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1. The fatty acid compositions of the plasma lipids of newborn unsuckled lambs, kids, calves and piglets have been determined and compared with those of maternal plasma lipids at parturition. 2. The predominating plasma fatty acids in the newborn of all species are palmitic acid, C(16:1) acid, stearic acid and C(18:1) acid. This finding is consistent with the synthesis of the major proportion of fatty acids from non-lipid sources within the foetus. 3. Very small amounts of C(18:2) acid and C(18:3) acid are present in the plasma lipids of newborn ruminants, although considerable amounts of these fatty acids are contained in maternal plasma. The plasma fatty acids of the newborn piglet contained 5.5% of C(18:2) acid, those of the calf 2.0%, and those of the lamb and kid less than 1.0%. This finding is discussed in relation to the higher content of C(18:2) acid in the plasma non-esterified fatty acid fraction of the sow (15%) compared with that of the ruminant (less than 4%). 4. In the lamb and kid, but not in the calf or piglet, a C(20:3) acid was detected in plasma lipids that was very similar to, if not identical with, the C(20:3) acid that accumulates in the plasma of animals given diets low in essential fatty acids. The possible significance of this finding is discussed. 5. The cholesteryl esters of cow plasma were found to contain a higher percentage (43%) of C(18:3) acid than those of goat and sheep plasma (5-10%). The possible reasons for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the control of fatty acid synthesis and its relationship to surfactant production in the fetal lung during alteration of hormonal and substrate conditions. Lung explants from 18 day fetuses (term = 22 days) which were cultured 2 days in the presence of 10 mM lactate showed parallel acceleration of de novo fatty acid synthesis (3H2O incorporation) and [14C]choline incorporation into disaturated phosphatidylcholine (DSPC) compared to culture of explants in glucose. Both the cultured and fresh explants were resistant to the classical short term (4 h) cAMP inhibition of fatty acid synthesis with 3 mM dibutyryl cAMP or 0.5 mM aminophylline. In the cultured explants short term cAMP elevation increased DSPC production, and long term (2 day) cAMP elevation caused a further increase in DSPC synthesis and also stimulated fatty acid synthesis. In cultured explants from 17 day fetuses, dexamethasone (0.1 microM) caused a synergistic increase with aminophylline in both fatty acid synthesis and DSPC production whereas, in explants from 18 day fetuses, dexamethasone inhibited both processes and reduced the level of stimulation of DSPC and fatty acid synthesis seen with aminophylline alone. Dexamethasone also reduced the stimulation of both DSPC and fatty acid synthesis produced in the culture of 18 day explants with bacitracin (0.5 mg/ml), whereas the combination of bacitracin and aminophylline resulted in a synergistic increase in DSPC production. Culture with glucagon (0.1 microM) also stimulated DSPC synthesis but at physiological levels insulin had no effect on either DSPC or fatty acid synthesis. These data show that lung fatty acid synthesis exhibits unique features of fatty acid synthesis regulation compared to other lipogenic tissues and also suggest a link between de novo fatty acid synthesis and surfactant production during the critical period of accelerated lung maturation.  相似文献   

F Klein  P Mandel 《Biochimie》1978,60(1):81-84
We isolated and purified the main lipids of the rat sciatic nerve. After methanolysis, fatty acids were isolated and purified by thin layer chromatography, and studied by gas chromatography. C 16 and C 18 fatty acids are the most abundant. Among the long-chain fatty acids, arachidonic acid (20:4) is present in some lipids; highly desaturated fatty acids in C 22 and C 24 are also present. In general, the fatty acids are highly saturated; cholesterol esters and ethanolamine phosphoglyceride fatty acids are highly unsaturated.  相似文献   

The models "population--Nocardia-like spontaneous mutants" for 14 cultures of Streptomycetes and Streptoverticillium were used to assess the fatty acid composition of lipids as a criterion for generic differentiation of Streptomyces and Nocardia cultures. The composition of fatty acids in the Nocardia-like mutant Str. kanamyceticus RIA-771 was found to be identical with that of Nocardia asteroides RIA-43 and Nocardia brasiliensis RIA-440, i. e. generic chemotaxonomic traits "overlapped" in the process of spontaneous intraspecial variability. In different strains of one and the same species as well as in five different species, the quantitative composition of fatty acids either hardly changed in the process of intraspecial variability or the ratio between fatty acids changed, so that Nocardia-like mutants resembled typical cultures of the Nocardia genus in this characteristics. The results suggest that the quantitative composition of fatty acids of lipids cannot be regarded as a sufficiently reliable criterion for generic differentiation of Steptomyces and Nocardia cultures. This trait should be used only for additional characterization of cultures.  相似文献   

