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Clonality is a common feature of plants and benthic marine organisms. In some cases clonal propagation results in a modest increase in population density, while in other cases dense populations may be generated by the propagation of only a few clones. We analyzed the population structure of the clonal gorgonian Plexaura kuna across several reef habitats with a range of disturbance regimes in the San Blas Islands, Panama, and the Florida Keys, U.S.A. Using multilocus DNA fingerprinting to distinguish clones, we estimated that clones ranged in size from single individuals to 500 colonies. The number of genotypes identified on nine reefs ranged from three to 25. Population density and clonal structure varied markedly among reefs with GO:GE ranging from 0.03 to 1.00. On some reefs vegetative reproduction transformed P. kuna from a rare species to the numerically most abundant gorgonian. The effect of clonal propagation on P. kuna population structure was dependent on interactions between fragmentation and the reef environment (disturbance regime, substratum). We present a generalized model relating population structure of clonal species to disturbance and the mode of vegetative propagation. Disturbance promotes colony propagation and skews the size-frequency distribution of clones among P. kuna and many species that propagate via fragmentation. Propagation of these species is promoted by disturbance (disturbance sensitive), and they tend to have clones that are dispersed across local sites. Species that fragment and have dispersed clones, have high genotypic diversity in habitats with low levels of disturbance. Genotypic diversity then decreases at intermediate disturbance and increases again at the highest disturbance levels. Clonal species that do not rely on disturbance for vegetative propagation (disturbance insensitive) generally do not disperse and form aggregated clones. Among these taxa disturbance has a greater affect on individual survival than on propagation. Genotypic diversity is directly related to the level of disturbance until very high levels of disturbance, at which time genotypic diversity declines.  相似文献   

Genotypic diversity in six populations of the endemic Hawaiian reef coral, Porites compressa, was directly related to habitat-disturbance history. The highest diversity (lowest amount of clonal proliferation) was found in populations that had been intensely or recently disturbed. In these populations, space was not limited and mean colony size was small (< 500 cm2), suggesting early stages of recolonization. In an undisturbed, protected habitat, lower genotypic diversity was a result of a significant degree of clonal replication of established genotypes. Unoccupied substratum was rare in this habitat, and average colony size was large (> 2500 cm2). Populations in intermediately disturbed habitats showed intermediate levels of diversity and clonal structure as a result of the combined contributions of sexual and asexual reproduction. Individual clones were distributed over small areas (< 4 m2) or distances (< 1 m) in young populations, and more broadly (> 256 m2) and over longer distances (> 90 m) in the older, undisturbed population. Interpretations of life-history parameters and estimates of total genetic variability in species that have the potential to reproduce asexually are dependent upon an assessment of the overall clonal structure of populations. The power of genotypic assays to reliably detect clonal versus unique colonies, as well as the spatial scales over which clonal populations are sampled, are critical to such assessments.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of clonal versus sexual reproduction in plant populations should generally have differing effects on the levels of biparental inbreeding and the apparent selfing rate, produced via mating by proximity through limited pollen dispersal. We used allozyme loci, join-count statistics, and Moran's spatial autocorrelation statistics to separate the spatial genetic structure caused by clonal reproduction from that maintained in sexually reproduced individuals in two populations of Adenophora grandiflora, a perennial herb. Join-count statistics showed that there were statistically significant clustering of clonal genotypes within distances less than 4 m. Both the entire populations and the sets of sexually reproduced individuals exhibited significant spatial autocorrelation at less than about 12 m, and the sexually reproduced individuals are substantially structured in an isolation-by-distance manner, consistent with a neighborhood size of about 50.  相似文献   

