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Nuclear relaxation studies were performed on Mn2+ and Co2+-substituted human carbonic anhydrase C (HCAC) to determine the active site configurations of the products ofp-nitrophenylacetate hydrolysis. Metal-ligand distances calculated from the magnitudes of the paramagnetic effect on longitudinal nuclear relaxation rates indicate direct coordination of the phenolic oxygen ofp-nitrophenol to the enzyme-bound Mn2+ in the ternary HCAC-Mn2+-p-nitrophenol complex. The Mn2+ top-nitrophenol distances in the quaternary HCAC-Mn2+-acetate-p-nitrophenol and HCAC-Co2+-p-nitrophenol-acetate complexes are also consistent with coordination ofp-nitrophenol to the enzyme-bound metal via the phenolic oxygen. However, the orientation of the aromatic ring ofp-nitrophenol appears to be different for the Co2+ and Mn2+-enzymes. The carboxyl carbon of acetate is in the range of innersphere distances expected for direct coordination of a carboxyl oxygen to the enzyme-bound Mn2+, and the acetate molecule is folded around the metal. Although direct coordination of acetate to the metal in the HCAC-Co2+-p-nitrophenol-acetate complex cannot be inferred from our data, weak innersphere complexation with a somewhat longer Co2+-carboxyl oxygen bond distance is not excluded. We found small but significant differences in the arrangement of the products at the active sites of the Co2+ and Mn2+-enzymes which may be responsible for the differences in their reactivities in the hydrolysis reaction.  相似文献   

Small molecule rescue of mutant forms of human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) occurs by participation of exogenous donors/acceptors in the proton transfer pathway between the zinc-bound water and solution. To examine more thoroughly the energetics of this activation, we have constructed a mutant, H64W HCA II, which we have shown is activated by 4-methylimidazole (4-MI) by a mechanism involving the binding of 4-MI to the side chain of Trp-64 approximately 8 A from the zinc. A series of experiments are consistent with the activation of H64W HCA II by the interaction of imidazole and pyridine derivatives as exogenous proton donors with the indole ring of Trp-64; these experiments include pH profiles and H/D solvent isotope effects consistent with proton transfer, observation of approximately fourfold greater activation with the mutant containing Trp-64 compared with Gly-64, and the observation by x-ray crystallography of the binding of 4-MI associated with the indole side chain of Trp-64 in W5A-H64W HCA II. Proton donors bound at the less flexible side chain of Trp-64 in W5A-H64W HCA II do not show activation, but such donors bound at the more flexible Trp-64 of H64W HCA II do show activation, supporting suggestions that conformational mobility of the binding site is associated with more efficient proton transfer. Evaluation using Marcus theory showed that the activation of H64W HCA II by these proton donors was reflected in the work functions w(r) and w(p) rather than in the intrinsic Marcus barrier itself, consistent with the role of solvent reorganization in catalysis.  相似文献   

The structure of human carbonic anhydrase II at pH 9.5 has been studied by X-ray crystallographic methods to 2.2 A resolution. These studies complement those performed under acidic conditions in which the catalytically-important proton-shuttle group, His-64, exhibits conformational mobility about side-chain torsion angle chi 1. However, no structural changes are observed in the conformation of His-64 at high pH. Therefore, we conclude that the protonation of His-64 (as well as zinc-bound hydroxide) may be a factor which contributes to the predominantly "out" conformation for His-64 observed at low pH.  相似文献   

