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Mole rats from two chromosomal species (2n = 58 and 2n = 60) of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies of Israel were tested to determine whether they were able to discriminate differences in the odour of urine from same-sex individuals of their own and of the other chromosomal species. An habituation-discrimination apparatus was designed for use with these solitary and blind subterranean rodents. Animals habituated to the odour of urine from one individual presented for 10 min at a centre sniffing area in the roof of a 50 cm long Perspex tunnel. The odour of urine from the original donor and from a second individual were presented at two other sniffing areas in the tunnel roof during a 5 min discrimination phase. Significant differences in the time spent investigating the two odours demonstrated successful discrimination between them. The results indicate that male and female mole rats of both species can discriminate between the individual-specific odour cues in urine from pairs of conspecifics and pairs of heterospecific mole rats.  相似文献   

We describe the molecular evolution of cytochrome b of blind subterranean mole rats. We examined 12 individuals for nucleotide differences in the region of 402 base pairs of mitochondrial cytochrome b. Each individual represents a different population from the entire ecological and speciational range of the four chromosomal species in Israel (2n= 52, 54, 58, and 60) belonging to the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies. Our results indicate the following. (i) There are seven first-position transitional differences, compared to 34 variable third positions, with no observed second-position substitutions. (ii) A maximum of four amino acids differences occurs across the range. (iii) Within-species diversity increases southward. Only 1 autoapomorphic substitution characterizes either 2n= 52 or 2n= 54, but 6–11 substitutions characterize 2n= 58, and 9–13 substitutions characterize 2n= 60. (iv) Both parsimony and maximum-likelihood trees suggest two monophyletic groups: (a) 2n= 52 and 54, and (b) 2n= 58 and 60, as identified earlier by other protein and DNA markers. (v) Mitochondrial cytochrome b heterogeneity is significantly correlated with climatic factors (rainfall) and biotic factors (body size and allozymes). We hypothesize that two selective regimes direct cytochrome b evolution in the S. ehrenbergi superspecies: (i) purifying selection in the flooded, mesic, hypoxic northern range of 2n= 52 and 54 and (ii) diversifying selection in the climatically spatiotemporal, xeric, and variable southern range of 2n= 58 and 60. Thus, the molecular evolution of mitochondrial cytochrome b in S. ehrenbergi is explicable by opposite selective stresses across the range of S. ehrenbergi in Israel, associated with the ecological adaptive radiation of the complex. Received: 23 October 1998 / Accepted: 2 May 1999  相似文献   

Genetic variation in a subterranean mammal, Spalax ehrenbergi   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi, occurs in Israel and vicinity as four clinally distributed chromosome forms which are probably sibling species. By the method of starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes, genetic variation of 13 proteins controlled by 17 loci was studied in a total of 383 animals from the four chromosome forms. There was little genetic difference among the four groups, suggesting that speciation can occur without changes in many of the genes. Average degree of polymorphism per chromosome form was 19.1%, ranging from 5.9 to 29.4% for different chromosome forms. Individuals were, on the average, heterozygous at 3.7% of their loci, ranging from 1.8 to 5.6% in the four different chromosome forms. These relatively low values of genetic variation may possibly be associated in part with the ecologically relatively monotonous subterranean niche of Spalax.This work was supported in part by research grant GM-15597 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.  相似文献   



Concealing coloration in rodents is well established. However, only a few studies examined how soil color, pelage color, hair-melanin content, and genetics (i.e., the causal chain) synergize to configure it. This study investigates the causal chain of dorsal coloration in Israeli subterranean blind mole rats, Spalax ehrenbergi.


We examined pelage coloration of 128 adult animals from 11 populations belonging to four species of Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies (Spalax galili, Spalax golani, Spalax carmeli, and Spalax judaei) and the corresponding coloration of soil samples from the collection sites using a digital colorimeter. Additionally, we quantified hair-melanin contents of 67 animals using HPLC and sequenced the MC1R gene in 68 individuals from all four mole rat species.


