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Functional response studies of females ofMacrolophus caliginosus Wagner for 2 prey speciesMyzus persicae Sulzer andTetranychus urticae Koch showedHolling's type II response (1959). Estimations of handling time (Th) and attack rate (a) obtained for the aphid (Th=.055 day; a=1.035) and for the mite (Th=.025 day; a=.947) enabled the development of a mathematical model which describes the predation rate on the 2 prey simultaneously. This mirid shows a sharp preference for aphids over mites.
Résumé L'étude en laboratoire des réponses fonctionnelles des femelles adultes deMacrolophus caliginosus Wagner vis-à-vis des deux proiesMyzus persicae Sulzer etTetranychus urticae Koch montre dans les 2 cas une réponse de type II deHolling (1959). L'estimation du temps de manipulation (Th) et du taux d'attaque instantané (a) pour l'aphide (Th=.055 jour; a=1.035) et pour l'acarien (Th=.025 jour; a=.947) permet d'établir un modèle mathématique décrivant la prédation sur les 2 proies présentes simultanément et de préciser ainsi, au regard des résultats expérimentaux, l'existence d'une préférence du miride pour le puceronM. persicae.

A. Dejean 《BioControl》1991,36(1):29-54
Résumé L'activité prédatrice de 12 sociétés d'Oecophylla longinoda Latreille a été étudiée durant 124 h d'observations pendant lesquelles 2 482 proies ont été capturées. La prédation s'exerce sur les arbres supportant les nids ainsi que sur des territoires ?secondaires? habituellement situés sur le sol. Les 7 situations suivantes sont comparées: 1) En forêt, durant les périodes ?habituelles?; 2) Durant le passage d'une colonne de Magnans; 3) Le territoire de chasse ?secondaire? d'une société installée sur un arbre situé en bordure de rivière correspond à une zone où de nombreux insectes se concentrent pour s'abreuver; 4) L'arbre support est un manguier dont on suit le cycle biologique (inter-saison, floraison, fruits m?rs) et son impact sur la prédation par lesOecophylla; 5) On compare la situation ?habituelle? à ce qui se passe lorsqu'un essaimage de Termites est rabattu sur les territoires d'une société; 6) Le territoire ?secondaire? est situé sous la véranda d'une maison éclairée chaque nuit où de nombreux insectes ailés sont attirés; 7) Les territoires ?secondaires? de 2 sociétés étant contigus, on compare les périodes de combats aux périodes calmes. Les territoires ?secondaires? sont situés sur des zones de concentration en proies (insectes de la litière des forêts, zones où ils viennent s'abreuver, attraction par la lumière, la nuit). LesOecophylla y capturent souvent des insectes aptères, cas relativement rare sur l'arbre support. Ces territoires sont défendus contre les ouvrières d'autres sociétés. Du fait de leur territorialité très marquée avec surveillance permanente du territoire et un recrutement très efficace, lesOecophylla répondent très rapidement à toute prolifération en proies. A cela s'ajoute une grande diversité de proies potentielles de sorte que cette espèce peut être considérée comme très efficace en lutte biologique, les ouvrières réagissant spécifiquement à toute abondance d'un type d'insecte. Pour une société comprenant 12 calies, le nombre de proies capturées par an est de l'ordre de 45 000. Ramené à un nombre équivalent d'individus et de jours d'activité, il est du même ordre que celui desFormica lugubris (Cherix, 1986).   相似文献   

The mirid bug Macrolophus caliginosus is commercially reared on eggs of Ephestia kuehniella, constituting an effective but expensive factitious food. Artificial diets can decrease the rearing costs of this natural enemy, but developing and evaluating an artificial diet is a very time-consuming activity. In the current study, development and reproduction of M. caliginosus on two artificial diets based on egg yolk were investigated. The artificial diets resulted in longer development and lower adult weights, but survival was comparable with that of control insects fed E. kuehniella eggs. Reproductive potential of the predator reared on factitious and artificial foods was assessed using a dissection method. The influence of nymphal food on fecundity was less important than that of adult food. Adults fed E. kuehniella eggs had a preoviposition period of about 4 days, whereas adults offered only plant material started laying eggs about 7 days after emergence. Ovarian scores at day 7 were higher for females fed E. kuehniella eggs than for those given access only to a tobacco leaf. Ovarian scores were not significantly affected by mating status. In a final test, a parallel comparison of two methods for assessing reproductive response to diet was made. Here, adult couples were offered one of four diets: E. kuehniella eggs, one of two artificial diets or no food. Half of the females were dissected and the other half was held for determining lifetime oviposition. Females fed E. kuehniella eggs had superior ovarian scores and laid more eggs than those fed either artificial diet or those given no extra food. A good correlation (r = 0.97) was obtained between ovarian scores and oviposition data, indicating that dissecting females after 1 week provides a reliable estimate of fecundity as affected by diet quality. Rapid reproductive assessments as used in the current study will help to increase the rate of development of artificial diets and may contribute to more cost effective production methods for augmentative biological control agents.  相似文献   

