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Association of spectrin with desmin intermediate filaments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The association of erythrocyte spectrin with desmin filaments was investigated using two in vitro assays. The ability of spectrin to promote the interaction of desmin filaments with membranes was investigated by electron microscopy of desmin filament-erythrocyte inside-out vesicle preparations. Desmin filaments bound to erythrocyte inside-out vesicles in a spectrin-dependent manner, demonstrating that spectrin is capable of mediating the association of desmin filaments with plasma membranes. A quantitative sedimentation assay was used to demonstrate the direct association of spectrin with desmin filaments in vitro. When increasing concentrations of spectrin were incubated with desmin filaments, spectrin cosedimented with desmin filaments in a concentration-dependent manner. At near saturation the spectrin:desmin molar ratio in the sedimented complex was 1:230. Our results suggest that, in addition to its well characterized associations with actin, spectrin functions to mediate the association of intermediate filaments with plasma membranes. It might be that nonerythrocyte spectrins share erythrocyte spectrin's ability to bind to intermediate filaments and function in nonerythroid cells to promote the interaction of intermediate filaments with actin filaments and/or the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IFs) play a key role in the control of cell structure and morphology, cell mechano-responses, migration, proliferation, and apoptosis. However, the mechanisms regulating IFs organization in motile adhesive cells under certain physical/pathological conditions remain to be fully understood. In this study, we found hypo-osmotic–induced stress results in a dramatic but reversible rearrangement of the IF network. Vimentin and nestin IFs are partially depolymerized as they are redistributed throughout the cell cytoplasm after hypo-osmotic shock. This spreading of the IFs requires an intact microtubule network and the motor protein associated transportation. Both nocodazole treatment and depletion of kinesin-1 (KIF5B) block the hypo-osmotic shock–induced rearrangement of IFs showing that the dynamic behavior of IFs largely depends on microtubules and kinesin-dependent transport. Moreover, we show that cell survival rates are dramatically decreased in response to hypo-osmotic shock, which was more severe by vimentin IFs depletion, indicating its contribution to osmotic endurance. Collectively, these results reveal a critical role of vimentin IFs under hypotonic stress and provide evidence that IFs are important for the defense mechanisms during the osmotic challenge.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IFs) are structural elements of eukaryotic cells with distinct mechanical properties. Tissue integrity is severely impaired, in particular in skin and muscle, when IFs are either absent or malfunctioning due to mutations. Our knowledge on the mechanical properties of IFs is mainly based on tensile testing of macroscopic fibers and on the rheology of IF networks. At the single filament level, the only piece of data available is a measure of the persistence length of vimentin IFs. Here, we have employed an atomic force microscopy (AFM) based protocol to directly probe the mechanical properties of single cytoplasmic IFs when adsorbed to a solid support in physiological buffer environment. Three IF types were studied in vitro: recombinant murine desmin, recombinant human keratin K5/K14 and neurofilaments isolated from rat brains, which are composed of the neurofilament triplet proteins NF-L, NF-M and NF-H. Depending on the experimental conditions, the AFM tip was used to laterally displace or to stretch single IFs on the support they had been adsorbed to. Upon applying force, IFs were stretched on average 2.6-fold. The maximum stretching that we encountered was 3.6-fold. A large reduction of the apparent filament diameter was observed concomitantly. The observed mechanical properties therefore suggest that IFs may indeed function as mechanical shock absorbers in vivo.  相似文献   

Thrombic digestion of chicken gizzard desmin resulted in the cleavage of six arginyl bonds in the desmin molecule (at arginine residues 27, 33, 48, 59, 67 and 96), all of which are located in the N-terminal globular domain of the molecule. The large thrombic fragment (residues 97–463) of desmin isolated from this digest, which contains the central rod and C-terminal non-helical regions of desmin, was found to form filamentous structures indistinguishable from those of intact desmin. These results indicate that, in contrast to previous predictions, the N-terminal domain of desmin is not essential for intermediate filament formation.  相似文献   

Summary A primary culture of serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary was used to study the expression of intermediate filament proteins and the deposition of basal lamina proteins. It was found that cells grown on type I and IV collagens or in collagen gels failed to express vimentin, which was readily demonstrable in cultures of the same cells grown on plastic or glass. Furthermore cells grown in collagen gels formed colonies demonstrating a cystic architecture Unlike what is commonly observed on glass or plastic where laminin and fibronectin are deposited as disorganized fibrils in the extracellular space, in or on collagen these proteins appear solely at the interface between the epithelial cells and matrix. The results suggest that the extracellular matrix influences the cytoskeletal organization of the intermediate filaments and determines cell polarity. They confirm that collagen substrates permit epithelial cell cultures to progress toward a more differentiated state. Supported by grants from the Italian Assciation for Cancer Research (AIRC).  相似文献   

