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Y Shaul  R Ben-Levy    T De-Medina 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(8):1967-1971
The hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAG) is encoded by the S gene under the regulation of a promoter in the pre-S1 region. The S gene promoter does not contain a 'TATA' box-like sequence, but there is a sequence resembling, in part, the late promoter of Simian virus 40 (SV40). In an attempt to study the regulation of the S gene promoter we looked for cellular proteins which bind to this region. We report here that a nuclear protein is tightly bound to the HBV genome at a position approximately 190 bases upstream from the S gene promoter. Evidence is provided to show that (a) this nuclear protein is the nuclear factor I (NF-I) that was previously found to be bound to the inverted terminal repeat of the adenovirus (Ad) DNA and to enhance Ad DNA replication in vitro and (b) this NF-I binding site is required for optimal activity of the S gene promoter.  相似文献   

The acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from vertebrate skeletal muscle is a pentamer composed of two ligand-binding alpha-subunits and one beta-, gamma-, and delta-subunit. To examine the functional roles of the non-alpha-subunits, we have expressed, in stable cell lines, AChRs lacking either a gamma- or a delta-subunit. Most previous work has examined how these changes in subunit composition affect single channel properties. Here, we take advantage of the stable expression system to produce large amounts of AChR and, for the first time, examine ligand binding to altered AChRs on intact cells. The changes in subunit composition affect both ligand affinity and cooperativity of the receptor, suggesting important roles for the gamma- and delta-subunits, both in shaping the ligand binding site and maintaining cooperative interactions between alpha-subunits.  相似文献   

The binding of lysine model peptides of the type Lys-X-Lys, Lys-X-X-Lys and Lys-X-X-X-Lys (X = different aliphatic and aromatic amino acids) has been studied by equilibrium dialysis. It was shown that the strong electrostatic binding forces generated by protonated amino groups of lysine can be distinguished from the weak forces stemming from neutral and aromatic spacer amino acids. The overall binding strength of the lysine model peptides is modified by these weak binding forces and the apparent binding constants are influenced more by the hydrophobic character of the spacer amino acid side chains than by the chainlength of the spacers.  相似文献   

The equilibrium binding of the carcinogens N-hydroxy-N-acetyl-2-amino-fluorene (HAAF) and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (NQO) to phi X174RF DNA have been studied by phase partition techniques. Both molecules bind in a cooperative manner with only a few carcinogen molecules binding to each phi X174RF DNA molecule. The binding data for both HAAF and NQO fit a model in which two carcinogens cluster into a small number of sites--four sites for HAAF and twelve sites for NQO. Phase partition techniques were also used to study the binding of actinomycin D to both calf thymus DNA and poly (dG-dC) . poly (dG-dC) at much lower r values than had been previously reported. These data exhibit humped Scatchard plots which are indicative of cooperative binding; the overall shape of the Scatchard plots are consistent with a model for drug induced allosteric transitions in the DNA structure. The cooperativity in the actinomycin D binding to calf thymus DNA increases with decreasing sodium chloride concentration, suggesting a role for DNA flexibility in allosteric binding.  相似文献   

The antigen I/II (AgI/II) family polypeptides, ranging from 1310 to 1653 amino acid (aa) residues, are cell wall anchored adhesins expressed by most indigenous species of oral streptococci. The polypeptides interact with a wide range of host molecules, in particular salivary agglutinin glycoprotein (SAG or gp340), and with ligands on other oral bacteria. To determine the receptor recognition properties of six different AgI/II family polypeptides from strains of Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus intermedius and Streptococcus mutans, the genes were cloned and expressed on the surface of the surrogate host Lactococcus lactis. The S. gordonii SspA and SspB polypeptides mediated higher binding levels of L. lactis cells to surface immobilized gp340 than did S. intermedius Pas protein, or S. mutans SpaP or PAc proteins. However, the AgI/II proteins were all similar in their abilities to mediate aggregation of lactococci by fluid phase gp340. The SpaP(I) polypeptide from S. mutans Ingbritt, which was C-terminally truncated by approximately 400 aa residues, did not bind gp340. Lactococci expressing AgI/II proteins, including SpaP(I), were aggregated by a synthetic 16 aa residue peptide SRCRP2 derived from the aa repeat block sequences within gp340. In coaggregation assays, SspB from S. gordonii was unique in mediating coaggregation with only group A and group E strains of Actinomyces naeslundii. All the other AgI/II polypeptides mediated coaggregation with group C and group D strains of A. naeslundii. Analysis of chimeric protein constructs revealed that coaggregation specificity was determined by sequences within the N-terminal half of AgI/II protein. A synthetic peptide (20 aa residues), which defines a putative adhesion epitope within the C-terminal region of polypeptide, inhibited AgI/II-mediated aggregation by gp340 but did not affect coaggregation with A. naeslundii. These results suggest that different mechanisms operate in interactions of AgI/II family polypeptides with native gp340, gp340 SRCR domain peptide, and A. naeslundii. Specificity of these interactions appears to be determined by discontinuous but interacting regions of the polypeptides, thus providing flexibility in receptor recognition for streptococcal colonization of the human host.  相似文献   