The amount of gene flow among local populations partly determines the relative importance of genetic drift and natural selection in the differentiation of such populations. Land snails, because of their limited powers for dispersal, may be particularly likely to show such differentiation. In this study, we directly estimate gene flow in Albinaria corrugata, a sedentary, rock-dwelling gastropod from Crete, by mark-recapture studies. In the same area, 23 samples were taken and studied electrophoretically for six polymorphic enzyme loci. The field studies indicate that the population structure corresponds closely to the stepping-stone model: demes are present on limestone boulders that are a few meters apart, and dispersal takes place mainly between adjacent demes. Average deme size (N) is estimated at 29 breeding individuals and the proportion of migrants per generation at 0.195 (Nm = 5.7). We find no reason to assume long-distance dispersal, apart from dispersal along occasional stretches of suitable habitat. Genetic subdivision of the population, as derived from FST values, corresponds to the direct estimate only at the lowest spatial level (distance between sample sites < 10 m), where values for Nm of 5.4 and 17.6 were obtained. In contrast, at the larger spatial scales, FST values give gene-flow estimates that are incompatible with the expected amount of gene flow at these scales. We explain these discrepancies by arguing that gene flow is in fact extremely limited, making correct estimates of Nm from FST impossible at the larger spatial scales. In view of these low levels of gene flow, it is concluded that both genetic drift and natural selection may play important roles in the genetic differentiation of this species, even at the lowest spatial scales.  相似文献   

Levels and distribution of genetic variation were studied in central and western European populations of Taraxacum section Ruderalia containing differing mixtures of sexual diploid and asexual triploid plants. All sexual populations were panmictic with their variation partitioned mainly among populations. Genotypic diversity in triploid samples was very high with few clones widespread and many clones restricted to one or a few populations. Extensive amounts of gene (pollen) flow between the diploid and triploid components of a population were inferred from the following data: (1) the two ploidy levels share all major allozyme polymorphisms; (2) the intrapopulational homogeneity in genic variation between diploids and triploids contrasts strongly with the geographic differentiation at each ploidy level separately; (3) population-unique alleles simultaneously occur at the two ploidy levels; (4) not only sexuals but also asexuals generally simulate Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Most likely, intrapopulational gene exchange occurs bidirectionally by mechanisms such as reductional pollen meiosis in apomictic plants, facultative apomixis, and formation of unreduced gametes in sexuals. Thus, diploid and triploid Taraxacum section Ruderalia are less genetically isolated than has previously been supposed and probably form a cohesive evolutionary unit with the level at which gene pools are shared differing by population.  相似文献   

The spatial population structure of the pond-living water beetle Dineutus assimilis (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae) was investigated through a field study of population dynamics and dispersal, with a concurrent assessment of the spatial distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP). A comprehensive 2-yr survey within a 60-km2 study area revealed pronounced fluctuations in local abundances, including extinctions and colonizations. The recapture of marked individuals showed that dispersal among ponds is frequent in both males and females and connects populations on a large geographic scale (maximum observed flight distance: 20 km). The population structure of D. assimilis is thus characterized by both pronounced genetic drift and frequent gene flow. Together, these two forces generate a pattern of very local and transient genetic differentiation. Mitochondrial DNA samples collected within a few kilometers indicate highly significant spatial structure, if newly founded demes or those that experienced recent bottlenecks are included. These results based on four demes within the study area were placed into a regional context by further samples collected at distances of 100 km and 200 km. Fst estimates computed on increasing spatial scales were variable but showed no increasing trend. Thus, gene flow exerts a strong homogenizing force over a wide geographic range but is counteracted locally by genetic drift. These findings highlight the need to supplement estimates of Fst with additional data to arrive at valid interpretations of the genetic information. More generally, this study raises questions about how to capture the relevant features of dynamic, subdivided populations to understand their evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

We examined clonal diversity and the distribution of both clonal and sexual genotypes in a single population of freshwater snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in which diploid sexual individuals and triploid parthenogens coexist. A genetic analysis of individuals from three habitat zones in Lake Alexandrina, New Zealand revealed extremely high clonal diversity: 165 genotypes among 605 clonal individuals. The frequency of triploid clonal individuals increased with increasing depth in the lake, and most of the individual clones were habitat specific, suggesting that differences among habitats are important in structuring the clonal subpopulation. There were also high levels of clonal diversity within habitats, suggesting frequent origins of habitat-specific clones. In contrast, diploid sexual individuals were proportionately more common in the shallow regions of the lake (where infection by trematode larvae is highest), and there was no significant spatial structure in the sexual subpopulation. We suggest that habitat specialization by clones, as well as parasite-mediated selection against common clones, are important factors affecting the structure of this mixed population of sexual and clonal snails.  相似文献   

