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The filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs forms bundle or fake shaped aggregates which can provide buoyancy control, protection against intense illumination, enhancement of phycosphere nutrient regeneration, and which may result from size-selective herbivory by zooplankton. The dimensions of aggregates can change quickly. In this study, after a period of darkness, illumination caused aggregates to elongate approximately five-fold over a 10-15 min period. The metamorphosis was reversible upon cessation of illumination and through successive light-dark cycles. Manipulations of environmental oxygen concentration and photosystem Ü activity (via DCMU amendment), together with measurements made inside flakes with O2-sensitive microelectrocles, showed that the metamorphosis was a response to oxygen concentration and operated to enhance diffusive efflux of photosynthetically produced oxygen during illumination. During darkness oxygen concentration within contracted aggregates became severely depleted relative to the environment. We propose that metamorphic minimization of local oxygen concentration is an adaptation that enhances the ability of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae to fix atmospheric nitrogen via the oxygen-labile nitrogenase enzyme system.  相似文献   

P accumulation and metabolic pathway in N2-fixing Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb were investigated in P-sufficient (20 μMP) and P-limited (2 μMP) turbidostats in combined N-free medium. The cyanobacterium grew at its maximum rate (μmax, 1.13 d?1) at the high P concentration and at 65% of μmax under P limitation, with total cell P concentrations (QP) at steady states of 12.0 and 5.2 fmol·cell?1, respectively. At steady state, polyphosphates (PPi) accounted for only 3% of QP (0.4 fmol·cell?1) in P-rich cells. Its concentration in P-limited cells was 5.8% (0.3 fmol·cell?1). On the other hand, sugar P was very high at 22% of QP in P-rich cells and was undetectable in P-limited cells. Pulse chase experiments with 32P showed that P-rich cells initially incorporated the labeled P into the acid-soluble PPi fraction within the first few minutes and to a lesser extent into nucleotide P. Radioactivity in the PPi then declined rapidly with concomitant increases in sugar P and nucleotide P fractions. In contrast, in P-limited cells, no radiolabel was detected in acid-soluble PPi, and 32P was initially incorporated into nucleotide P, sugar P, and ortho P fractions. The latter two fractions then subsequently declined. Therefore, under N2-fixing conditions the cyanobacteria appeared to store P as sugar P and also utilize P through different pathways under P-rich and -limited conditions. When nitrate was supplied as the N source under P-sufficient conditions, PPi accounted for about 15% of steady-state QP, but no sugar P was detected. Therefore, the same organism stored P in different cell P fractions depending on its N sources.  相似文献   

Measurements of the gas vesicle space in steady-state light or phosphate-limited cultures of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs, strain 7905 showed that gas vesicle content decreased as energy-limited growth rate increased but was the same at several phosphate-limited growth rates. Upon a decrease in growth irradiance, gas vesicle content did increase in phosphate-limited cultures, but the cultures remained nonbuoyant as long as P was limiting. Buoyant, energy-limited cultures lost their buoyancy in less than 2 h when exposed to higher irradiances. The primary mechanism for buoyancy loss was the accumulation of polysaccharide as ballast. Collapse of gas vesicles by turgor pressure played a minor role in the loss of buoyancy. When cultures were exposed to higher irradiances, cells continued to synthesize gas vesicles at the same rate as before the shift for at least 1 generation time. The amount of ballast required to make individual filaments in the population sink varied 4-fold. This variation appears to be due to differences in gas vesicle content among individual filaments.  相似文献   

Measurements of the gas vesicle space in steady-state light or phosphate-limited cultures of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs, strain 7905 showed that gas vesicle content decreased as energy-limited growth rate increased hut was the same at several phosphate-limited growth rates. Upon a decrease in growth irradiance, gas vesicle content did increase in phosphate-limited cultures, hut the cultures remained nonbuoyant as long as P was limiting. Buoyant, energy-limited cultures lost their buoyancy in less than 2 h when exposed to higher irradiances. The primary mechanism for buoyancy loss was the accumulation of polysaccharide as ballast. Collapse of gas vesicles by turgor pressure played a minor role in the loss of buoyancy. When cultures were exposed to higher irradiances, cells continued to synthesize gas vesicles at the same rate as before the shift for at least 1 generation time. The amount of ballast required to make individual filaments in the population sink varied 4-fold. This variation appears to be due to differences in gas vesicle content among individual filaments.  相似文献   

