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The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, native to northeastern Mexico and southcentral USA, is today the dominant macroinvertebrate in several European countries. While the first introduction of this species into Spain is well-documented, little is known about its pathways of invasion and the reason for its rapid spread in several European countries. Study of the biology of the species has revealed a number of properties that makes this crayfish a successful invader. Procambarus clarkii exhibits properties characteristic of an r-selected species, including early maturity at small body size, rapid growth rates, large numbers of offspring at a given parental size, and relatively short life spans. It is also plastic in its life cycle, able to disperse widely in the habitat and to tolerate environmental extremes. It displays generalist and opportunistic feeding habits, consuming macrophytes and preying on amphibians. Procambarus clarkii can also replace indigenous crayfish by a combination of mechanisms, including competitive exclusion and transmission of the fungus-like Aphanomyces astaci, responsible for the crayfish plague. Finally, this species shows a wide behavioral flexibility when coping with new types of predators. The results of these studies, combined with the increasing information available in the scientific literature on this and other crayfish species, will help us understand invasions in this taxon and make predictions about the identity of future crayfish invaders.  相似文献   

Crayfish invading Europe: the case study of Procambarus clarkii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, native to northeastern Mexico and southcentral USA, is today the dominant macroinvertebrate in several European countries. While the first introduction of this species into Spain is well-documented, little is known about its pathways of invasion and the reason for its rapid spread in several European countries. Study of the biology of the species has revealed a number of properties that makes this crayfish a successful invader. Procambarus clarkii exhibits properties characteristic of an r-selected species, including early maturity at small body size, rapid growth rates, large numbers of offspring at a given parental size, and relatively short life spans. It is also plastic in its life cycle, able to disperse widely in the habitat and to tolerate environmental extremes. It displays generalist and opportunistic feeding habits, consuming macrophytes and preying on amphibians. Procambarus clarkii can also replace indigenous crayfish by a combination of mechanisms, including competitive exclusion and transmission of the fungus-like Aphanomyces astaci, responsible for the crayfish plague. Finally, this species shows a wide behavioral flexibility when coping with new types of predators. The results of these studies, combined with the increasing information available in the scientific literature on this and other crayfish species, will help us understand invasions in this taxon and make predictions about the identity of future crayfish invaders.  相似文献   

As a first step in understanding the calcification mechanism, a matrix protein in the gastrolith of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii was purified and sequenced. The protein was insoluble in acid, but after trypsin digestion, it dissolved in 6 m urea. The trypsin-digested protein dissolved in urea solution was purified by reversed-phase HPLC and designated gastrolith matrix protein fragment. The fragment had a molecular weight of 9658 and a blocked amino terminus. It had tandemly repeated units not reported before at the central part of the sequence, with each unit being Gly-Ser-X1-X2-Phe as the most typical sequence. This peptide was found associated with chitin, a main component of the organic matrix.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii during ontogeny under constant darkness and light-dark (LD 12:12) conditions were studied in 132 juvenile crayfish, aged 10-140 days, divided in four groups. All animals were individually monitored with a motor activity recording system. Activity was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. All ages showed a circadian rhythm, although the probability of its appearance increased with age. Period values oscillated between 25.0 h in group I (2-4-week-old animals) and 24.3 h in group IV (16-20-week-old animals with more than 6 molts), but always with a high standard deviation. Groups II (5-10-week-old animals) and IV showed a statistically significant bimodal nonrandom synchrony of phases. The activity/ rest relationship diminishes as development progresses and is most uniform in group IV. We discuss the possibility that the pacemaker system responsible for this rhythm might be present from the moment of eclosion, but the coupling strength of this system with the effectors might change along development. The results presented in this work seem to indicate that the central pacemakers responsible for the activity and the ERG rhythm are not the same.  相似文献   

甲壳动物的血细胞参与多种免疫反应,能够激活酚氧化酶原,产生抗菌肽或进行血细胞的封装、吞噬等. 本研究在克氏原螯虾血细胞中发现一种造血激素astakine,是与脊椎动物细胞因子前动力蛋白prokineticin同源的基因,命名为PcAst,该基因的开放阅读框为357 bp,编码118个氨基酸,具有保守的半胱氨酸残基. 半定量PCR结果显示,该基因只在血细胞中表达. 实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,在金黄色葡萄球菌和鳗弧菌刺激后,其mRNA表达量大幅上调. 白斑综合征病毒刺激后,该基因也呈持续上调表达趋势. 为进一步研究其功能,重组表达了PcAst蛋白,并对其蛋白水平表达模式进行了分析. 所有结果表明,该基因可能参与鳌虾血细胞的固有免疫应答反应,在抗细菌和抗病毒中起重要作用.  相似文献   