Due to high variability of soil colors, the correlation between soil and pelage color coordinates was weak and significant only between soil hue and pelage lightness. Multiple stepwise forward regression revealed that soil lightness was significantly associated with all pelage color variables. Pelage color lightness among the four species increased with the higher southward aridity in accordance to Gloger''s rule (darker in humid habitats and lighter in arid habitats). Darker and lighter pelage colors are associated with darker basalt and terra rossa, and lighter rendzina soils, respectively. Despite soil lightness varying significantly, pelage lightness and eumelanin converged among populations living in similar soil types. Partial sequencing of the MC1R gene identified three allelic variants, two of which were predominant in northern species (S. galili and S. golani), and the third was exclusive to southern species (S. carmeli and S. judaei), which might have caused the differences found in pheomelanin/eumelanin ratio.


Darker dorsal pelage in darker basalt and terra rossa soils in the north and lighter pelage in rendzina and loess soils in the south reflect the combined results of crypsis and thermoregulatory function following Gloger''s rule.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A survey of 41 herbivorous mole-rats, Spalax ehrenbergi Nehring, in Urfa, Adiyaman, and Maras provinces of Turkey revealed 7 new species of Eimeria in addition to previously described Eimeriidae. The shape, average dimensions (in μm) of their oocysts, and the numbers of hosts from which the new species were isolated were as follows: Eimeria urfensis sp. n., ellipsoidal (33 × 21), from 8 hosts; Eimeria adiyamanensis sp. n., ovoid to ellipsoidal (33 × 18), from 6 hosts; Eimeria haranica sp. n., elongate ovoid (37 × 20), from 22 rats; Eimeria marasensis sp. n., ellipsoidal (36 × 18), from 2 rats; Eimeria oytuni sp. n., pear-shaped (24 × 17), from 2 hosts; Eimeria celebii sp. n., ellipsoidal (16 × 9), from 1 rat; and Eimeria torosicum sp. n., spherical to subspherical (11 × 10), from 2 animals.  相似文献   

Despite an important role of subterranean rodents as ecosystem engineers, their belowground mobility is poorly documented. It is supposed that their underground burrow systems, once established, are relatively stable because of high-energy costs of digging. We chose the silvery mole-rat, Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Bathyergidae, Rodentia) from mesic Afrotropics as a representative of solitary subterranean rodents to investigate how, and how fast these rodents process their established burrow systems. We combined radio-tracking of individual animals with subsequent mapping of their burrow systems, and we developed a new method for assessing the rate of burrowing. Mole-rats continuously rebuilt their burrow systems; they excavated approx. 0.7 m of new tunnels per day and backfilled on average 64% of all tunnels. On average, every 32 d they established a new nest. They often completely backfilled newly excavated peripheral burrows, while other parts of their burrow systems were more permanent. Their home-ranges were dynamic and continuously shifted in space. Burrow system processing continued even in the advanced dry season, when soil is difficult to work.  相似文献   

The pineal gland of the mole-rat (Spalax ehrenbergi,Nehring)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A comparative investigation of the distribution of monoaminergic neurons in non-malacostracan crustaceans was performed with the histochemical fluorescence method of Falck-Hillarp.Two fluorophores were found: the more widespread of the two emits a green fluorescence; and the more sparsely distributed emits a yellow to brown-yellow fluorescence.Specific green fluorescent areas were shown to exist in the protocerebrum. The central body and the optic ganglia of the compound eye (where present) are always fluorescent. Moreover, the centre of the nauplius eye may have a green fluorophore, as in ostracods, and a neuropile area, here called the frontal area. These neuropile centres are known from ordinary histological studies of the nervous system. In addition, there are specific monoaminergic centres, such as the so-called dorsal area of phyllopods and anostracans as well as the copepod specific areas. Specific monoaminergic areas appear in the deutocerebrum and the suboesophageal ganglion where they are particularly well developed.Presumed sensory neurons in the cavity receptor organ of Artemia salina are shown to be monoaminergic. Monoaminergic sensory neurons have not been described previously in Arthropods.Presumed motor innervation of hind-gut and trunk muscles is also found, and it is concluded that in crustaceans neurons of every type (sensory, internuncial, motor) may be monoaminergic.We have enjoyed unrestricted laboratory facilities at the Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, and with great pleasure express our sincere thanks to Prof. Bengt Falck. — Grants from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (2760-007), the Swedish Medical Research Council (04X-712), the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (Hierta-Retzius), the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund, and the University of Lund supported the work.  相似文献   