Cultures of Trichodesmium NIBB 1067 were grown in the synthetic medium AQUIL with a range of iron added from none to 5 × 10?7 M Fe for 15 days. Chlorophyll-a, cell counts, and total cell volume were two or three times higher in medium with 10?7 M Fe than with no added Fe. Oxygen production rate per chlorophyll-a was over 60% higher with higher iron. Increased iron stimulated photosynthesis at all irradiances from about 12–250 μE · m?2· s?1. Nitrogen fixation rate, estimated from acetylene reduction, for 10?7 and 10?8 M Fe cultures was approximately twice that of the cultures with no added Fe. The range of rates of O2 production and N2 fixation in cultures at the iron concentrations we used were similar to the rates from natural samples of Trichodesmium from both the Atlantic, and the Pacific oceans. This similarity may allow this clone to be used, with some caution, for future physiological ecology studies. This study demonstrates the importance of iron to photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation and suggests that Trichodesmium plays a central role in the biogeochemical cycles of iron, carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

Iron availability may limit carbon and nitrogen fixation in the oceans. The freshwater cyanobacterium, Anabaena, was used as a laboratory model for the biochemical and physiological effects of iron. Increased iron nutrition, in the range of 10?8 M to 10?6 M resulted in increases of approximately four fold in carbon and nitrogen fixation rates. Chlorophyll concentration increased, and the relative amount of in vivo fluorescence was reduced with more iron. Natural samples of Trichodesmium, collected off Barbados and incubated with increased iron for two days, showed similar effects. Trichodesmium responded to iron additions indicating that it may be Fe limited in its natural environment. These responses to iron are consistent with the biochemical roles of iron in photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. The results are discussed in the geochemical context of the sporadic total iron input to tropical oceans and possible implications to spatial and temporal patterns of productivity.  相似文献   

To characterize the mobilization and uptake of iron by cyanobacteria, 14 species were screened for ability to scavenge iron in a competitive system. The cyanobacteria exhibited a range of growth responses to iron limitation which could be separated into three groups, and a representative species from each group was chosen for further study. Effects of iron-limitation on growth and siderophore production of Anacystis nidulans R2, Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413, and Plectonema boryanum UTEX 581 were determined. Both A. nidulans R2 and A. variabilis showed a reduced rate of growth with decreased available iron concentration (PFe 17–19). Growth rates increased with further reduction in the level of available iron (pFe 20 to pFe 21). The increase in growth rate occurred at the same available iron concentration as the initiation of extracellular siderophore production. In contrast, the growth of P. boryanum decreased with decreasing available iron levels. No siderophore production was detected from P. boryanum cultures. The growth kinetics of siderophore-producing species differ from traditional nutrient-limited growth kinetics and clearly reflect the presence of a high affinity, siderophore-mediated iron transport system in A. nidulans R2 and A. variabilis. Iron-limited growth kinetics more similar to traditional nutrient-limited growth kinetics were found in P. boryanum. The available nitrogen source influenced amount of siderophore produced and concentration of available iron which induced siderophore production. Siderophores were produced at high iron concentrations (pFe 18) when A. variablilis cultures were grown in the absence of combined nitrogen source. When nitrate was supplied to the culture, iron concentrations had to be reduced to pFe 20 before siderophores were produced. Cells grown on nitrogen also produced greater than two times the amount of siderophore compared with nitrate grown cells. This may be indicative of an increased demand for iron by nitrogen fixing A. variabilis Cultures.  相似文献   

Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (Forti) was identified and isolated from Lake Kinneret upon its first appearance as a dominant bloom in late 1994. This cyanobacterial species, not previously known to be toxic, was evaluated by a commonly used mouse bioassay and was demonstrated to induce toxic symptoms that were distinguishable from the typical symptoms of the neurotoxins previously reported in Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs. Mice died 5–24 h after crude extracts were injected intraperitoneally, and the LD50 value was estimated as 465 mg dry wt biomass · kg?1 mouse. A toxicity-guided fractionation of the active extract indicated that the potent substance is polar an nature. The structure of the active compound was determined by its mass spectrometry and NMR data. The compound was found to be the sulfate-guanidinium zwitterion, cylindrospermopsin, previously isolated from the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) and recently also reported in Umezakia natans (Watanabe). This is the first time that Aphanizomenon ovalisporum has been reported to contain a toxic compound.  相似文献   

