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In the present study, we report on the X-ray crystallographic structure of a GH32 invertase mutant, (i.e., the Arabidopsis thaliana cell-wall invertase 1-E203Q, AtcwINV1-mutant) in complex with sucrose. This structure was solved to reveal the features of sugar binding in the catalytic pocket. However, as demonstrated by the X-ray structure the sugar binding and the catalytic pocket arrangement is significantly altered as compared with what was expected based on previous X-ray structures on GH-J clan enzymes. We performed a series of docking and molecular dynamics simulations on various derivatives of AtcwINV1 to reveal the reasons behind this modified sugar binding. Our results demonstrate that the E203Q mutation introduced into the catalytic pocket triggers conformational changes that alter the wild type substrate binding. In addition, this study also reveals the putative productive sucrose binding modus in the wild type enzyme.  相似文献   

Local conformational changes and global unfolding pathways of wildtype xyn11A recombinant and its mutated structures were studied through a series of atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, along with enzyme activity assays at three incubation temperatures to investigate the effects of mutations at three different sites to the thermostability. The first mutation was to replace an unstable negatively charged residue at a surface beta turn near the active site (D32G) by a hydrophobic residue. The second mutation was to create a disulphide bond (S100C/N147C) establishing a strong connection between an alpha helix and a distal beta hairpin associated with the thermally sensitive Thumb loop, and the third mutation add an extra hydrogen bond (A155S) to the same alpha helix. From the MD simulations performed, MM/PBSA energy calculations of the unfolding energy were in a good agreement with the enzyme activities measured from the experiment, as all mutated structures demonstrated the improved thermostability, especially the S100C/N147C proved to be the most stable mutant both by the simulations and the experiment. Local conformational analysis at the catalytic sites and the xylan access region also suggested that mutated xyn11A structures could accommodate xylan binding. However, the analysis of global unfolding pathways showed that structural disruptions at the beta sheet regions near the N-terminal were still imminent. These findings could provide the insight on the molecular mechanisms underlying the enhanced thermostability due to mutagenesis and changes in the protein unfolding pathways for further protein engineering of the GH11 family xylanase enzymes.  相似文献   

To study the catalytic mechanism of phosphorylation catalyzed by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) a structure of the enzyme-substrate complex representing the Michaelis complex is of specific interest as it can shed light on the structure of the transition state. However, all previous crystal structures of the Michaelis complex mimics of the PKA catalytic subunit (PKAc) were obtained with either peptide inhibitors or ATP analogs. Here we utilized Ca2+ ions and sulfur in place of the nucleophilic oxygen in a 20-residue pseudo-substrate peptide (CP20) and ATP to produce a close mimic of the Michaelis complex. In the ternary reactant complex, the thiol group of Cys-21 of the peptide is facing Asp-166 and the sulfur atom is positioned for an in-line phosphoryl transfer. Replacement of Ca2+ cations with Mg2+ ions resulted in a complex with trapped products of ATP hydrolysis: phosphate ion and ADP. The present structural results in combination with the previously reported structures of the transition state mimic and phosphorylated product complexes complete the snapshots of the phosphoryl transfer reaction by PKAc, providing us with the most thorough picture of the catalytic mechanism to date.  相似文献   

The year 2011 marked the half-centenary of the publication of what came to be known as the Anfinsen postulate, that the tertiary structure of a folded protein is prescribed fully by the sequence of its constituent amino acid residues. This postulate has become established as a credo, and, indeed, no contradictions seem to have been found to date. However, the experiments that led to this postulate were conducted on only a single protein, bovine ribonuclease A (RNAse). We conduct molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on this protein with the aim of mimicking this experiment as well as making the methodology available for use with basically any protein. There have been many attempts to model denaturation and refolding processes of globular proteins in silico using MD, but only a few examples where disulphide-bond containing proteins were studied. We took the view that if the reductive deactivation and oxidative reactivation processes of RNAse could be modelled in silico, this would provide valuable insights into the workings of the classical Anfinsen experiment.  相似文献   

