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Resource ownership often increases an individual's aggressiveness and its probability of defeating a competitor. Individuals contesting resource owners could therefore incur higher costs, making individuals reluctant to compete with owners. We tested the hypothesis that animals use asymmetry in resource ownership as a cue for contest costs and adjust contest decisions accordingly. Using a mangrove rivulus fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus), we staged (1) contests with a randomly assigned asymmetry in resource ownership (one fish was provided with a shelter) and (2) contests in which neither fish had a shelter. Owners that were in their shelters at the contest start showed a greater tendency to fight and won more contests than their intruder opponents; those outside the shelter at the start did not. Compared with fish in contests with no shelters at stake, shelter owners had a higher tendency to fight whether or not they were in their shelters at the start; intruders, however, had a lower tendency to fight only against owners that were inside the shelter at the start. These results demonstrate (1) that ownership status influences both owners’ and intruders’ contest decisions (and in opposite directions), producing a detectable ownership advantage and (2) that intruders required confirmation of their opponents’ ownership status before retreating without challenging them. Ownership status per se is therefore important to the fish's contest decisions.  相似文献   

Aggression plays an important role in animal contests, but the extent to which aggression correlates with dominance has been a topic of much debate. The relationship between aggression and dominance ability in the hermaphroditic fish, Rivulus marmoratus , was investigated using three standard protocols, the mirror test (Mi), model test (Mo), and standard opponent test (So). In each, display latency, attack latency, and biting frequency were quantified for a test individual towards its opponent. The general rank-order for eliciting strength of the three different stimuli was Mi > So > Mo. The relationships between the individual indices from the standard tests and three dyadic contest variables, initiator of display, initiator of attack, and winner, were analysed in contests between previously tested pairs to ascertain how well the standard protocols predicted dyadic contest behaviour/outcome. Display and attack latencies in the standard tests did not predict the level of analogous combat behaviour. Biting frequency differences between individuals in a pair in the So and Mo tests as well as display latency differences in the Mi test contributed to predictions of contest outcome. The individual that scored higher, relative to its opponent, won a significantly greater proportion of the bouts. These findings demonstrate the importance of relative differences in aggression in determining dominance. However, the predictive value of standard test behaviour is test-specific and, based on the available literature, depends on both the species used and the context in which they are employed.  相似文献   

Salmonids form dominance hierarchies in environments, where space or food are limiting. Our first objective was to investigate the physiology of individual rainbow trout in 4-fish hierarchies. Our second was to compare conclusions drawn from grouping physiological data on the basis of social rank with those based on relating individual physiology to individual aggressive behavior. To create a social hierarchy, groups of 4 juvenile trout were fed (1 % ration) using a darkened feeding container, twice daily (morning and evening). Each morning feeding was videotaped to record aggressive behavior, thereby facilitating the assignment of a social status rank to each fish. On days 5 and 10–11, physiological parameters were measured in fish fasted for 24 h. Social hierarchies formed in all tested groups. One fish would become dominant, whereas the three subordinate individuals would each assume a stable social rank. When classified according to this social rank, the three subordinate individuals all displayed similar physiology, different from the physiology of the dominant fish. The latter included higher ammonia excretion rate, greater protein utilization in aerobic metabolism, greater feeding, higher specific growth rate, greater increase in condition factor, and lower routine oxygen consumption rate. However, when individual aggression was taken into account, a continuous gradient was observed between aggression and physiology for most parameters, regardless of social status. These relationships could be improved by normalizing the aggression score to the overall level of aggression in each hierarchy. We argue that individual behavior should be considered instead of just social rank when studying the physiology of trout in social hierarchies.  相似文献   

The influence of sublethal chronic dietary copper (Cu) exposure on the dominant-subordinate relationship between pairs of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was examined. Fish were fed either a normal (11 mg Cu kg(-1) food) or Cu-contaminated (721 mg Cu kg(-1) food) diet for 8 wk. Paired interactions were observed--control versus control, Cu-exposed versus Cu-exposed, and control versus Cu-exposed fish--using a computer-aided video tracking system to measure duration of interactions, total distance moved, and the number of encounters during each contest. In concurrence with game theory, each interaction became escalated with a lesser size disparity between contestants. However, in Cu-exposed versus Cu-exposed fish interactions, the dominant-subordinate relationship was decided sooner and with less aggression than a control versus control fish interaction with fish of a similar relative body mass disparity. During control versus Cu-exposed fish interactions, control fish would normally dominate interactions (12 out of 16 bouts) unless the Cu-exposed fish had a 15% body mass advantage. Muscle glycogen and lactate levels after each contest reflected the duration of bouts and winners of the contests, irrespective of Cu exposure. We conclude that Cu-contaminated fish are less able to compete and have lower resource holding power than controls and will withdraw from a contest at a lower level of interaction, unless a size advantage in the Cu-exposed fish increases the probability of winning.  相似文献   