The effects of whole-body gamma irradiation (8.4 Gy) were studied on arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism in rats' blood platelets, from day D + 1 to day D + 10 after irradiation. AA conversion into thromboxane B2 (TxB2) increased at D + 1 and then gradually decreased to very low values from D + 7 to D + 10. This decrease in the conversion of exogenous AA into TxB2 was due to a lower AA incorporation into platelets and not to a decrease of cyclooxygenase and thromboxane-synthetase activities. AA incorporation into membrane phospholipids of blood platelets was much more decreased than AA incorporation into whole platelets; moreover, the lipid composition of the platelet membranes was markedly modified after irradiation, which must have resulted in structural and functional changes in these membranes; from these effects of whole-body gamma irradiation on platelets, the latter's membranes appeared as a major site of in vivo radiation damage in these cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to see whether hyperlipaemia observed in genetically obese Zucker rats (fa/fa) was associated with differences in fatty-acid composition of plasma triacylglycerols, plasma phospholipids and of platelet phospholipids, in comparison with the control lean rats (Fa/-). Results showed that plasma triacylglycerols and phospholipids were increased in obese rats. In triacylglycerols, the amount of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids was highly increased whereas the amount of the n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids was little modified. In plasma phospholipids, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids were also increased, as were the n-3 fatty acids (except C 18:3 n-3); the n-6 fatty acids were little increased except C 20:3 n-6 which was markedly increased. These results concerning the amounts of fatty acids have their counterpart in their relative proportions of fatty acids. Data thus obtained suggest that conversion of linoleic acid (C 18:2 n-6) into arachidonic acid (C 20:4 n-6) was decreased in obese rats, particularly the delta 5 desaturation step. On the contrary, conversion of linolenic acid (C 18:3 n-3) into higher polyenes seemed increased. Thrombocytosis was not modified in the obese rat, but the volume of the platelets was increased. Platelet phospholipids exhibited the same modifications as plasma phospholipids but with different magnitude. Saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids were little augmented, n-3 fatty acids were more augmented (except C 18:3 n-3 acid which was unchanged); n-6 fatty acids were not modified except C 20:3 n-6 acid which was highly increased.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Changes in fatty acid composition of myocardial lipids were examined in rats with heart failure following myocardial infarction. Left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) was decreased and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) was elevated 24 h, 1 and 12 weeks after left coronary artery ligation (CAL), suggesting the development of heart failure at these periods in this model. Hearts were isolated 24 h, 1 week and 12 weeks after the operation. Myocardial lipids in the infarcted scar tissue, non-infarcted remaining left ventricle including interseptum and right ventricle were separated into phospholipid (PL), triacylglycerol (TG), diacylglycerol (DAG) and free fatty acid (FFA) fractions. In the scar tissue PL content markedly decreased whereas TG, DAG and FFA contents increased 24 h after CAL. Despite a marked decrease in constituted fatty acids of PL fraction in the scar tissue the percentage of arachidonic acid in PL was elevated 12 weeks after CAL, suggesting that release of arachidonic acid during PL degradation was suppressed. In the non-infarcted viable left ventricle PL content remained unchanged throughout the experiment whereas TG, DAG and FFA contents were elevated 24 h after CAL. Despite no changes in PL and other lipid contents in the non-infarcted tissue the percentage of linoleic acid in PL was reduced and that of docosahexaenoic acid in PL was elevated 12 weeks after CAL. Our findings showed that myocardial lipid composition of the non-infarcted left ventricle was altered only in an early stage of the development of heart failure and fatty acid compositions of PL was exchanged in a late stage of the development of heart failure. The exchange may be related to cardiac dysfunction or myocardial remodelling in the rat with heart failure.  相似文献   

The proportion of a wide range of fatty acids was studied in the plasma of 15 healthy newborn infants following a physiological pregnancy and delivery. The same measurements were done in seven healthy mothers (immediately after parturition) and the proportion of fatty acids was analysed in mixed umbilical cord blood (n = 7). The fatty acids were identified by gas chromatography as their methyl esters (FAME). In newborn infants the proportion of saturated fatty acids was found to be 42.3%, of monoene fatty acids 31.3% and of polyene fatty acids 25.4%; type n-6 fatty acids formed 13.9% and n-3 11.1%. The proportion of the various fatty acids in healthy maternal plasma was 37.9% (saturated), 34.4% (monoene) and 25.0% (polyene) respectively; type n-6 fatty acids formed 21.6% and type n-3 only 3.6%. The values in mixed cord blood were 44% (saturated FA), 34.8% (monoene FA) and 20% (polyene FA); group n-6 FA accounted for 17.4% and n-3 for only 2.1%. In the above three series we also described the sequence of the fatty acids present in the largest amounts. This is part of an extensive study, in a large series, of the commonest perinatal risks. We particularly draw attention to the high proportion of long-chain fatty acids (C 22 - C 26) in the plasma of healthy newborn infants.  相似文献   

