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1. We investigated the responsiveness of aquatic invertebrates to rehydration of floodplain soil in a south‐eastern U.S. river floodplain. Non‐inundated soil divots containing invertebrate seedbanks were collected from three floodplain elevations with different inundation histories (inundated for 2, 38, and 78% of a year), and subjected to rehydration (experimental inundation) in aquaria for 10 weeks. 2. Before rehydration, samples were collected to assess the initial density and composition of invertebrates in non‐inundated soil at each elevation. After rehydration, benthic samples were collected biweekly and emergence of aquatic insects was collected weekly from aquaria. 3. The surviving invertebrates were classified as aquatic, semi‐aquatic and terrestrial. Some aquatic invertebrates survived the non‐inundated period in an active state (e.g. Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae), while others appeared to be dormant (e.g. Heptageniidae, microcrustaceans and Chironomidae). The response for several invertebrates (e.g. Chironominae, Oligochaeta, Collembola and terrestrial invertebrates) depended on the length of rehydration and inundation history. 4. The capacity of aquatic invertebrates to survive and recover was greatest at the most frequently inundated site. Despite variation in floodplain environments, both active and dormant invertebrates persisting in non‐inundated floodplain soil contributed to the floodplain assemblage during flooding. Thus, maintaining the connection between river and floodplain appears to be important in sustaining the invertebrate seedbank and its capacity to recover during inundation. River channelisation and regulation that severs this connection may result in a loss of diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

The effects of radioactive contamination from Chernobyl on decomposition of plant material still remain unknown. We predicted that decomposition rate would be reduced in the most contaminated sites due to an absence or reduced densities of soil invertebrates. If microorganisms were the main agents responsible for decomposition, exclusion of large soil invertebrates should not affect decomposition. In September 2007 we deposited 572 bags with uncontaminated dry leaf litter from four species of trees in the leaf litter layer at 20 forest sites around Chernobyl that varied in background radiation by more than a factor 2,600. Approximately one quarter of these bags were made of a fine mesh that prevented access to litter by soil invertebrates. These bags were retrieved in June 2008, dried and weighed to estimate litter mass loss. Litter mass loss was 40 % lower in the most contaminated sites relative to sites with a normal background radiation level for Ukraine. Similar reductions in litter mass loss were estimated for individual litter bags, litter bags at different sites, and differences between litter bags at pairs of neighboring sites differing in level of radioactive contamination. Litter mass loss was slightly greater in the presence of large soil invertebrates than in their absence. The thickness of the forest floor increased with the level of radiation and decreased with proportional loss of mass from all litter bags. These findings suggest that radioactive contamination has reduced the rate of litter mass loss, increased accumulation of litter, and affected growth conditions for plants.  相似文献   

Terrestrial life in Antarctica has been described as some of the simplest on the planet, and mainly confined to soil microfaunal communities. Studies have suggested that the lack of diversity is due to extreme environmental conditions and thought to be driven by abiotic factors. In this study we investigated soil microfauna composition, abundance, and distribution in East Antarctica, and assessed correlations with soil geochemistry and environmental variables. We examined 109 soil samples from a wide range of ice-free habitats, spanning 2000 km from Framnes Mountains to Bailey Peninsula. Microfauna across all samples were patchily distributed, from complete absence of invertebrates to over 1600 specimens/gram of dry weight of soil (gdw), with highest microfauna abundance observed in samples with visible vegetation. Bdelloid rotifers were on average the most widespread found in 87% of sampled sites and the most abundant (44 specimens/gdw). Tardigrades occurred in 57% of the sampled sites with an abundance of 12 specimens/gdw. Nematodes occurred in 71% of samples with a total abundance of 3 specimens/gdw. Ciliates and mites were rarely found in soil samples, with an average abundance of 1.3 and 0.04 specimens/gdw, respectively. We found that microfaunal composition and abundance were mostly correlated with the soil geochemical parameters; phosphorus, NO3 and salinity, and likely to be the result of soil properties and historic landscape formation and alteration, rather than the geographic region they were sampled from. Studies focusing on Antarctic biodiversity must take into account soil geochemical and environmental factors that influence population and species heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In January 2001, we surveyed streams and ponds above 300 m a.s.l. in Taylor Valley, South Victoria Land, Antarctica. One pond was examined in detail. Organic materials covered nearly 100% of the adjacent soil to 5–20 m from the shore, with intermittent patches to 80 m. Organic matter averaged 257 g C/m2, and totaled 1,388 kg organic C on the soil around the pond. Soil-moisture content (0.56–12.41%) decreased with distance from shore, whereas pH (7.8–10.8) increased with distance. Electrical conductivity was lowest in the soils <10 m from the pond (416±94 µS/cm). Mineral soil organic C and total N concentrations were greatest between 10 and 30 m from the edge of the pond (1.21±0.37 and 0.13±0.05 mg/g soil, respectively). Soil invertebrates were present in only 50% of samples and included tardigrades, rotifers, and two nematodes, Scottnema lindsayae and Plectus antarcticus. A non-parametric, discriminant function analysis based on soil moisture, soil organic carbon, and electrical conductivity correctly predicted 87.0% of sites that had invertebrates and 70.8% of sites for which invertebrates were absent. Tardigrades, rotifers, and P. antarcticus were found only in the wettest soils nearest the pond whereas S. lindsayae was restricted to drier soils further from shore. Other ponds and streams also showed substantial accumulations of organic matter, suggesting that upland wetlands serve as resource islands in these polar deserts that provide a source of organic matter to nearby soils.  相似文献   