In ligand binding studies, it is often difficult to apply kinetic analyses because of an uncertainty in experimental data obtained at high ligand concentrations. Under such circumstances, Kd value (an index of the affinity) and the binding site concentration may be estimated more accurately from the binding of a fixed concentration of labelled ligand observed in the presence of various concentrations of the non-labelled ligand, if the fraction of both labelled and non-labelled ligand bound is small. When there is no cooperative effect of the ligand binding, the Kd value may be calculated by subtracting the concentration of the labelled drug from the concentration of the non-labelled drug to cause a 50% reduction of the saturable binding of the labelled drug. From above values, the binding site concentration may be calculated. The proposed method is capable of examining the cooperativity of the ligand binding, the labelled drug concentration and the specific radioactivity of the labelled drug and does not require large amounts of the labelled drug.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1986,114(2):416-425
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, and Bacillus subtilis, bacteria commonly eaten by Dictyostelium discoideum, contain glycoconjugates that bind discoidin I, a lectin synthesized by the slime mold as it differentiates. In cells fed bacteria that contain abundant discoidin I-binding glycoconjugates, these ligands and endogenous discoidin I accumulated in specialized structures called multilamellar bodies. In contrast, in cells fed bacteria that had been treated to thoroughly deplete them of discoidin I-binding glycoconjugates, neither endogenous discoidin I nor complementary glycoconjugates were found in the multilamellar bodies. In such cells discoidin I was located in the cytoplasm, as indicated by both immunohistochemistry with the electron microscope and immunoassay of subcellular fractions. The results indicate that a function of the carbohydrate-binding site of discoidin I is to interact with bacterial glycoconjugates, which the slime mold does not degrade. This interaction directs compartmentalization of the lectin in multilamellar bodies and its externalization from the cell in these structures.  相似文献   