The efficacy of predators of immature cotton fleahoppers,Pseudatomoscelis seriatus (Reuter), was calculated using field and laboratory cage confinement tests for consumption rate. The predators tested were the striped lynx spider,Oxyopes salticus Hentz; the black and white jumping spider,Phidippus audax (Hentz); the celer crab spider,Misumenops celer Hentz; and the red imported fire ant,Solenopsis invicta Buren. The spider predators were evaluated in a cotton field using predator-prey confinement cages on cotton plants. Average percent control (sensuAbbott 1925) of fleahoppers byO. salticus, P. audax, andM. celer were 42%, 66% and 32% respectively. The rate of fleahopper consumption by red imported fire ants was measured in the laboratory using various numbers of ants and fleahoppers. Daily percent control by ants ranged from 0.5% (single ant and fleahopper) to 100% (colony linked). The functional response of the 4 arthropod species to different prey numbers is illustrated and discussed as is the relative potential usefulness of natural enemies to suppress fleahoppers on cotton.   相似文献   

Glossina pallidipes Austen,G. brevipalpis Newstead andG. austeni Newstead were collected from 5 sites along the south Kenyan coast over a 2 year period. They were dissected and examined for nematodes. Three of the sites yielded tsetse parasitized by juvenile mermithids identified asHexamermis glossinae Poinar et al. Glossina pallidipes andG. brevipalpis are new host records for this parasite, whileG. austeni was captured infrequently and only at a site that failed to yield other parasitized tsetse. Parasite prevalence was low (0.16–0.61 %) and did not differ between male and female hosts. More tsetse than expected by chance harboured nematodes during the long rains season (April–August) than during the short rains (September–November) or dry season (December–March). Early juvenile stages (0.5–2.5 mm long) were recovered mainly from tsetse less than 50 days old, while late juvenile stages (35–85 mm long) were only found in flies older than 30 days. Late stages occurred singly while early ones usually occurred as two or more per host.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were done to measure predation by adult damsel bugs,Nabis roseipennis Reuter [Heteroptera: Nabidae], on 3rd instar larvae of Mexican bean beetle (MBB),Epilachna varivestis Mulsant [Coleoptera: Coccinellidae], and to measure longevity and body weight of the nabids. In the 1st experiment, field-collected nabids were isolated for 24h in 9 cm Petri dishes with lima bean foliage (Phaseolus lunatus L.) and were assigned to one of 3 prey treatments: either 4 3rd-instar MBB larvae, 4 3rd-instar larvae of boll weevil (BW),Anthonomus grandis Boheman [Coleoptera: Curculionidae], or 2 larvae of each species. No MBB larvae were attacked in either the MBB treatment or 2-species treatment. In contrast, BW larvae were attacked in both BW and 2-species treatments. Significantly more BW larvae were attacked in the BW treatment than in the 2-species treatment, and both were greater than the number of MBB larvae attacked. Nabids that did not attack prey lost weight during the 24 h, whereas those that attacked prey gained weight. In the 2nd experiment, nabids that had attacked prey were isolated with lima foliage, and nabids that had not attacked prey were kept with MBB and lima foliage until an attack or death. In no instances were MBB attacked. Longevity and the pattern of weight loss did not differ between nabids that did or did not attack prey. We discuss possible reasons for the failure ofN. roseipennis to attack MBB larvae, as well as the implications for using nabids to influence pest populations in the field.   相似文献   