Observations of Yellowhammers flying from nests to foraging sites were used to assess use of foraging habitats in relation to availability. Selection of invertebrates by foraging Yellowhammers was studied using analysis of nestling faecal samples in relation to invertebrate samples taken from farmland habitats. Both data sets were analysed using compositional analysis. Broad-leaved crops and sparsely vegetated areas were favoured early in the breeding season, but cereal crops were increasingly used as these ripened. Unripe cereal grain formed a major component of nestling diet, but invertebrates were fed to all broods. Lepidoptera larvae, Araneae and Tipulidae were consumed more than other invertebrate groups. Nestling mortality was high during cold weather when these invertebrates would have been inactive. We suggest that farming systems that increase habitat diversity and reduce pesticide application to arable crops will benefit Yellowhammers and other farmland buntings.  相似文献   

Landscape patterns of litter decomposition in alpine tundra   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A two-year study of the decomposition of alpine avens (Acomastylis rossii) foliage in alpine tundra of the Front Range of Colorado demonstrated a strong landscape-mediated effect on decay rates. Litter on sites with intermediate amounts of snowpack decayed more rapidly than litter on sites with larger or smaller amounts of snow. Annual decay constants (k-values) of this foliage ranged from-0.33 in dry tundra to-0.52 in moist tundra to-0.47 in the wettest habitat. No site differences in mass loss of litter were detected until late winter-early spring of the first year of decomposition, when significantly faster decomposition was observed for litter beneath the snowpack. In spite of obvious landscape-related patterns in rates of litter decomposition, total microarthropod densities in the top 5 cm of soil did not differ among habitats. However, the relative abundance of the oribatid and prostigmatid mites did vary significantly across the landscape in relation to the moisture gradient. Oribatid mites comprised a greater proportion of total mites in wetter areas. Microarthropod densities and composition, as well as patterns of decomposition, were compared with previous alpine, as well as arctic tundra, studies. The effects of soil invertebrates on decomposition rates in the alpine were evaluated with a mushroom litterbag decomposition experiment. Naphthalene was used to exclude fauna from a subset of litterbags placed in mesic and xeric habitats. Mushrooms without naphthalene additions decayed significantly faster in the mesic sites. Densities of invertebrates were also greater on mushrooms in these mesic sites. Mushrooms placed in xeric sites generally lacked fauna. Thus, both the activities and the composition of the detritus-based food web appear to change substantially across the moisture gradient found in alpine tundra.  相似文献   

