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Phylogeographic analyses of the fauna of the Australian wet tropics rainforest have provided strong evidence for long-term isolation of populations among allopatric refugia, yet typically there is no corresponding divergence in morphology. This system provides an opportunity to examine the consequences of geographic isolation, independent of morphological divergence, and thus to assess the broader significance of historical subdivisions revealed through mitochondrial DNA phylogeography. We have located and characterized a zone of secondary contact between two long isolated (mtDNA divergence > 15%) lineages of the skink Carlia rubrigularis using one mitochondrial and eight nuclear (two intron, six microsatellite) markers. This revealed a remarkably narrow (width < 3 km) hybrid zone with substantial linkage disequilibrium and strong deficits of heterozygotes at two of three nuclear loci with diagnostic alleles. Cline centers were coincident across loci. Using a novel form of likelihood analysis, we were unable to distinguish between sigmoidal and stepped cline shapes except at one nuclear locus for which the latter was inferred. Given estimated dispersal rates of 90-133 m x gen(-1/2) and assuming equilibrium, the observed cline widths suggest effective selection against heterozygotes of at least 22-49% and possibly as high as 70%. These observations reveal substantial postmating isolation, although the absence of consistent deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at diagnostic loci suggests that there is little accompanying premating isolation. The tight geographic correspondence between transitions in mtDNA and those for nuclear genes and corresponding evidence for selection against hybrids indicates that these morphologically cryptic phylogroups could be considered as incipient species. Nonetheless, we caution against the use of mtDNA phylogeography as a sole criterion for defining species boundaries.  相似文献   

The analysis of 12 microsatellite loci in 16 native populations of Salmo trutta from Duero basin evidenced a strong genetic differentiation in accordance with the existence of two divergent Atlantic mtDNA lineages, Atlantic (AT) and Duero (DU). These lineages were observed spatially segregated mainly in the Lower-course and in the inner part of the basin. Unlike previous isozyme information, microsatellite data suggested a more downstream location of the sharpest genetic divergence in Duero basin and a more complex structure in the inward area. Putative hybrid populations evidenced higher Hardy–Weinberg and gametic disequilibria than pure ones (Pisuerga, Lower-course), not explained by mixture due to differential immigration pattern across the basin. Hybridization indexes suggested a bimodal pattern of hybridization and a higher weight of Pisuerga region in the genetic composition of hybrid samples in accordance with mtDNA data. The results suggested a limited introgression between AT and DU lineages. Taking into account the time of divergence between both lineages, selection and/or genetic incompatibility appeared necessary to explain the genetic structure observed and the ancient location of DU lineage restricted to this area.  相似文献   

Allopatric speciation may be the principal mechanism generating new species. Yet, it remains difficult to judge the generality of this process because few studies have provided evidence that geographic isolation has triggered the development of reproductive isolation over multiple species of a regional fauna. Here, we first combine results from new empirical data sets (7 taxa) and published literature (9 taxa) to show that the eastern Great Lakes drainage represents a multispecies suture zone for glacial lineages of freshwater fishes with variable levels of genetic divergence. Second, we performed amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses among four pairs of lineages. Results indicate that lineages with relatively deep levels of mtDNA 5′ COI (barcode) sequence divergence (>2%) developed strong reproductive barriers, while lineages with lower levels of divergence show weaker reproductive isolation when found in sympatry. This suggests that a threshold of 2% sequence divergence at mtDNA could be used as a first step to flag cryptic species in North American freshwater fishes. By describing different levels of divergence and reproductive isolation in different co‐occurring fishes, we offer strong evidence that allopatric speciation has contributed significantly to the diversification of north‐eastern American freshwater fishes and confirm that Pleistocene glacial cycles can be viewed as a ‘speciation pump’ that played a predominant role in generating biodiversity.  相似文献   