The life table characteristics of the polyphagous mirid Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae) preying on various stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) with tomato as host plant were described at 22 °C. The following average parameters were obtained: Female longevity: 28.7 days; fecundity: 0.7 eggs/female/day; egg mortality: 2.6%; pre-oviposition period: 5.5 days; oviposition period: 18.1 days; post-oviposition period: 3.2 days; juvenile development time: 26.8 days; juvenile mortality: 34.9%; and sex ratio (/(+): 0.46. Life table parameters were estimated as net reproduction rate (R 0): 6.15; intrinsic rate of increase (r m): 0.031 day–1; finite rate of increase (): 1.032; mean generation time (T c): 58.17 days; and doubling time (T 2) 22.2 days. The parameters obtained were in accordance with those reported for M. caliginosus fed on another mite species (T. turkestani Ugarov & Nikolski (Acari: Tetranychidae)). However, compared to the performance of M. caliginosus fed on common glasshouse insect pests, a diet consisting of only mites appeared to be inferior. However, being a voracious predator, M. caliginosus may be a valuable addition to existing methods of mite control.  相似文献   

La possibilité de nourrir la punaiseMacrolophus caliginosus Wagner à l'aide de milieux artificiels a été testée. En l'absence de végétal, les témoins nourris avec des ?ufs d'Ephestia kuehniella Zeller ont une survie médiocre et fournisent 33% d'adultes. Avec le meilleur milieu artificiel la survie est comparable à celle des témoins et 21 % d'adultes sont obtenus. Avec ce même milieu, mais en présence de feuille de géranium, la production d'adultes atteint 62%. Les compositions en acides aminés des punaises élevées avec le milieu montrent des écarts inférieurs à 20% par rapport aux témoins. Le développement complet deM. caliginosus nourri à l'aide de milieu artificiel a été obtenu. Le végétal joue un rôle important dans la biologie de ce prédateur.  相似文献   

Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Heteroptera: Miridae) is common in vegetable crops of the Mediterranean area, with an increasing worldwide range of geographical distribution. This omnivore is a reputed predator of small arthropod pests, but also produces injuries on vegetative and reproductive plant parts. The aim was to estimate density thresholds based on N. tenuis and whitefly abundance for the management of N. tenuis in tomato crops. The assay was carried out in mesh-walled and plastic greenhouses in southern Spain during 2004 and 2007. The natural population dynamics of N. tenuis and whitefly were monitored, and impact on yield quantified. The economic injury level and intervention threshold were predicted based on the zoophytophagous response of N. tenuis and the yield compensation of tomato plants. The proportion of aborted flowers on the tomato plants was related directly to the abundance of N. tenuis and inversely to the interaction between the number of N. tenuis and the number of whitefly immatures. Over-compensation of fruit weight was predicted for flower abortion rates due to N. tenuis lower than 0.171. No yield reduction is expected for values <0.65 N. tenuis per leaf, independent of the whitefly abundance, nor for up to 5 N. tenuis and >26 whitefly immatures per leaf. For intermediate N. tenuis levels, the outcome depends on the prey density. The probability of N. tenuis producing yield loss in tomato crops increases at N. tenuis:whitefly ratios >0.168. Yield reduction is expected after N. tenuis population peaks, when whitefly numbers have been reduced.  相似文献   

Résumé La comparaison de deux espèces de PhytoseiidesP. persimilis etC. chilenensis sur le terrain et en laboratoire, montre qu'elles sont très semblables mais différent principalement pour leur résistance au je?ne et leur fécondité. Des lachers des deux espèces conjointement, ou deP. persimilis seul lorsqueC. chilenensis est présent, peuvent permettre d'utiliser le premier plut?t pour son effet de choc et le deuxième plut?t pour son effet de régulation.
Summary The comparison between two species of predatory mites,Phytoseilus persimilis andC. chilenensis in the fields as well as in the laboratory shows that they differ from each other primarily in voracity. ReleasesP. persimilis, C. chilenensis being present, afford a good combination between the drastic effect of the former and the regulating one of the latter.

Hallodapomimus antennatus sp. n. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Miridae, Phylinae, Hallodapini) is described from a macropterous female found in Eocene Baltic amber. The new species can be recognized readily from the other species of the genus, mainly due to its unusual second antennal segment. A key for the identification of all known fossil Hallodapini is presented.  相似文献   

E. Nieman 《BioControl》1991,36(1):77-86
The mothMimorista pulchellalis was monitored over 2 years after liberation in a jointed cactus (Opuntia aurantiaca) infestation in South Africa. Moth and cactus densities were estimated using a system of randomly-assigned quadrats and the impact of the moth on the cactus population quantified. Moths appeared adapted to survive on the etiolated form of jointed cactus plants, killing approximately 1% of the increment in small plants annually. Large plants were also attacked but damage was negligible. The moths occurred in low numbers throughout the study period and generally went through 3 generations in a year.
Résumé La pyraleMimorista pulchellalis a été surveillée durant les deux années qui suivirent sa libération dans une infestation de figuier de Barbarie en Afrique du Sud. Les densités de pyrale et de cactus ont été estimées en utilisant un système de quadrats distribués au hasard et l'impact de la pyrale sur la population de cactus a été quantifiée. Les pyrales semblaient adaptées à survivre sur la forme étiolée des plants de cactus tuant approximativement 1% de l'accroissement annuel des petits plants. Les gros plants étaient aussi attaqués, mais les dégats étaient négligeables. La pyrale existait en faibles nombres durant toute la période d'étude et elle présentait généralement 3 générations par an.