Clonal kelp taxa may reproduce both sexually and vegetatively resulting in a potential trade‐off in the allocation of acquired carbon and nitrogen resources. Such trade‐offs may dictate a different response of clonal kelps to varying environmental conditions relative to aclonal kelp taxa. Laboratory temperature and nutrient manipulation experiments demonstrated that investment in sexual and vegetative reproduction in Laminaria sinclairii (Harv. ex Hook. f. et Harv.) Farl., C. L. Anderson et D. C. Eaton was regulated by different abiotic factors. Sorus production (investment in sexual reproduction) and blade growth were significantly higher at 12°C compared to 17°C, regardless of nutrient concentration. Net carbon storage and depletion in rhizomes were observed in the low‐ and high‐temperature treatments, respectively, suggesting that carbon stores were not responsible for increased growth. Rhizome elongation (investment in vegetative reproduction), on the other hand, was significantly higher in 12 μM NO3? than in 2 μM NO3?, irrespective of temperature. This increase in rhizome growth was concurrent with elevated rhizome percent tissue nitrogen levels also observed in treatments with higher nutrients, again indicating a growth response to treatment independent of previous nutrient stores. These results suggest that regulation of growth and investment in sexual reproduction in L. sinclairii is similar to that in aclonal kelps (i.e., warmer temperatures result in decreased reproductive output). Additionally, depletion of carbon and nitrogen from rhizomes in suboptimal conditions confirms the role of clonal kelp rhizomes in carbon and nutrient storage.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments conducted over two seasons, we used arrays of experimental populations to examine the effects of flower number and distance between patches on gene flow by pollen. For this study we used the dioecious, short-lived perennial plant Silene alba (Caryophyllaceae). This species lives in disturbed roadside and agricultural habitats and displays a weedy population dynamic with high colonization and extinction rates. The motivation for the study was to understand what factors may be influencing genetic connectedness among newly colonized populations within a regional metapopulation. By using experimental populations composed of genotypes homozygous at a diagnostic locus, it was possible to identify explicitly pollen movement into a focal patch as a function of flower number and distance to the nearest neighboring patch. Overall, the mean immigration rate (measured as the fraction of seeds sired by males outside the focal patch) at 20 m was just over 47%, whereas at 80 m immigration rates were less than 6%. In addition, by knowing the context in which each of these gene-flow events occurred, it was possible to understand some of the factors that influenced the exchange of genes. Both the number of flowers in the focal population (target) and in the neighboring populations (source) had a significant effect on the frequency of gene flow. Our experimental data also demonstrate that factors that influence gene flow at one spatial scale may not act in the same way at another. Specifically, the influence of target size and the relative size of the target and source patches on rates of gene flow depended on whether the patches were separated by 20 m or 80 m. These data suggest that the patterns of gene flow within a metapopulation system can be complex and may vary within a growing season.  相似文献   