Adult crayfish have a neurogenic heart which is modulated via inputs from the central nervous system and neurohormones, which act on the cardiac ganglion or directly on the myocardium. This study investigates the ontogeny of cardiac regulation by exploring the temporal sequence of cardiac sensitivity to injections of cardioactive neurohormones (proctolin, serotonin and octopamine) and the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid. The cardiac response (delta in heart rate, stroke volume, or in cardiac output) to each neurohormone at each developmental stage was assessed. The observed response elicited by each cardioactive drug was stage dependent and changed as the animals progressed from embryonic through larval and juvenile periods. During early developmental stages, octopamine, serotonin, and proctolin (10(-9)-10(-3) M) did not result in a modulation of stroke volume, yet in later developmental stages they caused significant increases in stroke volume, at comparable concentrations. Early developmental stages are capable of regulating cardiac function, however, the mechanisms appear to be quite different from those used by adults. Evidence is also provided to support the hypothesis that cardiac function is initiated prior to the establishment of an adult-like regulatory system.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the non-parametric effect of white light on the activity rhythm of the postembryonic stages of crayfish and to elucidate the characteristics and development of its entrainment mechanisms. Forty-five postembryonical instars of crayfish Procambarus clarkii, separated into three groups according to age and moult, were investigated. They were individually monitored with a motor activity recording system in constant photic conditions. For the three groups of animals, three trials with different skeleton photoperiod (SP) imitating LD 8:16, LD 12:12 and LD 20:4 were conducted, each followed by exposure to a period of constant darkness (DD). The locomotor activity rhythm and its entrainment ability were evaluated. All ages showed a circadian rhythm with a capability to synchronize to the different SP increasing with age. The three groups of crayfish analysed were generally synchronized by the dusk pulse, clustering the onset of activity close to the light pulses considered as dusk. The results presented in this study suggest the involvement of extraretinal pathways in the non-parametric entrainment of crayfish.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the non-parametric effect of white light on the activity rhythm of the postembryonic stages of crayfish and to elucidate the characteristics and development of its entrainment mechanisms. Forty-five postembryonical instars of crayfish Procambarus clarkii, separated into three groups according to age and moult, were investigated. They were individually monitored with a motor activity recording system in constant photic conditions. For the three groups of animals, three trials with different skeleton photoperiod (SP) imitating LD 8:16, LD 12:12 and LD 20:4 were conducted, each followed by exposure to a period of constant darkness (DD). The locomotor activity rhythm and its entrainment ability were evaluated. All ages showed a circadian rhythm with a capability to synchronize to the different SP increasing with age. The three groups of crayfish analysed were generally synchronized by the dusk pulse, clustering the onset of activity close to the light pulses considered as dusk. The results presented in this study suggest the involvement of extraretinal pathways in the non-parametric entrainment of crayfish.  相似文献   

