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Many studies show environmental enrichment is correlated with benefits to captive animals; however, one should not always assume this positive relationship given that enrichment increases the amount of resources that a territorial animal must defend and possibly affects its aggressive dynamics. In this study, we tested if environmental enrichment affects aggressive interactions in the aggressive fish Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). We compared fights staged between pairs of male tilapia of similar size (= matched in resource holding potential) in a novel arena that was either barren or enriched, to examine whether enrichment enhances territory value in line with theoretical predictions, with the potential for compromised welfare. We evaluated time elapsed until the first attack (latency), frequency of aggressive interactions and fight duration. We detected fight dynamic differences at the pair level. Higher resource value generated increased aggression but had no effect on fight duration or latency. This conclusion is in line with game theory predictions concerning resource value and contradicts the theory that enrichment of the environment will serve welfare purposes.  相似文献   

Body size and prior residence can modulate agonistic interaction in several animal species, but scientists know little about these relationships in echinoderms. In this study, we tested the effects of these traits on interactions in the black sea urchin (Echinometra lucunter). After a sea urchin was isolated for 24-h in a glass tank to establish prior residence, we introduced an intruder animal adjacent to the resident in the tank and observed interactions for 30 min. The intruder animal was larger, smaller, or size-matched to the resident. We found body size and prior residence concomitantly modulated interactions among black sea urchins, with prior residence as the major determinant. Black sea urchins mainly exhibited opponent inspection and fleeing responses during interaction to avoid fights, especially when a fight could be seriously disadvantageous (small intruder vs. large resident).  相似文献   

Individual differences in intelligence (cognitive abilities) are a prominent aspect of human psychology, and play a substantial role in influencing important life outcomes. Their phenotypic structure—as described by the science of psychometrics—is well understood and well replicated. Approximately half of the variance in a broad range of cognitive abilities is accounted by a general cognitive factor (g), small proportions of cognitive variance are caused by separable broad domains of mental function, and the substantial remainder is caused by variance that is unique to highly specific cognitive skills. The heritability of g is substantial. It increases from a low value in early childhood of about 30%, to well over 50% in adulthood, which continues into old age. Despite this, there is still almost no replicated evidence concerning the individual genes, which have variants that contribute to intelligence differences. Here, we describe the human intelligence phenotype, summarise the evidence for its heritability, provide an overview of and comment on molecular genetic studies, and comment on future progress in the field.  相似文献   

  • 1 Several morphological and physiological traits may shape fitness through the same performance measure. In such cases, differentiating between a scenario of many‐to‐one mapping, where phenotypic traits independently shape fitness leading to functional redundancy, and a scenario where traits strongly covary among each other and fitness, is needed.
  • 2 A multivariate approach was used, including morphological and physiological traits related to flight ability, a crucial performance measure in flying insects, to identify independent correlates of short‐term mating success (mated versus unmated males) in the territorial damselfly Lestes viridis.
  • 3 Males with higher flight muscle mass, higher relative thorax mass, and more symmetrical hindwings, all traits presumably linked to manoeuvrability, were more likely to be mated. Unexpectedly, although relative thorax mass is often used as a proxy for flight muscle mass, both traits were selected for independently. Mated males had a higher thorax fat content than unmated males, possibly because of enhanced flight endurance.
  • 4 The finding of several independent targets of sexual selection linked to flight ability is consistent with a scenario of many‐to‐one mapping between phenotype and performance. Identifying such a scenario is important, because it may clarify situations where animals may show suboptimal values for some phenotypic traits shaping a performance measure, while still having high performance and fitness. We argue in the discussion that the functional approach of sexual selection provides a potent tool for examining unresolved issues in both sexual selection theory, as well as life‐history theory.

In aquarium experiments using coho salmon as a model species, prior residents dominated intruders of the same size but intruders with a 6% length advantage were equally matched against prior residents. Prior winning experience (distinct from individual recognition) also strongly influenced competitive success and overcame a prior residence effect. Coho salmon reared in a hatchery dominated size-matched fish from the same parental population reared in a stream. Hatchery-reared salmon also dominated naturally spawned salmon, even when the wild salmon were prior residents. Thus the combined effects of greater size and rearing experience of hatchery-produced salmon were sufficient to overcome a wild salmon's advantage of prior residence. Efforts to rehabilitate salmonid populations must consider such behavioural interactions if displacement of wild fish is to be prevented.  相似文献   

Starting with the basics of inheritance, recombination, and genetic map distance, we develop the theory of linkage analysis considering data on an individual or on a sib pair, with and without data on parents. We discuss the effects of ascertainment of individuals with certain traits and the effects of allelic associations between a trait and a linked marker locus.  相似文献   

Veatch RM 《Bioethics》1999,13(3-4):206-217

Many organisms compete for space, or for resource that are linked to space. Territorial behavior in animals is one expression of competition for space. Models of competition for space seek to predict how the arrangement of individuals in a population changes as new individuals appear, others die, and neighbors interact with each other; studies of territorial behaviour examine how neighbor interactions lead animals to establish and maintain their use of space. In recent work on compition for space and on territorial behaviour, there has been a shift from simple, general models to ones that incorporate heterogeneity in the spatial and temporal distribution of resources, and in the ways individuals use resources.  相似文献   

