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Mate choice for compatible genes is often based on genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Although MHC‐based mate choice is commonly observed in female choice, male mate choice remains elusive. In particular, if males have intense paternal care and are thus the choosing sex, male choice for females with dissimilar MHC can be expected. Here, we investigated whether male mate choice relies on MHC class I genes in the sex‐role reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle. In a mate choice experiment, we determined the relative importance of visual and olfactory cues by manipulating visibility and olfaction. We found that pipefish males chose females that maximize sequence‐based amino acid distance between MHC class I genotypes in the offspring when olfactory cues were present. Under visual cues, large females were chosen, but in the absence of visual cues, the choice pattern was reversed. The use of sex‐role reversed species thus revealed that sexual selection can lead to the evolution of male mate choice for MHC class I genes.  相似文献   

Understanding drivers of genetic diversity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is vitally important for predicting how vertebrate immune defence might respond to future selection pressures and for preserving immunogenetic diversity in declining populations. Parasite-mediated selection is believed to be the major selective force generating MHC polymorphism, and while MHC-based mating preferences also exist for multiple species including humans, the general importance of mate choice is debated. To investigate the contributions of parasitism and sexual selection in explaining among-species variation in MHC diversity, we applied comparative methods and meta-analysis across 112 mammal species, including carnivores, bats, primates, rodents and ungulates. We tested whether MHC diversity increased with parasite richness and relative testes size (as an indicator of the potential for mate choice), while controlling for phylogenetic autocorrelation, neutral mutation rate and confounding ecological variables. We found that MHC nucleotide diversity increased with parasite richness for bats and ungulates but decreased with parasite richness for carnivores. By contrast, nucleotide diversity increased with relative testes size for all taxa. This study provides support for both parasite-mediated and sexual selection in shaping functional MHC polymorphism across mammals, and importantly, suggests that sexual selection could have a more general role than previously thought.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a major part in the activation of the vertebrate immune system. In addition, they also appear to function as cues for mate choice. In mammals especially, several kinds of MHC-dependent mate choice have been hypothesized and observed. These include choice of mates that share no or few alleles with the choosing individual, choice of mates with alleles that differ as much as possible from the choosing individual, choice of heterozygous mates, choice of certain genotypes and choice of rare alleles. We investigated these different aspects of mate choice in relation to MHC in a lekking bird species, the great snipe (Gallinago media). We found no evidence for MHC disassortative mating, no preference for males with many MHC alleles and no preference for rare alleles. However, we did find that some allelic lineages were more often found in males with mating success than in males without mating success. Females do not seem to use themselves as references for the MHC-dependent mate choice, rather they seem to prefer males with certain allele types. We speculate that these alleles may be linked to resistance to common parasites.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that the scent of developmentalstability (low fluctuating asymmetry, FA) is attractive to womenwho are fertile (at high-conception risk points in their menstrualcycles), but not to other women or men. Prior research alsoindicates that the scent of dissimilarity in major histocompatibilitycomplex (MHC) genes may play a role in human mate choice. Westudied the scent attractiveness to the opposite sex of t-shirtsworn for 2 nights' sleep. Our results indicate that the twoolfactory systems are independent. We repeated previous resultsfrom studies of the scent of symmetry. We repeated previousresults from MHC research in part; men, but not women, showeda preference for t-shirts with the scent of MHC dissimilarity.Women's scent ratings of t-shirts were uncorrelated with thewearer's MHC dissimilarity and allele frequency, but positivelycorrelated with the wearer's MHC heterozygosity. Fertile womendid not exhibit any MHC trait preferences. Women's preferencefor the scent of men who were heterozygous for MHC alleles maybe stronger in women who are at infertile cycle points. Menpreferred the scent of common MHC alleles, which may functionto avoid mates with rare alleles that exhibit gestational drive.Men also preferred the scent of women at fertile cycle points.The scent of facially attractive women, but not men, was preferred.Neither FA nor facial attractiveness in either sex correlatedwith MHC dissimilarity to others, MHC heterozygosity, or MHCallelic rarity.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are essential in vertebrate adaptive immunity, and they are highly diverse and duplicated in many lineages. While it is widely established that pathogen‐mediated selection maintains MHC diversity through balancing selection, the role of mate choice in shaping MHC diversity is debated. Here, we investigate female mating preferences for MHC class II (MHCII) in the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica), a passerine bird with high levels of extra‐pair paternity and extremely duplicated MHCII. We genotyped family samples with mixed brood paternity and categorized their MHCII alleles according to their functional properties in peptide binding. Our results strongly indicate that females select extra‐pair males in a nonrandom, self‐matching manner that provides offspring with an allelic repertoire size closer to the population mean, as compared to offspring sired by the social male. This is consistent with a compatible genes model for extra‐pair mate choice where the optimal allelic diversity is intermediate, not maximal. This golden mean presumably reflects a trade‐off between maximizing pathogen recognition benefits and minimizing autoimmunity costs. Our study exemplifies how mate choice can reduce the population variance in individual MHC diversity and exert strong stabilizing selection on the trait. It also supports the hypothesis that extra‐pair mating is adaptive through altered genetic constitution in offspring.  相似文献   

