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记贵州关岭生物群中的大型鱼龙Shastasaurus(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵州关岭三叠纪法郎组瓦窑段除产出大量保存完整的海百合化石外,还产出多门类海生爬行动物化石。迄今为止,关岭生物群已报道的中-大型鱼龙类有6属6种,包括邓氏贵州鱼龙(Guizhouichthyosaurus tangae)、蔡胡氏典型鱼龙(Typicusichthyosaurus tsaihuae)、梁氏关岭鱼龙(Guanlingsaurus liangae)、亚洲杯椎鱼龙(Cymbospondylus asiaticus)、美丽盘江龙(Panjiangsaurus epicharis)和卧龙岗卡洛维龙(Callawayia wolonggangense)。一些种属的存在长期以来争议较大,目前多数观点倾向将Cymbospondylus asiaticus和Panjiangsaurus epicharis归并于Guizhouichthyosaurus tangae,将Typicusichthyosaurus tsaihuae归并于Guanlingsaurus liangae。Guanlingsaurus以具有较短的吻部和较多的荐前椎数目而与Guizhouichthyosaurus有明显的不同(Maisch et al.,2006)。虽然Maisch et al.(2006)对G.tangae进行了重新研究,但他们的研究重点是头部骨骼,有限的头后骨骼信息来自一具未经充分修理的骨架(GNP-d41),一些特征未能清晰揭示。头后骨骼材料的缺乏限制了对该种分类位置的判断(Maisch et al., 2006)。在中、晚三叠世大型鱼龙中,肩带和腰带骨骼的形态、前肢和后肢骨骼的特征常具有非常重要的系统分类学意义。本文通过对关岭生物群的一具保存完整的大型鱼龙骨骼化石的详细研究,对Guizhouichthyosaurus tangae的归属进行了重新修订。研究标本(IVPP V 11853)产于贵州省关岭县新铺乡法郎组瓦窑段。修理后的骨架全长5.2 m,以腹面向上保存,尾部后部以右侧面向上保存。除前、后肢部分残缺外,其他部位均保存完整,肩带骨骼和腰带骨骼均原位保存。头骨背腹向压扁,仅右侧角的上颞骨有部分破损。新材料的头后骨骼特征表明该种应该属于萨斯特鱼龙科(Shastasauridae)的萨斯特鱼龙属(Shastasaurus)。Shastasaurus是一个广为人知的晚三叠世大型鱼龙化石属,最初建立于美国加利福尼亚州的Shasta地区,包括5个种(Merriam,1895,1902,1908)。由于建立这些种的化石材料均保存不好,尤其是模式种仅建立于几块背椎、背肋和两块耻骨之上,导致有关萨斯特鱼龙属和萨斯特鱼龙科的一些特征定义不明确。后人倾向于将已建立的种进行归并,即将Shastasaurus alexandrae、S.altispinus和S.osmonti划归模式种S.pacificus,将S.careyi另归入Shonisaurus sp.。虽然萨斯特鱼龙类的其他属,如Shonisaurus、Besanosaurus、Metashastasaurus、Pessosaurus等,在加拿大、墨西哥、意大利、瑞士等地的中、晚三叠世地层中被陆续发现和报道,但除美国加利福尼亚州的材料外,其他地区发现的萨斯特鱼龙属的化石均未得到广泛认可。本文将G.tangae归入萨斯特鱼龙属主要依据对该种模式标本(Gmr 009)的重新观察和对该种一新材料(IVPP V 11853)头后骨骼的深入研究。两骨架的头后部分尤其是前肢和肩带均表现出与已知的萨斯特鱼龙属各种的极大相似性,具体包括:椎体稍短;颈肋近端双头;尾椎腹侧Y型人字骨发育;锁骨细长,中部向后弯;乌喙骨斧状,中部收缩形成前后缘不对称的"茎";肩胛骨呈宽的镰刀状,前缘强烈外展;肱骨、桡骨、尺骨均较短;肱骨和桡骨前缘具凹缺;桡骨明显大于尺骨,桡骨后缘和尺骨前缘略凹入;相对较大的桡腕骨等。腰带和后肢特征与萨斯特鱼龙类其他属差别不大。除头后骨骼特征外,关岭材料的头骨特征也与萨斯特鱼龙属惟一的一个保存有部分头骨骨骼的S.alexandrae的特征大体相符,如具有大的、前后略拉长的眼眶,相对较窄的颊部,横向伸展的鼻骨和额骨的接触面,颞孔稍小于眼眶等。同时,通过与萨斯特鱼龙类其他各属化石的对比研究发现,虽然一些研究者认为萨斯特鱼龙属的荐前椎数目在55个左右,且指(趾)骨为3指(趾),但鉴于已经发现同属于萨斯特鱼龙类的Shonisaurus、Besanosaurus、Metashastasaurus等属或者具有超过60的荐前椎数,或者指(趾)骨为4指(趾),同时迄今为止尚无完整的萨斯特鱼龙属的化石标本被发现,有关其荐前椎数目和指(趾)骨列数仅是推测,因此基于中国贵州关岭的标本,本文认为萨斯特鱼龙属很可能具有超过60的荐前椎数,同时指骨(趾骨)是4指(趾)。在观察和对比了众多产于关岭的大型鱼龙骨骼化石的基础上,将邓氏贵州鱼龙、亚洲杯椎鱼龙和美丽盘江龙重新厘定为邓氏萨斯特鱼龙,并对该种的头后骨骼特征进行了详细描述。这是萨斯特鱼龙属的分子第一次在中国被确认,为了解该属鉴定特征和古地理分布提供了新的信息。  相似文献   