Autolysis kinetics in axenic cultures of the diatom Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow were studied under nutrient limitation in continuous cultures and under nutrient starvation in batch-mode cultures obtained by switching off nutrient supply in the continuous cultures. Under N limitation, the specific algal autolysis rates (δ, day?1) were found constant at 0.014 ± 0.002 day?1over a broad range of specific dilution rates (D, day?1) (0.09–0.56 day?1), implying an intrinsic death factor independent of the physiologzc state of the algal cells. Under P limitation, 8 was inversely related to D and ranged between 0.067 and 0.005 day?1 at D = 0.17–0.44 day?1. Under conditions of nutrient stamation, the degree of algal nutrient deficiency prior to stamation affected autolysis rates (δb, day?1) and subsequently survival of the algal cultures. Nitrogen-starved D. brightwellii showed highest δb (maximum, 0.10 day?1) when precultured at the higher growth rates. Phosphorus stamation led to highest δb (maximum, 0.21 day?1) in the cultures preconditioned at the lower steady state growth rates. The lower death rates for D. brightwellii under limitation and starvation of N compared to P suggest that D. brightwellii was better equipped to handle N than P deficiency. The present results showed that cell lysis induced by nutrient stress was a significant cause of mortality in D. brightwellii and provided more insight into the field distribution of this neritic diatom.  相似文献   

Food quality for grazers has been related to mineral (nitrogen, phosphorus) and biochemical (amino acids, fatty acids) constituents. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of different nitrogen sources on these constituents in two organisms, the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda Turp. and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp., commonly used in feeding experiments. The two organisms were grown in continuous cultures at different growth rates. Nitrate or ammonium salts were used as nitrogen sources under both replete and limited conditions. Carbon content (mg·g−1 dry weight) was stable in both organisms independent of nitrogen source, nitrogen limitation, and growth rate. Nitrogen content decreased with limitation and growth rate in Scenedesmus and to a lesser degree in Synechococcus , whereas changes in phosphorus content were not statistically significant. The relative proportions of amino acids (% of total amino acids) were relatively stable in both organisms, whereas the proportions of fatty acids varied with growth rate and limitation. Fatty acid content was much lower in Synechococcus than in Scenedesmus . At N limitation, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) showed lower levels in both organisms. The change occurred in the ω3 PUFA (linolenic acid) of the green alga and in the ω6 PUFA (linoleic acid) of the cyanobacterium. The difference in the response of N limitation in the two organisms may be traced to the different composition of the chloroplast membranes (the prokaryotic way) and the microsomal membranes (the eukaryotic way) where the desaturation takes place.  相似文献   

Diatoms of the family Epithemiaceae possess a unicellular nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial endosymbiont. We investigated the potential of extracellular nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations to affect the endosymbiont load of Rhopalodia gibba O. Müll, and Epithemia turgida Ehr. in field and culture populations. In a growth chamber experiment, monoclonal cultures of R. gibba were exposed to three levels of nitrate-nitrogen. Nutrient-diffusing substrates were used in a lake environment to create nine microhabitats of varying nitrogen and phosphorus ratios for natural populations of R. gibba and E. turgida. The number of endosymbionts per diatom increased as ambient nitrogen became limiting; mean endosymbiont volume increased as nitrogen increased. The mean endosymbiont surface area: volume ratio decreased with increasing nitrogen. Total endosymbiont volume per diatom (the product of the number of endosymbionts per diatom and their individual biovolumes) did not have a simple response to increasing nitrogen. Phosphorus limitation uncoupled the relationship between endosymbiont load and nitrogen. We suspect that flexibility of the endosymbiont load can reduce the metabolic cost to the diatom if the endosymbionts are dependent on the diatom for a resource.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang, was grown in a chemostat culture under phosphate limitation. The steady state concentration of phosphate was below the detection limit (< 1 μg P/L) in all runs. The cellular content of phosphorus (Qp), polyphosphate (Qpp) and chlorophyll a increased with increasing dilution rate, and the growth rate of the alga was described by Qp as well as Qpp in the Droop model. The ratio Qpp/Qp and the activity of alkaline phosphatase were maximal at high and low growth rates, respectively. Palmelloids of Chlamydomonas were found at high dilution rates (D > 0.12 h?1) and became attached to the wall of the culture vessel. They differed from the vegetative stage in both chemical composition and growth rate. Their contents of phosphorus and chlorophyll a were low, as in the vegetative cells, which grew at a low growth rate, whereas the ration Qpp/Qp and the activity of alkaline phosphatase were comparable with those of fast growing vegetative cells. The growth rate of the palmelloids was 0.03 h?1 whereas maximum growth rate (μm) for the vegetative cells was 0.21 h?1.  相似文献   

