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The reproductive tract of the male Cape porcupine is morphologically and histologically similar to that of New World hystricomorph rodents. Males are reproductively active throughout the year and attained sexual maturity (complete spermatogenesis) at an age of 8-18 months. Testes weight, epididymides weight and seminiferous tubule diameter attained asymptotic values at the age of 23-30 months. A tendency towards seasonality in the activity of accessory glands, preceded and accompanied by an increase in circulating plasma testosterone values, may be considered as a factor enforcing seasonal breeding in females. Testosterone concentrations in pubertal males were significantly higher than those recorded in sexually mature males.  相似文献   

R. J. van  Aarde 《Journal of Zoology》1987,213(2):205-212
The Cape porcupine is a large (12.0 kg), nocturnal hystricomorph rodent and widely distributed throughout southern Africa. The present paper examines age-specific survival, mortality and fecundity rates in a population, evaluates the roles of possible density-dependent changes of population parameters in the regulation of porcupine numbers, and describes the life history strategy of the species. The study is based on data sets obtained from animals collected during 1977/78 and during 1981/82. Changes in demographic characteristics are ascribed to an artificial reduction in density, resulting in the relaxation of social factors inhibiting reproduction in young adults.  相似文献   

Haim A  Van Aarde RJ  Skinner JD 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):197-200
Summary Metabolic rates by means of oxygen consumption (VO2) at various ambient temperatures (T a) and food consumption as well as water intake and thermoregulation were compared between individuals of the Cape porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis acclimated to T a=32°C with a photoperiod of 16L:8D summer-acclimated and T a=10°C; 8L:16D winter-acclimated. The lower critical temperature as well as overall minimal thermal conductance were lower for the winter-acclimated porcupines when compared to summer-acclimated ones, while VO2 at the thermoneutral-zone was significantly (P<0.001) higher in the winter-acclimated porcupines. Dry matter intake, apparent digestible dry matter intake, gross digestible energy intake, as well as water intake, were significantly higher in the winter-acclimated porcupines. Yet, while dry matter intake increased 4 times in the winter-acclimated porcupines, apparent digestible dry matter increased only at a rate of 2.9 times. This difference is better reflected in terms of digestibility efficiency which in the winter-acclimated porcupines is only at a rate of 67.5% while in the summer-acclimated porcupines it is at a rate of 90%. From the results of this study, it is possible to assume that heat production in the winter-acclimated porcupines is partly increased by food intake. Increased heat production on the one hand, and a decrease in overall minimal thermal conductance on the other, seem to be important mechanisms in winter acclimatization of the Cape porcupine.  相似文献   

Circulating concentrations of progesterone, progesterone-binding plasma proteins (PBPP) and oestradiol-17 beta in pregnant porcupines remained relatively low until Days 25-30 post coitum. Progesterone values peaked (102-180 ng/ml; N = 3) 42-60 days post coitum and the rapid increase in oestradiol-17 beta concentrations approximated that of progesterone with peak values (170-210 pg/ml) being attained 60-85 days post coitum. The pattern of PBPP synthesis, as suggested by circulating concentrations, was closely related to that of plasma progesterone, with values remaining low (less than 20 pmol/ml) until Day 31 post coitum, reaching peak levels at Days 50-56 and Days 73-77 post coitum. The production of PBPP during pregnancy is, as in related New World hystricomorph species, considered to be a mechanism which facilitates a reduction in the rate of progesterone metabolism during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Captive females attained sexual maturity at an age of 9-16 months and conceived for the first time when 10-25 months old. Adult females were polyoestrous but did not cycle while lactating or when isolated from males. The length of the cycle varied from 17 to 42 days (mean +/- s.d. 31.2 +/- 6.5 days; n = 43) and females experienced 3-7 sterile cycles before conceiving. Pregnancy lasted for 93-94 days (93.5 +/- 0.6 days; N = 4) and litter intervals varied from 296 to 500 days (385 +/- 60.4; n = 10). Litter size varied from 1 to 3 (1.5 +/- 0.66; n = 165) and the well-developed precocial young weighed 300-440 g (351 +/- 47.4 g; n = 19) at birth. Captive females reproduced throughout the year with most litters (78.7%; n = 165) being produced between August and March.  相似文献   