贵州三叠纪海龙类化石-新材料   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
记述了贵州关岭晚三叠世早期法郎组瓦窑段新的海龙标本一个基本完整的侧向挤压头骨及下颌(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号V11860).根据图版,它与尹恭正等(2000)建立并归入鱼龙目Cymbospondylidae科的孙氏“新铺鱼龙”(Xinpusaurussuni)极为相似.但是由于从文章中得不到头部关键性状的描述,并且本文第一作者到贵阳也不被允许观察标本,目前只有依据与正模图版的对比将V11860标本暂定为孙氏新铺龙相似种(XinpusauruscfXsuni).由于系统分类位置的改变,建议将该属的中文名称由“新铺鱼龙”改为新铺龙.迄今为止,在所有海龙类头骨中此标本提供了最多可以观察到的性状,包括脑颅侧面的特征.这是一类小型的海龙,吻部中等长度,微微向腹面倾斜;上颌骨前端背向弯曲,此处牙齿扩大且向前平伏;头骨前部的牙齿(前颌骨、上颌骨前部、齿骨)圆锥形,较突出,而靠后部的牙齿可能较圆钝(保存不完整);前颌骨与上颌骨牙齿间无明显间隙;犁骨和翼骨具齿;下颌细长,齿骨联合部窄.长的齿骨大约占下颌长度的2/3.基于18个性状进行了初步的支序分析,结果表明新铺龙与北美的Nectosaurus关系最近.但受海龙类化石保存所限,提供性状较少,支序分析对此结果的支持较弱.目前只能说海龙类是一个化石发现尚少的广布类群.关岭动物群目前包括海龙类、鱼龙类及楯齿龙类.其中中国豆齿龙(Sinocyamodus)(李淳,2000)是中国第一个楯齿龙类,安顺龙(Anshunsaurus)(刘俊,1999)是海龙类在中国的首次发现.  相似文献   

贵州关岭上三叠统的楯齿龙类化石   总被引:29,自引:8,他引:21  
记述的新铺中国豆齿龙(Sinocyamodus xinpuensis gen. et sp. nov.)代表了齿龙目的一新属。这是齿龙类化石在我国的首次发现,也是这类特殊的海生爬行动物在欧洲、北非和中东以外地区的首次记录。标本产自贵州关岭晚三叠世瓦窑组一段的泥晶灰岩中,与鱼龙类、幻龙类及海龙类等多种海生爬行类同时产出。这一化石组合表明,贵州关岭三叠纪海生爬行动物群的性质与西特提斯动物群(wstern-Tethyan fauna)的性质极为相似,这两个地区在晚三叠世早期有广泛的动物交流。  相似文献   

