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Alternatives in ecosystem‐based management often differ with respect to trade‐offs between ecosystem values. Ecosystem or food‐web models and demographic models are typically employed to evaluate alternatives, but the approaches are rarely integrated to uncover conflicts between values. We applied multistate models to a capture–recapture dataset on common guillemots Uria aalge breeding in the Baltic Sea to identify factors influencing survival. The estimated relationships were employed together with Ecopath‐with‐Ecosim food‐web model simulations to project guillemot survival under six future scenarios incorporating climate change. The scenarios were based on management alternatives for eutrophication and cod fisheries, issues considered top priority for regional management, but without known direct effects on the guillemot population. Our demographic models identified prey quantity (abundance and biomass of sprat Sprattus sprattus) as the main factor influencing guillemot survival. Most scenarios resulted in projections of increased survival, in the near (2016–2040) and distant (2060–2085) future. However, in the scenario of reduced nutrient input and precautionary cod fishing, guillemot survival was projected to be lower in both future periods due to lower sprat stocks. Matrix population models suggested a substantial decline of the guillemot population in the near future, 24% per 10 years, and a smaller reduction, 1.1% per 10 years, in the distant future. To date, many stakeholders and Baltic Sea governments have supported reduced nutrient input and precautionary cod fishing and implementation is underway. Negative effects on nonfocal species have previously not been uncovered, but our results show that the scenario is likely to negatively impact the guillemot population. Linking model results allowed identifying trade‐offs associated with management alternatives. This information is critical to thorough evaluation by decision‐makers, but not easily obtained by food‐web models or demographic models in isolation. Appropriate datasets are often available, making it feasible to apply a linked approach for better‐informed decisions in ecosystem‐based management.  相似文献   

The potency of antiretroviral agents in AIDS clinical trials can be assessed on the basis of an early viral response such as viral decay rate or change in viral load (number of copies of HIV RNA) of the plasma. Linear, parametric nonlinear, and semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects models have been proposed to estimate viral decay rates in viral dynamic models. However, before applying these models to clinical data, a critical question that remains to be addressed is whether these models produce coherent estimates of viral decay rates, and if not, which model is appropriate and should be used in practice. In this paper, we applied these models to data from an AIDS clinical trial of potent antiviral treatments and found significant incongruity in the estimated rates of reduction in viral load. Simulation studies indicated that reliable estimates of viral decay rate were obtained by using the parametric and semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects models. Our analysis also indicated that the decay rates estimated by using linear mixed‐effects models should be interpreted differently from those estimated by using nonlinear mixed‐effects models. The semiparametric nonlinear mixed‐effects model is preferred to other models because arbitrary data truncation is not needed. Based on real data analysis and simulation studies, we provide guidelines for estimating viral decay rates from clinical data. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Aim (1) To determine the relative need for conservation assessments of vascular plant species among the world’s ecoregions given under‐assessed species distributions; (2) to evaluate the challenge posed by the lack of financial resources on species assessment efforts; and (3) to demonstrate the utility of nonlinear mixed‐effects models with both homoscedastic and heteroscedastic error structures in the identification of species‐rich ecoregions. Location Global. Methods We identified the world’s ecoregions that contain the highest vascular plant species richness after controlling for area using species–area relationship (SAR) models built within a mixed‐effects multi‐model framework. Using quantitative thresholds, ecoregions with the highest plant species richness, historical habitat loss and projected increase in human population density were deemed to be most in need of conservation assessments of plant species. We used generalized linear models to test if countries that overlap with highly important ecoregions are poorer compared with others. Results We classed ecoregions into nine categories based on the relative need for conservation assessments of vascular plant species. Ecoregions of highest relative need are found mostly in the tropics, particularly Southeast Asia, Central America, Tropical Andes and the Cerrado of South America, and the East African montane region and its surrounding areas. Countries overlapping with ecoregions deemed important for conservation assessments are poorer as measured by their capita gross national income than the other countries. The nonlinear mixed modelling framework was effective in reducing residual spatial autocorrelation compared with nonlinear models comprised of only fixed effects. In contrasting multiple SAR models to identify species‐rich ecoregions, there was not one SAR model that fitted best across all biomes. Not all SAR models displayed homoscedastic errors; therefore it is important to consider models with both homoscedastic and heteroscedastic error structures. Main conclusions We propose that conservation assessments should be conducted first in ecoregions with the greatest predicted species richness, historical habitat loss and future human population increase. As ecoregions deemed to be important for conservation assessments are located in the poorest countries, we urge international aid agencies and botanic gardens to cooperate with both local and international scientists to fund and implement conservation assessment programmes there.  相似文献   

