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The goal of this study was to test whether food-anticipatory activity, which is more subtle than feeding activity, can be used as a cue for local enhancement by fish. Golden shiners, Notemigonus crysoleucas, were offered a choice between spending time near a shoal of conspecifics normally fed at that time of day or a shoal normally fed at another time. Despite the fact that no food was delivered during the tests, the shoal that was normally fed at that time had more fish moving and more fish close to the surface, where food usually appeared, than the other shoal. This is evidence of food-anticipatory activity. The choosing shiners, after being deprived of food for 24-48 h, preferred to stay near the anticipating shoal rather than near the other one. When satiated, the shiners chose both shoals at random, indicating that hunger promotes the use of food-anticipatory cues in shoal choice and local enhancement. The results also support the idea that food-anticipatory activity can attract competitors for food and may therefore be costly. Food-anticipatory activity might also attract predators, but the fact that satiated shiners did not actively avoid anticipating shoals indicates that the potential cost of predator attraction would be either low or mitigated by other factors.  相似文献   

Myxobolus bilobus n. sp. (Myxozoa) is described from golden shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. Plasmodia develop at the distal end of gill filaments, where they form a novel-shaped plasmodium made up of 2 side-by-side hemispheres joined at a central pore. Surrounding gill tissue is vacuolated, necrotic, and hemorrhagic. Spores of M. bilobus n. sp. resemble those of M. aureatus Ward, 1919, M. angustus Kudo, 1934, M. spalli Landsberg & Lom, 1991, and M. pseudokoi Li & Desser, 1985 in parasitizing cyprinids and in their pyriform shape. Spores of M. bilobus n. sp., however, are much larger (20 to 22.1 microm long, 7.5 to 9.3 microm wide, and 6 microm thick) than those of these other species, and the plasmodium is bi-lobed rather than the typical hollow sphere. A phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rDNA (2014 bp) reveals that M. bilobus n. sp. is a member of a clade that includes 11 species of Myxobolus, all of which are parasites of cyprinid fishes in North America or Eurasia. The study concludes that M. bilobus n. sp. is a member of a clade that has undergone radiation within cyprinid fishes of the 2 continents and that this evolution has involved both host and site switching.  相似文献   

Plistophora ovariae undergoes schizogony and sporogony in developing ova of the golden shiner. Destruction of the ova greatly reduces fecundity and causes spawning failures. The incidence and intensity of infection is described in 49 commercial fish farms from 12 states. The parasite was found in fish from 45 of 49 sources and in a farm pond and creek from Oklahoma. Overall incidence of infection was 48% of 2759 fish. No significant difference was found in the incidence of disease from fish propagated by either intensive or extensive culture methods. There was a significant difference in incidence of infection with host age. Incidence increased from 30% in age class 0 to 75% in age class 4. Intensity of infection decreased with age and varied with season; it was greatest in May and June. Thus, the maximum number of spores and infected ova occurred during the spawning season of the host. Infected fish were generally larger and heavier than uninfected fish. Reduced egg production (partial parasitic castration) allowed nutrients and energy to be used for faster growth.  相似文献   

Ueda T  Naoi H  Arai R 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):423-432
In bitterlings (Acheilognathinae) C- and Ag-banding karyotypes of 6 species-subspecies collected in China and South Korea were analyzed. The chromosomal constitution of 2n=46 (4SM+42ST) in Rhodeus atremius fangi was quite different from that of 2n=48 (8M+20SM+20ST) in other species-subspecies in Rhodeus. It was concluded from the analysis of banded chromosomes that the increase in number of ST during the karyotype change from 2n=48 to 2n=46 was achieved by a series of pericentric inversions from 24 M-SM to 24 ST, and the decrease in the diploid number was caused by an additional tandem fusion of 4 ST chromosomes, forming a new ST pair in the 2n=46 karyotype. The karyotype of Tanakia koreensis, T. signifer, and Acheilognathus macropterus is 2n=48 (8M+20SM+20ST), 2n=48 (8M+20SM+14–16ST+4–6 A), 2n=44 (14M+16SM+14ST), respectively. In R. ocellatus ocellatus, T. koreensis, T. signifer and A. macropterus, karyotype changes from 2n=48 to 2n=44 due to centric fusion and inversion have also been estimated. It was suggested that C-banding heterochromatin was greatly concerned with the karyotype evolution in bitterlings.  相似文献   