The skin of macroscopically distinct regions (hairy skin, vibrissal fields, buccal ridge, and rhinarium) of the head of the blind mole-rat, Spalax ehrenbergi, was studied by routine histological methods. Few guard and several soft vellus hairs are organized into tufts that grow from a group of hair follicles localized in an invaginated compound cavity. We suggest that this hair arrangement may be a burrowing adaptation to match frictional resistance. The follicles and the compound cavity possess either well developed complex striated musculature or errector pili muscles. There are no structural specializations (sweat glands, glomus bodies) to enhance thermo-regulatory (heat dissipative) capacities in the hairy skin of the head. Vibrissae penetrate the epidermal surface as single hairs. They are microscopically normally developed are arranged in vibrissal fields according to a basal mammalian pattern. Most of them are, however, relatively short and inconspicuous. The mystical vibrissal field is horizontally divided by a prominent buccal ridge which is probably involved in bulldozing. The hairs in the ridge leave the compound cavity singularly. The follicles of guard hairs and bristles are equipped with well developed pilo-Ruffini complexes indicating that the buccal ridge may serve also as a tactile organ. The glabrous skin of the rhinarium has a highly interdigitated dermal-epidermal interface. The dermal papillae possess simple lamellated and/or simple Meissner's corpuscles and few Merkel cell-axon-complexes indicating that the skin of the rhinarium may be particularly sensitive to perception of vibrations. J Morphol 233:53–66, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

I. Zuri    J. Terkel 《Journal of Zoology》1996,240(1):123-140
The northern bottlenose whale has been caught in the Faroe Islands for centuries, with written catch records going back to 1584 and unbroken from 1709. A total of 811 whales has been reported in the period 1584-1993. The Faroese bottlenose whaling is an opportunistic drive fishery of pods sighted very close to shore. Natural strandings also occur. Most of the fishery has taken place in two close southern villages of the Faroese archipelago (72% of the catch). The high season is 20 August-20 September. The pod contains 1-7 whales with an average of 2.1 whales. Most of them are immature males or mature females with juveniles, but as many males as females have been caught overall. Females and males at every stage of development have been caught in the Faroes, although it appears that the bottlenose whales approaching the Faroese coast and then driven ashore have not included as large and as small individuals as those shot offshore. A body weight (W in kg) and length (L in cm) relationship has been calculated for both sexes combined: W = 0.0000131 x L3.07. Females and immature males have a grey and bulbous forehead. As the males mature their forehead becomes flatter and lighter, and only large mature males have a white and flat forehead. The stomach contents of nine whales contained in total at least 13 squid species. A comparison with pilot whaling shows that bottlenose whales arrive 2-4 weeks later than the pilot whales and that the geographical distribution of the catch is very different for both species, suggesting a different pattern of migration through the archipelago.  相似文献   

The blind subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies has evolved adaptive strategies to cope with underground stress. Hypoxia is known to stimulate reactive oxygen species generation; however, mechanisms by which Spalax counteracts oxidative damage have not been investigated before. We studied in Spalax the oxidative status of the Harderian gland (HG), an organ which is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress in many rodents. With regard to the sexual dimorphism found in this gland, differences between males and females were determined and compared to the surface-dwelling Syrian hamster. Our results show, for the first time, that Spalax exhibits remarkably low biomolecular damage, which implies the existence of physiological strategies to avoid oxidative damage under fluctuating O2 and CO2 levels existing in the mole rat’s subterranean niche. Correspondingly, main antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione reductase (GR), exhibited high activities in both genders; in particular, remarkably high levels were measured in SOD. SOD and GR activities showed statistically significant differences between sexes. Melatonin, an important circadian agent is also a very important antioxidant molecule and is synthesized in the Harderian glands (HGs) of Spalax. Therefore, the possible interaction between antioxidant enzymes and melatonin is suggested.Joint senior authorship: Aaron Avivi and Ana Coto-Montes  相似文献   

