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Preliminary analysis of crystals of satellite tobacco mosaic virus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Satellite tobacco mosaic virus (STMV), a small T = 1 icosahedral plant virus, has been crystallized in a form suitable for high-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystals, which diffract to better than 2.5 A resolution, are of space group I222 and have unit cell dimensions of a = 176 A, b = 192 A and c = 205 A. The centers of the virus particles occupy 222 symmetry points in the unit cell and one quarter of the virus particle constitutes the asymmetric unit, which is therefore comprised of 15 capsid protein molecules. From packing considerations, the maximum diameter of the STMV particles cannot exceed 165 A, and it is probably 5 to 10 A less than this value.  相似文献   

Satellite panicum mosaic virus (SPMV) depends on its helper Panicum mosaic virus (PMV) for replication and spread in host plants. The SPMV RNA encodes a 17-kDa capsid protein (CP) that is essential for formation of its 16-nm virions. The results of this study indicate that in addition to the expression of the full-length SPMV CP from the 5'-proximal AUG start codon, SPMV RNA also expresses a 9.4-kDa C-terminal protein from the third in-frame start codon. Differences in solubility between the full-length protein and its C-terminal product were observed. Subcellular fractionation of infected plant tissues showed that SPMV CP accumulates in the cytosol, cell wall-, and membrane-enriched fractions. However, the 9.4-kDa protein exclusively cofractionated with cell wall- and membrane-enriched fractions. Earlier studies revealed that the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) from nucleotides 63 to 104 was associated with systemic infection in a host-specific manner in millet plants. This study shows that nucleotide deletions and insertions in the 5'-UTR plus simultaneous truncation of the N-terminal part of the CP impaired SPMV spread in foxtail millet, but not in proso millet plants. In contrast, the expression of the full-length version of SPMV CP efficiently compensated the negative effect of the 5'-UTR deletions in foxtail millet. Finally, immunoprecipitation assays revealed the presence of a specific interaction between the capsid proteins of SPMV and its helper virus (PMV). Our findings show that the SPMV CP has several biological functions, including facilitating efficient satellite virus infection and movement in millet plants.  相似文献   

This work presents an all-atom molecular dynamics simulation of a complete virus, the satellite tobacco mosaic virus. Simulations with up to 1 million atoms for over 50 ns demonstrate the stability of the entire virion and of the RNA core alone, while the capsid without RNA exhibits a pronounced instability. Physical properties of the simulated virus particle including electrostatic potential, radial distribution of viral components, and patterns of correlated motion are analyzed, and the implications for the assembly and infection mechanism of the virus are discussed.  相似文献   

R B Scheele  M A Lauffer 《Biochemistry》1967,6(10):3076-3081

Satellite tobacco mosaic virus (STMV) was probed using a variety of proteases. Consequences of the degradation were analyzed using gel electrophoresis, quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Proteolysis rates of 30 minutes for complete degradation of the protein capsid, up to many hours, were investigated. With each protease, degradation of virions 17 nm in diameter was shown by QELS to result in particles of 10 nm diameter, which is that of the RNA core observed in the virion by x-ray diffraction analysis. This was verified by direct visualization with atomic force microscopy. Using QELS, it was further shown that freshly prepared RNA cores remain as individual, stable, 10-nm condensed particles for 12 to 24 h. Clusters of particles then formed, followed by very large aggregates of 500 to 1000 nm diameter. AFM showed that the aggregates were composed of groups of the condensed RNA cores and were not due to unfolding of the nucleic acid. No unfolding of the core particles into extended conformation was seen by AFM until the samples were heated well beyond 90 degrees C. Mass spectrometry of RNA core particles revealed the presence of a major polypeptide whose amino acid sequence corresponded to residues 2 through 25 of the coat protein. Amino acids 13 through 25 were previously observed to be in direct contact with the RNA and are presumably protected from protease digestion. Low resolution difference Fourier analyses indicated the courses of the remainders of the amino terminal strands (amino acids 2-12) in intact virions. Any individual strand appears to have several choices of path, which accounts for the observed disorder at high resolution. These positively charged strands, serving as virtual polyamines, engage the helical segments of RNA. The intimate association of amino acid residues 2 through 25 with RNA likely contributes to the stability of the condensed conformation of the nucleic acid cores.  相似文献   

Satellite RNAs (sat-RNAs) are small molecular parasites associated with a number of plant RNA viruses. The cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) sat-RNAs are ca. 335 nucleotides and have evolved to produce a large number of closely related sat-RNAs. Different cucumoviruses can act as helper viruses in the amplification of CMV sat-RNAs. We have found that different helper viruses show a preference for a particular sat-RNA in a mixed infection. In this study the specificity of WL47 sat-RNA amplification by LS-CMV and of D4 sat-RNA amplification by tomato aspermy virus in mixed infections was examined. Recombinant cDNA clones of D4 sat-RNA and WL47 sat-RNA were used to map the sat-RNA sequences responsible for the helper virus selection of a specific sat-RNA for amplification.Correspondence to: M.J. Roossinck  相似文献   