The giant kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ingens (Heteromyidae), is an endangered rodent that inhabits approximately 3% of its estimated historic range. Its current distribution is centered in two geographic areas, situated about 150 km apart, in south-central California. We sequenced a 293 base-pair fragment at the 5' end of the control region in 95 giant kangaroo rats from nine localities to examine the genetic structure of extant populations. We determine that mutations in this section of the control region follow a negative binominal distribution, rather than a Poisson. However, the distance between haplotypes is small enough that the difference between a tree that corrects for the non-Poisson distribution of mutations and one that does not, is minimal. This implies that the use of methods that assume a Poisson distribution of mutations, such as those based on coalescent theory, are justified. We find that the correlation between levels of genetic diversity and estimated census size is poor. This suggests that population sizes have fluctuated over time or that populations have not been isolated from one another, or both. We also examine the hierarchical structure of populations and find that the southern populations are not genetically subdivided but that there is significant subdivision between northern and southern populations and between some northern subpopulations. The phylogeographic relationship between northern and southern populations can primarily be attributed to isolation by distance, although the time since divergence between them appears to be less than the age of either. To examine the phylogeographic relationships in more detail we construct a minimum spanning tree based on Tamura-Nei gamma-corrected distances and superimpose on it the geographic position of haplotypes. This reveals that there is more genetic distance between some northern haplotypes than between any northern and southern haplotypes, despite the geographic distance separating north from south and the larger size of the southern population. It also reveals that one northern population, in the Panoche Valley, contains old allelic lineages and shares ancestral polymorphism with several other populations. It also shows that two, small, geographically remote populations contain a surprising amount of genetic diversity, but that different population/geographic processes have affected the structure of that diversity. We estimate the average migration rate among all populations to be 7.5 per generation, and conclude that a disproportionate number of migration events involve gene flow with one northern population, the Panoche Valley. We find evidence for the hypothesis that there has been an increase in population size in the remaining populations in the north and suggest that the Panoche Valley could play a role in these expansions. Finally we discuss the probabilitiy that the genetic structure of the southern populations has been affected by fluctuations in size. These results are briefly compared to other studies on the genetic structure of rodent populations.  相似文献   

Our study of the genetic structure of Mazzaella laminarioides (Bory) Fredericq (Gigartinales) in the central Chilean region documented a high level of genetic diversity based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and indicated the occurrence of significant genetic structure at different spatial scales. A total of 288 haploid gametophytes was analyzed with 17 polymorphic RAPD bands, which produced 202 distinct multilocus genotypes. Within stands, mean gene diversity ranged from 0.210 to 0.249 and no significant linkage disequilibrium could be detected among pairs of alleles, revealing that recombination (sexual reproduction) regularly shuffles the genes at that scale. Analysis of molecular variance within stands (less than 30 m) showed that the structure was very low, only marginally significant, and did not increase with increasing hierarchical levels at this lowest spatial scale. In contrast, at a larger spatial scale (among stands, from 5 to 60 km), increasing geographical distance seemed to account for increasing isolation between populations even if natural barriers, such as sandy beaches or river estuaries, may play a role in such isolation. Moreover, the strong genetic differentiation occurring between locations separated by 60 km allowed the assignment of individuals to their original population through a canonical discriminant analysis. This approach further allowed the identification of potential recent migrants from one population to the other. Thus, in species like M. laminarioides for which the dominance of RAPD markers can be avoided by selecting haploid individuals, RAPD analysis appeared to be specially appropriate for the study of genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Few studies have determined how gene flow and selection interact to generate population genetic structure in heterogeneous environments. One way to identify the potential role played by natural selection is to compare patterns of spatial genetic structure between different life cycle stages and among microenvironments. We examined patterns of spatial structure in a population of the snow buttercup (Ranunculus adoneus), using both adult plants and newly emerged seedlings. The study population spans a steep environmental gradient caused by gradual melting of snow within a permanent snowbed. Early-melting sites are characterized by denser vegetation, more fertile soils, and a longer growing season than late-melting sites tens of meters away. The flowering time of R. adoneus is controlled entirely by time of snowmelt, so the contiguous population is phenologically substructured into a series of successively flowering cohorts, reducing the opportunity for direct pollen transfer between early- and late-melting sites. For four highly polymorphic enzyme loci in this tetraploid species, there was subtle, but statistically significant, genetic differentiation between early, middle, and late-melting cohorts; adults usually showed greater differentiation among snowmelt zones than did seedlings. At two loci in adults and one locus in seedlings, homozygotes were more common than predicted at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, even when assuming maximum levels of double reduction during meiosis. This pattern suggests the occurrence of self-fertilization and/or population substructure. To determine how spatial isolation and phenological separation each contribute to genetic substructure, we used bivariate regression models to predict the numbers of allele differences between randomly paired individuals as a function of meters separation in space and days separation in flowering time. For newly emerged seedlings, we found that spatial separation was positively associated with genetic difference, but that the additional contribution of phenological separation to genetic difference was not significant. This implies that seeds and/or pollen move effectively across the snowmelt gradient, despite differences in flowering time. As was true for seedlings, spatial separation between paired adults contributed to greater genetic difference, but for a given spatial separation, the genetic difference between adult plants was reduced by phenological separation. This result implies that postemergence selection is favoring at least some seeds that migrate across the snowmelt gradient. Directional gene flow across the snowmelt gradient probably results from a genetic source-sink interaction, that is, the colonization of ecologically marginal late-melting sites by high quality seeds produced by the larger subpopulation in early-melting sites. Effective gene flow from high to low quality microenvironments is likely to impede adaptation to late-melting locations.  相似文献   