记述了贵州关岭晚三叠世早期法郎组瓦窑段新的海龙标本:一个基本完整的侧向挤压头骨及下颌(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号V 11860)。根据图版,它与尹恭正等(2000)建立并归入鱼龙目Cymbospondylidae科的孙氏“新铺鱼龙”(Xinpusaurus suni)极为相似。但是由于从文章中得不到头部关键性状的描述,并且本文第一作者到贵阳也不被允许观察标本,目前只有依据与正模图版的对比将V11860标本暂定为孙氏新铺龙相似种(Xinpusaurus cf. X suni)。由于系统分类位置的改变,建议将该属的中文名称由“新铺鱼龙”改为新铺龙。 迄今为止,在所有海龙类头骨中此标本提供了最多可以观察到的性状,包括脑颅侧面的特征。这是一类小型的海龙,吻部中等长度,微微向腹面倾斜;上颌骨前端背向弯曲,此处牙齿扩大且向前平伏;头骨前部的牙齿(前颌骨、上颌骨前部、齿骨)圆锥形,较突出,而靠后部的牙齿可能较圆钝(保存不完整);前颌骨与上颌骨牙齿间无明显间隙;犁骨和翼骨具齿;下颌细长,齿骨联合部窄。长的齿骨大约占下颌长度的2/3。 基于18个性状进行了初步的支序分析,结果表明新铺龙与北美的Nectosaurus?  相似文献   

贵州关岭晚三叠世早期法郎组瓦窑段迄今为止已产出了大量大型长吻鱼龙化石骨架,其中见于正式文献的有14件之多。头骨结构的相似性指示它们均归属于同一种:邓氏萨斯特鱼龙(Shastasaurus tangae)。对比已发表标本和尚未发表的本种新材料的头后骨骼发现,这些大型长吻的邓氏萨斯特鱼龙化石可以粗略地划分为两种类型:一种类型(A型)前肢和后肢大多不发育附生指列,且后肢第Ⅱ远端跗骨、蹠骨和第2趾前端1~2个趾节骨明显小于正常尺寸,甚至缺失;另一种类群(B型)前肢多发育一列后附生指,后肢发育一列前附生指。与此相对应,A型头骨顶脊前端分叉角度大,头骨略粗壮;B型头骨顶脊前端分叉角度小,头骨相对略纤长。鉴于这些化石均产自同一地区的相同层位,每一类型的骨骼数量大体相等,身体大小范围接近,虽然也可以据两种类型的微小差异划分为两个形态种,但依据头骨和头后骨骼结构的相似性本文更倾向于将这些标本置于同一种,而将彼此间区别判断为两性之间的差异。依据躯干和尾部长度比等推测A型鱼龙可能为雌性个体,B型鱼龙可能为雄性个体。  相似文献   

近年来,云南禄丰晚三叠世(Rhaetic)下禄丰组地层中,采集了不少各类脊椎动物的化石,包括十余个保存完好的小头骨。经过初步修理和观察后,可以确定,其中一部分是三列齿兽类(Trity-lodonts)的兽形爬行动物。此外,尚有几个是保存相当完好的原始哺乳动物的头骨,根据初步鉴定,都可归入广义的三尖齿兽类(Triconodonta)。有的标本与始齿兽科(Morganucodontidae或Eozost-rodontidae)的已知属种很近似,但保存较完好;另  相似文献   

中国已知的楯齿龙目(Placodontia)化石仅见于贵州省西南部地区,其中豆齿龙亚目(Cya- modontoidea)产自关岭地区的法郎组瓦窑段,时代为晚三叠世卡尼期;楯齿龙亚目(Placodon- toidea)产自盘县的关岭组Ⅱ段,时代为中三叠世安尼期。本文记述的豆齿龙类新属种——康氏雕甲龟龙(Clyphoderma kangi gen.et sp.nov.)产于云南富源的法郎组竹杆坡段,属中三叠世拉丁期。正型标本保存于浙江自然博物馆(编号:M 8729),其头骨高度愈合,代表一个完全成年之个体,根据以下特征明显区别于我国的Psephochelys和欧洲的Psephoderma:1)头骨枕部具3枚大型的锥状鳞;2)背甲甲片结构更为复杂,具明显的放射状沟/脊结构。到目前为止,康氏雕甲龟龙是龟龙科(Placochelyidae)中惟一的中三叠世属种,该科的其他成员全部发现于上三叠统。  相似文献   