In this work, the binding characteristics of methylene blue (MB) to human serum albumin (HSA) and the influence of Cu2+ and Fe3+ on the binding affinity of MB to HSA were investigated using fluorescence, absorption, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and molecular modelling. The results of competitive binding experiments using the site probes ketoprofen and ibuprofen as specific markers suggested that MB was located in site I within sub‐domain IIA of HSA. The molecular modelling results agreed with the results of competitive site marker experiments and the results of CD spectra indicated that the interaction between MB and HSA caused the conformational changes in HSA. The binding affinity of MB to HSA was enhanced but to a different extent in the presence of Cu2+ and Fe3+, respectively, which indicated that the influence of different metal ions varied. Enhancement of the binding affinity of MB to HSA in the presence of Cu2+ is due to the formation of Cu2+–HSA complex leading to the conformational changes in HSA, whereas in the presence of Fe3+, enhancement of the binding affinity is due to the greater stability of the Fe3+–HSA–MB complex compared with the MB–HSA complex. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vitellogenesis is the process of yolk formation in rapidly growing oocytes of oviparous species. The transport of yolk precursor proteins from the blood plasma into the oocyte is achieved by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Although the Xenopus oocyte is one of the prime experimental systems for expression of foreign genes and their products, the receptor for the main vitellogenic protein, vitellogenin, from this extensively utilized cell has not been identified. Here we have applied ligand and immunoblotting to visualize the Xenopus laevis oocyte receptor for vitellogenin as a protein with an apparent Mr of 115,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels under nonreducing conditions. The receptor from the amphibian oocyte also recognizes chicken vitellogenin, and vice versa; furthermore, the two receptor proteins are immunologically related as revealed by Western blotting with anti-chicken vitellogenin receptor antibodies. The receptors from both species bind the lipovitellin moiety of vitellogenin, as revealed by ligand blotting with radiolabeled lipovitellin polypeptides as well as by a novel reverse ligand blotting procedure utilizing nitrocellulose-immobilized ligand. Since vitellogenins of chicken and Xenopus have been shown to be structurally similar and evolutionarily related (Nardelli, D., van het Schip, F. D., Gerber-Huber, S., Haefliger, J.-A., Gruber, M., AB, G., and Wahli, W. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 15377-15383), it appears that conservation of key structural elements required for efficient vitellogenesis extends from the ligands to their receptors on the oocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The rate constant and equilibrium constant of association of an actin monomer with 1:1 gelsolin-actin complex isolated from chicken were measured by using fluorescently labeled actin. According to fluorescence stopped-flow experiments, the rate constant of formation of the 1:2 gelsolin-actin complex from 1:1 gelsolin-actin complex and actin was found to be about 2 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 under conditions where gelsolin binds Ca2+. The rate of dissociation of one actin molecule from the 1:2 gelsolin-actin complex was determined by exchange of actin for fluorescently labeled actin. The rate constant of dissociation was about 0.02 s-1. Thus, the equilibrium constant for association of actin with 1:1 gelsolin-actin complex can be calculated to be in the range of 10(9) M-1. The rate of dissociation of actin from 1:2 gelsolin-actin complex was independent of the Ca2+ concentration. Ca2+ affects only the rate of association of actin with 1:1 gelsolin-actin complex.  相似文献   

The reaction catalyzed by E. coli Pfk-2 presents a dual-cation requirement. In addition to that chelated by the nucleotide substrate, an activating cation is required to obtain full activity of the enzyme. Only Mn2+ and Mg2+ can fulfill this role binding to the same activating site but the affinity for Mn2+ is 13-fold higher compared to that of Mg2+. The role of the E190 residue, present in the highly conserved motif NXXE involved in Mg2+ binding, is also evaluated in this behavior. The E190Q mutation drastically diminishes the kinetic affinity of this site for both cations. However, binding studies of free Mn2+ and metal–Mant-ATP complex through EPR and FRET experiments between the ATP analog and Trp88, demonstrated that Mn2+ as well as the metal–nucleotide complex bind with the same affinity to the wild type and E190Q mutant Pfk-2. These results suggest that this residue exert its role mainly kinetically, probably stabilizing the transition state and that the geometry of metal binding to E190 residue may be crucial to determine the catalytic competence.  相似文献   

Synthetic RS20 peptide and a set of its point-mutated peptide analogs have been used to analyze the interactions between calmodulin (CaM) and the CaM-binding sequence of smooth-muscle myosin light chain kinase both in the presence and the absence of Ca(2+). Particular peptides, which were expected to have different binding strengths, were chosen to address the effects of electrostatic and bulky mutations on the binding affinity of the RS20 sequence. Relative affinity constants for protein/ligand interactions have been determined using electrospray ionization and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. The results evidence the importance of electrostatic forces in interactions between CaM and targets, particularly in the presence of Ca(2+), and the role of hydrophobic forces in contributing additional stability to the complexes both in the presence and the absence of Ca(2+).  相似文献   

The existence of two (generally different) binding sites per protomer for the same ligand has already been observed (“double-site enzymes”). Furthermore, in some instances, the two sites appear to be shared in common by two or more ligands (“squatting”). The theoretical implications of such cases have been emphasized here using a generalization of an allosteric V model. This model, by taking into account the competition between ligands which occurs in vivo, evidences various, or even peculiar regulatory patterns, and could be of general physiological interest. It has been illustrated here by some real systems.  相似文献   