T J Williams  R W Henkens 《Biochemistry》1985,24(10):2459-2462
Using 13C NMR spectroscopy, we have further investigated the binding of HCO3- in the active site of an artificial form of human carbonic anhydrase I in which the native zinc is replaced by Co(II). The Co(II) enzyme, unlike all other metal-substituted derivatives, has functional properties closely similar to those of the native zinc enzyme. By measuring the spin-lattice relaxation rate and the line width for both the CO2 and HCO3- at two field strengths, we have determined both the paramagnetic effects that reflect substrate binding and the exchange effects due to catalysis at chemical equilibrium. The following are the results at 14 degrees C and pH 6.3 (1) HCO3- is bound in the active site of the catalytically competent enzyme with the 13C of the HCO3- located 3.22 +/- 0.02 A from the Co(II); (2) the apparent equilibrium dissociation constant for the bound HCO3- is 7.6 +/- 1.5 mM, determined by using the paramagnetic effects on the line widths, and 10 +/- 2 mM, determined by using the exchange effects; (3) the lifetime of HCO3- bound to the metal is (4.4 +/- 0.4) X 10(-5) s; (4) the overall catalyzed CO2 in equilibrium HCO3- exchange rate constant of the Co(II) enzyme is (9.6 +/- 0.4) X 10(3) s-1; (5) the electron spin relaxation time of the Co(II), determined by using paramagnetic effects on the bound HCO3-, is (1.1 +/- 0.1) X 10(-11) s. The data did not provide any direct information on the binding of CO2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The visible absorption of crystals of Co(II)-substituted human carbonic anhydrase II (Co(II)-HCA II) were measured over a pH range of 6.0-11.0 giving an estimate of pKa 8.4 for the ionization of the metal-bound water in the crystal. This is higher by about 1.2 pKa units than the pKa near 7.2 for Co(II)-CA II in solution. This effect is attributed to a nonspecific ionic strength effect of 1.4 M citrate in the precipitant solution used in the crystal growth. A pKa of 8.3 for the aqueous ligand of the cobalt was measured for Co(II)-HCA II in solution containing 0.8 M citrate. Citrate is not an inhibitor of the catalytic activity of Co(II)-HCA II and was not observed in crystal structures. The X-ray structures at 1.5-1.6 Å resolution of Co(II)-HCA II were determined for crystals prepared at pH 6.0, 8.5 and 11.0 and revealed no conformational changes of amino-acid side chains as a result of the use of citrate. However, the studies of Co(II)-HCA II did reveal a change in metal coordination from tetrahedral at pH 11 to a coordination consistent with a mixed population of both tetrahedral and penta-coordinate at pH 8.5 to an octahedral geometry characteristic of the oxidized enzyme Co(III)-HCA II at pH 6.0.  相似文献   

J J Led  E Neesgaard 《Biochemistry》1987,26(1):183-192
A detailed analysis of the stability and activity of Mn(II) human carbonic anhydrase I and the kinetics and mechanism of its catalysis of the HCO3-/CO2 exchange have been performed at pH 8.5. The analysis was based on the paramagnetic relaxation rates R1p and R2p of the 13C atom of HCO3- in the Mn2+/apoenzyme/HCO3-/CO2 system and the HCO3(-)----CO2 interconversion rate obtained by the magnetization-transfer technique. The R1p and R2p rates were measured as functions of the temperature, magnetic field strength, and substrate and apoenzyme concentrations and were interpreted on the basis of the Solomon-Bloembergen-Morgan theories and general equations for the ligand exchange [Led, J. J., & Grant, D. M. (1977) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 99, 5845-5858]. From the analysis of the data, a formation constant for the Mn(II) enzyme of log KMAM = 5.8 +/- 0.4 was obtained while the activity of the Mn(II) enzyme, measured as the HCO3-/CO2 interconversion rate at [HCO3-] = 0.100 M and pH 8.5, was found to be about 4% of that of the native Zn(II) enzyme. However, an effective dissociation constant KeffHCO3- less than or approximately 12 mM and a maximal exchange rate constant kcatexch approximately equal to 400 s-1, also derived by the analysis, result in an apparent second-order rate constant kcatexch/KeffHCO3- only a factor of 4 smaller than the corresponding rate constant for the native Zn(II) isoenzyme I. Most conspicuously, the resulting distance of only 2.71 +/- 0.03 A between the Mn2+ ion of the enzyme and the 13C atom of HCO3- in the enzyme-bicarbonate complex indicates that the bicarbonate is bound to the metal ion by two of its oxygen atoms in the central catalytic step, thereby supporting the modified Zn(II)-OH mechanism [Lindskog, S., Engberg, P., Forsman, C., Ibrahim, S. A., Jonsson, B.-H., Simonsson, I., & Tibell, L. (1984) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 429, 61-75 (and references cited therein)]. In contrast, this binding mode differs from the structure of the complexes suggested in the rapid-equilibrium kinetic model [Pocker, Y., & Deits, T. L. (1983) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 105, 980-986; Pocker, Y., & Deits, T. L. (1984) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 429, 76-83].  相似文献   

We have used the homonuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) to characterize a model protein: carbonic anhydrase B. We have obtained NOE difference spectra for this protein, centering the on-resonance signals either at the methyl-proton or at the water-proton signals. The spin-diffusion spectra obtained as a function of protein concentration and temperature provide direct evidence of much greater protein-water interaction in the molten-globule state than in the native and denatured states. Furthermore, although the protein loses its gross tertiary structure in both the molten-globule and denatured states, it remains almost as compact in its molten-globule state as it is in the native state. The spin-diffusion spectra, obtained as a function of a variable delay time after the saturation pulse, allowed us to measure the relaxation times of several types of proton in the solution. These spectra contain enough information to distinguish between those water molecules solvating the protein and the free ones present as bulk water.  相似文献   

Magnetic circular dichroism of Co (II) carbonic anhydrase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The gene CA2 for the human carbonic anhydrase II isozyme is encoded in band q22 of chromosome 8. These data and supporting evidence predict that the genes for carbonic anhydrase I and III are also physically closely linked in this chromosomal region.  相似文献   

