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The contribution of bacteria to total primary production was estimated in Big Soda Lake and related to vertical profiles of biomass and various physical and chemical properties. The purple sulfur bacteriaThiocapsa sp. was responsible for 25% of the total primary production. Bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) distribution and DCMU sensitivity experiments confirmed this bacterial activity. High concentrations of photosynthetically inactive phytoplankton were detected in anaerobic-low redox water and were attributed to an early season algal bloom that had settled into a zone of maximal viscosity. Nutrient enrichment bioassay experiments indicated that iron was the most important nutrient controlling early season algal growth.  相似文献   

Big Soda Lake is an alkaline, saline lake with a permanent chemocline at 34.5 m and a mixolimnion that undergoes seasonal changes in temperature structure. During the period of thermal stratification, from summer through fall, the epilimnion has low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients (N, Si) and CH4, and low biomass of phytoplankton (chlorophyll a ca. 1 mgm -3). Dissolved oxygen disappears near the compensation depth for algal photosynthesis (ca. 20 m). Surface water is transparent so that light is present in the anoxic hypolimnion, and a dense plate of purple sulfur photosynthetic bacteria (Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata) is present just below 20 m (Bchl a ca. 200 mgm-3). Concentrations of N H4 +, Si, and CH4 are higher in the hypolimnion than in the epilimnion. As the mixolimnion becomes isothermal in winter, oxygen is mixed down to 28 m. Nutrients (NH4 +, Si) and CH4 are released from the hypolimnion and mix to the surface, and a diatom bloom develops in the upper 20 m (chlorophyll a > 40 mgm-3). The deeper mixing of oxygen and enhanced light attenuation by phytoplankton uncouple the anoxic zone and photic zone, and the plate of photosynthetic bacteria disappears (Bchl a ca.10mgm-3). Hence, seasonal changes in temperature distribution and mixing create conditions such that the primary producer community is alternately dominated by phytoplankton and photosynthetic bacteria: the phytoplankton may be nutrient-limited during periods of stratification and the photosynthetic bacteria are light-limited during periods of mixing.  相似文献   

Periphyton nutrient limitation was assessed in Lake Okeechobee, a large, shallow, eutrophic lake in the southeastern U.S.A. Nutrient assays were performed to determine if the same nutrients that limit phytoplankton also limit periphyton growth in the lake. Nutrient diffusing clay substrates containing agar spiked with nitrogen, phosphorus, or both, along with nutrient-free controls, were incubated at four sites in the lake. Three sites were located in a pelagic–littoral interface (ecotone) and one site was located in the interior littoral region. Incubations lasted for 20–26 days, and were repeated on a quarterly basis between 1996 and 1997, to incorporate seasonal variability into the experimental design. The physical and chemical conditions at each site also were measured. Periphyton biomass (chlorophyll a and ash-free dry mass) was highest at the littoral and northern ecotone sites. At the littoral site, nitrogen limited biomass in four of five incubations, although the largest biomass differences between the treatments and controls (3 g cm–2 as chl) were probably not ecologically significant. Periphyton biomass at the western and southern ecotone sites was low compared to the other two sites. Increases in water column depth and associated declines in light penetration strongly correlated with periphyton growth and suggested that they may have limited growth most often at all three ecotone sites. Nitrogen also was found to limit periphyton growth approximately 20% of the time at the ecotone sites and phosphorus was found to limit growth once at the west site.  相似文献   

From Findley Lake and two ponds in the Cascade Mountains (U.S.A.) Chironomidae started to emerge as soon as the ice thawed in 1972 and 1973. The 1051 Chironomidae that emerged per m2 from Findley Lake included 307 individuals ofTanytarsus and 358 ofProcladius. Tanytarsus outnumberedChironomus at all depths from 0 to 19.3 m. The 1506 Chironomidae that emerged per m2 from the 4.5 m deep pond included 997 individuals ofTanytarsus. The 1490 Chironomidae that emerged per m2 from the 2 m deep pond included 1363 Tanytarsus. The emerging biomass was 216 and 186 mg dry weight per m2 in Findley Lake and the 4.5 m deep pond, respectively, and only 78 mg in the 2 m deep pond. Most species had their maximum emergence where there was organic detritus from the surrounding forest.Orthocladius emerged from sand bottom at 2.7 to 5.2 m depth.Stictochironomus emerged from mud and sand at 8.4 m depth.Chironomus emerged from soft mud at 15 to 27.5 m depth.  相似文献   