六种鲤科鱼类核仁组织者区的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用银染及荧光染色技术,对6种鲤科鱼的NORs进行了研究。结果表明:这6种鲤科鱼中瓦氏雅罗鱼、花 、麦穗鱼、白甲鱼具有2个NORs,长春鳊、墨头鱼具有4个NORs。根据实验研究结果对鲤科鱼类NORs多态性及演化等进行了讨论。 The NORs were examined in 6 species of Cyprinidae by both silver nitrate and chromomycin A3,which led to the detections of 2 NORs in 4 species(Leuciscus waleckii,Hemibarbus maculates,Pseudorasbora parva,and Varicorhinus simus)and of 4 NORs in 2 species (Parabramis pekinensis,and Garra pingi pingi).Based on our results,the variation and evolution of fish NORs were discussed.  相似文献   

Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius), were subjected to dilutions of saline water from natural springs near Glenwood Springs, Colorado, to determine salinity tolerance and aquaculture potential of squawfish in this water. Lethal salinity to 50 percent of the fish (96 h LC50) was 13.1 g l–1, indicating that squawfish survival in higher salinity spring water was not possible.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Professor Dr. K.von Haffner zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas) experimentally infected with four reoviruses supported replication of golden shiner virus as well as chum salmon virus, reovirus 13p2 and catfish reovirus at temperatures of 23 and 28 C. All four reoviruses replicated in golden shiners in this study. Natural infections of the golden shiner virus are known only in golden shiners.  相似文献   

Five small-scaled yellow fish (large Burbus spp.) from southern Africa are shown to have modal 148 or 150 chromosomes. Themajority ofcyprinid species have 2N = 50 chromosomes, indicating that the yellow fish karyotype is hexaploid in origin. However, as there is no indication that the species are unisexual or that normal reproduction occurs by any means other than bisexual fertilization, the yellowfish karyotype is considered to have reverted to a diploid condition.  相似文献   

Barbus bynni begins to mature at Age IV. Ripening of gonads of mature fish starts in May when water temperature approaches the annual maximum. However, the spawning season coincides with the onset of the flood season in July. These facts, as well as the cyclic growth of the gonads, show that B. bynni spawns once a year. Fecundity varies with size of fish and gonads. However, this levels off in the middle size group. At this age the fecundity was estimated to be 1 424 693 eggs.  相似文献   

Synopsis Ninespine stickleback, Pungitius pungitius, and golden shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas, were exposed at 5 and 20°C to 0, 15, 75 and 150 JTU (Jackson Turbidity Units) of suspended sediments. Fish were tested in a trough inclined at 2.3° with an inflow rate of 27 ml sec-1. Changes in swimming behaviour were only noted for golden shiner and at 20°C and 15, 75 and 150 JTU. Under these conditions golden shiners were more active, changing from location to location in the apparatus significantly more often at higher than at lower concentrations of suspended sediments. This behaviour is compatible with a fleeing response from a stress inducing agent.  相似文献   

