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The hobo transposable element of Drosophila melanogaster is known to induce a hybrid dysgenesis syndrome. Moreover it displays a polymorphism of a microsatellite in its coding region: TPE repeats. In European populations, surveys of the distribution of hobo elements with regard to TPE repeats revealed that the 5TPE element is distributed along a frequency gradient, and it is even more frequent than the 3TPE element in Western populations. This suggests that the invasive ability of the hobo elements could be related to the number of TPE repeats they contain. To test this hypothesis we monitored the evolution of 16 lines derived from five initial independent transgenic lines bearing the 3TPE element and/or the 5TPE element. Four lines bearing 5TPE elements and four bearing 3TPE elements were used as a noncompetitive genetic background to compare the evolution of the 5TPE element to that of the 3TPE element. Eight lines bearing both elements provided a competitive genetic context to study potential interactions between these two elements. We studied genetic and molecular aspects of the first 20 generations. At the molecular level, we showed that the 5TPE element is able to spread within the genome at least as efficiently as the 3TPE element. Surprisingly, at the genetic level we found that the 5TPE element is less active than the 3TPE element, and moreover may be able to regulate the activity of the 3TPE element. Our findings suggest that the invasive potential of the 5TPE element could be due not only to its intrinsic transposition capacity but also to a regulatory potential.  相似文献   

The Lepidopteran transposable element piggyBac is being recognized as a useful vector for genetic engineering in a variety of insect species. This transposon can mediate transformation in the Dipteran species Ceratitis capitata, and can potentially serve as a versatile vector for transformation of a wide variety of insect species. Using a plasmid-based interplasmid transposition assay, we have demonstrated that this transposon, of the short inverted terminal repeat type, is capable of transposition in embryos of three different insect species, Drosophila melanogaster, the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, and its host of origin, Trichoplusia ni. This assay can confirm the potential utility of piggyBac as a gene transfer tool in a given insect species, and provides an experimental model for assessing molecular mechanisms of transposon movement. Received: 19 November 1998 / Accepted: 1 March 1999  相似文献   

The copy frequency distribution of a transposable element family in a Drosophila melanogaster natural population is generally characterised by the values of the Charlesworths' model parameters α and β (Charlesworth & Charlesworth, 1983). The estimation of these parameters is made using the observed distribution of the occupied sites in a population sample. Several results have been interpreted as due either to the influence of stochastic factors or to deterministic factors (transposition, excision, selection…). The accuracy of this method was tested by estimations performed on samples from simulated populations. The results show that with the sample size usually used for natural population studies, the confidence intervals are too large to reasonably deduce either the element copy number distribution or the values of transposition and excision rate and selective coefficients.  相似文献   

Transposons are used in insect science as genetic tools that enable the transformation of insects and the identification and isolation of genes though their ability to insert in or near to them. Four transposons, piggyBac, Mos1, Hermes and Minos are commonly used in insects beyond Drosophila melanogaster with piggyBac, due to its wide host range and frequency of transposition, being the most commonly chosen. The utility of these transposons as genetic tools is directly proportional to their activity since higher transposition rates would be expected to lead to higher transformation frequencies and higher frequencies of insertion throughout the genome. As a consequence there is an ongoing need for hyperactive transposases for use in insect genetics, however these have proven difficult to obtain. IPB7 is a hyperactive mutant of the piggyBac transposase that was identified by a genetic screen performed in yeast, a mammalian codon optimized version of which was then found to be highly active in rodent embryonic stem cells with no apparent deleterious effects. Here we report the activity of IPB7 in D. melanogaster and the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Somatic transposition assays revealed an increase in IPB7's transposition rate from wild-type piggyBac transposase in D. melanogaster but not Ae. aegypti. However the use of IPB7 in D. melanogaster genetic transformations produced a high rate of sterility and a low transformation rate compared to wild-type transposase. This high rate of sterility was accompanied by significant gonadal atrophy that was also observed in the absence of the piggyBac vector transposon. We conclude that IPB7 has increased activity in the D. melanogaster germ-line but that a component of the sterility associated with its activity is independent of the presence of the piggyBac transposon.  相似文献   

Summary The Drosophila melanogaster mobile DNA sequences P factors and P elements transpose at elevated rates when P strain males are mated to M strain females in a hybrid dysgenic cross (Engels 1983). Isofemale lines derived from such a cross were analysed by in situ hybridisation using cloned copies of the transposable elements copia, 412 and F. It was found that lines derived from dysgenic crosses showed a statistically significant number of new sites for these elements when compared to a non-dysgenic control cross. This result suggests a functional coupling of copia, 412 and F transposition and some component present in the P-M dysgenic system.  相似文献   

