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The existence of aggregations in taxa that are normally solitary poses questions regarding the costs and benefits of group living. Most orb-web spiders are solitary and are aggressive to conspecifics, but a few species aggregate in large numbers. These spiders benefit by enhancing the prey interception potential, but also suffer costs of increased predation and parasitism. In this study, we report on the natural history characteristics of the orb-web spider, Argiope radon, which not only lives in aggregations but also builds silk decorations. Our results show that A. radon aggregates facultatively and that the main benefit of aggregation that we could identify is enhanced mating potential. We also show that decorations built by A. radon are highly visible to both model prey and predator, and suggest that solitary individuals with longer and more frequent decorations may offset the foraging advantage of being in aggregations.  相似文献   

Portia is a web-invading araneophagic spider that uses aggressive mimicry to deceive its prey. The present paper is a first step toward clarifying experimentally the cues that govern Portia's decisions of whether to enter a web, whether to make signals once in a web, and whether to persist at signalling once started. The following conclusions are supported: cues from seeing a web elicit web entry, but volatile chemical cues from webs of prey spiders are not important; seeing a spider in a web increases Portia's inclination to enter the web; after web entry, cues from webs of prey spiders are sufficient to elicit signalling behaviour, even in the absence of other cues coming directly from the prey spider; seeing a prey spider or detecting vibrations on the web make Portia more prone to signal, but volatile chemical cues from prey spiders are not important; once Portia is on a web and signalling, seeing a moving spider and detecting vibrations on the web encourage Portia to persist in signalling; on the basis of visual cues alone, Portia can distinguish between quiescent spiders, insects and eggsacs.  相似文献   

Spider webs are made of silk, the properties of which ensure remarkable efficiency at capturing prey. However, remaining on, or near, the web exposes the resident spiders to many potential predators, such as ants. Surprisingly, ants are rarely reported foraging on the webs of orb-weaving spiders, despite the formidable capacity of ants to subdue prey and repel enemies, the diversity and abundance of orb-web spiders, and the nutritional value of the web and resident spider. We explain this paradox by reporting a novel property of the silk produced by the orb-web spider Nephila antipodiana (Walckenaer). These spiders deposit on the silk a pyrrolidine alkaloid (2-pyrrolidinone) that provides protection from ant invasion. Furthermore, the ontogenetic change in the production of 2-pyrrolidinone suggests that this compound represents an adaptive response to the threat of natural enemies, rather than a simple by-product of silk synthesis: while 2-pyrrolidinone occurs on the silk threads produced by adult and large juvenile spiders, it is absent on threads produced by small juvenile spiders, whose threads are sufficiently thin to be inaccessible to ants.  相似文献   

Camouflage is one of the most widespread and powerful strategies that animals use to make detection/recognition more difficult. Many orb-web spiders of the genus Cyclosa add prey remains, plant debris, moults, and/or eggsacs to their webs called web decorations. Web decorations resembling spider body colour pattern have been considered to camouflage the spider from predators. While this camouflage is obvious from a human's perspective, it has rarely been investigated from a predator's perspective. In this study, we tested the visibility of web decorations by calculating chromatic and achromatic contrasts of detritus and eggsac decorations built by Cyclosa octotuberculata, against four different backgrounds viewed by both bird (e.g., blue tits) and hymenopteran (e.g. Wasps) predators. We showed that both juvenile and adult spiders on webs with detritus or egg-sac deco-rations were undetectable by both hymenopteran and bird predators over short and long distances. Our results thus suggest that decorating webs with detritus or eggsacs by C. Octotuberculata may camouflage the spiders from both hymenopteran and bird predators in their common habitats.  相似文献   

