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In the Drosophila brain, the neuropeptide PIGMENT DISPERSING FACTOR (PDF) is expressed in the small and large Lateral ventral neurons (LNvs) and regulates circadian locomotor behavior. Interestingly, PDF immunoreactivity at the dorsal terminals changes across the day as synaptic contacts do as a result of a remarkable remodeling of sLNv projections. Despite the relevance of this phenomenon to circuit plasticity and behavior, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this work we provide evidence that PDF along with matrix metalloproteinases (Mmp1 and 2) are key in the control of circadian structural remodeling. Adult-specific downregulation of PDF levels per se hampers circadian axonal remodeling, as it does altering Mmp1 or Mmp2 levels within PDF neurons post-developmentally. However, only Mmp1 affects PDF immunoreactivity at the dorsal terminals and exerts a clear effect on overt behavior. In vitro analysis demonstrated that PDF is hydrolyzed by Mmp1, thereby suggesting that Mmp1 could directly terminate its biological activity. These data demonstrate that Mmp1 modulates PDF processing, which leads to daily structural remodeling and circadian behavior.  相似文献   

During the last century, two key hypotheses have been proposed to explain apical dominance in plants: auxin promotes the production of a second messenger that moves up into buds to repress their outgrowth, and auxin saturation in the stem inhibits auxin transport from buds, thereby inhibiting bud outgrowth. The recent discovery of strigolactone as the novel shoot-branching inhibitor allowed us to test its mode of action in relation to these hypotheses. We found that exogenously applied strigolactone inhibited bud outgrowth in pea (Pisum sativum) even when auxin was depleted after decapitation. We also found that strigolactone application reduced branching in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) auxin response mutants, suggesting that auxin may act through strigolactones to facilitate apical dominance. Moreover, strigolactone application to tiny buds of mutant or decapitated pea plants rapidly stopped outgrowth, in contrast to applying N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), an auxin transport inhibitor, which significantly slowed growth only after several days. Whereas strigolactone or NPA applied to growing buds reduced bud length, only NPA blocked auxin transport in the bud. Wild-type and strigolactone biosynthesis mutant pea and Arabidopsis shoots were capable of instantly transporting additional amounts of auxin in excess of endogenous levels, contrary to predictions of auxin transport models. These data suggest that strigolactone does not act primarily by affecting auxin transport from buds. Rather, the primary repressor of bud outgrowth appears to be the auxin-dependent production of strigolactones.  相似文献   

The responses of pacemaker and nonpacemaker Aplysia neurons to voltage clamp commands of less than 200 msec duration are essentially identical. For moderate depolarizing commands there is an early inward transient current followed by a late outward current and an outward tail current when the membrane is clamped back to resting potential. On long (1–2 sec) commands in pacemakers there is a marked sag in the late current and an inward tail current. Etail, the potential of the membrane at which there is no net current flow under the conditions prevailing at the end of the clamp, shifts from about -9.0 mv on short commands to +5.0 mv on long commands. In contrast there is no marked sag of the late current or inward tail current on long commands in nonpacemakers, and Etail is near -9.0 mv for both short and long commands. The current sag and shift in Etail can be ascribed to a decreased conductance (presumably to K+) at the end of the long as compared to the short command in half of the pacemaker neurons. In the remaining cells the essential difference from nonpacemakers appears to be either a greater restricted extracellular space or a more active potential-dependent electrogenic Na+ pump in pacemakers.  相似文献   

In both vertebrates and invertebrates, Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels are expressed in sensory neurons and mediate environmental stimuli such as light, sound, temperature, and taste. Some of these channels, however, are expressed only in the brain and their functions remain incompletely understood. Using the GAL4/UAS binary system with a line in which the GAL4 had been knocked into the trpA1 locus in Drosophila, we recently reported new insights into TRPA1 localization and function, including its expression in approximately 15% of all circadian neurons. TRPA1 is expressed in lateral posterior neurons (LPNs), which are known to be highly sensitive to entrainment by temperature cycles. Here, I used the bacterial sodium channel, NaChBac, to examine the effects of altering the electrical properties of trpA1 neurons on circadian rhythms. My results indicate that circadian activity of the flies in the morning, daytime, and evening was affected in a temperature-dependent manner following TRPA1 neuronal activation. Remarkably, TRPA1 neuron activation in flies kept at 18°C impacted the morning peak of circadian activity even though TRPA1 is not expressed in morning cells. Taken together, these results suggest that the activation of TRPA1-expressing neurons may differentially coordinate light/dark circadian entrainment, depending on the temperature.  相似文献   