P. Capy  J. R. David  D. L. Hartl 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):37-46
The population biology and molecular evolution of the transposable element mariner has been studied in the eight species of the melanogaster subgroup of the Drosophila subgenus Sophophora. The element occurs in D. simulans, D. mauritiana, D. sechellia, D. teissieri, and D. yakuba, but is not found in D. melanogaster, D. erecta, or D. orena. Sequence comparisons suggest that the mariner element was present in the ancestor of the species subgroup and was lost in some of the lineages. Most species contain both active and inactive mariner elements. A deletion of most of the 3 end characterizes many elements in D. teissieri, but in other species the inactive elements differ from active ones only by simple nucleotide substitutions or small additions/deletions. Active mariner elements from all species are quite similar in nucleotide sequence, although there are some-species-specific differences. Many, but not all, of the inactive elements are also quite closely related. The genome of D. mauritiana contains 20–30 copies of mariner, that of D. simulans 0–10, and that of D. sechellia only two copies (at fixed positions in the genome). The mariner situation in D. sechellia may reflect a reduced effective population size owing to the restricted geographical range of this species and its ecological specialization to the fruit of Morinda citrifolia.  相似文献   

Summary Foldback elements are a family of transposable elements described inDrosophila melanogaster. The members of this dispersed repetitive family have terminal inverted repeats that sometimes flank a central region. The inverted repeats of all the family members are homologous.The study of the distribution and conservation of the foldback elements in differentDrosophila species shows that this distribution is different from that of the hybrid dysgenesis systems (PM and IR). Sequences homologous to foldback elements were observed by Southern blots and in situ hybridization in all species of themelanogaster subgroup and in some species of themontium andtakahashii subgroups. The element was probably already present before the radiation of these subgroups. No evidence of horizontal transmission of the foldback element could be observed.  相似文献   

Super-unstable mutations occasionally appear either in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster or in P-M hybrid dysgenesis. We found that they may be reproducibly obtained with a high frequency from crosses between males from the % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaaubiaeqale% qabaWaaubiaeqameqaleaacaGGQaaaoeaacaWGHbGaam4raaaaa0qa% aiaadEhaaaaaaa!3A01!\[\mathop w\nolimits^{\mathop {aG}\nolimits^* } \] strain and females from the w aG* strain or its derivatives. Super-unstable mutations in the ocelliless, singed, white, yellow and other loci have been obtained. Each super-unstable mutation gives rise to a large family of new super-unstable mutations with a wide range of phenotypic expression. Mutations with the same phenotype often differ in the specificity of their potential for further mutation. As a rule, a super-unstable mutation is associated with a specific reversible mutation and paired alleles are formed in this way. Other mutations are usually irreversible, but new mutations of these may also form paired alleles. Active transposase encoded by transposable P elements is necessary to maintain super-instability. Finally, some preliminary molecular data are discussed which suggest that this type of super-instability is a result of interaction between P elements and a novel mobile element, designated as X.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster transposable element 412 is transiently unstable in Saccharomyces cerevisiae when present on a freely replicating plasmid. The 412 element undergoes recombination to form two circular molecules, a 412 deletion plasmid and, presumably, a 412 circle. The 412 deletion plasmid contains a single long terminal repeat which most likely is the result of homologous recombination within the long terminal repeats. This recombination occurs at or shortly after transformation and is independent of both the RAD52 gene product and the Flp gene of 2 micron DNA.  相似文献   

Statistical properties of the amount of divergence of members of a transposable element family are studied. The analysis is based on the model proposed by Langley et al. [5], describing the evolution of a family of selectively neutral transposable elements in a finite haploid population of size 2N. By considering the time back to the most recent common ancestor of two copies, both the probability of identity and the moments of the number of sites that differ between two sampled copies are obtained. Our analytic results are consistent with the numerical results of Ohta [8] for a similar model. The effects of gene conversion are also examined. In agreement with Slatkin [9], we find that gene conversion has a minimal effect on the probability of identity providing that the rate of deletion is sufficiently large.  相似文献   



Transposable elements are mobile DNA repeat sequences, known to have high impact on genes, genome structure and evolution. This has stimulated broad interest in the detailed biological studies of transposable elements. Hence, we have developed an easy-to-use tool for the comparative analysis of the structural organization and functional relationships of transposable elements, to help understand their functional role in genomes.