Summary The rapid development of new biotechnologies allows us to deeply understand biomedical dynamic systems in more detail and at a cellular level. Many of the subject‐specific biomedical systems can be described by a set of differential or difference equations that are similar to engineering dynamic systems. In this article, motivated by HIV dynamic studies, we propose a class of mixed‐effects state‐space models based on the longitudinal feature of dynamic systems. State‐space models with mixed‐effects components are very flexible in modeling the serial correlation of within‐subject observations and between‐subject variations. The Bayesian approach and the maximum likelihood method for standard mixed‐effects models and state‐space models are modified and investigated for estimating unknown parameters in the proposed models. In the Bayesian approach, full conditional distributions are derived and the Gibbs sampler is constructed to explore the posterior distributions. For the maximum likelihood method, we develop a Monte Carlo EM algorithm with a Gibbs sampler step to approximate the conditional expectations in the E‐step. Simulation studies are conducted to compare the two proposed methods. We apply the mixed‐effects state‐space model to a data set from an AIDS clinical trial to illustrate the proposed methodologies. The proposed models and methods may also have potential applications in other biomedical system analyses such as tumor dynamics in cancer research and genetic regulatory network modeling.  相似文献   

Varying‐coefficient models have become a common tool to determine whether and how the association between an exposure and an outcome changes over a continuous measure. These models are complicated when the exposure itself is time‐varying and subjected to measurement error. For example, it is well known that longitudinal physical fitness has an impact on cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality. It is not known, however, how the effect of longitudinal physical fitness on CVD mortality varies with age. In this paper, we propose a varying‐coefficient generalized odds rate model that allows flexible estimation of age‐modified effects of longitudinal physical fitness on CVD mortality. In our model, the longitudinal physical fitness is measured with error and modeled using a mixed‐effects model, and its associated age‐varying coefficient function is represented by cubic B‐splines. An expectation‐maximization algorithm is developed to estimate the parameters in the joint models of longitudinal physical fitness and CVD mortality. A modified pseudoadaptive Gaussian‐Hermite quadrature method is adopted to compute the integrals with respect to random effects involved in the E‐step. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through extensive simulation studies and is further illustrated with an application to cohort data from the Aerobic Center Longitudinal Study.  相似文献   

The problem of combining information from separate trials is a key consideration when performing a meta‐analysis or planning a multicentre trial. Although there is a considerable journal literature on meta‐analysis based on individual patient data (IPD), i.e. a one‐step IPD meta‐analysis, versus analysis based on summary data, i.e. a two‐step IPD meta‐analysis, recent articles in the medical literature indicate that there is still confusion and uncertainty as to the validity of an analysis based on aggregate data. In this study, we address one of the central statistical issues by considering the estimation of a linear function of the mean, based on linear models for summary data and for IPD. The summary data from a trial is assumed to comprise the best linear unbiased estimator, or maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter, along with its covariance matrix. The setup, which allows for the presence of random effects and covariates in the model, is quite general and includes many of the commonly employed models, for example, linear models with fixed treatment effects and fixed or random trial effects. For this general model, we derive a condition under which the one‐step and two‐step IPD meta‐analysis estimators coincide, extending earlier work considerably. The implications of this result for the specific models mentioned above are illustrated in detail, both theoretically and in terms of two real data sets, and the roles of balance and heterogeneity are highlighted. Our analysis also shows that when covariates are present, which is typically the case, the two estimators coincide only under extra simplifying assumptions, which are somewhat unrealistic in practice.  相似文献   