Conflict is risky, but mechanisms that allow animals to assess dominance status without aggression can reduce such costs. Two different mechanisms of competitor assessment are expected to evolve in different contexts: badges of status are expected in larger, anonymous groups, whereas individual recognition is feasible in small, stable groups. However, both mechanisms may be important when social interactions occur both within and across stable social groups. We manipulated plumage in golden‐crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) and found that two known badges of status – gold and black head plumage patch sizes – independently affect dominance among strangers but manipulations had no effect on dominance among familiar flockmates. Moreover, familiar flockmates showed less aggression and increased foraging relative to strangers. Our study provides clear experimental evidence that social recognition affects badge function, and suggests that variation in social contexts maintains coexistence and context‐dependent use of these two dominance resolution mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study addressed two hypotheses: (1) that individual recognitionis used to reduce the cost of contesting resources in sea troutand (2) that the hatchery environment selects against individualrecognition. Predictions from these hypotheses were tested inlaboratory experiments where behavior and growth were studiedin juvenile sea trout. In tact groups of familiar fish werecompared with groups that contained both familiar and unfamiliarindividuals. In general, the results were in agreement withthe first hypothesis. Familiar fish in intact groups had morestable dominance ranks, higher food intake, and better utilizationof food. Familiarity also reduced the distance to the nearestneighbor. Furthermore, initiators of conflicts were more likelyto win against familiar fish than against strangers. These resultssupport game-theory-based hypotheses explaining the dear-enemyphenomenon as an effect of familiarity A picture emerges inwhich familiarity stabilizes the hierarchical structure of agroup and governs behavioral modifications that will promotefeeding and growth, in turn leading to higher fitness. The secondhypothesis, which predicted a reduced effect of individual recognitionin sea-ranched trout, was not strongly supported because familiarityaffected sea-ranched and wild trout similarly in most respects.However, familiarity was not beneficial for growth in sea-ranchedtrout, whereas it increased growth rate in wild fish. In addition,sea-ranched trout tended to maintain larger distances to theirnearest neighbors than did wild trout.  相似文献   

Male–male competition shapes resource distributions and reproductive success among individuals, and can drive trait evolution when phenotypes differ in competitive abilities and/or strategies. Divergence of populations, regardless of the cause, is often accompanied by divergence in male competitive ability, and such asymmetries can play an important role in mediating the interactions and evolutionary trajectory of the nascent lineages. Here, we designed a field experiment to examine the importance of color, a divergent trait, in determining territorial contest outcomes in the poison frog Oophaga pumilio. Males of different O. pumilio color morphs differ in aggression level, suggesting a potential dominance hierarchy between these divergent phenotypes. In a contact zone between red and blue-color morphs, we first removed territorial males from their calling sites, and examined whether certain color morph(s) were better at establishing in these now-vacant territories. We then staged a territorial contest by simultaneously releasing the original and the new occupant to their point of capture. Surprisingly, we found no significant effect of color on acquiring territories or winning staged contests. However, the original occupants won against the new occupant in 84% of the staged contests, revealing a strong prior residence effect. This suggests that asymmetries that stem from prior residency override coloration in predicting contest outcomes of male–male territorial contests in wild O. pumilio. Thus, contradicting our hypothesis, male–male territorial competition alone seems unlikely to exert selection on coloration in this contact zone.  相似文献   

A determination of some of the factors that predict the outcome of contests between male tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus, was made using logistic regression modelling on matched-pair data. Two-day-long encounters were staged between pairs of males differing in size (snout-vent length and mass), previous contest status (previous winners and previous losers), and coloration (dorsal coloration during their previous contest and throat coloration, a fixed trait). Mass proved to be the best single predictor of contest outcome, resulting in an 80% correct classification rate for predicting winners and losers, far better than the less than 57% correct classification rate for snout-vent length. Previous social status (winner or loser) also was a powerful single predictor of contest outcome with a 793% correct classification rate, as was previous dorsal coloration (76.7%). When combined, mass and previous status produced the strongest combination of predictors with a better than 86% correct classification rate. Contrary to several previous studies, which implicated throat coloration as an important status signal of dominance, our results failed to show that throat coloration is a strong predictor of contest outcome. Possible reasons for this discrepancy with earlier findings are discussed. The logistic regression models also allow prediction of the magnitude of difference in mass between two contestants for there to be an equal chance of winning, given a second asymmetry in contest predictors.  相似文献   