中国已知的檐齿龙目(Placodontia)化石仅见于贵州省西南部地区,其中豆齿龙亚目(Cya-modontoidea)产自关岭地区的法郎组瓦窑段,时代为晚三叠世卡尼期;楯齿龙亚目(Placodon-toidea)产自盘县的关岭组Ⅱ段,时代为中三叠世安尼期.本文记述的豆齿龙类新属种--康氏雕甲龟龙(Glyphoderma kangi gen.et sp.nov.)产于云南富源的法郎组竹杆坡段,属中三叠世拉丁期.正型标本保存于浙江自然博物馆(编号:M 8729),其头骨高度愈合,代表一个完全成年之个体,根据以下特征明显区别于我国的Psephochelys和欧洲的Psephoderma:1)头骨枕部具3枚大型的锥状鳞;2)背甲甲片结构更为复杂,具明显的放射状沟/脊结构.到目前为止,康氏雕甲龟龙是龟龙科(Placochelyidae)中惟一的中三叠世属种,该科的其他成员全部发现于上三叠统.  相似文献   

贵州普安青山至新店一带发育有与盘县新民羊件地区相似的中三叠统关岭组地层和海生爬行动物组合。基于贵州普安新店关岭组上部一件完整保存的混鱼龙骨架标本的修理和系统研究,识别并描述了一个混鱼龙的新种——新店混鱼龙(Mixosaurus xindianensis sp. nov.)。结合三叠纪已知鱼龙类化石属种性状的支序分析,比较和讨论了新种与其它已知混鱼龙属种的异同,指出新种兼具以往在欧洲圣乔治山和北美内华达地区中三叠世地层中发现的M.cornalianus和M.callawayi的特征。  相似文献   

贵州普安青山至新店一带发育有与盘县新民羊件地区相似的中三叠统关岭组地层和海生爬行动物组合。基于贵州普安新店关岭组上部一件完整保存的混鱼龙骨架标本的修理和系统研究,识别并描述了一个混鱼龙的新种——新店混鱼龙(Mixosaurus xindianensis sp. nov.)。结合三叠纪已知鱼龙类化石属种性状的支序分析,比较和讨论了新种与其它已知混鱼龙属种的异同,指出新种兼具以往在欧洲圣乔治山和北美内华达地区中三叠世地层中发现的M.cornalianus和M.callawayi的特征。  相似文献   

Triassic ichthyosaurs are very widespread and diverse but most taxa are poorly known. New discoveries, such as described in this paper, underscore the first statement but only slowy invalidate the second. The first associated skeleton of the unusual durophagous ichthyosaurOmphalosaurus (O. wolfi) is reported from the Middle Triassic (earliest Ladinian) of the northern Alps. The vertebrae are of the ichthyosaurian type, firmly establishing the ichthyosaurian affinities of the genus. A round bone from the Muschelkalk of Franconia, Germany, is identified and described as a left humerus ofOmphalosaurus sp. These finds greatly extend the paleogeographic and temporal range ofOmphalosaurus which previously was only known from the western cratonic margin of North America and from Spitsbergen. The new records ofOmphalosaurus allow a revised differential diagnosis of the genus and a revision of its species. Valid species ofOmphalosaurus areO. nettarhynchus, O. nevadanus, andO. wolfi. In conjunction with such new insights into Triassic ichthyosaur distribution, it is necessary to address the validity of the poorly known genera such as the Middle TriassicPessosaurus. This taxon must be considered invalid because it lacks diagnostic characters. In assessing progress in research on Triassic ichthyosaurs and their paleobiogeography, it becomes apparent that supra-specific diversity appears largely known, at least for the pre-Norian record of North America, Europe, and East Asia.  相似文献   