Chromosomal polymorphism regarding number of NOR sites in the cyprinid fish Chondrostoma lusitanicum was examined using C-banding, silver-staining (Ag), and fluorescent staining with chromomycin A3 (CMA3). The analysis of heterochromatic regions allowed a more precise identification of the centromeric regions and the proposal of a revised haploid chromosome formula (7M: 15S: 3A). We describe variability in the number of NOR regions per genome, number of active NOR sites per cell, and relative size of individual NORs. Individuals expressed two or four NOR-bearing chromosomes. Polymorphism was detected in all the populations studied and sex-related differences were not found. The observed chromosomal NOR phenotypes suggest the occurrence of structural rearrangements during the evolutionary process of this diploid leuciscine cyprinid.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Kopfbereich von Morulius chrysophakedion liegen epidermale Organe in Gruppen beisammen. Im Gegensatz zu den oberflächlichen Perlorganen anderer Cyprinidae handelt es sich hierbei um voluminöse Einsenkungen der Epidermis in das darunter gelegene Bindegewebe, von dem aus gefäßführende Papillen in das Organinnere hineinziehen. Elektronenmikroskopische und histochemische Befunde sprechen für eine relativ hohe Stoffwechselaktivität der das Organ aufbauenden Polsterzellen, als deren Ergebnis eine Art Verhornung an der Organspitze vorliegt. Hinweise auf eine Funktion der epidermalen Organe von Morulius als Sinnesorgane wurden nicht gefunden; sie müssen daher von den Fahrenholzschen Organen der Dipnoi und Brachiopterygii unterschieden werden.
Epidermal organs on the head of Morulius chrysophakedion (Cyprinidae, Ostariophysi, Pisces)Histochemical and electron microscopical study of the so called flask-shaped organs of Labeo
Summary There are groups of epidermal organs in the head region of Morulius chrysophakedion. In contrast to the superficial perlorgans of some other Cyprinidae these organs are formed by an infolding of epidermis into the connective tissue beneath. From this tissue vessels reach into the interior of the organ. Electron microscopical and histochemical data give evidence of a relatively high metabolic activity in the Polsterzellen from which the organ is built up. These cells give rise to a keratinized area at the top of the organ. There is no evidence that the epidermal organ has the function of a sense organ as in the organs of Fahrenholz in Dipnoi and Brachiopterygii.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The predictability of scale check formation in Barbus liberiensis has been investigated. Scale length is shown to be linearly related to body length. The formation of the check can be interpreted in terms of the reproductive cycle and changes in somatic condition. Throughout the population check formation takes place in two phases, resorption of material from the scale edges coinciding with the early and middle phases of gonad maturation, and the formation of the check itself as a result of repair as maturation is completed. Check formation is not correlated with actual spawning activity and fluctuations in food intake and temperature are insignificant.
The first scale check is formed at the end of the first year and from analysis of check frequency the mean body lengths at the end of the first, second and third years were 6·9 cm, 8·3 cm and 9·3 cm. There was no significant difference in the growth rate of males and females although the females tend to live longer and therefore attain a greater maximum size. Some individuals may not have formed a check at the end of the first year.
The difference between check formation in tropical and temperate fish and also between forest and savanna types are discussed. The predictability and the factors affecting check formation in tropical freshwater fish are considered.  相似文献   

The appearance pattern of pharyngeal tooth germs was investigated in the larval Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, which has a bilaterally asymmetrical dentition. Teeth develop in a series of replacement waves beginning with the initial central tooth (Ce) and continuing with teeth of anterior (An) and posterior (Po) positions relative to the initial one. Identified by wave number (n) and tooth position (r), according to the formula n-1[r], tooth germs appeared in the order of tooth 0[Ce0], 1[Po1], 1[Anl], 2[Ce0], 2[An2], 3[Po1], 3[An1], 4[Ce0], 4[An2], 5[Po1], 5[An1], 5[An3], 6[Ce0], 6[An2] during the larval period. Dentition on the right side, however, lacks the first tooth at position An2 (tooth 2[An2]) and teeth at position An3. Tooth germs on the first, second, and third replacement waves appeared simultaneously on the arches of both sides. During following waves, tooth germs on the left side appeared later than those on the right. Delay of tooth germ appearance On the left side is interpreted as an inhibitory influence of existing tooth germs in accordance with Osborn's (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 179:261--289, '71) theory. The delay of tooth germ appearance on the left arch is most pronounced on the seventh replacement wave. Teeth of the right major row in adults of this species are replaced more frequently than those of the left major row, apparently in correlation with the absence of the first larval tooth at position An2 and teeth at position An3. It is hypothesized that cyprinids evolved the minor rows and specialized teeth of their adult dentition as apomorphic characteristics by the process of neoteny.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of copper in a long-time treatment with concentrations of 0.05 mg L?1 and 0.1 mg L?1 to track the histopathological changes in gills of Carassius gibelio, and to find at what extent they will recover after the effect of the copper concentrations stops. Treatment with copper lasted 21 days and the recovery time was of the same duration. The results of histological examination showed degenerative changes (resulting in thinner secondary lamellae and filamentary epithelium), and hyperplastic and hypertrophic changes (proliferation, vasodilatation, aneurysms, epithelial interstitial edema, and fusion) in gills under the influence of two concentrations. The degenerative changes have higher prevalence at low concentrations, while hyperplastic and hypertrophic ones — at high concentrations. After the period of recovery they remained the same, but the extent of expression on the surface of gill filaments changed. The long-time copper intoxication in low concentrations of copper affects gill structure, causing severe changes whose recovery is a slow process that requires a longer period of time.  相似文献   

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