Movements in animals arise through concerted action of neurons and skeletal muscle. General anaesthetics prevent movement and cause loss of consciousness by blocking neural function. Anaesthetics of the amino amide-class are thought to act by blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels. In fish, the commonly used anaesthetic tricaine methanesulphonate, also known as 3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester, metacaine or MS-222, causes loss of consciousness. However, its role in blocking action potentials in distinct excitable cells is unclear, raising the possibility that tricaine could act as a neuromuscular blocking agent directly causing paralysis. Here we use evoked electrical stimulation to show that tricaine efficiently blocks neural action potentials, but does not prevent directly evoked muscle contraction. Nifedipine-sensitive L-type Cav channels affecting movement are also primarily neural, suggesting that muscle Nav channels are relatively insensitive to tricaine. These findings show that tricaine used at standard concentrations in zebrafish larvae does not paralyse muscle, thereby diminishing concern that a direct action on muscle could mask a lack of general anaesthesia.  相似文献   

The ubiquitously expressed Na–H exchanger NHE1 functions in regulating intracellular pH and cell volume. NHE1 activity is stimulated by hormones, growth factors, and activation of integrin receptors. We recently determined that NHE1 activity is also stimulated by activation of the low molecular weight GTPase RhoA and that increases in NHE1 activity are necessary for RhoA-induced formation of actin stress fibers. We now show that NHE1 acts downstream of RhoA to modulate initial steps in integrin signaling for the assembly of focal adhesions. Adhesion of CCL39 fibroblasts on fibronectin was markedly delayed in the presence of the NHE inhibitor ethylisopropylamiloride. In mutant PS120 cells, derived from CCL39 fibroblasts but lacking NHE1, adhesion was also delayed but was rescued in PS120 cells stably expressing NHE1. In the absence of NHE1 activity, cell spreading was inhibited, and the accumulation of integrins, paxillin, and vinculin at focal contacts was impaired. Additionally, tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK induced by integrin clustering was also impaired. Inactivation of RhoA with C3 transferase and inhibition of the Rho-kinase p160ROCK with the pyridine derivative Y-27632 completely abolished activation of NHE1 by integrins but not by platelet-derived growth factor. These findings indicate that NHE1 acts downstream of RhoA to contribute a previously unrecognized critical signal to proximal events in integrin-induced cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

Fast actin depolymerization is necessary for cells to rapidly reorganize actin filament networks. Utilizing a Listeria fluorescent actin comet tail assay to monitor actin disassembly rates, we observed that although a mixture of actin disassembly factors (cofilin, coronin, and actin-interacting protein 1 is sufficient to disassemble actin comet tails in the presence of physiological G-actin concentrations this mixture was insufficient to disassemble actin comet tails in the presence of physiological F-actin concentrations. Using biochemical complementation, we purified cyclase-associated protein (CAP) from thymus extracts as a factor that protects against the inhibition of excess F-actin. CAP has been shown to participate in actin dynamics but has been thought to act by liberating cofilin from ADP·G-actin monomers to restore cofilin activity. However, we found that CAP augments cofilin-mediated disassembly by accelerating the rate of cofilin-mediated severing. We also demonstrated that CAP acts directly on F-actin and severs actin filaments at acidic, but not neutral, pH. At the neutral pH characteristic of cytosol in most mammalian cells, we demonstrated that neither CAP nor cofilin are capable of severing actin filaments. However, the combination of CAP and cofilin rapidly severed actin at all pH values across the physiological range. Therefore, our results reveal a new function for CAP in accelerating cofilin-mediated actin filament severing and provide a mechanism through which cells can maintain high actin turnover rates without having to alkalinize cytosol, which would affect many biochemical reactions beyond actin depolymerization.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the roles of folic acid and DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) in the differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs). Neonatal rat NSCs were grown in suspended neurosphere cultures and identified by their expression of SOX2 protein and capacity for self-renewal. Then NSCs were assigned to five treatment groups for cell differentiation: control (folic acid-free differentiation medium), low folic acid (8 μg/mL), high folic acid (32 μg/mL), low folic acid and DNMT inhibitor zebularine (8 μg/mL folic acid and 150 nmol/mL zebularine), and high folic acid and zebularine (32 μg/mL folic acid and 150 nmol/mL zebularine). After 6 days of cell differentiation, immunocytochemistry and western blot analyses were performed to identify neurons by β-tubulin III protein expression and astrocytes by GFAP expression. We observed that folic acid increased DNMT activity which may be regulated by the cellular S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), and the abundance of neurons but decreased the number of astrocytes. Zebularine blocked these effects of folic acid. In conclusion, folic acid acts through elevation of DNMT activity to increase neuronal differentiation and decrease astrocytic differentiation in NSCs.  相似文献   

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