Predator–prey relationships are generally based on arm-race. Wasps and spiders are both predators, which could be potential prey for each other. The orb weaver spider Zygiella x-notata is sometimes a prey for the wasp Vespula germanica. We observed the wasp hunting behaviour under natural conditions, and we tested the influence of the spider’s behaviour on the wasp attack success. Wasps were active predators during the reproductive period of the spider. Results showed that wasps located more easily male spiders than females particularly when they were engaged in mate guarding. Female location depended on the presence of a web, but also of prey or prey remains in the web. On the other hand, their location depend neither on the characteristics and the position of the retreat in the environment nor on the size of the web. After location, males were more often captured than females whatever their behaviour (mate guarding or not). Presence of prey remains or prey in the web did not increase the risk for the spider to be captured. There was also no influence of the retreat’s characteristics or of its position in the habitat on the risk for the spider to be captured; but wasp successful attacks were less numerous when silk was present around the entrance of the retreat or when the spider was completely inside. As prey and prey remains favoured location of spiders by the wasps, we tested spider web cleaning behaviour as a response to wasp predatory pressure. By throwing small polystyrene pellets in the webs, we observed that more 80% of the spiders rejected the pellets in less than one minute. Our data indicated that wasps were significant predators of Z. x-notata and wasp attack could have been a selective pressure that had favoured spider defensive behaviours such as web cleaning.  相似文献   

Behavioural and biomaterial coevolution in spider orb webs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mechanical performance of biological structures, such as tendons, byssal threads, muscles, and spider webs, is determined by a complex interplay between material quality (intrinsic material properties, larger scale morphology) and proximate behaviour. Spider orb webs are a system in which fibrous biomaterials—silks—are arranged in a complex design resulting from stereotypical behavioural patterns, to produce effective energy absorbing traps for flying prey. Orb webs show an impressive range of designs, some effective at capturing tiny insects such as midges, others that can occasionally stop even small birds. Here, we test whether material quality and behaviour (web design) co‐evolve to fine‐tune web function. We quantify the intrinsic material properties of the sticky capture silk and radial support threads, as well as their architectural arrangement in webs, across diverse species of orb‐weaving spiders to estimate the maximum potential performance of orb webs as energy absorbing traps. We find a dominant pattern of material and behavioural coevolution where evolutionary shifts to larger body sizes, a common result of fecundity selection in spiders, is repeatedly accompanied by improved web performance because of changes in both silk material and web spinning behaviours. Large spiders produce silk with improved material properties, and also use more silk, to make webs with superior stopping potential. After controlling for spider size, spiders spinning higher quality silk used it more sparsely in webs. This implies that improvements in silk quality enable ‘sparser’ architectural designs, or alternatively that spiders spinning lower quality silk compensate architecturally for the inferior material quality of their silk. In summary, spider silk material properties are fine‐tuned to the architectures of webs across millions of years of diversification, a coevolutionary pattern not yet clearly demonstrated for other important biomaterials such as tendon, mollusc byssal threads, and keratin.  相似文献   

Many spiders use silk to construct webs that must function for days at a time, whereas many other species renew their webs daily. The mechanical properties of spider silk can change after spinning under environmental stress, which could influence web function. We hypothesize that spiders spinning longer‐lasting webs produce silks composed of proteins that are more resistant to environmental stresses. The major ampullate (MA) silks of orb web spiders are principally composed of a combination of two proteins (spidroins) called MaSp1 and MaSp2. We expected spider MA silks dominated by MaSp1 to have the greatest resistance to post‐spin property change because they have high concentrations of stable crystalline β‐sheets. Some orb web spiders that spin three‐dimensional orb webs, such as Cyrtophora, have MA silks that are predominantly composed of MaSp1. Hence, we expected that the construction of three‐dimensional orb webs might also coincide with MA silk resistance to post‐spin property change. Alternatively, the degree of post‐spin mechanical property changes in different spider silks may be explained by factors within the spider's ecosystem, such as exposure to solar radiation. We exposed the MA silks of ten spider species from five genera (Nephila, Cyclosa, Leucauge, Cyrtophora, and Argiope) to ecologically high temperatures and low humidity for 4 weeks, and compared the mechanical properties of these silks with unexposed silks. Using species pairs enabled us to assess the influence of web dimensionality and MaSp composition both with and without phylogenetic influences being accounted for. We found neither the MaSp composition nor the three‐dimensionality of the orb web to be associated with the degree of post‐spin mechanical property changes in MA silk. The MA silks in Leucauge spp. are dominated by MaSp2, which we found to have the least resistance to post‐spin property change. The MA silk in Argiope spp. is also dominated by MaSp2, but has high resistance to post‐spin property change. The ancestry of Argiope is unresolved, but it is largely a tropical genus inhabiting hot, open regions that present similar stressors to silk as those of our experiment. Ecological factors thus appear to influence the vulnerability of orb web spider MA silks to post‐spin property change. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 580–588.  相似文献   

