prediction of a negative correlation between r MF and SD.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that sex chromsome linkage should reduce intersexual genetic correlations thereby allowing the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Empirical evidence for sex linkage has come largely from crosses and few studies have examined how sexual dimorphism and sex linkage are related within outbred populations. Here, we use data on an array of different traits measured on over 10,000 individuals from two pedigreed populations of birds (collared flycatcher and zebra finch) to estimate the amount of sex‐linked genetic variance (h2z). Of 17 traits examined, eight showed a nonzero h2Z estimate but only four were significantly different from zero (wing patch size and tarsus length in collared flycatchers, wing length and beak color in zebra finches). We further tested how sexual dimorphism and the mode of selection operating on the trait relate to the proportion of sex‐linked genetic variance. Sexually selected traits did not show higher h2Z than morphological traits and there was only a weak positive relationship between h2Z and sexual dimorphism. However, given the relative scarcity of empirical studies, it is premature to make conclusions about the role of sex chromosome linkage in the evolution of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that because the genetic load borne by an asexual species resulting from segregation, relative to a comparable sexual population, is greater than two, sex can overcome its twofold disadvantage and succeed. We evaluate some of the assumptions underlying this argument and discuss alternative assumptions. Further, we simulate the dynamics of competition between sexual and asexual types. We find that for populations of size 100 and 500 the advantages of segregation do not outweigh the cost of producing males. We conclude that, at least for small populations, drift and the cost of sex govern the evolution of sexuality, not selection or segregation. We believe, however, that if sexual and asexual populations were isolated for a sufficiently long period, segregation might impart a fitness advantage upon sexuals that could compensate for the cost of sex and allow sexuals to outcompete asexuals upon their reunion.  相似文献   

We constructed a model for the evolution of sexual isolation by extending Lande's (1981) model of sexual selection. The model predicts that asymmetric sexual isolation is a transient phenomenon, characteristic of intermediate stages of divergence in sexually selected traits. Unlike the Kaneshiro (1976, 1980) proposal, our model does not depend upon drift and the loss of courtship elements to produce asymmetries in sexual isolation. According to our model, the direction of evolution cannot be predicted from asymmetry in sexual isolation. We tested some features of the model using data from an experimental study of sexual isolation in the salamander Desmognathus ochrophaeus. We tested for sexual isolation between 12 allopatric populations and found significant asymmetry in sexual isolation in about a quarter of the test cases. The highest degrees of asymmetry were associated with intermediate levels of divergence. A curvilinear relationship between isolation asymmetry and divergence was predicted by our model and was supported by statistical analysis of the salamander data.  相似文献   

When Darwin first proposed the possibility of sexual selection, he identified two mechanisms, male competition for mates and female choice of mates. Extending this classification, we distinguish two forms of mate choice, direct and indirect. This distinction clarifies the relationship between Darwin's two mechanisms and, furthermore, indicates that the potential scope for sexual selection is much wider than thus far realized. Direct mate choice, the focus of most research on sexual selection in recent decades, requires discrimination between attributes of individuals of the opposite sex. Indirect mate choice includes all other behavior or morphology that restricts an individual's set of potential mates. Possibilities for indirect mate choice include advertisement of fertility or copulation, evasive behavior, aggregation or synchronization with other individuals of the same sex, and preferences for mating in particular locations. In each of these cases, indirect mate choice sets the conditions for competition among individuals of the opposite sex and increases the chances of mating with a successful competitor. Like direct mate choice, indirect mate choice produces assortative mating. As a consequence, the genetic correlation between alleles affecting indirect choice and those affecting success in competition for mates can produce self-accelerating evolution of these complementary features of the sexes. The broad possibilities for indirect mate choice indicate that sexual selection has more pervasive influences on the coevolution of male and female characteristics than previously realized.  相似文献   