Diatoms in fifty-seven surface sediment samples from Utah Lake were examined. Three hundred and fifteen taxa in forty-three genera were identified and quantified. Statistical analyses of the data showed that distinct geographical subregions of the lake could be delineated according to population patterns of the bottom sediment diatoms. In particular, both Provo Bay and Goshen Bay were distinct from each other and from other areas of the lake.  相似文献   

Cycling dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were examinedin Lake Pontchartrain estuary, Louisiana, in relation to changesin freshwater inputs. DOC concentrations ranged from 5.3 to 8.5mg C L-1 reaching their highest during high river inflow.The percentage of DOC represented by HMW DOC (or colloidal material)was greatest (ca. 11%) at stations where freshwaterdischarge from rivers and surrounding wetlands was most significant.Moreover, the lignin-phenol content of this material (ranged from 0.09 to 0.33 and from 0.11 to 0.39)confirmed that a significant fraction of colloidal organic carbon wasderived from terrestrial sources. Riverine and benthic fluxes representedthe dominant sources of DOC to the estuary. On an annual basis, riverineand benthic DOC concentrations were estimated to be 2.8 ×10 10 g C yr-1 and 8.8 × 10 10 g C yr-1, respectively, while the totalDOC pool in the estuary was 3.8 × 10 10 gC. Annual average concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)(1298 M) and pCO2 (5774 atm)were comparable to those found in other freshwater systems that reachedCO2 saturation levels. Net losses of DOC in the LakePontchartrain estuary appeared to be primarily controlled by heterotrophicconsumption (conversion of CO2) – whichmay have been amplified by the long residence time (approximately 120days) of DOC in this system.  相似文献   

Clark AT  Rykken JJ  Farrell BD 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e28045
Many studies have examined how island biogeography affects diversity on the scale of island systems. In this study, we address how diversity varies over very short periods of time on individual islands. To do this, we compile an inventory of the ants living in the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, Boston, Massachusetts, USA using data from a five-year All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory of the region's arthropods. Consistent with the classical theory of island biogeography, species richness increased with island size, decreased with island isolation, and remained relatively constant over time. Additionally, our inventory finds that almost half of the known Massachusetts ant fauna can be collected in the BHI, and identifies four new species records for Massachusetts, including one new to the United States, Myrmica scabrinodis. We find that the number of species actually active on islands depended greatly on the timescale under consideration. The species that could be detected during any given week of sampling could by no means account for total island species richness, even when correcting for sampling effort. Though we consistently collected the same number of species over any given week of sampling, the identities of those species varied greatly between weeks. This variation does not result from local immigration and extinction of species, nor from seasonally-driven changes in the abundance of individual species, but rather from weekly changes in the distribution and activity of foraging ants. This variation can be upwards of 50% of ant species per week. This suggests that numerous ant species on the BHI share the same physical space at different times. This temporal partitioning could well explain such unexpectedly high ant diversity in an isolated, urban site.  相似文献   

Walker Lake, a large terminal lake in west-central Nevada, is rapidly desiccating and becoming more saline. From 1937 to 1977, total dissolved solids increased from 5 650 to 10 650 mg l–1. Ionically, the lake is a chlorocarbonate one; however, as desiccation continues it should eventually have about equal amounts of chloride, sulfate and carbonate. With regard to algal nutrients, the lake appears to be nitrogen limited. The phytoplankton is currently dominated by Nodularia spumigena; at times this produces noxious blooms. The zooplankton community is depauperate and composed of three species. The fish fauna is limited to three endemic fishes, with tui chub, Gila bicolor, dominant. Lahontan cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki henshawi, is restricted during summer to a narrow mid-water zone low enough in temperature and high enough in dissolved oxygen to meet physiological requirements.Dr. Koch passed away in October 1983.  相似文献   

The calcium-binding protein S100P has been found to be associated with human prostate cancer. We have overexpressed S100P in Escherichia coli using a T7 expression system. A rapid two-step procedure for the isolation of overexpressed S100P leads to a preparation of >95% pure protein with a yield of approximately 150 mg per liter of culture. The structural integrity of recombinant S100P was analyzed using CD and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. The far-UV CD shows that secondary structure of recombinant S100P consists predominantly of a-helical structure. Both near-UV CD and tyrosine fluorescence spectra show that aromatic residues are involved in the formation of a specific, well packed structure, indicating that the recombinant S100P protein adopts a compact folded conformation. Ca2+ has a profound effect on S100P structure. Near-UV CD and fluorescence intensity of both internal (tyrosine) and external (ANS) probes suggest significant structural rearrangements in the tertiary structure of the molecule. The similarity of far-UV CD spectrum of S100P in the presence and in the absence of Ca2+ suggests that Ca2+ binding has only minor effects on secondary structure.  相似文献   