Abstract Many species of orb-spinning spiders construct silk decorations within the structure of the orb-web. The evolutionary significance of these decorations is poorly understood, but the silk decorations of many species reflect UV light, suggesting that they may function to attract insects. In these species, relatively more silk decoration may be required under dimmer light conditions in order to maintain a constant UV-reflecting signal, and hence level of insect attraction. We investigated experimentally whether the orb-spinning spider Argiope aetherea adjusts the amount of silk decoration added to the web according to light conditions. Consistent with the prey-attracting function, we found that spiders adjusted the quantity of silk decoration to their webs, adding more silk decoration when the web was located in dim light rather than bright light.  相似文献   

Lepthyphantes tenuis, a small sheet-webbuilding linyphiid spider is one of the most abundant spider species of cereal fields in Europe. In the present study we examined the process of web-site selection and web-site tenacity by adult females of this species in a winter wheat field. Spiders were selective in their choice of web-site. Different immigration rates into various manipulated web-sites, in field and laboratory, suggested that structural support and suitable micro-climate (high humidity) are the most important factors in the selection. Small holes dug in the ground were the most favoured web-sites. Web-site occupation was influenced by the presence of other conspecific spiders. Territorial contests occurred between spiders attempting to occupy the same web, these almost invariably led to the take-over of the web when the intruder was heavier. Interference, but also a certain level of tolerance, between spiders within the same web-site but in different webs was suggested by direct and indirect evidence. Many holes supported two or even three spiders in vertically stratified webs. Leaving probability of marked spiders was significantly higher in multiply occupied holes than in holes with a single web. Comparison with the results of a no-interference stochastic model showed that multiple occupancy in nature is less frequent than predicted by the model. There was further evidence for weak extra-web-interference between spiders in that multiple occupancy was even less frequent and overall occupancy was lower in web-sites which were packed close to each other. However, a level of tolerance for crowding is shown by the fact that closely packed hole colonies supported a spider density 13 times higher than in natural web-sites in the field. A marking experiment was carried out to gain information on web-site tenacity (i.e. the length of time a spider spends in a web-site) and abandonment. The average duration of tenacity was less than 2 days. A random loss function gave a good fit to the tenacity distribution and suggested that spiders abandoned web-sites randomly with a fixed leaving probability of c. 0.5. Individual webs were often used consecutively by more than one spider, and some spiders built more than one web in the same web-site. Calculations showed that abandonment is the most frequent leaving mode, while take-over by contest between spiders and disappearance due to destruction were some-what less frequent and equally likely modes of ending tenacity. It is suggested that the apparent contradiction between the selectiveness and competitiveness of spiders for web-sites and the relatively short tenacity observed can be resolved by hypothesising that spiders leave websites soon because they apply the strategy of spreading risk: spiders by frequently moving from one web-site to another distribute their reproductive efforts across several localities. This hypothesis is further supported by changes in web-site preference and ballooning behaviour at the onset of the reproductive stage in L. tenuis.  相似文献   