Elucidating the molecular mechanisms regulating multimodularity is a challenging task. Paenibacillus barcinonensis Xyn10C is a 120-kDa modular enzyme that presents the CBM22/GH10/CBM9 architecture found in a subset of large xylanases. We report here the three-dimensional structure of the Xyn10C N-terminal region, containing the xylan-binding CBM22-1–CBM22-2 tandem (Xyn10C-XBD), which represents the first solved crystal structure of two contiguous CBM22 modules. Xyn10C-XBD is folded into two separate CBM22 modules linked by a flexible segment that endows the tandem with extraordinary plasticity. Each isolated domain has been expressed and crystallized, and their binding abilities have been investigated. Both domains contain the R(W/Y)YYE motif required for xylan binding. However, crystallographic analysis of CBM22-2 complexes shows Trp-308 as an additional binding determinant. The long loop containing Trp-308 creates a platform that possibly contributes to the recognition of precise decorations at subsite S2. CBM22-2 may thus define a subset of xylan-binding CBM22 modules directed to particular regions of the polysaccharide. Affinity electrophoresis reveals that Xyn10C-XBD binds arabinoxylans more tightly, which is more apparent when CBM22-2 is tested against highly substituted xylan. The crystal structure of the catalytic domain, also reported, shows the capacity of the active site to accommodate xylan substitutions at almost all subsites. The structural differences found at both Xyn10C-XBD domains are consistent with the isothermal titration calorimetry experiments showing two sites with different affinities in the tandem. On the basis of the distinct characteristics of CBM22, a delivery strategy of Xyn10C mediated by Xyn10C-XBD is proposed.  相似文献   

F A Saul  R J Poljak 《Proteins》1992,14(3):363-371
The three-dimensional structure of the human immunoglobulin fragment Fab New (IgG1, lambda) has been refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 16.9% to 2 A resolution. Rms deviations of the final model from ideal geometry are 0.014 A for bond distances and 3.03 degrees for bond angles. Refinement was based on a new X-ray data set including 28,301 reflections with F > 2.5 sigma(F) from 6.0 to 2.0 A resolution. The starting model for the refinement procedure reported here is from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank entry 3FAB (rev. 1981). Differences between the initial and final models include modified polypeptide-chain folding in the third complementarity-determining region (CDR3) and the third framework region (FR3) of VH and in some exposed loops of CL and CH1. Amino acid sequence changes were determined at a number of positions by inspection of difference electron density maps. The incorporation of amino acid sequence changes results in an improved VH framework model for the "humanization" of monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin binding protein, segment B1 of protein G, has been studied experimentally as a paradigm for protein folding. This protein consists of 56 residues, includes both β sheet and α helix and contains neither disulfide bonds nor proline residues. We report an all-atom molecular dynamics study of the native manifold of the protein in explicit solvent. A 2-ns simulation starting from the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure and a 1-ns control simulation starting from the x-ray structure were performed. The difference between average structures calculated over the equilibrium portion of trajectories is smaller than the difference between their starting conformations. These simulation averages are structurally similar to the x-ray structure and differ in systematic ways from the NMR-determined structure. Partitioning of the fluctuations into fast (<20 ps) and slow (<20 ps) components indicates that the β sheet displays greater long-time mobility than does the α helix. Clore and Gronenborn [J. Mol. Biol. 223:853–856, 1992] detected two long-residence water molecules by NMR in a solution structure of segment B1 of protein G. Both molecules were found in the fully exposed regions and were proposed to be stabilized by bifurcated hydrogen bonds to the protein backbone. One of these long-residence water molecules, found near an exposed loop region, is identified in both of our simulations, and is seen to be involved in the formation of a stable water-mediated hydrogen bond bridge. The second water molecule, located near the middle of the α helix, is not seen with an exceptional residence time in either as a result of the conformation being closer to the x-ray structure in this region of the protein. Proteins 29:193–202, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Src tyrosine kinases are essential in numerous cell signaling pathways, and improper functioning of these enzymes has been implicated in many diseases. The activity of Src kinases is regulated by conformational activation, which involves several structural changes within the catalytic domain (CD): the orientation of two lobes of CD; rearrangement of the activation loop (A-loop); and movement of an alpha-helix (alphaC), which is located at the interface between the two lobes, into or away from the catalytic cleft. Conformational activation was investigated using biased molecular dynamics to explore the transition pathway between the active and the down-regulated conformation of CD for the Src-kinase family member Lyn kinase, and to gain insight into the interdependence of these changes. Lobe opening is observed to be a facile motion, whereas movement of the A-loop motion is more complex requiring secondary structure changes as well as communication with alphaC. A key result is that the conformational transition involves a switch in an electrostatic network of six polar residues between the active and the down-regulated conformations. The exchange between interactions links the three main motions of the CD. Kinetic experiments that would demonstrate the contribution of the switched electrostatic network to the enzyme mechanism are proposed. Possible implications for regulation conferred by interdomain interactions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) 4 Ig fused domain from the cellulosomal cellulase cellobiohydrolase A (CbhA) of Clostridium thermocellum was solved in complex with cellobiose at 2.11 Å resolution. This is the first cellulosomal CBM4 crystal structure reported to date. It is similar to the previously solved noncellulosomal soluble oligosaccharide-binding CBM4 structures. However, this new structure possesses a significant feature—a binding site peptide loop with a tryptophan (Trp118) residing midway in the loop. Based on sequence alignment, this structural feature might be common to all cellulosomal clostridial CBM4 modules. Our results indicate that C. thermocellum CbhA CBM4 also has an extended binding pocket that can optimally bind to cellodextrins containing five or more sugar units. Molecular dynamics simulations and experimental binding studies with the Trp118Ala mutant suggest that Trp118 contributes to the binding and, possibly, the orientation of the module to soluble cellodextrins. Furthermore, the binding cleft aromatic residues Trp68 and Tyr110 play a crucial role in binding to bacterial microcrystalline cellulose (BMCC), amorphous cellulose, and soluble oligodextrins. Binding to BMCC is in disagreement with the structural features of the binding pocket, which does not support binding to the flat surface of crystalline cellulose, suggesting that CBM4 binds the amorphous part or the cellulose “whiskers” of BMCC. We propose that clostridial CBM4s have possibly evolved to bind the free-chain ends of crystalline cellulose in addition to their ability to bind soluble cellodextrins.  相似文献   