Pre- and postnatal growth of the Cape porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis is evaluated by means of the Huggett & Widdas equation, a modification thereof, and the von Bertalanffy equation. Specific foetal growth velocity for the Cape porcupine is higher than that recorded for most other hystricomorph rodents, but similar to that recorded for large-bodied rodents of the same group. Relatively high foetal growth velocity in porcupines is ascribed to their relatively short gestation period, the latter being longer than expected for mammals of equal size, but shorter than expected for a hystricomorph rodent.
Postnatal growth is nearly linear up to the age of 20 weeks and asymptotic body weight is attained at an age of 52 weeks, this coinciding with the observed age at sexual maturity. Growth rates of males and females are similar. Their high rate of postnatal growth and development results in an extended reproductive period, thereby enhancing individual reproductive values by counteracting the effects of seasonal breeding and small litter size.  相似文献   

The constituent cell types of the ovary of the porcupine were similar to those of New World hystricomorph rodents and accessory corpora lutea and luteal bodies were formed through the luteinization of the membrana granulosa or theca interna of antral follicles. All luteal bodies were histologically similar. The total volume of luteal tissue per female was not affected by fetal age and was unrelated to circulating concentrations of maternal plasma progesterone. Maternal plasma progesterone concentrations were correlated with fetal age. Follicular activity occurred throughout pregnancy but was not affected by fetal age or related to circulating values of oestradiol-17 beta. The formation of accessory corpora lutea during pregnancy is regarded as important in supplementing progesterone during pregnancy.  相似文献   

The general pattern of steroid secretion during the 30-day oestrous cycle of the Cape porcupine is that of a surge (25-176 pg/ml) in oestradiol-17 beta secretion at the time of perforation of the vaginal closure membrane, followed by an increase in progesterone concentrations, the latter attaining peak values (mean 5.9 +/- 2.1 ng/ml) 8-19 days (13.8 +/- 2.8 days) after vaginal opening. Copulation occurred after the oestradiol-17 beta surge and the length of the luteal phase of the cycle varied from 21 to 35 days (29.3 +/- 4.7 days), this representing 93% of the length of the cycle. Perforation of the vaginal closure membrane was not always accompanied by an increase in oestradiol-17 beta levels and some instances (19%) of vaginal opening were not followed by an increase in progesterone secretion. The hormonal characteristics of the oestrous cycle of females housed with vasectomized males were similar to those of females housed with intact males.  相似文献   

The properties of progesterone-binding proteins in plasma of pregnant Cape porcupines were investigated using radiolabelled progesterone and either progesterone or cortisol as competing ligands as well as native plasma and heated (60 degrees C for 30 min) plasma. The results demonstrated that plasma from pregnant porcupines contains corticosteroid-binding globulin, but that it constitutes a significant portion of plasma progesterone-binding proteins only during the early stages of pregnancy. Corticosteroid-binding globulin of porcupines appears to be as heat labile as that of guinea-pigs. Concentrations of progesterone-binding proteins in plasma increased during pregnancy to reach concentrations at the eleventh week that were 25 times higher than those of progesterone; concentrations increased significantly (r2 = 0.88) with the increase in progesterone concentration. The results indicate that plasma progesterone-binding proteins in Cape porcupines (Old World hystricomorph) are similar in composition to those in guinea-pigs (New World hystricomorph).  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(2):157-160
Amongst mammals, female-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is rare and it occurs mostly in species where reduced male intrasexual competition is present. Reverse SSD has been reported for Old World porcupines Hystrix spp. We compared weight and six metric body measurements of 40 male and 42 female crested porcupines from Southern Tuscany, Italy. No significant difference was observed between sexes. The monogamous mating system of porcupines, sharing parental care, together with no evidence of territoriality, militate against previous claims of SSD presence, probably due to small sample size and inappropriate statistical analyses.  相似文献   

Adiaspiromycosis is primarily a necrotizing granulomatous pneumonia caused by a dimorphic fungus of the genus Emmonsia. A young crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) found dead showed multiple fractures, chronic pleuritis, and granulomatous pneumonia. Microscopically, cystic structures were consistent with adiaspiromycosis by Emmonsia crescens. The diagnosis was confirmed using molecular methods.  相似文献   

