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目的:研究面部宽窄不同女性的笑弧对微笑美学的影响。方法:选取女性正位微笑像1张,应用Adobe Photoshop CS5软件对笑弧和面部宽窄进行修改,由正畸医生和非专业人士对照片的微笑魅力值进行评判。结果:笑弧和面部宽窄程度在魅力微笑的判别中无交互作用(P0.05)。两组对理想的笑弧、略窄的面型和适宜的面型的魅力微笑判别分值较高(P0.05)。非专业人群中,在三种笑弧中,除了很窄的面型,魅力微笑的分值均随着面型的增宽降低(P0.05)。专业人群中,对于平坦的笑弧,除了很宽的面型,魅力微笑的分值随着面型的增宽而增加(P0.05);对于理想的笑弧,魅力微笑的分值随着面型的过宽或过窄而降低,但仍高于其他两种笑弧(P0.05);对于弯曲的笑弧,除了很窄的面型,魅力微笑的分值随着面型的增宽而降低(P0.05)。结论:笑弧和面部宽窄对魅力微笑的判别具有一定影响。不同人群对笑弧及面部宽窄与微笑美学的认识也存在差异,在正畸治疗中应根据患者面部宽窄合理的选择治疗方案。  相似文献   

Recent theory predicts that males should choose social environments that maximize their relative attractiveness to females by preferentially associating with less attractive rivals, so as to enhance their mating success. Using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a highly social species, we tested for non-random social associations among males in mixed-sex groups based on two phenotypic traits (body length and coloration) that predict relative sexual attractiveness to females and sexual (sperm) competitiveness. Based on a well-replicated laboratory dichotomous-choice test of social group preference, we could not reject the null hypothesis that focal males chose randomly between a mixed-sex group that comprised a female and a rival male that was less sexually attractive than themselves and another mixed-sex group containing a sexually more attractive male. The same conclusion was reached when females were absent from the two groups. As might be expected from these laboratory findings, free-ranging males in the field were not assorted by either body length or colour in mixed-sex shoals. The apparent lack of an evolved and expressed preference in wild male guppies from our study population to form social associations with other males based on their relative sexual attractiveness and competitiveness might be due to the fission-fusion dynamics of guppy shoals in nature. Such social dynamics likely places constraints on the formation of stable phenotype-based social associations among males. This possibility is supported by a simulation model which assumes group departure rules based on relative body size and coloration in males.  相似文献   

The recalibrational theory of human anger predicts positive correlations between aggressive formidability and anger levels in males, and between physical attractiveness and anger levels in females. We tested these predictions by using a three-dimensional body scanner to collect anthropometric data about male aggressive formidability (measures of upper body muscularity and leg–body ratio) and female bodily attractiveness (waist–hip ratio, body mass index, overall body shape femininity, and several other measures). Predictions were partially supported: in males, two of three anger measures correlated significantly positively with several muscularity measures; in females, self-perceived attractiveness correlated significantly positively with two anger measures. However, most of these significant results were observed only after excluding from the sample 27 participants who were older than undergraduate age, leaving a subsample of 40 males and 51 females. Evidence for relationships between anthropometric attractiveness indicators and anger measures was weak, but there was some evidence for relationships between anthropometric attractiveness indicators and self-perceived attractiveness measures. While our results support the recalibrational theory's prediction that anger usage and formidability are positively correlated in males and suggest that this formidability can be assessed via anthropometric measures alone, they also suggest that this prediction may not apply to populations older than undergraduate age. Further, our results suggest that while female anger levels relate positively to self-perceived attractiveness, they are unrelated to most anthropometric measures of bodily attractiveness.  相似文献   