Desensitization of melanoma cells to autocrine TGF-beta isoforms   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Histidine triad (HIT) proteins were until recently a superfamily of proteins that shared only sequence motifs. Crystal structures of nucleotide-bound forms of histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein (Hint) demonstrated that the conserved residues in HIT proteins are responsible for their distinctive, dimeric, 10-stranded half-barrel structures that form two identical purine nucleotide-binding sites. Hint-related proteins, found in all forms of life, and fragile histidine triad (Fhit)-related proteins, found in animals and fungi, represent the two main branches of the HIT superfamily. Hint homologs are intracellular receptors for purine mononucleotides whose cellular function remains elusive. Fhit homologs bind and cleave diadenosine polyphosphates (Ap(n)A) such as ApppA and AppppA. Fhit-Ap(n)A complexes appear to function in a proapoptotic tumor suppression pathway in epithelial tissues. In invertebrates, Fhit homologs are encoded as fusion proteins with proteins related to plant and bacterial nitrilases that are candidate signaling partners in tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Acoustic and traditional excavation methods were used in consecutive summers to conduct two geospatial surveys of distributions of white grubs and other soil invertebrates in two forage fields. Indicator variables were constructed from listener- and computer-based assessments of sounds detected at each recording site and then applied in geostatistical analysis, contingency analysis, and spatial analysis of distance indices (SADIE) of soil invertebrate distributions. Significant relationships were identified between the acoustic indicators and the counts of sound-producing soil invertebrates in a majority of the geostatistical and contingency analyses. Significant clusterings and overall spatial associations were identified also in most of the SADIE analyses. In addition, significant local spatial associations were identified between acoustic indicators and counts of sound-producing soil invertebrates that could be of potential value in selection of specific sites as targets for treatment or for untreated reserves in integrated pest management programs. An example is presented of the relative efficiency of acoustic surveys for targeting of white grub treatments.  相似文献   

Soil invertebrate communities are fundamental components of wet meadow ecosystems. We compared soil invertebrate biodiversity between restored and native wet meadows to assess the effectiveness of restoration practices. Biodiversity and biomass were measured in 2002 and 2003 from four native and three restored sites located along a 100-km stretch of the Platte River in south-central Nebraska. The sites ranged in age from 3 to 6 years since restoration. Samples were collected during May, July, and September each year. Soil temperature, soil moisture, percent litter cover, and root mass were measured at each site. Twelve 20 × 20 × 25–cm soil blocks were extracted at each site; soil was washed through a 1-mm sieve; and invertebrates were identified, counted, and weighed. Native sites had higher Shannon and Simpson diversity values and contained greater invertebrate biomass than restored sites. Five invertebrate taxa (isopods, scarab beetles, click beetles, earthworms, and ants) were collected with enough frequency to assess restoration effects on their occurrence. Of these, only ants occurred more frequently in restored sites. Restored sites generally had less litter cover, lower root mass, lower soil moisture, and higher soil temperature than native sites. Current restoration practices may not be completely effective at returning sites to native conditions. Physical reconstruction of wet meadow topography and high-diversity reseeding may not be adequate to fully restore soil invertebrate communities, even over extended periods of time.  相似文献   