Mate choice should erode additive genetic variation in sexual displays, yet these traits often harbor substantial genetic variation. Nevertheless, recent developments in quantitative genetics have suggested that multivariate genetic variation in the combinations of traits under selection may still be depleted. Accordingly, the erosion and maintenance of variation may only be detectable by studying whole suites of traits. One potential process favoring the maintenance of genetic variance in multiple trait combinations is the modification of sexual selection via sexually antagonistic interactions between males and females. Here we consider how interlocus sexual conflict can shape the genetic architecture of male sexual traits in the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus. In this species, the ability of each sex to manipulate insemination success significantly alters the selection acting on male courtship call properties. Using a quantitative genetic breeding design we estimated the additive genetic variation in these traits and then predicted the change in variation due to previously documented patterns of sexual selection. Our results indicate that female choice should indeed deplete multivariate genetic variance, but that sexual conflict over insemination success may oppose this loss of variance. We suggest that changes in the direction of selection due to sexually antagonistic interactions will be an important and potentially widespread factor in maintaining multivariate genetic variation.  相似文献   

Interacting phenotypes are traits whose expression is affected by interactions with conspecifics. Commonly-studied interacting phenotypes include aggression, courtship, and communication. More extreme examples of interacting phenotypes—traits that exist exclusively as a product of interactions—include social dominance, intraspecific competitive ability, and mating systems. We adopt a quantitative genetic approach to assess genetic influences on interacting phenotypes. We partition genetic and environmental effects so that traits in conspecifics that influence the expression of interacting phenotypes are a component of the environment. When the trait having the effect is heritable, the environmental influence arising from the interaction has a genetic basis and can be incorporated as an indirect genetic effect. However, because it has a genetic basis, this environmental component can evolve. Therefore, to consider the evolution of interacting phenotypes we simultaneously consider changes in the direct genetic contributions to a trait (as a standard quantitative genetic approach would evaluate) as well as changes in the environmental (indirect genetic) contribution to the phenotype. We then explore the ramifications of this model of inheritance on the evolution of interacting phenotypes. The relative rate of evolution in interacting phenotypes can be quite different from that predicted by a standard quantitative genetic analysis. Phenotypic evolution is greatly enhanced or inhibited depending on the nature of the direct and indirect genetic effects. Further, unlike most models of phenotypic evolution, a lack of variation in direct genetic effects does not preclude evolution if there is genetic variance in the indirect genetic contributions. The available empirical evidence regarding the evolution of behavior expressed in interactions, although limited, supports the predictions of our model.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative genetic model for the evolution of growth trajectories that makes no assumptions about the shapes of growth trajectories that are possible. Evolution of a population's mean growth trajectory is governed by the selection gradient function and the additive genetic covariance function. The selection gradient function is determined by the impact of changes in size on the birth and death rates at different ages, and can be estimated for natural populations. The additive genetic covariance function can also be estimated empirically, as we demonstrate with four vertebrate populations. Using the genetic data from mice, a computer simulation shows that evolution of a growth trajectory can be constrained by the absence of genetic variation for certain changes in the trajectory's shape. These constraints can be visualized with an analysis of the covariance function. Results from four vertebrate populations show that while each has substantial genetic variation for some evolutionary changes in its growth trajectory, most types of changes have little or no variation available. This suggests that constraints may often play an important role in the evolution of growth.  相似文献   

Phenotypic divergence in the male reproductive system (genitalia and gonads) between species of the Drosophila melanogaster complex and their hybrids was quantified to decipher the role of these traits in species differentiation and speciation. Internal as well as external, sexual and nonsexual traits were analyzed with respect to genetic variation and trait asymmetry between strains within species, genetic divergence between species, and dominance and asymmetry in species and hybrids. The variation between strains within species was significant among sexual traits, and only external traits were less asymmetric than internal ones, which suggests that sexual traits are not strongly constrained within species. Three main findings show that sexual traits are most divergent between species: (1) testis length and area, and the area of the posterior lobe of the genital arch (sexual traits) showed the highest proportion of variation between species; (2) linear discriminant functions with the highest components associated to sexual traits were better predictors of species membership; and (3) testis length and area revealed a departure from a linear relationship between members of the species group. Examination of interspecific hybrids showed that sexual traits had higher asymmetry in species hybrids than in the parental species and that sexual traits showed additivity or dominance whereas nonsexual traits showed overdominance (with the exception of malpighian tubules length). These results suggest that sexual traits have undergone more genetic changes and, as a result, tend to show higher divergence and stronger hybrid breakdown between species than nonsexual traits. We propose that sexual selection in the broad sense, affecting all aspects of sexuality, may be responsible for the diversified appearance of sexual traits among closely related species and that the genetic architecture underlying sexual traits may be more prone to disruption during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