Irisin was first identified in muscle cells. We detected irisin immunoreactivity in various organs of the crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata). In the epidermis, irisin immunoreactivity was localized mainly in stratum basale, stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum layers; immunoreactivity was not observed in the stratum corneum. In the dermis, irisin was found in the external and internal root sheath, cortex and medulla of hair follicles, and in sebaceous glands. Irisin immunoreactivity was found in the neural retina and skeletal muscle fibers associated with the eye. The pineal and thyroid glands also exhibited irisin immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Two strains of obligately anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria designated as PS7 and PS8 (PS for porcupine species) were isolated from hindgut fluid of a crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata). The rates of cellulose degradation, total volatile fatty acids, and gas production from cellulose by the isolates were determined in comparison with Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD-1. Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD-1 degraded acid swollen cellulose and produced total volatile fatty acid at a faster rate (0.03145 mg/d; 3.8350 μmol/mL) than PS7 (0.03113 mg/d; 2.5278 μmol/mL) and PS8 (0.0125 mg/d; 2.1080 μm/mL). However, PS7 degraded cellulose strips (untreated) faster (1.5 weeks) than R. flavefaciens FD-1 (2 weeks). Furthermore, PS7 produced gas at a higher rate (0.1055 ml/d) than R. flavefaciens FD-1 (0.03145 ml/d) more produced butyric, isovaleric acids and almost twice the amounts of total volatile fatty acids from acid swollen cellulose. Both PS7 and PS8 were Gram variable, rod shaped and motile. On cellobiose medium, PS7 grew at temperature ranges from 25 to 45°C while PS8 did not grow at 25 and 45°C. Both isolates grew at pH levels between 6.2 and 11. Characterisation based on carbohydrate fermentation and morphology indicated that these two isolates were similar. Characterisation by RAPD-PCR suggested that PS7 and PS8 were genotypically similar but distinct. Phylogenetic analysis using the nucleotide sequence (1450 bp) of the 16S rRNA gene suggested that PS7 clustered with Clostridium sub-phylum and exhibited the highest similarity (95%) withClostridium lentocellum . The phylogenetic results suggest that PS7 might represent a new taxon.  相似文献   

The carotid arterial system of the porcupine Hysitrix cristota has been studied using light and electron microscopy. Emphasis has been placed on describing the structure and innervation of the carotid sinus area located at the origin of the internal carotid artery. The sinus wall has a largely elastic structure and a reduced smooth muscle content. A functional relationship is proposed between the elastic structure of the sinus wall and baroreceptor mechanisms.  相似文献   



Biological invasions can be considered one of the main threats to biodiversity, and the recognition of common ecological and evolutionary features among invaders can help developing a predictive framework to control further invasions. In particular, the analysis of successful invasive species and of their autochthonous source populations by means of genetic, phylogeographic and demographic tools can provide novel insights into the study of biological invasion patterns. Today, long-term dynamics of biological invasions are still poorly understood and need further investigations. Moreover, distribution and molecular data on native populations could contribute to the recognition of common evolutionary features of successful aliens.  相似文献   

Contaminated groundwater plumes have formed on the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR), a Superfund site on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, as a result of chemical waste disposal. The plumes are of concern to the local people who rely on groundwater as a drinking water source. We used the freshwater turtle as a sentinel species to monitor the reproductive effects of exposure and, by inference, the potential for impact on human health. Our observations of male Chrysemys picta field-trapped from Moody Pond (an impacted site) and Washburn Pond (a reference site) on Cape Cod extended and supported prior observations of reproductive deficits. Morphometric comparison of precloacal length (PCL), which is a sexually dimorphic trait in the turtle, showed that Moody Pond males had a significantly longer PCL than Washburn Pond males. Moody Pond turtles showed reduced testicular weight, which was associated with significantly smaller seminiferous tubule diameter. Epididymal sperm counts were also markedly reduced in Moody Pond animals compared to Washburn Pond animals. Testicular histology and gonial proliferation, as determined by PCNA, were similar in both male populations, while the Moody Pond males had significantly higher germ cell apoptosis than the animals in Washburn Pond. These results suggest that a low-level mixture of xenobiotic contaminants impairs the reproductive functions of turtles exposed to the impacted site but not to the reference site environment.  相似文献   

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