Cannibalism can have important demographic and ecological effects on populations. Typically, cannibalism is size‐structured, where larger individuals eat smaller conspecifics. Initial cursory observations of the whip spider, Phrynus longipes, however, suggested that cannibalism might not be size‐structured in this species, perhaps because cannibalism is often a by‐product of territory contests. We staged paired interactions and recorded latency to escalate to physical aggression or cannibalize to understand the dynamics of cannibalism and resource contests. We employed a multimodel comparative approach to tease apart the contest characteristics that best predicted cannibalism during behavioral trials between P. longipes opponents. We found that, while armament size symmetry predicted escalation of contests, cannibalism was best predicted by body mass asymmetry. Further, cannibalism was most likely to occur among individuals similar in armament, but dissimilar in body mass. This suggests a discrepancy between phenotypes that may have evolved to communicate resource holding potential (e.g., armaments which benefit individuals if dishonest), and body mass as a cue of resource holding potential.  相似文献   

Some territorial animals display low levels of aggression towards a familiar territorial neighbour in its usual territory, but exhibit high levels of aggression towards neighbours in novel locations and unfamiliar individuals. Here, we report results from a field playback study that investigated whether territorial males of the North American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) could discriminate between the acoustic signals of simulated neighbours and strangers in the absence of contextual cues associated with a specific location. Following repeated exposures to synthetic bullfrog calls from a particular location, subjects responded significantly less aggressively to a familiar call, compared with an unfamiliar one, when both calls were broadcast from familiar and novel locations, indicating that bullfrogs could recognize a neighbour's calls independently of the contextual cues provided by the direction of the neighbour's territory. Subjects responded equally aggressively to unfamiliar calls broadcast from either a familiar or a novel location, which indicates that they could perceive unfamiliar calls as those of a stranger, regardless of where the stranger was encountered. Together, these two results provide evidence that a frog possesses a capacity for individual voice recognition.  相似文献   

Animals use aggressive behaviour to gain access to resources, and individuals adjust their behaviour relative to resource value and own resource holding potential (RHP). Normally, smaller individuals have inferior fighting abilities compared with larger conspecifics. Affective and cognitive processes can alter contest dynamics, but the interaction between such effects and that of differing RHPs has not been adjudged. We investigated effects of omission of expected reward (OER) on competing individuals with contrasting RHPs. Small and large rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were conditioned to associate a light with reward. Thereafter, the reward was omitted for half of the fish prior to a contest between individuals possessing a 36–40% difference in RHP. Small control individuals displayed submissive behaviour and virtually no aggression. By contrast, small OER individuals were more aggressive, and two out of 11 became socially dominant. Increased aggression in small OER individuals was accompanied by increased serotonin levels in the dorsomedial pallium (proposed amygdala homologue), but no changes in limbic dopamine neurochemistry were observed in OER-exposed individuals. The behavioural and physiological response to OER in fish indicates that frustration is an evolutionarily conserved affective state. Moreover, our results indicate that aggressive motivation to reward unpredictability affects low RHP individuals strongest.  相似文献   

The magnitude by which plasma cortisol levels increase following exposure to a stressor is a heritable trait in rainbow trout. The relative growth in coculture of F1 lines selected for high responsiveness (HR) and low responsiveness (LR) to a confinement stressor suggested that behavioral characteristics related to food acquisition, aggression, or competitive ability might differ between the two lines. This hypothesis was tested using the F2 generation of the selected lines. The F2 lines clearly exhibited the characteristics of the F1 parents, displaying significantly divergent plasma cortisol responses to a 1-h confinement stressor and a high heritability for the trait. Behavioral differences between the lines were assessed by observing the outcome of staged fights for dominance in size-matched pairs of HR and LR fish. The identification of dominant and subordinate fish within each pair on the basis of their behavior was supported by the levels of blood cortisol in the fish attributed to each group (dominant < subordinate). Fish from the LR line were identified as dominant in significantly more trials than were HR individuals. The results suggest that behavioral attributes that affect the outcome of rank-order fights are closely linked to the magnitude of the plasma cortisol response to stress in rainbow trout. Whether the link is causal or circumstantial is not yet evident.  相似文献   