Aim The mesic biome, encompassing both rain forest and open sclerophyllous forests, is central to understanding the evolution of Australia’s terrestrial biota and has long been considered the ancestral biome of the continent. Our aims are to review and refine key hypotheses derived from palaeoclimatic data and the fossil record that are critical to understanding the evolution of the Australian mesic biota. We examine predictions arising from these hypotheses using available molecular phylogenetic and phylogeographical data. In doing so, we increase understanding of the mesic biota and highlight data deficiencies and fruitful areas for future research. Location The mesic biome of Australia, along the eastern coast of Australia, and in the south‐east and south‐west, including its rain forest and sclerophyllous, often eucalypt‐dominated, habitats. Methods We derived five hypotheses based on palaeoclimatic and fossil data regarding the evolution of the Australian mesic biota, particularly as it relates to the mesic biome. We evaluated predictions formulated from these hypotheses using suitable molecular phylogenies of terrestrial plants and animals and freshwater invertebrates. Results There was support for the ancestral position of mesic habitat in most clades, with support for rain forest habitat ancestry in some groups, while evidence of ancestry in mesic sclerophyllous habitats was also demonstrated for some plants and herpetofauna. Contraction of mesic habitats has led to extinction of numerous lineages in many clades and this is particularly evident in the rain forest component. Species richness was generally higher in sclerophyllous clades than in rain forest clades, probably due to higher rates of net speciation in the former and extinction in the latter. Although extinction has been prominent in rain forest communities, tropical rain forests appear to have experienced extensive immigration from northern neighbours. Pleistocene climatic oscillations have left genetic signatures at multiple levels of divergence and with complex geographical structuring, even in areas with low topographical relief and few obvious geographical barriers. Main conclusions Our review confirms long‐held views of the ancestral position of the Australian mesic biome but also reveals new insights into the complexity of the processes of contraction, fragmentation, extinction and invasion during the evolution of this biome.  相似文献   

The present study reports a case where the survey of morphological and mitochondrial DNA variation among populations of a species complex of leaf beetle, the Gonioctena variabilis complex, has lead to the identification of a hybrid zone between two species of the complex in Southern Spain. The complex is divided into four species distributed around the western Mediterranean region. The four species, G. variabilis, Gonioctena aegrota, Gonioctena gobanzi, and Gonioctena pseudogobanzi, are traditionally determined by differences in the morphology of the male genitalia (aedeagus). To gain insight into the history of the speciation process within this species complex, we sampled populations in Portugal, Spain, Southern France, and Northern Italy. We sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial control region of each individual collected. A haplotype network of these sequences was found to comprise four distinct groups of sequence types, separated by a relatively large number of mutations. Moreover, in most of the samples for which morphological and molecular variation is available, there is a one‐to‐one correspondence between haplotype group, defined by mitochondrial sequence variation, and morphological groups defined on the basis of the aedeagus, showing evidence of four historically independent evolutionary units. This supports the use of the aedeagus morphology as a taxonomically informative trait in this species complex and a recent taxonomic revision upgrading four formerly subspecies, corresponding to the evolutionary units identified in the present study, to species status. However, some of the individuals from our samples in Southern Spain, morphologically identified as G. aegrota, were found to possess mitochondrial sequences typical of G. pseudogobanzi. The opposite case was also found. This suggests the presence of a zone of contact and hybridization between G. aegrota and G. pseudogobanzi. The location of this hybrid zone appears to be unusual. We identify historical scenarios that may explain our observations. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 94 , 105–114.  相似文献   

The vlei rat Otomys irroratus has a wide distribution in southern Africa with several datasets indicating the presence of two putative species (O. irroratus and O. auratus). In the present study we use mitochrondrial cyt b data (~950 bp) from 98 specimens (including museum material) collected throughout the range of the species to determine the geographical limits of the two recognized species, and we link this to niche modelling to validate these species. Phylogenetic analysis of the DNA sequence data, using maximum parsimony, neighbour joining and Bayesian inference, retrieved two divergent statistically well‐supported clades. Clade A occurs in the Western and Eastern Cape while Clade B occurs in the Free State, KwaZulu‐Natal, Northern Cape and Mpumalanga provinces of South Africa and Zimbabwe. Mean sequence divergence between the two clades (A and B) was 7.0% and between sub‐clades comprising clade B it was 4.8%; the two clades diverged during the Pleistocene. Within Clade A the mean sequence divergence among specimens was 1.91%. Niche modelling revealed that the incipient species occupy distinct bioclimatic niches associated with seasonality of precipitation. Our data allow insightful analysis into the factors that could have led to cladogenesis within this rodent. More significantly, the new data enable us to pinpoint the Eastern Cape province as a contact zone for the divergent species. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 192–206.  相似文献   

