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A detailed analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of ammonites from fourteen sections in the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera has enabled us to identify accurately the sequence of bioevents that take place throughout the uppermost Hauterivian and to propose a more precise biostratigraphic scheme for this interval. Thus, we have divided the two currently admitted zones (the Crioceratites balearis Zone and the Pseudothurmannia angulicostata auct. Zone) into several subzones. Four subzones can be recognised within the Cr. balearis Zone. The base of each subzone is defined by the first occurrence of one of four successive species belonging to the same Crioceratites lineage. These species are: Cr. balearis, Cr. binelli, Cr. krenkeli and Cr. angulicostatus. The Ps. ohmi Zone (which replaces the classical Ps. angulicostata Zone) can be divided into three subzones characterised by three successive species of the genus Pseudothurmannia: Ps. ohmi, Ps mortilleti (here considered as a senior synonym of Ps. catulloi) and Ps. picteti. According to the current definition, the first occurrence of Taveraidiscus hugii (OOSTER) marks the lower boundary of the Barremian stage. This event fits into a major faunal-renewal episode that begins in the upper part of the Ps. picteti Subzone.  相似文献   

Puigserver  M.  Ramon  G.  Moyà  G.  Martínez-Taberner  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):493-504
Two Mediterranean littoral systems of Mallorca Island have been studied using planktonic chlorophyll a (total concentration and seasonal variations) as trophic indicator. The studied systems are quite different in geomorphology, physicochemical trends and anthropic incidence. S'Albufera-Alcudia Bay is the drainage outlet of a coastal marsh, with a salt wedge estuarine regime. Andratx Harbour is a narrow bay affected by a high anthropic incidence due to the presence of a small fishing port and mainly a large leisure harbour. Both systems are affected by a typical Mediterranean climate and a negligible tide incidence. The present work is based on several year monitoring of physical, chemical and biological water parameters. In S'Albufera-Alcudia Bay, Chl a concentration ranged from 0.01 to 17.10 mg m–3, the values dropping from the inland site to the sea. The phytoplankton biomass gradient takes its origin in physical and chemical differences. The variance is mainly related to the inland-sea water axis. Nitrogen and silica enriched inland waters are the main source of eutrophication, hence their relation with Chl a. These nutrients entering the Albufera are mainly derived from leaching from farmed soils. The transition from an inland eutrophic system to an oligotrophic marine one show the filter character of these coastal marshes. In Andratx Harbour, Chl a ranged from a non detectable concentration to 6.36 mg m–3. The ultraplankton (<5 m) was the most important contributor to total concentration. The ultraplankton in this system is related to influence of more oligotrophic open seawater. A greater proportion of microplankton (>20 m) is related both to higher nutrient concentrations and a higher water column stability. In Andratx Harbour, the enclosure state seems very important for development of phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   

This study deals with the mortality pattern of El Ejido population, an agricultural Spanish community with a sub-tropical climate, located on the western Mediterranean coast (Andalusia). Based on the incorporation of modern agrarian techniques, this region has experienced a great economic development. Its demographic consequences were relevant, such as the arrival of immigrants throughout the second half of the twentieth century. The analysis of several demographic parameters shown in the abridged life table has revealed a small but non-random decrease of mortality during the last two decades of the past century. Furthermore, from the low value reached by the current entropy coefficient (H = 0.131), and the comparison of El Ejido life-expectancy at birth (e0) with Spain and Andalusia, we concluded that: a) The current mortality of El Ejido has approached a theoretical situation, where all deaths tend to take place at the age of 78.09 (its e0), and the death probability is very low at earlier ages. b) Some peculiar characteristics of its immigration as well as the high influence of the great public health system reached currently in Spain, reveal that El Ejido mortality does not depend on its remarkable immigration.  相似文献   