Since thousands of years humans have utilized insect silks for their own benefit and comfort. The most famous example is the use of reeled silkworm silk from Bombyx mori to produce textiles. In contrast, despite the more promising properties of their silk, spiders have not been domesticated for large-scale or even industrial applications, since farming the spiders is not commercially viable due to their highly territorial and cannibalistic nature. Before spider silks can be copied or mimicked, not only the sequence of the underlying proteins but also their functions have to be resolved. Several attempts to recombinantly produce spider silks or spider silk mimics in various expression hosts have been reported previously. A new protein engineering approach, which combines synthetic repetitive silk sequences with authentic silk domains, reveals proteins that closely resemble silk proteins and that can be produced at high yields, which provides a basis for cost-efficient large scale production of spider silk-like proteins.  相似文献   

在不惊扰蜘蛛的情况下对悦目金蛛Argiope amoena和圆尾肖蛸Tetragnatha vermiformis的个体大小与蛛网粘丝区面积问的相关性进行了野外观察。主要测量了蜘蛛体长、蛛网粘丝区直径、蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离、网中枢到地面或水面距离、网平面与水平线的夹角等参数;另外还对蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离作为圆网蛛网址选择行为量化指标的可行性进行了探讨。结果表明,2种蜘蛛体长与蛛网粘丝区面积以及蜘蛛体长与蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离均呈现明显的正相关。悦目金蛛体长与蛛网粘丝区面积的相关性高于圜尾肖蛸,这可能与悦目金蛛在其生境中易于找到框丝固着点、而圆尾肖蛸在其生境中较难找到框丝同着点有关;  相似文献   

Spider silk is renowned for its high tensile strength, extensibility and toughness. However, the variability of these material properties has largely been ignored, especially at the intra-specific level. Yet, this variation could help us understand the function of spider webs. It may also point to the mechanisms used by spiders to control their silk production, which could be exploited to expand the potential range of applications for silk. In this study, we focus on variation of silk properties within different regions of cobwebs spun by the common house spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum. The cobweb is composed of supporting threads that function to maintain the web shape and hold spiders and prey, and of sticky gumfooted threads that adhere to insects during prey capture. Overall, structural properties, especially thread diameter, are more variable than intrinsic material properties, which may reflect past directional selection on certain silk performance. Supporting threads are thicker and able to bear higher loads, both before deforming permanently and before breaking, compared with sticky gumfooted threads. This may facilitate the function of supporting threads through sustained periods of time. In contrast, sticky gumfooted threads are more elastic, which may reduce the forces that prey apply to webs and allow them to contact multiple sticky capture threads. Therefore, our study suggests that spiders actively modify silk material properties during spinning in ways that enhance web function.  相似文献   

Less than 0.2% of all spider species live in close associations with conspecifics. Among these, subsocial spiders show characteristics of both solitary spiders (e.g., individuals disperse for breeding) and social spiders (e.g., prolonged cooperative behaviours at least prior to independent reproduction). Dispersing individuals build small webs, usually with one inhabitant, whereas colonies are large webs with plant debris and harbouring multiple females. We studied the spatiotemporal dynamics of dispersal in the subsocial spider Anelosimus baeza. We followed the occupancy of all colonies and dispersal webs over the breeding season by mapping the number and sex of spiders with respect to their location in three dimensions. We studied the settlement patterns of new webs and fluctuation in web occupancy through movement between occupied and abandoned webs of colonies and dispersal webs. The occupancy of webs was highly dynamic with changes occurring at small time scales. The similarity in the patterns of web occupancy by females among dispersal webs was partially explained by their spatial and their temporal proximity. Our results suggest that dispersal webs may be used by spiders as a temporary refuge by both sexes during the breeding season. Patterns described here suggest new approaches to dispersal studies in group living spiders.  相似文献   