Ultrasonic absorption in tobacco mosaic virus and its protein aggregates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structural fluctuations specific to self-assembled biological systems have been investigated further with ultrasonic techniques by using two strains of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), as well as the helical aggregate of the common strain protein and subassemblies of it. We confirmed our earlier conclusion that protein assemblies exhibit specific structural fluctuations detected in ultrasonic experiments. As in spherical viruses, the fluctuations exhibited by the protein aggregates having a quaternary structure similar to that of the virion were modified in the virus by interaction with the RNA strand. It is unlikely that the origin for the observed effect is due either to: (1) the difference in local mobility of the segment 89 to 113 of the polypeptide chain in TMV and in the helical aggregate on the one hand, and in smaller aggregates, on the other hand; or (2) a local fluctuation associated with proton transfer reactions or ion-pair interactions. The most remarkable feature in the TMV system is the fact that the two-ring disk showed no excess of ultrasonic absorption with respect to the A-protein oligomer, while a large increase of ultrasonic absorption was observed in the rod-like aggregate that had undergone the disk-helix transition.  相似文献   

Osmotic pressure studies were carried on tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and its components, protein and RNA, as well as on bis(3,3′-aminopropyl)amine, reported to be present in TMV preparations. Solvents were phosphate and barbital buffers at different values of pH and ionic strength. Measurements were made at room temperature. The Donnan effect was exhibited by TMV protein in phosphate buffer of 0.01 ionic strength at pH values ranging between 5.8 and 7.5. The observed values of the Donnan effect at pH 5.8 and 5.97 were in reasonable agreement with theoretical values calculated from the charge obtained by hydrogen ion titration. TMV-RNA in phosphate buffer at pH 7.5 and ionic strength 0.01 did not exhibit more than 1% of the expected Donnan effect. This is explained tentatively as the result of firm binding of metal ions. Negative values of osmotic pressure were observed with bis(3,3′-aminopropyl)amine. Similar anomalous osmosis was sometimes observed with TMV protein and with TMV. In agreement with earlier observations, TMV did not exhibit the Donnan effect in phosphate buffer of 0.01 ionic strength at pH values ranging from 5.5 to 8.0. However, TMV dialysed extensively in the presence of EDTA at pH 8.5 and TMV produced by reconstitution of purified protein and RNA did exhibit the Donnan effect in both phosphate and barbital buffers. The magnitude was of the same order as that calculated from the net charge determined by hydrogen ion titration. When reconstituted TMV, which did exhibit Donnan effect, was treated with calcium ions, the effect was abolished.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) causes tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to crystallize at pH values where both have negative charges. The amount of albumin required to precipitate the virus varies inversely with ionic strength of added electrolyte. At pH values above 5, the precipitating power is greatest when BSA has the maximum total, positive plus negative, charge. Unlike early stages of the crystallization of TMV in ammonium sulfate-phosphate solutions, which can be reversed by lowering the temperature, the precipitation of TMV by BSA is not readily reversed by changes in temperature. The logarithm of the apparent solubility of TMV in BSA solutions, at constant ionic strength of added electrolyte, decreases linearly with increasing BSA concentration. This result and the correlation of precipitating power with total BSA charge suggest that BSA acts in the manner of a salting-out agent. The effect of BSA on the reversible entropy-driven polymerization of TMV protein (TMVP) depends on BSA concentration, pH, and ionic strength. In general, BSA promotes TMVP polymerization, and this effect increases with increasing BSA concentrations. The effect is larger at pH 6.5 than at pH 6. Even though increasing ionic strength promotes polymerization of TMVP in absence of BSA, the effect of increasing ionic strength from 0.08 to 0.18 at pH 6.5 decreases the polymerization-promoting effect of BSA. Likewise, the presence of BSA decreases the polymerization-promoting effect of ionic strength. The polymerization-promoting effect of BSA can be interpreted in terms of a process akin to salting-out. The mutual suppression of the polymerization-promoting effects of BSA and of electrolytes by each other can be partially explained in terms of salting-in of BSA.  相似文献   

Assembly of tobacco mosaic virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A study was performed on the interaction of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) of potato virus Y (PVY) with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Interference was evaluated using tobacco plantsNicotiana tabacum cv. Java responding to CMV and PVY with a systemic infection and to TMV with local necrotic lesions. The decrease in TMV — induced lesion number gave evidence of a decrease in susceptibility caused by the previous infection with CMV or PVY, the decrease of lesion enlargement demonstrated a decreased TMV reproduction in the plants previously infected with CMV or PVY. The interference concerned was incomplete, as evaluated from reproduction of the challenging TMV and from the decrease in susceptibility of the host to TMV brought about by the first infection with CMV or PVY.  相似文献   