A nonparametric model for the multivariate one‐way design is discussed which entails continuous as well as discontinuous distributions and, therefore, allows for ordinal data. Nonparametric hypotheses are formulated by the normalized version of the marginal distribution functions as well as the common distribution functions. The differences between the distribution functions are described by means of the so‐called relative treatment effects, for which unbiased and consistent estimators are derived. The asymptotic distribution of the vector of the effect estimators is derived and under the marignal hypothesis a consistent estimator for the asymptotic covariance matrix is given. Nonparametric versions of the Wald‐type statistic, the ANOVA‐type statistic and the Lawley‐Hotelling statistic are considered and compared by means of a simulation study. Finally, these tests are applied to a psychiatric clinical trial.  相似文献   

A central challenge in global change research is the projection of the future behavior of a system based upon past observations. Tree‐ring data have been used increasingly over the last decade to project tree growth and forest ecosystem vulnerability under future climate conditions. But how can the response of tree growth to past climate variation predict the future, when the future does not look like the past? Space‐for‐time substitution (SFTS) is one way to overcome the problem of extrapolation: the response at a given location in a warmer future is assumed to follow the response at a warmer location today. Here we evaluated an SFTS approach to projecting future growth of Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), a species that occupies an exceptionally large environmental space in North America. We fit a hierarchical mixed‐effects model to capture ring‐width variability in response to spatial and temporal variation in climate. We found opposing gradients for productivity and climate sensitivity with highest growth rates and weakest response to interannual climate variation in the mesic coastal part of Douglas‐fir's range; narrower rings and stronger climate sensitivity occurred across the semi‐arid interior. Ring‐width response to spatial versus temporal temperature variation was opposite in sign, suggesting that spatial variation in productivity, caused by local adaptation and other slow processes, cannot be used to anticipate changes in productivity caused by rapid climate change. We thus substituted only climate sensitivities when projecting future tree growth. Growth declines were projected across much of Douglas‐fir's distribution, with largest relative decreases in the semiarid U.S. Interior West and smallest in the mesic Pacific Northwest. We further highlight the strengths of mixed‐effects modeling for reviving a conceptual cornerstone of dendroecology, Cook's 1987 aggregate growth model, and the great potential to use tree‐ring networks and results as a calibration target for next‐generation vegetation models.  相似文献   

Inverse‐probability‐of‐treatment weighted (IPTW) estimation has been widely used to consistently estimate the causal parameters in marginal structural models, with time‐dependent confounding effects adjusted for. Just like other causal inference methods, the validity of IPTW estimation typically requires the crucial condition that all variables are precisely measured. However, this condition, is often violated in practice due to various reasons. It has been well documented that ignoring measurement error often leads to biased inference results. In this paper, we consider the IPTW estimation of the causal parameters in marginal structural models in the presence of error‐contaminated and time‐dependent confounders. We explore several methods to correct for the effects of measurement error on the estimation of causal parameters. Numerical studies are reported to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Summary In recent years, nonlinear mixed‐effects (NLME) models have been proposed for modeling complex longitudinal data. Covariates are usually introduced in the models to partially explain intersubject variations. However, one often assumes that both model random error and random effects are normally distributed, which may not always give reliable results if the data exhibit skewness. Moreover, some covariates such as CD4 cell count may be often measured with substantial errors. In this article, we address these issues simultaneously by jointly modeling the response and covariate processes using a Bayesian approach to NLME models with covariate measurement errors and a skew‐normal distribution. A real data example is offered to illustrate the methodologies by comparing various potential models with different distribution specifications. It is showed that the models with skew‐normality assumption may provide more reasonable results if the data exhibit skewness and the results may be important for HIV/AIDS studies in providing quantitative guidance to better understand the virologic responses to antiretroviral treatment.  相似文献   