The potential for widespread, mobile species to exhibit genetic structure without clear geographic barriers is a topic of growing interest. Yet the patterns and mechanisms of structure--particularly over broad spatial scales--remain largely unexplored for these species. Bobcats occur across North America and possess many characteristics expected to promote gene flow. To test whether historical, topographic or ecological factors have influenced genetic differentiation in this species, we analysed 1 kb mtDNA sequence and 15 microsatellite loci from over 1700 samples collected across its range. The primary signature in both marker types involved a longitudinal cline with a sharp transition, or suture zone, occurring along the Great Plains. Thus, the data distinguished bobcats in the eastern USA from those in the western half, with no obvious physical barrier to gene flow. Demographic analyses supported a scenario of expansion from separate Pleistocene refugia, with the Great Plains representing a zone of secondary contact. Substructure within the two main lineages likely reflected founder effects, ecological factors, anthropogenic/topographic effects or a combination of these forces. Two prominent topographic features, the Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains, were not supported as significant genetic barriers. Ecological regions and environmental correlates explained a small but significant proportion of genetic variation. Overall, results implicate historical processes as the primary cause of broad-scale genetic differentiation, but contemporary forces seem to also play a role in promoting and maintaining structure. Despite the bobcat's mobility and broad niche, large-scale landscape changes have contributed to significant and complex patterns of genetic structure.  相似文献   

Northern Europe was postglacially colonized from different directions by distinct phylogeographical lineages of the bullhead Cottus gobio L. (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes). These lineages have then come into contact in coastal habitats of the currently brackish Baltic Sea and in the freshwaters north of it. We studied the patterns of intergradation in the contact zones in four morphometric and six molecular characters. In the north, intergradation between the western (W) and eastern (E) bullhead lineages is found both among rivers (west‐to‐east) and along individual rivers (south‐to‐north). The locations of the transition zones probably relate to the timing of the initial contact, subsequent Baltic shoreline displacement (i.e. emergence of the lower river reaches), and dispersal barriers caused by variations of coastal salinity. The transitions (clines) in different characters are, however, not geographically coincident. Mitochondrial DNA clines are generally found upstream and to the east of the other transitions, and GPI‐1 allozyme clines are mostly shifted downstream in the rivers, and west of the other transitions on the broader scale of the Baltic Sea. The location of the mtDNA clines may best reflect the initial contact between lineages, and the displacement of the other clines could result from dispersal being overall asymmetric (predominantly downstream) and sex‐biased (stronger in males). Alternatively, the non‐coincidence might reflect selection against deleterious cytonuclear character combinations. No clear evidence of reproductive incompatibility between the lineages was seen in local population structures; no remaining genetic correlations were observed locally among traits. In another transition area, a coastal transect in southern Finland, clinal patterns similar to those in the northern contact zone were recorded, but the population compositions could not be explained by simple in situ mixing of any of the putatively pure, invading refugial lineages. Probably, the bullhead stocks that initially came into contact in this southern study area already represented mixtures of the invading lineages. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 535–552.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were first used to partition individuals of European grayling Thymallus thymallus , from the Danube, Rhine and Main, and Elbe drainage systems into subpopulations and to estimate individual immigrant ancestries over the last few generations. Subsequently, the studied populations were 'purged' from recent immigrants and the proportions of evolutionary lineages within the 'purged' populations were re-estimated by applying mtDNA markers. The results confirmed a high level of admixture of the divergent mtDNA lineages ( i.e. natural secondary contact) in populations sampled at the contact zones of the drainages. In addition, a substantial amount of introgression was observed for several populations that were known to be affected by stocking of European grayling from different origins.  相似文献   