Pregnancy is associated with a hypercholesterolemic and a hyperlipidemic state. The totality of the essential fatty acids and 50% of the lipids needed by the fetus are transferred by the placenta from the maternal circulation. The hypothesis of this study is that an augmentation of the maternal plasmatic cholesterol is modifying the fetal lipids accumulation and development during rabbit pregnancy. To demonstrate the impact of a cholesterol enriched diet on plasma lipids during rabbit's pregnancy and on their fetus, we have established two groups: control and hypercholesterolemic rabbits (fed with a 0.2% cholesterol diet). Blood samples were collected before mating and at each trimester of pregnancy for analysis of lipid fractions and their lipoproteins. Plasma analysis shows that starting the 10th day of pregnancy the concentration of total-cholesterol and lipoproteins decreases for both groups. We have demonstrated that for the hypercholesterolemic group, concentrations of total-cholesterol (631%) and lipoproteins are significantly higher at the end of pregnancy than those for the control group. For both groups, after 20 days of pregnancy, triglycerides metabolism was biphasic showing a significant increase followed by a diminution in their concentration. In both groups, free fatty acids increases significantly at the end of the pregnancy (537.5% for the control group and 462.5% for the hypercholesterolemic group). Furthermore, the offsprings of hypercholesterolemic dams manifest a lower birth weight (15.5%) than those of control group. Our results demonstrate that a cholesterol enriched diet modifies greatly the fetal development and lipid metabolism during rabbit's pregnancy. These modifications could be useful for the understanding of the interaction between diet and fetal development in rabbit and probably during human pregnancy.  相似文献   

《Biochemical medicine》1981,25(2):168-173
Effect of diabetes induced by streptozotocin during pregnancy on fetal bile acid metabolism was investigated in the rat. Serum bile acid levels of diabetic pregnant rats were higher than those of control pregnant rats. Total pool of primary bile acids (cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids) in fetuses of diabetic mothers was significantly lower than that of control fetuses. However, the concentration of secondary bile acids, i.e., lithocholic, deoxycholic, and 3β, 12α-dihydroxycholanoic acids, was significantly higher in fetuses of diabetic mothers. These results suggest that the alteration in bile acid metabolism noted previously (4) in neonates of diabetic mothers is probably a manifestation of the effect of maternal diabetes at the fetal level.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium chloride on the fatty acid composition of lipids of the erythrocytes and blood plasma has been studied. It has been established that in the process of cadmium intoxication the decrease of the level of unsaturated fatty acids takes place and the most considerable changes in the content of oleic and arachidonic acids. It makes possible to assume the disturbance of both the erythrocytes membrane structure and metabolism in the erythrocyte. Unitiol injection promotes the normalisation of the indices under investigation.  相似文献   

Changes in morphometric parameters have been established in axodendritic synapses of sensorimotor cortex of adult mature rats exposed to neutron irradiation. Neutron irradiation dose and summarized dose rate were 10 Gy and 0.35 Gy, respectively. The changes were observed 0.25, 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after irradiation. The observations suggest an increase in synaptic activity, with the range of irradiation action and functional characteristics decreasing in subsequent time periods.  相似文献   

Effects of localized low (2.5 Gy) and high (10 Gy) levels of gamma irradiation on the testis of albino rats were studied. A marked increase in the testicular total lipid, phospholipid and cholesterol content was observed at all post-treatment intervals except at 16 weeks where the contents decreased. A significant decrease in the activity of acid phosphatase/g of testis was seen at both the doses, the minimum value being at 4 weeks. The decrease in acid phosphatase activity is correlated with the state of germ cell population in seminiferous tubule which is found to be depleted at 4 week interval. The alkaline phosphatase activity/g testis however, showed a significant increase, the maximum being at 4 weeks post-treatment. Thereafter, the values of the enzyme activity showed a slight recovery at 16 weeks post-irradiation. ATPase activity increased initially followed by a significant decrease at all post-treatment intervals.  相似文献   

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