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The present study demonstrates the ability of plasma fibronectin or cold-insoluble globulin (Clg) to promote the uptake of 125I-labeled, gelatin-coated latex beads (g-Ltx*) by monolayers of peritoneal macrophages (PM). The uptake of g-Ltx* by PM was enhanced by Clg in a concentration-dependent fashion and required the presence of heparin (10 U/ml) as an obligatory cofactor for maximal particle uptake. Treatment of PM monolayers with trypsin (1 mg/ml) for 15 min at 37 degrees C after particle uptake removed less than 15% of the radioactivity incorporated by the monolayers. However, a similar trypsin treatment of the monolayers before the addition of latex particles depressed Clg-dependent uptake by greater than 75%. Pretreatment of PM monolayers with inhibitors of glycolysis effectively reduced the Clg-dependent uptake of latex. Similarly, pretreatment of monolayers with either inhibitors of protein synthesis or agents that disrupt cytoskeletal elements also significantly depressed Clg- dependent particle uptake. Phagocytosis of g-Ltx* by PM in the presence of Clg and heparin was confirmed by electron microscopy. Finally, g- Ltx* could also be effectively opsonized with Clg at 37 degrees C before their addition to the monolayers. These studies suggest that the recognition of g-Ltx* in the presence of Clg required cell surface protein(s) and that subsequent phagocytosis of these particles by PM was energy dependent and required intact intracellular cytoskeleton elements. Thus, PM monolayers provide a suitable system for further studies on the function of Clg in the recognition and phagocytosis of gelatin-coated particles by phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of mouse peritoneal macrophages attached to glass shows that these cells have filopodia, i.e., cord-like extensions arising from the cell surface. To confirm that these extensions are not the result of the preparative procedure required for SEM or cell-surface material left behind by cells moving on the substrate surface, the cells were studied with a reflection contrast microscope prior to the preparative procedure. The results indicate that reflection-contrast microscopy and SEM both show the same filopodia for a given cell. The filopodia appear to be functional components of the cytoplasm, as shown by their ability to ingest latex beads.  相似文献   

Human and rat peritoneal macrophages and rat Kupffer cells were labelled with [1-14C] arachidonic acid and stimulated with the calcium ionophore A23187. The metabolites formed were separated by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Human peritoneal macrophages formed especially leukotriene B4, 5-hydroxy-6,8,11,14 eicosatetraenoic acid and small amounts of leukotriene C4 and thromboxane B2, 12-hydroxy-5,8,10 heptadecatrienoic acid and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha, whereas rat peritoneal macrophages mainly produced cyclooxygenase products and in particular thromboxane B2 and 12-hydroxy-5,8,10 heptadecatrienoic acid. Rat Kupffer cells synthesized mainly cyclooxygenase products such as prostaglandin F2 alpha, prostaglandin D2 and prostaglandin E2. These results indicate that the profile of eicosanoids production by macrophages is dependent both on the species and on the tissue from which the macrophage is derived.  相似文献   

These studies show that both liver slices and macrophages carried out fibronectin concentration-dependent uptake of 125I-labeled gelatin-coated latex (test latex). Lack of phagocytosis of test latex by liver slices was shown directly by electron microscopy and indirectly by trypsin treatment, which caused the release of all test latex taken up in response to fibronectin. Inhibitors of phagocytosis did not alter this uptake. On the other hand, trypsin released only a portion of test latex from macrophages. Inhibitors of phagocytosis did not effect the released radioactive particles from macrophages but greatly reduced the trypsin-resistant radioactivity, taken as representing phagocytized particles. Opsonization of test latex with fibronectin did not require heparin but its association with liver slices occurred only in the presence of heparin. Macrophages, however, readily bound and internalized the opsonized test latex and heparin only potentiated these reactions. Gelatin competed with test latex for fibronectin for opsonization, but did not inhibit binding and phagocytosis of fibronectin-test latex complexes. Finally, soluble fibronectin-gelatin complexes did not compete for binding and phagocytosis of fibronectin-test latex complexes. Thus, fibronectin concentrated on the surface of latex is preferred for interaction with the fibronectin receptor of macrophages. Gelatin, however, was not essential for this reaction, because fibronectin directly coupled to latex was also readily taken up.  相似文献   