Aquatic macroinvertebrates are commonly used biological indicators for assessing the health of freshwater ecosystems. However, counting all the invertebrates in the large samples that are usually collected for rapid site assessment is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, sub-sampling is often done with fixed time or fixed count live-sorting in the field or with preserved material using sample splitters in the laboratory. We investigate the differences between site assessments provided when the two sub-sampling approaches (Live-sort and Lab-sort) were used in conjunction with predictive bioassessment models. The samples showed a method bias. The Live-sort sub-samples tended to have more large, conspicuous invertebrates and often fewer small and, or cryptic animals that were more likely to be found in Lab-sort samples where a microscope was used. The Live-sort method recovered 4–6 more taxa than Lab-sorting in spring, but not in autumn. The magnitude of the significant differences between Live-sort and Lab-sort predictive model outputs, observed to expected (O/E) taxa scores, for the same sites ranged from 0.12 to 0.53. These differences in the methods resulted in different assessments of some sites only and the number of sites that were assessed differently depended on the season, with spring samples showing most disparity. The samples may differ most in spring because many of the invertebrates are larger at that time (and thus are more conspicuous targets for live-sorters). The Live-sort data cannot be run through a predictive model created from Lab-sort data (and vice versa) because of the taxonomic differences in sub-sample composition and the sub-sampling methods must be standardized within and among studies if biological assessment is to provide valid comparisons of site condition. Assessments that rely on the Live-sorting method may indicate that sites are ‘less impaired’ in spring compared to autumn because more taxa are retrieved in spring when they are larger and more visible. Laboratory sub-sampling may return fewer taxa in spring, which may affect assessments relying on taxonomic richness.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigates the suitability of using wooden discs as facsimiles for natural fallen logs to non‐destructively monitor invertebrates. Wooden discs cut from tree trunks were placed on the ground at five sites and monitored. A diverse range of species was found under the discs including large numbers of some species. On Quail Island, Pine, Macrocarpa, Oak and Beech discs were compared. Beech discs had significantly fewer invertebrates and recognizable taxonomic units than other disc types. Pine discs had significantly more flatworms than the other three disc types. A comparison of invertebrate numbers when discs were placed directly on soil or grass indicated that larger numbers of individuals and recognizable taxonomic units were found under discs placed on bare soil compared with those on grass. Discs with a soil cavity beneath had significantly fewer individuals and recognizable taxonomic units than discs without cavities. Carabids showed considerable seasonal variation, with highest numbers in spring and lowest in winter, and larger numbers were found under discs at moist sites. Skinks over‐wintered under discs in drier open sites at Lincoln and Quail Island. Disc condition was assessed after 28 months and showed Macrocarpa had deteriorated the most of the four disc types. Wooden discs are a useful tool for the ecological management of terrestrial invertebrate fauna in restoration programmes for monitoring and considerable potential exists for discs to provide habitat for restoration of terrestrial invertebrate taxa.  相似文献   

陈中云  闵航  陈美慈  赵宇华 《生态学报》2001,21(9):1498-1505
对不施用任何肥料的浙江黄松土(发育于河流沉积物母质的水稻田土)、老黄筋泥田土(发育于第四纪红壤母质的水稻田土)、青紫泥田土(发育于滨海盐土母质的象山青紫泥水稻土)中甲烷氧化菌、产甲烷菌种群数量及甲烷排放量之间关系作了研究。结果表明,甲烷氧化菌种群数量范围在10^6-10^8cfu/g干土之间,其变化在2个数量级范围内,产甲烷细菌种群数量变化较大,其范围在10^3-10^7cfu/g干土之间,水稻田土壤的甲烷排放量受到甲烷氧化菌、产甲烷菌种群数量及其活性及土壤理化性状的影响,提出了当水稻田土壤的甲烷氧化菌种群数量在10^cfu/g干土、产甲烷菌种群数量在10^5cfu/g干土时,水稻田土壤几乎没有多余的CH4气体排放这一甲烷形成与甲烷氧化两类群微生物之间的数量关系。甲烷排量也与土壤砂粒(<0.02mm的砂数)含量呈正相关性,土壤砂粒含量越高,其甲烷排放量亦高。  相似文献   