The stability of amidase-03 structure (a cell wall hydrolase protein) from Bacillus anthracis was studied using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. This protein (GenBank accession number: NP_844822) contains an amidase-03 domain which is known to exhibit the catalytic activity of N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase (digesting MurNAc-Lalanine linkage of bacterial cell wall). The amidase-03 enzyme has stability at high temperature due to the core formed by the combination of several secondary structure elements made of β-sheets. We used root-mean-square-displacement (RMSD) of the simulated structure from its initial state to demonstrate the unfolding of the enzyme using its secondary structural elements. Results show that amidase-03 unfolds in transition state ensemble (TSE). The data suggests that α-helices unfold before β-sheets from the core during simulation.  相似文献   

Ferritin from the marine pennate diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (PmFTN) plays a key role in sustaining growth in iron-limited ocean environments. The di-iron catalytic ferroxidase center of PmFTN (sites A and B) has a nearby third iron site (site C) in an arrangement typically observed in prokaryotic ferritins. Here we demonstrate that Glu-44, a site C ligand, and Glu-130, a residue that bridges iron bound at sites B and C, limit the rate of post-oxidation reorganization of iron coordination and the rate at which Fe3+ exits the ferroxidase center for storage within the mineral core. The latter, in particular, severely limits the overall rate of iron mineralization. Thus, the diatom ferritin is optimized for initial Fe2+ oxidation but not for mineralization, pointing to a role for this protein in buffering iron availability and facilitating iron-sparing rather than only long-term iron storage.  相似文献   