Conditions were established for the introduction of both tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNAs into tobacco mesophyll protoplasts by electroporation. The proportion of infected protoplasts was quantified by staining with viral coat protein-specific antibodies conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate. Approximately 30–40% of the protoplasts survived electroporation. Under optimal conditions, up to 75% of these were infected with TMV-RNA. Successful infection was demonstrated in 19 out of 20 experiments. Optimal infection was achieved with several direct current pulses of 90 sec at a field strength of 5 to 10 kV/cm. Changing the position of the protoplasts within the chamber between electric pulses was essential for achievement of high rates of infection. Optimal viral RNA concentration was about 10 g/ml in a solution of 0.5 M mannitol without buffer salts.  相似文献   

Changes in the number of protoplasts, viability, protein and chlorophyll contents and ribonucleases activity were studied in tobacco mesophyll protoplastsin vitro inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). The number of protoplasts slowly increased during the cultivation period and the viability decreased from 95 to 67% in the control noninoculated protoplasts, and to 55% in the infected protoplasts. 30 h after inoculation the protein and chlorophyll contents strongly decreased to 25–30% and 17–19%, respectively, in comparison with contents 3 h after inoculation. The chlorophylla/b ratio decreased from 2.11 and 2.02 to 0.79 and 0.60 in healthy and infected protoplasts, respectively. The activities of ribonucleases in protoplasts quickly decreased during experiment but they were higher in infected than in noninfected protoplasts (between 20 to 30 h after inoculation they were 132 to 146% higher than that in healthy controls). These activities corresponded to the multiplication curve of TMV.  相似文献   

Assembly of tobacco mosaic virus.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The assembly of tobacco mosaic virus requires the presence of a particular protein aggregate, the disk. During the nucleation, a specific region of the RNA interacts with a single disk, to bring about a necessarily cooperative transition from the paired two-layer structure to a short segment of nucleo-protein helix. There is a high selectivity for this region of the TMV RNA, because of the many nucleotides bound at once, and other nucleotide sequences appear only to bind by a different mechanism. Elongation of the nucleated rods can continue with either further disks or the less aggregated 'A-protein' as the protein source, but the continued cooperativity inherent with disks would have some advantages. The rates of the two processes have been separately determined and growth is faster when disks are still present. New experiments show that the breakdown of disks to yield A-protein is relatively slow and it is concluded that virus growth from disks could not proceed through a prior breakdown in solution, but must involve the direct interaction of the disk with the growing nucleoprotein rod. The detailed mechanism of disk addition is not understood but it may involve a directed breakdown, since there is also evidence for the existence of a non-equilibrium form of A-protein which has aggregation kinetics distinct from those of equilibrium A-protein. Some implications for the general assembly pathways of viruses both of the specificity and of the assembly/disassembly cycle during the viral infection are considered.  相似文献   

The replication of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA involves synthesis of a negative-strand RNA using the genomic positive-strand RNA as a template, followed by the synthesis of positive-strand RNA on the negative-strand RNA templates. Intermediates of replication isolated from infected cells include completely double-stranded RNA (replicative form) and partly double-stranded and partly single-stranded RNA (replicative intermediate), but it is not known whether these structures are double-stranded or largely single-stranded in vivo. The synthesis of negative strands ceases before that of positive strands, and positive and negative strands may be synthesized by two different polymerases. The genomic-length negative strand also serves as a template for the synthesis of subgenomic mRNAs for the virus movement and coat proteins. Both the virus-encoded 126-kDa protein, which has amino-acid sequence motifs typical of methyltransferases and helicases, and the 183-kDa protein, which has additional motifs characteristic of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, are required for efficient TMV RNA replication. Purified TMV RNA polymerase also contains a host protein serologically related to the RNA-binding subunit of the yeast translational initiation factor, eIF3. Study of Arabidopsis mutants defective in RNA replication indicates that at least two host proteins are needed for TMV RNA replication. The tomato resistance gene Tm-1 may also encode a mutant form of a host protein component of the TMV replicase. TMV replicase complexes are located on the endoplasmic reticulum in close association with the cytoskeleton in cytoplasmic bodies called viroplasms, which mature to produce 'X bodies'. Viroplasms are sites of both RNA replication and protein synthesis, and may provide compartments in which the various stages of the virus mutiplication cycle (protein synthesis, RNA replication, virus movement, encapsidation) are localized and coordinated. Membranes may also be important for the configuration of the replicase with respect to initiation of RNA synthesis, and synthesis and release of progeny single-stranded RNA.  相似文献   

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