S. Scheu 《Oecologia》1990,84(3):351-358
Summary Microbial biomass, nutrient (N and P) status, and carbon and nutrient limitation of the microflora were investigated in soils from five different sites (field, 5-, 12-, and about 50-year-old fallow, beechwood), which represent different stages of a secondary succession from a wheat field to the climax ecosystem of a beechwood on limestone. In addition, the effect of faeces production by the substrate feeding earthworm species Octolasion lacteum (Örley) on the nutrient status of the soil microflora of these sites was studied. Humus had accumulated in the soil of the third fallow site, with an enhanced biomass of microflora. However, in the beechwood soil, which had the highest humus content, microbial biomass was lower than in the soil of the third fallow site and similar to that of the field and the two younger fallow sites. In general, soil microbial biomass was little affected by the passage of soil through the gut of O. lacteum. The soil microflora of the field, the 5-, 12-, and about 50-year-old fallow was limited by carbon, whereas in the beechwood soil phosphorus limited microbial growth. NItrogen availability to the soil microflora was low in the two younger fallow sites and high in the field and the third fallow. In the beechwood soil nitrogen supply did not affect microbial carbon utilization. Application of phosphorus stimulated glucose mineralization in the soil of the field, the third fallow, and the beechwood, but not in the two younger fallow sites. Therefor, the nutrient status of the soil microflora seems to have changed during secondary succession: presumably, during the first phase the availability of nitrogen decreased, whereas during the second phase microbial phosphorus supply became more important, which resulted in phosphorus limitation of the soil microflora in the climax ecosystem. The passage of soil through the gut of O. lacteum caused an alteration in the microbial nutrient status. Generally, microbial growth in earthworm casts was limited by carbon. The relative effect of the gut passage of the soils on microbial carbon utilization seems to increase during succession. Therefore, the effect of decomposer invertebrates on microbial nutrient supply seems to increase during secondary succession. In general, nitrogen did not limit microbial carbon utilization in earthworm casts. Phosphorus requirements of the soil microflora were lowered by the gut passage of the soil of the third fallow site and the beechwood, which indicates an increased phosphorus supply in earthworm casts. Howerver, this additional supply was not sufficient to enable optimal carbon utilization by the soil microflora. The results indicate that the effect of decomposer invertebrates on the soil microflora depends on the nutrient status of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Altitudinally-defined climate conditions provide specific vegetation types and soil environments that could influence soil microbial communities, which in turn may affect microbial residues. However, the knowledge is limited in terms of the degree to which microbial communities and residues present and differ along altitude. In this study, we examined the soil microbial communities and residues along the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, China using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and amino sugar analysis, respectively. Soil samples were taken from five different vegetation belts defined by climates. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed substantial differences in soil microbial community composition among study sites, appeared to be driven primarily by soil pH and C/N ratio on the first principal component (PC1) which accounted for 50.7% of the total sample variance. The alpine tundra was separated from forest sites on the second principal component (PC2) by a signifiscantly higher amount of fungal PLFA (18:2ω6,9). Soil pH and C/N ratio were also correlated with the ratios of Gram-positive to Gram-negative bacteria (Gm+/Gm), glucosamine to galactosamine (GluN/GalN), and glucosamine to muramic acid (GluN/MurA). Both total PLFAs and amino sugars were positively correlated with soil organic carbon, inorganic nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium. We concluded that soil pH and C/N ratio were the most important drivers for microbial community structure and amino sugar pattern, while substrate availability was of great importance in determining the concentrations of microbial communities and residues. These findings could be used to facilitate interpretation of soil microbial community and amino sugar data derived from measurements in latitude or managed forests.  相似文献   

A broad range of soil pollutants were found to decrease with distance from a zinc smelter from 35,000 to 77, 8270 to 40 and from 190 to less than 1 ppm for zinc, lead and cadmium, respectively. Along this gradient, observed species richness of soil macro-organisms seemed to be more affected by the land-use type than by soil pollution--minimum in crops (21), maximum in woody sites (126). IndVal index allowed isolation of 21 indicator species from the 339 morphospecies identified. Most of these indicator species were characteristic of the unpolluted sites: only two diplopods and one gastropod from polluted poplar plantations, and none from the most polluted site. Since soil invertebrates respond to different environmental factors, including direct effect of heavy metals, we suggest there may be some confounding factors generating spurious relationships between the values of species as bioindicators and the pollution status they are supposed to indicate.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of red alder (Alnus rubra) stand density in upland, riparian forests on invertebrate and detritus transport from fishless headwater streams to downstream, salmonid habitats in southeastern Alaska. Red alder commonly regenerates after soil disturbance (such as from natural landsliding or timber harvesting), and is common along streams in varying densities, but its effect on food delivery from headwater channels to downstream salmonid habitats is not clear. Fluvial transport of invertebrates and detritus was measured at 13 sites in spring, summer and fall during two years (2000–2001). The 13 streams encompassed a riparian red alder density gradient (1–82% canopy cover or 0–53% basal area) growing amongst young-growth conifer (45-yr-old stands that regenerated after forest clearcutting). Sites with more riparian red alder exported significantly more invertebrates than did sites with little alder (mean range across 1–82% alder gradient was about 1–4 invertebrates m?3 water, and 0.1–1 mg invertebrates m?3 water, respectively). Three-quarters of the invertebrates were of aquatic origin; the remainder was of terrestrial origin. Aquatic taxa were positively related to the alder density gradient, while terrestrially-derived taxa were not. Streams with more riparian alder also exported significantly more detritus than streams with less alder (mean range across 1–82% alder gradient was 0.01–0.06 g detritus m?3 water). Based on these data, we predict that headwater streams with more riparian alder will provide more invertebrates and support more downstream fish biomass than those basins with little or no riparian alder, provided these downstream food webs fully utilize this resource subsidy.  相似文献   