The variation in color pattern between populations of the poison‐dart frog Oophaga pumilio across the Bocas del Toro archipelago in Panama is suggested to be due to sexual selection, as two other nonsexually selecting Dendrobatid species found in the same habitat and range do not exhibit this variation. We theoretically test this assertion using a quantitative genetic sexual selection model incorporating aposematic coloration and random drift. We find that sexual selection could cause the observed variation via a novel process we call “coupled drift.” Within our model, for certain parameter values, sexual selection forces frog color to closely follow the evolution of female preference. Any between‐population variation in preference due to genetic drift is passed on to color. If female preference in O. pumilio is strongly affected by drift, whereas color in the nonsexually selecting Dendrobatid species is not, coupled drift will cause increased between‐population phenotypic variation. However, with different parameter values, coupled drift will result in between‐population variation in color being suppressed compared to its neutral value, or in little or no effect. We suggest that coupled drift is a novel theoretical process that could have a role linking sexual selection with speciation both in O. pumilio, and perhaps more generally.  相似文献   

The Free Radical Theory of Ageing (FRTA) predicts that oxidative stress, induced when levels of reactive oxygen species exceed the capacity of antioxidant defenses, causes ageing. Recently, it has also been argued that oxidative damage may mediate important life‐history trade‐offs. Here, we use inbred lines of the decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus, to estimate the genetic (co)variance between age‐dependent reproductive effort, life span, ageing, oxidative damage, and total antioxidant capacity within and between the sexes. The FRTA predicts that oxidative damage should accumulate with age and negatively correlate with life span. We find that protein oxidation is greater in the shorter lived sex (females) and negatively genetically correlated with life span in both sexes. However, oxidative damage did not accumulate with age in either sex. Previously we have shown antagonistic pleiotropy between the genes for early‐life reproductive effort and ageing rate in both sexes, although this was stronger in females. In females, we find that elevated fecundity early in life is associated with greater protein oxidation later in life, which is in turn positively correlated with the rate of ageing. Our results provide mixed support for the FRTA but suggest that oxidative stress may mediate sex‐specific life‐history strategies in G. sigillatus.  相似文献   

The evolution of phenotypic plasticity is studied in a model with two reproductively isolated “species” in a coarse-grained environment, consisting of two types of habitats. A quantitative genetic model for selection was constructed, in which habitats differ in the optimal value for a focal trait, and with random dispersal among habitats. The main interest was to study the effects of different selection regimes. Three cases were investigated: (1) without any limits to plasticity; (2) without genetic variation for plasticity; and (3) with a fitness cost for phenotypically plastic reactions. In almost all cases a generalist strategy to exploit both habitats emerged. Without any limits to plasticity, optimal adaptive reactions evolved. Without any genetic variation for plasticity, a compromise strategy with an intermediate, fixed phenotype evolved, whereas in the presence of costs a plastic compromise between the demands of the habitats and the costs associated with plasticity was found. Specialization and phenotypic differentiation was only found when selection within habitats was severe and optimal phenotypes for different habitats were widely different. Under soft selection (local regulation of population numbers in each habitat) the specialists coexisted; under hard selection (global regulation of population numbers) one specialist outcompeted the other. The prevalent evolutionary outcome of compromises rather than specialization implies that costs or constraints are not necessarily detectable as local adaptation in transplantation or translocation experiments.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often attributed to sexual selection, particularly when males are the larger sex. However, sexual selection favoring large males is common even in taxa where females are the larger sex, and is therefore not a sufficient explanation of patterns of SSD. As part of a more extensive study of the evolution of SSD in water striders (Heteroptera, Gerridae), we examine patterns of sexual selection and SSD in 12 populations of Aquarius remigis. We calculate univariate and multivariate selection gradients from samples of mating and single males, for two sexually dimorphic traits (total length and profemoral width) and two sexually monomorphic traits (mesofemoral length and wing form). The multivariate analyses reveal strong selection favoring larger males, in spite of the female-biased SSD for this trait, and weaker selection favoring aptery and reduced mesofemoral length. Selection is weakest on the most dimorphic trait, profemoral width, and is stabilizing rather than directional. The pattern of sexual selection on morphological traits is therefore not concordant with the pattern of SSD. The univariate selection gradients reveal little net selection (direct + indirect) on any of the traits, and suggest that evolution away from the plesiomorphic pattern of SSD is constrained by antagonistic patterns of selection acting on this suite of positively correlated morphological traits. We hypothesize that SSD in A. remigis is not in equilibrium, a hypothesis that is consistent with both theoretical models of the evolution of SSD and our previous studies of allometry for SSD. A negative interpopulation correlation between the intensity of sexual selection and the operational sex ratio supports the hypothesis that, as in several other water strider species, sexual selection in A. remigis occurs through generalized female reluctance rather than active female choice. The implications of this for patterns of sexual selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Variation in queen phenotype and reproductive role in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta has been shown to have a simple genetic basis in a single introduced population in the United States. The evidence consists of an association between this variation and queen genotype at Pgm-3, a phosphoglucomutase-encoding gene. In the present study, we surveyed Pgm-3 allele and genotype frequencies in diverse populations from the native and introduced ranges of this ant to learn whether this simple genetic basis for reproductive traits is a general feature of the species or a genetic anomaly in introduced ants stemming from a recent bottleneck or the invasion of novel habitats. No egg-laying queens living in polygyne (multiple-queen) nests possessed the homozygous genotype Pgm-3a/a in any of the study populations, yet nonreproductive females from such nests (workers as well as queens that had not yet initiated oogenesis) possessed this genotype at moderate frequencies. Remarkably, Pgm-3a/a was the most common genotype among all classes of females, including egg-laying queens, in monogyne (single-queen) nests from all populations studied. Genotype proportions at Pgm-3 in polygyne populations typically departed strongly from the proportions expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, whereas those in monogyne populations did not. These patterns establish that a single mendelian gene influences queen reproductive role in S. invicta and that this gene uniformly is under strong directional selection in the polygyne social form only. Moreover, the perfect association of Pgm-3 genotype and reproductive role in all populations, combined with the known function of phosphoglucomutase in insect metabolism, suggest that this gene may directly influence queen phenotypes rather than merely serving as a marker for a linked gene that causes the effects.  相似文献   