Animals make decisions based on subjective assessments of their environment. To determine their future foraging activities, animals probably assess food availability from past foraging experiences. Thus, foraging also functions as a way for animals to collect information, with the uncertainty of an assessment decreasing as foraging activity increases. This suggests that different needs for a correct assessment may affect the investment made in foraging activities. Orb‐web spiders sometimes relocate their webs and relocation rate differs among species. After web relocation, several spider species have been reported to construct the first webs at newly occupied web sites using less silk than usual, possibly to avoid the risk of an overinvestment at sites where food availability has not been determined. Nevertheless, they may pay a cost, because of inadequate decision‐making, if webs constructed with less silk convey less information and increase the uncertainty of an assessment. We expect that stronger site tenacity necessitates a greater requirement for correct assessment of web site and the degree to which spiders reduce the amount of web silk in the first web after web relocation is smaller in species that use the same site longer. To test this hypothesis, we examined web construction in two orb‐web spiders, Cyclosa octotuberculata and C. argenteoalba. At the same time we found that these two species exhibit different web‐site tenacity, as C. octotuberculata does not relocate its webs as frequently as does C. argenteoalba. After artificially induced web relocation, C. argenteoalba constructed webs that were initially smaller and contained only about 2/3 of the silk in control webs that were constructed at the original site. In contrast, C. octotuberculata did not exhibit such decreases in web size or in the amount of web silk used. This result is consistent with our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Many spiders depend upon webs to capture prey. Web function results from architecture and mechanical performance of the silk. We hypothesized that the common house spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, would alter the mechanical performance of its cobweb in response to different prey by varying the structural and material properties of its silk. We fed spiders either large, high kinetic energy crickets or small, low kinetic energy pillbugs for 1 week and then examined their freshly spun silk. We separated mechanical performance into structural and material effects. We measured both types of properties for silk threads collected directly from cobwebs to test for "tuning" of silk performance to different aspects of prey capture. We compared silk from two different functional regions of the cobweb-sticky gumfooted threads that adhere directly to prey and supporting threads that maintain web integrity. Supporting threads from cricket-fed spiders were stiffer and tougher than supporting threads from pillbug-fed spiders. Both types of silk from cricket-fed spiders broke at higher loads than silk from pillbug-fed spiders. We explain this variation using a simple model of forces exerted by prey and spiders on single threads and propose potential mechanisms for this change in material properties. Two alternative, nonexclusive, hypotheses are suggested by our data. Spiders may tune silk to different types of prey by spinning threads that are able to hold prey without deforming permanently. Alternatively, as spider's body mass differed dramatically between the two feeding regimes, spiders may tune silk to their own body mass.  相似文献   

Although phylogenetic studies have shown covariation between the properties of spider major ampullate (MA) silk and web building, both spider webs and silks are highly plastic so we cannot be sure whether these traits functionally covary or just vary across environments that the spiders occupy. As MaSp2‐like proteins provide MA silk with greater extensibility, their presence is considered necessary for spider webs to effectively capture prey. Wolf spiders (Lycosidae) are predominantly non‐web building, but a select few species build webs. We accordingly collected MA silk from two web‐building and six non‐web‐building species found in semirural ecosystems in Uruguay to test whether the presence of MaSp2‐like proteins (indicated by amino acid composition, silk mechanical properties and silk nanostructures) was associated with web building across the group. The web‐building and non‐web‐building species were from disparate subfamilies so we estimated a genetic phylogeny to perform appropriate comparisons. For all of the properties measured, we found differences between web‐building and non‐web‐building species. A phylogenetic regression model confirmed that web building and not phylogenetic inertia influences silk properties. Our study definitively showed an ecological influence over spider silk properties. We expect that the presence of the MaSp2‐like proteins and the subsequent nanostructures improves the mechanical performance of silks within the webs. Our study furthers our understanding of spider web and silk co‐evolution and the ecological implications of spider silk properties.  相似文献   