These studies show that both liver slices and macrophages carried out fibronectin concentration-dependent uptake of 125I-labeled gelatin-coated latex (test latex). Lack of phagocytosis of test latex by liver slices was shown directly by electron microscopy and indirectly by trypsin treatment, which caused the release of all test latex taken up in response to fibronectin. Inhibitors of phagocytosis did not alter this uptake. On the other hand, trypsin released only a portion of test latex from macrophages. Inhibitors of phagocytosis did not effect the released radioactive particles from macrophages but greatly reduced the trypsin-resistant radioactivity, taken as representing phagocytized particles. Opsonization of test latex with fibronectin did not require heparin but its association with liver slices occurred only in the presence of heparin. Macrophages, however, readily bound and internalized the opsonized test latex and heparin only potentiated these reactions. Gelatin competed with test latex for fibronectin for opsonization, but did not inhibit binding and phagocytosis of fibronectin-test latex complexes. Finally, soluble fibronectin-gelatin complexes did not compete for binding and phagocytosis of fibronectin-test latex complexes. Thus, fibronectin concentrated on the surface of latex is preferred for interaction with the fibronection receptor of macrophages. Gelatin, however, was not essential for this reaction, because fibronectin directly coupled to latex was also readily taken up.  相似文献   

Binding and phagocytosis of sialidase-treated cells by peritoneal macrophages is mediated by a galactose-specific receptor. So far, only cells or particles exposing terminal galactose residues were demonstrated to be ligands. We present results obtained with a newly developed radio-receptor assay, which proves both binding and uptake of glycoproteins mediated by the galactose-recognizing receptor of peritoneal macrophages. Requirement of Ca2+ for binding is used to distinguish between reversibly surface-bound and irreversibly internalized ligands. By using this approach, the uptake of the ligand is followed and its inhibition with phenylglyoxal and N-ethylmaleimide is demonstrated. Evidence was also obtained that internalization is followed by degradation of the ligand. Studies on the specificity show that only galactose is recognized but that the binding strength depends on the arrangement of galactose residues presented by the ligand.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rate of particle ingestion and the rate of Nitroblue Tetrazolium (NBT)-dye reduction by macrophages was studied after incubation of peritoneal exudate macrophages with heat-killed type VI pneumococci. The adherence to a polyethylene surface of the macrophages during the uptake of the pneumococci was determined as well. In some experiments pneumococci opsonized with heat-stable opsonins were used as material to beingested. The NBT-dye reduction and the surface adherence of the macrophages was enhanced when ingesting normal heat-killed pneumococci. During the uptake of opsonized, heat-killed pneumococci the macrophages showed an unaltered NBT-dye reduction and less adherence to a polyethylene surface as compared with macrophages incubated with normal heat-killed pneumococci. This implies that using opsonized pneumococci the quantitative NBT-dye reduction assay is not reliable as a parameter for macrophage phagocytosis, because the uptake was in fact enhanced. The surface adherence of the macrophages did not reflect the enhanced ingestion of opsonized bacteria either.  相似文献   

Ascorbate uptake and antioxidant function in peritoneal macrophages   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since activated macrophages generate potentially deleterious reactive oxygen species, we studied whether ascorbic acid might function as an antioxidant in these cells. Thioglycollate-elicited murine peritoneal macrophages contained about 3 mM ascorbate that was halved by culture in ascorbate-free medium. However, the cells took up added ascorbate to concentrations of 6-8 mM by a high-affinity sodium-dependent transport mechanism. This likely reflected the activity of the SVCT2 ascorbate transporter, since its message and protein were present in the cells. Activation of the cells by phagocytosis of latex particles depleted intracellular ascorbate, although not below the basal levels present in the cells in culture. Glutathione (GSH) was unaffected by phagocytosis, suggesting that ascorbate was more sensitive to the oxidant stress of phagocytosis than GSH. Phagocytosis induced a modest increase in reactive oxygen species as well as a progressive loss of alpha-tocopherol, both of which were prevented in cells loaded with ascorbate. These results suggest that activated macrophages can use ascorbate to lessen self-generated oxidant stress and spare alpha-tocopherol, which may protect these long-lived cells from necrosis or apoptosis.  相似文献   

In order to gain a better understanding of the role of ecto-NAD+ glycohydrolase, an enzyme predominantly associated with phagocytic cells, we have studied its fate in murine macrophages (splenic, resident peritoneal and Kupffer cells) during phagocytosis of opsonized on mannosylated latex beads. In parallel, we have also monitored nucleotide pyrophosphatase, another ecto-enzyme of macrophages. Phagosomes were isolated by flotation in a discontinuous sucrose gradient and the enzyme activities were determined with fluorometric methods. Low levels of NAD+ glycohydrolase and nucleotide pyrophosphatase could be measured associated with the phagosomal fractions, eg, respectively less than 4.5% and 10% in spleen macrophages. The phagosomal activities originate from the plasma membrane, ie they were latent and inactivation of ecto-NAD+ glycohydrolase with the diazonium salt of sulfanilic acid resulted in a marked decrease of this enzyme activity in the phagosomal fractions. Pre-labelling of the cell surface by [3H]-galactosylation indicated that NAD+ glycohydrolase is internalized to a lesser extent than an average surface-membrane unit. These results indicate that if ecto-NAD+ glycohydrolase of macrophages can be internalized to a limited extent during phagocytosis of opsonized or mannosylated latex beads, this enzyme appears to be predominantly excluded from the surface area involved in the uptake of such particles.  相似文献   