A positive association between plumage brightness of male birds and the degree of polygyny may be the result of sexual selection. Although most birds have a socially monogamous mating system, recent paternity analyses show that many offspring are fathered by nonmates. Extrapair paternity arises from extrapair copulations which are frequently initiated by females. Not all females will be able to mate with a male of the preferred phenotype, because of the mating decisions of earlier paired females; extrapair copulations may be a means for females to adjust their precopulation mate choice. We use two comparative analyses (standardized linear contrasts and pairwise comparisons between closely related taxa) to test the idea that male plumage brightness is related to extrapair paternity. Brightness of male plumage and sexual dimorphism in brightness were positively associated with high levels of extrapair paternity, even when potentially confounding variables were controlled statistically. This association between male brightness and extrapair paternity was considerably stronger than the association between male brightness and the degree of polygyny. Cuckoldry thus forms an important component of sexual selection in birds.  相似文献   

What happens when a population with environmental sex determination (ESD) experiences a change to an extreme environment that causes a highly unbalanced sex ratio? Theory predicts that frequency-dependent selection would increase the proportion of the minority sex and decrease the level of ESD in subsequent generations. We empirically modeled this process by maintaining five laboratory populations of a fish with temperature-dependent sex determination (the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia) in extreme constant temperature environments that caused highly skewed sex ratios to occur initially. Increases in the minority sex consistently occurred from one generation to the next across all five populations, first establishing and then maintaining a balanced sex ratio until termination of the experiment at 8 to 10 generations. The extent to which the level of ESD changed as balanced sex ratios evolved, however, was not consistent. Two populations that experienced high temperatures each generation displayed a loss of ESD, and in one of these ESD was virtually eliminated. This suggests that temperature-insensitive, sex-determining genes were being selected. In populations maintained in low temperature environments, however, the level of ESD did not decline. Instead, the response of sex ratio to temperature was adjusted upward or downward, perhaps by selection of sex-determining genes sensitive to higher (or lower) temperatures. The two different outcomes at low versus high temperatures occurred independent of the geographic origin of the founding population. Our results demonstrate that ESD is capable of evolving in response to selection.  相似文献   

