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Summary Ultrastructural and biochemical study of the adrenals in the pseudohermaphrodite (tfm) rat reveals hypertrophic adrenocortical cells. The cytoplasm of the cells in the zonae fasciculata and reticularis contains an exceptionally well developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum closely applied to mitochondria and lipid droplets. Mitochondria are more numerous than in normals and have especially abundant tubular cristae. More lipid droplets (appearing as empty vacuoles) are surrounded by pleomorphic mitochondria.The incubation study indicates that the capacity of rat adrenal cortex of producing androgens is greater in tfm than in normal animals. Hypophysectomy and castration result in a significant decrease in androgen biosynthesis by tfm rat adrenals and cause a reduced concentration of plasma testosterone. Administration of tropic hormones to hypophysectomizedcastrated rats appears to stimulate their adrenal androgenesis. It is suggested that in tfm rats the higher than normal luteinizing hormone (LH) together with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the hypertrophy of cellular organelles in the adrenal cortex and causes an accompanying increase in androgenic steroids which may be responsible, at least in part, for the increased level of plasma androgens.  相似文献   

Production of testosterone by highly purified Leydig cells prepared from rat and mouse testes is compared. Testosterone formation is improved to a higher degree in rat (2.7-fold) than in mouse (1.7-fold) cells by collagenase treatment of the testis compared with mechanical isolation. Mouse Leydig cells respond to exogenous stimuli (choriogonadotropin, dibutyryl cyclic AMP) with 2.4-fold higher testosterone secretion than rat cells. A 1.7-fold increased conversion of androgen precursors to testosterone by mouse compared with rat Leydig cells is demonstrated in static incubations as well as in steady-state superfusion experiments and can be derived from enhanced androstenedione reduction and a less inhibitory effect of progesterone on this process in mouse Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Summary The bolus administration of prolactin (PRL) to adult rats did not cause any apparent change in the basal and luteinizing hormone (LH)-stimulated blood levels of testosterone (as estimated by radioimmune assay). Prolonged PRL infusion did not affect either basal testosterone plasma concentration or the morphology of Leydig cells (as evaluated by electron microscopy and stereology). Conversely, prolonged PRL treatment notably increased the gonadotrophic effects of chronic LH administration; this mainly consisted of a rise in the blood concentration of testosterone and a conspicuous hypertrophy of Leydig cells. The LH-induced increase in the volume of Leydig cells was the result of an increase in the volumes of all the organelles involved in steroid synthesis (i.e., smooth endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes and mitochondria). However, the trophic effects of PRL infusion exclusively concerned smooth endoplasmic reticulum and peroxisomes. In the light of these findings, the hypothesis is advanced that the mechanism underlying the gonadotrophic action of PRL involves an enhancement of the endogenous cholesterol synthesis, which could provide an abundance of precursors for testosterone synthesis, the post-cholesterol steps of which, in turn, would be exclusively controlled by LH.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural investigation revealed the presence of true Leydig cells in the testis of sexually mature specimens of Torpedo marmorata. They showed the typical organization of steroid-hormone-producing cells, which, however, changed as spermatocysts approached maturity. In fact, they appeared as active cells among spermatocysts engaged in spermatogenesis, while in regions where spermiation occurred, they progressively regressed resuming the fibroblastic organization typically present in the testis of immature specimens. Such observations strongly suggest that these cells might be engaged in steroidogenesis and actively control spermatogenesis. Sertoli cells, too, appeared to play a role in spermatogenesis control, since, like Leydig cells, they showed the typical aspect of steroidogenic cells. In addition, the presence of gap junctions between Sertoli cells suggests that their activity might be coordinated. After sperm release, most Sertoli cells were modified and, finally, degenerated, but few of them changed into round cells (cytoplasts) or round cell remnants, which continued their steroidogenic activity within the spermatocyst and the genital duct lumen. From the present observations, it can be reasonably concluded that, in T. marmorata, spermatogenesis depends on both Leydig and Sertoli cells, and, as postulated by Callard (1991), in cartilaginous fish, the function of the Leydig cells as producers of steroids might be more recent and subsequent to that of Sertoli cells. In this regard, it is noteworthy that, in immature males, when Leydig cells showed a fibroblastic organization, Sertoli cells already displayed the typical organization of a steroidogenic cell.  相似文献   