A cosmid genomic library was prepared from a single individual of the rodent Spalax ehrenbergi, the mole rat, captured in Israel. The library was screened with a mouse probe hybridizing with all mouse class I major-histocompatibility-complex (Mhc) genes; the cross-hybridizing clones were isolated; and their restriction maps were prepared using five enzymes. A total of 93 class I-bearing clones could be identified in the library. Forty-five of these clones showed partial overlaps and could be arranged into 14 clusters. Eleven of these clusters could be shown to contain two class I genes each; the remaining clusters, as well as most of the non-overlapping clones, each contained one class I gene. After the elimination of clones with possible cloning artifacts and of clones that may carry allelic forms of a given gene in the heterozygous animal, the total number of class I loci identified in Spalax is approximately 65. The high number of loci probably arose from the duplication of either the entire class I set or the different class I families. The high number of gene copies might represent a means of selecting different functional genes from the family in different mammalian orders. Three of the approximately 65 Spalax class I genes cross-hybridize with a probe specific for the mouse K, D, and L genes; two of these genes are in the same cluster. These three elements might possibly be the functional class I genes of the mole rat.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behavior of the subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi (Rodentia, Spalacidae) was tested according to the framework of optimal foraging theory. We compared the frequencies of food species hoarded in storage chambers of mole rats with the frequencies of these species occurring in the vicinity of the mole rats' nest mounds during the winter and spring seasons. In addition, we examined the food composition of several summer nest mounds. Laboratory observations were conducted in order to test the foraging behavior of mole rats under simulated subterranean conditions. The mole rat is a generalist and collects a variety of food species. Out of 33 plant species that were hoarded by mole rats in the 21 studied nest mounds, 61% (n=20) were geophytes, 21% (n=7) perennial herbs, 15% (n=5) annual herbs and 3% (n=1) dwarf shrubs. The frequency of each collected species in the 16 winter and spring nest mounds is in general accordance with its frequency in the mole rat's territory. This implies that the mole rat randomly samples the food reserve of its territory without special preference or directed search for a particular species. The collection or avoidance of any food item is not dependent on the presence or absence of any other food item. We suggest that the foragin generalism of the mole rat is a product of the constraints of a subterranean niche — the necessity to hoard food as much as possible in a limited time period and the high energetic investment of tunneling to the food items.  相似文献   

The major initial mechanism of speciation in subterranean blind mole rats, Spalacidae, is chromosomal, primarily through Robertsonian rearrangements. Here we highlight another scenario of chromosomal rearrangement leading to ecological speciation and adaptive radiation apparently initiated by pericentric inversions and genie divergence to different ecologies in mole rats in Jordan. We analysed karyotype, allozyme, size and ecological diversity across the range of mole rats in Jordan from mesic Irbid in the north to xeric Wadi Musa (Petra region) in the south, a transect of 250 km. We examined mole rats for chromosome ( N =71), size ( N =76), and allozyme ( N =67) diversities, encoded by 32 loci, in 12 populations of the Spalax ehrenbetgi superspecies in Jordan. By a combination of chromosome morphology, genetic distance, body size and ecogeography, we identified four new putative biological species. All species (except two animals in Madaba) share 2 n = 60 but vary in chromosome morphology, caused by pericentric inversions and/or centromeric shifts. The 'north Moav' species is karyotypically polymorphic for 2 n (2 n = 60; including locally also two animals with 2 n = 62). The distribution of the four species is associated with ecogeographical different domains and climatic diversity. Genetic diversity indices were low, but like chromosome arms (NFa) were positively correlated with aridity stress. Discriminant analysis correctly classified 91% of the individuals into the four species utilizing combinatorially chromosome, allozyme and size diversities. It is hypothesized that mole rat evolution underground is intimately associated with climatic diversity stress above ground.  相似文献   

Three chromosome forms of the mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi, 2n = 52, 2n = 58 and 2n = 60 were studied in an especially designed apparatus which simulated a natural territorial situation by permitting the animal free movement into and out of its home cage. Observed were variables representing agonistic, conflict and territorial behaviour. The data were analysed by means of a Smallest Space Analysis, SSA-II, which gave a graphic portrayal of the interrelations of behaviour categories where differences between means of single traits had been of no significance. 2n = 52 animals were found to be 'losers' in encounters. 'Lose', 'win' and 'draw' could be characterized by specific behaviour patterns: each outcome of encounter was surrounded by a cluster of behaviour categories consisting of agonistic, conflict and territorial activities that characterized its region of the SSA space.  相似文献   