应用组织切片和透射电镜技术研究眼柄切除对加速克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)卵巢发育进程的影响。实验分成4组,选取眼柄切除15 d和30 d两个时间点进行。切除眼柄30 d后,雌虾体长增长显著,从(11.50±2.30)cm增长至(18.20±3.40)cm(P0.05),性腺指数(GSI)从4.56%±2.81%增长至8.05%±2.51%(P0.05),体重和螯肢长也有所增长(P0.05)。电镜观察发现卵母细胞从发育Ⅱ期迅速度过Ⅲ期进入到Ⅵ期阶段,卵母细胞体积变大,变圆;液泡压缩变小;卵黄颗粒加速积累,逐渐占满整个胞内空间;滤泡细胞胞质从黏稠变稀薄。这些结果表明,切除眼柄在短期内显著加快卵母细胞内卵黄颗粒的积累,并且加快个体生长。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate possible changes in serotonin (5-HT) and tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH)-like immunoreactivity related to time of day in Procambarus clarkii retina during the first developmental stages. Forty-five animals from postembryonic instars (PO1, PO2) to juvenile stage were kept under LD 12:12 cycles. All animals were anesthetized and decapitated at three times of day, 08:00, 15:00 and 20:00 h. Isolated eyestalks were processed by immunohistochemical methods. The 5-HT-like immunoreactive area of retina was measured using computer-based image analysis. Results indicated 5-HT-like immunoreactive differences among the three crayfish instars studied. In PO1 animals, ANOVA revealed no significant differences in 5-HT-like immunoreactivity in the retina at different times of day. PO2 instars as well as juvenile instars, showed statistically significant retinal 5-HT-like immunoreactivity changes related to time of day. Preliminary results indicated that TPH-like immunoreactivity was located only in the tapetal and retinal cells, and it was related to time of day. These changes suggest a diurnal cyclic regulation in the synthesis of 5-HT in the retina.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate possible changes in serotonin (5-HT) and tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH)-like immunoreactivity related to time of day in Procambarus clarkii retina during the first developmental stages. Forty-five animals from postembryonic instars (PO1, PO2) to juvenile stage were kept under LD 12:12 cycles. All animals were anesthetized and decapitated at three times of day, 08:00, 15:00 and 20:00 h. Isolated eyestalks were processed by immunohistochemical methods. The 5-HT-like immunoreactive area of retina was measured using computer-based image analysis. Results indicated 5-HT-like immunoreactive differences among the three crayfish instars studied. In PO1 animals, ANOVA revealed no significant differences in 5-HT-like immunoreactivity in the retina at different times of day. PO2 instars as well as juvenile instars, showed statistically significant retinal 5-HT-like immunoreactivity changes related to time of day. Preliminary results indicated that TPH-like immunoreactivity was located only in the tapetal and retinal cells, and it was related to time of day. These changes suggest a diurnal cyclic regulation in the synthesis of 5-HT in the retina.  相似文献   

Organic matrices in calcified hard tissues have been considered to control calcification. A matrix peptide, designated CAP-1, was extracted and purified by anionexchange and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatographies from the exoskeleton of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. The amino acid sequence of CAP-1 was determined by mass spectral and sequence analyses of the intact peptide and its enzymatically digested peptides. CAP-1 consisted of 78 amino acid residues, including a phosphoserine residue, and was rich in acidic amino acid residues. CAP-1 had a RebersRiddiford consensus sequence, which is conserved in cuticle proteins from many arthropods. CAP-1 inhibited precipitation of calcium carbonate in an in vitro anticalcification assay dose-dependently, and completelyinhibited it at 3×10-7 M. CAP-1 also showed chitinbinding ability, indicating that this molecule was bifunctional and played an important role in formation of the exoskeleton.  相似文献   

Prohibitins (PHBs) are ubiquitously expressed conserved proteins in eukaryotes that are associated with apoptosis, cancer formation, aging, stress responses, cell proliferation, and immune regulation. However, the function of PHBs in crustacean immunity remains largely unknown. In the present study, we identified a PHB in Procambarus clarkii red swamp crayfish, which was designated PcPHB1. PcPHB1 was widely distributed in several tissues, and its expression was significantly upregulated by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) challenge at the mRNA level and the protein level. These observations prompted us to investigate the role of PcPHB1 in the crayfish antiviral response. Recombinant PcPHB1 (rPcPHB1) significantly reduced the amount of WSSV in crayfish and the mortality of WSSV-infected crayfish. The quantity of WSSV in PcPHB1 knockdown crayfish was increased compared with that in the controls. The effects of RNA silencing were rescued by rPcPHB1 reinjection. We further confirmed the interaction of PcPHB1 with the WSSV envelope proteins VP28, VP26, and VP24 using pulldown and far-Western overlay assays. Finally, we observed that the colloidal gold-labeled PcPHB1 was located on the outer surface of the WSSV, which suggests that PcPHB1 specifically binds to the envelope proteins of WSSV. VP28, VP26, and VP24 are structural envelope proteins and are essential for attachment and entry into crayfish cells. Therefore, PcPHB1 exerts its anti-WSSV effect by binding to VP28, VP26, and VP24, preventing viral infection. This study is the first report on the antiviral function of PHB in the innate immune system of crustaceans.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to determine the molt cycle of the American crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, and to quantify the amounts of the molt-inhibiting hormone (Prc-MIH) in the hemolymph and neurohemal sinus glands during the molt cycle of the American crayfish. The molt cycle was classified into six stages based on the changes in volumes of gastroliths in the stomach and ecdysteroid titers in the hemolymph. A sandwich-type enzyme immunoassay using specific antibodies raised against N-terminal and C-terminal segments of Prc-MIH was developed for the Prc-MIH assay. It is sensitive to as little as 0.5 fmol of Prc-MIH (3.3 x10(-12) M). In the hemolymph, no Prc-MIH could be detected at any of the molt stages tested. However, in the sinus gland, it was demonstrated that the amount of Prc-MIH changes in a molt-stage-specific manner during the molt cycle. It was particularly noteworthy that the initiation of a molting sequence (i.e., entering the early premolt stage) corresponded to the increase in Prc-MIH content in the sinus gland, because the finding is consistent with the hypothesis that crustaceans enter the premolt stage when the MIH secretion from the sinus gland is reduced or ceases.  相似文献   