Summary Human testicular specimens were obtained from biopsies and autopsies covering the period from birth to adulthood. The number of testosterone-containing Leydig cells was determined using the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method. This number decreased markedly from 3–6 months of age to the end of the first year of life and, up to 6 years of age, only a small number of testosterone-containing cells was found. From 6 years onwards the number of Leydig cells progressively increased. Ultrastructural examination revealed four types of Leydig cells: (1) fetal-type Leydig cells (from birth to 1 year of age) with round nuclei, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with tubular cristae; (2) infantile-type Leydig cells (from birth to 8–10 years of age), showing a multilobated nucleus, moderately abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, some lipid droplets and mitochondria with parallel cristae; (3) prepubertal, partially differentiated Leydig cells (from 6 years of age onwards) with regularly-outlined round nuclei, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria with tubular cristae, and some lipid droplets and lipofuscin granules; and (4) mature adult Leydig cells (from 8–10 years of age onwards). The ultrastructure of the infantile-type Leydig cells and the lack of delay between the disappearance of the fetal-type Leydig cells and the appearance of infantile-type Leydig cells suggest that fetal-type Leydig cells give rise to the infantile-type Leydig cells. Before puberty, myofibroblast-like precursor cells differentiate into the prepubertal, partially differentiated Leydig cells, which complete their differentiation into the adult Leydig cells.This work was supported by grants from the Comisión Asesora de Investigation Científica y Técnica, and the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social, Madrid, Spain  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study of gonadotropic pituitary cells was performed in estrogen-treated pregnant rats. Estradiol-treatment on Day 10 of pregnancy led to signs of ovulation or luteinization on Day 12 in 50% of the animals.Degranulation was observed in the FSH and LH cells of estrogen-responsive rats, whereas in the unresponsive group, the same cells were intensely granulated. The FSH cells of the control group showed signs of degranulation which could be correlated with follicular development. LH cells were sometimes degranulated.The role played by FSH and LH cells in the triggering of ovulation and luteinization by estrogen in the pregnant rat is discussed in the light of the ultrastructural observations.This work was financed by the DGRST, contract no 74.7.0030The authors wish to acknowledge the technical assistance of Mr. R. Dujol and Mr. F. Wolff  相似文献   

Summary Using a preparation of highly purified, adult rat Leydig cells and conditions of culture which we found to optimize testosterone production during 24 h, we sought to maintain optimal testosterone production for 3 d. Leydig cells cultured on Cytodex 3 beads at 19% O2 in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium-Ham's nutrient mixture F12 (1:1; vol/vol) containing 0.5 mg/ml, total bovine lipoproteins (<1.222 g/ml) with maximal luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulation failed to maintain a constant amount of testosterone for 3 d. These cells did however secrete a similar amount of total delta 4-3-ketosteroids on each of the 3 culture d, indicating that their viability was preserved. The predominance of progesterone and 170H-progesterone relative to the amount of androstenedione found on Days 2 and 3 suggested that the activity of the cytochrome P450 C17-hydroxylase-C17, 20-lyase enzyme in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum was diminished when Leydig cells were maintained in our primary culture for longer than 24 h. Decreasing the oxygen tension of the cultures from 19 to 5%, and decreasing the concentration of LH used to stimulate the Leydig cells from 100 to 0.1 ng/ml, were necessary to achieve maintenance of testosterone secretion without accumulation of other delta 4-3-ketosteroids during a 3-d period. Cells cultured in this fashion were still able to respond to maximal LH stimulation during Day 3, producing as much testosterone as if cultured for 24 h on Day 1 at 19% O2 with 100 ng/ml LH stimulation. This research was supported in part by grant HD-07204 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, The Population Center (grant HD-06268), an EPA cooperative agreement (CR81-2765), an NSF equipment grant, and a Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for Gary Klinefelter. Although the research described herein has been funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through cooperative agreement (CR81-2765) to the Division of Reproductive Biology at Johns Hopkins University, it has not been subjected to the agency's peer and policy review; therefore, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the agency and no official endorsement should de inferred.  相似文献   

