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Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) defend themselves against attack by vertebrate predators by exuding a fluid from the femero-tibial joints. This fluid carries a noxious or toxic alkaloid. The amount of fluid produced during a single attack can be very high (up to 20% of fresh body weight), and the weight of the self-synthesized alkaloid can amount to several percent of the weight of the fluid. A study was carried out on these two defense characters and two other fitness characters (body weight and growth rate) to demonstrate a cost to defense in the form of genetic trade-offs between characters. The two sexes were analyzed separately, and a jackknife procedure was used to attach errors to the estimates of Va and cova. All four characters were associated with high levels of Va, but the cova values were mixed, some being negative and others positive. Principal-component analysis indicated the operation of factors constraining the cova values in males, and further possible reasons for the appearance of so many positive values are explored. A matrix analysis showed that the genetic variance/covariance matrices of the two sexes were significantly different from each other. Breeding values derived from sons plotted on breeding values from daughters had correlation coefficients significantly less than +1. This finding indicated that a substantial amount of sex-dependent gene expression was occurring.  相似文献   

Several recent studies document that specialist insect phytophages may be less subject to predation than generalists and suggest that hostplant-derived chemical defences may be an important explanation for the predominance of specialized feeding among insect herbivores. The evolution of such chemical defences depends upon both their advantages versus natural enemies and their physiological costs, but data on these costs, particularly genetic data, are few. Here I report the results of an ecological genetic investigation of food use efficiency and allelochemical sequestration in Junonia coenia Hu¨bner (Nymphalidae). I used standard gravimetric techniques to estimate the efficiency of dry matter incorporation and iridoid glycoside sequestration in the larvae of 37 full-sib families fed artificial diets containing trace, low (2%) and high (10%) concentrations of iridoid glycosides. I found a significant reduction in the efficiency of dry matter incorporation on a high iridoid diet that is entirely attributable to reduced digestibility rather than post-digestive toxic effects. Larvae fed high-iridoid diets sequestered them less efficiently, but this difference was due largely to post-digestive effects. Analyses of genetic variation and architecture of dry matter and iridoid budgets reveal substantial genetic variation in both suites of traits, but only chemical defence showed a significant genotype×environment interaction which would be conducive to the evolution of specialization. Neither group of traits showed across-diet trade-offs in the form of negative correlations of family means among diets. Family means correlations of sequestration indices with dry matter indices within diets reveals that chemical defence comes at a cost to growth, but only in the high diet. I also found evidence of specialized physiological machinery for iridoid glycoside processing. These data indicate that even adapted specialists are negatively affected by plant toxins, but in this species, dietary specialization is more likely to result from selection from natural enemies than from hostplant toxins.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity has often been implicated in the maintenance of genetic variation. However, previous research has not considered how environmental heterogeneity might affect the rate of adaptation to a novel environment. In this study, I used an insect-plant system to test the hypothesis that heterogeneous environments maintain more genetic variation in fitness components in a novel environment than do uniform environments. To manipulate recent ecological history, replicate populations of the dipteran leafminer Liriomyza trifolii were maintained for 20 generations in one of three treatments: a heterogeneous environment that contained five species of host plant, and two uniform environments that contained either a susceptible chrysanthemum or tomato. The hypothesis that greater genetic variance for survivorship and developmental time on a new host plant (a leafminer-resistant chrysanthemum) would be maintained in the heterogeneous treatment relative to the uniform environments was then tested with a sib-analysis and a natural selection experiment. Populations from the heterogeneous host plant treatment had no greater genetic variance in either larval survivorship or developmental time on the new host than did populations from either of the other treatments. Moreover, the rate of adaptation to the new host did not differ between the ecological history treatments, although the populations from the uniform chrysanthemum treatment had higher mean survivorship throughout the selection experiment. The estimates of the heritability of larval survivorship from the sib-analysis and selection experiment were quite similar. These results imply that ecologically realistic levels of environmental heterogeneity will not necessarily maintain more genetic variance than uniform environments when traits expressed in a particular novel environment are considered.  相似文献   

A trypsin‐like proteinase was purified and characterized in the midgut of Ectomyelois ceratoniae. A purification process that used Sepharyl G‐100 and DEAE‐cellulose fast flow chromatographies revealed a proteinase with specific activity of 66.7 μmol/min/mg protein, recovery of 27.04 and purification fold of 23.35. Molecular weight of the purified protein was found to be 35.8 kDa. Optimal pH and temperature were obtained 9 and 20°C for the purified trypsin proteinase, respectively. The purified enzyme was significantly inhibited by PMSF, TLCK, and SBTI as specific inhibitors of trypsins in which TLCK showed the highest inhibitory effect. Trypsin proteinase inhibitors were extracted from four varieties of pomegranate including Brait, Torsh‐Sabz, May‐Khosh, and Shirin by ion exchange chromatography. It was found that fractions 17–20 of Brait; fractions 18 and 21–26 of Torsh‐Sabz; fractions 1–7, 11–17, and 19–21 of May‐Khosh and fraction 8 for Shirin showed presence of trypsin inhibitor in these host. Comparison of their inhibitory effects on the purified trypsin proteinase of E. ceratoniae demonstrated that fractions from May‐khosh variety had the highest effect on the enzyme among other extracted fractions. Characterization of serine proteinases of insects mainly trypsins is one of the promising methods to decrease population and damages via extracting their inhibitors and providing resistant varieties.  相似文献   

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