Six longitudinal ridges span the length of the intestine in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. A simple columnar epithelium with tetralaminar cuticle lines the lumen. Folds of the epithelium overlie a dense irregular connective tissue packed with mixed acinar (alveolar) glands. Mucous secretions are probably involved with formation and lubrication of faecal strings; neither the nature nor the role of the serous secretions is immediately apparent. Aggregations of cells with large cytoplasmic vacuoles, called bladder cells, appear in the subepithelial connective tissue near the tops of the intestinal ridges. The bladder cells are suitably positioned to bolster the integrity of the ridges. Striated muscle of the intestine occurs in inner longitudinal and outer circular layers. The inner longitudinal layer consists of six strips, with one strip associated with the base of each intestinal ridge. The outer circular layer is essentially complete, but there are periodic apertures in this layer on the left and right sides of the intestine, providing nerves and haemolymph vessels with access to the interior of the gut. Based on histological features, and consistent with reports on other crayfish, we conclude that the intestine of P. clarkii has a proctodeal (ectodermal) origin.  相似文献   

武汉地区克氏原螯虾繁殖期的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探究武汉地区克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)繁殖期的问题,采用石蜡切片的方法,对武汉地区自然群体中克氏原螯虾雌雄成体的生殖腺进行了周年观察研究。结果表明,武汉地区成年克氏原螯虾的卵母细胞发育不同步,在4~5月以及9~10月的卵巢中都有大量成熟期的卵子,同时也含有少量卵黄发生前期或初期的卵母细胞。6~7月和11月都可见产后恢复期的卵巢,内含少量未产出的正在退化的过熟卵和一些卵黄发生前期或初期的卵母细胞。精巢发育的年周期变化没有卵巢变化的那么明显,但也可以看到,在4~6月和9~10月,含精子细胞和精子的精小管的比例大大增加,而在其他时期,含精原细胞和精母细胞的精小管比例较多。这些结果提示,武汉地区克氏原螯虾一年有两个繁殖高峰期,一个在4~5月,另一个在9~10月。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
从形态、习性、繁殖和幼体发育等7个方面介绍了克氏原螯虾的生物学特性,指出它对人类有益的方面,以及对水利、农业、淡水养殖业的危害及其可能造成食用者食物中毒的不利方面。  相似文献   

Pattern formation and ommatidial differentiation in the crayfish retina were analyzed using confocal, light and electron microscopy. Optic primordia first appear in the embryo as round elevations covered by a surface epithelial layer. Retinal differentiation begins with a wave of mitotic activity that moves across this epithelium from lateral to medial. Ommatidial cell clusters are visible at the surface along a transition zone, which lies at the interface of the medial undifferentiated retina and the lateral patterned retina. This zone is 8–10 cells wide and composed of small uniform cell profiles. Lateral to the transition zone the initial ommatidial cell clusters form staggered rows across the surface. Each first row cluster contains eight retinula cells surrounded by four cone, two corneagenous and two distal pigment cells. Ommatidial clusters in the first nine rows show significant changes in their organization, which are visible at the surface of the retina. In row 10 the retinula cells recede from the surface and the cone cells close in above them creating a constant cell pattern at the surface. Rhabdome development begins distally and extends downward as the retinula cluster recedes from the surface. Movement of the retinula cells inward and enlargement of the cone and corneagenous cells at the surface creates a two-tiered organization characteristic of each ommatidium. Comparison of retinal pattern formation and differentiation in the crayfish with retinal morphogenesis in Drosophila and other insects show several similarities between the two arthropod groups.  相似文献   

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