The neu protooncogene encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase homologous to the receptor for the epidermal growth factor. The oncogenic potential of neu is released upon chemical carcinogenesis, which replaces a glutamic acid for a valine residue, within the single transmembrane domain. This results in constitutive receptor dimerization and activation of the intrinsic catalytic function. To study the implications of the oncogenic mutation and the consequent receptor dimerization on the interaction with the yet incompletely characterized ligand of p185neu, we constructed chimeric proteins between the ligand binding domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor and the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the normal or the transforming Neu proteins. The chimeric receptors displayed cellular and biochemical differences characteristic of the normal and the transforming Neu proteins and therefore may reliably represent the ligand binding functions of the two receptor forms. Analyses of ligand binding revealed qualitative and quantitative differences that were a result of the single mutation; whereas the normal chimera (valine version) displayed two populations of binding sites with approximately 90% of the receptors in the low affinity state, the transforming receptor (glutamic acid version) showed a single population of binding sites with relatively high affinity. Kinetics measurements indicated that the difference in affinities was because of slower rates of both ligand association and ligand dissociation from the constitutively dimerized mutant receptor. It therefore appears that the oncogenic mutation, by permanently dimerizing the receptor, establishes a high affinity ligand binding state which is functionally equivalent to the ligand-occupied normal receptor. Our conclusion is further supported by the rates of endocytosis of the wild-type and the mutant receptor. Hence, these results provide the first experimental evidence from living cells which supports a model that attributes the heterogeneity of ligand binding sites to the state of oligomerization of receptor tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

To identify potential lead compounds for malaria drug discovery, ultrafiltration and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (UF and LC/MS) based binding assays were developed for the first time for Plasmodium falciparum thioredoxin (PfTrxR) and glutathione (PfGR) reductases. In the binding assays, curcuminoids (bis-demethoxycurcumin 1, demethoxycurcumin 2, and curcumin 3) were used to study the binding affinity for PfTrxR and PfGR enzymes. The optimum binding was observed when the curcumimoids mixture (1 μM) was incubated with 1 μM PfTrxR and 0.5 μM PfGR enzymes separately for 60 min at 25 °C. The peak areas of the ligands in the chromatogram corresponding to incubation with active PfTrxR and PfGR enzymes increased by 1.6- and 2.0-fold respectively compared to the chromatogram of test compounds incubated with denatured enzymes. Further, binding assay experiments were carried out for compound 2 under non-competitive and competitive incubation conditions with 1 μM PfTrxR and 0.5 μM PfGR enzymes, separately. The binding affinity of compound 2 was higher for both the enzymes under non-competitive incubation conditions. To validate the binding assay developed, we have tested bis-2,4-dinitrophenyl sulfide (4) which is reported as an inhibitor of PfTrxR and PfGR enzymes. Compound 4 showed greater binding affinity for both enzymes under competitive incubation conditions. The relative peak area of compound 4 increased by 3.2- and 6-fold when incubated with active PfTrxR (1 μM) and PfGR (0.5 μM) enzymes respectively compared to the peak areas of the compound in control experiments. The current method developed has a potential for automated high-throughput screening to rapidly determine the binding affinity of ligands for these enzymes.  相似文献   

On the basis of a set of nonbonded interatomic potential functions derived earlier from heats of sublimation and experimental crystal structures, we derive a second, less repulsive, set which is to be used in the absence of the expansion caused by thermal motion and in particular in macromolecular systems where thermal motion is much reduced compared with crystals of small molecules. Working with a pair of octane molecules, we calculate the intermolecular potential (U) in the presence of thermal motion from potentials U° (in the absence of thermal motion), by letting a system of pairs of molecules assume a Boltzmann distribution over the intermolecular distance, in the presence of a force of varied magnitude applied to obtain different equilibrium distances. The potential U° is adjusted until the calculated and the empirical potentials U agree. Finally, best interatomic Lennard-Jones potentials which reproduce the function U° are calculated. The resulting functions are tested by calculating the crystal structure of benzene and comparing it with experimental data at low temperature, by energy minimization of the crystal structure of polyethylene and of the β-structure of poly-L -alanine, and by comparing the energy of the α-helix and the β-structure of poly-L -alanine. In all cases, the corrected functions give more satisfactory results than the uncorrected set.  相似文献   

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