Evaluation of protein models against the native structure is essential for the development and benchmarking of protein structure prediction methods. Although a number of evaluation scores have been proposed to date, many aspects of model assessment still lack desired robustness. In this study we present CAD‐score, a new evaluation function quantifying differences between physical contacts in a model and the reference structure. The new score uses the concept of residue–residue contact area difference (CAD) introduced by Abagyan and Totrov (J Mol Biol 1997; 268:678–685). Contact areas, the underlying basis of the score, are derived using the Voronoi tessellation of protein structure. The newly introduced CAD‐score is a continuous function, confined within fixed limits, free of any arbitrary thresholds or parameters. The built‐in logic for treatment of missing residues allows consistent ranking of models of any degree of completeness. We tested CAD‐score on a large set of diverse models and compared it to GDT‐TS, a widely accepted measure of model accuracy. Similarly to GDT‐TS, CAD‐score showed a robust performance on single‐domain proteins, but displayed a stronger preference for physically more realistic models. Unlike GDT‐TS, the new score revealed a balanced assessment of domain rearrangement, removing the necessity for different treatment of single‐domain, multi‐domain, and multi‐subunit structures. Moreover, CAD‐score makes it possible to assess the accuracy of inter‐domain or inter‐subunit interfaces directly. In addition, the approach offers an alternative to the superposition‐based model clustering. The CAD‐score implementation is available both as a web server and a standalone software package at http://www.ibt.lt/bioinformatics/cad‐score/ . Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) overexpression is an important mechanism in acquired epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase inhibitor gefitinib resistance in lung cancers with EGFR activating mutations. MiR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 act as suppressors in lung cancer proliferation and metastasis. However, whether miR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 can overcome HGF‐induced gefitinib resistance in EGFR mutant lung cancer is not clear. In this study, we showed that miR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 restored the sensitivities of lung cancer cells PC‐9 and HCC‐827 to gefitinib in present of HGF. For the mechanisms, we demonstrated that both miR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 directly target HGF receptor c‐Met in lung cancer. Knockdown of c‐Met mimicked the effects of miR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 transfections Meanwhile, c‐Met overexpression attenuated the effects of miR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 in HGF‐induced gefitinib resistance of lung cancers. Furthermore, we showed that miR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 inhibited c‐Met downstream Akt and Erk pathway and blocked HGF‐induced epithelial‐mesenchymal transition (EMT). Finally, we demonstrated that miR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 can increase gefitinib sensitivity in xenograft mouse models in vivo. Our study for the first time indicated the new function of miR‐1‐3p and miR‐206 in overcoming HGF‐induced gefitinib resistance in EGFR mutant lung cancer cell.  相似文献   

Understanding how organisms adapt to environmental variation is a key challenge of biology. Central to this are bet‐hedging strategies that maximize geometric mean fitness across generations, either by being conservative or diversifying phenotypes. Theoretical models have identified environmental variation across generations with multiplicative fitness effects as driving the evolution of bet‐hedging. However, behavioral ecology has revealed adaptive responses to additive fitness effects of environmental variation within lifetimes, either through insurance or risk‐sensitive strategies. Here, we explore whether the effects of adaptive insurance interact with the evolution of bet‐hedging by varying the position and skew of both arithmetic and geometric mean fitness functions. We find that insurance causes the optimal phenotype to shift from the peak to down the less steeply decreasing side of the fitness function, and that conservative bet‐hedging produces an additional shift on top of this, which decreases as adaptive phenotypic variation from diversifying bet‐hedging increases. When diversifying bet‐hedging is not an option, environmental canalization to reduce phenotypic variation is almost always favored, except where the tails of the fitness function are steeply convex and produce a novel risk‐sensitive increase in phenotypic variance akin to diversifying bet‐hedging. Importantly, using skewed fitness functions, we provide the first model that explicitly addresses how conservative and diversifying bet‐hedging strategies might coexist.  相似文献   

Modelling survival data from long‐term follow‐up studies presents challenges. The commonly used proportional hazards model should be extended to account for dynamic behaviour of the effects of fixed covariates. This work illustrates the use of reduced rank models in survival data, where some of the covariate effects are allowed to behave dynamically in time and some as fixed. Time‐varying effects of the covariates can be fitted by using interactions of the fixed covariates with flexible transformations of time based on b‐splines. To avoid overfitting, a reduced rank model will restrict the number of parameters, resulting in a more sensible fit to the data. This work presents the basic theory and the algorithm to fit such models. An application to breast cancer data is used for illustration of the suggested methods.  相似文献   