Two new species of the enigmatic gymnosperm microsporophyll Pramelreuthia, found in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation at five localities in the southwestern United States, provide significant new evidence on key morphological characters of the genus and extend its known geographical range. These new fossils also demonstrate that the genus was polytypic and reveal the plant megafossil sources for several common and geographically widespread dispersed Upper Triassic microfossil taxa. The genus Pramelreuthia, which until this study was known only from a single specimen from the Upper Triassic of Austria, is a planar pinnate structure consisting of a slender naked axis bearing stalked synangia in opposite to subopposite pairs. Synangia of all three species of Pramelreuthia are oval to subrectangular in lateral view and are composed of two adpressed flattened valves each of which contains up to 20 or more elongate, subcylindrical, tapered sporangia that bear nonstriate bisaccate pollen. Pramelreuthia yazzi sp. nov. is slightly smaller than the type species P. haberfelneri, and its synangia contain pollen generally similar in morphology and size to several species of the dispersed pollen taxon Pityosporites, including P. chinleana, P. oldhamensis, and P. devolvens. Pramelreuthia dubielii sp. nov. is much larger than the other two species; its synangia contain pollen similar to the dispersed pollen species Protodiploxypinus americus.  相似文献   

Summary Two characteristic new species and one new genus are described from the Late Triassic of Idaho (Wallowa Terrane):Brochidiella idahoensis n. gen., n. sp. andPtychostoma ornata n. sp.Brochidiella is only known from western North America.Ptychostoma is present in the Carnian of the European Alps (Tethys) and is widespread in the western part of the North American continent (Panthalassa). Late Triassic gastropod faunas from the accreted terranes of North America are poorly known but hold a great potential for future palaeobiogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Hexabathynella , H. otayana sp. n., H. hessleri sp. n. and H. muliebris sp. n., from North America are described. A comparison with previous studies results in the reevaluation of characters already known and the discovery of new constitutive characters. The distal spine of the mandibular spine row is regarded as a synapomorphy of the three new species and two previously known species, H. knoepffleri , H. minuta , which constitute a monophyletic group within the genus, the knoepffleri-group. The phylogenetic relationships between the five species are depicted with a cladogram. The setation on the uropodal exopod is shown to be not only a new unique character for the genus, but also a significant one in classifying its species. The presence of the ancestor species of the genus before the Triassic and dispersal during Mesozoic continental drift are assumed to explain the transatlantic occurrence of the knoepffleri-group and the distribution pattern of the other species.  相似文献   

Echinoid remains from the Triassic of China are described for the first time. The Middle Triassic of Qingyan in Guizhou Province, south-western China, has yielded nine taxa of primary spines; seven of these come from the lower Upper Anisian. Because all of the spines are disarticulated, the material is treated only parataxonomically. 'Cidaris' lineola (Bather) and 'Cidaris' wissmanni (Desor) are species originally described from the alpine Triassic of Europe. 'Cidaris' bangtoupoensis sp. nov., 'Cidaris' wachangpoensis sp. nov., 'Cidaris' venustespinosa sp. nov., 'Cidaris' fangchui sp. nov., 'Cidaris' gu sp. nov., 'Cidaris' mafengpoensis sp. nov. and 'Cidaris' sp. A are so far known only from Qingyan. Palaeoautecological interpretations based on the shapes of the spines fit well with the fact that the echinoids from Qingyan are part of highly diverse fossil associations which represent the remains of communities that lived in a protected, shallow-marine, stable soft-bottom habitat. The rather high diversity of the echinoid spines in terms of the number of both taxa and general types of shape shows that the echinoids, after nearly becoming extinct at the end of the Palaeozoic, began a new phase of adaptive radiation in the Anisian at the latest.  相似文献   

Migmaster angularis n. gen. n. sp. (Trichasteropsiidae, Forcipulatacea, Asteroidea) is described from the German Triassic Lower Muschelkalk of Anisian (Pelsonian) age, and new specimens ofTrichasteropsis bielertorum broaden understanding of this species. Phylogenetic events linking the stem groups, known only from Paleozoic rocks, with the crown group, known only from post-Paleozoic rocks, are problematic; the new fossils partially constrain phylogenetic changes associated with emergence of crown-group asteroids.   相似文献   