The metal-dependent M17 aminopeptidases are conserved throughout all kingdoms of life. This large enzyme family is characterized by a conserved binuclear metal center and a distinctive homohexameric arrangement. Recently, we showed that hexamer formation in Plasmodium M17 aminopeptidases was controlled by the metal ion environment, although the functional necessity for hexamer formation is still unclear. To further understand the mechanistic role of the hexameric assembly, here we undertook an investigation of the structure and dynamics of the M17 aminopeptidase from Plasmodium falciparum, PfA-M17. We describe a novel structure of PfA-M17, which shows that the active sites of each trimer are linked by a dynamic loop, and loop movement is coupled with a drastic rearrangement of the binuclear metal center and substrate-binding pocket, rendering the protein inactive. Molecular dynamics simulations and biochemical analyses of PfA-M17 variants demonstrated that this rearrangement is inherent to PfA-M17, and that the transition between the active and inactive states is metal dependent and part of a dynamic regulatory mechanism. Key to the mechanism is a remodeling of the binuclear metal center, which occurs in response to a signal from the neighboring active site and serves to moderate the rate of proteolysis under different environmental conditions. In conclusion, this work identifies a precise mechanism by which oligomerization contributes to PfA-M17 function. Furthermore, it describes a novel role for metal cofactors in the regulation of enzymes, with implications for the wide range of metalloenzymes that operate via a two-metal ion catalytic center, including DNA processing enzymes and metalloproteases.  相似文献   

δ-Dendrotoxin, isolated from mamba snake venom, has 57 residues cross-linked by three disulfide bridges. The protein shares a pharmacological activity with other animal toxins, the potent blockade of potassium channels, but is structurally unrelated to toxins of different species. We employed alanine-scanning mutagenesis to explore the molecular mechanism of δ-dendrotoxin binding to potassium channels, using protein-protein docking and molecular dynamic simulations. In our reasonable model of the δ-dendrotoxin-ShaKv1.1 complex, δ-dendrotoxin interacted mainly with the N-terminal region and the turn of two antiparallel β-sheets of the channel. This binding mode could well explain the functional roles of critical residues in δ-dendrotoxin and the ShaKv1.1 channel. Structural analysis indicated that the critical Lys6 residue of δ-dendrotoxin plugged its side chain into a channel selectivity filter. Another two critical δ-dendrotoxin residues, Lys3 and Arg10, were found to contact channel residues through strong polar and nonpolar interactions, especially salt-bridge interactions. As for the ShaKv1.1 channel, the channel turrets were found in the "half-open state," and two of four Glu423 in the turrets of the channel B and D chains could interact, respectively, with Lys3 and Lys26 of δ-dendrotoxin through electrostatic interactions. The essential Asp431 channel residue was found to associate electrostatically with Arg10 of δ-dendrotoxin, and a critical Tyr449 channel residue was just under the channel-interacting surface of δ-dendrotoxin. Together, these novel data may accelerate the structure-function research of toxins in the dendrotoxin family and be of significant value in revealing the diverse interactions between animal toxins and potassium channels.  相似文献   

Gα subunits are central molecular switches in cells. They are activated by G protein-coupled receptors that exchange GDP for GTP, similar to small GTPase activation mechanisms. Gα subunits are turned off by GTP hydrolysis. For the first time we employed time-resolved FTIR difference spectroscopy to investigate the molecular reaction mechanisms of Gαi1. FTIR spectroscopy is a powerful tool that monitors reactions label free with high spatio-temporal resolution. In contrast to common multiple turnover assays, FTIR spectroscopy depicts the single turnover GTPase reaction without nucleotide exchange/Mg2+ binding bias. Global fit analysis resulted in one apparent rate constant of 0.02 s−1 at 15 °C. Isotopic labeling was applied to assign the individual phosphate vibrations for α-, β-, and γ-GTP (1243, 1224, and 1156 cm−1, respectively), α- and β-GDP (1214 and 1134/1103 cm−1, respectively), and free phosphate (1078/991 cm−1). In contrast to Ras·GAP catalysis, the bond breakage of the β-γ-phosphate but not the Pi release is rate-limiting in the GTPase reaction. Complementary common GTPase assays were used. Reversed phase HPLC provided multiple turnover rates and tryptophan fluorescence provided nucleotide exchange rates. Experiments were complemented by molecular dynamics simulations. This broad approach provided detailed insights at atomic resolution and allows now to identify key residues of Gαi1 in GTP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange. Mutants of the intrinsic arginine finger (Gαi1-R178S) affected exclusively the hydrolysis reaction. The effect of nucleotide binding (Gαi1-D272N) and Ras-like/all-α interface coordination (Gαi1-D229N/Gαi1-D231N) on the nucleotide exchange reaction was furthermore elucidated.  相似文献   