P. Anadón  R. Julià 《Hydrobiologia》1990,197(1):291-303
A reconstruction of the early Pleistocene paleohydrochemistry based on the Mg, Sr and Ca content of the Cyprideis valves is presented for shallow lacustrine sequences of the Baza basin. A large number of environmental changes in this marginal area has been recorded by the recurrent alternation of two fossil assemblages which differ in their salinity requirements. Measurements of the Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios of individual calcite shells of Cyprideis show that the water in the higher saline stages (with thalassic organisms indicating marine-like conditions) was of non-marine origin. The Sr/Ca values of Cyprideis valves from sands deposited during a saline water phase show lower values than those from an overlying carbonate sequence which was formed under lower salinity conditions. These unexpected values are assumed to be the result of major changes in the chemical composition of the water in shallow, littoral ponded areas of a hydrologically complex lake. In the sequences that originated in these areas, Sr/Ca values may be used only as salinity indicators within each portion of the sequence formed in a single, continuous evolution. In more open areas, the wide fluctuations of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca recorded in ostracodes from individual layers of rippled ostracode-shell sands probably reflect the mixing of valves from changing short-term environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the fertility pattern of the El Ejido population, an agricultural Spanish community characterised by the rapid development of its modern agrarian economy. Consequently, the arrival of immigrants has sharply increased throughout the second half of the twentieth century, with important demographic consequences as well as reproductive changes. The analyses of the age-specific fertility rate (fx) and the total fertility rate (TFR) were used in order to describe the reproductive pattern of this population in 2000. The main characteristics were the following: a) Regarding the temporal change, an important decrease of fx has been observed in all age groups for the last twenty years, as a consequence of progressive birth control. However, the reproductive pattern has kept almost invariable and has been characterised by a maximum fertility at age group of 25-29 years old. b) Regarding the general Spanish fertility, the comparison of fx in both populations suggests a younger maternity in the agricultural population than in the national, the maximum fertility delayed to the 30-34 age group. c) Moreover, the El Ejido population showed a clear higher offspring per woman (TFR = 1.42) than the national (TFR = 1.24), according to the agrarian character of the El Ejido population. d) Finally, this greater reproductive level of El Ejido is also due to the arrival of women at fertile age, who come mainly from Africa, and above all from Morocco.  相似文献   

为研究新疆准噶尔盆地艾比湖湿地不同植物群落近10年土壤水盐及养分的动态变化,以环湖1周160km范围内的典型植被梭梭-柽柳、梭梭、胡杨、芦苇群落为研究对象,分析其在2006和2015年土壤含水量、盐分含量、pH值和有机质含量的变化和空间分布特征。结果表明:(1)近10年艾比湖湿地不同植物群落土壤有机质含量和含水量明显下降且整体水平较低,二者分别下降了24.65%~48%和5.41%~20.16%;土壤含盐量、pH值分别上升81.92%~128.74%和2.99%~4.21%,土壤盐碱程度加强。(2)通过土壤水分-盐分-养分空间分布分析显示,各群落近10年土壤盐渍化增加、养分降低程度大小表现为梭梭-柽柳群落胡杨群落梭梭群落芦苇群落,其中梭梭-柽柳群落土壤达到重度盐化水平,有机质降到6级,而其他群落土壤均为中度盐化,有机质为4级,但芦苇群落土壤退化程度较小。研究发现,近10年艾比湖湿地不同植物群落土壤养分不断下降、水分含量降低、盐渍化程度加剧,土壤处于退化状态;土壤质地、降水和气温暖干化是不同植物群落下土壤退化程度差异的基础,人口、耕地面积和农业用水等人类活动使各群落土壤退化程度的差异更加显著。  相似文献   

The hydropsychids of two Mediterranean river basins in southern Spain (Guadaira and Guadalete) were investigated from January 1988 to January 1989. The distribution of hydropsychids along an environmental gradient related to altitude varied depending on species. Two distinct species assemblages were observed. one located in the lower altitude sites (the “downstream assemblage” comprising Hydropsyche pictetorum, Hydropsyche exocellata and Cheumatopsyche lepida) and the other in the upper-most areas (the “upstream assemblage” comprising Hydropsyche punica, Hydropsyche infernalis, Hydropsyche instabilis), which displayed a statistically significant preference for this type of habitat. Finally, H. pictetorum, selected the lowest sites. From a temporal point of view most species displayed a high variability in density dynamics between sites, suggesting a strong plasticity in life-cycle phenology.  相似文献   