Parasite mediated selection may result in arms races between host defence and parasite virulence. In particular, simultaneous infections from multiple parasite species should cause diversification (i.e. balancing selection) in resistance genes both at the population and the individual level. Here, we tested these ideas in highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes from three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.). In eight natural populations, parasite diversity (15 different species), and MHC class IIB diversity varied strongly between habitat types (lakes vs. rivers vs. estuaries) with lowest values in rivers. Partial correlation analysis revealed an influence of parasite diversity on MHC class IIB variation whereas general genetic diversity assessed at seven microsatellite loci was not significantly correlated with parasite diversity. Within individual fish, intermediate, rather than maximal allele numbers were associated with minimal parasite load, supporting theoretical models of self-reactive T-cell elimination. The optimal individual diversity matched those values female fish try to achieve in their offspring by mate choice. We thus present correlative evidence supporting the 'allele counting' strategy for optimizing the immunocompetence in stickleback offspring.  相似文献   

Polymorphic genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are regarded as essential genes for individual fitness under conditions of natural and sexual selection. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the ultimate individual fitness trait — that of reproductive success. We used three-spined sticklebacks ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ) in seminatural enclosures, located in natural breeding areas where the experimental fish had been caught. During their reproductive period, fish were exposed continuously to their natural sympatric parasites. By genotyping almost 4000 eggs with nine microsatellites, we determined parenthood and inferred female mating decision. We found that with reference to their own MHC profile, female sticklebacks preferred to mate with males sharing an intermediate MHC diversity. In addition, males with a specific MHC haplotype were bigger and better at fighting a common parasite ( Gyrodactylus sp.). This translated directly into Darwinian fitness since fish harbouring this specific MHC haplotype were more likely to be chosen and had a higher reproductive output. We conclude that females also based their mating decision on a specific MHC haplotype conferring resistance against a common parasite. This identifies and supports 'good genes'. We argue that such an interaction between host and parasite driving assortative mating is not only a prerequisite for negative frequency-dependent selection — a potential mechanism to explain the maintenance of MHC polymorphism, but also potentially speciation.  相似文献   

Speciation and the maintenance of recently diverged species has been subject of intense research in evolutionary biology for decades. Although the concept of ecological speciation has been accepted, its mechanisms and genetic bases are still under investigation. Here, we present a mechanism for speciation that is orchestrated and strengthened by parasite communities acting on polymorphic genes of the immune system. In vertebrates, these genes have a pleiotropic role with regard to parasite resistance and mate choice. In contrasting niches, parasite communities differ and thus the pools of alleles of the adapted major histocompatibility complex (MHC) also differ between niches. Mate choice for the best-adapted MHC genotype will favour local adaptations and will accelerate separation of both populations: thus immune genes act as pleiotropic speciation genes –'magic traits'. This mechanism should operate not only in sympatric populations but also under allopatry or parapatry. Each individual has a small subset of the many MHC alleles present in the population. If all individuals could have all MHC alleles from the pool, MHC-based adaptation is neither necessary nor possible. However, the typically small optimal individual number of MHC loci thus enables MHC-based speciation. Furthermore, we propose a new mechanism selecting against species hybrids. Hybrids are expected to have super-optimal individual MHC diversity and should therefore suffer more from parasites in all habitats.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) constitution on the parasite burden of free-ranging mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) in four littoral forest fragments in southeastern Madagascar. Fourteen different MHC class II DRB-exon 2 alleles were found in 228 individuals with high levels of sequence divergence between alleles. More nonsynonymous than synonymous substitutions in the functional important antigen recognition and binding sites indicated selection processes maintaining MHC polymorphism. Animals from the four forest fragments differed in their infection status (being infected or not), in the number of different nematode morphotypes per individual (NNI) as well as in the fecal egg counts (FEC) values. Heterozygosity in general was uncorrelated with any of these measures of infection. However, a positive relationship was found between specific alleles and parasite load. Whereas the common allele Mimu-DRB*1 was more frequently found in infected individuals and in individuals with high NNI and FEC values (high parasite load), the rare alleles Mimu-DRB*6 and 10 were more prevalent in uninfected individuals and in individuals with low NNI and FEC values (low parasite load). These three alleles associated with parasite load had unique amino acid motifs in the antigen binding sites. This distinguished them from the remaining 11 Mimu-DRB alleles. Our results support the hypothesis that MHC polymorphism in M. murinus is maintained through pathogen-driven selection acting by frequency-dependent selection. This is the first study of the association of MHC variation and parasite burden in a free-ranging primate.  相似文献   