Through major research advances in the study of cytoskeletal organization, an integrated view of the complexity of this system has emerged. Recent findings on the microtubule-interacting protein Mip-90, which associates with microtubules and actin filaments in different cell domains, have shed light on its roles in cytoskeletal regulation. In order to study structural features of Mip-90, we sequenced several peptide fragments. A comparative sequence analysis revealed a high degree of similarity between the primary structure of this protein and the human heat shock protein of 90 kDa (hsp-90). Taken together, the present studies indicate the identity between Mip-90 and the the beta-isoform of hsp-90 (hsp-90beta). Western blot assays with an anti-hsp-90 monoclonal antibody showed cross-reactivity of hsp-90 and Mip-90 affinity purified from HeLa cells. Furthermore, the observed structural identity of Mip-90 with the hsp-90beta was sustained by immunoblot assays using monoclonal antibodies that specifically recognize the alpha- and beta-forms of hsp-90. Comparative fingerprinting analysis, along with the evidence of a remarkably similar biochemical behavior of both hsp-90 and Mip-90 in different affinity chromatographic systems, supported these observations. These studies, along with previous investigations, provide new data to elucidate the functional significance of these interesting cellular components and its relationships with other proteins linked to the cell architecture.  相似文献   

S. Simson  B. Lavie    E. Nevo 《Journal of Zoology》1993,229(3):493-503
Geographic and ontogenetic variation was examined in the glans penes and bacula of 92 specimens representing four biological species with the karyotypes 2n=52, 54, 58 and 60 of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in 13 populations from Israel and one disjunct population from northern Egypt. Five measured and three calculated penial characters were analysed and employed in multivariate statistics. Comparison was made between penial morphological characters and craniometric biochemical and chromosomal data. The baculum is strongly species-specific and its length bears no significant relationships with head and body length. The results of these analyses suggest that different bacular morphologies may provide a basis for species-specific prezygotic isolating mechanisms, thus, together with other factors, contributing to reproductive isolation and speciation.  相似文献   

The mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi Nehring, is a complex group involving four chromosomal types of In = 52, 54, 58 and 60. These are clinally distributed from Mount Hermon in the north to the Negev in the south, covering humid, semihumid, semiarid and arid climates. Forty-seven breeding nests of Sehrenbergi were collected from 23 localities throughout the range and processed for nidicolous arthropods. A total of five species of fleas and 53 species of gamasid mites were collected. Their distribution in the investigated area has been analysed in relation to that of the chromosomal types of S.ehrenbergi. The following conclusions have been reached:(a) Only three of the species (two haematophagous gamasids and one fungivorous acarid) range across the whole investigated area, showing strong host specificity, (b) A correlation is apparent between the distribution of several nidicolous arthropods (fleas and gamasids) and the ‘54’ geographic region. This probably reflects geographical distribution rather than host specificity, (c) Palaearctic species reach their southern limit of distribution on Mount Hermon and the Golan Heights; possibly Ethiopian ones reach their northern limit in the Negev. (d) No direct correlation has been found between nidicolous arthropods and the chromosomal types of S. ehrenbergi. (e) Subjects for future investigation are outlined.  相似文献   

Acoustic signalling is one of the most common communication mediums in a broad range of social animals, and it often encodes attributes of the signaller such as sex, kin relatedness and dominance rank. Particularly, antiphonal vocalization has been regarded to have an important function in animals living in an environment where visual cues are unreliable. Antiphony enables to acknowledge that one's signal was received with certainty. We show the first evidence of such acoustic signals among rodents: the naked mole‐rat. The society of this eusocial subterranean species is organized hierarchically according to body size. Naked mole‐rats are functionally blind, and rely highly on acoustic communication. We focused on one of their vocalizations: the soft chirp (SC). SCs are the most frequent sounds, and are often emitted upon physical contact. We expected the SC to be antiphonal, and if so, SC may function to distinguish colony members from intruders, and/or identify social rank and individuality. To examine our predictions, we placed pairs of individuals of different size together, and recorded their vocal behaviour. The intervals between the SCs of two individuals were shorter than expected intervals which were based on the assumption that animals vocalized without reference of the preceding SC. The acoustic properties of SCs varied among individuals according to body weight and colony of origin. The emission rate was positively related to the relative difference in body weight. Therefore, SCs have an antiphonal nature and may function as expected. These characteristics of SC were highly similar to those of antiphonal sounds in other social species.  相似文献   

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