The integration of phylogenetics, phylogeography and palaeoenvironmental studies is providing major insights into the historical forces that have shaped the Earth's biomes. Yet our present view is biased towards arctic and temperate/tropical forest regions, with very little focus on the extensive arid regions of the planet. The Australian arid zone is one of the largest desert landform systems in the world, with a unique, diverse and relatively well-studied biota. With foci on palaeoenvironmental and molecular data, we here review what is known about the assembly and maintenance of this biome in the context of its physical history, and in comparison with other mesic biomes. Aridification of Australia began in the Mid-Miocene, around 15 million years, but fully arid landforms in central Australia appeared much later, around 1-4 million years. Dated molecular phylogenies of diverse taxa show the deepest divergences of arid-adapted taxa from the Mid-Miocene, consistent with the onset of desiccation. There is evidence of arid-adapted taxa evolving from mesic-adapted ancestors, and also of speciation within the arid zone. There is no evidence for an increase in speciation rate during the Pleistocene, and most arid-zone species lineages date to the Pliocene or earlier. The last 0.8 million years have seen major fluctuations of the arid zone, with large areas covered by mobile sand dunes during glacial maxima. Some large, vagile taxa show patterns of recent expansion and migration throughout the arid zone, in parallel with the ice sheet-imposed range shifts in Northern Hemisphere taxa. Yet other taxa show high lineage diversity and strong phylogeographical structure, indicating persistence in multiple localised refugia over several glacial maxima. Similar to the Northern Hemisphere, Pleistocene range shifts have produced suture zones, creating the opportunity for diversification and speciation through hybridisation, polyploidy and parthenogenesis. This review highlights the opportunities that development of arid conditions provides for rapid and diverse evolutionary radiations, and re-enforces the emerging view that Pleistocene environmental change can have diverse impacts on genetic structure and diversity in different biomes. There is a clear need for more detailed and targeted phylogeographical studies of Australia's arid biota and we suggest a framework and a set of a priori hypotheses by which to proceed.  相似文献   

The northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) is a threatened subspecies and the California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) is a subspecies of special concern in the western United States. Concern for their continued viability has arisen because of habitat loss caused by timber harvesting. The taxonomic status of the northern subspecies has been the subject of continuing controversy. We investigated the phylogeographical and population genetic structure of northern and California spotted owls with special reference to their region of contact. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences confirmed the existence of two well-differentiated lineages connected by a narrow hybrid zone in a region of low population density in north central California. Maximum-likelihood estimates indicated bidirectional gene flow between the lineages but limited introgression outside the region of contact. The lengths of both the mtDNA hybrid zone and the reduced density patch were similar and slightly exceeded estimates of natal dispersal distances. This suggests that the two subspecies were in secondary contact in a hybrid zone trapped by a population density trough. Consequently, the zone of interaction is expected to be geographically stable. We discovered a third, rare clade of haplotypes, which we interpreted to be a result of incomplete lineage sorting; those haplotypes result in a paraphyletic northern spotted owl with respect to the California spotted owl. A congeneric species, the barred owl (Strix varia), occasionally hybridizes with spotted owls; our results indicated an upper bound for the frequency of barred owl mtDNA haplotypes in northern spotted owl populations of 3%.  相似文献   

Suture zones are areas where range contact zones and hybrid zones of multiple taxa are clustered. Migratory divides, contact zones between divergent populations that breed adjacent to one another but use different migratory routes, are a particular case of suture zones. Although multiple hypotheses for both the formation and maintenance of migratory divides have been suggested, quantitative tests are scarce. Here, we tested whether a novel factor, prevailing winds, was sufficient to explain both the evolution and maintenance of the Cordilleran migratory divide using individual‐based models. Empirical observations of eastern birds suggest a circuitous migratory route across Canada before heading south. Western breeders, however, travel south along the Pacific coast to their wintering grounds. We modeled the effect of wind on bird migratory flights by allowing them to float at elevation using spatially explicit modeled wind data. Modeled eastern birds had easterly mean trajectories, whereas western breeders showed significantly more southern trajectories. We also determined that a mean airspeed of 18.5 m s–1 would be necessary to eliminate this difference in trajectory, a speed that is achieved by waterfowl and shorebirds, but is faster than songbird flight speeds. These results lend support for the potential importance of wind in shaping the phylogeographic history of North American songbirds.  相似文献   