In many species, male secondary sexual traits have evolved via female choice as they confer indirect (i.e. genetic) benefits or direct benefits such as enhanced fertility or survival. In humans, the role of men's characteristically masculine androgen‐dependent facial traits in determining men's attractiveness has presented an enduring paradox in studies of human mate preferences. Male‐typical facial features such as a pronounced brow ridge and a more robust jawline may signal underlying health, whereas beards may signal men's age and masculine social dominance. However, masculine faces are judged as more attractive for short‐term relationships over less masculine faces, whereas beards are judged as more attractive than clean‐shaven faces for long‐term relationships. Why such divergent effects occur between preferences for two sexually dimorphic traits remains unresolved. In this study, we used computer graphic manipulation to morph male faces varying in facial hair from clean‐shaven, light stubble, heavy stubble and full beards to appear more (+25% and +50%) or less (?25% and ?50%) masculine. Women (N = 8520) were assigned to treatments wherein they rated these stimuli for physical attractiveness in general, for a short‐term liaison or a long‐term relationship. Results showed a significant interaction between beardedness and masculinity on attractiveness ratings. Masculinized and, to an even greater extent, feminized faces were less attractive than unmanipulated faces when all were clean‐shaven, and stubble and beards dampened the polarizing effects of extreme masculinity and femininity. Relationship context also had effects on ratings, with facial hair enhancing long‐term, and not short‐term, attractiveness. Effects of facial masculinization appear to have been due to small differences in the relative attractiveness of each masculinity level under the three treatment conditions and not to any change in the order of their attractiveness. Our findings suggest that beardedness may be attractive when judging long‐term relationships as a signal of intrasexual formidability and the potential to provide direct benefits to females. More generally, our results hint at a divergence of signalling function, which may result in a subtle trade‐off in women's preferences, for two highly sexually dimorphic androgen‐dependent facial traits.  相似文献   

Sexually selected male courtship displays often involve multiple behavioural and physical traits, but little is known about the function of different traits in mate choice. Here, we examine female courtship behaviours to learn how male traits interact to influence female mating decisions. In satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus), successful males give highly aggressive, intense behavioural displays without startling females. Males do this by modulating their displays in response to female crouching, which signals the display intensity that females will tolerate without being startled. Females typically visit multiple males for multiple courtships before choosing a mate, and females show differing tolerance for intense displays during their first courtship with each male. We test three hypotheses that may explain this: (i) familiarity with the courting male; (ii) the order of the courtship in mate-searching; and (iii) the attractiveness of the courting male. We found that females are more tolerant of intense displays during first courtships with attractive males; this increased female tolerance may allow attractive males to give higher intensity courtship displays that further enhance their attractiveness. We then examined why this is so, finding evidence that females are less likely to be startled by males with better physical displays (bower decorations), and this reduced startling then contributes to male courtship success. This role of physical displays in facilitating behavioural displays suggests a novel mechanism by which multiple physical and behavioural traits may influence female choice.  相似文献   

Human mate choice research often concerns sex differences in the importance of traits such as physical attractiveness and social status. A growing number of studies indicate that cues to social context, including other people who appear in stimulus photographs, can alter that individual’s attractiveness. Fewer studies, however, consider judgements of traits other than physical attractiveness, such as wealth. Here we manipulate the presence/absence of other people in photographs of target models, and test the effects on judgments of both attractiveness and earnings (a proxy for status). Participants (N = 2044) rated either male or female models for either physical attractiveness or social/economic status when presented alone, with same sex others or with opposite sex others. We collectively refer to this manipulation as ‘social context’. Male and female models received similar responses for physical attractiveness, but social context affected ratings of status differently for women and men. Males presented alongside other men received the highest status ratings while females presented alone were given the highest status ratings. Further, the status of females presented alongside a male was constrained by the rated status of that male. Our results suggests that high status may not directly lead to high attractiveness in men, but that status is more readily attributed to men than to women. This divide in status between the sexes is very clear when men and women are presented together, possibly reflecting one underlying mechanism of the modern day gender gap and sexist attitudes to women’s economic participation. This adds complexity to our understanding of the relationship between attractiveness, status, and sex in the light of parental investment theory, sexual conflict and economic theory.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrating mate choice copying effects among females in non-human species have led many researchers to propose that social transmission of mate preferences may influence sexual selection for male traits. Although it has been suggested that social transmission may also influence mate preferences in humans, there is little empirical support for such effects. Here, we show that observing other women with smiling (i.e. positive) expressions looking at male faces increased women's preferences for those men to a greater extent than did observing women with neutral (i.e. relatively negative) expressions looking at male faces. By contrast, the reverse was true for male participants (i.e. observing women with neutral expressions looking at male faces increased male participant's preferences for those men to a greater extent than did observing women smiling at male faces). This latter finding suggests that within-sex competition promotes negative attitudes among men towards other men who are the target of positive social interest from women. Our findings demonstrate that social transmission of face preferences influences judgments of men's attractiveness, potentially demonstrating a mechanism for social transmission of mate preferences.  相似文献   