Recruitment of Anabaena and Aphanizomenon from the sediments to the water column was investigated in shallow (1–2 m) and deep (6–7 m) areas of Lake Limmaren, central Sweden. Recruitment traps attached to the bottom were sampled weekly throughout the summer season (June through September). A comparison between the two sites shows that the largest part of the recruited cells originated from the shallow site, although recruitment occurred at all depths in the lake. There were also differences between the species, regarding the site as well as the timing of the recruitment. The contribution of the inoculum to the pelagic population was calculated to vary between 0.003% and 0.05% for the different species. From these results we conclude that shallow sediments are more important than deep ones for the recruitment and that the inoculum in Lake Limmaren is small but may still be an important factor in the population dynamics.  相似文献   

Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb. was grown in varying concentrations of nitrate. Specific growth rates, as estimated in batch culture, were constant and approached the maximum rate at all concentrations of NO3?-N tested bewteen 0 and 400 μ/L. Steady-state biomass, as determined in semicontinuous culture, did not vary with NO3? at slower dilution rates. However at a faster dilution rate, significantly less biomass occurred in intermediate concentrations of NO3? than in either higher or lower concentrations. The results indicate that both growth rate and standing crop are maximized by either N2 fixation or NO3? assimilation, but extracellular NO3? reduces the rate of N2 fixation. Consequently, at very low NO3? concentrations, growth is virtually maximized by N2 fixation alone, and at high concentrations of NO3?, N2 fixation is inhibited but growth is maximized by assimilation of NO3?. At intermediate concentrations of NO3?, growth becomes a function of NO3? assimilation augmented by N2 fixation. In this case, full growth potential is realized only if hydraulic residence time is sufficiently long to compensate for the reduced rate of N2 fixation. Growth rate and standing crop are not diminished in response to the large amount of energy allocated to N2 fixation. Instead, other cellular processes are probably affected negatively during N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Nodularia is a halotolerant, filamentous, dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium that forms massive blooms in some coastal oceans, estuaries, and saline lakes worldwide. Although the genus is globally distributed, its blooms are sporadic and appear to be confined to certain water bodies. Blooms are frequently associated with phosphorus enrichment; therefore Nodularia may benefit from increased anthropogenic nutrient loading to coastal waters. We studied the potential for Nodularia to grow in the nitrogen-limited Neuse River Estuary (North Carolina, U.S.A.) with laboratory growth experiments in Neuse River Estuary water and by examining physico-chemical data from the estuary. Analysis of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), salinity, and temperature data from the Neuse River Estuary between 1994 and 1998 revealed that suitable conditions for Nodularia prevailed during the summer of each of these years for time spans ranging from 1.5 to 5 months. Growth of two laboratory strains in Neuse River Estuary water was as fast or slightly slower than in artificial growth medium, as long as the culture inoculum had phosphorus reserves. Phosphorus addition did not stimulate growth of already phosphorus-sufficient inocula. Phosphorus starvation of the inoculum before the experiment decreased growth rates in the estuarine water unless additional phosphorus was supplied. Although phosphorus addition had a stimulatory effect on dinitrogen fixation and productivity, the effect differed for the two Nodularia strains. Results suggest that growth of Nodularia in North Carolinian estuaries is possible, and that such growth would be phosphorus-limited at times. Phosphorus availability may determine the times and locations for potential establishment of Nodularia in this and similar estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Continuous culture techniques are used to study long-term population interactions between Plectonema boryanum Gomont, a filamentous bluegreen alga, and the LPP-viruses which infect it. After LPP-I (virulent cyanophage) infection of sensitive algae, 3 oscillations occur in cell density with concomitant oscillations in virus titer before final stabilization of both algal and viral concentrations. After LPP-ID and LPP-2 (temperate viruses) infection, oscillation in cell density occurred with burst of virus particles. Resistant algae always repopulated the chemostat; lysogeny was not established. The interaction between Plectonema that was resistant to virus infection and the 3 LPP-cyanophages resulted in rapid elimination of the viruses from the chemostat in the effluent. When lysogenic P. boryanum was tested, a law population of virus was present in the chemostat throughout the incubation period indicative of spontancous induction. Clones of lysogenic algae were isolated.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of photosynthetically-fixed CO2 was determined by labeling samples of Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmerman for 30 min with NaH14CO3 and analyzing its incorporation into low molecular weight compounds, polysaccharide and protein. In N- and P-sufficient cultures, relative incorporation into protein increased as the irradiance used during the labeling period was decreased to 20 μE · m-2 s-1. This pattern was found for cells grown at irradiances of either 20 or 180 μE · m-2· s-1, although incorporation into protein was greater in cultures grown at the higher irradiance. In N-limited continuous cultures, relative incorporation into protein was low, independent of growth rate, and the same for samples tested at 20 or 180 μE · m-2· s-1 irradiance. In contrast, 14C incorporation into protein by P-limited cultures increased as growth rate increased, and at relative growth rates greater than 0.25, the incorporation was greater at 20 than at 180 μE · m-2· s-1. However, the total RNA content and maximum photosynthetic rate of the cultures was the same at all growth rates tested. The interaction between nutrient concentration and light intensity was studied by growing-limited continuous cultures at the same dilution rate, but different irradiances. Relative incorporation into protein was highest in cultures grown at 20 μE · m-2· s-1, in which the relative growth rate was 0.4. These results suggest that photosynthetic carbon metabolism may respond to relative growth rate μ/μmax rather than to growth rate directly.  相似文献   