Taxol, a microtubule stabilizing agent, has been extensively investigated for its antitumor activity. The cytotoxic effect of taxol is generally attributed to its antimicrotubule activity and is believed to be cell cycle dependent. Herein, we report that taxol induces hyperphosphorylation and reorganization of the vimentin intermediate filament in 9L rat brain tumor cells, in concentration- and time-dependent manner. Phosphorylation of vimentin was maximum at 10−6 M of taxol treatment for 8 h and diminished at higher (10−5 M) concentration. Enhanced phosphorylation of vimentin was detectable at 2 h treatment with 10−6 M taxol and was maximum after 12 h of treatment. Taxol-induced phosphorylation of vimentin was largely abolished in cells pretreated with staurosporine and bisindolymaleimide but was unaffected by H-89, KT-5926, SB203580, genistein, and olomoucine. Thus, protein kinase C may be involved in this process. Hyperphosphorylation of vimentin was accompanied by rounding up of cells as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Moreover, there was a concomitant reorganization of the vimentin intermediate filament in the taxol-treated cells, whereas the microtubules and the actin microfilaments were less affected. Taken together, our data demonstrate that taxol induces hyperphosphorylation of vimentin with concomitant reorganization of the vimentin intermediate filament and that this process may be mediated via a protein kinase C signaling pathway. J. Cell Biochem. 68:472–483, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IFs), together with actin filaments and microtubules, compose the cytoskeleton. Among other functions, IFs impart mechanical stability to cells when exposed to mechanical stress and act as a support when the other cytoskeletal filaments cannot keep the structural integrity of the cells. Here we present a study on the bending properties of single vimentin IFs in which we used an atomic force microscopy (AFM) tip to elastically deform single filaments hanging over a porous membrane. We obtained a value for the bending modulus of non-stabilized IFs between 300 MPa and 400 MPa. Our results together with previous ones suggest that IFs present axial sliding between their constitutive building blocks and therefore have a bending modulus that depends on the filament length. Measurements of glutaraldehyde-stabilized filaments were also performed to reduce the axial sliding between subunits and therefore provide a lower limit estimate of the Young's modulus of the filaments. The results show an increment of two to three times in the bending modulus for the stabilized IFs with respect to the non-stabilized ones, suggesting that the Young's modulus of vimentin IFs should be around 900 MPa or higher.  相似文献   

A complex of three proteins (of 80, 70, 58 kDa-p80, p70, and p58, respectively) with the ability to bind alphoid DNA (alpha-satDNA) was revealed by gel mobility shift assay (GMSA) in human nuclear matrix. The probes of the alpha-satDNA bound in the GMSA with the greatest specificity, but the complex was capable of binding human satellite 3 fragment. According to ion exchange and affinity chromatography, the complex includes two DNA-binding proteins, p70 and p80, and a non-DNA-binding one, p58, which enhances the specificity of binding to the alpha-satDNA. GMSA, SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting showed that the lamins, as well as constitutive centromeric proteins (CENP-A, CENP-B, CENP-C, CENP-G), were not incorporated into the complex. It was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation assay that p70 and, probably p58, share a common antigen determinant with the rod domain of intermediate filaments (IF) proteins. The results obtained indicate that the nuclear matrix contains at least one IF-related protein that is able to bind specifically to alpha-satDNA in vitro and that this protein is distinct from the lamins.  相似文献   

Co-migration experiments by two-dimensional SDS-PAGE using chicken spinal cord extracts and desmin purified from chicken gizzard showed that desmin is not present in spinal cord. However, by the immunoblotting procedure, desmin antibodies recognized 3 spinal cord antigens with different molecular weights and isoelectric points than desmin and the glial fibrillary acidic (GFA) protein. These antigens which also reacted with GFA protein antibodies were not identified in chicken gizzard extracts. The reactivity of the antigens with a monoclonal antibody recognizing an epitope common to most intermediate filament proteins (1) suggests that immunostaining of astrocytes with desmin antibodies (2, 3) is due to the presence of new intermediate filament proteins immunologically related to desmin.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras  相似文献   