 居群遗传结构的形成受到各种因素的影响。其中, 繁殖方式可能对居群内遗传变异有极其重要的意义, 而距离隔离也是居群间变异产 生的主要原因之一。异果舞花姜(Globba racemosa)具有混合繁殖策略(以种子进行有性繁殖和以珠芽进行无性克隆繁殖)。调查分布于云南的7 个异果舞花姜居群间有性与无性克隆繁殖的差异。采用ISSR标记研究各个居群的遗传多样性与克隆多样性, 探讨繁殖方式和距离隔离对居群遗 传结构的影响。调查结果表明, 异果舞花姜各个居群存在一定的繁殖差异。ISSR结果显示, 该种在种水平上呈现较高水平的遗传变异 (PPB=71.19%), 大部分的变异来自于居群间(GST = 0.590 7)。同时, 异果舞花姜具有较高水平克隆多样性(G/N = 0.88)。遗传多样性和克隆多 样性与繁殖水平的变异间相关性不明显, 说明繁殖方式不是居群遗传结构形成的必要和决定性的因素。居群间的地理距离与遗传距离显著相关 (r = 0.68, p < 0.05), 表明距离隔离是居群间遗传变异形成的重要原因。其它因素(如少量新有性个体的补充、细胞突变、奠基效应等)也对 异果舞花姜居群遗传结构的形成和维持起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

Gene flow and the genetic structure of host and parasite populations are critical to the coevolutionary process, including the conditions under which antagonistic coevolution favors sexual reproduction. Here we compare the genetic structures of different populations of a freshwater New Zealand snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) with its trematode parasite (Microphallus sp.) using allozyme frequency data. Allozyme variation among snail populations was found to be highly structured among lakes; but for the parasite there was little allozyme structure among lake populations, suggesting much higher levels of parasite gene flow. The overall pattern of variation was confirmed with principal component analysis, which also showed that the organization of genetic differentiation for the snail (but not the parasite) was strongly related to the geographic arrangement of lakes. Some snail populations from different sides of the Alps near mountain passes were more similar to each other than to other snail populations on the same side of the Alps. Furthermore, genetic distances among parasite populations were correlated with the genetic distances among host populations, and genetic distances among both host and parasite populations were correlated with “stepping-stone” distances among lakes. Hence, the host snail and its trematode parasite seem to be dispersing to adjacent lakes in a stepping-stone fashion, although parasite dispersal among lakes is clearly greater. High parasite gene flow should help to continuously reintroduce genetic diversity within local populations where strong selection might otherwise isolate “host races.” Parasite gene flow can thereby facilitate the coevolutionary (Red Queen) dynamics that confer an advantage to sexual reproduction by restoring lost genetic variation.  相似文献   

羊草种群年龄结构及无性繁殖对策的分析   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
天然割草场羊草 ( Aneurolepidium chinense( Trin.) Kitag.)种群的生殖枝中有 87%为冬性植株。羊草分蘖节最老为 4龄 ,其生活时间可达 5个年度。在分蘖节成株的年龄结构中 ,1、2龄株占绝对优势 ,其所占比重达 92 .5 %。 1龄株生产力最高 ,至 3龄株生活力已明显衰弱。割草场羊草种群为增长型与稳定型混合的年龄结构类型。综合分析了羊草以根茎顶端成株调节种群年龄结构的无性繁殖对策 ,以及羊草草地自然持续更新的生物生态学机制  相似文献   