拉鲁湿地主要植物群落结构及物种多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李春  周刊社  李晖 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2514-2520
2002年6~9月对拉鲁湿地植物种类、群落结构、生物量以及物种多样性进行了调查研究.结果表明:(1)拉鲁湿地共有植物30科52属85种,主要有芦苇[Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.ex Steud.](A)、尼伯尔酸模(RumexnepalensisSpreng)(B)、水葱(Scirpus validusVahl)(C)、穗状狐尾藻(MyriophyllumspicatumL.)(D)、灯芯草(Juncus effususL.)(E)、针叶苔草(CarexonoeiFranch.et Sav.)和黑褐苔草(CarexatrofuscaSchkuhr)(F)、藏北嵩草(KobresialittledaleiC.B.Clarke)(G)、藏蓟[Cirsiumlanatum(Roxb.ex Willd.)Spreng.](H)等8个主要植物群落.(2)在8个主要植物群落中,嵩草群落所含物种数最多,为44种,穗状狐尾藻群落最少,仅8种;芦苇群落生物量最高,为124.5~1 027.0 g/m2,藏蓟群落生物量最低,为124.5~220.5 g/m2;优势种芦苇的生物量最高,为183.5~660.0 g/m2,藏蓟生物量最低,为43.1~76.3 g/m2.(3)各群落的垂直结构特点是:芦苇群落、水葱群落、穗状狐尾藻群落具有挺水层、浮叶层和沉水层,其他群落只具有可分为高、低两层的草本层.(4)在各群落的相似性方面,嵩草群落与藏蓟群落、水葱群落与芦苇群落和尼伯尔酸模群落的相似性要明显高于其他群落,其Jaccard系数分别为0.549 0、0.538 5、0.500 0;芦苇群落、尼伯尔酸模群落、水葱群落、穗状狐尾藻群落与藏蓟群落以及芦苇群落、穗状狐尾藻群落与嵩草群落在建群种上没有相似之处,Jaccard系数为0.  相似文献   

The infant mortality evolution in the present century has been analyzed in a rural Mediterranean population (La Alpujarra, SE Spain). The “conventional infant mortality rate” shows a decrease from 184.82, in 1900–1904, to 25.16, in 1975–1978. The sexual proportion for all period studied indicates a male supermortality about 1.13. The biometric analysis reveals an excess of exogenous mortality at the first half of the century, attributed to digestive problems, as has been found in other Mediterranean populations. The seasonal distribution presents an evolutionary change from a maximum in estival months to a maximum in winter ones.  相似文献   

The marine fossil assemblages of the Pliocene of south Spain constitute the record of the marine fauna that colonised the western part of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. This work focuses on the analysis of lithofacies and fossil assemblages including trace fossils, invertebrates, and vertebrates with special attention to taphonomic features, for interpreting palaeoenvironmental conditions in the Vera Basin (SE Spain). The sedimentary sequences of the northern region of the Vera Basin display diverse stratigraphical, sedimentological, and palaeontological features that correspond to the evolution of a fan-delta in a narrow basin. The Vera Basin was characterised by shallow-marine shelf conditions during the early-mid Pliocene (Cuevas Formation). The basin emergence with the development of Gilbert-type fan deltas (Vera Member), and a protected, partially-enclosed marine embayment (Almanzora Member) occurred during the mid-late Pliocene due to regional uplift and movements of the Palomares strike-slip Fault along the eastern basin margin. The progradation of the central fan-delta lobes and the interaction with marginal fan-delta resulted in the partitioning of the basin that formed a small sub-basin with restricted stagnant conditions that favoured a Konservat Fossil-Lagerstätte. The high input of siliciclasts due to the uplift context of the margins of the basin favoured a high sedimentation rate and the fast burial of vertebrate remains. Fossil marine mammals occurs from shallow shelf deposits (Cuevas Formation) to bottomset (Cuevas Formation-Vera Member transition) and lower part of the clinoforms in the foreset (Vera Member). Cetacean remains are usually recorded not only in the relatively deep-water silty marls and sandy marls of the outer shelf and distal facies of the fan-delta (Espiritu Santo Formation), but also in the shallower coarse sands and conglomerates (Cuevas Formation and Espiritu Santo Formation). Sirenian remains, in contrast, are only recorded in coarse sand facies (Cuevas Formation and Espiritu Santo Formation) associated to charcoal wood fragments deposited in shallow waters near the shoreline. This narrow and relatively protected basin is interpreted as an area of reproduction and nursery of juveniles on the basis of the presence of cetaceans.  相似文献   