The animal cell cytoskeleton consists of three interconnected filament systems: actin-containing microfilaments (MFs), microtubules (MTs), and the lesser known intermediate filaments (IFs). All IF proteins share a common tripartite domain structure and the ability to assemble into 8-12 nm wide filaments. Electron microscopy data suggest that IFs are built according to a completely different plan from that of MFs and MTs. IFs are known to impart mechanical stability to cells and tissues but, until recently, the biomechanical properties of single IFs were unknown. However, with the discovery of naturally occurring micrometer-wide IF bundles and the development of new methodologies to mechanically probe single filaments, it is now possible to propose a more unified view of IF biomechanics. Unlike MFs and MTs, single IFs can now be described as flexible, extensible and tough, which has important implications for our understanding of cell and tissue mechanics. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms at play when IFs are deformed point toward a pivotal role for them in mechanotransduction.  相似文献   

The adhesion of microvascular endothelial cells to their underlying basement membrane is important for the maintenance of vascular integrity. Most integrins function in endothelial cell adhesion by forming a transmembrane link between their basement membrane ligand and the actin microfilament cytoskeleton. The alpha 6 beta 4 laminin-binding integrin, however, associates with vimentin intermediate filaments (IFs) in microvascular endothelial cells and therefore is likely to uniquely contribute to the barrier function of the endothelium. In this study, we examined the regulation of alpha 6 beta 4-vimentin IF association. We first tested the requirement for alpha 6 beta 4-laminin interactions and actin microfilament assembly. We found that alpha 6 beta 4 associated with vimentin IFs when cells were adherent to either laminin 5 or fibronectin, indicating that this association can occur independent of alpha 6 beta 4-ligand interactions. Additionally, we found that alpha 6 beta 4 was associated with vimentin IFs prior to cell spreading, indicating that changes in the microfilament cytoskeleton associated with changes in cell shape are also not required. Thus, although the association of alpha 6 beta 4 with vimentin IFs may strengthen cell adhesion by providing endothelial cells with an additional transmembrane linkage between the basement membrane and the cytoskeleton, this association is not itself regulated by alpha 6 beta 4-mediated adhesion. Finally, we tested the role of plectin in the association of alpha 6 beta 4 with vimentin IFs. Plectin is known to bind in vitro to both IFs and the beta 4 cytoplasmic domain (beta 4 tail), suggesting that it may be important for this linkage. Therefore, we generated deletion mutants of the beta 4 tail and compared the ability of alpha 6 beta 4 containing these deletions to associate with vimentin IFs. We targeted the two regions of the beta 4 tail known to bind to plectin IN VITRO: the N-terminal and C-terminal plectin binding sites. We found that deletion of the N-terminal binding site inhibited the association of alpha 6 beta 4 with vimentin IFs. Thus, plectin-beta 4 tail interactions may play an important role in connecting alpha 6 beta 4 with vimentin IFs and may prove to be important targets in the regulation of this association in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Five different type I keratins from a teleost fish, the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, have been sequenced by cDNA cloning and identified at the protein level by peptide mass mapping using MALDI-MS. This showed that the entire range of type I keratins detected biochemically in this fish has now been sequenced. Three of the keratins are expressed in the epidermis (subtype Ie), whereas the other two occur in simple epithelia and mesenchymal cells (subtype Is). Among the Is keratins is an ortholog of human K18; the second Is polypeptide is clearly distinct from K18. We raised a new monoclonal antibody (F1F2, subclass IgG1) that specifically recognizes trout Is keratins, with negative reactions on zebrafish. A phylogenetic tree has been constructed from a multiple alignment of the rod domains of the new sequences together with type I sequences from other vertebrates such as shark, zebrafish, and human; a recently sequenced lamprey Is keratin was applied as outgroup. This tree shows one branch defining the K18 orthologs and a second branch containing all other type I keratins (mostly subtype Ie). Within this second branch, the teleost keratins form a separate, highly bootstrap-supported twig. This tree leaves little doubt that the teleost Ie keratins diversified independently from the mammalian Ie keratins.  相似文献   

From a teleost fish, the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, we have cloned and sequenced cDNAs encoding five different type II keratins. The corresponding protein spots, as separated by 2D-PAGE of trout cytoskeletal preparations, have been identified by peptide mass mapping using MALDI mass spectrometry. Three of the sequenced keratins are expressed in the epidermis (subtype IIe), and two in simple epithelia and mesenchymal cells (subtype IIs). The IIs keratins are both orthologs of human K8. This leaves unsequenced only the trace component S3 of the biochemically established trout keratin catalog. A phylogenetic tree has been constructed from a multiple alignment of the rod domains of the new keratin sequences together with type II sequences from other vertebrates such as shark, zebrafish, and human; lamprey K8 (recently sequenced in our laboratory) has been used as outgroup. This tree suggests, in a highly bootstrap-supported manner, that the teleost IIe keratins diversified independently from the mammalian IIe keratins. In contrast, all the species investigated express K8-like keratins, suggesting that the different IIe branches evolved from K8-like progenitors. The tree also indicates that the published zebrafish sequences represent IIe keratins and that the biochemically identified K8 ortholog in zebrafish has not yet been sequenced.  相似文献   