We used spatial autocorrelation of allele frequencies to examine local structure in a population of bannertailed kangaroo rats for which Wright's isolation-by-distance model seems applicable, and for which we can estimate neighborhood size based on 10 years of data on demography and dispersal. The uniform dispersion and strong philopatric tendencies of this species provide a test case for the idea that restricted dispersal can lead to local genetic structure in small mammals. Whether we considered such complications as nonnormal dispersal distances, variation in lifetime reproductive success, fluctuating population density, and adult as well as juvenile dispersal, our estimate of effective population size was fewer than 15 animals. Nevertheless, data from four polymorphic allozyme loci analyzed over a range of separations between 50 m (approximately one home range diameter) and 1,000 m detected no evidence for spatial clustering of alleles. One resolution of this apparent paradox is that “gamete dispersal,” caused by the movements of males away from their residences during the breeding season, may be a significant (and unmeasured) component of gene dispersal. Our analyses also demonstrate that a decline in population density may actually increase neighborhood size. A more general implication is that even extremely philopatric mammals have effective population sizes large enough to prevent the development of local genetic structure.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Introduced species often possess low levels of genetic diversity relative to source populations as a consequence of the small population sizes associated with founder events. Additionally, native and introduced populations of the same species can possess divergent genetic structuring at both large and small geographic scales. Thus, genetic systems that have evolved in the context of high diversity may function quite differently in genetically homogeneous introduced populations. Here we conduct a genetic analysis of native and introduced populations of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) in which we show that the population‐level changes that have occurred during introduction have produced marked changes in the social structure of this species. Native populations of the Argentine ant are characterized by a pattern of genetic isolation by distance, whereas this pattern is absent in introduced populations. These differences appear to arise both from the effects of recent range expansion in the introduced range as well as from differences in gene flow within each range. Relatedness within nests and colonies is lower in the introduced range than in the native range as a consequence of the widespread genetic similarity that typifies introduced populations. In contrast, nestmates and colony‐mates in the native range are more closely related, and local genetic differentiation is evident. Our results shed light on the problem posed for kin selection theory by the low levels of relatedness that are characteristic of many unicolonial species and suggest that the loss of genetic variation may be a common mechanism for the transition to a unicolonial colony structure.  相似文献   

To estimate the relative importance of genetic drift, the effective population size ???(Ne) can be used. Here we present estimates of the effective population size and related measures in Astrocaryum mexicanum, a tropical palm from Los Tuxtlas rain forest, Veracruz, Mexico. Seed and pollen dispersal were measured. Seeds are primarily dispersed by gravity and secondarily dispersed by small mammals. Mean primary and secondary dispersal distances for seeds were found to be small (0.78 m and 2.35 m, respectively). A. mexicanum is beetle pollinated and pollen movements were measured by different methods: a) using fluorescent dyes, b) as the minimum distance between active female and male inflorescences, and c) using rare allozyme alleles as genetic markers. All three estimates of pollen dispersal were similar, with a mean of approximately 20 m. Using the seed and pollen dispersal data, the genetic neighborhood area (A) was estimated to be 2,551 m2. To obtain the effective population size, three different overlapping generation methods were used to estimate an effective density with demographic data from six permanent plots. The effective density ranged from 0.040 to 0.351 individuals per m2. The product of effective density and neighborhood area yields a direct estimate of the neighborhood effective population size (Nb). Nb ranged from 102 to 895 individuals. Indirect estimates of population size and migration rate (Nm) were obtained using Fst for five different allozymic loci for both adults and seeds. We obtained a range of Nm from 1.2 to 19.7 in adults and a range of Nm from 4.0 to 82.6 for seeds. We discuss possible causes of the smaller indirect estimates of Nm relative to the direct and compare our estimates with values from other plant populations. Gene dispersal distances, neighborhood size, and effective population size in A. mexicanum are relatively high, suggesting that natural selection, rather than genetic drift, may play a dominant role in patterning the genetic variation in this tropical palm.  相似文献   

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