We investigated the different roles of the sexes in the originationof novel traits in the sexually monomorphic Javanese mannikinLonchura leucogastroides. We introduced a red feather as anevolutionarily novel trait in both sexes and tested their preferencesfor prospective mates with this trait. Males rejected femalesbearing the red feather and preferred to court unadorned females.In contrast, females partly preferred adorned males. Specifically,previously unattractive males gained in attractiveness and could increasetheir reproductive success when bearing the ornament, whereas previouslyattractive males lost in attractiveness, but this did not affect theirreproductive success. We introduced two other novel traits inmales and investigated the females' response to these in matechoice tests. Each of the three new traits interacted with thenatural attractiveness of males. The more attractive a malewas before ornamentation, the more it lost in attractiveness afterornamentation and vice versa. Thus, the position of the traitdid not affect the interaction. Because males rejected adornedfemales and females partly preferred adorned males, novel traitsmight evolve by intersexual selection in males rather than infemales. This can lead to a sexual dimorphism with conspicuoustraits in males. Our study reveals a new insight into the mechanismof the evolution from monomorphism to dimorphism with ornamentaltraits in males.  相似文献   

Female dark‐eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) are socially monogamous, but they engage in extra‐pair copulations (EPCs). We examined spatial activity and behavior of female juncos during their fertile period to determine whether they engaged in tactics likely to facilitate EPCs and whether any such tactics varied with the attractiveness of their social mates. We manipulated the attractiveness of social mates by implanting experimental males with tubes containing testosterone (T‐males) and control males with empty tubes (C‐males). Previous findings in free‐living juncos showed that females mated to C‐males were more likely to produce extra‐pair young than females mated to T‐males. We radio‐tracked 13 females (eight C‐mated, five T‐mated) for an average of 15 h each over 3 d during their fertile periods. We predicted that C‐mated females, to compensate for the induced relative unattractiveness of their social mates, would foray from their territories to seek EPCs and as a result would have larger home ranges than T‐mated females. Females of both treatment groups made extra‐territorial forays, some of considerable distances, but we observed no EPCs during forays. Further, neighboring T‐ and C‐males frequently made incursions into the home ranges of T‐ and C‐mated females but we saw no EPCs during these incursions. Our ability to detect statistical differences was limited by sample size, but given that constraint, we found no detectable difference in female home‐range size in relation to the treatment of their mates, nor did other female behavior differ according to male treatment. Male behavior was significantly affected by testosterone treatment. C‐males guarded their mates more closely than did T‐males. We conclude that female juncos make extra‐territorial movements during their fertile period without regard to male attractiveness (testosterone treatment), but we found no evidence that these function as a special tactic to gain EPCs.  相似文献   