Malamoeba scolyti (Purrini), ein Parasit im Verdauungstrakt des BorkenkäfersDryocoetes autographus (Ratz.), schmarotzt intrazellulär in bestimmten Abschnitten des Mitteldarmepithels und im Epithel der Malpighischen Gefä\e. Sie zerstört die befallenen Epithelzellen, wobei sie sich bis zum zystenstadium entwickeln kann. in umfangreichen Infektionsexperimenten wird gezeigt, daß die Infektion in den vordersten Krypten des Mitteldarms beginnt und sich in mehreren Infecktionswellen bis zu den hintersten Darmdivertikeln und den Malpighischen Gefäßen ausbreitet. Bei 20° Dauertemperatur nimmt die Erstinfektion etwa 6 Tage, der gesamte Krankheitsverlauf bis zum Exitus des Wirtes 5 bis 7 Wochen in Anspruch. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Beschreibungen konnte nur eine einzige Form von Trophozoiten beobachtet werden. Auf die mögliche Bedeutung dieses Umstandes für die taxonomische Identität der Amöbe wird hingewiesen.  相似文献   

The main characteristics of the imaginal and preimaginal development and the reproduction ofOrius laevigatus were studied at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. Temperature greatly influences the developmental and reproductive biology of this species. The lowest developmental threshold is 10,6°C. Reproduction is greatly reduced at 15°C relative to the higher temperatures tested. O. laevigatus is well adapted to relatively high temperature conditions. The best development and reproduction rates are observed between 20 and 30°C with a theoretical optimum at 26°C.
Résumé Les principales caractéristiques du développement pré-imaginal et imaginal ainsi que la reproduction d'Orius laevigatus sont étudiées à des températures de 15, 20, 25 et 30°C. La température influence considérablement le développement embryonnaire et post-embryoannaire de cette espèce. Le zéro théorique de développement se situe à 10,5°C. Les capacités reproductrices sont fortement perturbées à des températures inférieures à 15°C. Les résultats montrent queO. laevigatus est une espèce adaptée à des conditions thermiques relativement élevées. C'est entre 20 et 30°C, avec un optimum de 26°C, que s'expriment le mieux les capacités de développement et de reproduction de ce prédateur.

H. G. Fowler 《BioControl》1988,33(4):397-401
Euphasiopteryx depleta (Wied) flies successfully developed in the mole cricketsScapteriscus borellii Giglio-Tos andScapteriscus vicinus Scudder, as well as in the short-tailed cricket,Anurogryllus sp., after artificially placing larvae under their pronota. Using this technique, no relation was found between the number of larvae placed on each cricket and the resulting number of puparia obtained from the cricket. In all cases, the number of flies emerging from the puparia was small, with females failing to mature reproductively. AsE. depleta has been reared from field collectedScapteriscus spp., the exact reasons for lack of maturation remain unknown.Anurogryllus sp. can be considered a probable alternate host forE. depleta.   相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were performed with adult female Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae) at 22ºC on bean plants to determine the functional response towards whiteflies, as well as the preference and switching capacity between the two prey species: whiteflies and spider mites. Predation of females presented with first instars of Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) was of a Type III functional response. The observed maximum predation was approximately 75 first instars at high prey densities within a 24-h period. The preference of M. caliginosus females between eggs of T. vaporariorum and Tetranychus urticaeKoch (Acarina: Tetranychidae) changed with the ratio of offered prey. The preference for T. vaporariorum eggs increased non-linearly with increasing proportions of this prey type. The average maximum predation of whitefly and spider mite eggs were approximately 166 and 111 eggs per day, respectively, at the highest ratio of the two preys. The proportion of M. caliginosus females found on the test plants at the end of the experiment increased with prey density suggesting that this mirid spends more time in areas with high prey density. Macrolophus caliginosus females are voracious predators of eggs and first instars of T. vaporariorum as well as of spider mite eggs and may thus be a valuable addition to existing methods of biological control of T. vaporariorum and T. urticae.  相似文献   