Nuclear lamins are a type of intermediate filament (IF) proteins. They have a characteristic tripartite domain structure with a α-helical rod domain flanked by non-α-helical N-terminal head and C-terminal tail domains. While the head domain has been shown to be important for the formation of head-to-tail polymers that are critical assembly intermediates for lamin IFs, essential structural elements in this domain have remained obscure. As a first step to remedy this, a series of mouse lamin A mutants in which the head domain (30 amino acid residues) was deleted stepwise from the N-terminus at intervals of 10 residues were bacterially expressed. The assembly properties in vitro of the purified recombinant proteins were explored by electron microscopy. We observed that while a lamin A mutant lacking N-terminal 10 residues formed head-to-tail polymers, a mutant lacking N-terminal 20 residues or the whole head domain (30 residues) showed significantly decreased potency to form head-to-tail polymers. These results suggest that the last 20 residues (from Arg-11 to Gln-30) of the head domain of mouse lamin A contain essential structures for the formation of head-to-tail polymers. The last 20 residues of the head domain include several conserved residues between A- and B-type lamins and also the phosphorylation site for cdc2 kinase, which affects lamin IF organization in vivo and in vitro. Our results provide clues to the molecular mechanism by which the head domain plays a crucial role in lamin polymerization.  相似文献   

Stress resilience behaviours in plants are defensive mechanisms that develop under adverse environmental conditions to promote growth, development and yield. Over the past decades, improving stress resilience, especially in crop species, has been a focus of intense research for global food security and economic growth. Plants have evolved specific mechanisms to sense external stress and transmit information to the cell interior and generate appropriate responses. Plant cytoskeleton, comprising microtubules and actin filaments, takes a center stage in stress-induced signalling pathways, either as a direct target or as a signal transducer. In the past few years, it has become apparent that the function of the plant cytoskeleton and other associated proteins are not merely limited to elementary processes of cell growth and proliferation, but they also function in stress response and resilience. This review summarizes recent advances in the role of plant cytoskeleton and associated proteins in abiotic stress management. We provide a thorough overview of the mechanisms that plant cells employ to withstand different abiotic stimuli such as hypersalinity, dehydration, high temperature and cold, among others. We also discuss the crucial role of the plant cytoskeleton in organellar positioning under the influence of high light intensity.  相似文献   

Mechanical cell properties play an important role in many basic biological functions, including motility, adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. There is a growing body of evidence that the mechanical cell phenotype can be used for detection and, possibly, treatment of various diseases, including cancer. Understanding of pathological mechanisms requires investigation of the relationship between constitutive properties and major structural components of cells, i.e., the nucleus and cytoskeleton. While the contribution of actin und microtubules to cellular rheology has been extensively studied in the past, the role of intermediate filaments has been scarcely investigated up to now. Here, for the first time we compare the effects of drug-induced disruption of actin and vimentin intermediate filaments on mechanical properties of suspended NK cells using high-throughput deformability measurements and computational modeling. Although, molecular mechanisms of actin and vimentin disruption by the applied cytoskeletal drugs, Cytochalasin-D and Withaferin-A, are different, cell softening in both cases can be attributed to reduction of the effective density and stiffness of filament networks. Our experimental data suggest that actin and vimentin deficient cells exhibit, in average, 41% and 20% higher deformability in comparison to untreated control. 3D Finite Element simulation is performed to quantify the contribution of cortical actin and perinuclear vimentin to mechanical phenotype of the whole cell. Our simulation provides quantitative estimates for decreased filament stiffness in drug-treated cells and predicts more than two-fold increase of the strain magnitude in the perinuclear vimentin layer of actin deficient cells relatively to untreated control. Thus, the mechanical function of vimentin becomes particularly essential in motile and proliferating cells that have to dynamically remodel the cortical actin network. These insights add functional cues to frequently observed overexpression of vimentin in diverse types of cancer and underline the role of vimentin targeting drugs, such as Withaferin-A, as a potent cancerostatic supplement.  相似文献   