Escalated contests between animals are potentially costly because of increased energy expenditure and risk of predation or injury. Hence we would expect selection to favour any mechanism that avoids unnecessary prolonged fighting. One such means of avoiding escalated fights could be the use of information gained through individual recognition. Previous work has shown that a darkening of the body colour is closely associated with submission in contests between juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, and it has been hypothesized that this may act as a visual signal to the opponent. We tested the hypothesis that body darkening is used to reduce the cost of contests between familiar fish such that losers darken more quickly when faced with familiar than unfamiliar opponents. In contests between unfamiliar fish, submissive darkening occurred after more escalated contests in which the loser incurred more aggression, whereas the opposite occurred when familiar fish were in conflict. In addition familiar fish either submitted quickly or engaged in protracted conflicts in which neither fish signalled submission, whereas in unfamiliar fish contests were of intermediate duration regardless of whether either fish darkened. We suggest that body darkening is used by familiar fish to signal submission to familiar dominants in order to avert a costly escalated fight, but familiarity can lead to escalation without submission if perceived competitive asymmetries are finely balanced. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The role of melanin ‘badges of status’, in male–male competition has been well‐studied, in contrast, carotenoid based plumage has largely been examined in the context of female mate choice. Recent work has shown that carotenoid signals can also function in male–male competition, although the functions of the two types of signals is currently unclear. Here, we examine the relationships between colouration, dominance and aggression in the crimson finch Neochmia phaeton, a species where males have both conspicuous red carotenoid plumage and a black melanin patch. We examined the importance of carotenoid and melanin based signals in three contexts: 1) among free‐living birds interacting at a feeding station: we found that neither colour signal influenced the outcome of interactions; 2) in staged dyadic contest in captivity: we found that coloration from carotenoid pigments was positively related to the probability of winning a contest, while the size of the melanin plumage patch was not related to winning; and 3) in staged dyadic contests where male plumage colour had been masked: we found that the number of interactions required to determine dominance increased. While the underlying natural plumage colour was still important in these contests, birds with more intense carotenoid colouration were now more likely to lose. These results confirm carotenoid‐based signalling in male–male contests. However this signal is used in conjunction with other factors such as self‐assessment and body condition. Contrary to traditional expectations, the black melanin patch was not found to be important in this context.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish whether two lines of rainbow trout divergent for their plasma cortisol response to a standardized stressor would show consistent differences in their behavioural response to a range of challenging situations. Our results show that the high- and low-responding (HR and LR) lines of rainbow trout did not differ in the aggression shown towards an intruder or in their response to the introduction of a novel object to their home environment. However, there was a difference in behaviour between the two selection lines when they were exposed to two unfamiliar environments. These results suggest that the behaviour of the HR and LR fish differs when they are challenged in unfamiliar environments, while their behaviour does not differ when they are challenged in their home environment. These observations are in agreement with studies on mammals that show that individuals with reactive coping styles perform similarly to proactive animals when they are challenged in a familiar environment, while they show different behaviour when they are challenged in unfamiliar environments. Thus, these results provide further evidence that the HR and LR selection lines of rainbow trout exemplify the two different coping styles described in mammals.  相似文献   

Residency is an important predictor of success in contests with ownership asymmetries. Residency often can interact with a winning experience. However, given that some residents lose a contest even when showing an ownership advantage and that the process leading to loss often determines the loser's subsequent success, prior ownership might also interact with a loss. Here, we staged experimental contests between males of the hermit crab Pagurus minutus with a similar-sized weapon (i.e., cheliped) to examine this possibility. Male–male contests in this species occur between a solitary intruder and an owner guarding a mature female. We evaluated (a) whether resource ownership and female value affect the contest outcome and (b) whether the probability of winning after losing differs depending on the initial role of the loser (i.e., owner or intruder) by using precopulatory guarding pairs of P. minutus collected from the field. In the first fighting trial, we found an ownership advantage and increasing owner success as the body size of his partner increased. Although some owners lost the fight, in contrast to our prediction, the frequency of losing in the second fighting trial did not differ between prior owners and prior intruders. Because losers from the first fighting trial of male–male contests have no female regardless of their initial role, this shared solitary status might be related to the lack of difference in success in the second fighting trial. Moreover, unlike in other animals, resident status might not always assure greater fighting ability in P. minutus males because guarding Pagurus males can avoid male–male contests by climbing up objects in the field. Losers in the first trial, therefore, may have been weaker contestants based on traits other than size, regardless of whether they were owners or intruders.  相似文献   