In order to gain a better understanding of the role of ecto-NAD+ glycohydrolase, an enzyme predominantly associated with phagocytic cells, we have studied its fate in murine macrophages (splenic, resident peritoneal and Kupffer cells) during phagocytosis of opsonized or mannosylated latex beads. In parallel, we have also monitored nucleotide pyrophosphatase, another ectoenzyme of macrophages. Phagosomes were isolated by flotation in a discontinuous sucrose gradient and the enzyme activities were determined with fluorometric methods. Low levels of NAD+ glycohydrolase and nucleotide pyrophosphatase could be measured associated with the phagosomal fractions, eg, respectively less than 4.5% and 10% in spleen macrophages. The phagosomal activities originate from the plasma membrane, ie they were latent and inactivation of ecto-NAD+ glycohydrolase with the diazonium salt of sulfanilic acid resulted in a marked decrease of this enzyme activity in the phagosomal fractions. Pre-labelling of the cell surface by [3H]-galactosylation indicated that NAD+ glycohydrolase is internalized to a lesser extent than an average surface-membrane unit. These results indicate that if ecto-NAD+ glycohydrolase of macrophages can be internalized to a limited extent during phagocytosis of opsonized or mannosylated latex beads, this enzyme appears to be predominantly excluded from the surface area involved in the uptake of such particles.  相似文献   

Oxidation of palmitate by rat skeletal muscle mitochondria was determined polarographically and radiochemically under state 3 conditions. Maximal oxidation rate is reached at 4 μm palmitate, palmitoyl-CoA, or palmitoyl-l-carnitine. At palmitoyl-CoA concentrations higher than 30 μm oxidation is inhibited. At limiting substrate concentrations as used in polarographic experiments palmitate is totally degraded to CO2. At higher concentrations the palmitate molecule is only partially degraded, due to the accumulation of intermediates. Citric acid cycle intermediates, especially 2-oxoglutarate, accumulate during oxidation of palmitate in the presence of malate. It is suggested that this accumulation is stimulated by dicarboxylate exchange. The rate of formation of 14CO2 and 14C-labeled perchloric acid-soluble products is higher from [1-14C]palmitate than that from [U-14C]palmitate. This difference, which is enhanced by higher carnitine concentrations indicates incomplete oxidation during the β-oxidation in state 3. The simultaneous determination of 14CO2 production and 14C-labeled perchloric acid-soluble products appears to be a more accurate and sensitive method for measuring 14C-fatty acid oxidation than that of 14CO2 production alone.  相似文献   

Comparison of rat blood preparation methods for acetaldehyde assay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparison is made of four previously described methods for the preparation of blood for acetaldehyde (AcH) assay in the rat. The spontaneous formation of AcH which occurs during the treatment of blood containing ethanol and the recovery of known amounts of AcH added to the blood were studied. The methods using sodium nitrite-sulfosalicylic acid or perchloric acid (PCA) in saline gave low levels of spontaneous formation (1 to 2 microM AcH for 48 mM ethanol). In the recovery studies it was seen that semicarbazide does not allow displacement of all the AcH; treatment of the blood with the reactant sodium nitrite-sulfosalycilic acid and use of the hemolysis method gave levels of recovery lower than 50%. Only treatment of the blood with perchloric acid in NaCl allowed all the AcH added to the blood to be recovered. In vivo, PCA in saline releases the AcH which was seen to remain bound in the red blood cells with the semicarbazide method. So the recommended procedure for accurate assay of blood AcH in the rat is cold deproteinization in PCA/saline before head-space gas chromatography. The levels of in vivo blood AcH (4.1 +/- 0.33 microM) obtained in the rat using this method for a blood alcohol concentration of 52 mM are lower than those previously described in the literature.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis, intracellular killing of Candida albicans, and superoxide production by rat peritoneal macrophages exposed to aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, B2a, and M1 at several times and concentrations were analyzed to evaluate the intensity of a depressive effect for each mycotoxin. All aflatoxins used at very low concentrations had a depressive effect on the functions of macrophages. The biggest impairment of phagocytosis, intracellular killing, and spontaneous superoxide production was observed in macrophages exposed to aflatoxins B1 and M1.  相似文献   

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