The Ichthyosauria is the group of Mesozoic marine reptiles that was most highly adapted to the aquatic environment. The first ichthyosaurs from the upper Lower Triassic (Spathian) already show a suite of unique characters (very large eyes, elongate snout, deeply amphicoelous vertebrae, limb modified to fins) correlated with a fully aquatic existence and probably were unable to leave the water. The key evolutionary innovation was vivipary, giving birth to live young, which is documented by the fossil record since the end of the Anisian. Major evolutionary trends in the locomotor apparatus are the increasing modification of the fin skeleton to a mosaic of bones and the change from anguiliform swimming in the earliest forms to thunniform swimming in the Jurassic and later forms, as evidenced by the shortening of the body and the evolution of a semilunate tail fin. Almost from the beginning, ichthyosaurs had a cosmopolitan distribution which was retained until their extinction in the Cenomanian. Ichthyosaurian diversity is greatest in the Middle Triassic with piscivorous, heterodont, and durophagous forms. Jurassic diversity is greatest in the Liassic, declining to one genus (Platypterygius) in the Cretaceous. Although skull characters indicate that ichthyosaurs were diapsids, their exact position within Diapsida is unclear. A cladistic analysis of the well known genera clarifies relationships within the Ichthyosauria. Most basal areGrippia andUtatsusaurus, followed by the Mixosauridae (Mixosaurus andPhalarodon). The Shastasauridae (Cymbospondylus, Shonisaurus, Besanosaurus) are the most advanced Triassic forms and represent the sistergroup of all post-Triassic ichthyosaurs. These are clearly monophyletic and are termed here the Neoichthyosauria.  相似文献   

Abstract: The ‘perleidiform’Mendocinichthys and Pseudobeaconia from the Potrerillos and Santa Clara Abajo formations (Upper Triassic; Argentina) are reviewed. Mendocinichthys has been known from a review of this species that is not based on the type material, but on referred specimens in the American Museum of Natural History. However, those specimens are found here to represent a new species of Pseudobeaconia, Pcelestae sp. nov. Consequently, Mendocinichthys is restricted here to the type material and, within it, to the only specimen that clearly represents a distinct taxon and is thus designated lectotype. We further performed a cladistic analysis and propose a new family, Pseudobeaconiidae for these two South American Triassic genera, which is mainly characterized by the presence of an incomplete dorsal ridge of spine‐like scales between the skull and the dorsal fin, and scales with straight posterior border, an elevated central region and marginal concentric ridges of ganoine. The cladistic analysis further indicates the existence of some lineages endemic to certain areas of Gondwana and Europe. Pseudobeaconia celestae sp. nov. represents the first record of Pseudobeaconia in the Cacheuta sub‐basin of the Cuyana Basin. The genus was previously known from the Santa Clara sub‐basin of the Cuyana Basin only, and the new record confirms the previous hypothesis of correlation between the sedimentary infilling of these sub‐basins.  相似文献   

Rhynchosauria was an important clade of herbivorous archosauromorph reptiles during the Triassic, with a worldwide distribution. We describe a new genus and species of early rhynchosaur, E ohyosaurus wolvaardti gen. et sp. nov. , from the early Middle Triassic (early Anisian) Cynognathus Assemblage Zone (Subzone B) of the Karoo Supergroup, South Africa. Eohyosaurus wolvaardti is known from a single skull, and is recovered as the sister taxon of Rhynchosauridae in a new phylogenetic analysis. Cynognathus Subzone B has previously yielded the stratigraphically oldest well‐understood rhynchosaur species, Mesosuchus browni and Howesia browni. Eohyosaurus wolvaardti increases the rhynchosaur diversity within this stratigraphical horizon to three species. Intriguingly, all currently confirmed rhynchosaur occurrences from the Early Triassic to earliest Middle Triassic are from South Africa. This may suggest a relatively restricted palaeogeographical distribution for early rhynchosaurs, followed by a global dispersal of rhynchosaurids during the Middle Triassic. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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