Summary A two‐stage design is cost‐effective for genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) testing hundreds of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In this design, each SNP is genotyped in stage 1 using a fraction of case–control samples. Top‐ranked SNPs are selected and genotyped in stage 2 using additional samples. A joint analysis, combining statistics from both stages, is applied in the second stage. Follow‐up studies can be regarded as a two‐stage design. Once some potential SNPs are identified, independent samples are further genotyped and analyzed separately or jointly with previous data to confirm the findings. When the underlying genetic model is known, an asymptotically optimal trend test (TT) can be used at each analysis. In practice, however, genetic models for SNPs with true associations are usually unknown. In this case, the existing methods for analysis of the two‐stage design and follow‐up studies are not robust across different genetic models. We propose a simple robust procedure with genetic model selection to the two‐stage GWAS. Our results show that, if the optimal TT has about 80% power when the genetic model is known, then the existing methods for analysis of the two‐stage design have minimum powers about 20% across the four common genetic models (when the true model is unknown), while our robust procedure has minimum powers about 70% across the same genetic models. The results can be also applied to follow‐up and replication studies with a joint analysis.  相似文献   

Organs‐on‐chip (OoCs) are catching on as a promising and valuable alternative to animal models, in line with the 3Rs initiative. OoCs enable the creation of three‐dimensional (3D) tissue microenvironments with physiological and pathological relevance at unparalleled precision and complexity, offering new opportunities to model human diseases and to test the potential therapeutic effect of drugs, while overcoming the limited predictive accuracy of conventional 2D culture systems. Here, we present a liver‐on‐a‐chip model to investigate the effects of two naturally occurring polyphenols, namely quercetin and hydroxytyrosol, on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) using a high‐content analysis readout methodology. NAFLD is currently the most common form of chronic liver disease; however, its complex pathogenesis is still far from being elucidated, and no definitive treatment has been established so far. In our experiments, we observed that both polyphenols seem to restrain the progression of the free fatty acid‐induced hepatocellular steatosis, showing a cytoprotective effect due to their antioxidant and lipid‐lowering properties. In conclusion, the findings of the present work could guide novel strategies to contrast the onset and progression of NAFLD.  相似文献   

Summary We propose a Bayesian chi‐squared model diagnostic for analysis of data subject to censoring. The test statistic has the form of Pearson's chi‐squared test statistic and is easy to calculate from standard output of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. The key innovation of this diagnostic is that it is based only on observed failure times. Because it does not rely on the imputation of failure times for observations that have been censored, we show that under heavy censoring it can have higher power for detecting model departures than a comparable test based on the complete data. In a simulation study, we show that tests based on this diagnostic exhibit comparable power and better nominal Type I error rates than a commonly used alternative test proposed by Akritas (1988, Journal of the American Statistical Association 83, 222–230). An important advantage of the proposed diagnostic is that it can be applied to a broad class of censored data models, including generalized linear models and other models with nonidentically distributed and nonadditive error structures. We illustrate the proposed model diagnostic for testing the adequacy of two parametric survival models for Space Shuttle main engine failures.  相似文献   

This paper considers the regression analysis of categorical variables when the response variable is incompletely observed and the non‐response mechanism is assumed to be non‐ignorable. Maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters can lead to substantively implausible boundary solutions where the estimated proportion of non‐respondents taking certain values of the response variable is zero. A geometric explanation of why boundary solutions occur was given in a previous paper for a simple model. By extending this explanation, it is possible to define the sub‐class of non‐ignorable models whose parameters are identified, and to show all models not in this sub‐class are non‐identified. The conditions under which a model is a member of this class are easily established.  相似文献   

Discrete state‐space models are used in ecology to describe the dynamics of wild animal populations, with parameters, such as the probability of survival, being of ecological interest. For a particular parametrization of a model it is not always clear which parameters can be estimated. This inability to estimate all parameters is known as parameter redundancy or a model is described as nonidentifiable. In this paper we develop methods that can be used to detect parameter redundancy in discrete state‐space models. An exhaustive summary is a combination of parameters that fully specify a model. To use general methods for detecting parameter redundancy a suitable exhaustive summary is required. This paper proposes two methods for the derivation of an exhaustive summary for discrete state‐space models using discrete analogues of methods for continuous state‐space models. We also demonstrate that combining multiple data sets, through the use of an integrated population model, may result in a model in which all parameters are estimable, even though models fitted to the separate data sets may be parameter redundant.  相似文献   

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