Louse flies, also known as deer keds (Lipoptena mazamae Rondani), infest cervids such as white‐tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus and vector pathogens such as Anaplasma and Bartonella schoenbuchensis to cattle and humans, respectively. The population genetic structure of 30 L. mazamae collected from white‐tailed deer in four regions of Arkansas, U.S.A., designated by county boundaries, was examined using DNA sequences of a 259‐bp region of the mitochondrial DNA rRNA 16S gene. Of the 259 nucleotide characters, 33 were variable and 6 haplotypes were identified. Two haplotypes occurred only once (haplotype 3 and 4), whereas two other haplotypes occurred in 43% (haplotype 1 in two regions) and 40% (haplotype 6 in three regions) of the samples. Phylogenetic relationships of the six L. mazamae haplotypes were constructed with other Hippoboscid and Glossinid samples and two clades resulted. Clade 1 was located in the north and western Ozarks whereas clade 2 was found in the northern and eastern Ozarks. Results from the present study indicate that Lipoptena may be a polyphyletic genus; consequently, more research into genetic variation within this genus is necessary.  相似文献   

A freshwater population of the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, was sampled during summer and autumn 1979, from the Bronx River, New York. Other occurrences in freshwater of this common estuarine cyprinodontid fish have been noted in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Canada. In the Bronx River, this species is a significant part of the fauna and is one of the few species found throughout the river system. Specimens were examined to determine the growth and diet. It appears that this freshwater population does not differ from its brackish water conspecifics with respect to age structure, growth rate and feeding behavior.  相似文献   

Roman  Charles T.  Barrett  Nels E.  Portnoy  John W. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):31-42
The species composition and relative abundance of aquatic macrophytes was evaluated in five Cape Cod, Massachusetts, freshwater kettle ponds, representing a range of trophic conditions from oligotrophic to eutrophic. At each pond, aquatic vegetation and environmental variables (slope, water depth, sediment bulk density, sediment grain size, sediment organic content and porewater inorganic nutrients) were measured along five transects extending perpendicular to the shoreline from the upland border into the pond. Based on a variety of multivariate methods, including Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA), an indirect gradient analysis technique, and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), a direct gradient approach, it was determined that the eutrophic Herring Pond was dominated by floating aquatic vegetation (Brasenia schreberi, Nymphoides cordata, Nymphaea odorata), and the algal stonewort, Nitella. Partial CCA suggested that high porewater PO4-P concentrations and fine-grained sediments strongly influenced the vegetation of this eutrophic pond. In contrast, vegetation of the oligotrophic Duck Pond was sparse, contained no floating aquatics, and was dominated by emergent plants. Low porewater nutrients, low sediment organic content, high water clarity and low pH (4.8) best defined the environmental characteristics of this oligotrophic pond. Gull Pond, with inorganic nitrogen-enriched sediments, also exhibited a flora quite different from the oligotrophic Duck Pond. The species composition and relative abundance of aquatic macrophytes provide good indicators of the trophic status of freshwater ponds and should be incorporated into long-term monitoring programs aimed at detecting responses to anthropogenically-derived nutrient loading.  相似文献   

1. The effects of transient acidity on the recruitment of Lepomis sunfish were examined in two ponds in Plymouth County, Massachusetts with on-site monitoring systems. One pond had low buffering capacity and was sensitive to acidification and acid spikes, the other had better buffering with no acid spikes. Pond pH was continuously monitored over 3 years.
2. Young-of-the-year (YOY) sunfish were collected and through otolith analysis aged in days since larval metamorphosis. Day-classes were constructed from these age data. The YOY swim-up day-class distribution was more irregular with pronounced gaps in Maquan Pond than in the better-buffered Furnace Pond.
3. The poorly buffered pond, Maquan, experienced irregular acid spikes, defined as a sudden lowering of pond pH from about 6.6 to below 5.3 for an hour or more. These spikes were associated with rainfall ( P < 0.005). Acid spikes were not found at Furnace Pond.
4. The occurrence of acid spikes and diminished day-classes from expected swim-up values were significantly associated, based on pooled data from 3 years at Maquan Pond.
5. Transient acid spikes at Maquan Pond appear to harm Lepomis YOY at the vulnerable stage of metamorphosis, when their gills become fully functional and exposed to the environment.
6. Growth rates of Lepomis YOY were also studied. Length–age and weight–length growth relationships were examined for differences in instantaneous growth coefficients between years and between ponds. Length–age instantaneous growth coefficients ranged from 0.0114 to 0.0176 over five pond-years. The slowest growth rates were in a warm, dry spawning season with the earliest average metamorphosis date.  相似文献   