Mate choice for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) compatibility has been found in several taxa, although rarely in birds. MHC is a crucial component in adaptive immunity and by choosing an MHC-dissimilar partner, heterozygosity and potentially broad pathogen resistance is maximized in the offspring. The MHC genotype influences odour cues and preferences in mammals and fish and hence olfactory-based mate choice can occur. We tested whether blue petrels, Halobaena caerulea, choose partners based on MHC compatibility. This bird is long-lived, monogamous and can discriminate between individual odours using olfaction, which makes it exceptionally well suited for this analysis. We screened MHC class I and II B alleles in blue petrels using 454-pyrosequencing and quantified the phylogenetic, functional and allele-sharing similarity between individuals. Partners were functionally more dissimilar at the MHC class II B loci than expected from random mating (p = 0.033), whereas there was no such difference at the MHC class I loci. Phylogenetic and non-sequence-based MHC allele-sharing measures detected no MHC dissimilarity between partners for either MHC class I or II B. Our study provides evidence of mate choice for MHC compatibility in a bird with a high dependency on odour cues, suggesting that MHC odour-mediated mate choice occurs in birds.  相似文献   

Polymorphism in DQB sequences of the bovine major histocompatibility complex was investigated in 22 British Friesian cattle. The first domain exon was amplified, cloned and sequenced. Eight different sequences were identified, six of which had not been identified previously. The high proportion of novel sequences suggests that additional polymorphisms within the DQB loci remain to be discovered in this breed. One sequence was present in at least 21 of the 22 cattle. This sequence, or a closely related sequence, has also been found in American Holstein Friesian, Swedish Red and White and Japanese Black cattle. The remarkably high sequence conservation suggests that the bovine DQB region may contain a locus with a low level of polymorphism and be more similar to the human DQB region than previously supposed. One sequence with three widely spaced frameshift insertions appeared to be a pseudogene.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) is a cluster of loci controlling the specific immune response in vertebrates. Mhc alleles often differ by a large number of nucleotide substitutions, some of which began to accumulate before the emergence of extant species. We have applied the theory of allelic genealogy to the primate Mhc genes with the aim of estimating the size of the founding populations. The calculations indicate that the long-term effective population size of the studied species was between 104 and 105 individuals and that it most likely never dropped below 103 individuals.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) contains the most variable genes in vertebrates, but despite extensive research, the mechanisms maintaining this polymorphism are still unresolved. One hypothesis is that MHC polymorphism is a result of balancing selection operating by overdominance, but convincing evidence for overdominant selection in natural populations has been lacking. We present strong evidence consistent with MHC-specific overdominance in a free-living population of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in northernmost Europe. In this population, where just two MHC alleles were observed, MHC heterozygous fish had a lower parasite load, were in better condition (as estimated by a fatness indicator) and had higher survival under stress than either of the homozygotes. Conversely, there was no consistent association between these fitness measures and assumedly neutral microsatellite variability, indicating an MHC-specific effect. Our results provide convincing empirical evidence consistent with the notion that overdominance can be an important evolutionary mechanism contributing to MHC polymorphism in wild animal populations. They also support a recent simulation study indicating that the number of alleles expected to be maintained at an MHC loci can be low, even under strong heterozygote advantage.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) beta genes were isolated from 12 species of rockfish (genus Sebastes ). Multiple sequences were found in each of the species. The majority of sequences displayed the characteristics of functional MHC genes, with a small group of sequences that were possibly pseudogenes.  相似文献   

The maintenance of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) polymorphism has been hypothesized to result from many mechanisms such as rare‐allele advantage, heterozygote advantage, and allele counting. In the study reported herein, 224 vulnerable Chinese egrets (Egretta eulophotes) were used to examine these hypotheses as empirical results derived from bird studies are rare. Parasite survey showed that 147 (65.63%) individuals were infected with 1–3 helminths, and 82.31% of these infected individuals carried Ascaridia sp. Using asymmetric polymerase chain reaction technique, 10 DAB1, twelve DAB2, and three DAB3 exon 2 alleles were identified at each single locus. A significant association of the rare allele Egeu‐DAB2*05 (allele frequency: 0.022) with helminth resistance was found for all helminths, as well as for the most abundant morphotype Ascaridia sp. in the separate analyses. Egeu‐DAB2*05 occurred frequently in uninfected individuals, and individuals carrying Egeu‐DAB2*05 had significantly lower helminth morphotypes per individual (HMI) (the number of HMI) and the fecal egg count values. Further, the parasite infection measurements were consistently lower in individuals with an intermediate number of different alleles in the duplicated DAB loci. Significantly, heterozygosity within each DAB locus was not correlated with any parasite infection measurements. These results indicate that the diversity in MHC Egeu‐DAB gene is associated with intestinal parasite load and maintained by pathogen‐driven selection that probably operate through both the rare‐allele advantage and the allele counting strategy, and suggest that Egeu‐DAB2*05 might be a valuable indicator of better resistance to helminth diseases in the vulnerable Chinese egret.  相似文献   