Researchers studying human sexuality have repeatedly concluded that men place more emphasis on the physical attractiveness of potential mates than women do, particularly in long-term sexual relationships. Evolutionary theorists have suggested that this is the case because male mate value (the total value of the characteristics that an individual possesses in terms of the potential contribution to his or her mate’s reproductive success) is better predicted by social status and economic resources, whereas women’s mate value hinges on signals conveyed by their physical appearance. This pattern may imply that women trade off attractiveness for resources in mate choice. Here I test whether a trade-off between resources and attractiveness seems to be occurring in the mate choice decisions of women in the United States. In addition, the possibility that the risk of mate desertion drives women to choose less attractive men as long-term mates is tested. The results were that women rated physically attractive men as more likely to cheat or desert a long-term relationship, whereas men did not consider attractive women to be more likely to cheat. However, women showed no aversion to the idea of forming long-term relationships with attractive men. Evidence for a trade-off between resources and attractiveness was found for women, who traded off attractiveness, but not other traits, for resources. The potential meaning of these findings, as well as how they relate to broader issues in the study of sex differences in the evolution of human mate choice for physical traits, is discussed.  相似文献   

Static photographs are currently the most often employed stimuli in research on social perception. The method of photograph acquisition might affect the depicted subject’s facial appearance and thus also the impression of such stimuli. An important factor influencing the resulting photograph is focal length, as different focal lengths produce various levels of image distortion. Here we tested whether different focal lengths (50, 85, 105 mm) affect depicted shape and perception of female and male faces. We collected three portrait photographs of 45 (22 females, 23 males) participants under standardized conditions and camera setting varying only in the focal length. Subsequently, the three photographs from each individual were shown on screen in a randomized order using a 3-alternative forced-choice paradigm. The images were judged for attractiveness, dominance, and femininity/masculinity by 369 raters (193 females, 176 males). Facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) was measured from each photograph and overall facial shape was analysed employing geometric morphometric methods (GMM). Our results showed that photographs taken with 50 mm focal length were rated as significantly less feminine/masculine, attractive, and dominant compared to the images taken with longer focal lengths. Further, shorter focal lengths produced faces with smaller fWHR. Subsequent GMM revealed focal length significantly affected overall facial shape of the photographed subjects. Thus methodology of photograph acquisition, focal length in this case, can significantly affect results of studies using photographic stimuli perhaps due to different levels of perspective distortion that influence shapes and proportions of morphological traits.  相似文献   

A poor start in life owing to a restricted diet can have readily detectable detrimental consequences for many adult life-history traits. However, some costs such as smaller adult body size are potentially eliminated when individuals modify their development. For example, male mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) that have reduced early food intake undergo compensatory growth and delay maturation so that they eventually mature at the same size as males that develop normally. But do subtle effects of a poor start persist? Specifically, does a male''s developmental history affect his subsequent attractiveness to females? Females prefer to associate with larger males but, controlling for body length, we show that females spent less time in association with males that underwent compensatory growth than with males that developed normally.  相似文献   

Size and scaling of sexually-selected traits in the lizard, Uta palmeri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Differences between the sexes in overall body size and in the size of other morphological traits, relative to overall body size, are common in many animals. In this study, patterns of growth and scaling of sexually dimorphic tratis are assessedin a lilzard and then used to sugest general developmental mechanisms responsible for sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Adult make Uta palmeri lizards are larger than adult females inoverall body size (snout-vent length, SVL), body mass, jaw length head width, and head depth. Two general growth processes produce this adult SSD. First, juvenile males have greater annual SVL growth rates than do juvenile females, contributing to adult SSD because males will be larger than females in any trait positively correlated with SVL. Secondly, males and females differ in age-related changes in growth of the three head size traits, relative to growth in SVL. Comparing slopes from reduced major axis regressions of each trait on SVL reveals that the sexes do not differ in the scaling of these traits as juveniles, but as adults males have greater slopes than adult females, indicating ontogenetic differences in scaling of these traits in males. Two other topics in SSD are addressed with these data. First, comparing these data on scaling to those of an earlier analysis that used ordinary least squares regression reveals that conclusions about underlying mechanisms in an analysis of scaling can be altered by the choice of a regression model. Secondly, these data indicate that postmaturational differences in scaling contribute to adult sexual size differences, contrary to an earlier study. Shine (1990) found that for many ectotherms, which continue to grow after sexual maturation, post-maturational events contribute little to sexual differences in overall body size. Results for U. palmeri suggest that these findings may only hold for measures of overall body size (e.g. SVL) and may not generalize to traits that exhibit sex difference in scaling.  相似文献   