Guy Boivin 《BioControl》1988,33(2):245-248
A technique for rearingAnaphes sordidatus (Girault) on eggs of laboratory-reared carrot weevil,Listronotus oregonensis (Le Conte), is described. Individual rearing was possible by using polyethylene embedding capsules that enabled easy manipulation of parasitized carrot weevil eggs for use in subsequent experimental procedures. The technique described resulted in 65% parasitization of carrot weevil eggs and 90 mn per day were sufficient to obtainca. 200 parasites daily.   相似文献   

Artificial and modified natural hosts were exposed to females of the gypsy moth [Lymantria dispar (L.)] hyperparasite,Eurytoma appendigaster (Swederus), to investigate its host recognition behavior on the primary host, which are cocooned larvae of the gypsy moth parasite,Cotesia melanoscela (Ratzeburg). Material(s) which caused drilling behavior by the hyperparasite on host cocoons were extracted with both polar and non-polar solvents. However, cocoons washed with large volumes of solvent still caused substantial drilling activities by females, suggesting that additional cues may be important. Results suggest that host recognition in this hyperparasite involves a variety of host characteristics.   相似文献   

Résumé L'étude de la sensibilité deRhodnius prolixus St?l aux hyphomycètes a été conduite avec 5 isolats deBeauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill., un isolat deBeauveria brongniartii (Sacc.) Petch., 3 isolats deMetarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sor., 4 isolats deNomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson et un isolat dePaecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown et Smith. Les larves du 1er stade ont été traitées par pulvérisation avec des suspensions titrées de conidiospores. A la dose de 3.105 conidiospores/cm2, l'activité pathogène des germes varie suivant l'isolat considéré: 6 souches causent une mortalité supérieure à 50% et seulement 3 d'entre elles,B. bassiana no 297,B. bassiana no 326 etP. fumosoroseus no 56 provoquent 100% de mortalité. Les doses léthales 50% des isolates les plus agressifs sont respectivement de 2,57.104; 2,89.104 et 1,31.105 spores/cm2 (mortalité cumulée 10 j après le traitement dans les 2 premiers cas et 15 j après dans le 3e cas); leurs temps léthaux 50% atteignent 5,51; 5,24 et 13,34 j (à la dose de 3.105 spores/cm2). Le comportement infectieux de ces germes diffère puisque, quelle que soit la dose appliquée, la mortalité due à l'isolatB. bassiana no 297 est très élevée après 15 j, alors que la mortalité causée par les 2 autres souches reste dépendante de la dose audelà de 3 semaines. Par ailleurs, on constate que les 3 souches retenues ont été isolées à partir de cadavres d'espèces-h?tes appartenant à l'ordre des Hétéroptères, comme l'espècecible. En conclusion, ces essais de laboratoire permettent de sélectionner l'isolatB. bassiana no 297 comme candidat potentiel pour la lutte biologique contre le vecteur de la maladie de Chagas,R. prolixus.   相似文献   

The within tree distribution of some common natural enemies of bark beetles in pine plantations in Israel and some aspects of their feeding habits were studied with special emphasis on the potential impact on the predatorAulonium ruficorne Olivier. A total of 12 predators and 2 parasite species were found associated withA. ruficorne in the natural enemy complex of bark beetles on pines. No secondary parasites were detected. The anthocoridScoloposcelis pulchella (Zetterstedt) and the dipteranMedetera striata Parent were observed feeding on immature stages ofA. ruficorne in the absence of scolytids. The associated Coleoptea:Nemosema elongatum F.,Rhizophagus bipustulatus L.,Corticeus spp.,Plastysoma spp. andPlegaderus discisus Erickson are thought to compete withA. ruficorne on larvae and pupae of bark beetles when the latter are in limited quantities (especially in the lower section of the tree). The parasites, mainlyMetacolus unifasciatuss Forster andDendrosoter caenopachoides Ruschka are assumed to compete withA. ruficorne during the larval period in the smooth bark section of the stem. Competition might occur mainly during spring and fall. Deutonymphs of the miteIpiduropoda sellnicki were detected on the abdomen ofA. ruficorne adults. Larvae of the predator were rarely infected in the field by the bacteriaSerratia sp. while laboratory cultures suffered high rate of mortality caused by this pathogen.   相似文献   

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