In all areas where they have been studied, male roe deer are believed to have a territorial mating system, although few quantitative studies have been conducted and there remains considerable debate about the function of male roe deer territories. We observed 139 aggressive interactions between male roe deer in Storfosna Island (Norway) during one territorial season (March–August). We recognised seven rank levels of escalation according to the potential danger of the behaviour. On the basis of the number of escalation levels included in the interactions, the complexity of the fights was also scored. We recorded the presence of other individuals during the interaction, the age, the antler size, the territorial status and the residency status of the two contestants and tested how these variables affected escalation, complexity and outcome of the fights. Most of the interactions ended with low levels of escalation, and physical contact occurred only in fights between two territorial bucks. The escalation was also affected by the difference in antler size index (the bucks escalated more when the difference in antler size was smaller) and increased with an increasing number of female deer present during the interaction. The resident buck won in 81% of the fights. When it drew or lost, it was generally both inferior in age and antler size, and the duration and escalation of the interactions were higher. However, even when a fight was lost, no territory loss occurred. These results are consistent with the evolutionary game theory and the proposed low risk–low gain strategy of roe deer bucks.  相似文献   

Nuclear and territorial positioning of p- and q-telomeres and centromeres of chromosomes 3, 8, 9, 13, and 19 were studied by repeated fluorescence in situ hybridization, high-resolution cytometry, and three-dimensional image analysis in human blood lymphocytes before and after stimulation. Telomeres were found on the opposite side of the territories as compared with the centromeres for all chromosome territories investigated. Mutual distances between telomeres of submetacentric chromosomes were very short, usually shorter than centromere-to-telomere distances, which means that the chromosome territory is nonrandomly folded. Telomeres are, on average, much nearer to the center of the cell nucleus than centromeres; q-telomeres were found, on average, more centrally localized as compared with p-telomeres. Consequently, we directly showed that chromosome territories in the cell nucleus are (1) polar and (2) partially oriented in cell nuclei. The distributions of genetic elements relative to chromosome territories (territorial distributions) can be either narrower or broader than their nuclear distributions, which reflects the degree of adhesion of an element to the territory or to the nucleus. We found no tethering of heterologous telomeres of chromosomes 8, 9, and 19. In contrast, both pairs of homologous telomeres of chromosome 19 (but not in other chromosomes) are tethered (associated) very frequently.  相似文献   

Scientists find themselves working more and more with indigenous, traditional and local communities in all aspects of their collections and investigations. Indigenous knowledge has become increasingly important in research while at the same time local communities have become increasingly politicized in the use, misappropriation, and commercialisation of their knowledge and biogenetic resources. It is becoming more and more difficult for even the most well-intentioned scientists to stride into indigenous areas and collect plants, animals, folk tales, and photos without having first to convince local leaders that the scholarly efforts will somehow benefit the communities — that the benefits of research results will directly and indirectly lead to strengthening the traditional society. In many parts of the world, indigenous peoples only allow Collaborative Research in which the scientific priorities and agendas are controlled by the communities, or Community Controlled Research in which the communities actually contract scientists to carry out the group's research plan. Control over data has become one of the key battle cries for the indigenous movement, that is now demanding Intellectual Property Rights over information obtained through research and just compensation for economic benefits that eventually may accrue. This paper deals with some of the ethical and practical issues that frame this rapidly evolving debate.  相似文献   

For over a century, the importance of lipid metabolism in biology was recognized but difficult to mechanistically understand due to the lack of sensitive and robust technologies for identification and quantification of lipid molecular species. The enabling technological breakthroughs emerged in the 1980s with the development of soft ionization methods (Electrospray Ionization and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization) that could identify and quantify intact individual lipid molecular species. These soft ionization technologies laid the foundations for what was to be later named the field of lipidomics. Further innovative advances in multistage fragmentation, dramatic improvements in resolution and mass accuracy, and multiplexed sample analysis fueled the early growth of lipidomics through the early 1990s. The field exponentially grew through the use of a variety of strategic approaches, which included direct infusion, chromatographic separation, and charge-switch derivatization, which facilitated access to the low abundance species of the lipidome. In this Thematic Review, we provide a broad perspective of the foundations, enabling advances, and predicted future directions of growth of the lipidomics field.  相似文献   

The conformational behavior of receptor-bound acetylcholine (ACh) was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Based on the great similarity among muscarinic receptors, the study was focused on the human M(1), M(2), and M(5) receptors as previously modeled by us. The results showed that receptor-bound ACh was not frozen in a single preferred conformation but preserved an unexpected fraction of its conformational space. However, there were marked differences between the three receptors since the ligand was mostly trans in the M(1) receptor, equally distributed among trans and gauche conformers in M(2), and exclusively gauche in the M(5); the greater flexibility of M(2)-bound ACh was paralleled by the greater flexibility of the occupied M(2) binding site. By contrast, the property space of receptor-bound ACh, and particularly its virtual (computed, conformation-dependent) lipophilicity, was restricted to relatively narrow ranges optimal for successful interaction. Experimental binding investigations to the individual human M(1), M(2), and M(5) muscarinic receptors showed ACh to have a 10-fold higher affinity for the M(2) compared to the M(1) and M(5) receptors. This selectivity was not confirmed by the calculated binding scores, a fact postulated to be caused by the absence of an entropy component in such binding scores. Indeed, the Shannon entropy of all geometric and physicochemical properties monitored were markedly higher in M(2)-bound ACh compared to M(1)-bound and M(5)-bound ACh. This finding suggests that the selectivity profile of acetylcholine for the M(2) receptor is largely entropy-driven, a fact that might explain the intrinsic difficulty to design subtype-selective muscarinic agonists.  相似文献   

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