The structure of human erythrocytic carbonic anhydrase II has been refined by constrained and restrained structure–factor least-squares refinement at 2.0 Å resolution. The conventional crystallographic R value is 17.3%. Of 167 solvent molecules associated with the protein, four are buried and stabilize secondary structure elements. The zinc ion is ligated to three histidyl residues and one water molecule in a nearly tetrahedral geometry. In addition to the zinc-bound water, seven more water molecules are identified in the active site. Assuming that Glu-106 is deprotonated at pH 8.5, some of the hydrogen bond donor–acceptor relations in the active site can be assigned and are described here in detail. The Oγ1 atom of Thr-199 donates its proton to the Oε1 atom of Glu-106 and can function as a hydrogen bond acceptor only in additional hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase IV (CAIV) is a membrane-associated enzyme anchored to plasma membrane surfaces by a phosphatidylinositol glycan linkage. We have determined the 2.8-angstroms resolution crystal structure of a truncated, soluble form of recombinant murine CAIV. We have also determined the structure of its complex with a drug used for glaucoma therapy, the sulfonamide inhibitor brinzolamide (Azopt). The overall structure of murine CAIV is generally similar to that of human CAIV; however, some local structural differences are found in the active site resulting from amino acid sequence differences in the "130's segment" and the residue-63 loop (these may affect the nearby catalytic proton shuttle, His-64). Similar to human CAIV, the C-terminus of murine CAIV is surrounded by a substantial electropositive surface potential that may stabilize the interaction with the phospholipid membrane. Binding interactions observed for brinzolamide rationalize the generally weaker affinity of inhibitors used in glaucoma therapy toward CAIV compared with CAII.  相似文献   

Solvent-induced directional aggregation of human carbonic anhydrase II (hCA) was studied by small angle X-ray scattering and fluorescence and fourth-derivative ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy. We propose that hCA at 5 mg ml(-1) in pure water forms head-to-tail oligomers built up, on average, by four to five monomers. At higher protein concentrations, the oligomers associate pair-wise and side-by-side. Spectroscopic evidence suggests that the subunits forming the aggregates are tightly folded, but with a structure that differs, at least locally, from the native state. A more complex aggregation pattern was observed under solvent conditions that favor the removal of zinc from the enzyme-active site, conditions under which the subunits are significantly less compact than in water. hCA may provide a useful model to investigate the effects of additives and genetic manipulation on protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC had six genetically distinct families described to date in various organisms. There are 16 known CA isoforms in humans. Human CA isoenzymes I and II (hCA I and hCA II) are ubiquitous cytosolic isoforms. Acetylcholine esterase (AChE. EC is a hydrolase that hydrolyzes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine relaying the signal from the nerve. In this study, some trimethoxyindane derivatives were investigated as inhibitors against the cytosolic hCA I and II isoenzymes, and AChE enzyme. Both hCA isozymes were inhibited by trimethoxyindane derivatives in the low nanomolar range. These compounds were good hCA I inhibitors (Kis in the range of 1.66–4.14?nM) and hCA II inhibitors (Kis of 1.37–3.12?nM) and perfect AChE inhibitors (Kis in the range of 1.87–7.53?nM) compared to acetazolamide as CA inhibitor (Ki: 6.76?nM for hCA I and Ki: 5.85?nM for hCA II) and Tacrine as AChE inhibitor (Ki: 7.64?nM).  相似文献   

Uniform double labeling of proteins for NMR studies can be prohibitively expensive, even with an efficient expression and purification scheme, due largely to the high cost of [13C6, 99%]glucose. We demonstrate here that uniformly (greater than 95%) 13C and 15N double-labeled proteins can be prepared for NMR structure/function studies by growing cells in defined media containing sodium [1,2-13C2, 99%]acetate as the sole carbon source and [15N, 99%]ammonium chloride as the sole nitrogen source. In addition, we demonstrate that this labeling scheme can be extended to include uniform carbon isotope labeling to any desired level (below 50%) by utilizing media containing equal amounts of sodium [1-13C, 99%]acetate and sodium [2-13C, 99%]acetate in conjunction with unlabeled sodium acetate. This technique is less labor intensive and more straightforward than labeling using isotope-enriched algal hydrolysates. These labeling schemes have been used to successfully prepare NMR quantities of isotopically enriched human carbonic anhydrase II. The activity and the 1H NMR spectra of the protein labeled by this technique are the same as those obtained from the protein produced from media containing labeled glucose; however, the cost of the sodium [1,2-13C2, 99%]acetate growth media is considerably less than the cost of the [13C6, 99%]glucose growth media. We report here the first published 13C and 15N NMR spectra of human carbonic anhydrase II as an important step leading to the assignment of this 29-kDa zinc metalloenzyme.  相似文献   

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