For the first time a consistent catalytic mechanism of phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus is reported based on molecular mechanics calculations. We have identified the position of the nucleophilic water molecule, which is directly involved in the hydrolysis of the natural substrate, phosphatidylcholine, in phospholipase C. This catalytically essential water molecule, after being activated by an acidic residue (Asp55), performs the nucleophilic attack on the phosphorus atom in the substrate, leading to a trigonal bipyramidal pentacoordinated intermediate (and structurally similar transition state). The subsequent collapse of the intermediate, regeneration of the enzyme, and release of the products has to involve a not yet identified second water molecule. The catalytic mechanism reported here is based on a series of molecular mechanics calculations. First, the x-ray structure of phospholipase C from B. cereus including a docked substrate molecule was subjected to a stepwise molecular mechanics energy minimization. Second, the location of the nucleophilic water molecule in the active site of the fully relaxed enzyme–substrate complex was determined by evaluation of nonbonded interaction energies between the complex and a water molecule. The nucleophilic water molecule is positioned at a distance (3.8 Å) from the phosphorus atom in the substrate, which is in good agreement with experimentally observed distances. Finally, the stability of the complex between phospholipase C, the substrate, and the nucleophilic water molecule was verified during a 100 ps molecular dynamics simulation. During the simulation the substrate undergoes a conformational change, but retains its localization in the active site. The contacts between the enzyme, the substrate, and the nucleophilic water molecule display some fluctuations, but remain within reasonable limits, thereby confirming the stability of the enzyme–substrate–water complex. The protocol developed for energy minimization of phospholipase C containing three zinc ions located closely together at the bottom of the active site cleft is reported in detail. In order to handle the strong electrostatic interactions in the active site realistically during energy minimization, delocalization of the charges from the three zinc ions was considered. Therefore, quantum mechanics calculations on the zinc ions and the zinc-coordinating residues were carried out prior to the molecular mechanics calculations, and two different sets of partial atomic charges (MNDO-Mulliken and AM1-ESP) were applied. After careful assignment of partial atomic charges, a complete energy minimization of the protein was carried out by a stepwise procedure without explicit solvent molecules. Energy minimization with either set of charges yielded structures, which were very similar both to the x-ray structure and to each other, although using AM1-ESP partial atomic charges and a dielectric constant of 4, yielded the best protein structure. © 1997 John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 319–336, 1997  相似文献   

DNA polymerases are today used throughout scientific research, biotechnology, and medicine, in part for their ability to interact with unnatural forms of DNA created by synthetic biologists. Here especially, natural DNA polymerases often do not have the “performance specifications” needed for transformative technologies. This creates a need for science-guided rational (or semi-rational) engineering to identify variants that replicate unnatural base pairs (UBPs), unnatural backbones, tags, or other evolutionarily novel features of unnatural DNA. In this review, we provide a brief overview of the chemistry and properties of replicative DNA polymerases and their evolved variants, focusing on the Klenow fragment of Taq DNA polymerase (Klentaq). We describe comparative structural, enzymatic, and molecular dynamics studies of WT and Klentaq variants, complexed with natural or noncanonical substrates. Combining these methods provides insight into how specific amino acid substitutions distant from the active site in a Klentaq DNA polymerase variant (ZP Klentaq) contribute to its ability to replicate UBPs with improved efficiency compared with Klentaq. This approach can therefore serve to guide any future rational engineering of replicative DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

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