We named our new software VisualTE and describe it here. VisualTE is a JAVA stand-alone graphical interface that allows users to visualize and analyze all occurrences of transposable element families in annotated genomes. VisualTE reads and extracts transposable elements and genomic information from annotation and repeat data. Result analyses are displayed in several graphical panels that include location and distribution on the chromosome, the occurrence of transposable elements in the genome, their size distribution, and neighboring genes’ features and ontologies. With these hallmarks, VisualTE provides a convenient tool for studying transposable element copies and their functional relationships with genes, at the whole-genome scale, and in diverse organisms.


VisualTE graphical interface makes possible comparative analyses of transposable elements in any annotated sequence as well as structural organization and functional relationships between transposable elements and other genetic object. This tool is freely available at: http://lcb.cnrs-mrs.fr/spip.php?article867.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1351-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Two transposable elements have been identified at the dunce locus in chromosomes recovered after a premeiotic and interchromosomal conversion event occurred at this gene. One is approximately 8.2 kb and is inserted near the 5 end of the gene. This element was identified by sequence analysis as a member of the B104 (roo) family of copia-like transposable elements. The second resides near the 3 end of the gene and represents a new family of the class of poly-deoxyadenylated [poly(dA)] transposable elements. It is 0.38 kb in length and has one terminus consisting of a stretch of 29 deoxyadenosine residues with a polyadenylation site like those found in mRNA molecules, located about 20 pb away from the poly(dA) stretch. Fourteen base pairs of genome DNA is duplicated at the target site of this element.  相似文献   

Summary Mitomycin C was injected into the abdomen of male flies of the y 2 sc1 waG strain of Drosophila melanogaster. They were mated with females bearing attached-X chromosomes, and the male offspring (F1) were analysed for the appearance of mutations in the X chromosome. We observed y 1 and sc + reversions induced either by excision of mdg4 (gypsy) with retention of one long terminal repeat (LTR) or by insertion of a foreign sequence into mdg4, partial reversion of the w aG mutation, w aGw aGd, and unstable f mutations. The overall mutation frequency was considerably higher than in control flies of the y 2 sc1 waG strain. Possible mechanisms of genomic rearrangements induced by Mitomycin C, in particular the role of homologous recombination, are discussed.  相似文献   

The P transposable element family in Drosophila melanogaster is responsible for the syndrome of hybrid dysgenesis which includes chromosomal rearrangements, male recombination, high mutability and temperature sensitive agametic sterility (called gonadal dysgenesis sterility). P element activity is controlled by a complex regulation system, encoded by the elements themselves, which keeps their transposition rate low within the strain bearing P elements and limits copy number by genome. A second regulatory mechanism, which acts on the level of RNA processing, prevents P mobility to somatic cells. The oldest available strains, representing most major geographical regions of the world, exhibited no detectable hybridization to the P-element. In contrast, all recently collected natural populations that were tested carried P-element sequences. The available evidence is consistent with the hypothesis of a worldwide P-element invasion of D. melanogaster during the past 30 years. Timing and direction of the invasion are discussed. The lack of P-element in older strains of Drosophila melanogaster as well as in the species must closely related to Drosophila melanogaster, suggests that P entered the Drosophila melanogaster genome recently, probably by horizontal transfer from an other species. The analysis of P-element elsewhere in the genus Drosophila reveals that several more distantly related species carried transposable elements with sequences quite similar to P. The species with the best-matching P-element is D. willistoni. A P-element from this species was found to match all but one of the 2907 nucleotides of the Drosophila melanogaster P-element. The phylogenic distributions and the likely horizontal transfers of the two other Drosophila transposable elements are discussed.  相似文献   

The terminal DNA sequence requirements for piggyBac transposable element excision were explored using a plasmid-based assay in transfected, cultured insect cells. A donor plasmid containing duplicate 3′piggyBac terminal inverted repeats was constructed that allowed individual nucleotides or groups of nucleotides within one of the 3′ repeats to be mutated. The relative extent of excision using the mutated end versus the wild-type end was then assayed. Removal of even one of the terminal 3′ G nucleotides from the piggyBac inverted repeat, or removal of the dinucleotide AA from the flanking TTAA target site prevents excision of piggyBac at the mutated terminus. Incorporation of an asymmetric TTAC target site at the 3′ end does not prevent excision from the mutated end. Thus, both piggyBac DNA and flanking host DNA appear to play crucial roles in the excision process. Received: 9 July 1996 / Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   

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