Lonely hearts advertisements (LHA) published in Japan were examined in a comparative study on sexually dimorphic mate preference. I analyzed 944 LHA written by Japanese (730 by males and 214 by females) seeking short-term relationships and 780 LHA (577 by males and 203 by females) seeking long-term relationships. Some universal patterns of mate preference were confirmed and others were not. Female advertisers in both categories sought more traits than they offered; they also sought more traits than male advertisers. Males tended to offer their financial and social status, and females tended to seek those traits. More females requested family commitment than males. While there was no sex difference in offering and seeking physical appearance and health, females tended to request photographs of their potential mates. Males were more likely than females to be willing to accept children from previous relationships, although there was no significant difference in refusing such children. More females seeking long-term mates requested family commitment than females seeking short-term mates. In both males and females, more advertisers seeking long-term mates offered family commitment than advertisers seeking short-term mates. Some predictions for contingent preference were also examined. One prediction confirmed was that females offering physical appearance and health sought more traits than those not doing so. However, males offering financial and social status did not make higher demands than those who did not, which does not support one prediction. This paper was presented in a meeting of a team research project on "Mating systems, mate choice, and evolution by sexual selection in humans" by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. I appreciate Professor Takeru Akazawa and other members inviting me to the project. Ryo Oda obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo for the study of lemur vocal communication. He is a lecturer at Nagoya Institute of Technology, and his current work focuses on the evolution of human behavior and language.  相似文献   

Many phenotypic traits perform more than one function, and so can influence organismal fitness in more than one way. Sexually dimorphic traits offer an exceptional opportunity to clarify such complexity, especially if the trait involved is subject to natural as well as sexual selection, and if the sexes differ in ecology as well as reproductive behaviour. Relative tail length in sea-snakes fulfils these conditions. Our field studies on a Fijian population of yellow-lipped sea kraits ( Laticauda colubrina ) show that relative tail lengths in male sea kraits have strong consequences for individual fitness, both via natural and sexual selection. Males have much longer tails (relative to snout-vent length) than do females. Mark-recapture studies revealed a trade-off between growth and survival: males with relatively longer tails grew more slowly, but were more likely to survive, than were shorter-tailed males. A male snake's tail length relative to body length influenced not only his growth rate and probability of survival, but also his locomotor ability and mating success. Relative tail length in male sea kraits was thus under a complex combination of selective forces. These forces included directional natural selection (through effects on survival, growth and swimming speed) as well as stabilizing natural selection (males with average-length tails swam faster) and stabilizing sexual selection (males with average-length tails obtained more matings). In contrast, our study did not detect significant selection on relative tail length in females. This sex difference may reflect the fact that females use their tails primarily for swimming, whereas males also must frequently use the tail in terrestrial locomotion and in courtship as well as for swimming.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found both support and lack of support for a positive relationship between masculinity and symmetry, two putative signs of mate quality, in male faces. We re-examined this relationship using an explicit measure of facial fluctuating asymmetry, as well as other measures of asymmetry, and measures of facial masculinity/femininity. We also used ratings of these traits for faces. Further, we examined the relationship between facial sexual dimorphism and body asymmetry. We found no significant correlations between facial masculinity and any of our measures of asymmetry or ratings of symmetry in males. Facial femininity was not consistently associated with facial symmetry in females, but was associated with body symmetry. Therefore, for females, but not males, facial femininity and body symmetry may reflect similar aspects of mate quality. We also examined the relationships between trait ratings and measurements. Our results provide validation of our ability to measure aspects of asymmetry that are perceived to be symmetrical, and aspects of sexual dimorphism that are perceived as feminine in females and masculine in males.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Multiple signals may evolve because they provide independent information on the condition of a signaler. Females should pay attention to male characters relative to their reliability as signals of male attractiveness or quality. Since behavioral traits are flexible and, therefore, subject to strong environmental influences, females should weigh stable morphological signals higher in their choice of mates for genetic benefits than flexible behavioral traits, for example, by paying particular attention to phenotypically plastic traits when produced in combination with an exaggerated morphological signal. Consistent with this prediction, female barn swallows Hirundo rustica, which are known to prefer males with the longest tail feathers (a secondary sexual character), also preferred males with extreme expressions of a behavioral trait (song rate), as determined from patterns of paternity assessed by microsatellites. However, a statistical interaction between tail length and song rate implied that song rate was relatively unimportant for males with a short tail but more important for longtailed males. Since song rate is a flexible behavioral trait, females appear to have responded to this flexibility by devaluing the importance of song rate in assessment of unattractive sires.  相似文献   