Lloyd BD 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(7):1895-1911
Short-tailed bats Mystacina tuberculata were widespread throughout the forest that dominated prehuman New Zealand, but extensive deforestation has restricted them to scattered populations in forest fragments. In a previous study, the species' intraspecific phylogeny was investigated using multiple mitochondrial gene sequences. Six phylogroups were identified with estimated divergences of 0.93-0.68 Ma. In the current study, the phylogeographical structure and demographic history of the phylogroups were investigated using control region sequences modified by removing homoplasic sites. Phylogeographical structure in the North Island was generally consistent with an isolation-by-distance dispersal model. Coalescent-based analyses (i.e. mismatch distributions, skyline plots, lineage dispersal analysis and nested clade analysis) indicated that the three phylogroups found in central and southern North Island expanded before the last glacial maximum, presumably during interstadials when Nothofagus forest was most extensive. Genetic structure within a central North Island hybrid zone was consistent with range expansion from separate refugia following reforestation after catastrophic volcanic eruptions. Phylogeographical structure in the South Island was consistent with southern populations originating during rapid southward range expansion from refugia in northern South Island following postglacial reforestation of the South Island 10-9 kya.  相似文献   

Extremely high levels of intraspecific mtDNA differences in pulmonate gastropods have been reported repeatedly and several hypotheses to explain them have been postulated. We studied the phylogeny and phylogeography of 51 populations (n = 843) of the highly polymorphic terrestrial slug Arion subfuscus (Draparnaud, 1805) across its native distribution range in Western Europe. By combining the analysis of single stranded conformation polymorphisms (SSCP) and nucleotide sequencing, we obtained individual sequence data for a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA and a fragment of the nuclear ITS1. Additionally, five polymorphic allozyme loci were scored. Based on the 16S rDNA phylogeny, five monophyletic haplotype groups with sequence divergences of 9-21% were found. Despite this deep mitochondrial divergence, the haplotype groups were not monophyletic for the nuclear ITS1 fragment and haplotype group-specific allozyme alleles were not found. Although there is evidence for an accelerated mtDNA clock, the divergence among the haplotype groups is older than the Pleistocene and their current allopatric ranges probably reflect allopatric divergence and glacial survival in separate refugia from which different post-glacial colonization routes were established. A range-overlap of two mtDNA groups (S1 and S2, 21% sequence divergence) stretched from Central France and Belgium up to the North of the British Isles. The nuclear data suggest that this secondary contact resulted in hybridization between the allopatrically diverged groups. Therefore, it seems that, at least for two of the groups, the deep mtDNA divergence was only partially accompanied by the formation of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Understanding how genetic and phenotypic differences that arise in geographically isolated populations influence the outcome of secondary contact advances our knowledge of speciation. In the present study, we investigate the secondary contact between divergent lineages of a widespread Neotropical songbird, the Rufous‐collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis). Zonotrichia capensis is morphologically and behaviourally diverse, and shows a pattern of lineage diversification produced by a Pleistocene expansion and colonization of South America from a probable Central American origin. Consistent with previous results, we find three lineages throughout the species range, showing between 1.5% and 2.5% divergence in mitochondrial control region sequences. These lineages come into secondary contact in the Dominican Republic, La Paz (Bolivia), and North‐eastern Argentina. We use DNA microsatellite data to study a broad secondary contact zone in North‐eastern Argentina, finding that Bayesian clustering analyses do not assign individuals to their respective mitochondrial lineages. Overall, we did not observe nuclear genetic discontinuities in the study area. We conclude that, if genetic, morphological, and/or cultural differences accumulated among lineages during isolation, they were insufficient to prevent gene flow after secondary contact. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 863–868.  相似文献   