A cell superfusion system is presented in which cells can be kept in suspension if there is an equilibrium between cell sedimentation velocity and superfusion medium flow velocity. Since the cross-section area of the central core increases gradually, theoretical considerations and experimental results demonstrate that single isolated cells as well as small cell aggregates are not able to leave the superfusion chamber. The whole apparatus is constructed from glass to avoid adsorption of steroids. As an application of the system, androgen formation from progestin precursors by isolated rat testis Leydig cells is shown. Under steady-state conditions, constant concentrations of substrates, intermediates, and products are measured in the collected effluent. In contrast to conventional cell incubation, constant testosterone formation rates and linearly increasing cumulative testosterone production are achieved.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Langerhans cells has not been fully investigated in diabetes-associated gingival tissues. The present study was carried out to investigate the ultrastructure of gingival Langerhans cells in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Gingival biopsies were obtained from 22 diabetic and 18 control rats. Langerhans cells were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in the basal layers of healthy oral epithelium. On rare occasions, Langerhans cells were found in the suprabasal layers of the oral epithelium. Langerhans cells in the oral epithelium of diabetic rats were seen in the basal and suprabasal layers. Usually, Langerhans cells had clear cytoplasm and convoluted or indented nuclei and few or no specific granules. The clear cytoplasm contained mitochondria, lysosomes and a small number of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum regions, but it lacked tonofilament. Occasionally, centrioles were also observed in the cytoplasm. The membrane of Langerhans cells had no junctional complexes such as desmosomes. In diabetic rats, Langerhans cell precursors were developed into specific granule-bearing cells. Both Langerhans cells and their granules were more frequent in the gingiva of diabetic rats than in the control group. These data suggest that Langerhans cells play an important role in explaining the pathogenesis and development of diabetic gingivitis.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of testicular interstitium in young and aged adult rats was analysed using morphometric methods, and the plasma testosterone concentration was measured. With increasing age there was an augumentation in the volume of collagen fibrils in the intercellular matrix and in blood vessels. During the aging process (approximately two years) the average volume of the Leydig cell decreased from 1364 m3 to 637 m3, but the number of Leydig cells in paired testes increased from 53x106 to 113x106. The absolute volume of smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (SER) per Leydig cell amounted in aged rats to 78% of that in young adult rats. The total amount of SER in paired testes increased by 62% with aging. The present analysis suggests that the ability of SER to maintain peripheral testosterone concentration decreases with age. In young adult rats the absolute volume of peroxisomes per Leydig cell correlated significantly with the concentration of testosterone in blood and also with the absolute volume of SER per Leydig cell. These results combined with ultrastructural observations of close apposition of peroxisomes and SER suggest that peroxisomes have a role in testosterone secretion by Leydig cells.Visiting scientist to Laboratory of Electron Microscopy (Director: Prof. L.J. Pelliniemi)  相似文献   

To study why neonatal and young rats are resistant to the effects of some secretagogues, such as compound 48/80 and 2.5-S nerve growth factor, we examined peritoneal mast cells from 14–15-day-old rats (young rats) and compared them to peritoneal mast cells from adults. Peritoneal mast cells from young rats contain approximately one-tenth of the amount of histamine observed in adult peritoneal mast cells. However, both cell populations contained similar low levels of the mucosal mast cell-associated protease rat mast cell protease II. Histochemical analysis of peritoneal mast cells from young rats using safranin O and berberine sulphate suggested that only a portion of the granules of these cells contained heparin. At an ultrastructural level the young rat peritoneal mast cell contains relatively few granules. The majority of mast cells from young rats have a bilobed or indented nucleus which is only rarely observed in adult cells. Functionally, the young rat peritoneal mast cell demonstrates a significantly reduced histamine release in response to the connective tissue mast cellspecific secretagogues compound 48/80 and 2.5-S nerve growth factor. In contrast, the percent histamine release in response to the neurotransmitter substance P, which degranulates both connective tissue mast cells and intestinal mucosal mast cells, was similar in the adult cells and the young rat cells. This study demonstrates substantial differences between the young rat and adult peritoneal mast cells which may explain the ability of very young animals to withstand large doses of certain secretagogues.  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study into the origins of the increased number of apoptotic bodies in the small intestinal crypts of zinc deficient rats was carried out. Two strains of rat were used and each strain was sub-divided into three groups; zinc deficient, pair-fed controls and ad libitum controls. All three groups of one strain were heavily infested with intestinal parasites, both bacteria and flagellated protozoa. Increased numbers of apoptotic bodies were found in the upper crypt/villus region of zinc deficient rats in both the parasitized and parasite free strains. Some of these apoptotic bodies contained structures resembling the electron lucent intestinal epithelial cells found in zinc deficient rats, others contained unidentifiable cell remnants that had undergone advanced degenerative changes. In zinc deficient parasitized rats only, apoptotic bodies were found at the crypt base which contained identifiable remnants of Paneth cells. The majority of these had been ingested by intestinal epithelial cells but some had been ingested by macrophages. The effect of zinc deficiency and parasitic infestation on apoptosis is discussed.J.G. Jones was supported by funds from the Welsh Scheme for the Development of Health and Social Research.  相似文献   