1. Longitudinal gradients in the epilimnetic waters of stratified reservoirs provide a useful database to study changing environmental conditions. The spatial distribution, assemblage structure and specific adaptations of phytoplankton assemblages can be analysed along these gradients over short time scales. 2. Four reservoirs with a similar typology, located along an altitudinal gradient in the same eco‐region, were sampled along their longitudinal axes. In total, 19 sampling stations provided a trophic spectrum, ranging from oligo‐mesotrophy to hypertrophy, which was quantified by calculating the trophic state index of each sampling station in the four reservoirs. 3. Several patterns in phytoplankton assemblage structure were detected. Total chlorophyll‐a (Chl‐a), biovolume, abundance and the relative biomass contribution of the main algal groups (chlorophytes, cyanobacteria, cryptophytes and diatoms) were highly correlated with their location along the trophic gradient. 4. We also adopted the functional classification of Reynolds et al. (2002) : this effectively summarized differences among phytoplankton assemblages under varying resource‐limiting combinations, especially nutrients and underwater light climate. 5. In terms of relationships with the trophic gradient, diatoms and cyanobacteria exhibited significant opposing trends in both their relative chlorophyll contribution to total Chl‐a and biovolume. Chlorophytes were more abundant at an intermediate position along the trophic spectrum. 6. The identified patterns are consistent with models of self‐organization of phytoplankton assemblages. In particular, light availability was a strong determinant of size and shape diversity, especially in hypertrophic conditions, where ‘R‐strategist’, needle shaped species, dominated the system. In contrast, under decreased availability of nutrients and higher light extinction coefficients (Kd), the system was co‐dominated by C‐ and S‐strategist species, having shapes with a higher surface/volume ratio.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances have led to the discovery that free-living, planktonic protozoa are ubiquitous in nature and appear to be important components of pelagic food webs (e.g., fluorescent straining, flow cytometry). Despite this, limited information exists tying their seasonality to rate processes that drive succession patterns. The abundance, and seasonal growth and grazing loss of an entire protozoan assemblage were evaluated in Lake Michigan. The protozoan assemblage was species-rich (100 taxa) and abundant throughout the year in Lake Michigan. Nano-sized protozoa (Hnano and Pnano, <20 μm in size) ranged in abundance from 102 to 103 cells ml−1, while micro-protozoa (Hmicro and Pmico, >20 and <200 μm in size) ranged in abundance from 4 to 17 cells ml−1. The biomass of Hnano and Hmicro by itself represented more than 70–80% of crustacean zooplankton biomass, while Pnano and Pmicro constituted nearly 50% of phytoplankton biomass. Protozoa exhibited growth rates comparable to other components of the plankton in Lake Michigan, and some populations grew at rates similar to maximum rates determined in the laboratory (rates of 1–2 day−1). Overall, it appears that macro-zooplankton predation is a major loss factor counter-balancing growth with only small differences between the two rate processes (<0.1 day−1). Discrepancies between growth and grazing loss in the spring were likely attributed to sedimentation losses for larger species of tintinnids and dinoflagellates (Codonella, Tintinnidium, and Gymnodinium) that can account for their occurrence in the deep chlorophyll layer. In the summer, carnivory among similar sized species (Chromulina and small ciliates) may be additional loss factors impinging on the protozoan assemblage.  相似文献   

实地调查了甘肃敦煌西湖国家级自然保护区的湿地植物群落和环境因子,综合比较了各种多样性指数及环境因子,并应用SPSS统计软件的多元方差分析功能筛选出自变量x(含盐量)和因变量y(平均盖度).应用了曲线参数估计法对24个湿地植物群落样方的平均盖度和土壤含盐量进行多次回归模型拟合,最终提出了最优的拟合模型为Logarithmic对数曲线模型,曲线方程:y=1.076-0.391lnx,P(Sig.=0.009)<0.01,并提出模型存在的不足及改进之处,旨在为我国西北干旱地区的湿地植物多样性保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The stonefly distribution and its relationship with habitat changes, based on stream physico chemical features, were investigated in two Mediterranean river basins (Guadaira and Guadalete, S Spain). Plecopteran nymph distribution varied along an elevation gradient. Both stonefly species richness and species diversity increased with altitude. Stoneflies were able to tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions but were absent from low altitude sites, temporary streams with high salinity values and high water temperature. A total of 13 stonefly species were found in the study area, from which Tyrrhenoleuctra minuta (Klapálek ) and Protonemura sp. were dominant. The most widespread species were Nemoura lacustris and Capnioneura mitis. Three distinct species assemblages were observed according to their distribution patterns, but with similar environmental preferences. Capnioneura petitpierreae and T. minuta showed preferences to low altitude sites, whereas C. mitis and N. lacustris were found throughout all sites. T. minuta and N. lacustris inhabited permanent and temporary sites, while the same species and C. mitis also were found in semipermanent streams. Temporally, most stoneflies were caught during winter (85.9%), especially at the low altitude sites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Counts of adult Scathophaga stercoraria (L.) on cow pats were made in Houghall, County Durham, in 1964 and 1965.
2. A spring peak of numbers was due to adults (overwintered mainly as pupae or larvae) maturing and going to dung to breed. Numbers then dropped, rising to one or more peaks in late June—early July. In 1964 there was then a summer drop in numbers until late September. In 1965 high numbers persisted in summer associated with cooler, wetter weather. Autumn peaks in both years persisted until severe frosts or snow.
3. Mature adults, developed from eggs laid during the spring peak, form the first generation when breeding in mid-late June. No clear generations can be identified after this, due to eggs being laid daily (females have successive gonotrophic cycles). Changes in adult numbers breeding reflects survival of eggs and newly-hatched larvae 5–6 weeks earlier, and lower survival rates of adults in mid-summer compared with spring and autumn.
4. Adult Scathophaga numbers in vegetation rose as numbers on dung dropped. Females dissected to count ovariole tunica dilatations showed that most flies in vegetation were immature, with some parous flies hunting insects to develop the next batch of eggs.
5. Females on dung were dissected and found to range from immature to seven-parous. Those gravid for the first time were grossly under-represented, possibly due to wider dispersal.
6. It is suggested that seasonal changes in this r-strategist cannot be explained simply in terms of generations nor by the occurrence of adult diapause.  相似文献   