1. The effects of transient acidity on the recruitment of Lepomis sunfish were examined in two ponds in Plymouth County, Massachusetts with on-site monitoring systems. One pond had low buffering capacity and was sensitive to acidification and acid spikes, the other had better buffering with no acid spikes. Pond pH was continuously monitored over 3 years.
2. Young-of-the-year (YOY) sunfish were collected and through otolith analysis aged in days since larval metamorphosis. Day-classes were constructed from these age data. The YOY swim-up day-class distribution was more irregular with pronounced gaps in Maquan Pond than in the better-buffered Furnace Pond.
3. The poorly buffered pond, Maquan, experienced irregular acid spikes, defined as a sudden lowering of pond pH from about 6.6 to below 5.3 for an hour or more. These spikes were associated with rainfall ( P < 0.005). Acid spikes were not found at Furnace Pond.
4. The occurrence of acid spikes and diminished day-classes from expected swim-up values were significantly associated, based on pooled data from 3 years at Maquan Pond.
5. Transient acid spikes at Maquan Pond appear to harm Lepomis YOY at the vulnerable stage of metamorphosis, when their gills become fully functional and exposed to the environment.
6. Growth rates of Lepomis YOY were also studied. Length–age and weight–length growth relationships were examined for differences in instantaneous growth coefficients between years and between ponds. Length–age instantaneous growth coefficients ranged from 0.0114 to 0.0176 over five pond-years. The slowest growth rates were in a warm, dry spawning season with the earliest average metamorphosis date.  相似文献   

The viability of healthy single stranded dolphins as immediate release candidates has received little attention. Responders have been reluctant to release lone delphinids due to their social needs, even when they pass the same health evaluations as mass stranded animals. This study tracked postrelease success of 34 relocated and released satellite tagged delphinids from single and mass strandings. Three postrelease survival parameters (transmission duration, swim speed, and daily distance) were examined to evaluate whether they differed among single stranded/single released (SS/SR), mass stranded/single released (MS/SR), or mass stranded/mass released (MS/MR) dolphin groups. Comparisons were also made between healthy and borderline release candidates. Satellite tags transmitted for a mean of 21.2 d (SD = 19.2, range = 1–79), daily distance traveled was 42.0 km/d (11.25, 20.96–70.72), and swim speed was 4.3 km/h (1.1, 2.15–8.54). Postrelease parameters did not differ between health status groups, however, SS/SR dolphins transmitted for a shorter mean duration than MS/MR and MS/SR groups. Postrelease vessel‐based surveys confirmed conspecific group location for two healthy, MS/SR dolphins. Overall, these results support the potential to release healthy stranded single delphinids; however, further refinement of health assessment protocols for these challenging cases is needed.  相似文献   

Although public and financial support for stream restoration projects is increasing, long‐term monitoring and reporting of project successes and failures are limited. We present the initial results of a long‐term monitoring program for the Lower Red River Meadow Restoration Project in north‐central Idaho, U.S.A. We evaluate a natural channel design’s effectiveness in shifting a degraded stream ecosystem onto a path of ecological recovery. Field monitoring and hydrodynamic modeling are used to quantify post‐restoration changes in 17 physical and biological performance indicators. Statistical and ecological significance are evaluated within a framework of clear objectives, expected responses (ecological hypotheses), and performance criteria (reference conditions) to assess post‐restoration changes away from pre‐restoration conditions. Compared to pre‐restoration conditions, we observed ecosystem improvements in channel sinuosity, slope, depth, and water surface elevation; quantity, quality, and diversity of in‐stream habitat and spawning substrate; and bird population numbers and diversity. Modeling documented the potential for enhanced river–floodplain connectivity. Failure to detect either statistically or ecologically significant change in groundwater depth, stream temperature, native riparian cover, and salmonid density is due to a combination of small sample sizes, high interannual variability, external influences, and the early stages of recovery. Unexpected decreases in native riparian cover led to implementation of adaptive management strategies. Challenges included those common to most project‐level monitoring—isolating restoration effects in complex ecosystems, securing long‐term funding, and implementing scientifically rigorous experimental designs. Continued monitoring and adaptive management that support the establishment of mature and dense riparian shrub communities are crucial to overall success of the project.  相似文献   