新生SD大鼠岛源性胰岛祖细胞的分离培养与诱导分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分离培养新生大鼠岛源性胰岛祖细胞,观察GLP-1(7-36)NH2诱导其向成熟细胞分化作用。方法:分离与纯化胰岛,在含20μg/LEGF和20μg/LbFGF的RPMI1640培养基中分离和扩增胰岛祖细胞.用20nmol/LGLP-1(7-36)NH2诱导分化。用原位杂交、免疫细胞化学染色、二硫腙(DTZ)染色和放射免疫分析等方法对的胰岛祖细胞分化前后细胞特征进行初步鉴定。结果:胰岛祖细胞表达Nestin,不表达PDX-1、InsulinmRNA、Insulin、Somatostatin。以GLP-1(7-36)NH2诱导分化后,部分细胞表达PDX-1、胰岛素mRNA、胰岛素、生长抑素,胰岛样细胞团(Ic&)形成,其周边细胞DTZ着色。分化3周后培养基中胰岛素释放明显增加。结论:在新生SD大鼠胰岛存在有一类胰岛祖细胞,可以被分离并在体外不断扩增。GLP-1(7-36)NH2可以诱导胰岛祖细胞形成有胰岛素分泌功能的胰岛样细胞团。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on male copulatory behavior in rats. EGb 761 (1 mg/ml) induced significant production of testosterone (T) in rat Leydig cells in vitro. Its effects on sexual behavior were then tested in Long-Evans male rats after 7, 14, 21, or 28 days of oral gavage of vehicle (distilled water) or EGb 761 at doses of 10, 50, or 100 mg/kg. Administration of 50 mg/kg of EGb 761 for 28 days and of 100 mg/kg for 14 or 21 days significantly increased intromission frequency compared to controls on the same day. An increase in ejaculation frequency was seen after treatment with 50 mg/kg of EGb 761 for 14, 21, or 28 days when compared to either the control group on the same day or the same group on day 0. A reduction in ejaculation latency was only seen after administration of 50 mg/kg of EGb 761 for 14 days compared to the vehicle-treated group. After treatment for 28 days, no significant difference was seen in mount latency, intromission latency, serum T levels, reproductive organ weight, sperm number, or levels of the metabolite of dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in the brain with any dose of EGb 761, but significantly reduced serum prolactin levels and increased dopamine levels in the medial preoptic area and arcuate nucleus were seen at the dose of 50 mg/kg. These findings show that EGb 761 (especially at the dose of 50 mg/kg) enhances the copulatory behavior of male rats and suggest that the dopaminergic system, which regulates prolactin secretion, may be involved in the facilitatory effect of EGb 761.  相似文献   

Previously we found that the increased plasma testosterone levels in male rats during exercise partially resulted from a direct and luteinizing hormone (LH)-independent stimulatory effect of lactate on the secretion of testosterone. In the present study, the acute and direct effects of lactate on testosterone production by rat Leydig cells were investigated. Leydig cells from rats were purified by Percoll density gradient centrifugation subsequent to enzymatic isolation of testicular interstitial cells. Purified rat Leydig cells (1 x 10(5) cells/ml) were in vitro incubated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, 0.05 IU/ml), forskolin (an adenylyl cyclase activator, 10(-5) M), or 8-bromo-adenosine-3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-Br-cAMP, 10(-4) M), SQ22536 (an adenylyl cyclase inhibitor, 10(-6)-10(-5) M), steroidogenic precursors (25-hydroxy-cholesterol, pregnenolone, progesterone, and androstenedione, 10(-5) M each), nifedipine (a L-type Ca(2+) channel blocker, 10(-5)-10(-4) M), or nimodipine (a potent L-type Ca(2+) channel antagonist, 10(-5)-10(-4) M) in the presence or absence of lactate at 34 degrees C for 1 h. The concentration of medium testosterone was measured by radioimmunoassay. Administration of lactate at 5-20 mM dose-dependently increased the basal testosterone production by 63-187% but did not alter forskolin- and 8-Br-cAMP-stimulated testosterone release in rat Leydig cells. Lactate at 10 mM enhanced the stimulation of testosterone production induced by 25-hydroxy-cholesterol in rat Leydig cells but not other steroidogenic precursors. Lactate (10 mM) affected neither 30- nor 60-min expressions of cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc) and steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein. The lactate-stimulated testosterone production was decreased by administration of nifedipine or nimodipine. These results suggested that the physiological level of lactate stimulated testosterone production in rat Leydig cells through a mechanism involving the increased activities of adenylyl cyclase, cytochrome P450scc, and L-type Ca(2+) channel.  相似文献   

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