Aim Savanna occupies a substantial part of Africa, being distributed around the two major tropical rain forest blocks in what is referred to as the Savanna Belt. Our current understanding of the genetic structure within species distributed across the Savanna Belt is primarily derived from mammalian taxa, studies of which have revealed a suture zone or transition between northern and east/southern Africa clades in south‐western Kenya and north‐western Tanzania. We conduct a phylogeographic study of the fiscal shrike (Lanius collaris), a polytypic species distributed across the Savanna Belt of Africa and for which morphological and vocal data are in agreement with the suture zone recovered for mammalian taxa, to test the hypothesis of a spatially congruent genetic break across several taxa, including birds. Location Africa, south of the Sahara. Methods We analysed DNA sequences recovered from four loci (one mitochondrial, two autosomal and one Z‐linked) in 66 individuals, representing all recognized subspecies, as well as putatively closely related species. We make use of a combination of tree‐building and population genetic methods to investigate the phylogeographic structure of the fiscal shrike across Africa. Results The fiscal shrike consists of two primary lineages with a strong geographic component: a northern group distributed from southern Tanzania to Senegal, and a southern group distributed from Botswana/Zambia to South Africa with isolated populations in Tanzania and northern Malawi. Unexpectedly, Souza’s shrike (L. souzae) was nested within L. collaris, as the sister group of the southern group. The positions of Mackinnon’s shrike (L. mackinnoni) and that of the São Tomé shrike (L. newtoni) were variable, being either nested within the fiscal shrike or sister to the L. collarisL. souzae clade. Our divergence time analyses suggest that the Lanius collaris species complex started to diversify around 2.2 Ma. Main conclusions Our study reveals a distinct biogeographic pattern for a savanna distributed species in Africa, with the transition between the two primary genetic lineages occurring at a latitude of c. 15–16° S, 10° S further south than shown elsewhere for several mammalian species.  相似文献   

Ruedi M  Castella V 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(6):1527-1540
Analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region polymorphism and of variation at 10 nuclear microsatellite loci were used to investigate the mechanisms and genetic consequences of postglacial expansion of Myotis myotis in Europe. Initial sampling consisted of 480 bats genotyped in 24 nursery colonies arranged along a transect of approximately 3000 km. The phylogeographical survey based on mtDNA sequences revealed the existence of major genetic subdivisions across this area, with several suture zones between haplogroups. Such zones of secondary contact were found in the Alps and Rhodopes, whereas other potential barriers to gene flow, like the Pyrenees, did not coincide with genetic discontinuities. Areas of population admixture increased locally the genetic diversity of colonies, which confounded the northward decrease in nucleotide diversity predicted using classical models of postglacial range expansion. However, when analyses were restricted to a subset of 15 nurseries originating from a single presumed glacial refugium, mtDNA polymorphism did indeed support a northwards decrease in diversity. Populations were also highly structured (PhiST = 0.384). Conversely, the same subset of colonies showed no significant latitudinal decrease in microsatellite diversity and much less population structure (FST = 0.010), but pairwise genetic differentiation at these nuclear markers was strongly correlated with increasing geographical distance. Together, this evidence suggests that alleles carried via male bats have maintained enough nuclear gene flow to counteract the effects of recurrent bottlenecks generally associated with recolonization processes. As females are highly philopatric, we argue that the maternally transmitted mtDNA marker better reflects the situation of past, historical gene flow, whereas current levels of gene flow are better reflected by microsatellite markers.  相似文献   

Genetic divergence among populations of marine broadcast spawners in the absence of past geological barriers presents an intriguing challenge to understanding speciation in the sea. To determine how differences in life history affect genetic divergence and demographic histories across incomplete dispersal barriers, we conducted a comparative phylogeographic study of three intertidal limpets (Siphonaria spp.) represented on either side of a biogeographic disjunction separating tropical and subtropical marine provinces in southeastern Africa. Using a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data, we identified two distinct evolutionary lineages each in both Siphonaria concinna (a planktonic disperser) and S. nigerrima (a direct developer), and panmixia in a second planktonic disperser, S. capensis. Although phylogeographic breaks were present in two species, how these became established differed depending on their life histories. In the direct developer, lack of gene flow following divergence, and demographic expansion from a small initial size in the species' subtropical population, point to a single colonisation event. In contrast, the evolutionary lineages of the planktonic disperser split into two genetic lineages with much larger initial population sizes and southward gene flow continued at least periodically, indicating that divergence in this species may have been driven by a combination of reduced larval dispersal and divergent selection. These findings help explain why the presence or absence of phylogeographic breaks often appears to be independent of species' dispersal potential.  相似文献   

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