Y. Lubin  J. Henschel 《Oecologia》1996,105(1):64-73
We tested the alternative hypotheses that foraging effort will increase (energy maximizer model) or decrease (due to increased costs or risks) when food supply increased, using a Namib desert burrowing spider, Seothyra henscheli (Eresidae), which feeds mainly on ants. The web of S. henscheli has a simple geometrical configuration, comprising a horizontal mat on the sand surface, with a variable number of lobes lined with sticky silk. The sticky silk is renewed daily after being covered by wind-blown sand. In a field experiment, we supplemented the spiders' natural prey with one ant on each day that spiders had active webs and determined the response to an increase in prey. We compared the foraging activity and web geometry of prey-supplemented spiders to non-supplemented controls. We compared the same parameters in fooddeprived and supplemented spiders in captivity. The results support the costs of foraging hypothesis. Supplemented spiders reduced their foraging activity and web dimensions. They moulted at least once and grew rapidly, more than doubling their mass in 6 weeks. By contrast, food-deprived spiders increased foraging effort by enlarging the diameter of the capture web. We suggest that digestive constraints prevented supplemented spiders from fully utilizing the available prey. By reducing foraging activities on the surface, spiders in a prey-rich habitat can reduce the risk of predation. However, early maturation resulting from a higher growth rate provides no advantage to S. henscheli owing to the fact that the timing of mating and dispersal are fixed by climatic factors (wind and temperature). Instead, large female body size will increase fitness by increasing the investiment in young during the period of extended maternal care.  相似文献   

蜘蛛位置对成功捕获猎物和球型网图案的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
静坐在球型网的中心,蜘蛛可能遭受天敌的攻击并暴露在不利的天气条件下,如风和雨。然而,栖居于网的中心使蜘蛛比隐藏在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛能更迅速地察觉并捕获猎物,这是因为猎物的位置仅能被位于网中心的蜘蛛所确定。对在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛而言,提高对猎物捕获率的方式之一是尽量减少隐蔽所与网中心的距离。而且,网中心与隐蔽所之间较短的距离使蜘蛛能更迅速地逃离危险境况。我使用既在网中心、又在隐蔽场所的硬类肥蛛(Larinioides sclopetarius Clerck),来检验这两种行为如何影响对猎物的捕获成功率。隐藏在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛更经常忽略猎物,使猎物也有比较多的逃离机会,这样,与在网中心的蜘蛛相比,猎物的损失率就更高。另外,研究了隐蔽场所的位置对球型网图案的影响。在大多数球型网中,网中心上方的区域比网下方小,丝也比较少,形成了结构不对称的网;隐蔽场所通常在网的上方。当隐蔽场所的位置在实验中被倒转时,就形成了非典型的球型网。最后,L.sclopetarius建造的网有很突出的边缘非对称性,与隐蔽场所相邻的区域面积较小,而远离隐蔽场所的区域面积较大,这也可解释为减少了隐蔽场所和网中心之间的距离[动物学报50(4):559-565.2004]。  相似文献   

The genus Oxytate L. Koch, 1878 comprises a homogeneous group of nocturnal crab spiders that have silk apparatuses even though they do not spin webs to trap prey. We examined the microstructure of the silk spinning apparatus of the green crab spider Oxytate striatipes, using field emission scanning electron microscopy. The silk glands of the spider were classified into three types: ampullate, pyriform and aciniform. The spigots of these three types of silk gland occur in both sexes. Two pairs of major ampullate glands send secretory ductules to the anterior spinnerets, and another two pairs of minor ampullate glands supply the median spinnerets. In addition, the pyriform glands send ductules to the anterior spinnerets (45 pairs in females and 40 pairs in males), and the aciniform glands feed silk into the median (9–12 pairs in females and 7–10 pairs in males) and the posterior (30 pairs in both sexes) spinnerets. The spigot system of O. striatipes is simpler and more primitive than other wandering spiders: even the female spiders possess neither tubuliform glands for cocoon production nor triad spigots for web‐building.  相似文献   

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