Schooling and aggression in fish are known to be partially inherited traits. Their genetic relationship to growth rate and to each other is, however, not fully understood. In this study we present evidence that schooling, social tolerance, and agonistic behavior in medaka (Oryzias latipes) are altered as an indirect result of selection on growth in two environments that differed in the intensity of social interactions required to obtain access to food. In the high interaction environment food was provided to excess inside a floating cork ring, which limited access to the food and allowed fish to attempt to monopolize it. In the low interaction environment the same amount of food was spread over the container's surface. After two generations of selection on growth the correlation of agonistic behavior and mean growth of broods was negative in the line selected for fast growth, when selection took place in a high interaction environment, but not when it took place in a low interaction environment. School cohesion was higher in the lines selected for fast growth than in those selected for slow growth when selection and rearing environments were both the same, either high or low interaction, but not when they were different. The correlation of social tolerance with growth was significantly more positive in the line selected for fast growth than in that selected for slow growth, but only when selection took place under high social interaction. It appears from these experiments that when resources are aggregated, but unlimited in quantity, competition favors individuals that avoid wasting time and energy on unnecessary and ultimately futile attempts to monopolize food and that also exhibit higher tolerance of nearby conspecifics. The results are interpreted in terms of a hypothesized stimulus-response threshold level for agonistic responses to conspecifics. We suggest that this threshold, which is altered by selection on growth, could provide a common causal (genetic) link between growth and the observed aspects of social behavior. By combining the probabilities from the separate behavioral experiments to obtain an overall significance of our hypothesis we conclude that the probability of no change in threshold is in fact low (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

The roles of natural selection and random genetic change in the punctuated phenotypic evolution of eight Miocene-Pliocene tropical American species of the cheilostome bryozoan Metrarabdotos are analyzed by quantitative genetic methods. Trait heritabilities and genetic covariances reconstructed by partitioning within- and among-colony phenotypic variance are similar to those previously obtained for living species of the cheilostome Stylopoma using breeding data. The hypothesis that differences in skeletal morphology between species of Metrarabdotos are entirely due to mutation and genetic drift cannot be rejected for reasonable rates of mutation maintained for periods brief enough to account for the geologically abrupt appearances of these species in the fossil record. Except for one pair of species, separated by the largest morphologic distance, directional selection acting alone would require unrealistically high rates of selective mortality to be maintained for these periods. Thus, directional selection is not strongly implicated in the divergence of Metrarabdotos species. Within species, rates of net phenotypic change are slow enough to require stabilizing selection, but mask large, relatively rapid fluctuations, all of which, however, can be attributed to chance departures from the mean phenotype by mutation and genetic drift, rather than to tracking environmental fluctuation by directional selection. The results are consistent with genetic models involving shifts between multiple adaptive peaks on which phenotypes remain more or less static through long-term stabilizing selection. Regardless of the degree to which directional selection may be involved in peak shifts, phenotypic differentiation is thus related to processes different than the pervasive stabilizing selection acting within species.  相似文献   

Difficulty in species identification of Sargassum (Sargassaceae, Fucales) is partly attributed to the high polymorphism among its individuals and populations. This study aimed at assessing morphological and genetic variations in two varieties, var. hemiphyllum J. Agardh and var. chinense J. Agardh, of Sargassum hemiphyllum (Turner) C. Agardh, a widely distributed species in the northwestern Pacific. We investigated 26 measurable, five numerical, and 33 categorical morphological parameters associated with different branching levels of specimens from each of six localities within its distribution range using cluster analysis (CA) and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Leaf size of the primary and secondary branching levels and the vesicle size of the secondary branches of the specimens examined were determined to be the most important morphological parameters that were significantly different among populations. Change in leaf and vesicle length of individuals among the six populations followed a latitudinal gradient, with smaller leaves and vesicles associated with northern populations and larger ones in the southern populations. The possible influence of the gradual change in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) along this gradient in the northwestern Pacific on leaf and vesicle morphologies of this species was suggested. PCR‐RFLP analysis of the RUBISCO spacer in the chloroplast genome revealed two distinct and highly homogenous clades, a China clade and a Japan‐Korea clade, which corresponded to var. chinense and var. hemiphyllum, respectively. The formation of refugia along the “Paleo‐coast” in the East China Sea during glacial periods is suggested to have led to the vicariance of ancestral populations of S. hemiphyllum and thus to have promoted genetic differentiation. The massive freshwater outflow of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers may continue to act as a barrier, prolonging the allopatric distribution of the two varieties.  相似文献   

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