According to the ‘good genes’ hypothesis, females choose males based on traits that indicate the male''s genetic quality in terms of disease resistance. The ‘immunocompetence handicap hypothesis’ proposed that secondary sexual traits serve as indicators of male genetic quality, because they indicate that males can contend with the immunosuppressive effects of testosterone. Masculinity is commonly assumed to serve as such a secondary sexual trait. Yet, women do not consistently prefer masculine looking men, nor is masculinity consistently related to health across studies. Here, we show that adiposity, but not masculinity, significantly mediates the relationship between a direct measure of immune response (hepatitis B antibody response) and attractiveness for both body and facial measurements. In addition, we show that circulating testosterone is more closely associated with adiposity than masculinity. These findings indicate that adiposity, compared with masculinity, serves as a more important cue to immunocompetence in female mate choice.  相似文献   

Traits used in mate choice are often costly to produce or maintain, and thus can reflect an individual’s current condition. Mate choice, however, might not only be influenced by the current condition of a potential partner, but also by the condition it had experienced during its early development which can have strong and long‐lasting effects on various traits. Here we studied the effects of different early developmental conditions, imposed by brood size manipulations (small, medium and large broods), on male attractiveness as measured by female choice experiments in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). In three different experiments, we allowed females to choose between males that had been raised in different experimental brood sizes. In none of the experiments, females showed a significant preference for males which had experienced better developmental conditions, i.e. were raised in the relatively smaller experimental broods. Song rate was higher in males coming from small than large broods, but females did not prefer males that sang more. These results suggest that sexual attractiveness either was not affected by our experimental treatment or that males subsequently had compensated in their overall attractiveness for negative effects of early developmental conditions.  相似文献   

Patterns of mate preference in Morocco are investigated in order to test whether they support hypotheses advanced by David Buss and other evolutionary psychologists. Because of the custom of cousin marriage in Morocco, a multivariate model that included cosocialization data was developed for the purpose of testing the Westermarck hypothesis of inbreeding avoidance. Hence, two previously separate domains of research are unified in one design that permits the further exploration of questions pertaining to the domain specificity of psychological mechanisms. Multiple independent mate choice predictors were identified using logistic regression analysis. Results support the Westermarck hypothesis of inbreeding avoidance. Sleeping in the same room during childhood was found in both sexes to produce an aversion to marriage. Other evidence suggests that aversion to inbreeding extends further among females than males in that females but not males show an aversion to marriage to related individuals with whom they had daily social contact in early childhood. The evolutionary prediction that females differ from males concerning resource holding capacity was also supported. Females showed a preference for males whom they judged to have higher social status than theirs, while this criterion was unimportant for males. The predicted sex difference in preferred age of marriage partner was also supported. Contrary to previous findings, the predicted difference between the sexes with regard to physical attractiveness was not supported. This research was supported by NSF grant BSN 90-19876. Alex Walter obtained a Ph.D. in anthropology from Rutgers University in 1992. He was a research associate at Rutgers from 1994 to 1995. He has taught at Cornell College and at Rutgers and Princeton universities. He is currently working on additional articles that will present data from his dissertation research on mate selection and inbreeding avoidance in Morocco.  相似文献   

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