In the non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum (Agardh) Gomont (strain OH-I-pCl1), N starvation induced an increase in the rate of respiration and a decrease in the rate of O2 evolution. When NO3? was added to illuminated N-starved cells, O2 evolution immediately increased to levels shown by NO3? grown cells, even though N-starved cells had lost most of their in vitro photosynthetic activities. Stimulation of noncyclic electron flow was maximal under light-saturating conditions and after 2–3 days of N starvation. The respiratory rate of N-starved cells was stimulated by the addition of NO3? or NH4+ and partially inhibited at very low irradiances, even in the presence of DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea). Results indicate that N-starved cells obtain the energy supply for N assimilation through a process different from that used by N-sufficient cells. N-starved cells were able to take up NO3? in the dark and when illuminated in the presence of DCMU under anaerobiosis. Following NO3? addition, the photosynthetic yield of the in vivo noncyclic electron transport slightly increased, whereas it decreased after NH4+ addition. Addition of NO3? or NH4+ favored photoinhibition of photosystem II, the effect being faster after NH4+ addition.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial mat communities were collected in the mangrove forest bordering the Grand Cul de Sac Marin, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, which supports a community of nitrogen fixing cyanobacterial mats established on the trunk and branches of black mangrove ( Avicennia germinans L.). This study presents results that are focused on the mat community and the physiological and morphological adaptations to UV radiation. The dominant surface species of the mat, Nostoc cf commune Vaucher and Scytonema sp., possessed the UV-shielding pigment scytonemin. Mats grown on medium D agar without nitrogen under photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) only, rapidly became disorganized compared with those exposed to PAR + UV-A (320– 400 nm) + UV-B (280–320 nm) irradiation. Concurrent with disorganization, acetylene reduction activity (ARA = one third of N2 reduction) was severely reduced, whereas mats irradiated with PAR + UV-A + UV-B maintained high ARA activity. Mats incubated for 27 days under PAR + UV-A + UV-B then exposed to PAR only exhibited a 68% stimulation of ARA, whereas ARA values were 33% inhibited in mats incubated with PAR only and then exposed to PAR + UV-A + UV-B. This favorable equilibrium was facilitated by the mats' three-dimensional structure in which the most UV-resistant species, N. commune , covers the surface with UV-sensitive species below this protective covering. The UV stressor was essential for the maintenance of mat structure and ARA.  相似文献   

The effects of N2, nitrate and ammonia as N sources were investigated in P-limited and nutrient-sufficient cultures of Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb. The maximum growth rate (μm) was highest at 1.34 d?1 with ammonia, compared to 1.18 with nitrate and 0.95 d?1 with N2. There was no difference in P requirement between N2 and nitrate cultures. Under P-limited conditions, the increase in cell P with growth rate (μ) was identical. With N2 as the N source, cell-N concentrations in P-limited cells increased with μ as did cell P, and the cellular N:P ratio remained the same (14) within the range of μ examined. With nitrate, however, cell N concentrations were high and independent of n, except at a low μ. It appears that this organism fixes atmospheric N2 only at the minimum concentration required to maintain a μ. The acetylene reduction rate increased with μ in both N2- and nitrate-grown cells, but the rate was lower in nitrate. Under P-limitation, there was no difference in net C-fixation rate per cell between N2 and nitrate cultures at a given μ. However, the rate per unit of chlorophyll a (chl a) was higher in N2 than in nitrate cultures, and the rate was independent of μ with N2 but was a linear function of nitrate supplied. The maximum C-fixation rate in nutrient sufficient cells was highest with ammonia, followed by nitrate and N2. The cellular chl a concentration was correlated with the total cell-N concentrations regardless of H and the source of N.  相似文献   

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