We investigated how heterozygosity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) affects fitness in wild-derived (F2) house mice (Mus musculus musculus). To compare and control for potential confounding effects from close inbreeding and genome-wide heterozygosity, we used mice that were systematically outbred. We assessed how heterozygosity at MHC and background loci (using 15 microsatellite markers on 11 different chromosomes) affects individual survival and reproductive success (RS) in large, semi-natural population enclosures. We found that overall heterozygosity significantly increased RS, and this correlation was entirely explained by heterozygosity at two MHC loci. Moreover, we found that the effects of MHC heterozygosity depend on the level of background heterozygosity, and the benefits of maximal MHC heterozygosity show a curvilinear effect with increasing background heterozygosity. The enhanced RS from MHC heterozygosity was not because of increased survival, and although MHC heterozygosity was correlated with body mass, body mass did not correlate with RS when heterozygosity is controlled. Breeders were more MHC heterozygous than nonbreeders for both sexes, indicating that MHC heterozygosity enhanced fecundity, mating success or both. Our results show that (i) MHC heterozygosity enhances fitness among wild, outbred as well as congenic laboratory mice; (ii) heterozygosity-fitness correlations can potentially be explained by a few loci, such as MHC; (iii) MHC heterozygosity can increase fitness, even without affecting survival, by increasing mating and RS; and (iv) MHC effects depend on background genes, and maximal MHC heterozygosity is most beneficial at intermediate or optimal levels of background heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Studies of MHC‐based mate choice in wild populations often test hypotheses on species exhibiting female choice and male–male competition, which reflects the general prevalence of females as the choosy sex in natural systems. Here, we examined mutual mate‐choice patterns in a small burrow‐nesting seabird, the Leach’s storm‐petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), using the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The life history and ecology of this species are extreme: both partners work together to fledge a single chick during the breeding season, a task that requires regularly travelling hundreds of kilometres to and from foraging grounds over a 6‐ to 8‐week provisioning period. Using a 5‐year data set unprecedented for this species (n = 1078 adults and 925 chicks), we found a positive relationship between variation in the likelihood of female reproductive success and heterozygosity at Ocle‐DAB2, a MHC class IIB locus. Contrary to previous reports rejecting disassortative mating as a mechanism for maintaining genetic polymorphism in this species, here we show that males make significant disassortative mate‐choice decisions. Variability in female reproductive success suggests that the most common homozygous females (Ocle‐DAB2*01/Ocle‐DAB2*01) may be physiologically disadvantaged and, therefore, less preferred as lifelong partners for choosy males. The results from this study support the role of mate choice in maintaining high levels of MHC variability in a wild seabird species and highlight the need to incorporate a broader ecological framework and sufficient sample sizes into studies of MHC‐based mating patterns in wild populations in general.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I is an important component of intracellular antigen presentation. However, improper expression of MHC I upon the cell surface has been associated with several autoimmune diseases. Myositis is a rare acquired autoimmune disease which targets skeletal muscle, and MHC I overexpression on the surface of muscle fibres and immune cell infiltration are clinical hallmarks. MHC I overexpression may have an important pathogenic role, mediated by the activation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. Given the evidence that muscle is a diverse source of cytokines, we aimed to investigate whether MHC I overexpression can modify the profile of muscle‐derived cytokines and what role the ER stress pathway may play. Using C2C12 myoblasts we overexpressed MHC I with a H‐2kb vector in the presence or absence of salubrinal an ER stress pathway modifying compound. MHC I overexpression induced ER stress pathway activation and elevated cytokine gene expression. MHC I overexpression caused significant release of cytokines and chemokines, which was attenuated in the presence of salubrinal. Conditioned media from MHC I overexpressing cells induced in vitro T‐cell chemotaxis, atrophy of healthy myotubes and modified mitochondrial function, features which were attenuated in the presence of salubrinal. Collectively, these data suggest that MHC I overexpression can induce pro‐inflammatory cytokine/chemokine release from C2C12 myoblasts, a process which appears to be mediated in‐part by the ER stress pathway.  相似文献   

Mate preferences may operate in part to mitigate the threats posed by infectious disease. In this paper, we outline various ways in which preferring healthy mates can offer direct benefits in terms of pathogen avoidance and indirect benefits in terms of heritable immunity to offspring, as well as the costs that may constrain mate preferences for health. We then pay special attention to empirical work on mate preferences in humans given the depth and breadth of research on human mating. We review this literature and comment on the degree to which human mate preferences may reflect preferences for health.  相似文献   

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