Residue retention and no-till farming have been widely adopted to reduce erosion risk, but residue retention in particular is becoming less common due to issues with weed control, and competing markets for residue such as bioenergy production. For this reason, the impact of residue removal on soil water contents in a sandy soil in a Mediterranean-type environment was evaluated. Crop residues were removed by burning or conventional tillage annually in autumn (April or May) from 2008 until 2011. Surface residue cover and soil water contents were measured in summer (February-March) every year from 2008 until 2012, at the time of minimum soil water content (approaching air-dry). After three years of residue removal, average ground cover in the subsequent summers (2011 and 2012) decreased from 78% to 51%, and surface soil water contents decreased from 5.1% to 3.1%. Tillage also significantly decreased ground cover (from 72% to 58%) and soil water (from 4.2% to 3.9%) during the same time period. Changes in surface cover and soil water content indicate that residue removal will have implications for soil health and sustainable crop production.  相似文献   

The characterizations of residue levels and sources of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in soils are necessary to evaluate the potential pollution and risks of OCPs to the ecosystems and human health. A total of 51 surface soil samples were collected from peri-urban vegetable fields of Changchun and 13 OCPs were analyzed to learn the composition, spatial distribution and sources. The concentrations were in the ranges of 0.94–107.8 ng g?1 for DDTs, 0.89–98.3 ng g?1 for HCHs, 0.22–18.20 ng g?1 for Chlordanes, nd–4.49 ng g?1 for aldrin and nd–9.66 ng g?1 for dieldrin, respectively. The total OCPs concentrations ranged from 2.44 to 177.1 ng g?1 and the higher residues were mainly distributed in northeast and southwest sites, as well as sites along the Yitong River. According to the concentrations and detection frequencies, DDTs and HCHs were the most dominant compounds. Compositional analysis and principal component analysis suggested that DDT, HCH and chlordane in most soil samples derived from historical application except the slight fresh introduction at some locations. There exist a variety of OCPs residues in peri-urban vegetable soils of Changchun, but it is still safe and suitable for agricultural production for the most part, and some specific locations with high OCPs residues ought to be a cause for concern.  相似文献   

False indigo (Amorpha fruticosa L.) is an invasive exotic plant introduced to Europe in the early eighteenth century. Its spread has been rapid, particularly in disturbed wetland habitats, where it forms dense impermeable monospecific stands and modifies habitat conditions. The impact of A. fruticosa on native plant communities has been well analyzed, however knowledge concerning the possible effects on soil invertebrates and particularly carabid beetles is completely lacking. This study analyzed the impact of an A. fruticosa invasion on carabid beetles and other soil invertebrates. Soil fauna was sampled by pitfall traps at natural habitats, initially colonized by A. fruticosa, and habitats largely invaded by A. fruticosa. In total 2,613 carabid beetles belonging to 50 species and 72,166 soil invertebrates were collected. The invasion of A. fruticosa strongly affected the carabid beetle species composition, which clearly differed between all studied sites. Widespread euritopic carabid beetle species showed positive responses to A. fruticosa invasion, while the activity density of open habitat species strongly declined. Mean individual biomass was significantly higher at invaded sites due to increased incidence of large carabids (genus Carabus Linné, 1758). Carabid beetle activity density and abundance of soil invertebrates were considerably higher at invaded sites than in natural sites. Conversely, the impact of A. fruticosa on carabid beetle species richness and diversity was less pronounced, most likely due to immigration from adjacent habitats. Changes in carabid beetle species composition and abundance of soil invertebrates were most likely due to changes in vegetation structure and microclimate. The results suggest that A. fruticosa invasion considerably affected carabid beetles, an insect group that is only indirectly related to plant composition. Therefore, severe future changes can be expected in invertebrate groups that are closely related to plant composition, since A. fruticosa cannot be completely removed from the habitat and covers relatively large areas.  相似文献   

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