Attempts at predicting the relative axial alignments of fibrous protein molecules in filamentous structures have relied upon representing the (multichain) molecular structure by a one-dimensional sequence of amino acids. Potential intermolecular ionic and apolar interactions were counted and determined as a function of the relative axial stagger between the molecules. No attempts were made to consider the azimuthal aspect of the interacting molecules and neither were apolar or ionic energy terms used. Surprisingly, this simple approach proved remarkably informative and yielded accurate predictions of the axial periods present. However, a more comprehensive analysis involving the energetics of aggregation taking due regard for the relative azimuths of the molecules as well as their separation should decrease the noise level in the calculations and reveal other pertinent information. Toward that end, we have modeled the interaction between two alpha-helical coiled-coil segments in intermediate filament molecules (1B segments from human vimentin). The relative axial alignment and polarity of the molecules is already known from detailed crosslinking studies and this provides a criterion against which the success (or otherwise) of the modeling can be judged. The results confirm that an antiparallel alignment of two 1B segments is preferred over any of the parallel options (as observed experimentally). The calculated axial alignment, however, is not identical to that observed from detailed crosslinking studies indicating that other parts of the molecule (probably the head and tail domains as well as other coiled-coil segments) have a crucial role in determining the precise mode of axial aggregation. The results also show that the apolar interactions seem to be significantly less important in the alignment process than the ionic ones. This is consistent with the observation of a well-defined period in the linear disposition of the charged (but not apolar) residues along the length of the outer surface of the vimentin molecule.  相似文献   

While it is known that plant roots can change their shapes to the stress direction, it remains unclear if the root orientation can change as a means for mechanical reinforcement. When stress in form of a unidirectional vibration is applied to cuttings of Populus nigra for 5 min a day over a period of 20 days, the root system architecture changes. The contribution of roots with a diameter larger than 0.04 cm increases, while the allocation to roots smaller than 0.03 cm decreases. In addition to the root diameter allocation, the root orientation in the stem proximity was analyzed by appearance and with a nematic tensor analysis in an attempt to calculate the average root orientation. The significant different allocation to roots with a larger diameter, and the tendency of roots to align in the vicinity of the stress axis (not significantly different), are indicating a mechanical reinforcement to cope with the received strain. This work indicates an adaptive root system architecture and a possible adaptive root orientation for mechanical reinforcement.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IFs) impart mechanical integrity to cells, yet IF mechanics are poorly understood. It is assumed that IFs in cells are as stiff as hard alpha-keratin, F-actin, and microtubules, but the high bending flexibility of IFs and the low stiffness of soft alpha-keratins suggest that hydrated IFs may be quite soft. To test this hypothesis, we measured the tensile mechanics of the keratin-like threads from hagfish slime, which are an ideal model for exploring the mechanics of IF bundles and IFs because they consist of tightly packed and aligned IFs. Tensile tests suggest that hydrated IF bundles possess low initial stiffness (E(i) = 6.4 MPa) and remarkable elasticity (up to strains of 0.34), which we attribute to soft elastomeric IF protein terminal domains in series with stiffer coiled coils. The high tensile strength (180 MPa) and toughness (130 MJ/m(3)) of IF bundles support the notion that IFs lend mechanical integrity to cells. Their long-range elasticity suggests that IFs may also allow cells to recover from large deformations. X-ray diffraction and congo-red staining indicate that post-yield deformation leads to an irreversible alpha-->beta conformational transition in IFs, which leads to plastic deformation, and may be used by cells as a mechanosensory cue.  相似文献   

Okadaic acid (OA), a protein phosphatase inhibitor, was found to induce hyperphosphorylation and reorganization of vimentin intermediate filaments in 9L rat brain tumor cells. The process was dose dependent. Vimentin phosphorylation was initially enhanced by 400 nM OA in 30 min and reached maximal level (about 26-fold) when cells were treated with 400 nM OA for 90 min. Upon removal of OA, dephosphorylation of the hyperphosphorylated vimentin was observed and the levels of phosphorylation returned to that of the controls after the cells recovered under normal growing conditions for 11 h. The phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of vimentin induced by OA concomitantly resulted in reversible reorganization of vimentin filaments and alteration of cell morphology. Cells rounded up as they were entering mitosis in the presence of OA and returned to normal appearance after 11 h of recovery. Immuno-staining with anti-vimentin antibody revealed that vimentin filaments were disassembled and clustered around the nucleus when the cells were treated with OA but subsequently returned to the filamentous states when OA was removed. Two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis further revealed that hyperphosphorylation of vimentin generated at least seven isoforms having different isoelectric points. Furthermore, the enhanced vimentin phosphorylation was accompanied by changes in the detergent-solubility of the protein. In untreated cells, the detergent-soluble and -insoluble vimentins were of equal amounts but the solubility could be increased when vimentins were hyperphosphorylated in the presence of OA. Taken together, the results indicated that OA could be involved in reversible hyperphosphorylation and reorganization of vimentin intermediate filaments, which may play an important role in the structure-function regulation of cytoskeleton in the cell.  相似文献   

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