Conflicts between intensive groundwater use and wetland conservation are widespread throughout arid and semiarid regions worldwide. These have become more significant wherever there has been a synchronism between pumping‐based human development and the awakening of an environmental awareness in society. The Mancha Occidental aquifer provides an example of such an occurrence, which has given rise to noteworthy social conflicts. This paper presents a cross‐policy analysis for wetland restoration measures, establishing the main reasons why funding‐intensive agricultural, environmental, and water policies have only attained marginal success in recovering the area’s aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Lake Mikolajskie is seriously affected by Mikolajki town and tourism. The amount of sewage entering the littoral zone is increasing as also is the area of the artificially transformed shore. During the past 20 years the area occupied by macrophytes has decreased markedly. The decline of Phragmites australis, changes in species composition, and reductions in biomass and in the depth-range colonized by submerged plants have been observed. Simultaneously the biomass of algae has increased markedly. Animals characteristic of polluted sites have become more abundant. Changes in animal numbers result to a great extent from changes in the availability of natural substrates. Zonation of the occurrence of organisms has been observed for years on sites directly affected by sewage—quantitatively and qualitatively poor communities are found at sewage discharge points and the richer ones at a greater distance in the zone fertilized by diluted sewage.  相似文献   

In the Shigenobu River Estuary (33 ° 48′ 18″ N, 132 ° 41′ 10″ E), Matsuyama (Japan), Helice tridens inhabits the mid-intertidal zone to the limit of the high tide, while H. japonica is found around the mid-intertidal zone. In addition, H. japonica is distributed further downstream than H. tridens. These differences suggest that H. japonica has a lower salinity and desiccation tolerance than H. tridens. Laboratory experiments on salinity tolerance confirmed the higher tolerance of H. tridens compared to H. japonica. Helice tridens survived at least a week under fresh water conditions, whereas most of the H. japonica died. Helice tridens was shown to be more able to tolerate desiccation than H. japonica, through behavioral, not physiological, adaptation to dry conditions. The present results demonstrate a stronger adaptation of H. tridens to semi-terrestrial and/or freshwater environments than H. japonica. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

During six consecutive years (1993–1998), aBurkard volumetric pollen trap was continuouslyoperated to sample pollen from the air of thecity of Murcia. The aim of the study was toelucidate the spectra of airborne pollen andthe variations during the year, and toelaborate a pollen calendar. This time spanincludes the end of the period with severedrought from 1990–1995, which particularly affected the south-eastern region of Spain.The total sum of daily average pollenconcentrations amounted to 148,645 pollen grainsbelonging to 93 different taxa. A daily averageof 74 pollen grains/m3 and 11 taxa wererecorded, with maxima of 1157 and 27respectively. The total pollen amountregistered in a year correlated with yearlyrainfall, but there was no relation with meanannual temperature. As for annual fluctuations,there seemed to be no influence by totalrainfall or temperature. Spring and winter werethe seasons with the highest pollen counts andpollen diversity.From the 93 identified taxa, 36 are included inthe pollen calendar. Noteworthy findings are:(i) the presence of Thymelaeaceae,Robinia, Betula, Castanea,Zygophyllum, Caryophyllaceae andCannabis, (ii) a long pollen season ofChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Urticaceae,Poaceae, Arecaceae and Plantago, (iii)the occurrence of summer, autumn and winterflowering of Artemisia, (iv) the lateappearance of Corylus pollen, and (v) theminor presence of Casuarina pollen duringthe mid winter and late spring.  相似文献   

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