Abstract Interest in restoring native ecosystems is resulting in conversion of marginal agricultural lands to bottomland hardwood‐dominated forests in the midwestern and midsouthern United States. Growing stock for these efforts typically consists of planted oak (Quercus spp.) and volunteer vegetation. Reports of mixed reforestation success and the lack of post‐establishment tree growth data prompted this evaluation of vegetation characteristics of 5‐ to 7‐year‐old operational restorations in the Lower Cache River Watershed in southernmost Illinois, U.S.A. Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash), Acer negundo (box‐elder), and Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) together comprised 77% of all tree stems observed. Full stocking of overstory tree species can be expected to produce a closed canopy stand within 160 m of a forested edge, due primarily to the abundance of rapidly growing volunteer‐origin trees. Planted oaks contributed minimally to total tree stocking but were present in sufficient numbers to eventually improve wildlife habitat, and therefore satisfied restoration objectives. Oak height was 23% greater when in the presence of a non‐oak tree species. Herbaceous cover was dominated by Solidago gigantea (late goldenrod) and Juncus spp. (rushes). Solidago gigantea was associated with poor growth and low density of non‐oak stems, whereas Juncus dudleyi (Dudley's rush) was associated with taller non‐oak stems. These results suggest that the presence of volunteer‐origin trees is crucial for the creation of full stand stocking that will result in rapid development of a closed canopy forest. Improved success of future reforestation efforts will require more intensive methods to establish adequate stocking beyond 160 m of a forest edge. Methods described here could be adapted for agricultural field to forest restorations in other regions to predict critical distances from volunteer seed sources within which supplemental planting would be unnecessary to meet tree stocking objectives.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton composition and concentrations varied at stations across the shelf with maximum phytoplankton volumes not necessarily related to maximum concentration values. The shelf phytoplankton off Cape Cod, Massachusetts was composed of two major size classes: the ultraplankton (cells less than 10 microns in size), and net phytoplankton. Cell concentrations decreased along transects seaward, to increase near the shelf margin. Higher cell volume values coincided with increased cell counts east of Cape Cod, but were lower southward, increasing in the mid-shelf region, to decrease along the shelf margin. The shelf ultraplankton component typically represented over 90% of the standing crop, but less than 1% of its phytovolume. Associations are made between cell volumes and concentration combinations and different phytoplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

Particulate elemental ratios (C:N, N:P and C:Chl a) of seston in hypersaline (70–90 g kg–1) Mono Lake, California, were examined over an 11-year period (1990–2000) which included the onset and persistence of a 5-year period of persistent chemical stratification. Following the onset of meromixis in mid-1995, phytoplankton and dissolved inorganic nitrogen were substantially reduced with the absence of a winter period of holomixis. C:N, N:P and C:Chl a ratios ranged from 5 to 18 mol mol–1, 2 to 19 mol mol–1 and 25 to 150 g g–1, respectively, and had regular seasonal patterns. Deviations from those expected of nutrient-replete phytoplankton indicated strong nutrient limitation in the summer and roughly balanced growth during the winter prior to the onset of meromixis. Following the onset of meromixis, winter ratios were also indicative of modest nutrient limitation. A 3-year trend in C:N and N:P ratios toward more balanced growth beginning in 1998 suggest the impacts of meromixis weakened due to increased upward fluxes of ammonium associated with weakening stratification and entrainment of ammonium-rich monimolimnetic water. A series of nutrient enrichment experiments with natural assemblages of Mono Lake phytoplankton conducted during the onset of a previous episode of meromixis (1982–1986) confirm the nitrogen will limit phytoplankton before phosphorus or other micronutrients. Particulate ratios of a summer natural assemblage of phytoplankton collected under nitrogen-depleted conditions measured initially, following enrichment, and then after return to a nitrogen-depleted condition followed those expected based on Redfield ratios and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

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