Fighting is a costly behavior, consuming both time and energy. As a result, the benefits of acquiring resources must outweigh these costs. Resource value will thus influence willingness to invest in a contest through its objective (the intrinsic properties of the resource) and subjective value (context/state dependent). In burrowing crayfish, subjective resource value may vary with life stage: adults, subadults, and juveniles differ in their ability to obtain resources. As juveniles cannot dig their own burrows, we hypothesize that earlier life stages will exhibit lower aggression than later life stages. To test this, we evaluated contests between paired individuals according to their cephalothorax length (CL), encompassing different life stages of Parastacus brasiliensis. To quantify aggression levels, we recorded contest duration, the frequency of low and highly aggressive behaviors, the time to escalate to highly aggressive behaviors, the probability of initiating contests with highly aggressive behaviors, and the latency to initiate a contest. We examined the relationship between these dependent variables and CL (independent variable) using GLMs to test how aggressive behaviors develop. Contest duration increased with pair mean, winner's and loser's CL. Frequency of low aggressive behaviors increased with CL, whereas highly aggressive behaviors, latency, and time to reach highly aggressive behaviors were unrelated to CL. Smaller individuals had a higher probability of initiating contests with highly aggressive behaviors. Self‐assessment explains the contest dynamics of P. brasiliensis, with smaller individuals giving up sooner, probably due to lower energy and time budgets.  相似文献   

Visual signals such as plumage characteristics in birds often play a key role in the establishment of dominance in contests by acting as a badge of status that can be used to assess individual fighting ability. We studied the role of plumage colouration in males of the red bishop (Euplectes orix), a sexually dimorphic and polygynous weaverbird species occurring in sub‐Saharan Africa and breeding in dense colonies around water. Males are highly territorial and often engage in competition over limited resources such as breeding sites and potential mates. By experimentally staging male–male contests over a limited food source, we wanted to determine whether the orange–red breeding plumage in this species serves as a dominance signal between individuals, with males with redder plumage being dominant over those with duller plumage. In the first set of experiments, we staged contests between unfamiliar and unmanipulated males. The setup of the second set of experiments was identical to the first, with the exception that those males with the lowest chroma and hue values had their plumage experimentally reddened within the range of the natural variation. In addition to plumage colouration, we incorporated testosterone levels, body condition and age into the analysis of factors contributing to contest outcome. Our results show a consistent and strong age effect in both sets of experiments, which seems to be independent of plumage colouration, testosterone and body condition. This suggests that in the red bishop, the outcome of male–male competitions over limited resources is determined by age‐related acquired experience rather than by status signalling through plumage colouration.  相似文献   

Two related experiments examined the relationship between plasma cortisol concentrations and the development of social hierarchies in fish. In the first, rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and brown trout, Salmo trutta, were observed for dominance interactions when confined within single-species pairs for 4, 48, or 168 h. Subordinate members of a pair exhibited significantly higher cortisol concentrations than dominant and single fish, but the pattern of cortisol elevation differed between the two species, being quicker to rise and increasing to a higher level in rainbow trout. Cortisol concentrations were correlated with behavioural measurements; the more subordinate the behaviour exhibited by a fish, the higher its cortisol concentration. Social stress was a chronic stressor, and no acclimation to social status occurred during the week. In the second experiment, measurements of plasma cortisol were made before pairing of rainbow trout and then after 48 h of confinement in pairs. Subordinate fish demonstrated significantly higher concentrations of plasma cortisol both before and after social stress. It therefore appears that in addition to cortisol being elevated during periods of social stress, an association may exist between initial cortisol levels and the likelihood of a fish becoming subordinate.  相似文献   

Current theory predicts that contest outcome, as well as decisions on whether to initiate a contest, escalate during a contest or retreat are decided by asymmetries in resource holding potential (RHP) and/or expected payoffs between contestants. In this investigation, dyadic contests were staged between male swordtail fish (Xiphophorus cortezi) where individuals were paired based on cumulative fight records and were ranked at the end of the trials in order to approximate RHP. Size was the only asymmetry that I did not attempt to control for and as a result, I was able to determine the relationships between size, contest initiation, escalation and outcome. Individuals changed their contest initiation strategy based on their size relative to that of their opponents, and contrary to predictions, the smaller of the two males in each contest was more likely to initiate the conflict than was the larger male. However, the larger of the two males was more likely to win and standard length proved to be a moderate predictor of an individual's final rank. Regardless of size, initiators fared poorly, winning only 31% of the contests. In instances where the smaller males won the contests, they were no more likely to initiate the encounter than was the larger male. However, when small males did win, fights lasted longer, suggesting that in some cases smaller males may be able to outlast their opponents.  相似文献   

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